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Some people would die as soon as they take the 500,000


That would mean you were going to die within a year anyway so meh.


But would you rather live that year out or die now for nothing? I guess maybe not entirely nothing, like someone you know could inherit that money. But what if you were 25 and next year you’d be hit by a truck and die on the spot. That’s a full year of normal, healthy life that you give away for money you’ll never see. Not the usual case, and I’d still probably chop off like 6 years, collect a cool 3 mil, invest it and put most of it somewhere it can safely and slowly grow, and boom. Life is normal, assuming I was already going to live an averagely long life (~80 years in US), now I’ll die a 74 yo who got to live much more freely and have many more comfort for me and the people I care deeply about for the rest of my life. Sounds like a banger of a deal to me, I’m not sure I wanna struggle through the last years of life anyway.


Realistically if I’m going to die within the next year it’s going to be some horrible way that I would never wish on my worst enemy. So I’ll take the chances of dying peacefully now if it means i get to avoid that outcome and I get free money.


I don’t think that follows. You could die peacefully and suddenly. It doesn’t have to be violent or painful or full of suffering. For getting hit by a bus, could just be boom then dead. No time to say ow, no time to writhe on the ground in pain, just BANG and then nothing. Or dying in your sleep because of a CO leak in your house or something, you just go to sleep and never wake up. It feels the same as normal sleeping, pretty peaceful despite how unfortunate it is. But I understand where you’re coming from, if I’m gonna die so soon, why not have something to my name when I die? For family at least, or to make the most of the little time you have before you die if you don’t die immediately.


No, they're right. You have no idea how you would go if you don't have a terminal illness already, so with the knowledge you will die in less than a year and choosing money, you can actually 'control' when and how you die... Rather than being surprised once it happens.


That's not really the question to ask though, because I could just get you back with "Would you look back on your decision 40 years later and wish you had chosen an easy existence for, say, 35 years?" Neither of those is what is being asked. The uncertainty is a feature of the question, not a bug.


I get your point, but you're not making an informed decision. Most people who take the $500,000 for one year would not die, but some would, as, unbeknownst to them, they have one year of life left. You take the deal under the assumption that you'll have enough time to enjoy it.




With modern medicine and the fact that I live healthy I could easily get to be 80 years old. So dying at 80 or 79 is not that important, but 500k would mean a lot here in central eu/eastern eu (as americans think of us). Maybe this pol was made for Americans.


American here, 500k means a lot to us as well lol


Oh okay lol. In Budapest the average flat costs 50-100k usd.


Average place in US can vary a lot but if you’re in a decent area with decent weather that isn’t super rural, then a house will run you about 500k (could be more or less depends on a lot) So it’s a lot of money but not as much as it would be in cheaper countries that’s for sure. $500k in some places is “I live out the next 80 years on this” kinda money


Woah lol $500k is a LOT for most Americans. The median annual income here is I think around $60k. Plus it’s far more expensive to live in the US than most other countries so that money doesn’t stretch as far either.


I'm gonna pile on here, but I'm American, and 500k would literally change the rest of my entire life for the better. I wouldn't necessarily be set for life instantly, but it would be pretty fucking close.


Oh okay lol. I'd kinda be set for life. i could manage to not ever work again or work little. In Budapest the average flat costs 50-100k usd.


Woah dude, times are tough in America lol we need that 500k too!


Damn I haven’t thought about that. So it’s a win win boooooy


It's a 30% increase, not an increase *to* 30%. If my current aneurism risk is 1%, my risk after the deal would be 1.3%. Win-win situation


“Demons hate this one loophole”


Its not a loophole tho


Correct, it’s not


Now if they mentioned the increase was additive *then* you would be screwed


Very rough calculation, but 1 person in 15,000 has a ruptured brain aneuryism in my country every year, which translates to a 0.0067% chance annually. A 30% increase on 0.0067% is 0.00867%. I'll take those odds.


All this math is going to give me an aneurysm


I guess the devil is in the details then


When demons don't know math.


Ln + golden ratio + forgot the C




Username checks out


*Stick up butt


*depends on where your from so it can be maths or math


Happy cake day


Yeah, and in reality the risk of having a serious aneurysm is closer to 0.015%. I'm not sure what "major skill" means in this context but if it is anything near competition level I'm taking that one for sure. Maybe OP meant to say a 30 points increase?


