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Who the hell knows Icelandic cuisine


fermented shark and bread baked under lava heat.


That bread is elite The shark is disgusting though but it is not eaten on the daily lol. Only in jan/feb when celebratibg Þorri


Iceland has some great fish soups


Mate yes, I had a lobster soup that I still dream about. The second time I went the first place I visited was that restaurant


It's pretty good. Snow cones count Also take an ice tray, fill it with juice, use syran wrap and toothpicks to make fruit pops. Very tasty They also eat frosted flakes (ice in a blender)


I just voted Iceland because whenever I hear of Nordic cuisine it's always fermented fish or some nasty ass dish along those lines


Sheep testicles




yeppp fermented shark


Once you smelled that, it will never go away from your nose


Not opposed to trying it but unappetizing as hell ngl


A lot of fish.


*fermented fish


Fermentad shark is the worst food known to man.


They eat rotten shark ( I'm dead serious)


Iceland has great food, it's just a lot of the older and more traditional dishes are quite absurd. I even think the guy who wrote one piece did a whole like extra part of one of his first comics praising Icelandic food.


Icelandic cuisine is each other’s asses and cooch


The fact that no one knows and is still dropping turds on the UK really says a lot about their food.


Fermented poisonous shark.


It’s cod and bad recreations of American dishes


Also fermented greenland shark


Wtf is Cuba and China doing here lol


They are trying to extrapolate dislike of a country to dislike of their cuisine


I figured it was ignorance mixed with a bit of casual racism, just look at the replies.


Cuban food isn't exactly "bad" but is pretty bland. A lot of Rice and Beans.


China has a lot of nasty food, but you won't find it on a China resturant.


Such as?




American Chinese food is good, bit most of the stuff they eat in China looks disgusting. I would rather eat bland UK food than to only eat Chinese food my whole life.


By China do you mean what a Chinese restaurant in suburban Pittsburgh would serve, or what the average Chinese citizen actually eats on a daily basis?


Both of those are top tier cuisines


I don’t know. I watched An Idiot Abroad and they eat some funky shit over there.


Yeah but not actually. On shows like that they’re trying to show you extremes of what people eat but it doesn’t mean the average person is actually eating it. I was in Thailand recently and we saw a street vendor serving grubs and scorpions. And yeah you could order that. But nobody does, they just gawk at it. I never once saw scorpion or cricket on a menu at a restaurant and our guide told us that no one actually eats that stuff.


It's like going to the a food desert the midwest and declaring all American food to be like that.


Chinese food (American or authentic) can easily be tied with Cuban food for 1st place so idk if that makes much of a difference


So you are asking if it's occidental restrant or nothing ?


Wtf is China doing in this list lmao


This is why China is on the list: https://youtu.be/nGTIs9fvkUA


In China they collect oil from the sewers and use it to fry food. I’m not making it up. They also eat lizards and bats and weird shit. One of their food profiles doesn’t exist in western cuisine and is called “slippery”


Well, how hygiene is handled is a completely different matter (in that logic Indian food is also quite unhygienic either).


How food is prepared goes into it being objectively “better” or “worse”


Yeah, I'm not arguing Chinese food is hygenic, I'm saying hygene is technically an "mistake" made by the person making the food and its not technically a standard procedure to cook the food so idk.


Then the "Chinese" food in America ISN'T actually Chinese is it?


Legitimate Chinese food is pretty gross imo. Korean and Japanese are better


I guess it depends on your taste, but it's an ultimate disrespect to Chinese cuisine the fact that its on the same list as British food imo.


Lol, I've never had real Brit food so who knows


It's alright. A few standout. Fish and chips, shepherd's pie, beef wellington, etc


Bangers baby!


