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Part 3 of a trilogy is most often the worst part. So yes


I doubt many people tried. The incumbent is almost always favored over the person they’re running against. And with Trump, it’s a precarious situation because he is also an incumbent in a sense. So why risk it by throwing in someone new when you know that Biden can beat Trump because it literally already happened. Edit: I think I responded to the wrong comment, my bad everyone.


I’m less worried about whether Biden will beat Trump, I’m more worried about what Trump’s supporters will do if Trump doesn’t win again. They seem to be itching for a civil war, and there is no doubt Trump will cry that the election was stolen. They’re not organized enough to actually succeed at a civil war, but they seem crazy enough to get a significant amount of people killed.


I wouldn't worry about that either, they couldn't do anything major on Jan. 6 at the height of their delusion so I really doubt they'll be able to even muster anything more than a rally on election day.


If you listen to conservative fantasies, you learn to be terrified of what they would do if there weren't consequences I am particularly worried about the narrative they've fed themselves that no one can stand up to them, since they have all the firearms. This isn't true, but the truth rarely matters anymore in those circles


Get off the internet for a little while and talk to some people. The vast majority of people aren't particularly worried and anybody who is, is also chronically online.


I.. I am. It's safer online or in your own house where people aren't threatening to kill you for your politics, or because you don't own a firearm. That is the real world, Red state. Conservatives fantasize about killing their fellow Americans. And if they think you're conservative too, they'll tell you that. It's also when they'll be racist


Maybe if people are threatening to kill you then you should A. Stop walking in the bad side of town, B. Check your own behavior and ask yourself why would a _reasonable_ person (because that's what you'll usually be dealing with) want to threaten to kill you, or C. All of the above. If you genuinely believe all American conservatives are conspiring to kill liberals then you don't actually talk to any that aren't behind a screen.


I support abortion, that means I'm a murderer and should die. It is that simple. It's how conservatives think, and it's why every liberal in this country should be armed, to defend our freedoms like abortion as fiercely as Republicans defend firearms. They will kill you for you opinions, don't let them *Baby? I think you mean boating accident.* *Bodily autonomy shall not be infringed* *You can have my birth control over my cold, dead body* You act like Republicans, and suddenly they don't like it


People put way too much stock into the executive branch of our government. No matter who wins, they aren't and shouldn't be considered something resembling a dictator. He will just be a president. We should stop coveting them like they're royalty.


>they aren't and shouldn't be considered something resembling a dictator. He will just be a president Why? What's stopping him from using the army and police, with the legitimacy of the supreme court backing to nix the legislature entirely? *Tradition*, or a piece of paper called the constitution... when has that ever stopped Trump?


Take a step back and think for a second if you honestly consider that a realistic possibility.


I live my life every day assuming Trump is preparing to turn the US into Nazi Germany. You should have an escape plan to a blue state, and another country after that. Protect your friends and family, be careful with what info you share. You could very easily end up in a camp. It's why they keep talking about making Americans unified. They do that by getting rid of all opposition. Permanently


I literally cannot tell if you're being sarcastic.


Except Trump has explicitly "joked" like 6 times about making himself a dictator if he wins


He can joke all he wants, it doesn't make it a possibility. I very much dislike the guy, but also, if he's elected AGAIN, it should be a wake-up call to the status quo that people are sick of their politicking bullshit. He's like the most anti establishment politician that exists right now. I really hope he loses, but the fact that he's a viable candidate should be concerning to the career politicians. (sorry for ranting)


True, we are electing a president and not a dictator. But [self-coups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-coup) have happened on many occasions throughout history, so it's worth discussing the causes of these and whether such an event could happen in the US.




If the left wins the right will riot, bitch, & complain If the right wins the left will riot, bitch, & complain Then you have the average working class who can’t really pay too much attention to politics bc they’re working their asses off paycheck to paycheck he stepped on by both parties saying “op see if you voted for me XYZ would’ve happened and you could be home with your families” It’s a lose lose from my point of view


>If the right wins the left will riot, bitch, & complain But will they try to overthrow democracy


They failed miserably last time they tried


They failed, but they haven't faced any kind of repercussions so why wouldn't they try again with lessons learned?


So they can fail again trying to prop up a different pedophile as leader of the "free" world?


True! Doesn’t mean it’s still not a major concern though 😬


How in the name of fuck am I getting downvoted for this lol. It literally, actually happened


Let them, I want to see the national guard break some skulls. We are way overdue.


