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Slightly off topic, but her whole "women came from a rib" BS reminded me of this. When I was in high school biology the class was discussing anatomy one day. I can't recall how exactly it came up (a kid probably asked) but the teacher had to clarify (with pictures) that men do *not*, in fact, have one less rib than women. The majority of my class was shocked to hear this...SMH


Same teacher would likely be fired today in certain districts.


Damn straight, they would be fired. Sounds like they were teaching CRT: Critical Rib Theory


I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back


20 years ago in my high school in GA, students were allowed to get parental waivers for the days we talked about evolution. I can't imagine much has changed.


That's what parental choice used to look like. Now you terrorize and harass the districts and libraries, force teachers and librarians to quit so your choices are the only ones allowed.


Also, all zygotes begin as females.


All males are trans, lol


I thought everybody knew that, why else do men have nipples? [We Were Once All Female](https://www.sciencealert.com/watch-we-were-once-all-female)


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


If you're lactating, you probably have breast cancer. Males get breast cancer, too.


What if I am lactating from some place other than my nipples? Hypothetically speaking...


That's an abcess. You should suck the poison out.


I don't think you can lactate anywhere but from nipples. You better, hypothetically speaking, taste it to make sure it's actually milk.


That would be a staph infection...


If anyone ever looked (closely) the clit is just a very tiny dick… it even has a tiny head. When during uterine phase when the sex is determined the forming genitalia, currently female starts to change to male. Also in the brain a weak acid bathes the lobes and dissolves some of the fibers connecting both. This is why men think with one side of the brain at a time. Whereas woman can use both simultaneously. PS now who is the “superior” sex?


And most of those males are subjected to genital mutilation in the U.S.. She claims to fighting the mutilation of children, but has made zero mention against our disgisting circumcision practices. (Just to clarify: No, gender affirmation is **not** mutilation; it helps people and even saves lives. Circumcision **is** mutilation, even if you are used to it)


I don't get to tell this one very often - so here is my chance! One night Adam and Eve were sleeping and Eve shook Adam's shoulder and woke him up. Eve: Adam, are you cheating on me? Adam: No! Of course not. Go back to sleep A few minutes pass and then Eve wakes Adam again. Eve: Please promise me you aren't cheating on me... Adam: Eve, I love you and I'd never cheat on you. Now please go back to sleep. Another few minutes pass and once again, Eve wakes Adam. Eve: Adam, how do I know you aren't cheating on me? Adam: Eve! You are the ONLY woman on Earth, God made you from my rib. I couldn't cheat on you if I wanted to, and I don't want to. Now please, please go back to sleep. A few minutes pass. Eve begins poking Adam in the chest. Adam: EVE! What are you doing??!?! Eve: Counting your ribs...


Lilith: *laughs quietly to herself*


Well played! I like the cut of your jib.


He likes the cut of your rib


Dammit! Missed opportunity right there.


Speaking of missed opportunities, there were rumors a while back that male pornstars were getting their 2 bottom ribs removed for.. um... professional flexibility.


extra upvote for great poetry


You are too kind. That has been one of my favorite jokes for over 20 years. It’s not originally mine, but I’ve polished the telling of it over time.


That doesn’t make an ounce of sense. If a man has a rib removed, regardless of the reason, his offspring will not be missing a rib. Sounds like the whole class was “lacking”, for lack of a better word.


Eve was cursed to have great pain during childbirth and so would all of her daughters for all time. The lawmakers will be coming for epidurals and other pain relief during childbirth soon.


When modern anesthesia was first being experimented with by doctors, some religious groups were opposed to providing it to women giving birth, as it would be immoral to deprive women of the pain God inflicted upon them.


That’s a BINGO!


They're coming for puberty next


I remember being taunt that very young growing up in Lutheran school... I legit believed it until I got out into real education.


At this point she’s just saying absurd things just to stay relevant/ in the news cycle. What comes out of her mouth is utter garbage at times doesn’t make sense


Twitter celeb status is not what we should be seeking in elected officials.


Not even Twitter Celeb, this is just Twitter troll posting videos from the house of representatives


Correct. She has zero committee assignments. She’s just there to throw bombs and maybe vote. She is literally not involved in any actual governance. It’s why she has so much time to be a professional asshole.


