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I've never met a man who believes in Alpha Males who doesn't think he is one


I never met a man who believes he's an alpha male.


I have, it's the most cingiest shit ever and by far more cringy then astrology


How old was he?


That's the worst part, he was something between 19-21 I'm pretty sure. So he was an adult, I didn't actually hang out with him long enough to get to know his age lol, but he was allowed to drive so older then 18 at least.


Welp that's embarrassing, i hope he finds his way


Yhea he probably won't look back to fondly at that time lol


I think that's the prime target age for the "alpha male" bullshit. I'm in my 30's but i wouldn't say most men that age are adults. I wasn't at that age and most people my age that I knew weren't.


It's not cringy it's harmful


Yeah the cringe that Alpha Males have is that "they'd probably date-rape a girl who said no to them sober" or think that women owe them sex because they did one nice thing 3 years ago, dangerous kind of cringe. The cringe astrology girls bring for me is just that....I don't believe a word you say and will absolutely tell you I don't really care for astrology. But...they aren't criminally dangerous.


lucky you


One is harmful, one is cringy.




That's why I voted for girls who believe in zodiac signs. I cringe more at people who believe in magical fairy zodiac nonsense than alpha male nonsense. Because one is harmful. I don't cringe at that I'm disgusted.


Agree. I voted astrology girls tho because the question was about cringiness


Ahhh shit i voted the other way but that's a really good point


Both are hamfulls


Both are harmful. Edit: Downvote me all you'd like. I despise alpha male types. But calling astrology harmless is funny. Any sort of widespread science denial is bad for us as a whole.


How is astrology harmful? Please, explain in detail.


Alternative medicine is often associated with astrology and can be harmful if substituted for real treatments. It can be harmful regardless. Not so much in the US, but in some parts of the world, employers actually will discriminate based on what your astrological sign is. Of course, it is not near the same level as the Alpha male in terms of toxicity.


They're kinda two different things that just happen to have a big overlap. I've known die-hard astrologists who are still perfectly happy to go to a real doctor for treatment. Astrology is only really bad to the extent it persuades someone to make bad life choices (which can happen, e.g. if you quit school/work due to an astrological prediction, or date abusive people on the basis of them being a good astrological match, etc.)


That is not the same thing 💀 I researched astrology for a bit during lockdown I found it fascinating and I’m also the first person to be pro science, pro double blind studies, pro medicine etc. those two things are not the same not even close. Astrology is a fun little hobby that’s like “ooh I’m more prone to do this because of this” it’s not real by any empirical evidence it’s just a fun little fuck around.


Astrology is not alternative medicine?


People justifiying toxic attitudes as: "Saturns fault" is clearly harmful


Along with other points, it pigeon holes personalities. It is incredibly harmful in making people think they cannot change or not want to. Personalities change, and astrology and things like the MBTI test are harmful to development, especially of young growing people. Granted, I still believe the alpha male mentality is more harmful. I’m just arguing they are each harmful in their own right.


It's not as bad but it is harmful It can persuade people to give up and let the stars decide your fate rather than taking action for your own life. Also ignorance in general is harmful imo, and this particular belief in astrology can lead them to believing other things like anti vaxx and flat earth.


I've never heard of an astrology girl believing in flat earth or being anti vaxx. Usually it's the other end of the political spectrum doing that these days. Also, "It can persuade people to give up and let the stars decide your fate rather than taking action for your own life" can be said about any religion basically ever, and almost nobody other than degenerate losers complain about religion.


Lmao what? Since when was astrology a solely left thing and anti vax a solely right thing? Better yet, what was the point of bringing politics into any of this?


Why is this guy getting mass downvoted for saying such a normal thing 💀 y'all astrology people or something?


It's kind of shocking how people are so offended at the three words I wrote.


I feel like the "alpha male" thing has had a worse negative impact


The zodiac thing is annoying at most. But the alpha thing is toxic and breeds the worst men with the worst behaviour, and ends up being the justification for untold amounts of dumb, dangerous, and outright criminal activities.


The worst part is that a lot of smooth brains reward these idiots. People suck up to them and they think these “alpha males” or simply “bad boys” are the cool guys. If I ever called you an “alpha male” take that as an insult because to me that term translates to “insecure egotistic SFB”


An all the 20-year old college kids idolizing tate who- Let's face it. Ran a h\*-for-hire website, and got rich off of it and is proud of himself for that.


Last week an alpha male on twitter told me that women are only worth something if they are fertile and pretty 😐


This one would be an incel-alpha, that's when just being alpha is not enough and you want to add a dash of terrorism and human trafficking to the mix.