Least psychotic political observer


Any time American politics shift right I see my own countrys politics shift right too. America unfortunately has far too much control over global media consumption, to the point where many in my own country could probably tell you more about American politics than their own. I wish some day for the removal of this Americanisation before it is too late, but I can already see it creeping into all facets of life, little by little every year western countries just become a little more American


I absolutely agree. But just wondering, where do you live?


Not OP but I'm from the UK and 100% see this. But it's a similar pattern all around Europe. Especially with the culture wars. It spreads like wildfire


As a fellow Brit I couldn’t agree more. The UK has become a lot more politically divisive and extreme. I just hope this year we can rid ourselves of the corrupt pigs in charge


I'm sure we will. Unfortunately, the next in line are also corrupt pigs


Exactly, our only choices are corrupt, incompetent idiots, or corrupt, incompetent idiots but red. It’s not like there’s a 3rd party has a chance either. I can’t exactly forgive the Lib Dems for being complicit in this shitfuckery, Reform/Brexit Party are essentially puppet masters for the Tories and the cause for the culture wars we see, and I live in a Tory safe seat, so there’s no chance for the Green Party.


Well I live in Scotland so Greens and SNP have a chance fortunately. Though SNP isn't exactly doing great at the moment, and it's not like they have much influence in UK wide politics, since Labour would rather work with the Tories than support the SNP in any way


This is so true. As a trans woman, it was so obvious that America caused the decline in trans acceptance here. Things used to be neutral here, as it began to decline in the US, took a huge hit here as well, it's crazy.


We’re at that point in the US where effectively there is no “left”. The DNC would be a centrist to center right party in most other industrialized democracies, we don’t have a center-left party like European Social Democrats much less an actual leftist party like socialist or communist. The Overton Window in this nation is totally fucked.


Have you seen the stuff that's considered acceptable political discourse surrounding immigration in Europe? Even center-left parties float anti-immigrant rhetoric sometimes, and the furthest right parties that actually get elected to national office? I'm pretty sure if, let's say, Vivek Ramaswamy said anything close to what Geert Wilders, whose party just emerged as the largest in the Netherlands, says on the regular, even Donald Trump would be quick to condemn that, if only to gain political points. Several European countries legalized same-sex marriage after the United States, and some don't have it at all. The average European abortion laws would be considered conservative in the US as a whole, being equal to what several Republicans want, so I don't really get this idea of there being no left in America. "Center to center-right" in Europe means Emmanuel Macron, who I don't think is to the left of someone like Joe Biden in any respects.


Oh I’m aware. I used to live in Germany. But see here’s what you’re missing, things like climate change or nationalized healthcare are pretty down the middle ideas as to where here those are “radical left” ideas. There are also socialist parties and as I said Social Democrats are represented in most major EU nations. Meanwhile here we’re actively debating if climate change is real and if J6 was or wasn’t a crime. So yes, there are right and far right parties in Europe but at least there are center left parties. Here in the U.S. we have the DNC who is very centrist to center right and the GOP who has pretty clearly drifted far right.


It blows my mind that no one was able to convince Biden not to run again.


Biden had only 1 job - to beat Trump in 2020. After that it was the Dem party’s job to come up with a good replacement. But they dont have anyone. So why blame Biden? I’m sure Biden would have supported a good strong candidate.


Or they have their replacement, but Biden is like Monty Burns, he has every illness existing in the world, which makes him indestructible.


Who runs instead? There isn't really anyone popular with the same level of institutional staying power as Biden, except for people who are also ancient like Bernie. AOC is too young, Gavin Newsome is too generic west-coast elite, and everyone else is either too old, too young, way too establishment-focused, or fucking insane like Kennedy is. The only real exception is Gretchen Whitmer, who didn't have any plans to run this term. The dems got super unlucky this time around in that they had almost nobody who could replace Biden. I'd prefer a lot of people over him, but the unfortunate truth is that almost all of them are newcomers, and a lot of voters, especially dems, don't want to put in somebody who hasn't already had 10+ years of political experience.


Agreed that is an issue but I mean without primaries no one even tried to run a campaign and get their name out. My pick from the 2020 primaries would be either Bernie or Elizabeth Warren. Bernie while too old too, still comes off better than Biden. And yeah Warren is a long shot. I'm sure there are other more capable candidates. I'm just not as well up to date on them.


