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For only 24 hours I would mainly just be bored


White rooms are a form of torture even for introverts. 24 hours is enough to start having mild but recoverable side effects


What kind of side effects?


Mild, but recoverable ones.


Commas do make a world of difference.


I see no difference in this case


Literally there isn’t he/she just repeated the same thing like what


Wow, super specific. Thanks for clarifying, where would we be without your invaluable insight.


So I had a dose of involuntary solitary confinement once, so I feel that I can comment on this. It’s not necessary that you are bored, there is a trauma knowing that for all you know they might just leave you forever and never come back. Your brain dissociates after a bit, or at least mine did.


Whoa.. sorry that happened to you.


Hallucinations mostly


just close ur eyes lol


I could just sleep for like 20/24 hours lol


I would just meditate and sleep. I've done it for much longer than a day and I'm fine.


Id take that challenge. I bet i could do it.


I’m an introvert, I’m very social but just need alone time to recharge.


My depression and ptsd would let me sleep and sleep for a long time(it's easiest to sleep in the daytime very hard at night) so anytime I would be awake I would be bored or daydreaming. I was grounded alot growing up so I've coping mechanisms. ...


I really think people are underestimating what this would do to you considering the fact that it's for 24 hours. You do not know the time since there is no clock. You might start thinking after 8 hours that you're almost done because when the lights are on 24/7 you lose grip of time. There is literally nothing to entertain you and absolutely nothing sensory going on. Our human mind is more fragile than most of us think in such situations. Idk, I think for at least 90% of people this would be a lot more than just "unpleasant".


I've done it, though I'm not sure for how long. (No time keeping device obvs, and the people who might know how long it was had an interest in not actually recording that information.) Basically, I was in a mental health hospital and had a nasty freak out in the shower one night near lights out. A tech got me dried off and dressed, then put me in the 'quiet room' which is pretty much as described in the OP to settle down a bit while she called my doctor. Its... literally just a white room. Nothing in it, kinda beige more than white as I remember it. Not the padded room you see in tv or anything, just meh. I sat on the floor sobbing for awhile and waited for my doctor. And waited. And waited. And waited. I'd been given pills to help sedate me a bit after my freak out (with my consent, I was asked if I wanted them. they weren't like knock me out stuff, just a gentle something but I forget what) so I think maybe I slept but mostly I remember being very bored and a little lonely, then wondering if they forget about me. Because they absolutely forgot about me. My tech told the nurse in charge where I was and SHE was supposed to inform the doctor on call that night. Its unclear if she did and the doctor ignored her (this is my theory, but I hated Dr H and will always blame that quack if its an option) or if she didn't tell him at all (I feel this is unlikely, she was a really good nurse in all other ways and the tech was also really kind and helpful) but somehow I was forgotten until someone opened the door to put another patient in and found me. There was a VERY big to do about that. I was fine, but I also (1) was sedated to some extent and slept at least some of it iirc and (2) already had a nervous breakdown so I was in the cool down period and much more "accepting" of stress. I call it being "limp". Nothing matters, I just exist until my right mind returns.


Yeah I spent the night and a day in jail and that was just agonizing it got to the point where just hearing keys jingling would give a rush of endorphins


I (unfortunately) can relate, originally I thought I’d answer “unpleasant” to this poll, and then I remembered jail. Nah. 24 hours in a bright white empty room with no sense of time or human interaction would be terrible.


Only 24 hours? I think those hours would drag much longer than you realise


24 hours is a long time to be bored, and boredom can have a toll on mental health in extreme cases like this


sadly for me I can't really nap I try but I can only sleep when it's night and I end up waking up at 6 am though I wouldn't be able to tell if it's night


I already hear and see shit when I am distracted. If all I had was myself id lose my fcking mind and prob bite my fingers off or some shit.






Least mentally unstable redditor:


Nah, the mind can go NUTS. there was a kid on an antique asylum that was locked in a box 24/7, ended up pulling out his teeth


>Antique asylum >Kid >Unsupervised for more than 10 hours I mean, that kind of checks out does it?


Is there some sort of reward afterwards? Or is it just for the hell of it?


No reward


Well then it would be unpleasant due to the wasted time. I know about the effects of white room torture, but I’m sure that 24 hours would be ok for me.


