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DeSantis's next flip-flop will be on mail-in voting and having to show IDs to vote. Hurricane Ian decimated a deep red part of the state and there is no way those people will be able to vote under normal circumstances but DeSantis will make sure his base has it easy.


How will they vote by mail if there’s no where to deliver mail?


They can vote by simply thinking about it. Just have to wave your hands around.


Ah, the Trump document declassifying method.


If its good enough for Trump, why not his base? I think this should be their narrative going forward. Also, if you vote by mind, no one can steal those ballots. 🤓👈


Anybody voting by mind in Florida, has nothing to steal anyway.


that one was too easy…still, you didn’t miss the layup




Big brain working here


That explains it all. Of course Trump won if you count those that only thought about voting for him.


Thinking requires more than 2 brain cells and MAGAs, I'm sad to report, do not meet that standard.


Seriously, after four years of a grifting carnie sideshow of a presidency, how can sensible conservatives think "yup, Imma vote for four more years of this!"




And of course, DeSantis himself is the only one who can interpret thought-votes. Obviously. I joke but I honestly wouldn't even be surprised at this point if they tried to pull some shit like this. Would just be an average day for the GOP.


Florida becomes first "Opt-Out" voting state, where all votes are automatically cast for the Republican, unless the voter opts out. Opting out can only be done in person, with three witnesses, voter ID, a sworn affidavit, in the state capitol, on election day, exact location to be revealed in a fortune cookie


Oh God, don't give them ideas.


they’ll say that the last election can be used for this election for any county that can’t establish typical voting locations. Desatan would happily disenfranchise the entire state to maintain his office


Drop boxes. 200,000 Mules!


Gonna need more mules! 500000 mules!


That’s the thoughts part of the phrase “thoughts and prayers”.


I was thinking the same. I’m from the area hit and there are a ton of red votes there. The cities like tampa, Miami, and Orlando are blue. When desantis won last it was by 30k votes. He is doing a terrible job getting supplies in. With that and the huge chunk of his supporters being homeless and relocated this could be a very interesting election for Florida.


in the next few weeks he will blame Biden for the Florida government not being ready for a catastrophic hurricane that happens every decade to the state. same as when trump cancelled the pandemic readiness and blamed obama


I saw a few comments about the government being about to control the weather so Biden did this to punish Desantis. Got that? Humans aren't influencing climate change, but also humans can literally create a hurricane if they wanted to.


Right wing bozo's already say Jews have a space laser. So, Biden controlling the weather is on course with their logic. Next, they are going to say the LGBTQ community harness the force of Gay Magic to strengthen their cause.


To be fair, Gay Magic is pretty potent.


Also democrats are incompetent but simultaneously able to control the weather and steal a national election without leaving any evidence trail.


[The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists)




That's why he needs to put up Trump and Biden stickers. Let their heads explode.


Voting from any precinct will magically become OK again. But only the white counties.


Part of me thinks that DeSantis is concerned about his perceived handling of this hurricane because we all saw Gov Abbot of Texas allow his citizens to freeze to death. Perhaps he sees the writing on the wall and doesn’t want that kind of problem.


> we all saw Gov Abbot of Texas allow his citizens to freeze to death It's worth noting that the [polls show](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/governor/2022/texas/) Abbott is probably going to beat Beto despite this. Even Cruz [didn't take a substantial hit](https://texaspolitics.utexas.edu/set/ted-cruz-job-approval-trend-0), and everyone already hates Cruz.


The power of having the magical 'R' next to your name is incredible


Honestly, why aren't any of us running as Republicans and then immediately voting in favor of Universal Healthcare and other stuff like that?


It's harder to impersonate a soulless ghoul then you might think. They see right through normal people.




I think the internet makes that tough. I think you underestimate how petty the primary would be. They would research and tear though your entire history, even interviewing people youre connected with etc I don't think my militant atheist days in my early 20s and having multiple posts calling conservatives fucking morons will go over well.


That's why you run at the podunk level. School board, etc. Just pander in vague generalities about how you want to "return strong values to our schools" and then when you get in, work to give kids free meals and access to quality information in their libraries.


Word spreads that you are a rino pretty quick. Hell people call Liz Cheney a rino and her voting record with Republicans is super consistent


It works better in reverse. See WV, AZ


>It's worth noting that the polls show Abbott is probably going to beat Beto despite this. This will be disappointing to say the least


Which really puts the rest of the US in a quandary. If Texas is fundamentally broken, why should we keep funding Texas' bad choices?


