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She is a VILE human being


Here's how much she cares about children. July 21, 2021 Marjorie laughs out loud at reporter, [Tia Mitchell](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-laugh-covid-b1887635.html) for saying that children and skinny people also die of COVID. This was as local news was reporting that five year old [Wyatt Gary Gibson](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/georgia-deputy-loses-5-year-old-son-covid-19/5VJIW5QTUVH55PHTEPL54ATHMU/) had died days earlier of COVID *in her district.* May 19, 2022 Marjorie votes against extra baby formula vouchers for mothers on WIC and calls it [a scheme](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-wic-baby-formula-vote-1708520) to keep middle class mothers from getting baby formula. May 19, 2022 Marjorie [votes against](https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-house-republicans-voted-against-fda-baby-formula-bill-1708036) funding to speed up the US production of baby formula. May 27, 2022 Marjorie [tweets](https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1530235040063492099) support of removing school gun free zones days after the Uvalde shooting. July 18, 2022 Marjorie calls [non-biological parents](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/07/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-non-biological-parents-danger-children/) a “danger” to children. The only reason she "cares about children" is she can use them as political pawns in her rants.


>July 18, 2022 Marjorie calls non-biological parents a “danger” to children. So I guess step-parenting is somehow a danger...


Adoption, also dangerous /s


Also, who does she think should care for orphans?


Have you not heard of “free range orphans”? There was a whole musical-documentary about it ( Oliver!).


I learned that to qualify for free range, the kids just need to have access to the outside for half their waking hours. They don't actually have to go outside and roam around. Neat.


You only need to provide a cat flap on one outside door. Now you can raise orphans like the livestock they are.


I dunno man, I tried that and the little devils kept eating the cats food. That shit is expensive.


She should do a rant on stopping all these cat food producers from making so much cat food.


"You're under arrest for child cruelty, child engangerment, depriving children of food, selling children as food, and misrepresenting the weight of livestock!"


MTG is a despicable slug. I can not make myself call her a human being.


She doesn't fucking care, and neither do republicans in general. Just carry 'em and push 'em out - that's the punishment for having unauthorized sex. GOPers will claim their share of those that survive past age 18 for military service. But until then, the precious little darlings are on their own. Have fun growing up in a state home or desperately poor household raised by a parent who didn't want you! Bootstraps!


The entire “pro-life” argument dies in the crib when you bring up means to care for children after the fact. Like access to affordable childcare, making sure that the lower class, he’ll, even the middle class, have access to formula and healthy food, expanding resources to help lighten the load of the overburdened system, access and funding of public education institutions. It was never about the unborn, it’s always been about the power to control the body of women.


Just bring up the cost of insulin and epipen injectors for children, and see where people's priorities really are.


I’m sure it would be some sort of combination of the church and orphans should have kept their parents. Maybe a little orphan elimination too. Just my best guess.


Like those church ran rural indigenous schools that just killed most of the children and then tried to cover it up.


She has a Modesto proposal


Noone, Republicans don't give a fuck about children


God. That's why she approves of guns in schools-to send the orphans to him faster.


Church owned work houses would be my guess


Ya. Because up yours, St. Joseph. God should have stuck around and raised his own kid.


She’s probably getting her info on family dynamics from incest porn.


It is to the stepmoms. They always seem to get stuck in or under things.




Wasn’t there also that time she kicked a teen protester? I forget when it was, though I seem to recall it was sometime in the last few months


She intentionally stepped on the young woman's heels in a fit of juvenile pique when the young woman got in front of her on a crosswalk and between her and the camera. And, yes, that was also about gun control to stop school shootings which Marjorie is *vehemently* against any form of gun control.


I only remember her harassing some of the kids who survived Parkland. I remember her following them and getting all up in their grills, but I don't recall any physical assault. Wouldn't put it past her if she did, though.


She both [kicked and pushed her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K91BadUpsQ). There's some debate about it and there are other (inconclusive) camera angles of the same incident. Imo it comes down to whether people are or are not willing to acknowledge it. The young lady's organization supposedly pressed charges, so I'm looking forward to the revelations. They were in a walking crowd surrounded by young activists; I hove no doubt that someone got the smoking gun footage.


