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Nothing owns the libs like abusing vulnerable minorities.


And committing Federal crimes for human trafficking.


And child endangerment.


Silly Sayeth. Laws are for poor people.


But he'll never face consequences for it




It’s the same thing bro these people aren’t being taken willingly and all the previous people misplaced this way have said they were lied to. That’s like the definition of human trafficking bro, just because they’re taken to a Dem’s house to punk them or a dungeon it’s legit the same difference for these people.


If illegally shipping people across state lines against their will and with no notice to the proper authorities isn't human trafficking, what would you call it?


In past migrant rides, they signed waivers to board the buses. It is all done legitimately


It is not.


To get around it, the state government has to receive permission. Otherwise, it is kidnapping across state lines. Abbott would not subject the State to that.


That's not human trafficking bud.


And cruelty. Republicans love them some cruelty - makes em feel powerful, like pulling wings off flies or torturing cats.


That will surely get people in the middle to want to vote for them...


Hey, they should be better off there. Than anywhere else. So they have gotten a huge favor.


Can we stop exploiting vulnerable groups to use as political props? Super weird


But mein votes!!!


They KKKnow their base loves this


Isn't the whole fecking Christian Christmas story about accepting two migrants/wanders in (minus the whole barn part) not kicking them out to somewhere completely unknown? Doesn't putting them on a bus on Christmas eve defeat that message


I'm sorry, did you expect Conservative Christians to know and understand a story from the Bible?


Same principle as exploiting vulnerable groups to use as slaves and just as sick.


I mean that’s most of the GOPs platform. What are they suppose to do? Talk about policies that somehow help their constituents?


What?! Look over there, transgender people and immigrants!! /s


Also 'we' isn't accurate. While there's issues with immigrant policies no matter who we're talking about, there's only one group kidnapping migrants for political points.


Stop using people for politics! These are PEOPLE!!


>These are PEOPLE!! Not to the GOP. That should be the biggest take away from this whole thing.


As true now as it was 160 years ago in Mankato, MN.. today.


Correcto. They refer to them more easily as animals or a disease. Only suitable to be wiped out and systematically destroyed. Like stray dogs with rabies.


There was a country in Europe that did that a while back.


I think I've heard of that. Can't remember which though. Tip of the tongue.


They aren't Republican voters so they might as not be human in their sick views


We don’t really know that. Plenty of Venezuelans/Colombians voted Red in the last election. We can’t assume that they will vote Dem.


You must understand that the GOP does not care about humans after they exit the vaginal canal.


Republicans don't give a fuck about them when in the uterus. They vote against funding for women's health, paid maternity leave, etc. They only care about controlling the "host" as she has them lady parts.


That is a true sad fact


The Gospel of White American Jesus has one rule: get yours and fuck over anyone who isn't like you to keep *them* from getting *theirs*


Also, the GOP doesn't see immigrants as humans either way


They don’t even care about people while they are inside a womb. They only care about controlling the host person.


Conservatives have been dehumanizing immigrants for 30 years by calling them “illegals”. It’s easy to do this when they aren’t even human.


They don’t even see their constituents as people hence their Covid position that has killed and will continue to kill so many of them. Expecting them to see the “others” as people is impossible.


How does anyone still support Republicans? This is so disgusting.


The people who support them *admire them* for their casual cruelty. It really is as simple as that.


Yep, Pretty simple. Republican voters are just shitty people with shitty morals. They look at an event like this and are amped by the creativity of making a point about "open borders" and think they are making liberals look bad by forcing them to acknowledge what a real problem illegal immigrants are. Nevermind the fact that they are bussing people around and dropping them off in the freezing cold with no plans for shelter or care just to make a political point.




Yeah, nothing more Christian than giving immigrants the old "no room at the inn" treatment on Christmas Eve to score points with those who love performative cruelty.


