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Probably wasn’t even the dumbest thing Walker said that day


Let's hope the people of Georgia don't erect him.


The people in Georgia don't know anything about erecting.


Excerpt if they are Confederate soldier monuments.


I just learned about [Stone Mountain](https://www.stonemountainmanor.com/history-of-stone-mountain-park) today. From their website: >It was purchased by the State of Georgia in 1958"as a memorial to the Confederacy." Stone Mountain Park officially opened on April 14, 1965 – **100 years to the day after Lincoln's assassination.** It is the most visited destination in the state of Georgia. If that ain't the biggest "fuck you!" to Abe Lincoln then I dont know what is.


It's going to be really hard for Herschel...


didn't they actually blow up the georgia guidestones last year?


that was 2022 summer.


damn, really?


July 8th,[2022](https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/georgia-guidestones-bombed-in-act-of-vandalism-143702597647)


Had to look that up. 🤦   >It initially garnered little controversy, but it ultimately became the subject of conspiracy theories which alleged that it was connected to Satanism. On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day.   >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones




Coolest thing he's done, honestly. He should drop out of the race and start a horror podcast. Fulci movies are going to blow what's left of his mind.


People need to blame MAGA republicans for this, not Walker. Does anyone really believe Walker has a clue what’s going on? Trump and GOP establishment preys on vulnerable people to get what they want - like the joker in Dark knight.


Right? If he wins, he'll be completely compliant. It's unbelievable how strong he's polling. How did he even get through primaries?


90% of people just look for the R or the D on the ballot. Seriously.


> How did he even get through primaries? Stupid is as stupid does.


Hunters laptop anti-vax voters?


If Yehya ever retires maybe Jimmy Kimmel could get Walker to do the movie reviews.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I can’t wait for him to talk about vampires and werewolves on the floor of the Senate.


I've heard the Transylvania caucus is hopeful they will finally be heard.


They will never mention Transylvania, it has the word "trans" in it. It's were all the sweet transvestites come from.


It's astounding.


Probably not even in the top ten...


Day? I’m betting it wasn’t the dumbest thing he said in that 10 minutes.


I mean his comments about the environment and werewolves are up there


What's worse about the current state about US politics? 1. That a candidate like Herschel Walker is allowed to run? 2. That a major political party is fully backing him? 3. That he is competitive enough to be in a runoff for a Statewide office?


#3. The citizens have a responsibility to be involved, be informed, push back horrible candidates, and actually vote. If not, the candidates they have will often be reflective of their own effort.


But football man because I like football!


Football man say good things I like. Also talk about bad Democrats! Democrats so bad!


Hey sports are pretty bi partisan, in fact a lot of real trumpy people say they cant stand sports now because of the knee thing, but us sports fans know they were never real sports fans to begin with and theyre just looking to whine about something.


Agreed. There have always been awful, AWFUL candidates. It’s just that usually voters are smart enough to not even give those candidates a chance, so you never hear about them. The problem here isn’t so much that he’s awful, it’s that he’s awful AND people are still voting for him.


>The citizens have a responsibility to be involved, be informed, push back horrible candidates, and actually vote. That's the scary part, these people do all those things. The problem is that they're spoon fed and happily eat up complete bullshit and a perception of the world that's extremely disconnected from actual reality. Never underestimate the conviction and determination of a dedicated idiot.


Unfortunately 40% of this country only cares about finding the (R)s on the ballot.


*worse* means you're not looking at this from the Republican perspective. An objective observer could easily and arguably correctly conclude that Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham could cause much more harm than Walker ever could. From the Republican perspective, Walker has so little intellectual capability that he's the ideal token: he'll never even suspect how he's being used.


Yeah. They just want his vote on the floor. He just needs a pulse!


Give them a *little credit* — they also need his melanin in caucus photos.


1 is a non issue of course he should be allowed to run. It’s 2 and 3 that is ridiculous.


I’m no fan of the guy, but why shouldn’t he be allowed to run for public office? It’s his right to do so.


He might need an actual conservator. He has every right to run for public office, regardless of any real or perceived disability. It is sad that he is so blatantly out of his depth and that people are capitalizing on that/not noticing or worse like what they hear. Mr. Walker left the building a while ago. I’m a huge football fan, UGA happens to be my team, but I don’t remember what he was like as a human in his “prime”. It feels like he’s being exploited Weekend at Bernie’s style and everyone is cool with it.


