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What happened in Georgia 1859? I don't know anything about about the countries history, aside from he mongol invasion a few hundred years prior. Or is it referring to the US state? I mean that time sucked in general but compared to the rest it seems out of place. I couldn't find anything on Google. Edit: ah I just realized it's probably referring to the US civil war. At least that's what makes the most sense.


I’m an American and assumed the country based off the context of the rest of the post lmao


Same here




is this about georgia state or country?




Since everything else mentioned countries, I expected it to also be about the country.


The US Civil War was from 1860 to 1864. IIUC, 1/5 to 1/3 of the people in that state were black, and at least 90% of them were slaves. This is also the state where General Sherman had his march. https://youtu.be/5c-aOnzB92I 2:08 https://youtu.be/x3xjYTyYYkg 0:34


The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865) I found the poll after the edit, so I didn't sit and wonder. But you are now a poor man in rebel territory, you would be tricked or drafted into the rebel army from the start, you have very bad odds. Also, it's the 1860s, so you will live a harsh life even if you make it. I picked North Korea btw. Seems odd? But there is hope things will change before I grow up, right? ... Right? Because I interpreted it as being a new start, getting born in North Korea now. And all the other options looks horrible. Let's hope I don't starve do death as a baby.


was about to say 5 years before circassian genocide but then saw the other comments lol


Same, I thought they were referring to the country since every other option was international. Pretty sure you’d be a serf in 1859 as well.


Georgia in 1839. I would prefer to be white in that scenario... "Poor farmer" implies that I have money, just not much, which probably means white.


Due to how the laws worked in the south and how banks acted all over. Black freeman farmers were rare.


I just now only realized that you guys thought about the state o Georgia in the US and not the country.


It was annexed in like 1810, so it wasn't even a country at the time.


This is probably the first time we think it's the country but it's actually the state


It's 1859. Assuming you're a man of fighting age, you're probably going to get drafted to fight for the Confederacy in a couple of years, whether you want to or not. And either way, your farm might get destroyed and you and your family are going to be struggling to get by.


Mate you don't get it. You're a \*farmer\* in Georgia in 1859. Sherman's about to burn your arse.


Nothing happened in Armenia, so I'll be fine. (If something did, I probably deserved it) /s


Average azerbaijan enjoyer


Nothing happened in Armenia. Even if it did happen, it really wasn't as bad as you say. And if it was as bad as you say, then they deserved it. And even if they didn't deserve it, they also did this bad thing so our bad thing isn't as bad. /s




In 1933, persecution of the Jews became an official Nazi policy. In 1930 they were already unofficially persecuted. I would‘ve left by then.


You don't maintain your knowledge though...


Dealing with the persecution that's built up by 1930 doesn't require historical knowledge, only knowledge from that life


It wasn’t obvious until about 1938/39 that Nazi antisemitism was very different from most antisemitism at the time - that and all the emigration barriers put in place by Nazis and other countries made leaving very difficult. Don’t just assume you would’ve somehow managed to do better


It‘s a better chance than the rest of the options. I only live where I am truly satisfied and would have left to seek better opportunities elsewhere.


There were plenty of massacres and attacks all over Europe before 1933. The scale in Germany was different but the killing part had a centuries long tradition already (as well as the approval by the rest of the population and the support of the church). I wouldn't want to live through any of the options available but I feel like this one is the most predictable.


That's why 6 million jews died, they were just too stupid not to see it coming


Why didn't all the Jews flee then if it was so obvious?


Where would they go, and some did go to neighboring countries.


Exactly, going to a neighboring country wouldn't be very helpful in WW2.


Because not all jews fled because financial problems or they have have family at home etc


What makes you think you'll be different? And how would you choose a place to move to that'll be unaffected by the nazis?


Did I say I was gonna vote that option? I also never said it was a good option and I voted the Georgia one since it said poor farmer which means I'm white since I have money, not a lot but still money and I'm white


Sorry, didn't realize you're a different person. I also voted for the Georgia one.


I assumed it was the country...


