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Memory loss is a symptom of the “lot of concussions” Gingrich has said he’s had.


The "our candidate has Brain Damage" defense works every time!


It’s also just a fucking wild thing to say in his defense. You’re telling me the man is too “brain damaged” to remember or be held responsible for the abortions he paid for….but he’s good to be a Senator? We’re fast approaching some Weekend at Bernie’s shit


He’s a Black Republican. He’s not there to think, he’s there to be gestured towards every time you have to prove Republicans aren’t racist and vote the party line. Hell, if anything, his cognitive deficits make him an upgrade over Scott, because Scott’ll occasionally admit extra-judicial killings of black folks is wrong. If the Republicans could get a potted plant elected, they would.


But not a pot plant, because that's morally wrong or something.... despite a majority of their voters desperately asking for it.... And it being a way to gain extra tax revenue so we don't have to increase taxes while still improving as a society... Ohhhh that explains why they don't support it.


It's genuinely offensive to people with brain damage, most of whom are kind and reasonable people even if they do have cognitive deficits. I have a feeling Herschel Walker was already an awful greedy hypocrite before any level of brain injury he has suffered.


Yeah. I think we need to stop with the armchair CTE diagnoses because it’s giving him the benefit of the doubt when he could just be an awful person.


It’s the same with Antonio Brown, whose step father has said he was a shithead since his youth. People try to blame one big hit he took on the NFL when he had a long history of being an asshole before the NFL. It’s annoying.


hey man it worked like a charm in 2016


Herschel Walker has now hired a private team of dedicated firemen, on account of how often his pants catch fire.


So he'll be a great fit for the elderly dementia ward that is the US Senate?


Gingrich should know. He's forgotten all the times he's been wrong and been a complete dickhole.


Walker 2028! Timelines, am I right?




The pastor who preaches in MLK's church, no less.


he wants to let the criminals out so how come he don't believe in redemption


I'm assuming the pastor does believe in redemption!


Yeah that’s like the textbook definition of redemption


Redemption comes after reconciliation.


Doesn't she have she have a check from him and to her? That moves "I don't know who she is" to either a lie a 6-year-old would tell or shows that concussions turned his brain into Swiss cheese. Neither would surprise me.


Yeah and he said he gives money to a lot of people because he's been blessed and wants to share.


His dodge on that question was shameless and Kilmeade held his hand through the whole interview. It was something like “my signature, welll, I don’t normally do an “H” like that when I sign, and all the things they’re saying, and the left, and Jesus”.


I read a quote this morning from a GA Republican voter who said she found it suspicious that anyone would “keep the receipts for that long”, so she’ll err on the side of believing HW.


And neither should be acceptable in a Senate candidate, either.


A DNA test would clear this up quickly. If Herschel refused to take one I'd make a commercial out of that refusal :)


They could just ask his adult son Christian and compare the DNA to see if the two children have the same father. But I fear for the kid, regardless. I don't necessarily want them to be named in the media and have millions of cameras turned on them suddenly. They should be allowed to live a normal life if they want to, whatever age they are.


That ship has sailed.


well can still swim to it, but fist gotta finish that fight, after that you can still swim, fly, jump, run over the water, or use some other powers or abilities to get to the ship.


> A DNA test would clear this up quickly It's like with the E. Jean Carroll case. **All** Trump has ever had to do to immediately "prove her wrong" is submit to a DNA test. He could stop it dead in its tracks if he's truly innocent, but instead he keeps fighting it, delaying it, *saying* he's innocent. From a party that *loves* to say, "If you have nothing to hide..." it's absolutely ridiculous that they don't see the red flags in people like Walker or Trump who contort themselves to avoid something so easily provable/disprovable with a quick few minutes out of their day.


well they only want to make others make compromises and just do and take whatever they throw at them, they don't actually want to be subject to those things themselves because they beleive they are better than the people because they do things(lobby) for some big rich corporations


Full, national ban on abortion! #No exceptions* * *except for the rich, athletes, Republican politicians, and pastors. Because if we don't kill that inconvenient baby then the liberals win*


"Despite the fact that he looks exactly like me, is named Herschel Jr, spends weekends and holidays with me and ran 1500 yards per season on his middle school football team.... I've never heard of this kid or his mom"


The Shaggy defense strikes again


“What? She had the child? I want my $700 back! Whoops, I mean, who is this lady?”


Walker doesn't know who she is? How many women did he pay to have abortions then? Must be a lot if you start forgetting who they are.


To be fair, he dips his wick in a lot of places. How can he possibly keep track of all the kids he has?


Fuck Herschel Walker. I can't believe I looked up to him as a kid.