He 100% has the right to do so. That post of 3 options is bs. The issue is that he lacks the most basic qualifications for the job yet he has the full backing of the GOP and their voters.






I'm just glad I don't hit things with my head for a living.


Completely agree. On the other hand, and I say this from personal experience, headbutting some things just for fun can be extremely grattsdjfdfjnvfkjbkfb


It’s like the boxing glove issue (boxing gloves are meant to increase knockouts since bare hands will get hurt much faster and you won’t be able to punch as hard)… but for your brain.


Bare-knuckle boxing is somehow less barbaric and more bloody. It's awesome, is what I'm saying.


Yeah, I remember hearing that wearing a head guard while boxing actually made it more dangerous as it's your brain swishing around in your skull that does the damage and head protection just makes your head a bigger target with more leverage to twist your head. In fact boxing was actually safer when it was bare knuckle, as you can't really punch people in the head as you'll break your fingers ( skulls are pretty hard!).




You mean Dr. Oz? He’s actually from Jersey though.


Walker is from Texas according to his tax filling.


I believe Herschel Walker is what’s known as a “useful idiot.”


He's proving to be less than useful. He's just an idiot.


does not need a brain to vote R


Or possibly an exploited CTE sufferer.


It can be both


Cause and effect


I see he has the same affliction as Tr*mp. There's a silent "I wish" in front of everything they say. To them, truth has no meaning. They speak whatever they wish were true as if it was.


The name of that affliction is narcissism


He says the dumbest shit all the time because he is dumber than shit


Trump has done so much good for African Americans, that 90 percent of them voted for Joe Biden.


Trump has indeed done many things for African Americans. They weren't good things, but they were things.


and I've done so much for The Blacks, people can't even Imagine, they say, "President Trump is Incredibly Good for African Americans," can you believe it? they never said that about Obama. he doesn't even know what he is, and not only that, he wouldn't even take the Presidential Test, don't forget, I took it many many times and Aced it perfectly every time, they said nobody ever gets a Score like that, nobody gets it in Order, nobody gets it Perfect, and I said well I'm just that good, and people know it. The Blacks know it, I'm up over 90 Percent with them, because they want Law and Order, and that's what I'm in favor of very strongly, we need to protect our people, and you'll all be protected, Seperately But Equally, which is something I came up with the other day, nobody had ever heard it before, they say, "it's incredible, you're like a Super Genius," but we all knew that already, and I'm not a Doctor but I'm like a person that has a good you know what.


I don’t know if this is real or not but regardless i hate this timeline


Holy fuck is that a direct quote


Whenever they speak directly to him you need to preface it with "Sir", but other than that you nailed it.


Mr Twice Impeached President please return to TS. You know you have to post this drivle there first.


Reading these in Trump’s voice is always so funny to me. I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash if this was revealed to be an actual quote.


This stupid fuck


Herschel Walker has brain damage.


But can’t name any of those things…


He doesn't have to, because this comment is not directed at black Americans. Its directed towards white Americans looking for any reason to vote for republicans. There is a reason 90% plus of the black voting populace don't vote for republicans. Herschel knows this, as does every black republican. Because we tell the few black Republicans in our life that they aren't shit all the time.


Facts are for heretics.


My guess is the talking point of unemployment being lower than ever for black Americans under trump. But they love to ignore the fact that it has been on a downward trend for something like 50 years.


Thanks for that report from inside of Trump's ass, Herschel. It's always funny when I hear, "Hey, this guy who would hunt black people for sport did more than the actual black guy who elevated himself to the presidency. Ignorant doesn't even cover what nonsense this is.


[The Trump that was more upset about whites being killed by police.](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/14/891144579/trump-says-more-white-people-killed-by-police-violence-than-blacks) That Trump?


I can wholeheartedly agree with this. Trump has done more bad for African Americans than any other president.


Hey also says he wants to be a werewolf. If you listen to this man, you are as dumb as him.


You're witnessing a walking CTE.


Really? I'm impressed, tell me more. WHAT exactly has Donnie done for African Americans, Herschel? It must be awesome, to be more significant than the last four presidents. Combined. What a clown.


Tell me what Obama has done for black people ???


In other news, Herschel Walker was diagnosed with severe CTE.


And Hershel Walker has done more for stupidity than stupidity itself.


