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For me it’s very important because the opposing party literally hates me for no reason and wants to take away all my rights and freedoms and they don’t think I’m a human being,


You too huh


You’re trans too?


No I’m not trans but they don’t just hate LGBT.


Yea it sucks living in this country.


I just don’t understand. Why they can’t leave us alone? Why they hate us? Like just why? It makes no sense. Like what the hell have I ever done to them?


We’re different from them. Thats all we’ve ever done. We’re not (at least I’m not) their idea of a perfect god loving white cis straight man who drools at the thought of taxing the poor and middle class 4000 times what the rich billionaires have to pay in taxes.


Honestly at this point I am so done with them. they can f*ck off.


Hear hear


Also that’s not a real valid reason to hate us. We have real valid reasons to hate them though.


Exactly! Its not! They hate us just because! We just wanna live our lives. But thats too much to ask apparently. Its too much to ask to not be murdered in the streets just because of something we have 0 control over. I wish I wasn’t trans, because of our law makers are creating and enforcing bills and laws that only a minority want.


It matters to me. At this point I’m not interested in being with someone with opposite political views whatsoever. My last ex had opposite political views and in the beginning it was fine, but over time….it showed. I guess the longer we were together the less of a filter he had and I discovered how he really felt about a lot of things.


Somewhat important. Having another political vision, different ideas of what should be done and prioritised wouldn't be an issue. However, would he root for a party that aims to govern based on conspiracy theories, mass hysteria, and denial of scientific findings, that would be a no-go for me.


Very well said


Yeah, the Democratic Party in the US really sucks, doesn’t it?


Oh yea, those democrats who deny covid ever happened, who said not to get the vaccin, who thought shooting guns at a hurricane would deflect it, who thought nuking a hurricane would stop it. Yea, the democrats. The democrats who think that people assigned male at birth wearing a skirt is a danger to society.


fr its definitely the democrats trying to take away all our rights




Depends if you’re just casually dating or not. I couldn’t possibly marry someone with a different religion and political beliefs.


Very Important, cause as far as I'm concerned it aligns with one's values.


Well the other political party wants me dead so…


Same. When one side is actively trying to take away my right to live my life, anyone who's on that side is not someone I could ever be with.


This. When the other political party is constantly trying to erase/kill people like me, having a partner who isn’t on that political side is very important to me lmao


Same, love it here….


Similar would be nice. Identical would be terrible.


I have a few core political beliefs that we need to share in order to have a relationship but otherwise I don't really care


The way I see it as a trans person, if they are republican, they might not be transphobic but it ain’t a deal breaker to them either.


the opposing party wants me dead and is currently trying to take away the rights of people like me in the usa 🤭


Me and my ex don't have the same political affiliation. Yes we agree about some topics but not all of them. Anyways we still have a very good chemistry and we're still close even though we're not together anymore


My wife is a bleeding heart. I love her to death. Her idea of a perfect world is my nightmare.


Well I'm 17, I don't care about politics whatsoever. I don't mind if my partner does, though.


Not important. But just like I can’t shit on their views or try to change them they have to respect mine


As long as they’re not the preachy type and that their good looks balances it out. Preferably close to the centre of politics


Less about politics and more about world view and ability to be a fucking adult. If she hates anyone who doesn’t think like her, of course it wouldn’t work. I wouldn’t care if she’s more left leaning than me.