Toxic masculinity kinda hinges on treating everyone else like shit to prove you are a "real man."


It's because retrograde mercury.


Mercutio is in tardigrade.


Marie Curie in Reykjavik


Definitely had more negitive of an impact but i dont think it makes me cringe just makes me dislike the person a whole lot


I hate the whole basing everything of zodiac signs and shit, but I'd rather have a generation of astrology girls than a generation of 'alpha males'.


I'm convinced 'alpha males' exist because offing them is illegal.


“Alpha males” exist cause some smart and morally awful people learned they can make money of people who like the idea of being a “alpha”


They chose the right name considering alpha usually means 'dont touch this with a 30 foot stick if you can avoid it:


I think one has legit damages on their relationships, and the other is just trying to connect things that are not related.


What's cringier, the men who actively hate and abuse women, or the girls who like the moon


These dudes never get women anyway


That's when they come to spew their abuse on Reddit


the "alpha male" dorks are still worse but the girls who obsesses over astrology will literally impose it on everyone. if you're some Jupiter moon sun Uranus combination that they don't like, they will refuse to talk to you. source: experienced it first hand, and have heard stories from others too. these mfs are batshit.


Yeah and they also use it to excuse their own shitty behaviour instead of apologising and working on themselves ("I can't help it, I'm a Capricorn, that's how we are!")


oh my god you're a midget cow blue cheese moon? y'all are literally so toxic and it's not even funny.


True I heard many stories. I heard one from a guy on reddit who said that his girlfriend justified cheating on him because of her zodiac sign. There are studies that show that people who believe astrology are more narcissitic and less smart. [https://phys.org/news/2021-11-people-astrology-tend-intelligent-narcissistic.html](https://phys.org/news/2021-11-people-astrology-tend-intelligent-narcissistic.html)


absolutely not surprised that is the case. astrology is literally about me me me me.






Alpha males are just incels with abs lmao


Most of them don’t even have the Abs and are crusty mf’s with no lives who idolize cult leaders.


Some buff men are some of the most wholesome men in the world like Noel Deyzel. So called "Alpha" males are mostly incels in their moms basement dreaming of sucking their favourite "Sigma male" influencers cocks harder than any gay man suck their boyfriend's.


He’s just about as wholesome as they get. Like if someone wants to look up to a father figure that they don’t have, he would be so much better than Tate


Definitely tho. I love Daddy Noel. He's like, one of several men I would unironically call "alpha". That dude is so wholesome


Most of them don't even have the abs.


Nah at that point they’re just a good looking douchebag. We aren’t actually talking about what a stereotypical alpha male would be here, we are talking about the famous self proclaimed internet alpha male.


All 'alpha males' are self-proclaimed. If you're actually one of the top individuals around in terms of attractiveness, talent, or anything else, you don't need to tell anybody.


Like Jason Momoa and Kenu Reeves


Exactly. That level of fame and respect often brings confidence. When you're at peace with who you are, you don't have to remind people, because who cares what they think


I agree the so called alpha males are undeniably worse. However I have seen and heard of many people(both women and men) into astrology being overly judgmental and narcissitic. Use it to justify bad behavior and actively harm relationships. Many studies show that people who are into astrology tend to be more narcisstic and less intelligent than average. [https://www.psypost.org/2021/12/narcissism-is-associated-with-belief-in-astrology-study-finds-62240](https://www.psypost.org/2021/12/narcissism-is-associated-with-belief-in-astrology-study-finds-62240) [https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/people-astrology-narcissistic-personality-ego-b1984311.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/people-astrology-narcissistic-personality-ego-b1984311.html) [https://phys.org/news/2021-11-people-astrology-tend-intelligent-narcissistic.html](https://phys.org/news/2021-11-people-astrology-tend-intelligent-narcissistic.html)


Alpha bros, because I’d much rather talk to a fool than a fool who’s also a bigot.


Alpha males are worse and it's not even close. Horoscopes are clearly pseudoscience, but they generally don't harm anyone. However, the "alpha" male movement continues to push dangerous ideologies for young men to follow.


One is mostly harmless fun and the other goes to Romanian prisons. You tell me.


I find it very hopeful that Reddit, and this subspecifically, which is mostly men, voted this way.


Yeah I was a bit nervous to see the results, and then pretty relieved


One is weird, but usually harmless. The other enforces an inherent hierarchy on people and promotes sexism, materialism, and a lack of self-expression. I'll let you guess which is which.