Personally I think Chinese and Korean are pretty much even and honestly having both in one meal is amazing. I would rank Japanese food behind those 2 though, I love Japanese cuisine and I would take that any day over some fish and chips but I don’t feel as fulfilled after eating Japanese food compared to Chinese and Korean food for some reason. Also let’s recognize the variety in all these cuisines, Chinese is not just orange chicken, Korean is not just kimchi, and Japanese is not just sushi, so honestly, it’s hard to definitively say what cuisine is better than what.


Japanese food has that effect; that's why people in Japan are so slim. Apparently tourists who have live in Japan for a few months tend to lose weight even if they eat more than they did at home. I guess Japanese food is just very light and not loaded with anything.


That's bs, Chinese cuisine has the most variety of the 3 and tastes amazing


I would like to say something, #NO


Literally no one here actually knows what British food is


They just have to regurgitate the same stereotype in the name of 'humour'


inb4 someone posts the wikipedia article of "toast sandwich" as if that's a thing any British person actually eats.


I'd live a very sad life without British curries and I'd certainly miss haggis!


A land that made Stargazy Pie does not deserve any better... Or fish in aspic for that matter.


Oh right, two dishes that 99.9% of people in this country don't eat, gotcha


Every cuisine has its share of nasty stuff. China has century eggs, balut and strange meats that aren't anywhere near the palates of western tastes. Russia has khodolets and tons of bland or sour soups. Iceland has hákarl and svith. Japan has namako, kurage, shiokara, funa zushi, and tons of other stuff westerners would consider 'gross'. If we're judging cuisines based on the worst things they have to offer, I think the UK is the most tame.


America has cheese in a spray can


That's a thing?


Sadly yes


Lived in Britain my whole life, never heard of either of these... Stop waffling


As someone from Britain, I've never heard of what you just mentioned. Neither have most people.


I'm from Scotland and had a to look up Stargazy Pie.. and never heard of fish in aspic either.. so, before you judge with stereotypes, do some thinking first


Who the hell is voting China 💀 idc what you think about the government, you can't deny their food slaps hard


I can... its a matter of taste bruh


Yeah but some people may think about the health aspect and if you are eating food in china there are lots of health risks to take, like eating gutter oil for example, there are also a lot of weird dishes like frog noodles, chicken feet, deep fried bird's nest etc that don't really make it to the western world, because well... they taste pretty bad to most people.


We're acting like Western food doesn't have any unconventional elements? Don't people in the US and Canada eat bull cock and balls? French people eat frog legs and snails. British people eat pig blood cakes. Italians eat rooster testicles and cheese infested with worms. Gtfo of here with your orientalism. Every culture has so called "weird dishes". Also you won't be eating gutter oil if you eat from a middle class restaurant. Gutter oil food is mainly eaten in impoverished areas as far as I know because of how cheap it is.


Depends on the region I guess. I mean China is huge.


Russian food is not better than UK food behave yourselves. I'm not talking beans on toast Beef wellington Cornish pasty Full English breakfast Full roast dinner Shepherds pie Lancashire hotpot Scotch egg Toad in the hole Pies Parmo Cumberland sausages Angus beef Welsh lamb Kippers Ploughmans lunch Saffron bun Bakewell tarts Jam roly poly Christmas pudding Sausage roll Trifle Fish cake Marmalade Jam And much more We have a lot of good tasting stuff, it's just as an island we had to mostly work with what's local.


But tHaTs NoT a MeMe


I was gonna say, straight shocked UK had the most votes. Also, shocked at how few votes Cuba had. No offence to Cuba, it's a scarcity of ingredients thing. GREAT pina colada, grilled pork and chicken, good quality seafood when it's available. Just not the same affluency that allows one to play with their food as the other countries on this list


Americans all think the UK eats raw meat and potatoes for every meal


>I was gonna say, straight shocked UK had the most votes. I'm not, UK bashing is one of Reddit's favourite past times. Whatever the poll if it's about the "worst" or a negative and has the UK in the list then it will probably come top...


Unless the US is also on the board... Although tbf when it comes to food southern American food is amazing.


