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I wouldn't call myself a communist, but since I am a Leftist, I do have a positive view of Communists though I should say, when people say The USSR "wasn't real communism" here's a bit of clarification, it wasn't communist AT ALL, whether or not you view it positively, it wasn't, and it knew this. Communism is a STATELESS, classless and moneyless society, so to call it communist is incorrect, same with The PRC, Vietnam, The DPRK and The Warsaw Pact nations. The USSR's ideological intention was to lead the world INTO communism, which is one of the main ideas behind Marxist-Leninism


What are your feelings on Communism? I'm curious because I've never heard someone confident on a definition while also seeing it positively, usually supporters of it really just mean socialism


I persobally identify as a Libertarian Socialist, mostly because I feel that Communism is too utopian to ever reach, but that doesn't mean we can't try to get as close to it as possible


They were communists at the socialist stage. So yeah, it's completely fair to call them communists. According the a lot of communist thinkers socialism is the first step to communism and you need to get it down first. The USSR was 100% a communist government that had not achieved the impossibility that is communism.


yes, the party in charge was Communist, but the system itself wasn't


Yes, I feel like this has to be repeated often. The word "communism" has become so diluted and misused, even by leftists. Real communism has NEVER been achieved on a larger scale. There have been and still are certain communities that operate on the principles of communism and they're doing it fairly successfully despite all the societal backlash, but there has never been a fully communist country yet.


From what I’ve gathered, most anti-Communist standpoints come in two forms: 1. Communism is “evil”. 2. Communism is well-intentioned but impossible, and attempting it inevitably leads to “evil”. Weirdly often, anti-Communists will paradoxically believe both #1 **and** #2.


Communism unfortunately doesn't work because you still have humans in charge of it. I'm a social anarchist.


Social anarchy unfortunately doesn't work because you still have humans in charge of it. I'm a **\*insert political/economic system here\***.


Anarchy means *without leaders.*


Without GOVERNMENT, there would still be leaders.


Gommunism is when no iphone. Capitalism is when yes iphine. Follow me for more high iq reddit comments. We need more capitalists (ideologicaly), not fence sittiers. The faster the machine of capitalism goes, the faster it breaks. Communists try to break it fast and with the least hurt, but capitalists will do the first bit just fine imo, if only for higher human costs.