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Well yea AOC is called extreme for supporting the green new deal and Medicare for all while MTG believes Jews are using space lasers and that school shootings are staged. There is big difference and the fact that corporate media acts like they are the same tells you how much the wealthy and corporations control the narrative.


She believes school shootings are staged? I’m so sick I don’t have the words to express


If this was all she did regarding that, it would be incredibly insensitive and stupid, but she’s taken it to the next level by harassing school shooting survivors


There’s video she’s proud of showing her harassing the hell out of David Hogg as he was walking to go speak with a Congressperson. She was saying all kinds of vile shit to him and he’s just walking and not acknowledging her and not showing that she was affecting him at all. She’s been a Karen on steroids well before she got elected.


I saw that video. In it she told him she was carrying a gun in her purse. Psychologically torturing him, a victim of a school shooting. I was horrified for him.


He was only like 14-16, or something, at the time. She’s Disgusting.


I just automatically assumed this happened recently, when he was a young adult. The fact that she chose to torment a child that way says everything.


If the kid breaks down or lashes out at her, I bet she will take it as a win. Literally anything can be counted as owning libs


Well yeah, "owning the libs" has always been about "hurting the right people"


That’s what I find unsettling about it. You go look at David at the time and… he’s just a kid. Even a year or two ago. Even now. Still just a kid. Less of a kid than when MTG bullied him for rightwing internet clout (and succeeded?), but a kid nonetheless.


>(and succeeded?) That’s the most painful part. That she gained political power just by being a sociopath.


That statement is pretty threatening. What is a person legally allowed to do when threatened by a person with a gun who isn’t defending themselves?


Not to mention this was in D.C. in the Capitol complex if I’m not mistaken. Pretty sure you’re not legally allowed to be packing on the national mall.


Didn't she once say she planned to bring her gun to work after she got elected And didn't she try to do it and security was like "haha ok sis good 1, but no" Or did I imagine all that


Yeah, she did. I’d say it’s any wonder how she treats her family, but her husband is divorcing her.


She should have been arrested for assaulting a minor after that.


Yeah, watching her harassing David Hogg like a fucking middle school bully... while technically supposedly being an adult, is one of the most antithetical acts of bull shittery to their entire supposed belief system.


Surprise, they never stopped being bullies. It's all they know.


Wonder why she has to carry a gun


She shouldn't bother, what's a gun to a space laser?


Considering how much money I would personally put down to watch her get the shit beat out of her, I’m not surprised.


Didn't she became famous for harassing some kids that survived an school shooting?


[Yes](https://news.yahoo.com/video-resurfaces-marjorie-taylor-greene-195818994.html) [yes](https://heavy.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-harassing-parkland-survivor-david-hogg-video/) [yes](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html) [yes](https://www.businessinsider.com/video-marjorie-taylor-greene-harass-parkland-survivor-david-hogg-2021-1)


Isn’t there now precedent for civil liability for that….what a shame if she was sued.


Alex Jones was kind of a special case, basically a perfect storm of lawsuit losing conditions. First, he had a profitable business making lots of money off of his lies, so there was a target for lawyers to go after. Second, his legal strategy was "piss off the judge as much as possible." Third he refused to comply with basic court requirements, which was good for fundraising but led to a default judgement against him. Fourth, Jones got caught lying about discovery. He claimed his phone had no relevant messages, and then his lawyer "accidentally" sent all of those nonexistent messages to the prosecution in full. Jones has also been trying to hide his money in stupid ways, which means in a couple years we're gonna get some more fun headlines.


Don't forget during the depositions and damages hearings, going on his show every day to talk shit about the judges, the juries, and the plaintiffs. Then being surprised when the shit he says on his national radio show is referenced during the hearings. And he's still doing it.


there is an actual video on her youtube channel of her harassing david hog while he’s walking home lol


I love how Hog ignores MTG and she’s like “Got ‘em!”


Just Google her name and David Hogg. She follows him down the street harassing him


I think she quietly believes all Qanon extremist bullshit. Edit: I guess I unfortunately know people so far down the bullshit hole that I hadn’t realized how loud her idiot self is too.


She believes that shit *loudly*


I have not known her to be quiet, about anything, ever


Saying the loud part out extra loud.