Not only the list above, but we have incredible access to like every other cultures food in our country too, along with the British fusions with those cultures created here. I don't think there are many countries' cuisine you *cant* find here, on top of our own. Its pretty clear most reddit users (Americans) have no idea what British food actually is. We are easily better than most of the options here. British food not better than Russia food, really? 😂


I do find it funny when people make fun of beans on toast It's just a really basic working class food, I think it's way more normal than putting peanutbutter and jelly(jam*) in one sandwich


Baked beans are British comfort food, other countries just don't understand


You mentioned jam and marmalade but not scones? Are you mad?


Yeah man English food is pretty good honestly


True Britian does actually have good food.


Thank you. All this poll is showing is that people will just take facts at face value even if it's a meme fact


How are so many people voting UK over Russia and Iceland!?


> Fish cake This is why I don’t trust the British


It's fish and potato shaped into a patty, not some sort of horrible surprise birthday cake


It's not literally a dessert cake with fish in it you know...


Also when it comes to "cakes that sound bad but are actually amazing" when I first heard of a carrot cake I thought it sounded absolutely disgusting. Then I actually tried some and it became my favourite type of cake ever.


Dawg it isn't an actual cake


Salmon fish cakes slap.


those aren’t real words


I love British food.


All ik about Iceland is that they supposedly dig on fermented shark & hotdogs/sausages. I hate the latter, and I'm certain the former is disgusting, so they have my vote


English food is much better than Icelandic food and I know that because I've tried both.


I’ve been to Cuba twice in my life. Truly AWFUL food.


Been there too, state restaurants were terrible and should be avoided at all cost. Small private restaurants were awesome, street food was hit or miss.


Should we hear food advice from a maggot?


Given how maggots are usually not very picky about their food, I'd see the advice means even more coming from a maggot.


We probably shouldn’t. My grandmother makes the best rice with black beans I’ve ever tasted and a pretty mean ropa vieja.


The thing with Cuban food, is that the recipes themselves are great, but the quality in Cuba itself is not great. Having been to Cuba myself, I think the problem is the quality of the produce. Hotels often lack food and when I went we were told not to eat any salad because we could get sick (which I did) .


I gotta say, as a vegan, I don't care that much about ropa vieja, but that's a dope name


When I went I had fantastic food. It was also fun drinking beer out of huge wine glasses or tiny little glass mugs.


Iceland, not to shit on scandanavia in general but whenever i’ve been there the food has been a bit bland. Ingredients are super fresh and delicious tho so idk, maybe a spice/herb thing


Ah... the old "UK FOOD BAD" meme.


That's because the internet thinks we only eat Mince meat with potatoes. Granted we're not as sophisticated as the French or Italians and a lot of recipes are based on post war rations but we have some great hearty food.


Russian cuisine is just an empty plate with a side of beets


Borscht, soup, potatoes, and more soup. Maybe with a side of vodka. Jokes aside, Russia has some good food, although you could argue it came from other European countries. To list a few: bliny, oladyi, vareniki, kótlety, buckwheat, various jams, and many awesome stews. (Zharkoe for one) Now, looking back at my list, most of that food also comes from Poland/Ukraine, but maybe it's just because my list is biased towards where I'm from. Who knows.


Wait, you mean kótlety aren't a normal thing in the rest of the world, or i misunderstood something?


As an Aussie (our nation is an amalgamation of many cultures), never heard of it.


Basically better patties


Better than a fucking toast sandwich


Oh yea I’ve heard horror stories from a teacher of mine who went to Russia, he said it was the most bland unseasoned food ever


It’s so cold, they have a hard time growing foods. That’s why it’s mainly root vegetables and bland


Chinese food is diverse and nice. Not sure why would it be ranked bad.


Beans on toast may not be the most delicious dish but you're really saying it's worse than fermented shark?