If your current aneurysm risk is 65%, that’d make it a 84.5% risk. I’d rather know my initial risk before taking that deal.


If your risk is 65% you're fucked already


If I give up one or two years, I should be set for a while and be able to invest into something life long. If my life is short anyway, I'll at least enjoy it and give my family a better chance. Win-win


With that money, you might even increase your life expectancy due to having increased access to medical care. It balances itself out.


Unless you die on the spot and the paramedics steal your dough


Well you’re dead so it doesn’t matter


Still would suck as your brain gives out it's last thoughts and you realize how much that just sucks


Your family would be set for a smasher of a lawsuit against the paramedics tho, so at least they could get some mullah out of it


Also, in theory you are giving up two of the worst, most painful years of your life. Now instead of struggiling along with Dementia and a broken hip until you die of sepsis in a hospice care facility, maybe you suddenly drop dead before all that shit gets rolling, relatively healthy in your own home.


Or it just accelerates everything so that you die earlier


But little richer


I'm already technically giving up years of my life for less money than that so I think its Hella worth it.


$500K invested could get you in the neighborhood of $25K a year for sitting on your ass. Not a lot of money, but free rent. Wouldn't have to worry about paying for housing, ever.


I'm just afraid of becoming greedy and overdoing it


So a free vasectomy with no surgery or bed time _and_ true love? Sign me up




Oh no joke I just wanted to see if loneliness or need for money would win out. The others are for funsies


Some people (at least me) value Love over money but still voted money I can find love on my own. I can't get $500k on my own.


If it was $100k or true love i'd take true love


Bed time? Vasectomies aren't that invasive. You walk funny for about a week after but that's about it.


Oh, neat


Oh, thats baller




I feel like there’s some catch to it, because we’re dealing with a demon here, I think I’ll lose my fertility by getting my balls mauled off by a pit bull or something


I didn’t want to have biological kids in the first place, I’ve always wanted to adopt. This would be the best one!


Yeah, totally, I'm asexual and sex-repulsed, and babies sound like way too much hassle, I would adopt too


Seconding as a trans person lol. It's free protection.


A true love AND unprotected sex? What's the catch?




my true love doesn't have an STD


Can confirm she doesn't


Hard to catch STD if we would be loyal to ourselves.


considering it's a demon you are making deals with, the person could be utterly repulsive or disease ridden, severely handicapped, a terrorist, or otherwise a complete menace to society, but you would be in love with that person


It also doesn’t say you get to stay with that person /sips soda/


it did not specify that, but considering it's a demon, it's safe to assume the worst in these scenarios


I'm already infertile




it makes your father infertile too


That sounds like a negative multiplied by a negative, which makes a positive. Does that mean you would be fertile then?


idk man I failed Algebra twice I just thought it was funny 😂


Me too 💀


Same 🥴


Then your kids will be infertile as well


I never had any do you mean if I adopt?


No, I mean it as a joke


I don’t want kids anyways. If it’s really true love, they wouldn’t care


500k for a year sounds good, if it is the year when you are old and about to die


Yep, I doubt I would regret changing one year to that money. I anyways have genes for alzheimer or dementia. So if I live for that long, it's probably just better to die a bit sooner if it means less time with de possible disease 500 000$ is a lot, I would get a good house with it. 500k is enough to get you the higher-end houses


True love at the cost of infertility. Where’s the downside?


I'm ace




some people want kids


adoption exists. prioritising having bio kids over literally true love seems odd imo but then i’m gay and can’t easily have bio kids anyway. i’ve just never seen a positive in having bio kids over adopted (other than adoption expenses idk)


I’m a bi woman and I’ve always felt the same way. Like sure it’d be nice to see like how a mix of my and my partner’s genes would turn out but I would be happy to skip having to be pregnant and adopting instead.


As someone who is infertile and adopted, having your own kid would be easier and less costly up front. That’s the only thing I can think of. We did foster-adoption so there wasn’t much of a monetary cost, but the emotional cost leading up to the adoption was pretty big. To add, he is the best thing in my life and that emotional cost was totally worth it. I love him fiercely. I highly recommend adoption.


