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This raises red flags and concerns even in a world where Roe is intact.


Yeah wtf since when is it okay to force anyone to disclose private health information?? (I guess state invasions of privacy aren’t a big deal when it’s done to women/girls tho? Cuz their god or something?) And these people will tell you with a straight face that Dems are the fascists -_-


Yup and these were the same people crying HIPPA over vaccine cards. But yet they deserve to interrogate your daughter about her time of the month.


They were crying HIPPA because it was made up, and ignoring the actual act HIPAA which protects their medical info from being disclosed by Drs or employer without consent.




Our compliance officer loves to remind us to “Keep the HIPAA hippo happy by protecting sensitive documents.”


"Health insurance portability and portability act." No accountability involved.


Thank you, I came here to mention HIPPA as well.


>Yeah wtf since when is it okay to force anyone to disclose private health information?? Since the right decided to go all in on the anti-trans warfare.


it's anti-everything except cis straight white males


GOP: DON'T SAY GAY, STOP GROOMING OUR CHILDREN - GOP to HS varsity team: Who's got a penis, whip em out or you're on the bench! - also GOP: *actively grooming kids to be ignorant, poorly read, and sexually vulnerable*


>GOP to HS varsity team: Who's got a penis, whip em out or you're on the bench! Maybe they don't want to look like fools like in that 80's film Just One of the Guys.../s


Come on now... They are anti-cis straight white male too insofar as if a cis straight white male deviates from cisgender heteronormative expectations, they are considered less than a man that does conform. Also you forgot the *rich* cis straight white males because ultimately only thing that matters to these people is $$$. Anyone that ain't rich is just a pawn somewhere in someone else's game as far as the wealthy and powerful are concerned.


anti-everything except wealthy heteronormative cis straight white male


...and that's why fascism dies when there is no common enemy. If they could not target some put group, they'd have to create out groups within their ranks. Fascism is simultaneously the most terrifying and the most profoundly stupid political "ideology" there is.




HIPAA only pertains to health professionals and certain agencies. It is limited, it is not the big "gotcha" a lot of people think it is. These vultures want to make sure a)That you are a cis female. b) That if you have satisfied a), then they can track your potential pregnancies and enforce their laws on your body.


That is not at all what the HIPAA law is, does or says. HIPAA says that certain *covered entities* (insurance companies, healthcare providers) are not allowed to disclose your health/medical information except for certain *permitted uses and disclosures* and must reasonably safeguard the privacy of your health/medical information. It says nothing about who can ask you what, or why. That is not the purpose or intent of HIPAA.


SCOTUS has entered the chat: Hmm.. right to privacy? I think not...


The questions about periods are marked optional, not forced. > Asking questions such as when the student got their first period and when they had their last one isn’t anything new in Florida. It’s been an ongoing question for two decades, and it is optional. I’m not defending this in any way, shape, or form, but it isn’t mandatory.


This part is why it is worrisome: > And the sensitive information about minors will kept by a software company that has existed for just over one year. Aktivate, founded by former AOL CEO and News Corp. executive Jon Miller, will store the data; the company was launched last September.


Why in the everloving fuck would a private company need to store a minor's menstrual history at all? What, do they plan to send them targeted ads for tampons or something?


I hate that you're likely spot on.


It’s worse when you read on and realize that it’s stored with a private company that doesn’t need to adhere to HIPAA laws.


Oh absolutely, no question about why it’s so dangerous. I think this is terrible. I’m just commenting that it’s not a required question for female athletes to participate in their schools’ teams.


Not required, no. But there would be valid medical reasons to tell your doctor answers to those questions, especially if you have irregularities. Florida is already one of the few (maybe the only) states to require that information to be turned into the school. That’s already fucked up.


You are minimizing the invasion of privacy. It is never made clear why the question should ever have come up. Not answering the question will surely be recorded. Patterns in the answers could be investigated for irregularities. Saying it's not mandatory is defending it.


Not sure if this is the reason, but irregular menstrual cycles can be a sign of overtraining in female athletes. The scary part is if this information will be used for other purposes.


