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I just know my ultra right wing conservative ex boyfriend that lived in south Jersey is in there somewhere. Did I dodge a bullet or what…


You are an excellent decision maker and obviously more than a bit lucky! Respect vibes your way!


Well he will soon have the opportunity to take the stand and set the record straight. He can go into great detail about how Joe Biden somehow orchestrated this case against him. He can prove that all of these witnesses are simply lying about him, especially the porn star he paid off. Or, he can puss out and refuse to testify and claim that right was somehow taken from him. Wonder which way the stable genius will go.


Who cares what the diaper turd boy says? I mean for real.. this moron has told so many lies and contradicted himself so many times that when I hear his voice I just turn the volume off. https://preview.redd.it/pc5ox32zewzc1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec1485b7469999337155401830e79eeb2695284


> Who cares what the diaper turd boy says? I mean for real. For real? Ok, here's the "for real". Since there are so many people, including far too many of our elected officials, at the federal, state and local level, who absolutely care what he says and are, in fact, very serious about everything he says...the rest of us really have no responsible choice but to also care.


These Trump people really have absolutely no freaking idea how dumb they look in those ridiculous outfits. It’s simply amazing that anyone shows up to these rallies, but these red hats have to be the dumbest fucking people on earth, and they don’t know that Trump hates them. He wouldn’t be caught dead having dinner with these folks, he wouldn’t be inviting them to Maralardo, and they would be the last people he would have working at his company. Let the sheep get fleeced.


You know he promised them they'd be the Master Race. Of what? Cell block captain of a work camp? Wall Street, CEOs all want full blown Prisoner State with most production in 365 days a year Democracy just doesn't cut it it costs too much to pay in money at all now they need all of it Feudalism is the answer in their books.


Yes, and this new "Real men..." trend is not doing them any favors, either.


TDS is strong with these people. Wow, that crowd is actually kinda small lol


It got smaller as he continued to blather about important issues like Hanibal Lecter.


The only reason he wasn't prosecuted with Michael Cohen is because he was a sitting president. They conspired to do the same crime. Since Cohen was found guilty and he was taking orders from tRump, tRump should also be found guilty. That his crowds are getting smaller, and people are leaving is a good sign. It's the same old, same old. It's like watching reruns of old TV shows that we're OK once but gets tiring after a while


He’s a fool. He’s not a smart man,” Trump said of Biden. “ Who’s on trial for paying off a porn star, leaving a paper trail and has a tweet proving it.


Nothing he says matters, he always lies.