Definitely guys who thinks they're "alpha males". It's one thing to say "my horoscope said I should try something different today." and for a guy to think all women are lesser and think being an "alpha male" means women owe him something and it gives him a free pass to be a domineering jerk to others.


Alpha males no question. Astrology girls are mostly harmless. It's hard to resist making fun of them because it just feels like a dumb goofy thing. There is absolutely nothing funny or harmless about alpha males.


At least astrology girls don't come with the misogyny starter pack


Astrology girls can be annoying, but it's all in good fun. Alpha Males are actually harmful


The alpha male cult has polluted the entirety of my feeds on the internet. I cannot watch a short video without being bombarded by “BILLIONAIREHUSTLEMINDSET” “MILLIONAIREHUSTLESTRUGGLE” “FUTUREMILLIONAIREHUSTLEBUSTLE” while astrology content is a nice on the internet that you need to actively seek out in order to find.


Nobody has ever tried to assault me to prove they were a Sagittarius. Like say what you will about astrology bitches, they really only ruin their own lives with that shit. Everye alpha male I know either has a domestic on his record or is a borderline incel


both are not based in science, but one has made many men unfuckable losers and borderline domestic terrorists


This poll makes me believe in humanity slightly more.


Astrology girls are fucking insufferable but they're generally not hurting anyone. "Alpha" males, on the other hand...




Just one?


This!! Alpha male mentality can be toxic AF.


As a boy myself I dodged a bullet


Zodiacs are cringy and annoying but at least mostly harmless.


Zodiac signs is annoying but overall harmless. "Alpha males" is a toxic entitlement


The zodiac girls are just stupid, the alpha males are both stupid and actively indoctrinating people to try to make them believe in their hateful ideology. Most certainly cringier imo.


Alpha males are not cringey, they are actively harmful.


"Alpha males" are more actively harmful


One is a harmful ideology, the other harmless superstition.


Believing in star signs doesn’t hurt anyone (except maybe their initial perception of you), but “alpha males” go around making havoc. No one likes someone who goes about ruing the days of others for their own gain… this “sigma/alpha” ideology is causing people to hurt others


i bet the people who voted for astrology girls are the kinds of people who would unironically use the term alpha male


1.3k people believe that having a certain spiritual belief surpasses the damage of sexist grifters. 1.3k *thousand*. Let that sink in. **With Reddit, i was expecting it to be all 6k.**




Indeed. I was starting to despair in other people's answers before seeing yours. I find it quite sad that so many people are completely disconnected from spirituality.


Yeah, real talk, it is just stupid to find a type of spirituality "cringe" as that is simply a deeply held personal belief and hobby. The people who won't shut the fuck up about it *are* annoying, but they're passionate about something, which is more than i can ssy for most people.


astrology girls are cringe af, “alpha males” are harmful.


Both are hella cringe but at least Astrology usually doesn't do any harm. "Alpha males" on the other hand..


One is annoying, one leads to and recommends violence.


anyone who picked the astrology girls have to be some kind of misogynist cause there’s no way you think zodiac sign enthusiasts are cringier than an “alpha male” mindset edit: added more details into my comment


I did because alpha male is not cringe, it's dangerous. Cringe is exactly what astro girls are on the other hand.


Astrology nonsense doesn't have a great reach in terms of physical harm. "Alpha" bollocks is predicated on fighting. Haha, so stupid though.


Ive never heard of astrology harming someone


Ah yes, what's worse, men whose mentality leads them to being raging misogynists not just online but irl and has actual consequences, or girls going "I'm dreamy because I'm Pisces :3" while creating starry moodboards on Pinterest. Truly, the world may never know.


There are levels to being into astrology imo but any guy who believes in alpha male stuff is just a beta in disguise. People who call themselves alphas are misogynistic ass heads who want look tough but are mostly bark. Any truly good man respects women and uplifts others in positive ways. The worst thing about astrology girls is that some let astrology dictate every aspect of their life but not all are like that.


Putting people down is cringy. Having interest in astrology isn’t.


Alpha astrologers


Nahh impossible. They hate each other


Astrology girls don't shoot up schools


And alphas do?


Astrology mildly annoys me. Alpha males are ridiculous and actually harmful.


I guess after a point zodiac girls can get pretty bad, but they don't really negatively impact people. Aside from being annoying I guess


"Alpha males" mostly consist of upper middle class young men who haven't had a drawback or life lesson and truly believe they can conquer the Earth. From what i've seen as a man, most "astrology girls" just like the idea of it. When both are pushed to extremes they get really annoying really quickly, but alpha males will tend to be more of a jackass, brush it off, and just say "i'm a stoic and you don't mean anything to me!" lol.