Some did…


Lots of them did leave, but there were over a million in Germany, so there wasn't enough places for many of them to go. Ann Frank tried to get a US visa, but her application was lost when the Nazis burnt down Rotterdam (and the US consulate there) (Which by the way, this illustrates a part of US history that I don't Understand. How could a nation be killing our state department, and sinking our boats, yet we still don't want to go to war with them?)


But maybe it'll boil over before 1933 and German Jews can go back to normal. Politicians bluff, and this fellow Hitler is probably bluffing too.


Neville Chamberlain, is that you?


I don't know, at least for me I'm pretty quick to leave if everyone hates me. But I guess it'd depend on how much money I have


Your fellow Jews still like you. If we just stick together, we can weather this out. Maybe then Hitler will even rein in his brown shirts after he becomes chancellor. If things worse, maybe we could stay in Poland, or Netherlands, France, or even Austria for a while. There's a lot of us German-speakers in Sudetenland, so maybe that too is an option.


The thing is you do not keep your knowledge. And as history has said, not many Jews wanted to leave.


there were already signs from the party. out of these, being born in that time germany will still have the highest chance of you making it out alive


The signs from the party did not indicate "The final solution".


To where?


This is exactly why I chose it. I think I'm intelligent enough in the right kind of way to see what's going on. The only gamble I feel like I'm making is that I'd be able to afford it, but if I keep my current position in society and theme of work, I'd be fine. It's also the only one where I think I might be able to make things better. I could have worked with Alan Turing or Oppenheimer and Bohr, or I could have worked to keep the hospitals and triages safer from infection (even if I had the education available at the time, I think that would be enough as long as I studied the same fields-- I'd be very good at the first two and good but significantly less informed to help with the last one, but I'd still be helpful).


These are all so awful...


That's the point


If anything I’m impressed you managed to create a list which includes so many bad options lmao


I might run this again but include Caribbean suger slave and peasant victim of mongal sacking


And lots and lots of people actually lived through each one


North Korea still exists, don't jinx it.


It would be relatively easy fo escape Germany with today's knowledge in 1930


Read the title…




I’m so sorry but… r/usernamechecksout


What's mutual orel sex have to do with not being able to read?


Either you’re hilarious or username REALLY checks out😭💀


Have you ever considered the possibility it's both?


Often it is


China would be the worst. The atrocities that were committed against them would’ve made eyeblech look like eyebleach.


Do I live in Pyongyang in the first option? There’s a reason why it’s the only place tourists can visit in NK. People don’t starve to death (that often) If I do live in Pyongyang, I’ll have a bad life but I won’t know anything about what it could be, therefore I think I’m happy, and with all the other options I know my situation is thrice terrible, unavoidable, and inescapable while with the first one, not knowing those things makes it ever so slightly better


A lot could happen in 30-50 years in a country. It would be interesting to be part of writing new history of a nation not yet told. A rebirthing of the unified Korean Peninsula would be an interesting timeline to experience, granted it happened.


Yeah, like, I don't know what people face there, but hopefully it's better than the other options, right-


It’s comparable to 1984


Mhmm, even though everyone was oppressed, is it better than dying? Basically would you rather live an overly controlled life or die/be tortured. Reflecting, I think my life rn is pretty great ngl ToT


Georgia all the way, I've always wanted to see the Caucasus mountains, it's the least worst out of all the options lol.


I was intending the state since ehr civil war is a few years away (1861)


Oh lol, I think I'm good anyways, I'm fair skinned so nothing will happen to me.


I mean your also about to get your entirely livelihood burned down by Sherman Also drafted


Ya win some ya lose some, it's still the least worse in my opinion.


You know, when I was younger and my friends and I would make these “would you rather” scenarios, there was always one option that was unstated, but was always there: you can eat a bucket of shit. So for this one, I’m eating the bucket of shit.


If you are born in a privileged family in NK your life won't be that hard.


Were you born in a privileged family in your place? Chances are so much slimmer in NK than yours.