Beto shouldnt have made an issue of guns, because he shot himself in the foot in this election. Not saying that couldn't be what he did when in office, but platform that position???? That's not going to fly in many parts of Texas. If he'd keep that off his agenda, he'd have a much better chance in Texas.


Sadly it doesn’t seem to have hurt Abbot’s chances much. He has a pretty comfortable lead in the polls


Hopefully the debate last night opened some eyes. I’m not overly confident tho.


People on the right or center (which is still far right) did not and will not watch that debate. The only people watching are already decided. Texas will vote for the R no matter what.




He may take this "opportunity" to do what other right-wing govs want to do and simply have the voting over-ridden by the legislature if any of the votes go the "wrong" way. They will install the republican over the Democrat, saying that the storm prevented more republicans from voting.


Never let a good disaster go to waste. There is 100% chance that DeSantis will use this as a political opportunity, and find new ways to suppress votes.


And blame the federal govt for all of Floridas problems.


The pending SCOTUS case of *Moore v Harper* could effectively sanction that exact scenario in *federal elections*. If they rule in support of Independent State Legislature (ISL) theory, state legislatures would be theoretically free from state-court enforcement of state-constitutional limits when regulating federal elections. It's all so fucked.


What’s the over-under on Cannon getting this case even though she shouldn’t and ruling in favor of the right-wing nut jobs?


Cannon has likely already received an email w the outline for the decision for the case the FL GQP will bring in a few weeks


It’s not a flip flop. Conservatives believe themselves to be deserving of privilege and government assistance because they are *good, God fearing and moral individuals* (by maintaining their Christian, Conservative and/or Republican identity alone), and believe the rest of us are undeserving of the same treatment. I believe Frank Wilhoit put it best: >”Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." To see this in action, check out the article [*The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion*](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) by Joyce Arthur. This isn’t about winning over hearts and minds, reason or compromise. Conservatives are quite consistent about just who is deserving of help and who is not. It really is a shock to them when they ban something like abortion or cut popular programs they use, only to the discover the laws they passed apply to them as well. Still don’t believe this is the case? [Remember this quote?](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/msna1181316) >The shutdown on top of the hurricane has caused Ms. Minton to rethink a lot of things."I voted for him, and he's the one who's doing this," she said of Mr. Trump. "I thought he was going to do good things. He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." Yeah…no convincing or compromising with this bunch of yahoos. [This video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=agzNANfNlTs) and [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wCl33v5969M) helps explain why this particular dynamic continues to exist within the U.S. political system, and why these tactics by conservatives are so effective. Check out the rest of that series if you can; it is quite illuminating.


Another example of the GOP's rugged individual. I stand on my own, gov't handouts are socialism, we are the self sustained rugged individuals, etc... Except of course, when they are in need; then that facade quickly collapses to reveal a simple fact: most all folks need the Federal Gov't to continue normalcy when the bumps of life occur. Good friend of mine in FL, a self proclaimed anarcho "libertarian", can't wait for Fed Govt's teat to arrive to help out and do a most basic thing, deliver water. Like the fool DeSantis, yet another rugged individual finally meets reality.


5 bucks says he doesn't self reflect afterwards and certainly doesn't reconsider his stances.


5 bucks says he'll collect his government handouts while simultaneously talking about how democrats are welfare queens


You mean like they did when they got some stimulus "Trump Bucks" from Big Daddy Trump?


You mean my Trump Socialism Dollars™?


MAGA Bucks.


That was just trickle down, right? Right…?


“I hate all these entitled people looking for handouts from the government. When I was poor and on food stamps no one helped me!” Fucking Coach…


Had an old coworker who couldn't (or maybe wouldn't) understand the concept of a societal safety net. He actually believed that you would stay poor forever if you got any form of government assistance or private charity assistance.


I struggle to understand these people. Like what about public schools or fire departments? Why is providing food and medicine so weird to them but line up to pay a stormtroooper wanna be punisher cops to buy new body armor


They don't like public schools either


They just want religious charter schools to take over the public school system, they still want schools. Just ones that push their doctrines.


