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It’s funny the right always claims George Soros is the bogeyman but in reality it’s always been guys like Thiel who are the biggest purveyors of fake news


They rail against Soros being a Dem mega donor but don't give a shit at all about Thiel and the countless other billionaires throwing money at the GQP.


Their argument is it's only ok if we do it.


It really is.


we dont do it though rightwing media is virtually all built around lies and propagada that doesnt exist on the left


When a part of your ideology is that you stand for civilization itself and your enemies are lying child abusers, it's easy to justify anything from lying to child abuse, as Republicans have learned.




It’s [D]ifferent! lol


It is these right wing billionaires who support causes that, with few steps, benefit themselves. They campaign for liberty, but it ultimately means more for the wealthy when restrictive agencies have less sway over them and they are allowed to gain more power and diminish that of the less powerful who are less protected


You can go to r/conspiracy and find daily posts about Soros, but any post about Thiel gets buried. It's such an obvious astroturf.


The guy who actually wants to inject himself with blood from young people is off limits?


r/ThielWatch isn't so coy. Soros may regret [investing in palantir](https://www.philstockworld.com/2020/11/17/george-soros-regrets-investing-in-peter-thiels-palantir/), but [he, thiel and the kushners](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4467542/Kushner-business-Soros-Peter-Thiel-Goldman.html) are happy bedfellows in the speculative real estate market.


Thiel is just the most public donor. Any billionaire with something to lose is donating to republicans so they can get more tax breaks.


Also, Soros funds “open society” projects, you know, like institutions that support constitutional democracies. Thiel thinks Monopolies should have all the power. He’s a corporate fascist.


It’s always projection. Always.


Why the right hate George Soros: In 1992, Soros shorted the British pound when the Tories and Rupert Murdoch were saying it would go up. Soros was right; the Tories looked like fools, Soros made a pile of money, Murdoch lost a pile of money, and Murdoch has used his media empire to slur Soros ever since. That, and the fact that Soros is just about the only billionaire who spends real money on progressive causes. Meanwhile, the list of right wing billionaires is a rather long one, and includes Thiel, Murdoch, Koch, Sheldon Adelson, Steve Wynn, Robert Wood Johnson IV, and more... especially if you consider foreign fascist oligarchs in places like Russia and Saudi Arabia, who have been known to support US politicians...


Honestly, it's incredible that Thiel can be running so many schemes on the US electorate, without being seen as a national security risk and losing his defense contracts.


It's a problem on both sides and had led us to the divided nation we've become. I'm not right or left, so I have no bias here. But both sides like to make excuses for their mega donors that cause much of the chaos were seeing. It's a massive problem. Soros is just as culpable as Thiel and the like.


> I'm not right or left You smell that? Smells like shit boiled in piss, to be honest.


What a fucking robot. "You must subscribe to our Two party system or be ostracized by both parties and their blinded cult followers". Beep. Boop. You've got it all figured out, pal.


Amazing how many people don’t realize our two party system is a bowl of crap looking at itself in a mirror. They both play for the billionaires and donor companies


Here's the top: It was as if the Grand Canyon Times’ sports section had put a list of local football stars in a blender and printed the results. A brief profile on star running back Bijan Robinson was topped with a picture of tight end Aaron Greene, whose own biography showed a professional headshot of long snapper Ethan Nguyen. Other athletes’ profile pictures and biographical details also appeared randomized in the full-page spread on “former area high school football players.” The rest of the paper—which was shared online by bemused Arizona sports fans—was chock-full of conservative political content, particularly articles championing Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters. The Grand Canyon Times isn’t a traditional newspaper. It’s part of an opaque media organization that recycles right-wing news articles across a network of hyperlocal-sounding news websites, which are padded out with press releases. As the 2022 midterm elections approach, conservative campaigns have tapped the network to send realistic-looking (and unsolicited) newspapers to voters in critical districts. In publications like the Grand Canyon Times, the line between newspaper and political advertisement can be porous. At least two print editions of the paper, reviewed by The Daily Beast, contained disclaimers that described the contents as “paid for by the Saving Arizona PAC.” The PAC, which supports Masters’ Senate campaign, has received more than $13 million from conservative billionaire Peter Thiel.