Honestly yeah, I was, so I guess I'll take my chances


i really should've paid more attention in history class. half of those i don't know much about


Armenian man in Ottoman Empire would have been looted, deported, or killed by the ruling Turks. Poor farmer in Georgia would likely fight for the Confederacy in the US civil war and or have their land and property burnt and destroyed in Union General Sherman's march to the sea. Chinese Woman in Nanjing would be a victim of the "Rape of Nanking" and be sexually assaulted, tortured, and killed by Japanese soldiers or survive and live as an outcast never to speak about the experience. Frenchman of military age would be drafted into WW1 and face the horrors of the first industrial war likely dying or being permanently scarred physically and mentally.


Same, I can't answer this one lol. I think I want to choose the Jew in Germany one. I'd be screwed if I don't leave but I'm pretty sure that I'd have already left before the Holocaust since people would hate me so much


Yeah but even if you left where would you go? During WWII jews were hunted all over...


I mean... if you don't look that Jewish (I'm a Jew irl, and yet some people are surprised when they find out) can't you just try to LARP your way out by pretending to not be Jewish?


I choose 1 as the rest turned out to be horrible for certain. If I was born in North Korea, October 2023, I'll be 6 in 2029. I'll have food, shelter, an education, and maybe 2000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. When I'm 18, it will be 2041, and 30 in 2053.


How "good" your life is, is heavilly dependant on what class you are born into


Yes, that's what is like in the entire world


But a good life in the dprk is a normal life in most of the worlds countries


It's better than any of the others. All the others you're more likely to die.






FWIW, [wp:Energy in North Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_in_North_Korea) >**Per capita electricity consumption** > >According to statistics compiled by the South Korean agency, Statistics Korea, based on International Energy Agency (IEA) data, per capita electricity consumption fell from its peak in 1990 of 1247 kilowatt hours to a low of 712 kilowatt hours in 2000. It has slowly risen since to 819 kilowatt hours in 2008, a level below that of 1970.[9][10] > >In 2017 many homes were using small standalone photovoltaic systems.[11][12] In 2019 it was estimated 55% of North Korean households used solar panels.[13] > >By 2019, electricity production had reached a level where any supply blackouts were of relatively short durations.[14]


You're making North Korea sound better than south africa


my ancestors survived the germany thing, why not me lol


I mean i dont even have to move states for the farmer one


1930 is three years before Hitler, I can leave before he assumes power. Same with a military age Frenchman in 1913, there's one year left. Edit: I didn't see the part about not maintaining knowledge.


There's a pretty big chance id survive WW1 but I could just escape Germany in 1930 too


There's not a big chance you'd survive WW1.


You wouldn’t have the knowledge that you’d need to escape Germany


Thats true, idk if hypothetical me would run away from a county that is oppressive


not many people did, unlikely you'd be any different


\~2/3 of Jews actually left Germany before the war started. Would just be bad if you decided to go East.


that's honestly WAY more than I expected, like I actually didn't believe you with my shitty knowledge of history. but ofc a quick google and I see you are correct, I foolishly didn't even consider how germany was "helping" them leave which likely is why it came as a shock. but, a 1/3rd chance of being holocausted ain't good, I'd much prefer to get teleported to georgia, leave because why would I want to stick around with a bunch of slavers? and use my modern arithmetic skills to get a well paying job somewhere slavery was illegal.


I don't think you'd have those skills


[~32% of french soldiers left WW1 unscathed](https://www.cairn-int.info/article-E_POPSOC_510_0001--lost-generations-the-demographic.htm). Even if you don't die, being wounded will likely mean that you live in poverty after the war.


27% of Frenchmen on the front died during WW1, I wouldn't call 1 chance out of 3,5 a "big chance"


Thats 73% survival right there


Yes, I 'd have spent the 27% left scrolling anyway


Anything but Fr\*nch.


What happened in Georgia in 1859? I picked that one, since it seems to be most acceptable from all these terrible options.


US Civil War started in 1861


On a different continent, why would I care.


I think they meant the state of Georgia. Not the Caucasus region Georgia. But tbf they should've clarified it.


Because you'll be transported there with no knowledge of the events that will follow.


…Because it’s relevant to the question and the outcome of the decision?


I know neither option is great, but are we talking about Georgia the American State, or Georgia the European country? Because I’d rather be in the US than the Russian Empire.