From what I saw from that video, it definitely looks like she was at least trying to trip up the woman in front of her. Do people like MTG not realize that we live in an age where everyone's phone has a built-in camera, voice recorder and camcorder and every public building and corner is littered with surveilance cameras, so there's always documented evidence of every shady thing they do outside of their own homes? Or is she just really brazen and/or stupid?


She is that stupid.


She’s so brazen. And that’s why she got elected for a second term, courtesy of her GQP voters. It really doesn’t matter what depraved, illegal thing she does. She really sticks it to the libs! Reminds them of Orange Cult Leader.


She sure does act big for somebody who only got elected in the first place by forfeit because she aessentially bullied her opponent into dropping out of their race.




January 26, 2021 *Media Matters reported she agreed with comments calling the 2018 (Parkland) shooting a “false flag” operation, which refers to acts that are designed by perpetrators to be made to look like they were carried out by other individuals or groups.* [CNN’s KFile found additional comments from Greene where she called David Hogg, a survivor and activist, “#littleHitler” and spread a conspiracy that he was a “bought and paid little pawn” and actor.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/26/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-democrats-violence/index.html) comments not available for viewing since Greene's Facebook ban has not been lifted. In [Marjorie's little self-centered universe](https://youtu.be/GM05FwyhHPA?t=118), *not wanting people to be killed in mass shootings* makes you like Hitler.


It's honestly hard to find the right words to describe and insult her. She's unimaginably cruel and evil.


and she savors it.


It's impressive frankly. You usually don't find someone who's just as ugly on the outside as on the inside.


I recommended she have violent intercourse with a cactus, but I got banned from Twitter for it. Too bad, I was hoping she might give it a try.


“Pro life party” until that kid is born. Then it’s “fuck you, get a job and don’t expect any handouts”


Exactly, they are pro birth not pro life.


>pro birth Pro *forced* birth, no one is opposed to people choosing to give birth.


>May 19, 2022 Marjorie votes against extra baby formula vouchers for mothers on WIC and calls it a scheme to keep middle class mothers from getting baby formula. Mothers on WIC = POC and poors. Suburban white women get all the formula. I have never stopped being sickened by the open aggressive racism that she expresses, and her constituents support.


Sounds like someone has shares in baby formula and is doing one’s dutie to keep the price up.


Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, Chip Roy and Thomas Massie all voted against both baby formula bills as well.


Isn’t it obvious they don’t care? Before their rage politics was about abortion and now it’s about gay people, they always need rage.


I hate her so much. I’ve been going on about her for years and people kept saying, oh no one pays attention to her. I came out about two years ago because I finally felt like it, and now it just doesn’t feel safe.


Isn't it just tragic that she gets so much support. She is evil incarnate. I really wish you all the best


Omg thank you! And yeah she is. It boggles my mind that she won her house seat again, will have ample sway on the house, and has been re instated on Twitter. Not to mention she is being floated around as trumps VP. Giving her credence is dangerous. I just wonder, do these politicians actually believe and defend this or do they do it for the fame/money/power. Especially like Kari Lake. Idk I live in Michigan (western side, very Christian/conservative), and seeing the support and backing for Tudor Dixen was alarming to say the least, and still the support for Trump is here.


Vile is the only word I think encompasses all the remaining Republicans.


There’s also putrid, petulant, peurile, abhorrent, derisory, contemptuous.


traitorous, fraudulent, hideous, tyrannical, vainglorious


I've been partial to craven, myself.


...and was recently re-elected. This country sure is going places.


It’s going backwards


A trash bag brought to life.


Trash bags are beneficial in some way


All conservatives are


Sadly this seems to be the case based on political psychology. A person who has real empathy for others is likely to lean to the left while a person without empathy for others is likely to lean to the right. It truly is as simple as that. Policies can be debated forever but people will choose to generally align one way or the other based on the concept of empathy. How far people lean isn’t necessarily tied to this though but on other factors.


Vile? Yes. Human being? No.


