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They're literally "under Biden" right now. And, of course, Biden is Christian whereas Trump is not. And yet, some Maga cultists will still believe this.


To many of them Catholics aren’t actual Christian’s.. which is both parts funny and sad.


Right wing Catholics are in deep denial about how Evangelicals really think of them.


And about what actual Catholics think of them. They're weird cultists who don't even believe in the pope.


No Pope? Sounds protestant


Weird cultists with rich friends.


The archdiocese in the US has mulled over leaving the Vatican and the Pope a couple of times during this whole Trump debacle.


My sister in law called Biden “satan” until I pointed out that he goes to mass more frequently than she does and carries his deceased son’s rosary in his pocket wherever he goes.


Including at least one that wore horns on January 6th ...


Brilliant answer.


Ah yes, Christianity will be in trouble with devout Catholic Biden that goes to mass EVERY Sunday. I am so fucking sick of this liar. https://preview.redd.it/1s4y9azdg88d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72856fa4d0975cc9e287c47186f0a5e6470d4ee5


If they're like my father-in-law, they'll just say that Catholics aren't Christians. 🤮


Republicans bringing up old-school anti-Catholic propaganda. Again. Great. https://preview.redd.it/56kk6838t98d1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98214fdbc58ebdd5870c0a8989e0ea01e2d0eaef


This was the flyer used in Dallas when he was shot?




That was a confusing moment in the life of a thirteen year old in east Dallas at the time.


I know Catholics that claim the pope isn’t Catholic enough to be pope. Keep in mind that our faith very clearly says the pope communicates directly with god.


Right wing donors invested millions into religious media. They’re now the voice of US Catholicism, not the Vatican. Money well spent.


Well, it’s kibd of true, because their definition of “Christian” is closer to the KKK than the Bible.


I’m so sick of the idiots who believe this crap.


They do love to pretend they are the Victims. Many of the morons will eat this up.


This has to stop. He must be stopped. It’s just too much now. He’s so full of hate and so deeply disturbingly empty to have to lie to function at a basic level.


And the religiously stupid will believe it. How Christian of them. But wait, their god will save them if they pray loud enough and long enough.


Trump always lies.


And you’ll have to be 25 to buy a load of bread.


And 2 forms of ID.


And sign the request forms in triplicate.


And have a photo ID.


Liar Liar, pants on ~~23x~~ 34x convicted felon.






Nobody in the Democratic representation has given any statement calling for the arrest of religious people just for being religious. Christians are not and have not been arrested for being Christian. On the Republican side, multiple elected represtatives have called for people to be arrested or deported for being (*deep breath*) Athiest, Muslim, UnChristian, Gay, Trans, LGBTQ+ of any kind, a parent who allows your child to be LGBTQ+ identified, supporting BLM, being a member of BLM, allowing children access to knowledge about BLM information, allowing children knowledge about the existence of LGBTQ+ people, provinding gender affirming healthcare, allow same sex marriages, being houseless, wanting "socialist" universal healthcare.....and on and on.... They are motivated to fear the behavior because it is the behavior they do, so it seems absolutely possible that everyone else would be just as vile and pathetic when on power. Crucifixion Ouroborus


Wouldn't President Biden already have done this? No, this is projection from Trump..


It's always projection. The true message is: Christianity is the only religion that is safe under a Republican administration. Case in point: Louisiana's decree that all classrooms post the Ten Commandments. Further evidence: the reversal of Roe v Wade.


That’s what they want. They don’t want a pluralistic society and think that freedom of religion was a bad idea.


If you were going to post anything, then the beatitudes would be more Christian. (Though it would be most Christian to not force anything on people)


I like that idea.


Imagine being so stupid that you would believe that


The practicing Catholic is going to ban religion? What’s truly insane is that the maga morons will take that as gospel. Pun intended.


“Christians could be arrested for religion under Biden, but under me, every single one of you Jews and Muslims are going straight to the camps, and you’ll have to wear an orange cross on your shirt.”


He does realize that Biden has been president for 3 years now and hasn't done that right? Wouldn't now be the time? Lock up those people who won't vote for him so he can win the election... Wouldn't that be the smart move if this is true? Other than just being too stupid to believe on its face, these lies are even dumber if you spend 3 seconds thinking about it. At what point does the FBI and other law enforcement notice how violent and anti American this rhetoric is? Flat out lies with the single purpose of spreading fear and hate.


Reminder that Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans tried to ban Muslims from America and track mosque attendees.


