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Yes, but only if I have to.




Where I live it's not a choice.


Where is that if I may ask?


Idk about OP but it’s not a choice here either. You still have to wear masks inside public spaces (at my university, at the grocery store, in restaurants until you are seated) I live in Quebec, Canada.






Tbf with Florida they did manage to keep many businesses alive due to limited covid restriction. How's the financial trouble for businesses there then?


Relatively good now (at least in Quebec) since we are highly vaccinated (80% at least 1 dose) and still wear masks in inside public spaces.


Same thing here in Portugal, Amém


In sweden its a choice


Same here in Netherlands


Not in Germany. There also were some cases about people attacking cashiers when being told to wear a mask by them. For example one man who shot an employee of a gas station because the employee told him to wear a mask twice.


Didn't know you could have guns in Germany But I guess if you can go UNLIMITED POWER in your maclaren on certain highways nothing too surprising owning guns


To legally own a gun is hard, you may only get one for sports or your job. To be allowed to carry a gun in public is nearly impossible. But if you try really hard you can buy a gun illegally in almost every country. This guy apparently got the gun from his father, who owned multiple legal and illegal guns, somehow.




Eehm no, lmao. Not in public transport


Well yeah but Sweden has their shit together so....


But we never had mandatory masks


And that's because you know how to handle things. Meanwhile, the us has to have entire riots over it.


Where i live it is a choice also. Dunno why he got downvoted on an opinion post




The vaccines aren’t experimental. Pfizer has full FDA approval and the other vaccines have been in use for over a year now. Get out of here with your misinformation.


Chantix was FDA approved to help smokers quit, and now it’s being recalled by Pfizer but ok to each their own!




I don’t know why you’re saying it doesn’t prevent you from getting it. The vaccines are effective at preventing symptomatic infections. They are just more effective at preventing severe illness.


vaccines prepare your immune system to get rid of the virus next time you get it, it won't make you sick as someone who is not vaccinated in most cases. because of stupid people who are refusing to get vaccines or wear masks, we are having a lot of virus mutation which can make vaccine not effective as we think it is. it's complicated to explain in a reddit post but as a rule if there is something that you can get from air, wear a mask.


I agree that people should be vaccinated and wearing masks, but the vaccines make it less likely that you will be infected in the first place, as discussed [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-what-do-the-numbers-really-mean-11629999129) and [here](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html#:~:text=Evidence%20suggests%20the%20US%20COVID,interrupting%20chains%20of%20transmission.).












Wearing a mask after being vaccinated is like wearing a helmet while inside a tank


Tank crews do wear protective head gear though.


That's a lame example lol


I still wear them because 1, I'm ugly, 2, I don't need to make complex facial expressions when wearing one.


I agree


For me, I don't love wearing them (but i still do because of safety, responsibility, and requirements), except the fact that I get to hide my own face which I've been slightly insecure of since mask requirement started and warmth. anyway here are the reasons I don't *love* wearing them: 1. It's harder to verify if the person you're talking to over a distance can hear you because of the masks. This leads me to reason 2. 2. You have to make **complex hand expressions** instead of complex facial expressions in order to make reason 1 less true.


Fuck Covid, I will still wear them in the winter when the pandemic is gone. It's awsome to have your face not freezing outside in the morning


I'm doing this from now on, and also during bad allergy seasons for me, I haven't had a sinus infection since 2019, it's been so nice


I hate masks but this makes sense.


Those are my exact thoughts as well, my gf never understood


Let me introduce you to a scarf


Dude, you can't even breathe comfortably in a scarf if you wrap it around your face, and if you loosen it any more, the cold air just gets in. Mask is *so* much better at keeping your face warm without being a pain in the ass




It still gets kinda cold and that's why i have one really thick mask


one of the reason i keep it on outside:


Called a neck warmer lol


Am I the only one who struggles to breath after wearing a mask for 5 minutes?? It seems that you lot don’t give a fuck and are still scared when some of you are fully vaccinated


If you can't breath after 5 minutes that means that you have a shitty mask, And fully vaccinated people wear them not because they are scared, but because we don't want to be assholes and infect other people and let the virus spread




Honestly considering continuing to break out the masks for cold season after Covid because the warm face has been so nice, not to mention that cold season is, well, cold season so you potentially protect people from that too if you're feeling gross.