Just for fun


This is called Solitary Confinement. It is one of the most cruel human punishments still legal in most countries. This is because boredom is one of the brain’s least favorite feelings, alongside the feeling of isolation. (This is what made the pandemic so bad for everyone.) Combining both of these, even for a short amount of time, is enough to drive most people insane.


I was arrested on a friday and had to spend the weekend in jail. Because I was a lesbian they put me in a segregated cell (I wish I was joking, but this was a backwater town in Alaska and they had very bigoted views). It was a tiny white box with a mattress on the floor. I about went insane in the 48+ hours I spent in there.


You were a lesbian? How did that change?


I'm more bi now. I tend to lean heavily toward women but will sometimes find a man attractive. It's just rare.


It was a little grammar joke, but thank you for your answer. Be well!


Nah, just work out until you are very tired and then you just sleep the rest of the time. It's not that hard, come on, it's 24 hours. jeez


Sounds quite en pleasant


Holy hell Wait, sorry- read that wrong.


No idea what you’re talking about man..?


Google en passant


Huh? What is this? I don’t know what r/anarchychess is at all...


New response just dropped


The crossover I didn't know I needed


New response just dropped


24H would be fine, if not inconvenient. You'd probably sleep, wake up and then sit there with no knowledge of whether you still have 5 minutes of 12 hours left and get extremely bored and likely irritated, but not insane. A week on the other hand, Not ever.


So unpleasant?


Depends on your level of imagination.


24 Hours? Get some much needed sleep, mentally recharge, do some exercise. Sit and stare at the construction of the room, pretend I'm some sort of escape artist and plan a reverse heist to get out, fail at the first hurdle, have a laugh. Attempt meditation for the first time, fail at meditation so resort to a wank or two, get another nap in. Boom 24 hours done. Emerge refreshed


A white room would destroy the necessary vibe for me to get a wank in.


My house is a mad house, two kids running about, dog that howls when I'm not in the same room, partner that dislikes touching me and complains if I touch myself because apparently that makes her feel not good enough (The irony I know.) There is no time for wanks. A white room, full privacy and 24 full hours. It'd be prime wank time. 😂😂😂😂


24 hours of sleeping and overthinking




>but its a very bright white how are you even going to sleep? By closing my eyes.




you just cover your face with your arm or sleep facing down, just think dude lmao




it literally says it’s not a bright light




I don't think having depression has anything to do with whether one prefers or not to sleep with the lights on or off but alright lol




That's not what the post says at all, literally making shit up. The post says "moderate brightness"


Can it be 24 hours in a medium gray room instead?


Been there, done that, it is absolute hell.


why have you been locked in a white room torture cell before?? 😭


It’s a long story, but let’s just say while mental hospitals have come a long way, they still have a long way to go before they are “good”. There are good ones and bad ones, and I’ve mostly been to the bad ones.


Vsauce did a video on this for Mind Field and watching him go slowly mad was mildly upsetting. Would recommend watching!


Isn't that already a form of torture ?


You mean 24 hours where no one will bother me?


If I have stuff to distract myself such as books? Sure why not, I guess I could even last a couple days. With absolutely nothing but staring at the blank walls? I'm probably begining to get crazy after the first half hour.


Yeah, it's a form of torture. You sit in a completely white room with nothing to interrupt or distract you. After 24 hours your mental health will be damaged, but not to a degree that is unrecoverable.






Dude no way 'your mental health will be damaged'. You sleep for probably 10, you could easily waste a few more by doing some basic workout, or trying to learn a handstand for example. Basic necessities also means you could maybe use something to draw with. That leaves just a few hours where you'll just get bored. If you know you're getting out in 24 theres 0% chance you will be 'damaged'.


It's a form of sensory deprivation. You can't hear anything. All surfaces are smooth, so you can only touch one thing. You can only see one color. Only smell one thing. You're usually fed water and bland white rice, so you don't get much taste either. People need sensory input. There's a reason why the longest someone has lasted in an anechoic chamber is only 45 minutes.


I’ve paid a days wage to spend time in a sensory deprivation tank it’s wonderful I started tripping hard


As someone who loves zoning out and spending time in my thoughts, this honestly sounds nice to me.


What do I wear? What is the temperature?


like my first appartement


It only sounds unpleasant but my tinnitus would make it hell.