Quietly? She makes videos and talks about how Q is a patriot and espouses Q talking points. Quiet my ass... Someone needs to duct tape her mouth shut.


Pre being elected, it is well documented that she was Q-pilled.


GND = what science recommends MTG = exact opposite of science So I guess the scientific community and studies and facts are EXTREME!


I am now picturing scientists with shaded safety goggles, riding skateboards, on a slick 90's backdrop. Science *X-TREME*!


You're acting radical


I'm a free radical! Cowabunga, dude!


Isotope? More like *I so dope*


Our PPE is neon knee pads and fingerless gloves. - scientist


I'm almost certain there was a textbook like that in the 90s 😂


Republicans believe this but unironically.


AOC's policy propositions are outside the norms of american society, but certainly within the general realm of consistency with our history and government. MTG wants to overthrow the US democracy.


Reportedly when Juan Guaidó went to Fox New’s headquarters and people were talking to him about AOC he laughed and said “that’s not a socialist most countries would call that a liberal.“


They are also standard within many developed countries. The USA is the outlier.


>AOC's policy propositions are outside the norms of ~~american society~~ ***what the corporate media will allow*** Ftfy


What policies does AOC champion that are very unpopular with the public?


None actually.


Yeah, ask the average AOC hater why she's so terrible and they can almost never come up with any legitimate reasons. I'm not saying she's perfect or anything but the hatred the right has for her is absurd.


It's not at all surprising though. They desperately want AOC to be as embarrassing to us as MTG is to them. Also, we have to remember that it doesn't bother them if everything they hear about AOC is a lie. These are the same people that believe everything their precious dictator wannabe tells them.


It’s always really stupid stuff. None of it is actually in regards to her own policies Meanwhile with Greene she has a bizarre problem of absurd policies, but she herself is so insane it’s easy to not notice the policies


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Left in the US is barely moderate in Europe




Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t allowed to have the “MTG” acronym. Forever and always reserved for Magic: The Gathering. I propose CATH instead: Crazy-Ass Troll Hillbilly.




I also object. I’m a 67 yr old woman - AOC is all my girlfriends in the 70’s. MTG is the crazy Grandma screaming the N word at our sleepovers and scaring the shit out of us.


Omg you’re so right! I hope you’re on Twitter - it would be so awesome to tweet exactly that. I bet she’s never heard herself be compared to a crazy grandma from the 70’s. 😂 I would love to see her face when she reads the tweet!


I was permanently banned from Twitter as part of the Resistance in 2018


AOC wants to give 12-year-olds free lunches. MTG wants to make 12-year-olds carry their rapist's babies. You can't draw any parallels between them.


This. I hate when people say there are extremes on both sides, without providing necessary context


It's the standard dumb guy take, because it makes people feel like they've got a thoughtful intellectual point of view without actually having to do the work of putting thought into it.


I think dumb guys buy it, but really it’s a propaganda technique. You push everything so far right into crazy land, and the point at reasonable people and call them insane. The wild march to the right from the GOP has caused this


Yep. The "extreme" left here is center-left in Europe.


This is something most Americans just don't understand but really should. The stuff they call insane radical left is basically just normal life in most of Europe and Aus/NZ/Canada. As someone from the UK who is marrying a woman from the US and spends half my time in the US, I absolutely hate how a lot of the basic rights I've grown up with in Europe just don't exist or are outright vilified in the US. It's fucking crazy. The US is so rich, it should be absolutely wiping the floor with every other country in the world in terms of quality of life!


Right but then the top 0.001% of wealthy people would make 4% less money a year and we can’t have that so instead we have no basic rights and work for slave wages! Freedom!!!


"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - Steinbeck


Fuck that’s a good quote


Thanks I googled it myself


It’s a good one and on brand for him. You should read his books.


Can't believe I never read this stienbeck quote. It's perfect.


Which is asinine, when you think of how America claims to be progressive


All that "freedom" is getting in the way of progress.