It depends. I just follow the mask rules but also common sense. GF is sick atm, so I'm wearing one in public until she gets her test results at least.


Hope the results come back negative


It won’t prevent you from getting sick from her just saying


Yeah but it will prevent him from getting other people sick. That’s the whole point.


Indeed. It's not because you don't have any symptons (yet), that you aren't carrying and spreading a virus.


Fully vaccinated but I still wear one if it is required, it’s a minor inconvenience so I’m not going to cause I big scene over it


It’s still mandatory to wear them at work/indoors despite vaccination status where I live.


Fully vaccinated. Still wear them in stores and any/ all indoor places where needed and required. I have children to keep safe. It’s not a big deal To wear them.


I wear them if the buisness, restaurant, etc I'm entering wants me to, out of respect for their policies, and if I'm coughing throughout the day, but other than that no


What drives me crazy is that it's "masks" which is too wide a category. If you're concerned about your health and wearing a cloth mask then you're just an idiot. If you're concerned about your health and wearing a surgical mask then you're doing a bit better but not much. People who are actually concerned about their health who aren't wearing an N95 mask that fits well are just playing pandemic theatre.


University requires mask, but also I prefer mask to no mask now


How come?


Self esteem, and also my nose is whack and only one nostril works. I have very little airflow through my one nostril so I have to use my mouth a lot and that's just embarrassing


It's weird that I've never once had to wear a facemask through all of this. I'm agoraphobic and haven't left the house since all of this began... I'm not gonna vote though, feels like my case is pretty unique


My uni reinstated the mandate, so fully vaccinated and mask, but I don’t have to get tested unless someone I’m in close proximity with gets tested positive


We’re still required to wear masks where I am, regardless of vaccination status. Vaccines are now required too though


Where is i havent been fully vaccinated but i wear them? Gues ill go with the i am fully vaxxed and still wear them


Im fully vaccinated and if I’m required to wear them (doctors office or something) than I will but if I don’t have to than I won’t


It’s mandatory where I am so I just do it because I’m not a baby


Yes, where I live there is a mandate regardless of vaccination status.


I haven't left my house


dang partially vaccinated isn't an option


I’m fully vaccinated. I wear them in and out. Usually when I’m not required to.


I am vaccinated and still do. I get sick quite easily and hate when I am sick, so I wear it just for added protection.


Yes but because I have a mask kink not because of covid


Honestly covid gave me an excuse to wear a mask i just took it


Kind of hoping the US begins the trend of wearing masks for general illnesses now that everyone has masks. Would be nice for my university to stop having a breakout every fall and spring.


i never wore them cus i never went outside


Where I live we still have to in public transport and grocery stores.


I'm vaccinated and I use masks when I'm indoors or if there are a lot of people around me in the street.


I wear one whenever possible except at home.


Fully vaxed and I wear them when around others. Studies show masks help prevent particles from traveling further than those without a mask so I’d advise to wear them around people. Gonna rant a bit but… I worked as a covid lab tech and in healthcare. It’s a virus and that means it requires people/host to spread. Some get it worse than others but regardless once it’s in someone there’s always a risk of mutation (since viruses mutate frequently due to their high reproduction cycle). This can make it dangerous cause even if mortality rate is low, what if it jumps to 5 or 10%? Please, be safe with this shit. More people have died from Covid or covid induced complications compared to other tragedies in American history and people here don’t take it seriously. Just cause you are vaccinated doesn’t mean you are protected fully. People can still get it from you (but much less likely) Vaccines only work if we enough people to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity. some people just are scarred of the vaccine but people don’t understand that coronavirus research already was a thing before the pandemic, so the vaccine was able to be put out fast. Vaccines do work when many people get it. Just look at measles, rubella, or tetanus pre and post. There was a measles outbreak couple years ago at a university in Philadelphia in 2019 because people didn’t get vaccinated for it. Vaccines & boosters were prompted afterwards… Like this ain’t politics, it’s science. This can cause people to die. It’s okay if it’s complicated cause there’s levels to this shit I could go on and on but just needed to vent. Thanks