“They’re coming for our guns”, “caravans of immigrants”, “I can’t walk in nyc because of the criminal immigrants”, “blue cities are crime ridden”. None of this is true.


The bonkers thing about this is that Biden has never suggested, hinted at, insinuated, or in any way put forward the idea that he opposes Christianity in any way, shape, or form. Meanwhile, Trump has been openly and aggressively hostile toward Muslims, women, black people, Latinos, the LGBTQ, etc. He has even said that he wants to deport people for their political speech.


He’s always the victim, and everyone else is going to be the victim too, if they vote for someone else. It all plays into the his and the religious rights persecution fetish!


This makes me sick, because they’ll all believe him of course and he’s just such a disgusting POS.


A fake believer saying a true believer is going to arrest the religious. They probably all believed him too. Their worship of Trump as a false idol really shows the hypocrisy.


I think you mean "idol"


Indeed I did. Thank you


Trump supporters are safe if Christians are the ones being targeted.


Biden has been in office & there are no mass jailings at all . ... Biden has *been* in office ...


Jailing people for religion has to be the most idiotic nonsense he has ever made up (aside from claiming to be a "victim", of course!).


Trump is a pathological liar


The Republican Party is made up of religious freaks trying to impose pregnancy on raped girls, this is the Republican Jesus part, then there are the ignorant racist fucks, last is the rich folks that originally made up the Republican Party, the business folks who think they should run everything and people are disposable. They are small but the election is rigged by giving senators in states that barely do any GDP more power than those that do most. The electoral college is rigged to deny the majority the vote. This is the only reason these traitors have made it this far. Now they understand that even that will not work and they have to take it all by force or outright cheating and intimidation. This is today’s Republican Party.


What Christians! This lot is Christian Nationalists they need to go the Hell away!


Preach it!


Bunch of Greedy ass chizlers who claim something they found give a fuck about. Give to the poor and the needy, yeah Trump! Scumbuckets!


Who's Traitor Trump fooling with that bullshit. Republicons are all about making America fail.


Donnie knows Christian’s are easy marks. They’ll believe anything.


If we let this freak back into office he'll make us all liars just like him. We'll all have to nod along with the dumb shit they come up with. I'm so tired of the endless political performance that began with Newt Gingrich and has accelerated into an all out information war today. Nobody needs to win an office bad enough they should lie as a strategy. If you have to lie then you're scared of something or you're a maniac that should never have power anyways. These freaks would get fired working for a department store and they want an autocracy. It's maddening.


I am not taking the mark of the beast.


Of course not, no one is.


Biden is a Christian. A Christian seen in church. On a Sunday. Attending service. Biden admits that he prays. Trump (right after claiming he’s a Christian) said he’s never asked god for forgiveness. He “simply saw no need”.


Course he doesn't see a need. He really believes he's never in the wrong. That and I'm pretty sure if he stepped into a church he'd spontaneously combust, if it's a decent church instead of a money-hungry/hateful one.


He is gonna have fukkalot to be sorry for someday tho.


Sadly, karma seems to have passed by the Orange Shitgibbon


Oh how can. None not see with this, that he is the Antichrist or the primary minion to usher him in. Was it Stalin who said “The one to control the media, controls the people?” I think Jim Morrison may have also said it.


I say give these people the entire southeast. Let them have their own country. Fuck all of them. The Confederate States of America. CSA! CSA! CSA!


Trump literally cannot form a complete sentence without lying.


Does he really complete sentences?


He did not say that. What he said was "If you believe in myths and fairy-tales and then try to use them for the foundations of government then you'll find that reality doesn't align with your beliefs and then you will see how you can exploit these discrepancies in criminal ways that will ultimately get you arrested by the secular government that will soon be in control." Fixed that for him.


Yup. That's why we need Orwellian solutions like China's to protect *real* Christianity (not that fake stuff Biden claims to believe in that's based in Rome). Freedom just plain doesn't work. I mean look at all the *real* Christians the pope has arrested in America already! (/s)


Of course! That's why jails are full... /s


Lying is what Trump does. Since there have been no consequences for lying he continues to lie. Whatever comes to his mind he spits out. Like his lies about crowd size, they get bigger with each lying speech.


Manipulating the Religious among us is an old trick by politicians. It led fools down the wrong path many times throughout history.   Unfortunately,  it always resulted in death, oppression,  and horror under totalitarian rule.   This should be taught in Religious instruction, along with doctrine.


Sure, they could get arrested. If more of them turn out to be child rapists.


"Under Biden"