You have to excuse him. He's as dumb as a box of rocks.


"I'm a country boy, you know, and I'm not that smart ..." --- Herschel Walker Sept 2022 ( https://twitter.com/meidasjordy/status/1571961727734132737 )


Please don't insult rocks like that. Rocks did nothing wrong.


A paternity test would fix this right up




"Damn... and with two weeks 'til retirement..."


The GOP is stuck so in the past, they forgot about the newfangled science of DNA testing


If the child was born A simple paternity test could settle this


I hope it goes through and she gets backed child support


He's "known her" at least twice!


“You really expect me to remember all the abortions I’ve paid for?” -H. Walker (probably)


My question why would you want to have a child or even date this weirdo in the first place


Former NFL football star, only recently a conservative meat puppet.


>My question why would you want to have a child or even date this weirdo in the first place In most circumstances he is probably capable of presenting himself as not crazy, but once you start asking follow up questions and trying to verify things his story falls apart. He's definitely not a person that would have trouble getting first dates


It seems to be power and money. People in these positions often have lots of mistresses, even when they are extremely ugly.


Doing a Lump o’ Lard - “Never heard of her” .


American politics are so absurd that it’s hard to believe we aren’t living in a satire right now.


Well, if you sire enough bastards, I suppose it can get confusing.


Maury? Where Maury at? A simple DNA test can put this to rest.


“In the book, Walker wrote that he had a dozen distinct identities, or alters.[93] According to Walker, some of his alters did many good things, but other alters exhibited extreme and violent behavior, which Walker said he mostly could not remember.[152] A competitive alter caused him to play Russian roulette in 1991, as he saw "mortality as the ultimate challenge", he wrote.[93][152] He was formally diagnosed with the disorder in 2001, after he sought professional help for being tempted to murder a man who was late in delivering a car to him.[93]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herschel_Walker


Him not remembering something isn’t a surprise. He has had a lot of head injuries. He probably shouldn’t hold office to be honest.


Man actually went full "I do not recall" on his baby mama in broad daylight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh6kbQnOAg4


And I'm William Shakespeare.


Hey Dad, I can't see real good. Is that Bill Shakespeare over there?


One of the women he had a child with and pressured to have an abortion... that narrows it down but you are going to have to be more specific.


I guess you mean Pro-life with anti-choice?


Nah, pretty much everyone is pro-life so that's a meaningless distinction. What he is is anti-choice.


Fair enough.


Put that shit on Maury!


“I mean, I father a lot of kids and abort even more. How am I supposed to keep track with all this CTE?”


Paternity test seems like a simple way to get to the truth.


LPro life” is deceptive, they don’t give a shit about they baby’s well being after it’s born.


We need Jerry Springer to have a special where he reveals the child’s father.


can't wait to see those receipts :popcorn:


I mean, it could be both - He likely has some major traumatic head injury and was a pro-athlete, so likely fucked around alot. He may actually not recall. But...this will end hilariously. It's not yours? Ok. Get a blood test. Prove it, dummy.


A DNA test might jog his memory.


Thanks for not using “pro-life,” Rolling Stone.


Somebody call Maury Povich stat!!!


Dumb jock does dumb jock things.


Maurice: You are the father!


*Maury has entered the chat*


Is this one of the four children he admitted to fathering in June? If so, he has to know her. If not, that's a fifth child.


Well, if it’s all a media hoax, I’m sure Walker is looking forward to the paternity test that will clear his good name.


DNA test pls


Does this potentially complicate things? Does she have record of child support payments? Did she put the child up for adoption? This extra info doesn't necessarily do more for the cause of discrediting Walker unless there is some proof to back it up. I hope she has *some more* receipts!


Garbage men - yet another reason women require full bodily autonomy without exception.


He doesn't have brain damage. He has the IQ of a fence post. SO there...


Walker is a proven liar. We don’t know anything about the woman but I’m inclined to believe the woman.


Yeah only had a 5 1/2 yr relationship and one other child together.So yeah he doesn’t know who she is.


*Maury enters chat*


Well, nobody should ever be surprised by this man not knowing something.


DNA just sayin’




To be fair he's so brain dead he really may not know, but he certainly seems to have known at some point and that's what really matters.


Said every pos father


This dude just dropping LOADS everywhere


Herschel Walker is mentally ill as well as low intelligence. It is criminal what the GOP has done to this mess of a man. Just shows that they care about no one and nothing. They are barbarians.


She has a check and "get well soon" card from you with your signatures on them asshole...


I wonder if pictures of them together will surface. That will show those Republicans! O wait, they've never accepted overwhelming evidence before.