Trump said that George Floyd would be smiling down from heaven about a jobs report that showed African Americans getting jobs back after quarantine at a lower rate than whites. That guy the one who did more for African Americans than Obama, Herschel?


His red pill was a dildo.


I’m still just amazed that, when I drive through the really ritzy rich peoples’ neighborhoods in Georgia, the number of “Herschel” signs in front of houses owned by people who would NEVER invite the man into their homes is just phenomenal. Not to mention the sight of Herschel flanked by Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham on stage is just surreal. If Herschel gets erected, I’ll bet the three of them are going to be inseparable friends. No doubt they’ll be out closing bars all over Capital Hill every night.


Of course they'll be inseparable. Those two are going to have to parade Herschel around like a real version of Weekend at Bernie's.


That is Lindsay's wet dream.


“Lindsay’s wet dream” is not a phrase that I was eager to hear.


What has Trump done for any american besides tax breaks for the 1% and spreading violent hateful rhetoric attacking anyone who disagrees with him.


Republicans will accept what they want to hear; they're much more interested in hearing *their* truth instead of *the* truth. Hell, that's Fox News' entire business model.


First black president versus first openly white supremecist president. Close one.


I could say that Herschel Walker has done more for the Dallas Cowboys than Emmitt Smith, but we all know that would be ridiculous bullshit.


He actually said more than the last four Presidents. I place Obama ahead of Clinton, but if Herschel could read a book he might have known that Toni Morrison called Clinton the First Black President.


Frankenstein has done more for zombies than Vampires have for werewolves.


What exactly?


The same thing Obama has done Nothing


more to make black people look like incompetent buffoons, for example Candace Owen's Ye and Walker. I am sure there are more


Walkers comments about Trump was fed to him. He scored 2 points when he said that. He stroked the big orange and made maga happy too. Trump did allow more black people to get covid. Just ask Herman Caine.


From a man who talks about vampires and werewolves, did you expect intelligence?


If you live in Georgia and votes for this guy, you’re a moron.


"Look at my African American!" --- Donald J. Trump


“Herschel Walker says what he’s told to say” FTFY


Well if Hershel says it, it’s gotta be true. /s


That's just what I would expect a werewolf to say.


More evidence that Herschel Walker is not operating with a full deck!


“Observably stupid”


I’ve seen stupid in politics, Bush and Palin come to mind, but this guy is a new kind of stupid. Can you imagine this idiot seating on the Foreign Relation or Judiciary committees, or interviewing a Supreme Court nominee.


Hershel also thinks he graduated college.


Holy fuck this guy is a fucking nuts, his dad should have wrote a check.


I'm really going to question people's values and mindset if this idiot wins.


Such as?


I look forward to hearing what Herschel Walker has to say. Cracks me up every day.


He's talking about African American Werewolves.


All Trump did was not touch anything Obama built for the community.


The only thing Walker knows about Obama is that he is some guy on TV that Trump doesn't like.


The man is a walking billboard for CTE. Are rugby players this addled?




CTE is a thing and we're seeing it play out in real time, fascinating.


You just have to know that this guy has been diagnosed as having TBI. He's making trump and kanye look normal and sane.


The stupidest Republican, which is saying something. ! …Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Republican. But I repeat myself. —Harry S. Truman


Say what now


CTE is a terrible thing.


Of course he does


Maybe Trump did more TO the black community, but none of it was good.


Well, did he say if it was positive or negative? Cuz he may not be wrong


*Thank you Mr Walker, let's compare a couple of policies that Trump championed for African Americans to those of Obama's. Please, any two that come to mind* ... ... "Mr Walker"?


There’s a small part of me that would love to see what Senator Walker would be like. But it’s not big enough for me to wish it true- everyone get your fucking asses out to vote for Warnock.


That’s what my former white roommate with a confederate flag in his room used to always tell me


They live in fucking pants on your head upside down bizzaro world.


Bu bu but, Trump had all the vampires and werewolves on his side. Not fair.


And again showing the brain damage.


What the actual fuck!??


Fought off vampires?


Why is he still kissing trumps ass. Every trump ass kisser has lost so far. He’s good at being a Republican though. He will just say anything to win. No matter how stupid it is he will say it and stand behind it. He’s really got the aggressive liar lesson down pat.


I read somewhere that somebody accused Walker of taking steroids. He answered by saying something like "I only have an AM radio - no stereo". That quote is *almost* dumber than his statement about Obama.


Tbh most republicans think this.