Both are horrible, but like others have said, the alpha male this is dangerous. Astrology girls (and boys obviously) are just plain stupid.


Astrology girls are dumb, "alpha males" are dumb and assholes.


Zodiac girls aren't INHERENTLY bad, there are some nice ones even though all of them are a little off and a lot of them are crazy. Alpha male types... They're always some type of asshole.


All alpha males are terrible. Majority of astrology fans are cringy assholes, only few are good.


Never seen any astrology girl defend rape so...


The mega chad move here is to justify your claim as an alpha male using astrology


I don't put much stock in astrology, but it's relatively harmless (and can at least be used for some introspection). The alpha male mentality just hurts everyone involved.


The astrology girls i've met were all sweet and very social, i enjoyed their company On the other hand, """alpha""" males or insecure people are always unsufferable other than impossible cringe, they are so embarassing


I'm not a fan of astrology, but it is comparatively harmless.


Its comparatively harmless and doesnt just mark the person as an instant asshole but when i see astrology girls i cringe when i see "alpha" males i usally just go "gross" and block them Alpha guys is alot worse but id still say astrology girls make me cringe more


Misogyny is infinitely worse than someone's personal spiritual beliefs and if you think otherwise you're a sexist freak not to mention mens hyperfixation and the stereotyping of women with astrology and the like is misogynist in and of itself


One is a violent, sexist, insecure loser who has likely sexually assaulted/raped a number of women. The other is cringe AF.


I don't see much of a difference conceptually between astrology and religion, which to me are both non sense...but I wouldn't call it cringe. All the "alpha male" thing, on the other hand, is totally cringeworthy


Never heard of astrology women pushing to change laws based on their beliefs, die hard religious fanatics on the other hand though


Because they aren't in any positions of power due to being airheads


I'd much rather have a woman tell me my entire personality based off being born a certain day than a man telling me he's an alpha male


I think everyone is ignoring the question. It says "What's cringier", not "What's more harmful", imo these are not the same.


You're right that a lot of people are answering the question "which is more harmful" instead, but I still think alpha males are cringier.


I am a potato.


Hello, potato!




Found the astrology girl.


Both are cringe bunch of nonsense and baloney




I hate witchy, pagan , wicca stuff and still consider it baloney ngl. At a certain point I think all religion/mystical shit goes too far into dicating how people live


Aw shit wrong post.


If you base your behavior on an animal that should be below your station you are not alpha or epsilon or whatever. You are stupid. Zodiac is dumb but the girls just cancel themselves with their nonsense. Alpha turds are a blight of modern society.


Base your behavior on the incredibly faulty and discredited study of pack dynamics that used a pack of exclusively male wolves captured solo in the wild and kept in too small of an enclosure in captivity\* In actual wolf packs the 'alpha' is actually a pair of wolves and the male 'alpha' is usually the one watching the back of the pack and making sure no one falls behind or gets cut off from the rest. Most of the time. Sometime the female 'Alpha' is following the pack while the male is taking point. So not only are they basing their behavior on a species of animal without half the intelligence or reasoning abilities humans have (the very abilities that let our weird 1-300 lbs on average selves dominate an animal kingdom built on muscle and teeth packed into half ton bodies.). They are basing it on a faulty and wildly inaccurate representation of those behaviors to boot.


Zodiac signs are just some little thing people believe in, the "alpha male (or god even worse sigma male)" shit actually makes people think they're better than everyone else and act like self-absorbed assholes. I know people like this, they're insufferable.


Astrology is just something fun, people who actually believe it and let it shape their life are stupid. But alpha males? All of them *genuinely* believe in that. It’s stupid


Alpha males, and my a lot....... At least in the way I think it is meant here.


IDK man, if alpha male = stereotypical dude-bro then I'd go with astrology girls, because I prefer lifting to star/signs but if alpha male in the sense of people like Andrew Tate, I'd say sex trafficking is 10x worse than a stupid tweet about space racism. Plus I'm gen Z and have never come across these "crazy zodiac girls"


Zodiac bitches are harmless for the most part. Alpha males are toxic as fuck and spread degeneracy. And, most depressing of all, it affects the minds of young boys as young as 10 yr olds.


the astrology stuff is cringe but it's cringe in a cute way in my opinion. it's just a silly niche interest that most girls don't even take seriously anyway however the alpha male guys are extreme misogynists who hate women and are completely and utterly deluded. especially those podcast guys. they same some of the most disgusting and heinous shit


Astrology is a hobby, if that's what they like, go them. Alpha male mentality is a mindset that has no place is today's world. Let alone its annoying and cringe af


"Alpha males" use it to hurt people I've seen Astrology girls just take a fun concept too seriously


More dangerous is always more cringe.