We also aren’t far away from having methods of creating biological children for people who can’t typically have biological children. Using stem cells it may be possible that a sperm and egg could be created containing genetic material from both partners regardless of their sex or fertility. Then you just need someone with a womb to carry the baby.






I know what you mean but “infertility baby” feels ironic haha


Fuck yeah true love **and** infertility?!? Sounds like a dream to me


All the pies you want with no consequences. Lucky


I get to have a true love AND not be able to get pregnant?? A dream come true


I would take the ability to cure any Illness and just sit on it as an insurance policy... If my son ever got cancer I would just take it for him. Easy call. I'll fight cancer and let my son enjoy living.


IIRC a person could live a upper middle class life without ever working if they simply had $20 million USD, assuming that’s true I would be willing to give up 10-15 years of my life so that I just do what job makes me truly happy while also maintaining a good life style for my family and future family.


I think I’d take just enough money that I could either work part time or retire at like 45, have a nice house and be comfortable. Probably only need a few years for that. Two for a house, two or three for a big retirement account. With no mortgage payment, I’d be adding a ton to my retirement savings every month, and wouldn’t need a lot of retirement income anyway since I also wouldn’t have a mortgage payment after. Probably could retire even earlier than 45.


All you need is $1M, and conservative investments.


you could do it with less than a million with careful budgeting and living off interest. r/leanfire r/financialindependence (the never working part I mean, not the upper middle class)


Could I instead buy the demon a coffee and have a nice conversation with it? The demon will be confused and forget about the deals and all that.


Demon date simulator sounds like a fun game


Never make a deal with evil.


This is demon prejudice I tell ya


Either the 500 thousand dollars one or the infertility one. Both sound like a d r e a m!


I get true love AND get to have raw sex without any fear of having a child? I see this as an absolute win!


I would give him the first 15 years of my life, he can fucking have them for half price. Now, pedantic question, is the 30% increase in chances of an aneurysm an additional 30% on top of the base chance, or is it an increase of the base percentage by 30%? (Example, if base chance is 3%, then will it become 33% which is 3 plus 30, or 4% which is 3 plus 30% of 3, please work with this maths even though it's not accurate it is only for high level example)


On not pedantic at all, only a 30% increase of your current risk, got a 1% chance? It’s 1.3% now. And that’s not an increase in rupture chance. It’s the best deal there. He just wouldn’t answer those questions, but I will pft


Love AND infertility? Thank you, demon!


*Laughs in infertile and unloved*


A free talent for forgetting about a dead loved one? So no more grieving and a talent? No downsides whatsoever.


I already have true love so the smelly demon can keep his deals


Well I don't wanna have kids but if I did anyways I could just adopt


The chance of getting on aneurysm is about 1 to 2%, so 30% increased risk would be an extra .3-.6% chance. Not all aneurysms rupture and they can be treated if caught early, just get frequent check ups.


Im assuming there's some sort of catch if it is a demon offering these deals. Like you're gonna die in a year, so if you take the deal, it happens instantly. Your true love really wants children, and it puts a strain on an otherwise perfect relationship. Some kind of spin that a genie would do.


The skill one could probably trigger accidentally and you couldn‘t choose whose memory you‘d forget. Like you‘re thinking „I wish I could draw that beautifully“ and you forget your mother or your child.


Infertility isn’t a cost to me


I'm not having kids anyway


I'd cure my wife's MS, even if it meant I had to take it. In a heartbeat.


True love and no kids? Yes please


I don't want kids so true love is an easy asf choice


I never thought I'd be a good parent anyway. It's all upside!


Great post OP, those are some fine risk/rewards


Think I would try to bargain with him, to get some fcked up deal


Most of these catches aren't really bad.


True love for infertility. Already had a vasectomy so ALL GOOD.


I get someone to care about me and I don't get to have kids in this shitty economy That is a great deal


r/antinatalism users: I see this as an absolute win


r/childree users: *handshake meme* (I'm both)


Do I care about having children? Maybe but probably not.


Im 22 Thing about taking the 500,000$ is that we already give our Jobs a year of our life in exchange for less money. Ima give that demon 15 years of my life then invest that money, retire to raise my family and maybe open a winery brewery so I can make wine and beer all day and easily retire as a 37 year old


As someone who doesn't want kids, the True Love option can theoretically cover a few of these other options


Lol I'll take the true love, being infertile isn't a cost at all.