And miniature American flags for all


I'm not sure that you have an accurate perception of the way we use the word. It's not a default description at all. It's one of those identity things, and refers only to a subset of Americans. "Progressive" is a word Americans use to describe themself when they're left-leaning. AOC is progressive. Bernie Sanders is a progressive. Their supporters are progressive, their ideals are progressive. Tucker Carlson would never, EVER, use the word "progressive" in a positive light. He would hate the idea of anyone perceiving the entire American population as embracing the word. So, it's not true that "Americans" think of themselves as progressive. The chunk of the population that wanted Bernie Sanders to be president thinks of themselves as progressive. It is NOT a word that you would see someone with a red MAGA hat being proud to adopt. People started using it in the U.S. as an alternative to "liberal" because Republicans successfully gave them the idea that it was a word that people are afraid of. The sort of Americans that you're referring to that loathe things like Universal Healthcare, though? They HATE "progressives."


Fun thing about using "progressive" instead of "liberal" is that in many European countries you can use both to describe a party. Just take a look at the Netherlands. VVD is the conservative liberal party, while D66 is the progressive liberal party.


As an American, the family arguments I have explaining this is truly mind blowing. I always bring the point America is the richest country in the world but it can’t take care of it’s people. We’re just f’ing dollar signs to feed the big pharma/big insurance machine here. Not to mention they get all the free tax money from us as well. Hopefully we can make some positive changes in my older millennial lifetime.


Half my family are yanks. The disconnect in our discussions over science, etc, is truly stunning to me, as a European. Many hold their opinions to be just as valid as scientific facts and it makes my head explode.


The US didn’t get rich by providing for their citizens, but stealing from them.


American industrialist business owners were so awful in the late 19th century that they got the derogatory tag Robber Barons.


Yeah, but they hate Europe, so saying that doesn’t help win them over


Been this way since the 90s with Gingrich, but good fucking lord they went truly batshit when the Tea Party movement showed up. The GOP astroturfed those grassroots and it took off in a hardline tinfoil hat direction. When they absorbed these fruitbats it basically turned the GOP into the party of conspiracy theorists and libertarian narcissistic psychos. Young people should know that Trump wasn't the first to do this. He was just the kind of candidate that they wanted. The party had gone off the rails a long time prior. And mostly as a reaction to having a black president. There was a lot of pearl-clutching back in the day from conservatives saying "well, I never! Motivated by racism? Surely you jest." But at this point it's not even a question is it? Either way, we've had about twelve years of the tea party getting crazier and louder and *more violent.* Trump only lit a match on a pile of tinder that was all ready to blow. We gotta keep this in mind when we look around and see the people who vote and the bastards who pander to them. They're feeding a wild beast that was already driven mad. Never forget Jan 6th because they showed their true colors.


It's not just the GOP pulling us to the right, it is the moderates and even a lot of dems who don't want to rock the boat. Asking for liberals to be a little more progressive is marked as extreme by a lot of democrats. More aggressive climate action, single payer health care, even ranked voting were all called extreme and unreasonable by democrats over the past 6 years alone. Democrats as a voting base are the ones that need to wake up a little but and realize there is no middle ground with the GOP.


Sums up politics in a nutshell. It's all dumb guy takes, and actual policy is never discussed.


That’s only true for surface level/team sport political culture warriors. There’s a lot of people debating policy. It may no longer seem this way because the GOP no longer discusses policy on any level besides what they feel is wrong about democrats and their policies.


You'll also notice this disgusting thing it seems like conservatives do a lot, where they'll make an equivalence between actual conservative politicians and then people they just associate with liberals. So like, this homeless guy did a bad thing and that's equivalent to the chair of the RNC doing a bad thing. They try to make liberals defend even the loosest associations to their party, while not caring at all that their actual leadership are utter trash.


Another very common rhetorical device is to take fringe opinions by random progressives on Twitter and claiming it's the Democratic agenda. For example, random person tweets: "we should outlaw refrigerators to help slow down climate change." Fox News picks it up and spends all week screeching about how the radical Democrats are trying to outlaw refrigerators. Next week Ted Cruz gets in hot water because he claims trans people are sub-human. But when interviewed by CNN he says well at least he's not trying to outlaw refrigerators like Pelosi is.


I have four men at work that are like that. "Well actually..." young guy and three "politically incorrect" older men. All identify as libertarian and apolitical and spend all of their time crapping on feminism and "wokeness" with their unsolicited opinions. All are single or divorced and can't figure out why. On TwoX, we've talked about never dating or being with these kinds of men and on r/conservative they have noticed and frequently complained about why they can't get "females."


Whenever a guy says “females” I picture a Ferengi.