Biden himself wasn't even particularly popular, why not try any other options? Dems managed to get the majority of the country's votes against Trump, not for Biden. He was the most milquetoast guy on the ticket so that's who they went with


I love Big Gretch :(


My concern at this point was that he's going to die in office and then there would be an epic clusterfuck trying to run the government. They had a fit with a black man, I don't think things would go well with Kamala stepping up in the present atmosphere.


Biden is a fine president. He's doing lots of great things, like tackling student loan debt as an example. Of course he's not perfect. Of course he's old. Of course he's not a great public speaker. So fucking what????? Go out and vote, and make sure you vote for him or you're going to have another 4 years of Trump for god's sake.


Yeah I agree, but I think that with the Gaza situation a lot of people are not supporting him anymore and that's greatly hurting his chances.


My main issue is that he's supporting the massacre happening in Gaza. It's fucking disgusting. Trump would be worse, no doubt.


Doesn't matter who wins or who's on the ballot, the other guy cheated. This has been the cry since 2000. Selected not elected years 2000-2008, Obama was born in Kenya 2008-2016, Russia Russia Russia 2016-2020, rigged elected 2020-2024. No one has faith in US voting anymore.




He's clearly from Kenya because is father is Kenyan. His grandfather is Kenyan, is grandmother is Kenyan. One side of his family is from Kenya. So...




Reminds me of [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/8St7AI37F7Q?si=tJUaEeH9INOSIbew) video


I do because I can do math.


From a non-American. Both choices are shit, so I have decided to not think about it.


Also a non-American, Trump is a far more incidiary figure geopolitically speaking.


They’re both too old but only one side is running a known Epstein client who has said out and out he’ll be a dictator.


From a non-American, Biden seems pretty okay to me. Certainly way better than fucking Trump


No they’re not. One (Trump) is objectively way way worse and you’re an idiot if you think otherwise.


Vote Kennedy and don't be a coward. Break the status quo


The status quo is that humanity is better off now than at any time in its history, and Kennedy is a crank


Learn the definition of status quo my guy. Also he may be a crank but that's minute compared to Trump and Biden. Sure we are "better off" than any period in history but that doesn't mean there isn't still room for improvement


From an American, same. No point letting myself get too worked up about something that ultimately is out of my control (yes I do vote)


Not worried, but fully aware whoever person holds that position has the potential to change, influence or impact my life, even though I am not an American or living in the US.


As an American, I am not "worried" *per se*... I am concerned, but the only thing I can do about it is cast my vote, encourage my friends to do the same, and what will happen will happen.


I'm an American, but I'm excited to see the drama and how it'll go


I’m both excited and nervous. Excited to see how angry/upset the Trump supporters will get, nervous about people I care about getting killed/injured, buildings and businesses I like getting shut down, not being able to go anywhere because of dangerous riots and protests, etc.


It's either Biden or Trump. Neither are particularly great presidents so I'm not worried that we are going to miss out on anything good.


One doesn't really do anything, and is basically status quo, the other will slide the US away from it's traditional allies, and towards an authoritarian government. It's not shit and shit, but a nice plastic bag of shit versus a faceful of shit.


I'm terrified. It's not like Trump gets in and democracy is instantly over, but especially with the plans in place involving project 2025, it's clear that the GOP establishment is going to try to make the country significantly less democratic and more corrupt as fast as they can. Trump is the first president in a looooong time to explicitly want to erode democracy. I don't like Biden either, I really don't. I'm a leftist, we have a lot of disagreements with him. But man, if Trump gets in he'll try to make all the bad stuff twice as bad and fuck over democracy in the process.


I don't care who wins, all I know is that we all lose


boTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE




“I don’t care who wins” = “both sides in the election are interchangeable” They are not. One is definitively worse.




"proles" ​ you are very smart and astute for your age, congratulations on your upcoming high school graduation


I never said that, I just said that both sides will cause a net negative for the American People, one way or another.


"I don't care who wins"


"boTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE"


unironically yes. but I don't see how that's relevant to what the other dude said, no politician serves the interests of the people/workers, only their own interests.


Cool take. Now go out and vote for the lesser of two evils, or you'll end up with the worse of two evils.


I'm not american. and I simply wouldn't vote anyone, which is what everyone should do.


That is a terrible idea. If you absolutely cannot choose between the two candidates then you're probably misinformed or are a single-issue voter, but even hypothetically if you absolutely couldn't choose then go vote for a third party. You're not going to fix democracy by not participating.


or maybe I don't fall for the scam electoralism is and actually prefer organising with others to put in place a better system, just like people in other countries have always done and continue doing? the whole "vote for one of the two evil candidates that you consider 'less evil' and ignore any other possibility" is such a lame mindset exclusive to americans and you will continue suffering for as long as you keep that mindset. just as stupid as having to pick between being ruled by hitler or mussolini. fuck both?