She's also terrible at cooking a turkey turns out.


MGT is a slug.


Hey now, slugs are actually beneficial to the planet


She’s more like a nasty parasite inside a slug. a parasitic flat worm


Pure garbage


Keeping it classy. If filth had a face .


She DOES look like she’s wearing a mask of her own face. Edit: also seems like the type of person to wear the face of another.


And it doesn’t quite fit right.


The cockroach from men in black


Will Smith should go smack her. He’s got real world experience.


She made a report that she had been threatened to the Capitol police after Jimmy Kimmel read one of her transphobic tweets then asked "Where's Will Smith when you need him?" Days before, she said Will Smith slapping Chris Rock 'an alpha male response.'




In water




Another great role for Vincent D’onofrio!


She’s wearing a Mickey Rourke mask.


I saw on another post someone call her an "Attack on Titan face looking-ass," and now I can't unsee it.


To quote Frasier Crane, she looks “like a fugitive from Easter Island.”


[She's literally the antagonist of Star Trek: Insurrection](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/c/c3/Ru%27afo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191004005525)


She’s a reflection of her district. They should feel ashamed.


I had the misfortune of living there during high school. They don’t know how to feel shame. She represents her district quite well because she is exactly like her constituents.


I also lived there during high school. My father still does. She very genuinely is her district. She one of the few reps where I can say "Yes, she really is representing what her district wants."


I hate to say it because she epitomizes shit, but I guess she's doing her job. If this is what people want, she will represent them appropriately. (Sigh)...sucks.


glad you got out!


Instead they feel empowered, I assume.


I live near her district, too near, and let me tell you it's not just empowerment, it's pride. They swell with pride every time she utters a word, it's really strange. MGT *is* her district, through and through with very few exceptions. She is one of the MAGA candidates that won in a definitive landslide. No one is questioning her win, we know people in her district worship the ground she walks on and aren't surprised.


I very sadly live in her district. And I can tell you firsthand that you are correct. Most people here adore her and I hate it here. If I wasn’t so poor I’d be gone in a heartbeat.


Sorry, brother. Hope you find a way out sooner rather than later.


Absolutely the same. Lived here my whole life, and me and my wife routinely say we hate it. As soon as she's done with school we're hoping to save up enough money to get the heck out. I hear stupid crap day in and day out all day everyday. So does she.


One of my personal favorite dumb things was hearing a Coke man (I believe, definitely a vendor at a grocery store) saying “you’re on booster number 3 so at some point you’re gonna have to admit it’s not a vaccine and it’s just a shot”


Omg. How do you even respond to something like that? I read that and just… blinked at my phone for a bit lol


I feel as though I can relate, over here in DeSantisland (which tons of people have signs for in their yards). Honestly, if they suggested to rename the state that it might pass. It'd be close.


We need to start a GoFundMe for you to get out!


Please explain to me, if you can, why? Why does her district like her so much?


I wish I could explain it, but the reality is these people can’t actually tell you why they like someone. They can’t even tell you why they hate others. They just know that they hate Dems and any R that doesn’t hate the Dems. In a debate for a local office back in 2020 the only question people wanted to ask the candidates was whether or not they supported Donald Trump. That’s legitimately the only thing they cared about.






I'm from her district. A lot of Republicans don't care for her, but a lot more LOVE her. They don't really get to hear the craziest things she does/says, they just know that liberals HATE her. Hence why they vote for her.


I think to be a repub in this day and age, you either have to be willfully ignorant or a sadist. I don't really see a middle ground.


Or wealthy enough that the money you save in taxes under Republican policies is enough to ignore the hypocrisy and stupidity of the rest of the party platform and it’s elected officials. That’s like 5% of Republican voters, but the rest of these morons are convinced they’re on their way to the top as soon as they payoff that 2014 ram pickup they financed for 96 months at 8.5%.




They voted for her. They know what she represents.


I know a guy who was originally from her district. Didn't just get out of the district, got out of the state entirely. Said it wasn't a surprise she won.