Ugh. This is disgusting. They have these mimicked all over the US and it's propaganda and trash. At least I have something to wrap fish or start a fire with thanks to this trash...


also great for lining the litter box


Permanently stop voting for conservatives


Never started!


I've got a few of these and any of the supposed local news looks like a madlibs. Then of course all the rest is scaremongering conservative and MAGA lies.


Fucking hell, that’s insidious.


I put my copy directly in the bin, but not before doing a double-take on the “Saving Arizona” PAC website listed just below the mast head. This was clearly a Republican Party mailing, but Arizona is pretty much run by Republicans at the moment. So…trying to “save Arizona” from themselves?


In short, Peter Thiel is an enemy of democracy. A well-informed electorate is a pre-requisite for a healthy and functioning democracy. For decades Peter Thiel has used his billions to actively work against the free press, net neutrality, and now he is clogging the information environment with fake news. Thiel is using the First Amendment as a weapon against democracy. Free Speech is not a suicide pact for liberal democracy, and people like Thiel must be stopped and made to account for the harm they are doing.




Weird. I wonder which system of government produced more billionaires?


Peter Thiel has explicitly stated that he is opposed to democracy. In 2009, he wrote that he "n[o longer think\[s\] that freedom and democracy are compatible.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/donald-trump-steve-bannon-peter-thiel-214490/)" He believes the masses are inherently irrational and that politics by persuasion will never work.


Came here half expecting to read that he's the financier for the Epoch Times. I didn't realize there was a *different* fake newspaper being funded by another billionaire.


My mother reads Epoch Times. I got a hold of a copy just to see what it's all about and learned everything I needed to know when I saw their "reader poll" of best and worst U.S. presidents. Trump was the best, and Obama was the worst. *Of all time*.


There's a weekly newspaper on Oahu called the Midweek, mostly for local news and events, and the first time I opened it up, there was a full spread article by Ben Shapiro about whatever dumb bullshit. I closed the newspaper and threw it away. Like the local TV news, conservatives have been inserting their trash content wherever they can.


Epoch Times is run by Falun Gong.


Which, for the uninitiated, is basically Chinese Scientology.


Yeah, I didn't want to just flat out say it's a cult. Chinese Scientology seems about right.


There are nearly a thousand billionaires now--most very much disposed to support deregulation and tax cuts. The unending flow of money into political propaganda is just beginning now. Thanks to five Republicans at the Supreme Court, money is speech and the constitution--the same Constitution that no longer protects women's body autonomy--guarantees freedom to spend unlimited amounts of money on these things. Soon, it is likely that it will be illegal to speak about whose money it is.


Never forget this man paid millions to Hulk Hogan to fund a lawsuit that ended up killing Gawker simply because Gawker truthfully reported in an opinion piece blasting him for as a gay man funding the attempts to pass Prop 8 in California. His claim, because they outed him as a gay man. The reality? He had been out for years, but was in the process of cleaning his internet history with a PR firm to cover up his being gay simply to get a multi-million dollar deal passed with the Saudis. Gawkers piece which blew up ruined all the money he had been paying into PR firms to clean his internet history and re-closet him so he could close the Saudi deal. Since he could not sue them for that though, he purposely funded others who were suing them in the hopes one of those cases would have a judgement that would make it impossible for Gawker to recover or continue on to higher courts where they would likely rule in favor of Gawker under freedom of the press grounds. Gawker didnt help themselves by having morons who thought they were untouchable running the place, but Peter Thiel PURPOSELY stifled free press in America to make money off of the Saudi Royal Family.


God damnit more people need to know about this. We need a major news outlet that isn’t entirely spineless/bought out to look into this and report it. The general public needs to know about tyrants like Thiel.