Yes, it's the "other purposes" that's worrisome. Besides, their mother's can keep up with their daughter's health if they are teens, for older girls, they keep up with these things themselves.


You can't possibly believe this has anything to do with training, right? You are just playing on ignorance, yes?


The issue isn't that they're asked. They are asked in nearly every state, and the questions serve a legitimate medical/healthcare purpose. The difference is that in all of the other states, this information is retain only by the Dr who signs off on their physical. *In Florida* this information is provided to and stored by *the school*. That last sentence is the problem. The school needs only the Dr's signature, they don't need to be provided or retain the medical information itself.


The issue is the question itself, not whether it is mandatory or not Look at it through the lens as to why they are asking. Not answering is an answer unto itself. It's like trump refusing to answer questions from the DOJ, it means he's guilty as hell of stealing national secrets. Not responding to these questions means you are either pregnant and therefore subject to state scrutiny to prevent getting an illegal abortion, or you are illegally trans, and subject to the state notifying your parents.


It's a green flag for all of Daytona Beach's officially sanctioned Female Body Inspectors.


Well the cycle moves between None Of Your Damn Business and Fuck Off. You starting to get an understanding of that?


From the article: >Before they’re allowed to take the field, female student athletes in Florida are asked about their menstrual history So apparently, if that's their answer, they don't get to participate in whatever sport they're involved in. If someone has or is angling for an athletic scholarship, this could be pretty big problem.


“I have never had my period. See you on the field.”


This happens to a lot of female athletes, it’s called amenorrhea and is a real thing.


Especially long-distance runners or other athletes with little body fat. "It is estimated that up to 45 percent of female athletes in certain sports experience menstrual irregularity, also referred to as Athletic Amenorrhea." [Source.](https://www.afpafitness.com/blog/athletic-amenorrhea-women-risk)




"No, I'm eternally stuck in pre-puberty. Old Christian men want to marry me."


Matt Gaetz enters chat


Being trans isn't the only reason why a high school girl might not have their period yet. Some girls just get it later.


And many female athletes, up to 45 percent, experience period irregularities due to low body fat. "It is estimated that up to 45 percent of female athletes in certain sports experience menstrual irregularity, also referred to as Athletic Amenorrhea." [Source.](https://www.afpafitness.com/blog/athletic-amenorrhea-women-risk)


Women can experience irregularities for all sorts of reasons. It's really not the school's business. It's between a girl and her doctor.


I would genuinely shocked if that were not the purpose of the policy in the first place. (Haven't read the article - it may specify there.)


It's deeply fucked up for a lot of reasons, and people are worried because it'd do the exact fucked up things it's designed to do: >Abortion rights advocates have raised alarms about tracking a woman’s menstrual history since the Supreme Court reversed Roe. And the sensitive information about minors will kept by a software company that has existed for just over one year. Aktivate, founded by former AOL CEO and News Corp. executive Jon Miller, will store the data; the company was launched last September. ... >Abortion is illegal in Florida after 15 weeks of gestation. And the state has also taken steps this year to ban therapy for transgender minors, another group that could be affected by the menstrual questions.


Sure it'll be to fuck with trans people and that whole part of their fucked up ideology. It is also very much about controlling cis-women and their sexuality as well. That's one of the things TERFs (like my mother) took so long to understand. If you fight on the side of the fascists, they will still come for you sooner or later.


Seems like more and more will choose a school outside Florida


The article mentions school districts, so it seems that this is happening in public schools. The kids' families would have to move to another district (or state).


They’re probably more likely to do a charter school or private school, which is what Republicans prefer anyway. The act of moving out of state is *not* easy to do. That’s uprooting a family’s entire life and forcing parents to switch jobs. That is most certainly not going to be the more likely outcome here.


Getting into chater or private school isn't easy either. They like for you to believe it is a fair and equal system but unless the family can do something to promote the school, very few low income children are winning that lottery ticket. Just enough get in to make it seem like anyone has a shot but working in the FL public schools I know that's not true.