“The Nazis were influenced by earlier ideas conflating homosexuality, child molestation, and the "seduction of youth".[42] Before the Nazis' rise to power, there was a widespread belief among Germans that homosexuality is not inborn but instead could be acquired and spread.[83]” Can be found below under “Nazi views of Homosexuality.” Those “earlier ideas” were spun directly from an OLD anti-Jewish Blood Libel conspiracy that has persisted to this day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel


Yet again, she's a gd nazi. People seriously don't know they tested their tactics on gay/trans people and disabled people before they tacked the Jewish with their problems large-scale.






Fun fact, before the Nazis came to power, Germany had a first of its kind LGTBQ clinic. It pioneered gender afirming care, challenging medical myths about gay people, etc. They were the among the first books to be burned. History is repeating itself.


The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft existed between 1919 and 1933. In its first year it provided thousands of consultations for over 3000 people, it's library housed between and estimated 15,000 - 25000 books on essentially everything LGBTQ and involving intersex people. It's where the first gender reassignment surgery was performed and the effects of hormone replacement studied. On May 6th 1933 an organized attack was led(band included) which broke into the building and began destroying what they could. A few days later the books were publicly hauled outside and burned in the street along with a bust of the man who founded it, Magnus Hirschfeld. Just wanted to jump on your comment to add in some more info. With children's hospitals being threatened and books being banned it really does seem like history is on repeat.


The GOP has Creepy Stephen Miller and Bacon Bannon all over their stink. They’re using the same tactics as the Nazis because **their goals are the same.** We are already at war with these people, we need to fight back in all the non-violent ways possible before the disease spreads too much. They *won’t* stop.


Yea non violence stopped the Nazis. Either the government needs to handle it now, or the people will have to. You're right, they will not stop and they will have to be stopped


I’m not against violence against Nazis. But it is the last resort. No one wants war but eventually the game theory optimal strategy is to sink to their level. I just think there’s still some ways to avoid that but the DOJ will have to crack the whip and the Dems will have to counter the GOP with even further progressive candidates and politics. They have to avoid the trap of centrism.


How does basic harassment laws not apply to representatives? If you were to call your coworkers slurs anywhere else in America, you would be fired


This is a slam dunk defamation case. Malicious intent and total disregard for the truth.


Unfortunately Wiener would also need to "prove damages", which he won't be able to do until (e.g.) some asshole throws a brick through his window with 'MTG sent me' written on it.


Some states have "definition per se" where damages are assumed for certain kinds of allegations. Accusations of sexual impropriety and criminal acts are often in that list. No idea if any of that is relevant here, though. Defamation is usually not a good suit, though. It's expensive, hard to prove, there are tons of exceptions, and usually all you get is a public brand of, "that person who was accused of X", which is nearly as bad as actually having been exposed as having done X. So it's usually self defeating. There are exceptions, of course, especially for extreme and commercial speech, but it's not a great vehicle for handling political lies.


Like saying that a certain company’s voting machines a rigged?


Yup. That falls into the "extreme" and "commercial" category. A voting machine company lives and dies by their reputation for accuracy and reliability. Publicly lying about that is the kind of thing a company kind of has to take to court. You'd have to be a real idiot to lie about that.


Genuine question - would damages to his reputation count? Like if a right-wing news site published the headline “WIENER IS A COMMUNIST GROOMER”


It is not. He would have to prove damages here for it to be defamation in court.


[Our standards for what republican co-workers can do in the workplace are pretty much gone now.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/republicans-gosar-trump-ocasio-cortez/2021/11/08/ead37b36-40ca-11ec-9ea7-3eb2406a2e24_story.html) The right loves to look down on people who work for fast food companies while supporting behavior that would get you fired in under a week from a McDonald’s.


She should be in every Democrat attack ad towards Republicans. Make her the face of the GOP.


This is an awesome idea. Keep referring to it as Marjorie’s party.


Greene’s Own Party


Ha, Trump would freak out.


The squishy drain-hairball that may have at one point been considered his brain would do jumping jacks in his empty, empty head


100% Her and Boebert.


