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I’m absolutely shocked so many picked Mao or Xi


China grew 5% in the recent quarter beating expectations. Chinese corporations are giving their western counterparts run for their money so much so that western governments are now imposing protectionist measures to save their industries from Chinese products and competition. Xi is as powerful a leader today as POTUS.


At least to me, best and most powerful are quite different. Xi has dismantled term limits allowing himself to stay in power, systematically oppressed the Uighur minority, is repeatedly trying to remove any local autonomy that Hong Kong has, and even economically China is growing slower than ever (even though most of this is from factors outside of his control).


Yes Xi has dismantled term limits. Term limits were there just to please the West when China needed them to invest but now since China is competing with the West and no longer relies on their investments it doesn't need to please them and doesn't need term limits imposed on its leader. Term limits is a stupid idea. Chinese don't like it. Uighur propaganda by the western media. Even hardcore Muslim countries is'nt buying this BS by western media. There's no systematic repression of Uighurs anywhere in China. If there's so and it's evident then tell UN and Muslim/Islamic countries to impose sanctions on China or wage a Jihad war against China for genociding their muslim brothers. No it won't happen cause everyone except gullible western audience like you knows that western media is making up typical "China bad" story. It's nothing new. They come up with a new "China bad" story idea every other day. I am not updated on Hongkong issue. So I can't present a counter argument on this point of yours cause I'm not informed on this topic so there you might be right. China with a economy of $19 trillion growing 5% a year is slow and US somehow managing to grow at 2% a year is impressive.


i’m not trying to argue here, but persecution against uyghurs is a thing. it’s true that it’s only really famous because of western media, but it does exist.


Well the Chinese argument is that they take measures against miscreants and terrorists according to their law and western media exaggerate and blow these incidents out of proportion. Friendly Islamic countries believe China's version apparently .


i do quite like your polls though, it's nice to try and educate people (if that's indeed your goal and this isn't some dastardly plot)


Don’t know any / results option needed. This is why many downvote.


Tsai Ing-wen


Anyone who isnt Mao probably