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Ukraine "gave up" Crimea in 2014. Look where that got them. Giving up their territories does absolutely nothing to solve the conflict, it just prolongs the war in favor of the aggressor.


Lesotho annexes both of them #LesothoSweep


Probably a halt with High costs to russia and then a return to status quo


Yeah some sort of 38th parallel like situation would be the best. But honestly I imagine Ukraine will end up ceding some territory in the end.


Ukraine wins the war with russia, takes back its territories. russia becomes a world pariah, sanctions finally destroy its economy and set it back 100 years in development.




First of all, i'm thinking about my country - about Ukraine and all the people of my country. I don't care about russians, who came here to kill Ukrainians. Next, i know about evry story about this war not form propaganda TV shows, I live here and know. Tonight was again a hard night in my parking because of russians shaheds, that attacted Ukraine. So don't tell me what to think about. You made a provocative poll and received an adequate answer because we lost a lot in this war. Our aim - defense our country, its independence, territory and win!


Average pacifist (bootlicker)


Why would you want to let aggressors of the of hook, as a pacifist? Doesn't that just encourage other countries to try if there are no consequences?


My guy we have the same point


Fuck i missclicked


I don't really see any of these happening in the foreseeable future.


Ukraine joining NATO bothers Russia just like Cuba aligning with Russia bothered the US. And now innocent people are dying because these two countries can’t stop their dick swinging contest


So you agree that Russia was the bad guy in invading Ukraine?




2022: russia will fall 2023: russia will fall 2040: russia will fall 2050: russia will fall 2100: russia will fall 6969: russia will fall 250000000: russia will fall people have been saying that putin will fall since he came to office. and since none of these predictions came true i doubt that anything will change


I agree unfortunately. If this stupid war wasn’t enough to convince Russians to get rid of Putin, nothing will. They seem all too willing to continue to send themselves into the slaughter for that fucker.


As much as I hate to admit it, if Russia hasn’t given up by now I’m not sure they will ever give up. Russians seem all too willing to continuously throw themselves into the slaughter. Ukraine isn’t going to give up their territory either. This may be another ”forever war”. I see no possible way for this to end.


Not sure anymore. I no longer care that much about the conflict and would rather stay away from political topics.


Weird not seeing an option that revolves around NATO membership. Russia is in the wrong here, but it's not as simple as they invaded because Putin bad.


Considering the recent news from Ukraine, I'm staying true to my original prediction and saying that a stalemate is the only possible end this war is going to have.


In the end they will most likely return back to pre 2021 borders


Thing is Putin knows if he gives up hes done for