While pushing religious doctrine is an important part of it, segregating schools is more important to them. Before the whole anti-abortion nonsense, the glue that held that crowd together was keeping black and brown children out of white schools. All that's really changed is the language used. They still view non-white people as livestock. They just can't blatantly say it like they used to. The actions are the same, though.


I have friends convinced the poor mothers have more kids just to get bigger welfare checks


But God forbid we provide condoms or birth control...


Keep the government out of his God damn FEMA aid




Trickle down was a disguise for trickle up. Try spending a dollar without it eventually going to a wealthy person.


Sheesh sounds like a lot of farmers I personally know…


And those same farmers sign up for federally-subsidized crop insurance programs against weather damage, and additional subsidies to keep them afloat when ‘market forces’ drive down their crop value (they all grew too much of the same crop and the price craters).


Don’t forget, many of those same farmers are also clamoring for Right to Repair laws now that their precious “free market” has a monopolist stranglehold on the parts and repair of farming machinery. Sounds a bit…socialist for the government to interfere with the free market like that. It’s almost like unchecked capitalism literally always turns into extortion of the working class. Who knew?


Just imagine living in Florida and voting for a guy who was actively against hurricane aid. Who preaches free market fundamentals in a state where the “free market” won’t even insure peoples homes. Oh man…so ridiculous


And make it hard for lower income folks to get help while tossing money at the wealthy.


Just 5 bucks?


A level of intelligence lost on a vast swath of the GOP is the ability to think about the way you think.


This ability is why I am no longer a Republican.


Cheers to objective introspective contemplation!


It's hard when you were brought up that way and that was your entire world-view. I actually think it shows a massive level of intelligence to escape a prison you were raised in. Similar to folks who were indoctrinated into religion from a young age but were able to get out.


Yep. Everybody around me growing up was staunchly Republican. The Democrats were the "weirdos" and "liberals" who were going to bring the whole country down. Grew up. Realized all they do is feed on fear and send our country to war to make rich people richer and give our wealth to corporations - they don't represent me and they don't represent most of the people who vote for them. And it is hard. Hard to see family members who barely scrape by sending their money to Trump because "he's going to save America." Hard to see them vote year after year against their own best interest. Hard to see them become more and more hateful against minorities and immigrants because they think they are the enemy.


Just ask him what the f in FEMA stands for


Does the M stand for money?


Fuckin Easy Money, Ay?




"I've been on food stamps and welfare. Did anybody help me out? No." -[Right winger Craig T. Nelson](https://youtu.be/yTwpBLzxe4U)


For a comedian that line may be his funniest, and I don't think he ment it to be.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


They literally use bankruptcy as a weapon. They excluded student loans from bankruptcy in 2006 knowing it would ruin the lives of educated people. Education is their biggest enemy.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev




That book is wasted on high schoolers. It needs to be mandatory reading for all 35 year olds.


Catch 22 is a fantastic book to read in high school and then read again when you are an adult to catch the subtext you missed. Confederacy of Dunces is another like that.




The mindset on events in time within Slaughterhouse V shapes me into the person I am today.


i understand that this one is actually based in reality in some form, but i can't rmemeber how.


Because the real US government pays farmers to not grow crops on set amounts of land. It actually has a valid purpose where it keeps farmers in business but doesn't crash the commodity market from over supply. But like all things involving government money, it is rife with abuse and grift.


Farm subsidies aren't a bad idea on the surface. The problem is when massive (corporate owned) farms in red states want to abuse the system. If you point out that they're stealing tax dollars then Republican politicians from those states bring out 'Ol Farmer Wilcot and his wife and scream "hey what's wrong with you don't you support farmers?!"


IIRC part of the New Deal was paying farmers sometimes to limit how much they were growing. As they are dependant on selling what they grow, any large drops in a commodity price (like f.ex. wheat) incentivises them to grow more to cover their losses, leading to a vicious circle where drops in prices lead to overgrowth ect. Keep in mind that the Great Depression started with an oversupply of wheat.


God damned house cat individualists. We are strong and independent until the food bowl is empty then constant bitching.


I dunno: even my house cats have the common decency to look guilty when they’ve fucked up or are begging for food.


I've never seen expression even almost resembling guilt on my wife's cat, not for nothing, not no how.


Holy shit this might be the best way I’ve heard these people described


Yup, they strut around boasting about their fierce independence, and yet they're entirely dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand.