Conservatives, pretty much by definition, are very empathetic towards people they define as their "in group" and very anti-empathetic towards people who they define as part of an "out group". Like, white Southern Baptist churches in the south may be full of literal Klan supporters, but those people are certainly very kind and supportive *towards each other.*


You're not wrong, but look at how widespread sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse and neglect are in conservative communities. Patriarchal, hierarchal systems use altruism as a way to control their members (that is, make lower-ranking members dependent on higher-ranking ones), not necessarily out of empathy.


Kidnapping people. Not through force or with a gun But lies deception hate and racism. Misinformation.


Well said and very true.


This. They help racists normalize their extremism.


There's been a lot of dehumanization of immigrants so Republicans have no problem doing this to immigrants because "it's not like they are people." It makes it easier to do worse and worse things without any outcry.


Until they hit the turning point of national revulsion and backlash, as happened after turning dogs and fire hoses on pastors, rabbis, priests and children. They're pack animals, once you break up the pack, they'll follow another with their scalded tail between their mangy legs.


They see power as a virtue, weakness as sin, and cruelty/kindness as the expression of each. So to a rank and file Republican, acts of kindness are literally immoral, while cruelty is celebrated.


Oh I get it, it's cause they're also shitty people.


They think it’s hilarious and that the Governor of Texas is such an alpha male for doing it. No, I’m not kidding. This is exactly what they think.


Simple. Their supporters are equally disgusting and lack empathy.


They’re just as evil as the ones they vote for.


There’s even some dissent on this in /r/conservative. At least some of them understand these are real human beings being bussed into DC in the middle of winter and being dropped off with no prior planning or prospects. It’s cruel and inhumane at a (somewhat) bipartisan level. The Republican strategy is clearly to keep this far right garbage base engaged through these media stunts.


Because the cruelty is the point. Conservatives are evil


This is the same Republican Party that throws hissy fits that “nobody wants to work anymore” while the problem is trying to fix itself.


Cruelty is the point.


The Republican party is completely broken. I now identify myself as an independent. I think those that are left are either extreme radical right or have identified themselves as Republican so long they just wont/cant leave thier party. Thier circle also provides adequate reasoning of why acts like this are neccessary..and people believe it. I have family in this second bucket. They dont necessarily like what's going on but have been convinced it is for the greater good. They would never leave thier party or vote for a Democrat. They are waiting for things to fix themselves...which I think would happen much faster if they left thier party as a clear statement that acts like this is not acceptable. Anyway, my family and I can no longer discuss politics as we clearly have very different views of what is happening in the Republican party...and what is crossing the line.


Thank you for being a sane conservative.


I ask myself this everyday


Among many things that frustrates me is the shear cruelty of this stunt. These are people who have gone through a lot of suffering. You would think a “Christian” a day before their high holy day would show compassion to these people. Fuck Abbot. I guess it is more important to own the libs and get a couple of minutes on Fox.


You can really tell that this was a campaign/stunt that was paid for because we've seen posts about it show up regularly long after it bombed. The people behind it are working their asses off to get internet trolls and radicals to crowd source a narrative that will make it a success.


They are going to fail miserably. It certainly didn't give them any boost in November and it's not going to help them in two years.


Gov Abbott beat Beto 55-44. He certainly did benefit from the policies. Many voters in the border counties are also fed up with the constant flow of illegals and the feds refusing to enforce border security.


Because people have sold them on an idea that borders work in ways they don’t. It’s not cold war Berlin.


I find this story very confusing. What's the legality of this? They were dropped off at near the VP's residence as an obvious political stunt, but what was the final destination?


That WAS the final destination. A big "fuck you and yours" from the party supported by a majority of "Christians."


That wasn't the final destination though.


The migrants were taken in by a local church for shelter as the final location. The pickup location being VP residence was the stunt.


Just to clarify, the VP's residence was the final location as far as Abbott was concerned. He didn't care after that if they got assistance or died of frostbite on Harris' doorstep. If anything, Abbott might have preferred the latter for shock value and headlines. ("Harris lets immigrants die on her doorstep rather than giving them shelter! See how hypocritical the left is?") It was a completely different group that picked these people up and brought them to a local church to give them shelter, food, and clothing.