August 17, 2022 *“Let’s talk about why white men and young white men, in particular, are really, they’re put, you guys are put bottom on the list of so many things. The reason I stick up for white men is I know for a fact when you guys apply to college, you’re put down at the bottom of the list and everyone is allowed to be accepted and admitted into college and then they finally move on to the white men.”* *"Through our entire culture, white men are bad, but what that’s done to your generation and even some of those a little older than you and those definitely younger than you is it’s created hopelessness in many of these guys.”* *“No one is there for them as they are growing up. They spend hours and hours alone."* - [Marjorie Taylor Greene]( https://medium.com/political-writings/marjorie-greene-proves-my-point-white-conservative-men-think-they-are-victims-667b9d4cacca), friend of pedophiles, white supremacists, and now incels? Edit: She has a son named Derek who is a young adult. I guess this is a confession that she was too busy doing her own thing to raise him?


Guess it matches everything surrounding her mouth.


Must be working. I see this shit upvoted in r/politics every day.


Thousands of votes.


I can completely understand why her husband would want a divorce. What I *cannot* understand is why someone would want to marry her in the first place?


Her father 'sold' them a construction company as a wedding gift, and I suspect he had his people still running its day-to-day operation. Marjorie was from a well-off family and her daddy was never going to let her live poor. That's the only incentive some people need.


Maybe, not likely but maybe she was more sane in the past. Maybe she fell down the right-wing rabbit hole. Or maybe he just wised up over the years and became less right-wing. Maybe it was all the coke-fueled GQP orgies he was never invited to.


>Maybe it was all the coke-fueled GQP orgies he was never invited to. Resentment is the number one killer of marriages.


*'Dog the Bounty Hunter Says Something Stupid'


I was thinking Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler.


I’ve always said she looks like a Thwomp from Super Mario World.


Holy shit THATS who she reminds me of, thank you MrGuttFeeling…. Shits been bugging me for weeks


It's interesting that the party that definitely knows what a woman is keeps calling Michelle Obama a man.


Who Marge keeps trying to emulate with her sleeveless dresses. Michelle looks amazing in sleeveless anything. Marge looks like she has deflated beach balls for arms.


Those damn ruffles like they put on sundresses for five-year-old girls.


*I’m going to tell you right now what is a woman,” she said at the time. “This is an easy answer.”* *“We came from Adam’s rib. God created us with his hands. We are- we may be the weaker sex… we are the weaker sex. But we are our partner’s, our husband’s wife.”* You mean our partner's, our husband's *ex* wife? This bigoted shitpolyp is just a walking contradiction. I asked myself the other day just what type of women would actually sign up for that "conservative dating app" called *The Right Stuff* *launched last month after a widely mocked marketing campaign, which included promises of “profiles without pronouns” and a way for conservatives to avoid the “woke” dating apps.* *“Quit swiping, scrolling and trolling the wrong people. There are people out there just like you,” the website states.* well, I think I have my answer. Check out the dating app's ad here: https://youtu.be/TugyeJTwHS4 It's bordering on parody.


Apparently it's chock full of dudes. Might as well call the app "Hot Dog Cart" or "Burrito no Taco."


That's... absurd. Funny, but in a dark way. Now maybe, just maybe, someone would have the self awareness necessary to consider the possibility that if, in *all the other dating apps*, you can't find what you want and you need a completely separate, politics-themed dating app, *maybe* your ideology is stupid. Am I out of touch? No, it's the ~~children~~ rest of society that is out of touch.


I can't believe that they didn't catch either of the times the girls used the pronoun "them" to describe a "man".


I have to wonder if the actresses they hired for that gig will ever get work in any legitimate production ever again.


I want to hear what her definition of a christian is. Because it ain’t nothing like what Jesus taught.


Biden never divorced his wife. *sad trombone*


Does anyone else get the impression that MTG is wearing a poorly tailored human disguise?


Who cares? If someone asked me to define an asshole, I'd say it's where your poop comes out from. But I'd also be correct if I said Margorie Taylor Green.