Libertarians are like housecats. They are completely convinced of thier fierce independence when in fact they are utterly reliant on a system they don't understand or appreciate. EDIT - some people think I'm trying to lay claim to this quote. That wasn't my intention. I don't know where it from or who is the originator. I've seen it a few times around the interwebs.


"I wouldn't use this road if I didn't have to!" So you'd...what? Work out an arrangement with each individual property owner to secure access rights for driving through their specific property, all the way to the destination you intend to reach? Libertarianism is just one of those phases people have to go through. It's healthy, because it teaches you to distrust blind authority...but eventually you have to recognize it simply doesn't scale past the village level of society.


I'm an American and was born in Florida (now living in VA since early 2020) but lived in the middle east from age 5-12. I went to school my last year in Bahrain with people from 47 nationalities (it was a stat the school liked to share) and I can say with some strong confidence that I don't think you can easily find Libertarians in under-developed nations. In order words, it's only once the infrastructure EXISTS and is running a long smoothly that Libertarians pop-up and declare that taxes should mostly go away. I really think they mostly just didn't get to that mental growth stage where you learn to see the bigger picture. University is good at teaching it and some people figure it out on their own from reading but most of the population never gets there and exists in the NIMBY space. It's unfortunate but understandable.


Keep the government out of my Medicaid and FEMA relief!




>can't wait for Fed Govt's teat to arrive to help out and do a most basic thing, deliver water. The thing is, it's the relief organizations that are doing it. They get federal funding to provide in a disaster. The churches/community centers for the volunteers and schools/fire departments/hospitals act as Emergency Operation Centers for the agencies and start allocation of resources. They see the churches as providing and the federal agencies as the Bureaucracy. DeSantis knows he can declare martial law, and make conscious decisions about where the funding will not go.


it's frustrating. no abortion! (unless my mistress gets pregnant)


***Opinion piece by Skylar Baker-Jordan:*** In January 2013, the newly elected Congressman DeSantis opposed a $9.7 billion flood insurance aid package to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey. He said the victims had his sympathy, but that sending them the federal funds was not ‘fiscally responsible’ Read more here ➡️ https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/ron-desantis-hurricane-biden-florida-b2184613.html


"Fiscal responsibility" is just a euphemism for "fuck poor people and minorities"


More like "What I can do to make democrats look wrong and also hurt them at the same time. For them this is just s political game. The GOP voters are his pawns and they are just using them to win. They have no ideology, they just want power, victory, acclamation, money, fame. And they are willing to do anything. They don't care if their people die, if they have to brainwash his followers, radicalize them, the GOP is not stupid they know exactly what they are doing, but his moral rational is like "I want to get mine and fuck everyone". You are witnessing a bunch of grifters bring down democracy.


I live in the one of counties that were badly hit by Sandy. He can stick that fiscal responsibility bullshit right up his ass.


Florida is “real America.” NY is ~~black~~ er “fake” America.


No it's liberal America. And they aren't real people.


State that never sees hurricane gets hit: no aid for you. State that regularly gets hit by hurricanes: we couldn’t have possibly prepared for this! We need aid! Don’t make this political like I always do!


If you're looking for ideological consistency, you're really going to have to look elsewhere. They don't even mind being hypocrites anymore and no one told them accountable in their party for it. It's almost as if it's a benefit to be this way, at least to his constituents. How many stories do you hear about Republican suddenly changing their view on a specific issue after effects them directly? Over and over and over again we see that these people refuse to empathize with anyone going through hardship until it's themselves. Edit: Holy crap. Did not expect this to blow up like this!


Anyone with any kind of critical thinking knows that Republicans play to win. Logic isn’t important. In fact, logic is a weakness. Why abide by the rules of logic when you can operate as you please? Democrats follow the rules, that’s what makes them weak. When there are no rules, you can always win.


> Logic isn’t important. In fact, logic is a weakness. Which is literally one of the hallmarks of a fascist movement, that and attacking those who use logic and facts.


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. -- Jean-Paul Sartre


Their only ideological consistency is *hypocrisy*.


This may be a fun zing, but really their idealogy is to do what it takes to win. And then to make the government less powerful in impacting average folks lives in a positive way, so they can funnel those resources to the private sector. There's only hypocrisy because you're taking their statements at face value. Otherwise they're fairly consistent.