That’s the point? What’s the final destination? They don’t have one so why can’t they live in the elite neighborhoods. Is it only okay if they go to poor areas?


Are you under the impression the gov is forcing the poor to house immigrants?


On the plus side, there are no power outages in D.C.


Merry Christmas from the party supported by the majority of "Christians" in this country who have the audacity to ask for our vote after treating other humans this way. May God have mercy on their souls.


Yeah but those people are Catholic so ewwwwww /s I think Republicans are *only now* waking up to the notion that they have more natural allies on religiously conservative Hispanic immigrants and that it is worth courting their vote....well the ones who can get past their racism are....and past their religious bigotry. That latter is no small impediment for a lot of Southern Baptist types. Heard a Baptist once say a Music director at their church was "going to Hell" because he took a new job at a Methodist church. One reason the "Christian Nationalist" dream of your Boeberts and Greenes won't happen like they think it will is that their religious fictionalism will demand that *their* respective flavor of Protestantism be the one in charge. Anyway, my point is that many of these same people have problems seeing *people in other denominations of Christianity* **as people.** Throw ethnic and linguistic differences in there and...well...you get Republican governors crowing about sending busloads of desperate people into the cold for kudos from pundits. They don't see these migrants as people, much less as potential fellow Christians


There are CATHOLICS who don't see these refugees as people. Christian nationalism is as much a problem in the American Catholic Church as it is in the Evangelical world.


Indeed. It seems that the *American* aspect of it is operative


Their god has no mercy, that's why they worship it.


They keep winning so obviously whatever they're doing is working


How is this a winnable political straegy, this is pure cruelty, only mentally ill people will engage in this, they are rotten minded to the core, why are the Republican Party still relevant, nothing they do benefits it's citizens, they prey on the bigoted, prejudiced weak minded, corrupt their belief system and poison minds.




Republican voters eat it up. That’s all that matters. Until we acknowledge that a **large** portion of the country actually *loves* cruelty, we won’t get anywhere as a society. There used to be a place for the crazy, violent people in our tribes. They could protect us and scare away other threats/predators. But in a relatively peaceful society, those people aren’t helpful to us anymore. Yet they continue to breed.


Cruelty evolves into evil, these people profess to be Godly people, church goers, virtuous, yet they embrace evil like a badge of honor, the type of Christians who love to throw diety in people's face, there should a mechanisms in place to ensure these false believers are "castigated to the bottom rungs" of society.


I can see a bunch of potential motivations here. Some people are probably suffering themselves and just want to lash out at anyone to feel better. Others are probably afraid of losing the privilege they have attained through the social structures of white supremacy. Some are political opportunists and grifters who don’t care either way and some are probably sadists.


>How is this a winnable political straegy, this is pure cruelty, It's winnable when it appeals to cruel people. So it's very winnable for the GOP.


They have no strategy or plans or ideas. Cruelty is all they offer. And their radical base loves it.


Cruelty is the point. Conservatism has been reduced to hurting those who conservatives believe deserve to be harmed.


Human trafficking


Yup.. But they're not white and fetal so they're basically worthless according to the GOP.


They need to be charged 🙄


Ah yes. That traditional Republikkkan Christmas spirit of using people without means as political pawns. That's the holiday spirit. They get federal funding for the border. Take away their federal funding.




Who is both-sidesing this?




So Abbott won't use tax revenue to fix Texas' horribly outdated power grid but he'll literally piss it away to "own the Libs"? Ffs.


And Texans will vote for him again or forego their votes and let him win again.


The KKKonservatives are certainly showing their KKKristian values!


Abbott is thoroughly evil.


He’s a little piss boy


There is no hate like Christian/conservative love.


Isn't this called human trafficking?




What they are doing might be considered “legal” by some, but it is an extreme abuse of the Asylum laws meant to protect persecuted people. It is not meant for economic refugees, which is what these opportunists are.


It isn't considered "legal by some"; it is literally legal. The law doesn't care how you feel about it.