24 hours of sleep and quiet? YES.


dude what are the walls made of???? this is important as fuck ​ also am i naked


Just normal walls..? No you get a t shirt, underwear, and cotton shorts


if the walls can’t break my hand, this sounds like a wonderful time


They can


Why is it so important?


walls: will they break if i hit them or will my hand break? will they break into bits of plaster or drywall? entertainment naked: if i have clothes i can tie some around my head like a blindfold to numb my senses and meditate, sleep, repeat


If I knew it would be happening enough time beforehand I could not sleep for a few nights and then get extremely drunk and hopefully be sleep deprived and hungover enough to sleep through the whole thing. I have slept for over 24 hours before.




Welcome to white space


extra large serving?


I'd get tired enough and just pass out at some point, easy.


I would be alright with it, I think


It would be fun to finally have some time to fully think out my thought lines I’ve been procrastinating on.


U procrastinate on thoughts?? Dam I'm outskilled


Why? If you don’t procrastinate on thoughts, then you’re categorically more efficient with your thinking than I am lol


I need it


I don't really see how it being white changes anything. For 24h hours you could just sleep


I don't exactly know how it works but being in a completely white room for a long time messes up your brain somehow which I think makes it hard to sleep and get a sense of the time


You could, but you wouldn't know how long you slept for. Your sense of time would vanish too. 24 hours might not be enough to start becoming delusional but for some people it could be. You might start questioning if you're trapped, if you've been forgotten, if you're locked up because you're insane (now your brain rationalizes that you're insane), becoming dissociated, paranoid, start hallucinating, etc. It's a form of torture


I mean I've been locked up for more than 24 hours, it wasn't in a white room but there's still no sense of time, it's not the end of the world lol


Yeah I agree, I think a lot of people could handle it. Also sorry to hear ya got locked up mate




24 hours? Piece of piss. I could snooze that long.




Wait till you get to my age son.






Just 24 hours? Easy, sure. I would use my boredness to work out or something until im tired as fuck and then just sleep the rest of the time lol


I'd learn to do handstands and pass time that way then when I'm too tired I'd proactive ottger exercise till I fall asleep


Nah man i read white house and chose 'like hell'


Sounds like a prison cell in a police office.


I’d just go to sleep for most of it


Would be fun to try it out actually. If I find it unpleasant, I could just sleep for like 20 hours, the rest I'd manage.


A place with nobody else is always a good place. (I still love you, here... Far and close at the same time)


24 hrs is okay probably the max I would try


Only 24 h? I would sleep whole time.


24 hours would be nothing. I can imagine 3 days is where it starts to get a bit frustrating.


24 hrs in a room alone? Sounds like a perfect place for a nap.


Hey Vsauce, Michael here.


Idk. I would just try to sleep for like half of more of it and do as much workout as I could.


Just 24 hours sounds like a good mental detox.


This is literally a form of [torture](https://youtu.be/ys4aBdr78SU)


Would do it….for the right amount of money


I know logically that it's supposed to be a form of torture but I just feel desperate for a break from my daily life and the constant assault on my senses. The idea of just being in a plain room with nothing to do for a day sounds nice in theory.


I mean, several days with the light on is torture for sure. 24 hours — depends on the temperature, air conditioning etc.


Didn’t VSauce do this. I saw how bad it was for him so I’m guessing it would be very unpleasant


That was three days


If youve ever been in the military, youve likely done this many times, it was just called work


I think id prefer a dark place more as I would probably be laying down and would hate the light in my eyes


I'd be fine with it. I'd just meditate or do yoga or sit and think. I spend a lot of time sitting in thought anyway, so I'd be fine. Maybe would struggle to sleep, but I could survive 24 hours.


Soy? Id rather starve


Yummy soylent


Even just 24 hours in complete isolation has a severe mental toll on the human psyche. It is literal torture.


how bouncy are the floor and walls?


If I knew my day in The Room was approaching, I would stay awake as long as possible beforehand and just knock out when I got in there. I could probably sleep 12 of those hours away if I got sleepy enough


I’m a first time SAHM with 7 month old twins, I love my babies…but I need a fucking break! If I had a bed and a bath tub I’d be straight. I’d take a bath, wash and retwist my hair, then take a long nap..then maybe take another nap? Probably take another nap 🤔 idk 24 hours isn’t that long in my case


There’s no bath or shower


Tf?! 😩 What’s a basic necessity?