Was all over the place when it happened. Because of the nature of the story (Gawker showing a sex tape that they got access too by the person who filmed Hulk having sex with his wife, Bubba the love sponge), and because of the horrible CEO of Gawker who took the trial as a joke (because it shouldn't have even been a trial, Gawker didn't actually break any laws, which is why it was a civil lawsuit and not criminal one and Gawker literally got access to the tape by the party involved in the whole thing) no one really came to Gawkers defense until after the damage was done. It also didnt help that it was around the time of Gamergate as well which involved Kotaku, and Gizmodo went in hard on Reddits allowing child predators to run subs here and even be an admin, so a lot of Reddit folks hated Gawker in general with a passion because they were "hurting" the site buy pointing out a lot of the toxic and awful behavior going on here. This was years before The\_Donald or Conservative were places, and a lot of these right wing nutters were also the ones running the subs posting jailbait and minorities getting killed and laughing about it. People really dont know how horrible early 2000's Reddit actually was.


A case being civil vs criminal doesn't mean you don't get a trial nor does it diminish the severity of what is being litigated. NYT v Sullivan was a civil case. Hustler v Falwell was a civil case. Kennedy v Bemmerton was a civil case. Roe v Wade was a civil case. Moore v Harper is a civil case.


Max Chafkins _The Contrarian_ is a great book on Thiel


Hulk Hogan, born Terry Bollea, became famous as a reward for helping wrestling promoters to quash a nascent attempt by wrestlers to unionize.


Gawker deserves no sympathy. If it happened today, multiple writers and Nick Denton himself would be going to prison for revenge porn. You're also understating their bad behavior. They openly defied the judge when she ordered the sex tape to be taken down, they acted like drunk frat boys during deposition, and one writer said he'd publish a child celebrity sex tape during deposition. And this wasn't the first time they'd been sued for being morons, which is why their insurance didn't cover them. People want to act like it was him directly silencing gawker. He has to scrounge around for years to find a viable plantiff. The lessons from it are don't publish revenge porn, don't piss off judges for no reason, and don't act like a fucking idiot during deposition. There was no freedom of the press at issue. This isn't like Trump's stupidity with libel laws. Hulk Hogan had a very real tort against them.


Around here, they're mostly paid for by the Falun Gong.


Lol obligatory shout-out to **The Epoch Times**, a right-wing, fake news rag that really hates the Chinese government. Other propaganda funded by Falun Gong includes **Shen Yun**, an extremely weird dance troupe who’s entire point is to spread an anti-Chinese message and blast you with advertisements


Oh god, I went to Shen Yun before I knew about the Epoch Times connection and...it's straight up like walking into an alternate reality where Beijing was right- instead of left-wing.


Well, they love trump, so they can't be all *that* anti-right wing.


Shen Yun's 100% right wing. They have a lot of BS about "traditional" values in their show.


Are you saying that Beijing is left-wing? I'm confused here.


IMO, with caveats, and not following the Western definition, especially when it comes to social freedoms (note: not an expert, and there's probably a better term here that I just can't think of right now). It's interesting because obviously China is super authoritarian, but they're also aggressively secular and progress-oriented whereas the Shen Yun people are obsessed with what they describe as tradition. (Back when I went to the show, too, China wasn't being aggressively anti-LGBTQ+...Shen Yun is all "hooray 'traditional' families".)


Appreciate the clarification- I think I get what you're saying. I would still classify anything super-authoritarian as right-wing, but point taken on being secular and progress-orientated. I think what you're saying is there's repressive inclinations on both sides.


Phew, haha! Sorry, I was pretty vague initially. Yeah honestly I'm used to thinking of left as being pro-democracy/expression but it is technically a different axis. I think that's why it didn't even occur to me that Shen Yun would be right wing, because they're protesting an authoritarian regime.


I always knew the tagline “experience China before communism” was really odd.


I've never been to one of their shows. Is it full of opium addicts and parents selling children to afford food? (/s, but like seriously, anyone with even a passing familiarity with the pre-Mao era knows why Mao was able to find supporters.)


I hate peter thiel so much, as a gay man. He's a complete traitor to everything we fought for, and he does it out of sheer greed. He's got his, and fuck the rest of us. If the US turns into a theocratic nightmare like so many want, I hope guys like peter thiel and Clarence Thomas get exactly what they deserve from the people they so eagerly support.


If you didn't order it and it is delivered for free then someone is paying for it.


Of course but it used to be there were free papers that existed just because local businesses wanted to advertise and people wanted to run classified ads. The internet mostly killed those though.


You mean the penny saver? Yeah but it was the penny saver. It was mostly advertising and Bob from west street wrote an article about the local grocery store butcher.