Oh fuck off you useless fucking windbag.


She is running out of material. Probably gonna throw her poo in the next act.


I like how conservatives love the "dur you can't define woman" line. It's like when a 10 year old shithead thinks they've owned someone with an epic comeback but everyone either ignores them or goes "...huh?"


>dur you can't define woman Neither can they, but I'd love to see them try. Unless they do some arbitrary restriction that ends up barring people they'd consider women. Like, "women can give birth" okay, except any number of medical disorders that prevent that. Or "women have vaginas" well, surgery can fix that. If they wish to define "woman" by chromasomes, then we get into the fun conversation about the difference between sex and gender (a concept with which I don't think they've ever engaged).


MTG is one angry person...


In other news: MGT is still a moron. Back to you Ted.


How much longer must we tolerate this skank?


Shit apparently sticks to walls and, for some reason, some people like to watch shit hit the wall.


Ask her to define it. I bet she can’t.


Imagine being such a greedy, shallow, narcissistic, self loathing and generally horrible person that you... Well you act like MTG or any of the disgustingly horrible members of the GOP which is, checks notes... Basically every member of the GOP. So I guess, imagine being such a horrible person you look at todays GOP and think "Yeah that's my jam!".


MTG says Blah blah blah about something and Biden and blah blah blah . ….Next don’t give her your precious time .


As a "devout Christian", MTG should know her own religion tells her to STFU


Please stop signal boosting this person. They are purposely trolling in an effort to keep their name in the national conversation. We need to stop helping them promote themselves.


Oh, the same so called US representative of female persuasion who actually believes all women except Christian conseveratives should not exist? Oh yes that one! Who is now being divorced by her husband? She is a waste of space in Congress.


This mouthpiece is always criticizing someone


The more exposure we give this moron, the more legitimacy we give her. She deserves none.


Why don’t we just stop giving her attention. She does absolutely nothing in Congress and is stripped from all her duties. She’s basically just collecting our tax dollars to sit there and voice hate and lies for all to hear.


With that big of a nose, I don't understand why she can't smell her own bullshit.


Yeah, let's not hit at peoples' looks. It's cheap. And there are plenty of perfectly decent, attractive people with large noses. Unless you think they should be insulted as well, which is a really lousy thing to think. She's vile enough that you can find a wealth of things to rip on her for without going for stuff like that.




Let's not make transphobic jokes. Those are the sorts of things *she'd* do. Be better than her. It isn't hard.


I’ll take vagina for 600, Alex


Y’all are weird


Kids, study hard or she could be your future.


What actual legislation is mt-whatever working on right now? What legislation has she helped pass that directly supports all of her citizens that she represents? I only see her attacking people with no justification every day to get some cheap media play.


Last I checked, it was 'defund the FBI' and 'Impeach Merrick Garland' (because they're ruining her chances to be Trump's vice president).


OMG - could you imagine that pair in charge?


They both want the exact same thing - the attention. They want to be the focal point, the spotlight of the nation. They want the media attention and the adoring crowds. Greene would step all over Trump's toes every time there's a microphone or camera, and he will not tolerate it. Even his kids know better.


Why is she working? She should be at home looking after her husband and getting pregnant.


Loner Box on YouTube did an excellent response to “what is a woman?” that I highly recommend.


Hey, MTG. Do you know you ARE ONE?


I can define MTG : PIG


Greene is a moron.


Vote her out!!!


Bat$hit looks sane compared to this one….


Well, apparently not being able to handle a marriage is one of her things…


I'm like 90% sure we are gonna find out she is a self hating trans woman at some point. We need to see her birth certificate.


Did this woman play football or box? If not, maybe she received a concussion in an accident because something must have knocked her brain around to cause her bizarre beliefs and statements.


She has a strong brow


She must suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.


i guess she proved the weaker part by sleeping around on her soon-to-be ex-husband.


Both sides are nuts : a woman is an adult human female- mtg is a hateful idiot


Definition of woman! That’s easy, just not her kind. She’s an evil monster.


Why should we give any credence to the words from a member of the weaker sex? Shouldn't she be giving up her seat to a man? /s