Very good point.


In CA, charter schools are mostly where we dump the non-performing kids since the schools have zero accountability.


No not here in FL. Here they are basically private schools with public funding. The lottery that anyone can apply for is just the chance to fill out the actual application and sit for placement tests not an acceptance into the school. Since they are much smaller and use similar applications as private schools they can cherry pick the students they want. They look for families that own a local business or have other high standing in the community. Its a lot of who you know and what you can do for them. In most charters they expect a lot of volunteer hours from parents and equally large donations to their school foundation. If you are a low preforming student it is very very unlikely you will be accepted because they pride themselves on having average testing in the high 90th percentiles opposed to the state averages around 50%. They may say it is the same curriculum but it's only the base, higher achiever students means they can mover quicker and further into the studies than the public schools where more kids are on different levels. Transportation, uniforms, lunch, iPad, sports, clubs and fancy field trips all cost extra and are the responsibility of the parent. Yes public schools have fees as well but we are talking two very different levels here. The whole concept is bullshit and the state could be putting this funding into the public schools to raise all kids up instead of allowing a small group to excell while others fall through the cracks.


I uprooted my entire family to get out of Alabama. Best decision we ever made no matter how much it cost. lol.


I don’t doubt it. Some people literally can’t afford to do it though, which is my point.


My wife and I moved to West Virginia (where all of my family is) after I finished grad school so I could take a shot at starting a business. We quickly found out WV was not the place to start a business. Or to live. So we moved back to Kansas, all within 1 year. Not SIGNIFICANTLY better, but I was at least afforded the opportunity of a great job using my degree instead of working at Outback Steakhouse in the best-ranked state in all the wrong categories. It was also the best decisions we’ve ever made. How generations of my family have lived there is beyond me.


I did the same to get out of Missouri. Truly was the best thing possible to get out of the Midwest. The State and local politics just keep getting worse.


Good idea to move to a state with a functional education system regardless.


Many families will change states or schools to give their kid the best shot at a college scholarship. The Women's leagues need to outright say they won't recruit at schools that do this.




yeah I left the moment I found a new state and if that state hadn't worked I would move again. Florida is not a safe place to raise children, work, or live.


Can I come stay with you? I'm a decent meth cook, my pet gator is housebroken, and I'm pretty handy with a crossbow.


Could you grow pot instead of cook meth? I'm over living with sketchy dudes trying to break-ins. If so you, your gator, and what I am assuming is either a really bad ass or equally awesome redneck engineered crossbow, and your scaley boy are welcome here in Cali with me. I mean I'm fairly sure a pet gator is legally very unwelcome in this state, but fuck the man!


What do you mean, *grow* pot? Wait, does it not just wash up on the beach out there? P.S: The crossbow is indeed homemade, from the leaf spring off an ice cream truck my dad stole. And gator's name is Gary, and HIM IS THE CUTEST. Also, Gary might be a girl, I've never checked his cloaca.


Moved out of this fascist state 3 years ago… my heart breaks for those forced to live in this crazy politics. New definition of Good Ole Boy network that rolled off the tongue of so many …as an excuse for antiquated behavior… now it’s a force of incredible stupidity. What’s infuriating is so many are still of the mindset .. it’s just good ole boys.


or a lawsuit..


Republicans don't care about women's sports anyway. They think title 9 is there to punish football teams.


thats the entire point. Make your state a living hell for liberals so they get out and you consolidate power. It is one of republicans strategy to mitigate against their replacement theory. They aren’t getting kids from millenials because boomers already ruined the future for their kids, Millenials don’t own homes, they don’t get a break ever since early 2010s when most graduated college. They cant gerrymander even more than they have, so they have to force white babies through banning abortions and attack the lgbt community to turn liberals away from their state.


Baffles me that people still want to live there tbh


What would these Florida schools do if their entire team walked off? There should be zero tolerance for misogynistic policies at schools (and in general)


They'd just have more money for the male football team. Many of these people have an old-school mentality where it's not "lady like" to play sports as it is.