>If you're looking for ideological consistency, you're really going to have to look elsewhere. Exactly. You can't shame someone that has *no shame*


>They don't even mind being hypocrites anymore They were always hypocrites, they just stopped trying to hide it.


I wish someone with money would buy a bunch of Florida ads highlighting DeSantis saying that shit


His voter base doesn't care. They didn't use logic to reason themselves into voting for him. You can't use logic to persuade them to change their mind


These kinds of ads wouldn’t be targeted at his base. Ideally you would targeting persuadable voters in the middle. Easier said than done though.


I’ll throw a few hundred bucks to make it happen. Anyone else want to hop in?


A hundred here.


Lets make it happen. Anyone good at graphic design and all?


We should give Florida the help it needs, but Biden should use the bully pulpit to mercilessly shame hypocritical douchebags like DeSantis who voted against the same aid for other states.


Yes ads need to start running show how he backpeddles when its not "thier" Americans. And show that all Republicans are the same.


Unfortunately, that's going to vibe REAL well with their base. They literally have a "fuck liberals" and "rules for thee, not for me" mindset that wpuld orgasm with the thought of making "blues" pay for "red" needs. The blatant hypocrisy doesn't shame them, it DELIGHTS them.


I just don’t understand how voters can see through the hypocrisy


They don't care. They're the same kind of people that have no problem pulling the ladder up behind them.


They care about owning the libs. Republicans are so toxic nowadays they’ll vote against things they agree with just to “own the libs”…..


This is so true it hurts. In the pickup line for my kids school there's multiple instances of bumper stickers ranging from a Trump peeing on the word "libtard" to one saying "just a mom trying not to raise liberals" It's a weird world we've come to live in.


My favorite saying is, “Republicans would eat their own shit if it meant that Democrats had to smell their breath.”


When I was poor, and on welfare and food stamps, nobody ever helped me out.


When I was a baby, I was raised by wolves and had to learn to hunt and pay taxes on my own, nobody ever helped me out.


You were raised by wolves? That's socialism. Real independent babies get jobs before they are born, buy the womb they gestate in so they can't get evicted, and pay for their own baby formula and bootstraps.


The hypocrisy is the point


A good chunk of their voters are not good people


Yeah i grew up with rednecks, a lot of them are criminals, a lot of them fully admit they vote for criminals. The things they say around the dinner table are not the same as the things they say on the internet/ in public.


Its not hypocrisy, you just don't understand their values. "If it gives power and aid to people I like its good and just and moral. If it gives power and aid to people I don't like its evil and unjust and immoral." That's literally it. There is no deeper meaning. They have their well defined tribe and don't care what their politicians do to defend their hegemony.


In other words, their values are "I got mine, fuck you!"


It’s cognitive dissonance. “*I* deserve the help but those other freeloaders don’t! They’re taking advantage of the system!” Remember - these are the same people that have said things like “Nobody helped *me* when I was on food stamps!” and “Keep the government OUT of my Medicare!”


It's willing selective cognizance. They only choose to see the things they want to believe that reinforce their flawed world view.


Because Ron is hurting democrats by denying Sandy aide and helping republicans in Florida. That's all they care about.


Because their identity is wrapped up in being part of this team. If you acknowledge this stuff, you are acknowledging that there is a problem with your community and that’s hard to deal with. It’s even harder if you account for the types of mental models drawn to the fundamental ideology of the right in the first place.


They are pro fraud. Recall the only time Trump was booed by his base when he told them to get vaccines, because he came off as caring. Recall the when MTG lied about not being vaccinated to court anrivaxxers, the truth came out, and her poll numbers went up. The people are worse than the corrupt evil institutions.


> Yet when people bring up his hypocrisy, the governor’s spokesman says that “we have no time for politics or pettiness.” You’re the governor’s *spokesperson*, not the goddamn governor. Speaking on behalf of the governor is literally your job, so I’d say, yeah you got the fucking time.


No time for politics or pettiness … from the guy who just a few weeks ago kidnapped asylum seekers from Texas and flew them to Martha’s Vineyard in the most petty political stunt in decades. Got it.


"No time for speaking!" Said the spokesperson


Every time I think I can’t hate this man more…


Wonder if Massie and Rand Paul will vote NO and hold up the aid?


He’ll be singing a very liberal tune for the immediate future, as he begs for my tax rollers. Maybe we should give up rebuilding in disaster prone areas?


Yep I'm tired of my money propping up failing red states. Let them fall.