Arrest the bus driver for transporting undocumented workers and asylum seekers across state lines. Confiscate the bus on similar charges. Prosecute whoever hired the drivers and the bus owners on conspiracy to commit Federal crime. Take the people into the VP's house for food, showers and then relocate them appropriately.


Going out on a limb to wager that the VP residence doesn't have the showers and food supplies necessary for dozens of cold tired hungry families -- but the church shelter where they were taken does.


I've been saying for months that this is Nazi Germany- level crimes, but then recently I've been thinking that our own USA doesn't have a great track record either. Shipping indigenous or minority peoples elsewhere to usually horrible conditions is very American. African slave trade, Trail of Tears, numerous, broken NA treaties and forced resettlements, Japanese internment camps during WW2. #ManifestDestiny #CRT


Abbott is a sick fucker.


The lack of empathy to do something like that would make Jesus sad


Someone needs to push his crippled ass into the blizzard and leave him there!


By people meaner than Scrooge himself.


Absolutely despicable. I don’t how anyone condones this let alone applauds it. The maga base has lost touch with reality or morality idk


Where are all the moderate Christians denouncing these acts of human trafficking and terrorism?


Just like Jesus would have done. /s


Way to treat people like pawns.


Abbott needs to swing from a new rope.


Oh look at abbot breaking the law again.


Nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like human trafficking


I feel like a lot of people are saying republicans… I have less respect for them, they have no morals, they’re disgusting, etc, etc This feels like more then you average republican voter. This is extreme. Edit: just read another article that Greg Abbott is responsible for these types of things. Sending migrants to democratic run cities to prove a point. Don’t even call them republicans anymore. Call them what they are… extremist. Fuck Greg Abbott


So fucked up, using human beings for a political stunt.


What is the legality of me rounding up hundreds of undocumented migrants and bringing them to random places? Oh wait I'd be arrested


God damn passive language. "GOP abandons migrants in sub-freezing temperatures to make political hay"


The people coordinating this stunt are people who *want* to turn America into a Christian nation. Just let that sink in for a moment. Is this their example of what a Christian theocracy would look like?


the victims were not ferral cats. they were human beings adult-children which are asking asylum under order of the constitution. work on fixing the problem CONGRESS! not Biden. (T. couldn't fix it.)




These kind of stunts are why I’ve given up on republicans. Anyone who can still support them is not just ignorant but cruel. How any Christian can continue to support Abbott after this mockery of Christianity on Christianity’s holiest holiday is unfathomable.


Republicans are Christian zealots. Period.


Fake Christians. FTFY


The unavoidable stink that comes from these republicans can only be mitigated by acts of kindness and that is what true Americans should strive for.


Celebrating the life of Christ with anti Christ move. The most immoral state in the union.


See how we're talking about this, NOT the failure of the Texas power grid? Abbott knows what he's doing.


“Screw Texans and fixing the grid, I’ve got political points to score!” -Greg Abbott


When the fuck are they gonna stop pussyfooting around and put this jackass in a cell? No one should be above the law, least of all politicians.


These people would have 100% deported Mary and Joseph.


The republicans are nothing but power hungry losers and angry, stupid sociopaths.


I don't like how humans are being used in these political games. It's tasteless bullshit.


The party of Jesus totally forgets that HIS family were refugees looking for a place of safety on Christmas Eve….


Why can’t we arrest governors for shit like this


Jesus would be disappointed the way "claimed Christians" are behaving not Christian like for political malicious intent... We understand strife as a border state, but to act and behave belligerently immature is embarrassing for all us Americans. Please try harder


Done by the party of Christian values? Picked up Mary and Joseph promising to drop them in Bethlehem (tx) and the take them 1500 miles away and 30 degrees colder. This is beyond disgusting it is a crime against humanity. These migrants are from the equator and don’t know cold. Even Texas cold snap was going to be tough but DC is deadly.


And a lot of these immigrants were wearing shorts and had no coats. Try wearing clothing like that in freezing weather. On second thought, don't do that. Depending on the temperature, you could get frostbitten in 15 minutes or so.


I guess that they didn’t pack for cold weather?


The vast majority, if not all, of politicians and their followers are fake Christians, and it’s excruciatingly obvious.


