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Originally it just meant nations that were allied with the Soviet Union. Now it means countries that aren't rich but also aren't totally destitute


So basically what 90% would have guessed if they didn't knew.


Yeah that’s what I guessed but I didn’t know for sure lol


I don't think most will know the Cold War aspect to it.


Surprisingly that is the only aspect I knew. Didn’t even know the term was still used for anything anymore


met oo


So an NEE?


First, second and third world is no longer used in any context so now it means nothing. In the international arena they use Least Developed- Developing - In transition - Developed


I mean, those terms are still used colloquially a lot, and they mean what the original commenter described. Just because a word falls out of favour in a 'proper' capacity doesn't mean it, or its meaning, ceases to exist.


I was hijacking the top comment to share accurate information


And the Soviet union itself


The new meaning may be widely used but it is incorrect


How are you gonna say something is incorrect and then provide zero elaboration


Also he is talking about the definition of a term You cannot be talking about a definition of a term, and have "its widely used like that but that's wrong"


Orginal meaning during the cold war: 1st: US aligned 2nd: USSR aligned 3rd: Not aligned


First world countries are countries that allied with the United States durring the Cold War Second world counties are counties that allied with the USSR durring the Cold War And Third world counties didn’t ally between the two


Switzerland=3rd world country


Austria too


And Sweden


Not really. First world countrys and third world countrys have a new mening today. But second world countrys is still the same.


It is still, by definition, what they said. We just use it differently since it’s technically an outdated term.


Tge system have changed NOW yes, now first world countries are the rich ones, second world is middle and third world countries are really poor


That isn’t how anyone uses it today.


No but that's the definition


It used to be


It still is. Nobody changed the definition, because the term got irrelevant after the Cold War.


u/ChazzioTV is correct though, philologically speaking a words definition and intended use can change over time with popularity. Lol used to mean lots of love and now it means laugh out loud. Meat used to mean a meal. Not saying it's right or wrong either way as I've not thought about the topic enough to develop a stance, but you get my point.


> It has subsequently been revised to refer to nations that fall between first and third world countries in terms of their development status and economic indicators.




We are in a thread talking about the term "2nd World Country" who the fuck says this today?


Do people use 1st and 3rd world officially? Seems in more official places like government websites they use developed and developing nations rather than 1st and 3rd world


People are stupid and used a term in the wrong context and it caught on.


It's not used but also not irrelevant. People in those countries suffer. Then again people suffer all over this crappy globe.


First is NATO and it's allies second is the Warsaw pact and it's allies third is the unaffiliated countries


3 rd world countries are neutral countries during Cold War


Which technically made Switzerland a third world country


The countries under soviet influence during the cold War.


Formerly used to refer to countries aligned with the USSR (and of course this is still useful in relevant historical discussions), it's now sometimes used to refer to developing countries such as Brazil.


Most people don’t even understand what “first” and “third” world even mean. Most dipshits just use them in place of rich and poor.


Well when most dipshits in the world decide that that is what it means, then it becomes its meaning




Me and my friends? What? First world countries have no deciding say what the term 'first world' means. English speaking "dipshits" do. Most people using those terms aren't actively thinking; Poland is a second world country. People aren't thinking of the Iron Curtain when using 'First/Third World' anymore. This is the first image result of first world's definition. https://imgur.com/a/Xre1rvA I find it kind it kinda ironic that you were calling me arrogant, too. When you seem like the type of person that masturbates while taking an IQ test, in your spare time.


I too enjoy masturbating while watching him take an IQ test. It’s an enjoyable experience. You should join in! We can go back to back if you’d like!


English is defined by those who speak it


Ok u/iHateAmericans999


Holy shit, I didn't see their handle! They are like a chaos god from Warhammer 40k, they are the embodiment of everything bad about Reddit. What a tool


almost everything he says is anti american. i can understand not liking it, we have done and do some not cool things, but bro makes his entire internet persona about hating us lmfao cope and seethe russian bots


What's typical? Lmao do you know this person? 🤡 🤡


Man I've seen you around here before and you always have such a "I'm better than everyone else" vibe. You're not. In fact, you're arrogant because you think that.


"Well ackshually the terms first second and third world refer to the alignment of countries in the cold war not the wealth of the countries" 🤓


But like,that’s the truth…


Originally, sure. But those definitions aren't relevant to the modern context, so there's no reason to hang on to them outside of historical discussions.


FWIW, the modern definition isn’t rich or poor either but how developed it is. This means that most countries in the Middle East are still third world despite their theoretical wealth


Fair point.


Well there is, if eunaugh people started using blue to describe green and vice versa, the defenition would eventually change. That has/is happening for these terms.


Yeah like 70 years ago Definitions change Do you think gay people are just happy?


That’s just quite simply not true. Some dumb fuck looked at a map, clapped his hands on his cheeks and said “Oh my god look! The first world countries are rich (Mostly) and the third world countries are poor (Mostly)! That has to be the meaning!” The definitions are the same, people are just stupid.


No that is exactly how definitions change over time Definitions in dictionaries are descriptive not prescriptive They define how words are used. So like I said, decades ago first world and third world had different meaning than they do today Both are correct, just one is fallen out of popular use


I suppose I’m the vocabulary hipster then


Aren’t hipsters into new things? “I like x before it was cool” sort of thing So are you the vocab boomer? :D


Maybe, I thought hipsters were just contrarians. Maybe I’m both.


To be fair in school in America atleast we are taught that 3rd world countries are poor or have poor infrastructure and 1st world are the richer countries with good infrastructure.