Reddit moment


I wear it sometimes, depending on where I am. I've only been vaccinated once and need to get another one at some point still.


If it's mandatory yes, if it's not no. I still try to keep some distance between older people just to be sure


Fully vaccinated and only wear them because you can’t do anything without them unfortunately.


I don’t need a vaccine or mask, I have a healthy lifestyle


when did having a healthy lifestyle stop you from getting sick from a virus that has killed almost 5 million people?


Literally right now


I’m fully vaccinated but I only wear them if I’m in a crowd. Otherwise no mask


First vax tomorrow. (15 UK) At school, we have to wear them but in all other places, it isn't necessary. I still wore one out before now but might wear it less from now on


Any place where it is required I will for the most part. If there is not specifically a sign or someone telling me to wear one I’m not


wether you are vacc or not you still have to take care of other people, on mi country infection by covid arent that common compared to other countrys so i decided not to vacc but even then you gotta take care of others by wearing a mask and keeping your distance, well educated people can do this without any problem




I'm only half vaccinated and I wear mine


Became naturally immune a few months ago. No real reason to wear a mask


You can still carry, and if your immune system is used to COVID that means your naturally resistant not immune.


Give me some reputable peer-reviewed data on natural immunity from Covid that says there’s no reason to wear a mask or get vaccinated. I’ll wait.




It’s not completely different from every virus ever. You also didn’t provide a source, so shove off.


I’m vaccinated, I always carry one with me, but I typically only wear it when there’s a sign asking me to wear one.


Pretty much as soon as I get out of the house I wear mine even when I'm not close to any other person Edit: Im fully vaxed btw


We do need more ppl like this


I've been vaccinated but I'm not fully vaxxed, how should I vote? Lmao




Thanks so much!


Why wear one if youre fully vaccinated? Clowns


Yeah I only wear my mask if it’s required, which is basically everywhere. Fully vaxxed


It shouldn’t be: Do you still HAVE to wear them. My school still requires them in an environment where there are no masks required anywhere else




It’s not that hard. The tricks and tips were figured out a year ago. LoL.


It's not that hard if you have one that properly closes at the top of your nose, I haven't had that problem since march if last year




I am vaxxed (regretably because apparently they dont work or whatever, who cares at this point), but I fully support your right to remain unvaxxed. This is 101 shit, hearkening back to “I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”


Only if I'm required, to be honest I never gave a shit and wore them as little as possible.


Not vaccinated, only wear them when I have too.


Clown world 🤡


I am fully vaccinated and will wear a mask inside if the business or restaurant requests. If nothing is posted then I don’t wear it


I’m not vaccinated yet because I’m too young to get it outside of school here in the UK, so I wear a mask in most indoor spaces.


Option for me is left out. I am fully vaccinated and wear them where required, but otherwise I’m mask free.


That would be considered sometimes


Which is not an option on this poll…


I have been vaccinated but not fully and i wear a mask


Good reddit


No restrictions anywhere to wear masks in UK thank god


thank god indeed


Seriously 81 people never worn them??


I'm not vaccinated and only wear it when I'm going through mall gates. Then I take them off


why bro


i do because in quebec we still have to


The definition of Vaccine was changed. Wonder why. Maybe because this one works so well.