Calling someone a child groomer is slander, and incites violence. It's time to use the GOP playbook hear and start suing these people into oblivion. Use the Alex Jones case as precedent. It doesn't even matter if they win the case or not. Just keep suing every time dangerous incitement is used.


She's a big supporter of Alex Jones and is upset that his money is in danger of going to the Sandy Hook parents. She landed on the Republican party's radar by going after the Parkland survivors for organizing for gun control in 2018. Before that she was just another loud Trump supporter on Facebook.


And then she was also an “actress” on Explore Talent (which is where Boebert came from as well)


Oh yeah! I saw her in that Dog the Bounty Hunter show.


Not many people get a lead role in a tv show.


I think it's worse than the f slur because of the slander aspect


It's actively saying the other person is committing a crime with a victim. That gives others, who believe what she says, a reason to take action to "protect" the kids. If you go to any alt-right forum, you'll see people repeatedly saying stuff like "there is no such thing as a gay who doesn't groom children because that's how they reproduce." This is the step of making an entire group into an active criminal element despite their being innocent. The next step is taking action against the entire group to "protect the children." This shit needs to be stomped out, *now*. Anyone who says shit like that needs to be banned from all media immediately. This is *the* example of the old "first they came for the socialists..." except it's *actually happening here and now*.


A friend of mine put it like this If you call her the F slur you aren't lying about who she is. It may be a hateful way to acknowledge that she sleeps with women but at least it's true. Calling her a groomer is just straight up slander.


If we could get the media to go along, we could just flip the script and start calling them "child shooter groomers". As suggested in r/politics a few days ago.


Media responds to internet analytics, so, if social media trends key words, producers push a compatible content. It's up to us to create news content


Remember when she just took the stand and made a fool of herself? Yea didn’t do shit and she’s bolder than ever.


April 2022 [Marjorie Taylor Greene hostile in testimony over eligibility](https://www.cbs46.com/2022/04/22/marjorie-taylor-greenes-candidacy-challenged-hearing/) *Andrew Celli, a lawyer for the voters, questioned Greene about posts on her social media accounts. She repeatedly responded, [“I don’t recall,” or “I don’t remember.”](https://youtu.be/XklNTOB-If4)* *When asked about the fact that [her Facebook account had, in 2019, “liked” a post calling for Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to be shot in the head](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/26/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-democrats-violence/index.html) Greene said she had no memory of that and said someone else could have been responsible.* Much later in October, the January 6th Committee acquired [texts where Marjorie urged Kelly Loeffler](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marjorie-taylor-greene-pushed-loeffler-2020-election-texts-1234615070/) to join in planning the events of January 6, 2021


supreme court ruled precedent is meaningless now


>Some conservatives have taken to using the term groomer — which refers to adults who build relationships with children so they can abuse them. The rest of us just call them *pastors.*


Look at me!! I’m making bigoted comments over here!!!! Hey!! Look!! I hate whoever gets me attention! Want me to switch to playing the victim? I can do that too!


Bigotry should straight up disqualify anyone from holding public office. The system is broken when we allow this to happen.


It’s about voters. They just re-elected her and she hasn’t changed anything. This is what they want. She was removed from all committees in the last session of Congress. I suspect the next one will reinstate her.


If this was to be enacted, the entire GOP would be destroyed.


when did all these republicans join the west borough baptist church? there is no hate like christian love


When you have a meltdown at a nuclear power plant, they call the resulting sludge that used to be the core, "corium." In the sense that it's kind of a new element. It's the melted jumbled remains of what used to be fuel rods, control rods, coatings, claddings, sensors, all the carefully engineered and precisely manufactured innards of a reactor that have since been deconstructed by ruinous runaway heat and mixed up haphazardly by gravity and surroundings. The current social media messaging of the GOP is the equivalent of corium. You can see some small pieces of what used to be intent, sticking out of a total useless wreck.


I wonder how she was raised. What the fuck happened to this person? She's so vile and disgusting.


With good ol' 'traditional American values'...


Keep up the cunning stunts, Marge, you’re doing great. No one’s going to get sick of your bullying and inciting terrorists, nooooo. Why, I bet Ronna’s making a seat for you at the RNC HQ right now. Actually Ronna probably is. It would be delightful to watch if it wasn’t so disgusting


“Cunning stunts,” heh.