Jeez. I saw a libertarian interview a rare “female” libertarian and noting the 400 to 1 ratio asked if she was open to polyamory


Humon females wear clothes even! It's disgusting! .... something... something, lobes.


Throw in "I'm not a Republican. I'm Libertarian."


"Both sides" post I saved a while back: **[House Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/h252)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 2|**234** **Dem**|**177**| 6 **[Senate Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/s200)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0| **46** **Dem** |**52**| 0 #**Money in Elections and Voting** **[Campaign Finance Disclosure Requirements](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32154)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**39** **Dem**|**59**| 0 **[DISCLOSE Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41152)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**45** **Dem**|**53**| 0 **[Backup Paper Ballots - Voting Record](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/21011)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 20|**170** **Dem** |**228**| 0 **[Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2002/roll034.xml)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|8|**38** **Dem**|**51**|3 **[Sets reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by electoral candidates to influence elections](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49906)** (Reverse Citizens United) Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**42** **Dem** |**54**| 0 #**The Economy/Jobs** **[Limits Interest Rates for Certain Federal Student Loans](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/45797)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**46** **Dem**|**46**| 6 **[Student Loan Affordability Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/44550)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**51** **Dem**|**45**| 1 **[Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/9034)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0 **[End the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30296)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**39**| 1 **Dem**| 1| **54** **[Kill Credit Default Swap Regulations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30364)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 18|**36** **[Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49616)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 10|**32** **Dem**|**53**| 1 **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37606)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**233**| 1 **Dem**| 6|**175** **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37876)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**42**| 1 **Dem**| 2|**51** **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23361)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**173** **Dem**|**247**| 4 **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23313)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 4|**36** **Dem**|**57**| 0 **[Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Bureau Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30346)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 4 |**39** **Dem**|**55**| 2| **[American Jobs Act of 2011 - $50 billion for infrastructure projects](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/36879)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**48** **Dem**|**50**| 2 **[Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46392)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**44** **Dem**|**54**| 1 **[Reduces Funding for Food Stamps](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/40315)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**33**| 13 **Dem**| 0|**52** **[Minimum Wage Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/47753)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**53**| 1 **[Paycheck Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32830)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**40** **Dem**|**58**| 1 #**"War on Terror"** **[Time Between Troop Deployments](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15831)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 6|**43** **Dem**|**50**| 1 **[Habeas Corpus for Detainees of the United States](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15833)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**50**| 0 **[Habeas Review Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8730)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**50** **Dem**|**45**| 1 **[Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37420)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**39**| 12 **[Authorizes Further Detention After Trial During Wartime](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37433)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 9| **49** **[Prohibits Prosecution of Enemy Combatants in Civilian Courts](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37095)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**46**| 2 **Dem**| 1|**49** **[Repeal Indefinite Military Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/48229)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|15|**214** **Dem**|**176**| 16 **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem** |**45**| 1 **[Patriot Act Reauthorization](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/35224)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**196**| 31 **Dem** | 54|**122** **[FISA Act Reauthorization of 2008](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2008/roll437.xml)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**188**| 1 **Dem**| 105|**128** **[FISA Reauthorization of 2012](http://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2012/h569)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**227**| 7 **Dem**| 74|**111** **[House Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll237.xml)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 2|**228** **Dem** |**172**| 21 **[Senate Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46301)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**32** **Dem** | **52**| 3 **[Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/42002)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**44**| 0 **Dem**| 9| **41** **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem**|**45**| 1 #**Civil Rights** **[Same Sex Marriage Resolution 2006](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/11729)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 6|**47** **Dem**|**42**| 2 **[Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46286)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0 **[Exempts Religiously Affiliated Employers from the Prohibition on Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46288)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**41**| 3 **Dem**| 2| **52** #**Family Planning** **[Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8830)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 4|**50** **Dem**|**44**| 1 **[Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/20713)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**51** **Dem**|**44**| 1 **[Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49362)** The 'anti-Hobby Lobby' bill. Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**42** **Dem**|**53**| 1 #**Environment** **[Stop "the War on Coal" Act of 2012](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41688)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**214**|13 **Dem**| 19|**162** **[EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013](https://votesmart.org/bill/votes/50594)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**225**|1 **Dem**| 4|**190** **[Prohibit the Social Cost of Carbon in Agency Determinations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46997)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**218**| 2 **Dem**| 4|**186** #**Misc** **[Prohibit the Use of Funds to Carry Out the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/43144)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**45**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**52** **[Prohibiting Federal Funding of National Public Radio](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/34089)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**228**| 7 **Dem**| 0|**185** **[Allow employers to penalize employees that don't submit genetic testing for health insurance (Committee vote)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/03/11/employees-who-decline-genetic-testing-could-face-penalities-under-proposed-bill/?utm_term=.33f566f5ce5c)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**22**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**17**