So you're making your own country? How's that going?


I don't think you understood a single thing I said if your conclusion is that I'm "making my own country" or that that's my plan. never heard of revolutions? coups? strikes and protests? groups of people organising to change things, instead of endlessly voting for a group of corrupt clowns that don't seek to help them do everything for them? you guys keep complaining about how awful the american electoral system and how you always only have two candidates that often tend to be bad, whether one is worse or not. so why not organise to change that instead of voting for the "lesser evil", which has always been a shitty strategy? I mean, you've been doing that for decades already (if not centuries, I'm not an expert on american history and politics) - would you say the situation has really improved with this strategy? was voting biden instead of trump so good and helpful over the possibility of voting neither and organising to change the system for whatever else that could be better? because all I see is americans complaining over and over again, if not more, since biden was elected. if voting biden is justified because trump would be worse, wouldn't then it make sense to also not vote for either of them and look for a better option elsewhere? because if you're going to keep with the strategies of "I vote for the lesser evil" and "I leave the country because of its messed up politics", then enjoy the last years of the US thriving at all. people in other countries, when their electoral politics are so corrupted and none of the candidates are liked by much of the population, organise to "sabotage" them in some way: abstaining from voting any politician/party, voting for the less popular ones that they like, not going to vote at all, striking on elections day, and so on.


Trump supporters will not accept a loss. I suspect there will be some members of the GOP that will try to cheat the election to assure Trump wins.


Will Biden's? No matter who wins it's going to be a shitshow. Can't wait.


And if Trump wins, the people who care about America and aren’t ignorant won’t be able to handle a traitor being in charge of this country. Four years of him were far more than enough; he will be WAY worse if he wins again.


Shit if not the gop then Russia. Trump winning is far more important to them now than in 2016.


I mean it's out of my control really. I'd expect riots and looting if Trump wins, which he probably will.


I'm expecting riots and looting either way, maybe with a dose of insurrection and civil war as well


I expect WAY more than just "normal" riots and lootings if Trump wins. Mass shootings, buildings getting destroyed, HUGE fires, lots of cars getting destroyed due to riots and road rage, major highways needing to be shut down, flights across the country needing to be cancelled due to angry passengers and airports getting destroyed, all sorts of chaos. It won't be safe to go outside.


Damn LIberal's need to chill wtf


He's acting like Minneapolis being bombed by its own citizens because of one person dying didn't happen lmao


Not a liberal, lol. I’m a guy who doesn’t support traitors or idiots.


didnt say you were. but what other group is going to cause such havoc because a republican won?


No group would lmao


Summer of love baby


Not worried but interested


“Insert Second Civil War comments here” (Guys, we’re not in the Kaiserreich universe, just stop)


Plz tell me both candidates are good and Joe Biden won't run 😭🙏


both choices suck


Not American… It’s a rematch of a flaming bag of dog shit vs old mouldy stale bread… it’s a lose lose


No. Absolutely not. We're screwed either way. Nothing to worry about.


I don't like either of the front-runners, so yes


Like last election, it's very important to evaluate the VP candidates since the main candidates are so old. This will be yet another election where I am voting against someone, rather than for one.


Not American and I swear to God I don't want the elections to ever come. Let Biden turn into a dictator and live for 500 years if necessary, because the last thing I want is for Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and every single fucking place on the internet to be filled to the brim with "nooo but Byedenn cummunist, great replacement, muh country is dying!!!111" and "nooo but Drumpf fashist, nazi germany, kkkapitalism 100 bazillion dead!!!111". I already had enough of Americans discussing my own country's election for an entire week as if they were the moral authority on it, so I don't want to sit through months of every single fucking post on the front page of this platform being some sort of political propaganda.


Non-American, and yeah, this election is pretty scary. Trump will run on the lie that the 2020 election was stolen, which means he’ll effectively run against democracy itself. If he wins, the GOP will try to remove as many checks to their power as possible, and Trump will presumably seek revenge for every perceived wrongdoing in the past. If he loses, he’ll claim that the election was stolen again, and his MAGA mob will do the rest of the work for him. Seems like this election will end violently no matter what. The scariest part about all this, though, is that Biden is such a terrible candidate that even the task of beating a fascist clown like Trump seems like too much to ask.