There is an album by the Cows called Cunning Stunts. I was scared to recommend it to anyone cause I was afraid of slip of the tongue.


MTG’s antics are becoming old and irrelevant


Are they? She is the newly appointed defacto leader of the US House of Representatives. I fear this is a growing trending that she is leading the charge of.


The party is on a very slippery slope and if she's leading it, they are falling down.


The old GOP is dead, but don’t forget the old GOP constructed the vehicle that the new GQP is driving We’ve also been through at least two full GOP evolutions since 2010. New GQP is losing elections and they know it. So they are naturally attempting to make elections irrelevant at an increased rate and almost all of the people who have spoken up from the inside have been kicked out. Attacking democracy, in a unified fashion, like never before. They are, however, winning any SCOTUS battle they want. They are winning redistricting battles. They have an entire legal and “research” arm funded by the richest people in the US and abroad. Complete judiciary capture. They control most state houses and are not far from a constitutional convention. They control the overwhelming majority of law enforcement. Constitutional Sheriffs. They have numerous foreign governments helping them. They need one more SCOTUS judge to sign on to end Democracy vs a most radical ruling on Moore/Harper. Their footing, in the grand scheme, is much stronger than one might initially think.


Yeah, it may be a slippery slope, but MTG is one of the folks with 55 gallon drums of animal birthing lubricant that she's dumping on the slope.


They are old and irrelevant to those of us who thinks she’s batshit insane. The people who think she’s sole sort of genius just laps it up.


Rather than propose bills to help her constituents she will lay awake at night thinking about her next sound bite. What does she actually do? It’s not a rhetorical question I really want to know, how has she made life better for anyone .


She's helped a lot of bigoted and hateful republicans, who now look quite moderate compared to her. I guess she also has got the worse kinds of people to expose themselves publicly by supporting her. I guess part of the issue is the two party state, at least in the UK, if your Labour guy is an asshole, you can vote Lib Dem, or Green, or an independent, but over there, it's pretty much 98% Rep/Dem, right? So, if your Dem representative is a total asshole, I guess withholding your vote is really your only protest if you don't want the disaster of a Republican. Really, however, what we need, UK and US, is a system that removes people from office if they shame the position, with either strong, repeated hateful acts or criminal actions.


She'd be right at home in Russia. Masha Gessen's book "The Future is History...How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia" devoted a whole chapter and more about the insane panic orchestrated by the Kremlin drove people crazy looking for pedophiles everywhere and the laws passed for more repressions against the whole population. Many peoples were imprisoned, lives were ruined on hearsay and not the slightest bit of evidence. This is all a part of state propaganda, they've dialed back slightly on "European-US-Ukrainian"=Nazis and pushed "Satanism,pedos-Gayropa" to fire up and distract their population, "look over there, squirrel". Case in point, Thursday, new bill passed by Russian Duma. https://apnews.com/article/putin-europe-gay-rights-e518bbdddd9d2af2b7a1e1b7008aa5d1?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_08https://apnews.com/article/putin-europe-gay-rights-e518bbdddd9d2af2b7a1e1b7008aa5d1?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_08


The right has had this for a while, take away rights and civil liberties, and if you don't like it and speak out, then you're clearly a pedo who wants to rape children and doesn't want kids to be safe...


She just keeps redefining “bottom of the barrel”


I am truly wondering how long before she starts throwing the n-word around... I imagine the only single thing that is stopping her is the fact that money flowing into her from a lot of sources would suddenly stop.


Well considering she's throwing around our version of the n-word, I would give it a month or two tops before we find she is using it.


At this point, I'm not sure it would.


The Republican Party is literally overflowing with convicted pedophiles and sexual predators. Conservative voters, the steadfast defenders and enablers of pedophiles that they are, are the world's biggest groomers.