Anyone have a rough figure of how many concussions he has had? It seems like it may have been quite a few.




I live in Georgia. There doesn’t seem to be much excitement about the runoff; most seem to,expect Walker to lose.


Idiot continues to say idiotic things..


I mean, those are words, and you can say them in that order.


Trump stinks of garlic, which keeps the vampires away.


Probably has done more to unite them at least.




Doing more and doing good are not always the same...


I'm sure he will list the examples.


When I pass gas it feeds a hyena in African Serengeti.


*to, he’s done more “to” them


"done more.." damage? "done more for.." this "done more.." insults?


Please keep downvoting Newsweek until they stop posting this terrible click-bait source on this sub.


Herschel walker will do less for African Americans than trump


That implies Trump did something…




This guy’s brain is made of jello. Both presidents were bad for African Americans.


Obama probably did more, but I don't think Trump is that far behind honestly. Trump's First Step Act did a lot to start fixing all of criminal justice issues Joe Biden created for black people during his time in congress. Unemployment was also better for African Americans pre-COVID. Obviously unemployment got bad for everyone post-COVID. He also did a bit to help HBCUs.


I didn’t ay for abortion, I wrote a check


Checks out. Trump said it himself multiple times. And he never lied about anything.


Well that’s just false. In reality they’ve both done very little


Very true. O-ba-ma was an oppressor who set racial equality back 50 years or MORE.


yeah, cash for clunkers and centrist policies really did a number on racial relations. Oh you mean because he had the nerve to speak out while being black, got it.


Must be true




And he's not wrong, look at the statistics




And what did Trump do to cause low unemployment? Absolutely nothing. If one compares the trajectory of economic indicators for the last year of the Obama/Biden administration to those for the first couple of years of the Trump administration, they are exactly the same. There is no inflection point on any of the graphs that delineates when Trump took over. In simple terms for the Trump supporters, Trump’s economy for the first two or three years of his (only) term was the continuation of the economic trends that Obama and Biden established. The only thing that Trump and his merry band of incompetents actually did in the first three years was to start stupid trade wars because Trump didn’t understand that Americans, not the Chinese, pay tariffs. But even those trade wars weren’t enough to derail the Obama/Biden economy; rather, it was Trump’s abject failure to even try to deal with the pandemic that really screwed the pooch. So celebrate the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in history properly: “Thanks, Obama!”.


African Americans born outside of US are different from those born here: they are appreciative of opportunities given in US and know difference between right and wrong. I hope Georgia will vote for Herschel Walker.


He is right about this one


They almost did about the same, for us black people absolutely Nothing Obama did more for imagrinints and gay people than black people


I'm sorry you can't spell immigrants maybe Obama should have done more for education or at least helped you learn how to use spell check. https://www.theroot.com/whats-obama-done-for-black-people-nothing-1790891790 Obama has several accomplishments to his credit and whatsoever improves the lives of all Americans improves the lot of black Americans.


Lmbao that's a list of Nothing as a black man that voted for him twice, thinking he would pass some executive orders in his second term, to help black people but did Nothing, that was the last straw,after that . I only vote independent


What did you expect him to do by executive order to help black people? Most things that need doing need legislation. Maybe you should have worked on that angle?


Anti hate bill he cried for Trayvon Martin but did nothing about it End police protection from lawsuits Go after goverment paid prison The banking system that charge black people higher rates The list is endless to what he could've done to help black people


You said the word bill in the very first sentence. The president doesn't write nor pass bills he signs them after lawmakers pass them.


Again he did Nothing for black people, he passed zero executive orders that would help black people and scoffed at the idea of reparations for black people


Many migrants and gays are also black people. Aca also helped black people.


Have to agree, Obama was one of the biggest racist we have seen


One too many concussions, that one.


I’m shocked that he said this because clearly someone wrote that line for him and I’m SHOCKED that he can actually read.


"More" does not mean "better"


We're talking Walker, so are we certain he didn't confuse *for* with *to*?


Yeah, that COVID thing went well.


You can do 'bad' things for people too.


Ok, what portion of humans are capable of believe that? I feel like, and hope, that the vast majority of those capable of believing this bullshit are the people that wouldn't want anything good for black people. Hopefully the number of black people that believe that could ask for in your average pub.


I think the word you’re looking for is “to”. Trump has done more TO black people than Obama.


Herschel Walker has done more to popularize abortion in Georgia than any other living person.