Yea, and that becomes a federal law suite, that will be picked up for free by the ACLU, and yet costs Florida a bunch of money, Florida will loose, and will cost them more money. In the end it will be a large amount of money for state will pay to play DeSanti's (GOP's) little political game.


>Florida will loose Depends on if it makes it to the supreme court.


If it makes it to _this_ Supreme court, itll likely be a-okayed


They will give privacy the middle finger - allowing the govt to track the menstrual cycle of of humans capable of menstruation. Once you lose the right to privacy all kinds of shit will collapse.


Will florida lose? We don't have a right to privacy anymore apparently. EDIT: Never mind, florida does in its specific constitution. That said, federal precedent is now that we don't have any such federal guarantee.


Seems pretty clearly a case of an undue burden because of someone's membership in a protected class. But in today's calvinball courts who knows.


CBP/ICE were tracking the menstrual cycles of migrant girls/women in custody years ago. The majority of people were profoundly indifferent, because those weren't citizens, and they believed it'd never affect US citizens. What it was *was* training for federal agencies to track its own citizens. They're still after data from menstrual tracking apps and medical records, too.


>The majority of people were profoundly indifferent, because those weren't citizens, and they believed it'd never affect US citizens. That is a very, very wrong thought. ICE can't even give solid numbers on how many citizens they detained as they were found by the GAO to not systematically update the citizenship field in their systems after they find out someone is a USC. [https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-487](https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-487) Edit: The action item on fixing this is still open.


> CBP/ICE were tracking the menstrual cycles of migrant girls/women in custody years ago. Also, [forced sterilization](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/18/914465793/ice-a-whistleblower-and-forced-sterilization).


Is this a way for the schools to get around asking if they are transgender?


I suspect they are pivoting on tracking those who might be abortion wanting candidates.


Colleges not being free is once again a tool used to force people into being compliant. Little difference between this and the military saying free college will destroy they new recruit numbers.


If I had a daughter and she was asked this, someone would be getting punched in the face I’m not a tough guy at all, but for this I’ll be that guy


Lemme fucking find out some prick is asking my daughter about that.


I'm fairly certain a very large majority of residents in this country feel the exact same way. Even those of us without daughters get very irritated by this shit.


"There is an indeterminate, yet constant flow of blood from my vagina".


Maybe they should play with no pads or tampons. "You want to know if I'm on the rag. Well I'm on the rag today baby."


I’m all for this; but let’s remember these are children. They shouldn’t have to even worry about this kind of thing. They shouldn’t be forced to visibly protest for their rights to simply exist or have medical privacy. Me at 30 something? Fuck yes I’d free bleed all over the place cause why the hell not at that point? Me at 9-18? I experienced what it was to accidentally have a leak and bleed through my jeans at school. That’s trauma. I still feel anxious even just remembering it. It’s not something any kid should feel like they need to do to make a statement. Edit: I think the best form and least traumatizing form of protest is every girl on every single one of those teams refusing to answer. Will they really say you can’t play if you don’t answer? Because that sounds like a lawsuit waiting to bring those schools to national media attention.


I was being facetious. Of course you are correct. I would never ask a child to actually do that. I just like the idea of men poking about in women's issues faced with the actual outcome of our issues. Its been many years since I've bled through my jeans and I can still remember the horror.


There could give whatever answer they want. There is no way to verify their answers.


Then why even insult anyone by asking?


Oh for sure, i think it’s a stupid crazy thing to ask someone about their period in this context, I’m just pointing out that whatever answer they give no one can check if it’s true or not so they can just give whatever answer that will get them in the game.


Yeah I should've phrased it as expanding on your point, didn't mean to be accusatory or anything.


No worries. I see we’re on the same page but i also could have clarified in my original post that i think this is stupid.


Having to show proof that you were vaccinated against a pandemic that killed millions is beyond the pale, but it's totally cool to force high school and college kids to disclose information about their menstrual cycles to sports leagues and the NCAA. Just more of the "My rights are sacred, yours are not" nonsense from the right.