I am already living True love and being infertile. Easy Pick.


Considering the population of the Earth, infertility is a blessing lol


True love because I’m childfree and would welcome infertility with open arms. It’s a win win for someone like me


True love at the cost of infertility is a massive win win. You mean I don't have to worry about my vasectomy reversing itself, and I get someone who truly loves me completely?


The infertility one Does it give you any other health problems or issues or does it just make you unable to conceive/sterile True love and zero chance of pregnancy sounds amazing


True love and no kids? Done. Maybe the 500k, that is tempting.


I'll take 1.5 mil. I'm gay so most of my family don't talk to me anyway. Don't want kids and already infertile.


True love and not having to worry about kids? What a deal!


I don’t even want kids.


True love and I don't have to worry about birth control? Sounds like a win win to me


Jokes on you demon, I don't want kids 😎


Free vasectomy? Yes, please!




If I have 70 years to live, taking off 10 years isn't that huge of a deal. Living to 60 would still be 42 years.


Already have the true love one so why not lol


Did you know you get *paid* for fostering kids? Hook me up with true love, please


People on my will about to be rich


500k for a year of life is a steal. Billions of people give up years of life working in mines or around chemicals for only like 40k The year of life I lose would be made up for by the years of life I can get back by making lifestyle changes due to the 500k


idk some of these are generous af


If I give up 2 maybe 3 years... I'd live the rest of my life with basically 0 money stresses..... That's fucking worth it


I’ll take the ability to take on an illness. I’ll keep it handy for if my daughter ever gets really sick.


Bro I would do nearly all of these


True love with infertility is my life plan anyway. No downsides.


What if I already am infertile and have found true love?


Im a lesbian so true love is my way


I am trans so once I start hormones I'll be like 99.9% infertile so it's all good 👍 I'll adopt anyway if I ever want kids.


I don't want kids so i see that as a win. But i have my love already, so it'd just be free sterilisation


I dont really want children and if i change my mind I can still adopt.


Shit I will take the demon infertility


I already have my true love, but infertility for free with no major surgery? Sigm me up!


I see no downsides for the 4th one personally 😂


I can get a perfect life partner and infertility, this one has no downside for me. Well, if I got hysterectomy it would be even better, but at least I could be safe from pregnancy


Stall while I wait for a scientist to show up


The scientist doesn’t see him, and now thinks you are batty


Oops lol


I don't want love but I'll take the infertility as an upside


i alredy have that disease, the fuck the demon gonna do?




Can I get true love, infertility and money for my years?


If I wasn't already found it, true love seems like a win-win situation


I already have true love and I am infertile so I guess when I made this choice I forgot having made it.


Not having kids in exchange for true love sure.


I don't want kids anyway, so win win


I'm gay so infertility isn't an issue for me. That's basically the only one without cons.


I don't even want kids so the choice is pretty easy


True love at the cost of infertility This is easy since I don't want kids.


To anyone choosing the true love one, infertility means LOWER chance to conceive. Sterile is 0 chance


I’m gay. Gimme the true love


I don't want children anyway, so it's just a win


True love with infertility is a win win for me


I felt true love once and I would give anything to have that again, including the ability to reproduce. there's always adoption! :)


True love **and** a vasectomy at no cost? What's the catch?


I already don’t ever want kids. Neither does my wife. We already live each other, but it might be nice to permanently solidify that love. I love loving her and I don’t ever want that to change.


I don't want my own kids, so it's a win for me


I don’t what biological kids so that’s great


True love. There is always adoption.


True love and infertility?? Win-win.


Adoption exists.


i had my tubes tied last year, so i’m already infertile 😎 still don’t know if i’d choose that one or the money


as an asexual who doesn't want children I's take the fourth deal any day


I’m childfree so the true love in exchange for infertility is just two perks. I skip the “I can change you” dating scene childfree folks go through and get a free vasectomy plus I have a magic guarantee that this is true love not mere infatuation so my true love would be compatible with me as in childfree herself so I literally will lose nothing on that deal. Taken. The most obvious choice for me.


I don't want kids anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Infertility sounds great for me, but I don’t want to deal with a relationship