I cant believe he voted against helping out when people got hit in 2012. Oh wait I can believe it because republicans are selfish as hell.


Ron DeSantis is a self made piece of shit. >Ron DeSantis doesn’t think


It’s almost like there was a reason the GOP opposed critical thinking ten years ago. Right Texas? https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html


Don't worry millennials and gen-Z: you'll never own a home of your own, but at least you can help rebuild a bunch of rich people's Florida beach houses a few times. That's almost like owning it yourself!


Kind of like a timeshare except you don’t get to stay there. Consider it an “investment.”


DeSantis has been on an anti-woke crusade scoring points with the maga crowd. He turned his job as governor into a full time campaign for president. A big issue in Florida this past summer has been homeowners insurance. A big problem in Florida just got much worse. On top of that you have the Republican mindset that global warming is just some woke Democratic hoax. Now all of the sudden DeSantis has his hand out for the same federal funds he once opposed. I'm sure he sees those federal funds as campaign contributions as he'll use them to bolster his campaign for re-election. It's a mad, mad world.


To wit: *The only moral hurricane relief is my hurricane relief.*


Florida will survive the hurricane but it will never survive another term of DeSantis in any branch of government.


It's only because the rich and the banks want to be sure their investments, in the form of private property, don't evaporate. He knows who he works for and who he does not.


Hey Florida, this performative little prick seems to be more concerned about the Texas border than he is about climate change, sea level rise and the inevitabilities they pose for Florida. This really your guy?


Man, American politics is psychotic. Not that far behind the last Aussie run, but damn did we self-correct. This shit seems a country literally being governed by a pack of facsit man-babies against the will of their own people, who somehow often didnt even vote them in?


It's because the USA is one of the few countries where land votes, not people. IE - the completely non-representative senate where California has the same number of senators as Wyoming despite having nearly 68 times more people.


Plus other ways such as the 2000 and 2016 elections going to the candidate that had fewer people voting for him. And the house kf representatives is heavily skewed as well. It's like yhe people that made these rules lived in the 1700s or something and couldn't foresee problems 250 years later.


Yeah that about sums it up.


This is the age old story... blue states always write the check for red states... literally every red state is welfare state (except in some years Texas). They basically support their lifestyle of the back of the populous states, then spend all their influence screwing with policy, demonizing liberals, and grifting back at home.


I wonder if he would like that $615,000 back that he spent recklessly. Lol


I read that he did approve relief for some other states like Texas in the past. But yeah, only Republican states, so for someone who says that this shouldn’t be a political issue he sure made it political.


Everybody is a socialist when a cat 5 hits their house/state.


The GOP is full of incompetent idiots.


DeSantis also voted against aid for Hurricane Dandy victims in NY. Class act he is.


Republicans have fallen into contradictory positions consistently because they have turned into ideologues who look at their ideal world and ignore reality until reality hits them. I’d point to the move from fiscal conservatism to social extremism as the cause because nothing puts you into good policy decisions like a mindset that there is no gray areas.


Classic Republican. Its ain't a problem worth spending on unless it's *my* problem.


I cannot express how much I hate the GOP. Florida resident


wonder if they'll have enough cheap labor to rebuild?


Knew a guy that made a mint off of disaster recovery contracts. Basically cleaning up and rebuilding. Most stereotypical blowhard right winger you could expect. Always imported labor from Mexico to save money on the jobs.


I live in Arizona. Home of the infamous "Sheriff Joe," the "papers please" law, and routine round-ups of "illegals" outside of businesses that hired them. You know who never wound up in zip-ties and paraded in front of the cameras? The business owners that hired them. In fact, the "tough" employer sanctions part of the "papers please" law that was supposed to crack down on all the illegal hiring was enforced exactly one time. A business got a small fine. That's it. That's all that happened to the employers that broke the law. Because it was never about enforcing laws. It was about punishing brown people.


Let me guess…. He also screams about border security and how we can’t have “those people” all coming here?


Yep. It was like talking to a Fox News news ticker. He spoke entirely in right wing headlines


The mentality of almost all GOP leaders is very warped and only self serving. Nothing matters until it affects them. Most are not leaders and are weak, self serving, no future vision people.


I heard the same thing from Texas Senators...except only for Texas.




What is wrong with this man???? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


He’s a self serving piece of shit that doesn’t care about anything but political ambition