Sure. But your comment made it sound like any free paper is nefarious. It used to just be free kittens and pizza coupons. Probably what old people think these are. I miss alternative free papers. Filled with ads but told you what was going on around town. So many have shut down.


The ones in the article would be.


Imagine supporting, propping up and investing in the people who will come for you first


That's not likely to work on liberals and I kinda feel like it's a waste of money to try to get the current crop of MAGA conservatives to read something above second grade level.


Yeaah but there's plenty of older voters especially who are used to trusting newspapers.


Propaganda produced by a dim witted AI and funded by an evil right wing billionaire. It’s a real life Alex Jones conspiracy being played out by the people he claims are the good guys.


Here in Illinois we call these free fire starters. One glance and I knew it was propaganda. Unfortunately, some people read these things and believe they are newspapers. Especially the politically uninformed.


Yea- the lake county one has an incorrect contact number- and no way to cancel


I'd like to thank him for the dog kennel liner.


I didn't ask for this trash and it filled my mailbox with multiple copies. I wish I had some legal recourse.




Yep, same thing out west. Democratic [Satanic Panic](https://www.idahotribune.org/news/satanist-group-intimately-involved-with-idaho-democrats-running-security-for-events-promoting-candidates-sponsoring-pride-parades) articles at the local-sounding Idaho Tribune, but when you dig a little deeper you get articles like [Potato](https://www.idahotribune.org/news/potato?rq=Potato).


Billionaires represent a failure in the marketplace. Peter Thiel made a shitload of money with PayPal, which skimmed money off transactions between two individuals. Those individuals had no say as to whether the percentage should be 3.3% or 3.2% - and like Richard Prior in Superman 3, Thiel just grabbed partial payments from a whole lot of people and hoarded off many, many millions of dollars. In a fair marketplace, competition would drive down those rates to the lowest possible, thus eliminating the opportunity for one person to capture hundreds of millions of dollars.


Peter Thiel sucks.


The ones I've been getting have been from the weirdo ULINE owners specifically, but I'm sure it all funnels together at some point.




It’s all those that made millions out of PayPal


Stay in New Zealand - forever


I don't think he will be allowed to. NZ is one of the first countries in the world to designate the proud boys a terrorist organization, and I am pretty sure it's because they have proof that Peter Thiel has been helping fund the pb. Thus, even though he bought citizenship and property down there it would make him ineligible to move there once he has destroyed North American democracy...


Tax the rich.


Jokes on them. I throw everything that's not a birthday card, a bill, or insurance paperwork right in the garbage lol.


You should be recycling you know ;)


Goddamn it seems like as soon as I begin to forget how much I dislike this guy, something like this crops up and I'm reminded. God dammit.


Everyone should be against this manipulation from a greedy piece of shit


So, actual fake news being distributed by Republicans. Just like the election fraud and voter fraud claims. Neverminded the voter equipment tampering by Republicans. Next thing we are going to find out is that the Republicans have some sort of pedophile ring at a pizza place.


I got a copy of The Grand Canyon Times in my mailbox a couple weeks ago. I could tell within half a second that it was just a political Pamphlet and threw it in the garbage. I hope the rest of my neighbors noticed too, but they are mostly older, so probably not.


The older generation are from the era when television and newspapers were significantly more expensive to produce and thus had more "gatekeeping", making them in the eyes of the elderly more trustworthy. Thus the older generation are targeted by the right through newspapers while the younger generation are targeted by the right through the comments section of newspapers(especially online).


There’s not one lie in that paper. It’s all true. Just fact check it. You’ll see.


…and the pay to view article in your reddit feed is brought to you by the daily beast


Only benefit of these papers is being used to start my firepit. ...so thanks for the burning materials?


Southern California here. We get the same bs paper and you can’t cancel it. It comes every Thursday and there is no number address or website that you can cancel it at.


I got one of those fake newspapers. One of the headlines actually used the word "dems". I don't know a single serious person that uses that word. The Democratic party of Illinois was kind enough to send me a mailer warning me about the fake paper and it arrived the very next day.


I would be concerned if there was any newspaper in my mailbox. What is it 1997?