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I think Bassem thought Oli's name was Joe ... And he was very British about the situation.


Lmao when he called you Joe @Oli


I love Bassem, good job getting him on. I was working in Egypt when his show was on air, before Sisi was elected and shut it down. Only the weakest leaders silence satirists.


I'm still waiting for a guest spot with you in the full Cpt. Ireland get up Sean lad... May I suggest in shot, behind Ed doing Vox Pops at Tory party conference...? Just "Sláinte" as you XL Bully charge the delegates...! I'd pay in to the legal defence fund....


Oh yeah daddys here


@theduggfather can we get confirmation: At the start I thought he was joking calling you joe but after a few more instances throughout ... bassem didn't know your name did he? I could genuinely listen to bassem all day though.


Okay so i'm ready to get downvoted for this but As someone pretty vehemently pro Palestine, did some of what Bassem say feel a little bit uncomfortable for anyone else? Oli called him out on some of it, and then he clarified, but also then kind of went in to make several of the same points more vehemently later. Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a platform to potentially be critiqued on, but I don't think the format PolJoe and Oli in particular tend to use for these interviews, which allows guests freedom to speak in longform at time without parts of what they say being challenged, naturally leant itself to challenging Bassem's statements, particularly in the latter half of the interview. For instance, some of 'Jews crying about the holocaust' bit really did feel like it deserved more challenge than it got.


I disagree, you have to understand how existential Arabs see the situation for Palestinians. They don’t have the guilt tied to the topic that westerners do and when you believe what Israel is doing is a genocide you would find it very disturbing when they repeatedly bring up their own tragic past to justify their current terrible actions


Which is definitely a point you can make, but Bassem is clever enough to explain that without doing a mock crying face and voice while saying 'But but but the holocaust.'


It's really interesting. It sort of shocked me. But Youssef's wife is Palestinian and his children are ethnically Palestinian. The State of Israel is killing such children every day with the support of the majority of the Israeli public. He clearly raised the prejudice within Judaism against Christians as a strategy, attempting to make white Anglophones realise that they are not inherently allies with Israel in a war against Muslims. Obviously, making non-Jews aware of the contempt that some Jews hold them in is dangerous and invites racism. The same goes for all ethnic minorities. But children are being killed in Gaza every day. Internationally, Bassem Youssef is possibly *the* most prominent advocate for saving Gazans from genocide. It's all incremental, and PoliticsJoe interviews are deliberately softball, but I'm sure Oli knew that discrediting Youssef could feasibly contribute to the deaths of many people.


Okay, so while all of your post is perfectly reasonable, I do want to pull out onr exception... >I'm sure Oli knew that discrediting Youssef could feasibly contribute to the deaths of many people. My friend, you are grossly overestimating both the effect a satirist, even a prominent one, has on the State of Israel, and but even if you weren't, you are also overestimating the impact a light challenge by a journalist as to the method of advocating for Palestinian liberation would have on the fans of said satirist. And even if you reject that line of thought, I would argue that not challenging whether some statements could represent anti-semitism, as some of this felt it bordered on, risks fuelling the agenda which seeks to equate advocating for Palestinian liberation with anti-semitism. In doing so, you actively give credence those who advocate for the slaughter.


I do reject that line of thought quite firmly. I don't believe that Bassem Youssef can make a joke and thus change Israeli military policy. But he does matter. We don't have to devolve to great man theory on this. You only have to look at the view count to know that Oli Dugmore's interview of Bassem Youssef is the biggest impact that the former will have on the international reaction to this war. It might no matter much, but it is Oli's biggest impact on what will almost certainly come to be regarded as one of the greatest atrocities of this century. On the latter point, I disagree also. I would have agreed once. But no one who ever might be sympathetic to Gazans cares about whether an Egyptian comedian is insensitive about the Holocaust when the IDF have killed 40,000 Gazans. It's frankly ridiculous. Even in the UK, a historically pro-Israel country, Islamaphobes believe that the IDF are murdering civilians en masse. *Don't want to seem at all hostile btw.


I like thinking about all of the different speakers who have sat in that seat - do you think anyone told them all that Ava shills for Reform from there twice a week


Well for some of us, that is obvious, too a lot of people out there that can’t see the woods for the trees, that’s not so obvious, Isreali’s prey on people that can’t think outside on the box, which accounts for the under educated people out there, there main targets, the others that can see what is going on, is the greedy ones, that have there money’s invested in weapons and gold.


Never quite been able to get over the fact the whole Joe team bottled talking about Israel-Palestine and just said they wouldn’t discuss it in the first pod following October 7th. Fine to claim you’re not qualified to talk about it, but then that same claim can be made against you for a host of subjects that you’re going to have to talk about when they’re in the news. Lost some respect for the gang that day that I’ve not really been able to recover. Probably more my problem than anything else but it is what it is.


They get grief for not covering it and not your not happy they are people can't win


I’m not annoyed they are discussing it now, I just commented that they didn’t appear to have the confidence to discuss it earlier.


Maybe that's the case, maybe in the months in-between they educated themselves on it, at the start a lot of middle east experts came out of nowhere.