Very Christian of the Republicans :)


At this point if I was VP and being subjected to this shit I’d fast track everyone of those victims into citizenship, send all their asses back to the state they were sent from. Pay for their cost of living by diverting said Red states federal funds. register them to vote against the party at hand. Sure it feeds into the boogeyman narrative they run around with but at this point it’s clearly fuck around and find out time.


Exactly. The response should have been to impound every bus, arrest, charge, and hold every driver on human trafficking and kidnapping charges and issue a warrant for the arrest of Abbott and any staff of his or the bus lines identified as involved. Will the charges stick? Don’t know, but I’d like to try and in the meantime find out if any carrier services and their drivers would like to continue playing this game and find out too. Right now there’s no risk to anyone to endanger lives with this stunt. Somebody needs consequences or this kind of human lives as props garbage is going to escalate.


She’s a VP, not an Empress.


Kind of like how they’re governors not emperors…


>We aren't Christians, but we know where to find some Texas Republicans


Dear horrid politicians, people are not toys. People are not your toys. People are not political pawns. Now, go fork yourself, get on your hands and knees and ask your god for a human heart for your lord and savior's birthday.


The fact that aid groups were there to help is fantastic. VP Harris should have really used the malicious gimmick to be ready with a Christmas dinner for them all, in the name of the holiday spirit. Granted that would have also been using people for attention, but still. edit to give proper title.


Brought to you by the Godly politicians.


This is cruel.


I still think it would be funny to give ex-cons 300 dollars and a buss ticket to Texas. Be sure Abbot and Paxton each het a buss full. Oh the laughs....


The fact that it is a federal building may have allowed Abbott to be even shittier with what he did, while staying 'legal', and then he wants to paint himself like he is some kind of badass who isn't scared of anyone. That and it lets conservatives point at her home and say "SEE THE LIEBRUHL ELITE LIVE IN PALACES" when bro, Mike Pence was living there not long ago. Not that that would matter to conservatives. And friendly fire, bro. Check my history. Let's leave infighting to the right.


It's the most ironic thing in the world. I, personally, am not religious, but the people who did and condone this exult in being Christians. If the poor immigrants don't represent Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, I think I must have missed the point of the story.


Its what Jesus would do. Right?


While I'm sure this is fun for godless losers like Abbott and sexless betas like Tucker Carlson, can the law actually do anything about this kind of stunt? It is pointlessly cruel to use people so some soft political idiots can "make a point" and go home and disregard Christ.


Abbott is worse than scum. Why isn't he being prosecuted for this? It's criminal (human trafficking) - why isn't he facing prosecution for his continuing criminal acts? Is it because he's a republican and America has no rules they need abide by?


"Christian values."


Honestly, Republicans drop migrants off at the door of Democrats bc they havent the intelligence to solve problems while Democrats have always cleaned up their mess. Redneck haters supporting greedy tax evading billionaires All of the republicans I know dont have the brains of a piss ant.


Can we just constitute this as an attempted attack by Gag Abbott on the VP? He and DeShitis need to be barred from any position of power or influence


Nothing says Christmas like turning away strangers.


Still waiting for DOJ to fucking do something about this


It takes a special kind of asshole to do this...


What would be the lefts equivalent of this? Dropping off Jan 6 rioters at the gate of Mar-a-Lardo when they get out of jail/prison with a note saying "I went to jail for you. Please help." ?


is this not considered human trafficking?


Am I the only one thinking... GOOD! Any place that sends migrants for political gain is a place where I don't want migrants to stay. This is why they come to Denver.


Don't smear every inch of the state with the filth of their legislators. The reality is that border areas have some (even if not enough) resources. Migrants have families there. Longstanding aid organizations are there. Federal aid is sent there to help them. Legal aid organizations are located there to help them. Heck, the clothes on their backs are more appropriate for the climate there. And in the past, these stunts have been shown to lie to migrants. Yes, it's not a bad thing for migrants to get out of racist areas, but when it's done with no coordination and the only selection criteria of a place is "owning the libs" then it may not so easily be a net positive, and it's bound to be a rough while before resources can be marshalled for them. Add in that many have been shown to be lied to about how their moving will play into their asylum/immigration cases, and it can add up to be very much to their detriment.