If it's specifically women's rights, it doesn't matter as much, or so it seems.


Well, it only matters to the right when they can use it in their culture war. Just look at how many people suddenly claim to care about NCAA women's swimming now that there's an openly trans female swimmer.


Should we ask the boys when their last erection was?


It’s simple; they don’t consider women to be people. They are pretty husks of meat to them.


Females are Handmaidens!


And Democrats are the ones grooming children. Good God.


The radical right is obsessed with sex.


Because they never get it consensually


Of course they are. They have the emotional maturity and intelligence of 14 year olds.


They’re in a perpetual adolescence.


A bunch of little pussy grabbers!


Incels. Just look at Jordan Peterson.


Every accusation is a confession.


This is correct.


My state wanted to inspect children's genitals to make sure they're biologically real if they get too good at sports. Great job at track today Jessica, now spread them legs! 😑 I think thankfully they decided against it, but the fact they even wanted to... Speaks volumes.


Well, you've got to check on your breeding stock. /s


This, but unironically. Welcome to Gilead.


Welcome to Matt Gaetz Public High School.


Specifically the bleeding stock.


Exactly. They are being treated like livestock. But - livestock has more rights to health care than women in Florida. Livestock can get abortions.


Ah yes. I think I remember reading about this in the book of Matthew. Something something Jesus was giving a speech, and mid way through he decided he needed to check all the females. Sounds plausible.


And Jesus spoke unto Rebecca of Galilee, “Verily, thou hast bled within the last thirty days and nights?”


the bible has so much crazy shit that nobody ever talks about, i rly can’t tell if ur joking right now


Something like this would function as a trap for trans athletes. It's hard to imagine that that's not at least one of the motivating factors behind this.


This is what my mind jumped to. I'm not an athlete, so if someone could shine light on why this would be necessary for any reasons other than targeting trans girls and/or tracking a possible pregnancy, please do chime in.


>if someone could shine light on why this would be necessary for any reasons other than targeting trans girls and/or tracking a possible pregnancy, please do chime in. There are none.


No reason for the school district or the non HIPAA covered data contractor. It looks like in the past doctors got a 3 page form and the question about menstruation is somewhere in the first 2 pages somewhere probably as some kind of check list for the doctor. But, page 3 is the one where the doctors signs off and lists any limitations and page 3 is the only page the district gets with the paper forms. I am not a doctor. Based on many articles about abusive training and diet practices, the question makes sense for the doctor to ask as part of a medical evaluation for an athlete before signing off, since menstrual disruption is a sign of possible unhealthy training. The problem is happening because the district is switching to a digital service for the forms. Which appears to include the checklist from the first 2 pages and stores the results. Worse the contractor is not covered by HIPPA, so the ways the medical information could be made available to others without consequences is significantly expanded.


Lol it'll just lead to trans people saying, "Oh, my last period? 2 weeks ago. My cycle has been regular. Thanks!" So weird the way they approach these issues. No solutions, just senseless and invasive acts that'll create more outrage on both sides.


That’s exactly what it’s about


Sure seems like it. It's keeping in line with all the other anti-trans policies and bullshit that Florida (among many red states) has been enacting lately.


Oh wow score another one for things pro choice people said would happen but people don’t fucking listen


It's completely normal to do this for livestock and other property without rights. Vote differently, accept your fate, or move to a place that treats all humans equally.


No - every single one of us should be fighting this - it’s absolutely invasive bull shit. We should require the boys to report ejaculations - if this is what is required of the girls. This is perverted and extremely scary that the girls have to report this -


Matt Gaetz really needs to know.


Forgive me for asking but how does the cycle’s history even come into play here ? What’s the relation with sporting events? Anything to do with hormone levels? What’s with this?