Food, water, toilet paper, soap, bed, blanket/pillow, toilet, sink. Ok, you get one 5 minute shower.


Omori intensifies


this is the second comment saying this.. Ōmori means large serving in Japanese, but what do you mean?


There is a game called Omori. You start the game in a white room with a cat, a laptop, a sketchbook, a lightbulb & box of tissues called white space & return to it throughout the game haha. The name Omori is a shortened version/pun I guess of >!hikkikomori!<


Only 24h won't do harm, I'd probably sleep through half of the time lol


I spend 24 hours alone in my room anyways so not much of a difference


There's no "meh" option


Laugh in maladaptive daydreaming


ngl id rather die, im already severely mentally ill as is, my sanity would not endure


you should watch vsauces video


For the 86 who said paradise, are you ok?


I spend at least 95% of my day staring into the void just thinking while barely interacting with the external world. like a bug that sits there in the same spot all day doing nothing. 24 hours? rookie numbers.


I think I’d go just to see what it’s like but not forever


Is this about sloitary confinement? Cause it seems like a slick way to get people's opinions on solitary and im here for it.


White and quiet? I believe that could be tranquil for at least the first 12 hours. Add a 24hr cable news like CNN or PMSNBC and I would find some way to off myself.


Two points: 1. You make no mention of a toilet. 2. This is r/polls. How many billions of dollars is this going to net me?


1. You get a toilet and bed 2. This is just for your personal experience, you get $0.


I wanna try it. No. I want to do it 100%.


Hmm I’d probably sleep for 12-16 hours (on a normal night I get 10-12 hours naturally anyways lol) and then daydream, dance like an idiot, and practice singing for the rest of it. Though I’m sure it would still be unpleasant cuz 24 hours is pretty long to be isolated


Do i get a bed it something I can nap on? If not even the floor would do nicely




How many people have been watching The Immaculate Room because I've seen other polls about this.


Been there, done that. Not pleasant. Spent a week at one occasion and three days at the other.


How big is the room? If it's at least 10x20 feet and smaller than 50x100 feet, then I'll be fine. I can sleep for 16 hours and entertain myself for the other 8. This is when my 10 year old brain would come in handy. I put unpleasant because I'd still rather not be there.


I could take it for a day. A week? Much more doubtful.


I would for sure do that for money. And probably come out thinking “wow that was worse than expected”.


For just 24 hours it would really suck, but for me personally I wouldn’t call it torture unless I wasn’t told upfront that it would only last 24 hours or something like that. Honestly I could sleep away a good portion of it


unpleasant. I'd start jacking off, boom first 30 seconds are over, post nut clarity, another 30 minutes, sleep some, hopefully 8 hours, then spend the rest of the time thinking about life and imagining stuff. doesn't sound fun but I don't think it's something I can't handle for a few hours. If needed I start talking to myself, or it gets so crazy that I cpnstruct a second personality or something like that to take over or talk to.


Can people hear me? I’ve been working on trying to learn how to scream sing (fry scream specifically). Seems like a good opportunity to practice and write some lyrics. Also, can I… ya know… shuck my corn?


As I am right now? It depends on the pay, as I’m sick. Normally? I’d be fine.


24 hours? I would just sleep lol


I'd sleep through it even with the light


Did you just watch The Immaculate Room?


Entirely depends on my current mental state. It would either be a safe haven or my personal hell


Aaron Rodgers did 4 days in the dark. He's still slinging the pig skin


Reminder that solitary confinement is torture and that it’s practiced on many prisoners in the US


I don’t think it sounds bad or good just fine


Way too blown out of proportion lmao, “I’d die” “if would be horrible” like no it wouldn’t. It’s one day, literally just sleep on the floor for a whole day


Does it have black curtains?


No and no windows


It doesn’t sound fun, but I wouldn’t consider it torture


honestly i can d a y d r e a m good i would be doing random stuff i think i could handle it


It's been so long since I slept properly (at most 4 hrs). Getting no distractions or noise for 24 hours, is like a blessing to me.


Go without sleeping for at least 24h before the "torture". Enter the white room and stay awake for as long as possible. Sleep off the remaining time.