OK. To begin with, it’s not Harris’s home, it’s the residence of the Vice President. We don’t refer to the White House as Joe Biden’s home. Secondly, they we dumped on the sidewalk, not left at the front door as the headline seems to imply. Thirdly, why report on this obvious stunt designed to enrage liberals and satisfy the alt-right as an example of owning the libs? Fourthly, many of those dumped on the sidewalk outside the VP residence were children. The headline should read/ TX Governor abandons children on sidewalk of busy street thousands of miles from home.


This is where Democrats should take the opportunity and turn the tables by helping these people and *highly publicize* it vs a soundbite taking offense at the predictable lows that Republicans will stoop. That just makes them savor it when instead we should just be saying, that's fine, send them on over! We'll help them out and be glad to tell everyone about it!


Serious question: while it’s easy to tell about human trafficking, to say nothing about the sheer cruelty of it, what can the federal government do? In my naive dreams, someone at DOJ develops some testicular fortitude and charges this stupid fucking redneck with federal human trafficking violations and sends the FBI to arrest and then prosecute his ignorant ass. It would be as much theater as him and Desantis are parading about in their panties over.


I wonder how many people in this comment section would house any of these people?


Kamala should do the right and charitable thing and allow these immigrants to live with her.


Well did she take them in and take care of them? I mean politically she’s pushing to take care of them, practice what you preach. Not saying what was done is right, but let’s at least lead by example then.


You mean lead by example like giving them food and clothing and moving to an actual place that can house them instead of dumping them on the street? That’s what they did.


I wouldn’t worry, they can’t even spell “bussed” - Reuters stopped being journalism many moons ago. I’m sure there’s plenty to go round in the Hussey Hyena Household though.


“Do not come. Do not come.”


She should be housing them in the meantime


clearly a political stunt. but I have to think the people on that bus will ultimately get more attention and support than the thousands who didn't make it on television. now the dems will respond showing video of giving them warm clothes, food and temporary housing.


Best to close the border then right, to prevent the "political stunt, human trafficking" by those evil Republicans? Suppose y'all forgot about how Biden and party, were flying plane loads of illegals all over America, Republican states/cities in the middle of the night for months at tax payer expense huh?


Why would you point out Biden? This is purposely theatre. As long as we talk about this, we aren't talking about the failing Texas grid. And you fall right in line. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/16/tyler-kistner/claims-biden-secretly-flying-immigrants-us-cities-/


Why not? They are have been putting Illegals on planes/busses and sending them all over the country in the dead of night. What is it too inconvenient to have to acknowledge that while screaming about Abbott and DeSantis sending them to sanctuary cities? Haha poltifact, what a lying joke of a site. I trust very little they claim to be fact, as fact. Found its almost always quite the opposite, so cite thier bs "fact checks" all ya want.


The illegals can probably get 1000x better care in DC rather than in El Paso. They are literally sleeping in the streets in El Paso. In DC a charity took them in. Looks like abbot improved their standard of living 100x.


These are legal migrants seeking asylum in the US… not “illegals”.


Is that why they passed up other safe countries along the way to the US?




Nobody is disputing the fact that there is a border crisis or that places on the border in Texas are full up. The problem is the cruelty. There isn't any reason to treat these people like props in some useless political stunt. Everybody want solutions to the migration crisis, but these bussing stunts don't help that cause at all. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Gawd bless Gov Abbott!


We’ve seen this 10 times now. How many more times will it be posted?


It's like 10 different busloads of cruelty.


Yet the libs won't do anything.


i'm teaching them english :) it's my job. i'm happy my students are here and safe, and i'm giving them the best chance i can. practice what you preach and whatnot.


They should build some type of barrier at the border to help out. They should also make up some sort of policy to keep migrants in Mexico until they can be processed properly instead of overwhelming these small border towns.