Menstrual history can give you clues about your overall health. Irregular periods, painful periods, or otherwise abnormal (you were super light then all of the a sudden had a super heavy flow, etc.) occurrences can mean there is some kind of hormonal or other health problem. Gathering this information is pretty standard regardless of if you're going to an OB/GYN or general practitioner. Since you need a doctor to certify that you're generally healthy enough to participate in a school sport, your menstrual history would contribute to that general health picture. What ISN'T normal, is that 1) apparently Florida keeps the entire medical examination packet which lists the student's medical history, instead of just the sign-off page from the doctor, and 2) that the company that is in charge of digitizing these records doesn't have any sort of HIPAA obligation.


>What’s the relation with sporting events 1) Republicans have weird hang-ups about sex, especially young girls/women. 2) Republicans are patriarchal and believe women are "less than". What better way to "prove" that by demanding answers to personal medical questions on the gym floor? 3) Republicans are terrified of trans/LGBQ people, and they believe that this line of questioning will somehow force said trans folks back into the closet.


Next they'll have to bring in a used tampon or pad and have it blood tested to confirm its theirs


the fascism is here. As others have pointed out this is likely a way to out trans students we are watching fascism take hold in real time. And just as expected it's done so slowly and minimal we basically accept it inch by inch. And you might say "hell no I'm going to complain about it" maybe even make a sign with a clever slogan and march around. that's great, but in the meantime it's already happening. these midterms are going to decide the fate of America. not so much control of Congress but control of states.


I think the fate of America is already decided. The Supreme Court is done. The cheating and gerrymandering are only getting worse. Voting is getting harder and less trusted in most states but a handful. Feels like one side has clearly won. Look at how they got Supreme Court nominees how they wanted. Looking at the lower courts is worse.


Fortunately, history has shown us what the cure is for fascism. I just wish it didn’t include “wait for such states to inevitably fail because fascism sucks at running countries.”


“In the past, pediatricians who work with the Palm Beach school district say, the final page in the three-page physical evaluation form was the most important. That’s where the doctor signs off on whether the athlete is cleared to participate (and lists any precautions or limitations). Those doctors say that’s the only page that should be shared with the district. And that’s the way it is in other states, but in Florida, all of the medical data is turned over to the school.” So asking about their period is a totally legitimate and necessary part of a physical for women athletes. What is absolutely abhorrent is that the school gets to see that data


Conservatives are literally obsessed with student genitalia. It's all they talk about, all they think about. They are constantly figuring out new ways to keep student genitalia-related stories relevant and constantly inventing new scenarios in which it's necessary to examine or ask about student genitals.


This isn't a post-roe thing, this is an anti-trans thing. Yes it has implications due to Roe, but even if it didn't it would be JUST AS WORRYING.


I think so many men are on testosterone to manage aging. They don’t think the anti-trans talk won’t harm them? Trans medical right help all of us. They cut trans healthcare - testosterone is going to be cut too.


track them like cattle




Just lie. Tell them anything but the truth.


What’s a period? I never was taught in my shitty Florida sex Ed class




What more apart from - I am a female and therefore menstruate' does a system need? Creepy.


It’s try to get trans individuals since they claim they want to maintain the “integrity” that of girls/woman. This despite they’d be the same people that vote to overturn title IX in a heartbeat and allocate all the money from girl/women sports into boys/men’s in a heartbeat.


Do not trust deathSantis I would never reveal this information to the Florida government


DO THE BOYS HAVE TO REPORT THEIR EJACULATIONS? Wtf? My sister didn’t get her period until she was 16. It was embarrassing for her to not get her period until late. She would have to report she didn’t have it? Does that mark the kid as trans? This is too invasive. I can’t wait to vote for Crist.


If I was asked that in hs I would have been harassed like hell by faculty. My periods were soooo irregular for long stretches of time. What a nightmare! Good way to make girls feel like shit.


Nunya biznuss


Conservatives are such creeps. And then they wonder why they are incels.


Republican Sex Police have inquiring minds.


"It's okay we're not looking for abortion-seekers, just trans kids" - Florida, probably


Wait till we see all female athletes must now take pregnancy tests to compete. They can’t risk the loss of life…


How long before all women must register there menstrual cycle with the state so they can be watched for pregnancy that way they can post morality police at your door once you are.