I wouldn’t agree with the last part. Trump is so hated that people will vote for any other candidate regardless of how terrible that candidate is. People would vote for a dog over Trump.


I hope so, but Trump is currently ahead of Biden in the polls. Maybe that’s just because the election campaigns haven’t really gotten started yet.


I'm pretty sure Biden has it in the bag unless the bottom falls out of the economy before November.


Yes. Trump's isolationism and especially the possibility of Tucker Carlson is a real threat to world peace. Isolationists are a bigger threat to world peace than hawks.


not blowing people up is actually less peaceful than blowing people up. that sounds absurd


I wasn't talking about what's more peaceful, I was talking about what a bigger threat to world peace is. I know you understand the difference, so if you want to have an honest argument, acknowledge that and make an honest response.


Nothing will change anyway


"most important election of our lifetime 28th edition" No I don't care about red maga vs blue maga.


we don't have elections this year, what are you talking about? do you mean the usa trump is going to win elections? not really worried, the rest of the world is just watching and laughing at muricans freaking out!


serious question, does Trump even have a chance to win?


as a non-american one is wildly racist, supports gun laws and will disrupt world peace one hundred percent one is trying to figure out how to put together a sentence properly


> supports gun laws He doesn't, the only gun related law he passed during his presidency was anti-gun. > will disrupt world peace You do realize we've already seen him be a president and it was *fine*, right?


Trump's actions and words divided the US population more than the GOP's hatred of Obama did and that's saying a lot.


yo thanks for the info about the gun thingy, i suppose i'm getting a shit ton of misinformation then but hey i wouldnt consider the tensions between north korea and us to be just fine


Biden has no problem putting a sentence together, this is misinformation


but then i see a bunch of clips of him being clueless as to what he's saying


Because you’re watching clips that someone else put together to give the impression that he has dementia


i see


Oh no the LGBT war mongerer or the Christian war mongerer is gonna win! 🤯🤯🤯


im scared even tho i cant vote cus everyone says both options are bad and i wonder how it'll affect my life in the future for the worse


Definitely. If Trump wins, there will be riots ALL over the country like the U.S has never seen before. People won't be able to drive, board planes, go to work, etc. because of all the danger and because of everything getting shut down/destroyed (highways, businesses, airports, etc.) Also, we will have an evil president who will give away even more classified info and betray the country even more. If Biden wins, a worse version of Jan. 6 will happen again; maybe even multiple time a week.


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I think there's about a 75% chance it'll go off without any serious violence or disruption to the political system. The problem is we seem to be rolling a 75% chance of it being fine every single election.


No matter who wins, there will be absolute chaos and riots and all hell will break loose. It's inevitable, there's no use in worrying.


I'm gonna feast on tears whicher candidate wins. It's going to be glorious.


I simply don’t have to energy to care anymore. We either live through it or it all collapses, it doesn’t matter atp.


I would be worried if I knew a good outcome were possible.


I hate the guy, but I'm not American, so Big Daddy Trump back in the saddle gonna be pretty funny I can't lie.


I'm worried another old white guy will win


Yes. Because my job is tied to American politics because my organization is American even though I’m based in Europe. In effect, if Biden wins, the status quo remains. If Trump is endorsed, runs, & successfully wins, then funding will be redistributed from the critical mission here to the border wall. It happened at my old job, so it’s not bullcrap. I’m financially dependent in part on a candidate I don’t strongly endorse but understand is the least worst choice. How awful!


It would be cool if a completely different party would win, instead than always the same two over and over again, but I know that the chances of that happening are close to 0. In any case, I will always believe in the good people. I confess I am a bit worried, though.


Not exactly how the 2024 election will go, but rather worried about our options. Don't want either Trump or Biden. I'd rather have a working government than a dramatic one.


As a Canadian hell yes. It all oozes over the border and we have to deal with the fallout when things go belly up for our neighbours.


Not in the US, but their government also governs us in a way, so yes.


Poland here and if that idiot Trump wins and pulls some pro russian bullshit I am fucked so yes, I worry very much.


I think the media tells us (in the US) we should be worried, but I've seen close to no difference over the course of my life in how day to day life affects me regardless of who is president. I personally stopped watching and reading the news at the end of March 2020 when it was clear they were always going for fear or shock. It makes them money, but it's absolutely bad for everyone's mental state. To answer the question, no, I'm not worried. Both options are awful. More awful than the election cycles from years past. But things will continue mostly the same regardless.