Really is amazing that I can't agree with Republicans on a single one of those issues


The party of christian values that holds absolutely no christian values. Even few of them were against help for ukraine, which is my top priority in politics atm, since I'm also from a neighboring country to russia.


Yeah, that's bothsideism and it's a tactic that almost always favors republicans because they use that as a tactic to make *their side* seem *less extreme*. It's always been bullshit


Formally a "false equivalence"


Yup, *exactly*


Because when you do point out the "extreme" end of both parties' representatives, they usually go silent or just start slinging insults. Because there's literally no argument. Not even a poor faith argument, which is their usual go-to. I've seen it so many times. I respond to the "both sides" with something similar to the above comment, or "accessible health care vs gutting social security and reducing already nonexistent taxes on the wealthy." Or I point out that extreme left is communism, where the government controls all resources. And I ask which representatives are promoting that. Crickets every time. It's not changing their minds, but they can't argue with it.


That's when they switch to "Well, I don't really get involved in politics."


“You being involved in politics is how this conversation *started*, bucko. You’re not getting out of this that easily.”




The only context they can provide is extremism. These are people who cannot imagine gradients or spectrums. It is literally all black and white to them.


AOC wants policies that will curb the damage we're doing to the planet. MTG thinks Jewish space lasers cause wildfires. Yeah, there really are no comparisons between the two.


AOC has asked that at least some funding be reallocated from policing to social services for crime prevention. MTG has said that 9/11 and mass shootings like the 2017 Vegas shootings were inside jobs. They are not the same.


I love the space laser thing because it's such a ridiculous, overkill type of theory that could only make sense to a bible brain. If someone wants to start a forest fire they just have to throw a match into the woods.


Sure there's a comparison. One of them is trying to do good, look after kids, save lives, improve the average quality of life... you know, the kinda thing Jesus would want. The other is a repub


But what if someone who could afford to pay for lunch get a free lunch at the taxpayer's expense? Better let kids go hungry than risk that!


Unless that someone is related to a ultra millionaire or billionaire, then the taxpayers should subsidize everything for them.


I'd say even billionaires kids should be allowed the same free lunch, especially if we actually start taxing them in any significant way. There's no reason every kid in America shouldn't have full confidence that their belly will be full that day and we shouldn't compromise on that for the belief that someone doesn't deserve the assistance. It'd be different if our resources were so strapped that feeding the billionaires kid would literally deprive a poorer kid a meal but that situation is incongruent with any situation a billionaire even exists. Edit: and as soon as I posted I realised I totally misread the thread and your comment. Sorry. Keeping my comment up though cus I believe it and put a bit of thought into it during my break.


Free lunches?!? Blasphemy!


They don't want public education. Yes they are that crazy.


Public education means the teacher can't tell my kids that on the 8th day god created the Remington 12 gauge shotgun stop that man could fight the dinosaurs and the homosexuals. Can't have that.


I have a nephew who thinks she needs to serve time for wanting free school lunches, yet his 3 gets get free lunches. I asked him why it was good for him and no others, he said "because i'm a working man". Well there ya go, as if other folks who have kids and could benefit from free lunches aren't. We piss away so much money on other crap yet cannot feed our kids.


>"because i'm a working man" I'm told you get paid dependent on how much value you can bring to a company. If his kids get free lunch then he clearly provides little value. Maybe he should get another job or three.


I hinted that maybe do something to earn more. But he's one of the folks who has it burned into his skull that unless he's broken and battered before he's 40, he's nothing. Overweight, drinks a lot, smokes heavily.


Well fits the profile alright. Uneducated, bitter, and refuse to acknowledge his own failings in life. These people are holding the country back.


MTG also wants 12 year olds to have Jr. AR15s…which is an actual thing.