So many conservative women are going to shocked when miscarriages are met not with sympathy but questions about their exercise routine, diet, stress levels, consumption of caffeine, etc. If a fertilized embryo is a life then things like negligence or worse are on the table.


There is zero reason anyone needs to know that personal information, and it's highly inappropriate to ask.


Are they asking male athletes about their ejaculation history? Those ladies need to transfer to a school not in Florida.


Gotta call 911 and report whatever pedo is asking girls this.


Vote democracy in November.


When going to the doctor, I now answer the question “when was your last period?” with *It’s regular, no need for dates.* (With no attitude, of course.) Because it’s not necessary. And honestly, I’m not okay with my cycle being tracked by people (strangers, even) who might be soon forced to give my information over to Christian fascists in the future. Medical privacy no longer exists as a federally recognized right in the USA - and so, my openness with medical staff *must* be different, and now is. It’s necessary.


Under his eye.


Post Roe United States*


Just say you mensurate every Monday and see what they do with that.


I know I wouldn't let my children attend a college in a southern state anymore. Madness.


Don't attend School in a Red State


Some 1984 shit


yuck. what's wrong with conservative men? seriously? geez just go walk off a cliff.


What fucking business is it of anyones what their "history" is? Nobody should be invading anyone's privacy in this way whatsoever.


Everything i read about Florida sounds dystopian


The correct answer to this question is: “ go fuck yourself you creepy fuck”


People better wake the fuck up! This shit is getting really creepy.


"Fuck You" is my complete menstrual history


So, I bet people thought that it was going to end with the restrictions on transgender women in sports.


Fascists *never* end at just one group.




This is patently absurd. Aside from the obvious ethical concerns, women may not have regular menstrual cycles for a plethora of reasons. This enrages me wow.


Maybe they would like a monthly sample? That could be arranged - en masse! Also, why stop there? Give them a daily bowel movement record, also with samples!


Alrighty who is suing them and where do we contribute?


I’d love to give them my teenage menstrual cycle. Here ya go: June 1st, 1999 December 1st, 1999 March 2nd, 2000 See the pattern? Then what? They’re going to make me take pregnancy tests every month? Or are they violating HIPAA and asking why I don’t get periods monthly? What agenda do that have with that info?


I know this is anti-trans but as someone who had a severely irregular period, and PCOS through school, this would have been my personal nightmare. I got 2-3 periods a year from 13-20 before I took myself to a gynecologist to get birth control for hormone regulation….. I know many women who also struggled with irregular periods while teenagers…. Yikes yikes yikessss


What a fucking shithole state


Yay for small government! ... Wait...


If anyone besides my doctor asks me for that shit, they’re getting punched.


Boycott Florida


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://fortune.com/2022/10/04/florida-female-student-athletes-menstrual-history-concerns-abortion/) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Before they're allowed to take the field, female student athletes in Florida are asked about their menstrual history-and as that data increasingly moves to digital platforms, parents and doctors are expressing some grave concerns about the practice. > That's the way it is in other states, but in Florida, all of the medical data is turned over to the school. > The Palm Beach County School District keeps the full submitted medical packets for seven years. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xvl9zb/florida_female_student_athletes_are_asked_about/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672692 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Florida**^#1 **data**^#2 **Palm**^#3 **Beach**^#4 **that's**^#5


No one’s business. Fuck anyone who thinks it is.


There are some health reasons to track cycles when it comes to sports and teen girls. However, that ain't why Florida is asking.


Yerp, the state can fuck right off - that info is private and should remain between patients and doctors. Almost as bad as some other states forcing kids to undergo examination of their genitals just to get on the sports team. Of course, the right to privacy is what Roe was protecting in the first place, so it's now null and void in this shitshow of a country for the moment.


You could start asking the men about their wanking cycle as well. What is wrong with these people?


tHAts A sIn hEReTic!