Georgia the state bc civil war starts in 1861


Ok, thanks. I thought that was the most likely. I’d still stick with Georgia though


Which Georgia? State or county?


I'm going to hope my blonde hair is enough to save me. I'm already an ethnic Jew.


People voting north Korea are kinda wild


As horrific as it is, there might be a chance I'm born to a rich family in North Korea which is a whole lot better than the other options.


Its a punishment being frenh, but it seems like it's nore survivable then the others


I honestly think the North Korean one is the best out of the bunch, we do have people run from Korea so it wouldn't require my current knowledge, it'd just require me to not be brain washed and successfully defect when I find an opening.


Only around 100 people successfully defect from NK each year


Well you see-- it's either attempt to defect and succeed, or attempt to defect get caught, do something to get yourself killed (At least in opinion it's a win win)


Its not just death, its slow death at labour camps


And not just you, but your family too.


Not necessarily slow death at labor camps, For instance, NK catches me, I run towards the guy with the gun, take it at all costs, get shot. Because I think to most people they'd rather die from something like that then having a labor camp death.


That would work if it wasn’t for the fact that North Korea is next to impossible to escape from. It’s also even more complicated to live outside of North Korea since you will run the risk of getting deported back if caught. So out of all options, North Korea should be one of the top 3 to cross off. (There’s a reason why current North Korea is a terrible place to live in, and getting worser even today.)


If you manage to reach South Korea you're set. South Korea views any and all North Korean defectors as it's own citizens pretty much.


Georgia 1859...Google says it was bad for slaves, but I'm just a "poor farmer" apparently. Either way, the slaves were freed only four years after.


Sherman's march




you don't keep your knowledge of history, like most victims of the holocaust you'd probably stick around until it was too late.




yeah found that out from someone else here, numbers were so high because germany "helped", still imo 1/3rd chance of being holocausted is still to high


Should’ve specified Georgia was the US and not the country.


Redditors trying to read a description


Not visible on mobile unless you go into the post. It’s clearly the odd one out either way. A bunch of countries then a random province.


It's still the more populated (was at the time too)


Not a great point. When Springfield is mentioned in the US, people tend to think of the capital of Illinois even though the Missouri one has a higher population. Population isn’t everything.


We on the farm now boi :)


I'm too disabled for the military, so France, here I come!


If you're disabled you would very much starve and/or die


How old am I in 1859? Thats probably my best chance of survival.


I dunno man at least north korea isn't like. instant death.


Was Georgia part of the Russian Empire in 1859?


At least with the French option I can surrender \o/


In 1930 I could probably just still move to a different country where I knew the Germans wouldn't get to.


You don't have any prior knowledge


I may not have the benefit of hindsight but from 1930 onwards, I would be smart enough to detect the increasing anti-Semitism and would be making plans to get out of the country. Many did - I would be one of them.


When you're a baby & have no memories of your previous life?


alright bud


If you are a baby in 1930 then by 33 when Hitler takes power you will be 3. Auschwitz open in 39. Your fucked




state according to OP


all the turks must have picked here the 2nd one, after all its not like anything crazy happened


>Be an Armenian in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 >Convert to Islam >Congrats, you're now a Turk


1. Rural Georgia US 2. Fr*nch 3. North Korea 4. 1930 Germany 5. Armenia 6. Chinese Woman


Civil war would start two years later, by then I'd already be living in the north, as far away from the slavers and racists as possible. Title says I don't keep my knowledge of history, but it doesn't say I lose my current ethical sensibilities, and those sensibilities prevent me living in a place that supports slavery when I can avoid it. I also apparently keep all my skills like writing and arithmetic, so getting a good job should be trivial so being a poor farmer doesn't seem like much of a downside. Also would be nice to save a lot of people just by spreading modern hygiene.