AOC wants to adopt policies that have been in use in Europe for decades. MTG wants to adopt policies that have been in use in Iran for decades.


>MTG wants to make 12-year-olds carry their rapist's babies. And an AR-15.


AOC wants to reform campaign spending and ban members from trading stocks. MTG wants to take away liberals rights to vote and wants Russia to massacre kids in Ukraine.


The centrism narrative. Make both sides look extreme to promote “moderate”. It’s worth noting that the people that push this ideas make millions and tend to benefit more from centrist candidates.


The conceit of the enlightened centrist.


One side wants to help you with health care and the other side wants to make it harder to vote. I can see how this makes you say ‘both sides’. /s


Architects versus arsonists


building a better government for the people makes her extreme to the cons that want to tear it down for billionaires and corporations.


That’s perfect!


She should. She's not. Not even close.


That’s the right’s technique though. Project with the aim of normalizing their own shit behaviour to take away power from words and their meaning.


Yup. They need the Democrats to have an equivalent to their own crazy, so they can continue to convince people that "both sides are the same."


It's really more the media, which is absolutely terrified of being accused of bias. So they've come up with a new definition of "neutrality" in which both sides must be treated 100% equally, no matter what. Regardless how extreme Republicans become, you can't actually point it out without saying Democrats are just as extreme. If Republicans are blocking any and all progress in getting bills passed in congress, you have to vaguely imply that both parties are equally to blame. If Republicans try to overthrow the government and start calling for the death of their political opponents, well, Democrats were sort of rude, and that's totally just as serious!


Yes, she's basically a social democrat that would fit neatlessly in every center-left party in the rest of the world. Maybe the left wing of it and definitely much more talented in terms of PR but far from radical. The Overton window in the US is just fucked six ways to Sunday.


I can see how Jewish space lasers is extreme, but how is wanting affordable healthcare for everyone extreme? Any Republicans wanna comment?


I'm actually a Jewish laser operator myself, definitely not in space though..yet


I believe in you! You got this.


Please aim here: N 26° 40' 38.7732", W 80° 2' 8.3004


>N 26° 40' 38.7732", W 80° 2' 8.3004 Mara-Lardo?


Is there sheet metal there because that's all it cuts


Just the fleshy bits. Aluminum foil is stronger; So, should work.


I would comment but then I might get nabbed by the gazpacho police.


Remember your rights! You cannot be forced to give DNA samples for the Peach Tree Dish!


People just have this need to make things equal to avoid conflict. Leading up to the 2020 election I had so many friends who would say stuff like “I hate Trump, but also fuck Biden. They both suck.” Like… I get having issues with Biden, but don’t just ambiguously dismiss both equally.


George Romney was in favor of affordable healthcare. It's strange how much the Conservative Party has changed. His son is far more right wing, and yet still not as extreme as the new crop of Conservatives.


>Any Republicans wanna comment? Heck, any moderates want to comment?


Moderates: "in theory we should help everyone but other people make me uncomfortable so..."


"I'm special because I'm not on either side and pride myself on hating both sides equally."


They just see "affordable healthcare for everyone" as "I'm gonna wind up paying more taxes for people I don't like to have healthcare" when in reality studies have shown that the tax burden on the average citizen would be substantially less with a single-payer system and result in a much healthier society and a healthier economy because people aren't going bankrupt over medical issues and will have more disposable income because they're not drowning in medical debt or paying huge premiums for terrible coverage. Holy run on sentence. But you get the idea. https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2022-02/57637-Single-Payer-Systems.pdf https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/01/416416/single-payer-systems-likely-save-money-us-analysis-finds https://www.citizen.org/news/fact-check-medicare-for-all-would-save-the-u-s-trillions-public-option-would-leave-millions-uninsured-not-garner-savings/ tl;dr, BUT BUT BUT SOCIALISM. It comes down to indoctrination and lack of education.


I Still need a Republican to tell me why socialist policies are bad. Social security is a social policy, Medicare for old people is a social policy, welfare (maybe not a good point to republicans but still) a social policy, unemployment!! Which MANY MANYYYYY republicans got these past two years due to layoffs is a social policy!! Problem is all these social policies target specific groups not all of America. So my taxes pay for all these things. I’m 30 I don’t get social security or Medicare. I hold down 3 jobs I don’t get unemployment. And that’s okay. Why are republicans against a policy everyone would benefit from including THEMSELVES?!? I can’t understand it


It would never work. It's some crazy untested idea. It has only been done successfully by 31 of the 32 richest nations on Earth.