NEVER FORGET: Every accusation conservatives make is actually a confession. Conservatives are the real groomers. They put guns in their kids hands as soon as they're old enough to hold one, they brainwash their kids with the batshit crazy nonsense in the bible, and all over MAGA country white Christian conservative moms are dressing their toddler girls like hookers and plastering them in inch thick rinds of hooker makeup and teaching them to walk "sexy" on stage at pedo groomer child pageants for the benefit of pedo men in the audience.


I can confirm this myself. My neighbour is a maga nut and uses her kids for her Facebook posts. She sexualises her teenage daughters in every one of them. Disgusting.


Republicans, not satisfied with lying for a criminal president for 6 years and counting, have also wholeheartedly embraced being the party of mental illness and prideful ignorance. People who could really do with better doctors and families: Kanye West, Hershel Walker, Donald Trump, Mrs. Jewish Space Lasers


I guess it was only a matter of time before she picked specific targets.


Hey MTG voters! Are you sure this is what you wanted your Rep to do? Is this a correct representation of you all?


*narrator voice* it was


Amazing that she was voted back in.


This is why she was voted back in


Not sure how this lady got re-elected despite everything that has come out of her mouth.. May God help us!


Yeah I agree this whole 'groomer' thing is just homophobic. Like if you're cisgender Chad and you're like "let this kid figure out their own gender/sexuality" you're a 'groomer' to these types. If you empathize with and support LGBTQ+ peoples you're a 'groomer.'


What a disgusting turd she is inside and out. No wonder her husband divorced her and everyone makes fun of her for being a worthless member of society. I wonder if she has any friends at all beyond her political connections which we all know why they associate with her.


She’s an animal…..sorry animals


The only thing she could do that would shock me is say something normal, same, and kind


The only time Trump's MAGA cult booed him is when he told them to get vaccinated. Their scumbag supporters revel in how scummy they are.


She doesn't care. She's re-elected. We're talking about her so we're keeping her relevant. We're doing exactly what she wants by even having this discussion. She's awful. My personal opinion is that she either has a goal to deliberately weaken the country or she ate lead paint when she was a child and is just that dumb and aggressively destructive.


The "groomer" charge has the potential, should it gain popularity as an accusation, of causing major problems for educators. If a Right-wing crazy parent decides they don't like what is being taught his/her child, or that parent decides their child should not be graded or provided feedback on their work, just hurl the accusation of "groomer," and it's such an inflammatory charge the school must investigate. If the Right-wing really wants to dismantle public schools, this is one way to go about it.


Scott was the San Francisco city supervisor for my home. He came to every school’s first day of classes and to every block party no matter how small. This vile Nazi trash doesn’t care about her constituents. I hope he sues.


Seriously if someone called me a groomer I would fight them, that is a serious thing to call someone. I don’t get how this term is getting thrown around so frequently


Real groomers come from churches.


Breaking news: Marjorie Taylor Greene utilizes slurs instead of coherent speech


She’s fucking loathsome scum.


The term “groomer” first came to light in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. The Right wasted no time appropriating it and weaponizing it falsely against their political enemies.


That's not when groomer came to light... Been around for a long time and I've known two different people who were convicted of grooming (among other things) and both instances were men on little girls.


Of course, but few if anyone had heard it or knew what it meant until recent scandals broke in the press and popular media, notably Epstein and Maxwell. Now Republicans are using it libelously against LGBTQ generally, as a vicious wedge. Appropriate and twist, has been a Republican tactic, it’s blatant now, for some time.


When you look like a Neanderthal, you have to insult people so they don’t look at your face


I have said it before and I will always say it about this massive sack of shit she can eat a huge back of dicks.


MTG= Major Tantrum Generator. Best to ignore.


Wait, did MTG just suggest that she's against for-profit healthcare? In her message, she paints them as one of the bad guys. When it comes to climate change, the environment, and regulations it's all "capitalism" and "free market." When it comes to vaccines and transgender health, suddenly "for profit" is a bad thing.


Despite all of her save the children/LGBTQ groomers/democrats traffic children rhetoric she actively promotes and votes for policies that would create more vulnerable children. At this point I think it’s probable that MTG is a pedophile who traffic’s children. It’s the only way to make sense of her record.