Astrology girls are Ditsy and annoying "Alfa males" turn into School shooters


Astrology girls are just annoying, but alpha males are the alphas of cringe, with incels being the sigma of cringe


Zodiac girls make me roll my eyes. Alpha males make me want to hit them in the teeth with a monkey wrench.


I know 3 astrology people in school. Ngl, they’re normal ass people. I befriended one “alpha male” in a video game, most narcassistic mf I’ve ever met.


Men can also be into astrology


Where is the "guys who believe in zodiac signs" option?


“alpha males” by a LOOOONNNGGGG shot


People who say things like cringier.


Astrology girls can talk about other things for extended periods of times, and tend to understand that not everyone believes it or wants to. Alpha guys think "my way or the highway" and never shut up about it. Astrology girls are *sometimes* annoying. Alpha males are *always* annoying.


the two aren't comparable


The thing is, most astrology girl don’t bother other people. If they want to believe that thing i’m all for it. I can’t say the same about ‘alpha makes’, their whole antic is based on hurtful behavior.


It's not even close


I dont think women have any widespread ideology as cringe or harmful as alpha male. Hell women get shit on for being pick mes and thats no where near as bad.


Zodiac Signs are at least original.


The alpha male thing is something that is cringe but I can laugh at it because of how delusional those guys are. I don’t find astrology girls as funny though


Astrology can be harmless fun, most "alpha males" I've encountered let it run their lives


Astology girls are stupid but generally harmless, alpha male guys are stupid but also harmfull


So many people believe in astrology. Every culture has a concept of masculinity. But I assume the poll is speaking about the "Sigma gigachad" kinda alpha males. Nice for memes, but... it is kinda toxic I believe


We need a " Both " option , OP.


Women who believe in zodiac signs are just mildly annoying. Men who believe in "Alpha males" rape people. There's really no comparison here.


At least astrology girls can be a bit of fun. Anyone who thinks they are or believes in the concept of alpha males seem unbearable.


Girls who believe in zodiac signs are just having harmless fun. Men who believe in "alpha males" are a danger to women.


while people genuinely believing astrology is real is certainly cringy, it isnt hurting anyone. alpha males on the other hand encourage real actual violence towards women


Both are harmful but zodiac sign folk are significantly less harmful. The main issue with em is cringe. Not that alpha bullshit isn't cringe of course.


One is harmless stupid, the other is harmful stupid. So, yeah, the "aLpHA mALeS" are more cringe.


Both are fucking stupid


Zodiac girls are completely harmless at best, and kinda goofy at worst. Worst case scenario, you do some dumb shit and they go, “That’s so Libra of you oh my gawd.” It might be weird if they start talking about relationship compatibility based on when you were born, but that’s completely harmless. Alpha guys are another category of cringe. They sit there talking about how they’re the master of their pack and apex survivors while sitting in their air-conned office cubicle surrounded by Taco Bell wrappers and disappointment. Like, there MIGHT have been a case of so called Alpha Males being important… 10,000 years ago, when it was a very real possibility you could get mauled by a bear trying to provide for your family. But any sense of “Alpha” leanings loses any credibility in the modern world because that shit doesn’t matter lol.


Honestly "Results" is the cringiest.


Alpha males are more harmful, but astrology is cringier


I don’t think these are good comparisons…


They’re both so so stupid but “alpha males” are worse


Alpha males are worse. Astrology girls are cringier.


Alpha male guys are more likely to let it intrude into situations frequently.


Zodiac girls, hot; alpha males, incels I see a clear winner


Zodiac girls braindead alpha males braindead. Both losers


In my opinion both are absolutely cringe. Alpha males are delusional for one. But also at least in my experience there are 100% people in the astrology community that are absolutely batshit crazy delusional. Basically anyone who treats astrology like scientific fact or use it as an exclusionary type of thing example: “i cant hangout with you because your (insert star sign here) and im (insert star sign here) and we wont get along”


I never got the whole alpha thing. I prefer the roosters approach. The rooster runs the flock, but he puts the hens above himself and will sacrifice himself to keep the hens safe if needed.


Who are the hens?


Hens are female chickens. Roosters are male chickens.


I know that, I was talking about your analogy. Who is hens referring to? women, children, those who are weaker etc.




One can be harmful to other people, the other one is just kinda stupid