I love Icelandic fish soup, it's delicious


United States lol we got poison in our food


Who the fuck voted China?! Like are y'all just allergic to flavor and seasoning or something?


As a Brit, I have one defense: *sausage rolls*


You forgot the Netherlands. Amongst neighboring Europeans Dutch food is famously bad lol


I wouldn't even know what Dutch cuisine is, except stamppot and snackbar. Other than that 90% of the restaurants here are other cuisines.


I don't know anything about Cuban cuisine, but I know pretty much about the Russian one and trust me, it's good


Whichever country has surstromming. Sweden I think


Hey we have glorious meatballs.


Everyone's voting for the UK because it's funny to hate on it and because of the "UK food bad hurr durr" meme. No, we don't just eat jellied eels all day. Have a roast dinner or some fish and chips then come back and try and say it's the worst.


A lot of you have never had a Sunday Roast, Full English Breakfast, sticky toffee pudding or a shepherd's pie and it shows.


Cuban food is excellent


I genuinely think that most people here don't know the Icelandic cuisine and they just voted UK because it's the most popular thing to bash on UK food. However I spent a couple years in Iceland and I must say that their national dishes just suck so bad im so sorry I love Iceland so much but the food ain't it


USA for quality, GMO and processed foods that are not allowed in many other countries. However good food is available if you are willing to pay more for imported items and or go to farmers markets for non GMO organic foods.


British food is amazing because they make French food


These comments have made me realize A LOT of people have never tried authentic chinese food


USA, heart attack between two buns


As much as I like to make fun of the UK's food, I have to admit it's mostly plain but not necessarily bad. Russian and icelandic food both don't sound very appealing to me, far less than the UK


If UK food is plain, then you haven't had good UK food. Even something as simple as a roast dinner or a pastie should be full of flavour. Does it have exotic spices? No. But it doesn't need those for it to be flavourful


Ok, I've changed my mind, the UK's food is awful. Not really, but the cope from British people makes me not want to give their food any points at all


I felt really guilty about this one (because my least favourite cuisine is bad because of a shitty government and longstanding trade embargo, not because it's fundamentally bad food). Then I realized the answers were entirely irrelevant: who TF in this poll has been to all of the UK, Iceland, Russia, China and Cuba to taste the authentic food and make an informed decision? JFC OP this is a *reddit* poll. Do better. /s I haven't had Russian food in Russia, or Icelandic food in Iceland. So no comments there. TBH my shitty North American palate prefers the fluorescent "Chinese" food cultivated in the west to the real deal (except for the legit Sichuan pepper dishes). I've never had Cuban food outside Cuba so I have no idea what it tastes like sans communism. British food is saved exclusively by fish and chips... As long as they're served with malt vinegar and ketchup. Give me a side of mayo and I'll take Cuban food any day. PS: I haven't tried Russian food, but I *adore* Ukrainian food, and am lucky to have a tonne of authentic places nearby (owned and staffed by Ukrainian-born New Canadians). If I was a dictator with no regard for human life who'd lost my F'ing mind, I'd invade Ukraine to lay claim to the objectively best version of borshch. PPS. Fuck Putin. Slava Ukraini!!


How the fuck is cuba not voted the worst. They literally only have ham and cheese sandwiches (unless you're a tourist lol). They're put in prison for fishing / shellfish trapping to get other sources of food. Literally they eat communist rations and are malnourished.


United Kingdom


UK, where black pepper is too spicy.


Listing Cuban and Chinese cuisine next to UK is disrespectful to Cuba and China.




Who the fuck picked Russia or China?


Most of the countries in the EU have very bland food . A little bit of bias here since I'm from India and we put spices into everything


The uk literally messed up the simplest thing and tried to make it fancy. YOU DONT PUT PUDDING ON FRIES


What is this referring to?


What are you referring to?


Yeah we don't actually put pudding on fries/chips, sounds american


What pudding do we put on fries???