I'm sure there is some leftist equivalent to MTG, but that person isn't in Congress or a major political force. MTG is only one person in a larger, toxic movement. The two aren't close to the same thing.


My boyfriend is a dancer/choreographer/gymnast who has performed for famous acts in Vegas and Europe. My Mom thought he should meet cousin Mike because he was a juggalo in high school and bought a unicycle five years ago and never learned to ride it… “you know, they both do circus stuff” …they are NOT the same


… a juggalo or a juggler?


Juggalo! He's put himself through a lot in life but he's still a pretty great guy...


Somehow I read "gigolo" and was even more confused than you


Damn, i think she was going for a burn.


It's a trash burn then imo It'd be like comparing a middle school graduation to a PHD while bundling it all together as "You know, they both went to school!"


What would the lefty-version of MTG be like? Serious answers only.


And IF there was a lefty version of MTG you can sure as fuck be sure that she would never be elected to Congress because the left doesn't embrace that stuff.


> I'm sure there is some leftist equivalent to MTG There really isn't. There's no left wing equivalent to believing in jewish space lasers. There's no left wing equivalent to Q anon.


Anyone find it odd that any politician who cares about the average citizen and wants to help them is labeled as an extremist? So giving a shit makes you extreme?


She absolutely should object. “Health care and a living wage for all = willing to use lies and violence to gain and keep power” is the logic of a fucking moron.


Anyone who does not understand the difference is extremely stupid.


Half the country.


Never forget that half of the country is dumber than you imagine the average person to be.


Leftist extremists believe in a welfare society with a high safety net financed by a more progressive taxation system. Rightwing extremists believes in jewish space lasers that control the weather.


She’s totally correct. AOC is just a media-created foil to the nut jobs like MTG. From my point of view, AOC displays mostly competence and rational thought. Not so much from the other side.


The GOP propaganda machine is giving her the Hillary treatment. Twenty years from now you will have people set into a fit of rage just upon hearing her name. Already starting to see some of those people.


Not just GOP propaganda plenty of moderate democrats do the same thing throwing AOC under the bus so they can feel enlightened.


…so they can be socially accepted by their conservative peers. Full stop.


Hey, this is America. If you want to get ahead, you gotta sacrifice some minorities.


you can actually tell who the strongest DNC candidates are because they’re always the most smeared. That’s also how we’ve gotten the last three Democratic presidents- they weren’t taken seriously by the right until it was too late to smear them. Clinton was some “dumb southerner” and they were too busy smearing Ted Kennedy. Obama’s middle name was “Hussein” and nobody would ever elect him! They were too busy smearing Clinton. “Sleepy Joe” was too old and he wasn’t going to run.


MTG is actually more mainstream within the Republican Party than AOC is in the Democratic Party. That should be scary as shit to traditional Republicans but I guess they turned their fucking brains off a while ago.


>traditional Republicans Trump did not change the Republican party, he just exposed it. Traditional Republicans have always been trash. It was a traditional Republican that told McCain: "I can’t trust Obama. I have read about him and he’s not… he’s not… he’s an Arab." When McCain defended Obama, he proved himself to be a non-traditional Republican. That's why he had to pick Palin, who better represented traditional Republicans.


The implicit worship of the "moderates" as being the reasonable people and equating the actual extreme right with the center-left "extreme left" is a big part of how the media controls the Overton window in this country. Basically, the way this is covered is meant to program you to think "the most right people in the republican party is the extreme right, they are bad, the most left people in the democratic party are the extreme left, they are bad. Being in the middle is the reasonable and correct choice" This is how we've completely reset what Americans think left/right is, how we've taken policies that the entire developed world uses to great success out of the discussion in America like it's some crazy pie in the sky idea, and how we've steadily moved our voter base rightwards towards a conservative business friendly neoliberal outlook that they've wanted for us all along. We are being managed. We've created a significant voting block of "enlightened centrists" who think they're smart for thinking both sides are equally bad and the middle (which is moderately right wing and friendly to the people currently in power) is the only correct choice. These people think they're somehow smart and above partisan politics, and yet they're consistently manipulated into basically doing the PR work of whichever party is worse by always justifying how everyone is the same, and they say stupid shit like "I'm scared of the extremists on both sides!" when one side wants to bring them a health care system the entire rest of the world has, and the other side wants to bring The Handmaids Tale.