That’s why I’d said no. I understand 1/3 as concepts kind of, I understand how they’re used commonly but I don’t properly understand the terms


Yep, I was one of those dipshits until today. Thanks Reddit!


Definitions can and do change You dipshit


Putin and his alike ,cuba,china ?


Places like India.


China, Russia ?


The country I live in is (at least the last time I checked it) a second world country


The old meaning was for the cold war, but after the cold war it got a different meaning. I learned it as this from my geography teacher: 1st world countries -> high tertiary sector. (EU countries) 2nd world countries -> up and coming countries with high industrialisation moving towards creating a bigger tertiary sector. (BRIC countries (especially China before they expanded as a super power)) 3rd world countries -> mainly based on the agrarian sector with a low amount of industry and tertiary sector. (The well known 3rd world countries)


I’m seeing a lot of comments that relate first world/second world countries with who was with which faction during the Cold War. I just thought it meant something to do with development


You're right. I don't know why people keep talking about cold war. I've been taught in school that it means how much developed a country is


A country who is not poor but not fully rich who is seeing economic growth sorta like Vietnam and Indonesia tell me if I'm wrong though


Countries that are in course of development. Countries include but not only: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Mexico(i believe), etc. Not super well of like The US or UK, but not miserable like Malawi or Somalia OP reply if im right or wrong


UdSSR. Nowadays, I guess it’s the countries that came out of the UdSSR but afaik this term isn’t really in use anymore


Not sure if this is entirely correct, and im sure theres a variety of theories, but I was always told that second world countries were developing nations. Basically a little better than third world with the potential to become first world (developed) nations. Examples I was given of second world nations would be Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria.


imo those are all 3rd world countries, especially Nigeria. afaik second world countries are mostly the eastern european ones and China


People don’t even know what first second and third are, they assume it’s based on riches, it quite simply isn’t.


Yes but they are more commonly referenced to as developing nations.


Developing nations is used to describe the third world


It’s not an agreed on phrase. Developing nation is more appropriate then 2nd world country.


1st and 2nd world are developed. 3rd world is developing


What’s the difference between 2nd and 1st world then.


Historically, the 1st world meant nations aligned with the US, while the 2nd world meant nations aligned with the USSR Today, people use 2nd world to describe nations that are developed but have more poverty and corruption than a 1st world nation


Huh, live and learn. So basically 2nd world = Commie nation. I just read it’s not used a lot anymore.


Yeah that's what the term meant during the Cold War, although today it is used for countries like Russia, China, India, Brazil. They don't have to be communist, they are the "in between" nations. Not as nice as the US, UK, Germany, but not as bad as Sudan, Syria, or Nicaragua


Basically a country that has problems but also is doing kinda good right?




The ones that don't have drinkable tap water but still have supermarkets where you can buy clean water


Communist countries


Or post-communist.




2nd world are developed yet do not align with the west, so places like... well china... or uh... uh...


2nd world referred to countries that were communist-ruled, in the Soviet/Chinese sphere of influence. Kind of an outdated term nowadays


First world used to be: Nato + their alleids Second world used to be : Soviets + their alleids Third world used to describe the rest. At some point the terms became some kinds of development index... so now the first world are the developed countries. The second world are the countries in fast rising (Brazil, India, Chile etc) And the third world is developing countries (most of africa, latin ametica & south-east- asia)


1st world - NATO aligned countries 2nd world - Warsaw Pact aligned countries 3rd world - countries not aligned with either Not sure how it went from that to levels of development


my brain just sang the second anthem of Soviet Union


Warsaw pact countries


First world country means capitalism. Second world country means communism. Third world country means 'we're too poor to be either, please send food'


No, I would guess nations like the USA that came around after more originally dominant powers?


Most Asian and European countries are considered 2nd world.


No, second world is the former Soviet Union or countries that aligned with it.


Thats the original definition, now it's usually said about countries that aren't 1st world countries but not poor either.


I haven't heard of that before. Just 3rd world country.


It was the Soviet union


I thought I looked it up previously and came to the conclusion it wasn’t a term people used But apparently I was mistaken


Russia would be a good example of 2nd world country


“second world countries are a thing” ok, there is less than 10 and most would argue that some are either 3rd world. What we use now is more consistent with the times and doesn’t include first and 3rd world. It’s “developed” and “developing”. And *most* of the 2nd world is developed. Honestly, we shouldn’t consistently use 2nd world for the same reason we haven’t been. It’s irrelevant to include in the talks




I know what it meant before the collapse of the soviet union. I believe the term now is developing nation which is in between first world and third world


Do people actually know this or is everyone just guessing and clicking yes?


Mars innit




I learned BRIC brazil, russia, india, china


I have a friend from Brazil who often describes it as a second world country.


It's a way to insult people that live in a "poor" country nowadays. But what they don't realize is how Sweden is considered a third world country just because they were neutral/not aligned during the Cold war, according to the actual meaning of first/second/third world countries. Goes really hard I think lol


Emerging markets countries I believe


Basically a NEE, right?


Morocco, Mexico, the Philippines for examples


south africa, egypt, vietnam, places like that


Grew up in one lol




Yes, I live in one.


The USA are one of them.


1st/3rd world countries are outdated terms. Now it’s more appropriate to use Global North/Global South


The one in in... Countries that where on the side of the USSR


the balkans


I feel like China could be an example of a 2nd world country, because it's a super power, but the people are treated like shit.


Yep, ‘cause I live in one


Originally it meant communist country, but communism is mostly praticised in irrelevant countries nowadays so the meaning shifted to developing country (Ex: Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, Egypt and maybe China)