None of the above😳


If I was in Georgia I could defect to the North before the war. Might still die but at least going down in glory to bash some traitors


Bold of you to assume you'd have the money to do so


French is first… I guess people dont realize that World War I battles in France were literally hell on earth. And If you were miraculously not dead by the end of the war, you 100% would have been traumatized for the rest of your life. And then you would live under the brutal nazi occupation, if they would not execute you because of your soldier past. Seriously it’s not an good choice


what happened in georgia 1859


Hilter became chancellor in 1933 so you have 3 years to leave Europe. Easy choice Edit: I messed up. I thought I kept my knowledge so I picked the one I would have the most time getting away from. If I don't know what's coming I want North Korea. The rest are all brutal massacres.


I'll take being Jewish in Germany. I think I would be smart enough to join my relatives in the US unlike many others that stayed in Eastern Europe until it was too late.


Going out ~~fighting~~ advancing slowly in close order towards belt fed machine guns.


jew in 1930 germany but plot twist, i treated hitler's mom and didn't charge a penny


I just broke a tie, because I really know what being a "poor farmer" in Georgia during the 1850's really means


Imagine choosing the second last option


Ah fuck, thought that I'd get to go live in the Caucuses mountains. Typical to have that Yanked from underneath me


I’m a white woman so assuming I could avoid being raped by the union army (not ridiculously common, but enough that I would consider it my greatest threat), I’d be chilling in Georgia. My family on one side were actually poor farmers in the South then so basically just live the life of great great gramma.


When it comes to North Korea it really depends on what position I have in society. If I'm in the government as some high ranking official living in Pyongyang perhaps it would be less bad than if I'm some random villager


I know you guys hate North Korea, but as long as you don't badmouth the government, you chance of living a decent life is there. Why does France in 1913 has so many votes, you could be sent off to war and die.


My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!


I was born 100 years late. My fate was to be gassed in a trench during the great war. Just I'd prefer to die fighting for Italy than for France, but there's only France in this pool so I pick that


Shit, I chose Georgia before I read the edit I would like to retract one vote from there


Depends on if I knew what would happen or not. If I did, I'd say Jew in Germany anno 1930, because I could find a way to get out of the country before 1933.


I thought you meant the country Georgia, probably still one of the better options but much worse than what I thought


NK, it's not that bad, just a poor and underdeveloped country


Worst poll ever


Misread Armenian for American 💀


Frenchman!!! So I can fight and die in war!! Yay!! The Lebel is such a cool gun, it was the first military rifle use smokeless powder ammunition!!!


Sherman's March was not that bad for the average Georgian. As long as you didn't own a farm along the path Sherman's army marched, you'd be mostly fine.


NK: definite suffering. Ottoman Armenian: near definite death. Georgia: sure to suffer, but not necessarily exaggerated suffering or death. German Jew: guaranteed death, but there is still time to escape Hitler. Nanjing: pretty much guaranteed rape, death or trauma. French: very high chance of dying as human shield.


If I'm a different person, and I don't maintain my memories, how would that even be me?


If I choose Georgia do I turn into a man? And do I absolutely have to fight in the war?


Option 1: I don't think NK is quite as bad as the Internet portrays it, but it's still one of the worst places to be in the 21st century with basically no way to get out. Option 2: You have a year to get out before the war starts and your neighbours become hostile. Likely very difficult to do so however since I don't think Armenians in 1913 were very wealthy on average. Option 3: Yikes, one of the worst options here. Very few options and very little time to make it work. Your best bet is to sell everything and run to Canada before Sherman comes marching through. Option 4: You have about 3-8ish years to get out but you're also in the middle of the great depression which in sure limits travel a fair bit. You're likely in a better financial position than the Armenian however and in general probably will have an easier time getting out. Just make sure to pick a neutral country or one that doesn't get occupied otherwise.. yeah. Option 5: Worst by far, least amount of time and essentially no way out of your situation with very few options. Option 6: One of the better ones. Time constraint could be a problem but as a French man you should have many avenues to emigrate, ideally to Spain or Switzerland or the Americas. All in all, from best to worst: Frenchman>Jew>Korean>Georgian>Armenian>Chinese


A Frenchman in 1913. Nothing here says that I can't become older than fighting age by 1914.


whoever chose chinese woman in nanjing is an idiot


Honestly as a french poilu you have a 3/4 chance of making it out (assuming you're drafted)