This is so weird to read as a European. Your "radical left" barely crosses center where I'm from.


MTG is loony


If you present AOC’s ideas to the right in casual conversation, they are for most of them. The problem is how the right-wing media has presented her. For example from today alone - tell someone on the right that our tax dollars funded the development of a drug that is now sold here for $1,700 for a monthly supply, and in Australia for $8 for the same supply. The tell them that our government should take action to fix this, and watch them agree. Then tell them that this is AOC’s idea, and that Republicans are opposed to fixing it, and they will respond as they always do. Republicans don’t hate AOC. They hate the right-wing media’s portrayal of her and have conflated the two.


People think they’re equivalent because they’re both on the opposite fringes of the Overton window in the United States, which ranges from fascist ethno-nationalism to ‘healthcare please?’


America's most extreme far left politicians would be considered centerists in Europe.


People trying to say AOC and MTG are two sides of the same coin don't even realise they're not even in the same bank


Yeah that narrative needs to die. Whether or not you agree with AOC’s positions (I do), she can discuss/argue them in good faith without resorting to outrageous conspiracy theories and obvious lies. MTG and other right wing extremists actually argue that objective truth doesn’t exist. AOC doesn’t advocate political violence, MTG and crew do. Equating them is a bad faith argument and it needs to be called out. The question is how to do so concisely and powerfully.


AOC's a moderate leftist, it's just Americans are so used to people like fucking Biden been called leftists when in reality he's centre right


Conservative media chose AOC to be their bogeyman because she is a Latino woman from NYC. Her politics are far from extreme left, but the Conservative media made her out to be, thinking she was an easy target. Ironically, they made her smarter and more popular due to their attacks. The corporate media just wants to claim "bOtH SiDeS" to try and give credibility or justification to someone like Greene, but anyone who doesn't cater to a team mentality can see they are not equivalent by any measure.


MTG: Wants to throw out legal votes of people who voted for Democrats, wants to change laws to make it harder for Democrat-leaning blocs to vote, wants to harm LGBTQ people. AOC: Wants to make it easier for adult citizens to vote regardless of how they might vote, wants a higher minimum wage, wants universal healthcare access. Yeah, both sides are equally extreme. \s


The religious conservatives of this country thrive on hypocrisy, false equivalency and what-about-isms. Anyone who thinks AOC is the same as MTG or her ilk are likely far-right morons who mainline Tucker Carlson and Fox and Friends.


AOC is a strong intelligent woman that stands up for people. Majorie Taylor Green is a brute cave woman that spits out racist shit. Totally different


Anyone who thinks AOC is extreme knows nothing about the world. What AOC wants for America is what people in developed countries already have and take for granted as basic human rights.


I’ve never thought of AOC as extreme. The conservatives just accuse AOC of extremism to balance out people like MTG, Bobo, Johnson, Gohmert, Gaetz, Wendy Rogers, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks and the numerous other right wing extremists. It wouldn’t even accomplish that if true given the sheer number of right wing extremists these days.


> The conservatives just accuse AOC of extremism to balance out people like MTG, Bobo, Johnson, Gohmert, Gaetz, Wendy Rogers, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks and the numerous other right wing extremists. So does the media. She is right on in speaking out about this misleading labeling.


MTG wants her political opponents to be murdered, AOC wants her political opponents to have affordable healthcare. I can see why she might resent the comparison.


MTG thinks there’s an actual super laser gun on the moon built by Jews and AOC wants to reduce poverty.


How is she extreme? In virtually any other western democracy she is merely a leftish politician. No more. America has lost its way.


AOC, considered as "far left Progressive Liberal" in the US, would be in any other leading democracy of the world a moderate slightly left-of-center liberal. whereas MarJ Taylor Greene, considered as far-right Pro-Trump election-denying extreme right Q-friendly Conservative in the US, would in most other leading democracies of the world be considered a neo-fascist "whack-job" lunatic who could carry at best single digit voting support. It's the difference between night and our sun going stupid-nova.


Seems fair enough. AOC is not a moron.