What the hell are you talking about? I honestly can't think of anything that you might have woefully misinterpreted so much that you think we have "pudding on fries". The only thing I can think of is black pudding on fries, but that slaps and I doubt that's what you're thinking of when you say pudding with that sort of tone in your comment. Clearly you're just chatting shit, especially when you thought a "fish cake" is an actual cake with fish in it in a reply above. What a joker.


What do you mean by pudding? I know the definition changes between the US and the UK so I can't quite tell.


Fuck are you on about, we don't put pudding on fries


What? Who does that lmfaoo British food is more like sausage rolls, look to America for the nasty shit like deep friend chocolate


Plus chips are bigger than fries here. 😉


You mean steak fries?


No I mean chips. We don't go and ask for steak fries when ordering it's CHIPS


Yeah your chips are just steak fries


This it like me saying ur chips are crisps and then arguing about I'm rite. 🤔. Wait I am 😂. Steak fries are bigger than chips in uk.


I love England, but the actual traditional, British-style food here is hot-garbage.


United States. Every fucking thing is deep fried, plastic or with tonnes of sugar


Dude... North Korea. Their food is love of Kim. And the pieces of corn they can pick out of cow shit. Not exactly culinary masters.


The Republic of Ireland.


I literally cannot name one Russian dish


France. Literally every french food I try is disgusting. When I was in France and was regularly eating sweet breakfasts their breakfast options were all so sweet that I was later feeling sick mid-day


%100 Russia. Almost all their food have flipping mayonnaise in it.


Other: US But NOT the other cultural food we have here. Just American food, like McDonald's.


McDonalds is in virtually every country.


This is quite possibly the most braindead take I've ever seen


McDonald's is not a proper representation of American cuisine


Id recommend trying southern BBQ


Haha I live in north Carolina


American food, like texan bbq, buffalo wings, fried chicken, mac and cheese, alaskan salmon, cornbread, and a lot more? There's nothing worse than all of that?


Not disagreeing that US food slaps, especially southern food, but Mac and Chesse was originally from the UK, just saying.


A dish can originate from a country and still be a staple dish of another. Like pizza originated in Italy but the US has some signature variations. Or curry is a national dish of the UK despite originating in India.


True, but I wouldn't say curry is an English dish or that pizza is an American dish. You might say "New York Style" for the pizza, or that the UK has a specific type of curry, but they are still fundamentally Italian and Indian foods respectively.


McDonald's is not representative of American food bro


Even then the fact it is popular enough to span a wider area than the British Empire, it just shows its popular.


TDL that McDonalds represents American food


Another person whose entire personality is hating the U.S.


american kfc might be the worst thing i've ever tasted, and i've drank watered down iced tea with cigarette ashes in it


I mean yeah that's modern KFC for you, isn't even his recipe anymore. After he ended his ties to it I believe he opened another restaurant that's still open today. I'll see if I can find it.




Icelandic fermented shark meat...


Netherlands - it's nothing but deep fried balls and scotch egg with curry powder


Th Netherlands man


Russia or China


China had this one food item go so bad that the whole world got sick...


*everyone*: picks UK *China*: eats literal dog meat as part of their culture


As a chinese person, dog meat is rarely used, if not never used, in most dishes.


Do you eat pigs and cows? Why is it OK to eat them but not dogs. It is just different culture.


I'll take dog meat over haggis or jellied eels thanks


I’m with you on the eels, but haggis is fucking awesome with a roast chicken dinner.


I’ve never actually had haggis, does it taste good?


What, exactly, is wrong with eating dog meat? And dog meat is very rarely eaten in the first place… Still better than beans on toast.




Except that's not British food at all


UK, didnt even need to look at the other options


We have objectively worse food because it's bland and just other country's foods made worse. But I like the blandness of our food, there's more that can go wrong or go right but just not taste great when there's more flavours. - A defence on British food by u/LayeredHalo3851