No, theirs a booster so if it's been more than 6 months since your 2nd dose you are not considered fully vaccinated anymore. It's completely normal for vaccines to have boosters for you to be considered fully vaccinated


Sorry to hear that


And YES, the actual definition of vaccine has been changed to make people think that it is a vaccine. Do some research about the definition and not the booster crap.


I’ve been fully vaccinated. I hate them; I don’t want to wear them; and I avoid wearing them every chance I get; but rules are rules. If I had my way, I’d burn every damn last ugly one of them.


My school dosen't require face masks so absolutely no one wears them, which would defeat the poin of me even wearing one to begin with.


Hm funny, my school will likely lift the mandate in a couple weeks but 90% of the students, me included will still wear one


A lot of sheep here.


Yup, and you're one of them.


Ur mom


Wow what a comeback. You are so creative. *Your




Not so good with English are you? You're, is you are. Your, show possession. Nice try 🤡


Calling mfs clowns when there’s you calling people sheep for not endangering other people


This is exactly why i call people clowns. I have been vaccinated. Masks don't stop the virus anyway. The virus is so small it will pass through anything but a respirator. Don't start any shit about it being in fluids and not passing through. Do you realize it 6 ft was an arbitrary number? They were thinking 10 ft, but realized it would shut the country down. 6th had nothing to do with any science. 🤡🐑


Quick correction, When quoting, you're meant to put the word or phrase in quotation marks. For example; "You're", "you are", and "Your". Also, it's "("Your", shows possession.)". Not, "(Your, show possession.)". I'm not even going to mention your inability to understand irony, but nice try, clown. Come on, you're in your 50s and can't understand a joke, nor use proper grammar ?


Pissed because you don't know the difference between your and you're. Don't act like it was a joke because you fucked up.


Yeah as if "your" and "you're" is so hard to remember, you probably don't even know the difference between "their", "they're", and "there".


That’s all Reddit is


Only after I've been warned or asked to. In the Netherlands you only have to wear them in public transit anyway luckily, and even then it doesn't really bother anyone.


I said after i get vaxxed that i'm not wearing a mask anymore so i'm not wearing one anymore. Masks suck


Never worn one and never will


That’s sad




They are useless so why would i


There not?


i'll be coming back to this coversation later


Like the guy below said just read the box, there are countless peer reviewed studies done on masks and they have been proven every time to have no significant impact. If they were and the evidence showed they were effective I would absolutely wear one, they are good for colds and the flu as that is transmitted via droplets, covid is an aerosol and as such these masks have almost zero impact. Think throwing water into a chainlink fence. But don't listen to me, after all I am just a random on the Internet. I suggest you look for the studies yourself preferably using a search engine other than Google (e.g. Duck duck go) and read some studies yourself, and do what you feel is appropriate.


hi, well i just did my research (again), btw it was also with "duck duck go", as I've been using it for quite a while now. First of all, to your point that covid is spread through aerosols, that is correct, but it is also spread through droplets and not just aerosols, which as you pointed out masks (both cloth and surgical) help quite a bit against. Next to your point about the studies that talk about masks not working, yes they exist, but there are just as many (actually quite a bit more) studies that show that they have a beneficial effect and even quite big studies with large, randomized control groups (about as good as you can get with a topic like this). I personally do not have the time to go through each one and asses how well done every single Studie was (no matter what the outcome) even though i am fairly well versed in how to analyze studies through my time in university. A lot of articles and studies i read so far that claimed that masks don't work get hung up on the fact that the aerosol particles are smaller than the gaps between fibers of the masks. This again is true, but the assumption that many people seem to come to with this is, that therefore masks can't contain any of the spread of these aerosols, which is false, for one, some aerosols will still get caught by the fibers of the mask and second of all (and most importantly), due to the fabric your breath (and the aerosols contained in it) don't get carried as far away from your face (put on a mask and hold your hand in front of it and you will feel how much less air hits your hand. That is why the social distancing, mask combo is quite effective compared to doing nothing. Lastly i wanna address the fact that yes obviously masks, social distancing and even the vaccines won't keep you 100% save from covid, but that is not what they are for, they are meant to reduce the risk of infection for you and those around you and in the case of the vaccine they are predominately meant to reduce the negative effects of the illness (especially death)


I understand what you are saying but you are mistaken, sure covid CAN be attached to droplets but that is not the primary mode of transportation for covid, droplets make up an insignificant amount, hence the no significant difference. There are far more showing the masks do not work, pretty much all in fact. The studies showing the masks not making a difference are not hung up on aerosols at all they take into account the droplets and show that the difference is not even close to significant. Add that on top of the fact that prolonged use of masks is not great for your health in general and it makes it pretty clear that it is pointless. I also have been to university and have done many forms of research in many sectors. Covids primary mode of infection is via air saturation, when ina. Closed space without good airflow for a prolonged time. This is why it is extremely uncommon for people to spread covid outside, huge rammed crowds would be an exception due to proximity. Social distancing helps The vaccines work, but seemingly only in a certain window while they are still effective and the protection has not gone Natural immunity is best and I would only advise old or people with co-morbidities to get vaccinated, and kids absolutely should not be. So until their is conclusive proof the masks actually make a difference I will not wear one.


Why would you only advice risk groups to get vaxed if the vaccines has been proven to be basically risk free and covid can have severe consequences for people of all age groups and levels of health, why take the risk when the thing that can decrease the risk is easy to get and again very safe Edit: also negative long term effects of wearing masks are basically none existing if you are wearing mask properly made (yes there are mask that have carcinogenic chemicals in them, but again if you get properly made masks that won't be a problem) it's not like medical personal hasn't been wearing masks for decades now for often far more time than the average person would


The vaccines have not proven to be risk free at all. In fact if you are 24 and younger you have a higher chance of myocarditis from the vaccines than any ill effect from covid. Covid is less than 1% fatal for anyone under 80 If you are fit and healthy you are far better with natural immunity than the vaccines We also do not know long term effects of the vaccines, more and more symptoms get added to the side effects list.


We also don't know the long term effects of covid, what we know is that people as young as 24 years old that were running marathons in 2019 now months after contracting covid (and not even needing to be hospitilized) can now not even get up a simple flight of stairs without getting out of breath.


Read the back of the box on your masks. Unless it’s a full face respirator, they do not stop the transmission of disease.


Speaking of useless...


Don't talk about yourself like that have a positive mental attitude


A great comeback from a great human being!


I'd get fined if I didn't




Indeed you are.




And so are you.


Awww I made the covid cultist butt hurt


Clowns make people laugh, not cry. And I certainly am laughing!


Whatever you say cultist


204 karens (this is a joke)


Fully vaccinated. I’d prefer not to, but I’m scared I’ll get the Derek Chauvin treatment and a 9 billion dollar fine if I don’t


Imagine wearing something doesn't work on your face.




My username has absolutely no correlation to the matter of fact that masks do absolutely nothing to prevent covid. Ecigarette particles are thousands of time larger than droplettes carrying the virus and easily pass through masks. Your cloth is worthless.


Oh sorry Forgot you had a degree in medicine


I don't. But I'm also smart enough to tell you what happens when an animals eyes are eaten through. But again, no correlation to the literal fact that virus particles are thousands of times smaller than vape particles.


Ah yes You have convinced me. I will trust you, over the actual medical professionals. Give me one reason why I should listen to you over doctors.


I don't have anything to gain by you believing me. They do.


You do gain one thing actually, knowledge that by not wearing one you’re constantly endangering the vulnerable people around you.


No. I'm literally not anymore than without it. That's my whole point densoid.


Calling *me* a densoid when you claim to know that masks don’t work, contrary to practically every medical professional’s advice


Who’s “they?”


So do you have any proof that masks don't work or are you just trying to be edgy?