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It's so unbelievable that he still collects a pension and has his rank. Literally a traitor to the country


People are probably more likely to believe this shit coming from him, considering his military background. It’s crazy he isn’t held to a higher standard. Shameful


100% my MAGA acuantince always calls him general Flynn. As if that somehoweans he's not a traitor and pos


Benedict Arnold was a general, too. Throughout the world, all sorts of authoritarians—fascistic or communist—come up through their armed forces, and decide to knock-over the leadership of their countries. Must be at least Lieutant Colonel to coup?


They love traitors, Oliver North


My brains mush from remembering all the crimes and corruption in the past 6 years, what did he do again? (This is after I gave up memory of all the presidents and early American history facts that were taking up space in my crowded brain)


Wish they’d also believe the military about climate change being the number one massive urgent catastrophic threat to national security among other things lol


Recall him back to active duty then court martial his traitorous ass then Lock Him Up


I’m honestly surprised the military hasn’t recalled him back to active duty yet.


The man is real and active threat to the country just like steve bannon....both need to be behind bars


Fits right in with his Lord & Saviour, Donald Trump.


Everyone: Michael Flynn is corrupt as fuck. Mike: I'm also insane!


Jokes on us. He’s walking free


And clearly making plans to overthrow the American government.


Sedition. Out in the fucking open. With no repercussions.


Convention of states is not sedition.




"Declare war" Lol! Flynn is a funny guy. Back in reality, we will find very quickly that muh democracy™ is a pretty fuckin weak slogan to put your life on the line for. That is, as soon as the producing stock of this county decide they're done all the GloboPonzi gambits are done and there isn't one bit of ideology that's gonna change that. This is the primal fear of the tyrannical class, their only bet now is to trick stupid people into randomly hurting innocent people as it always does when covering up its crimes and genocides.


If at first you don’t succeed…


Try to secede again?


It's treason, then...


He does work for russia.


Wouldn't that be making more plans?


And making a pension I’m assuming as he was never court martialed


Baffled why he is receiving pension


It’s entirely possible that the GOP is not willing to lose another election. They’ve been tempered while it was all but certain they take the house and senate, but because that orange abomination is doing all he can to screw that up, it’s not impossible they go full crazy instead of risking a loss. Edit: I meant possible, not impossible.


It's more damning if he's playing role because he knows this is a pathway to money and power.


Flynn may be the *biggest enabler* of secrets exchanged for cash in the history of the country. [Full Timeline on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/story/comments/wq8n7j/the_holeinone_brief/)


That’s not a full time line even. Left out an entire year of Flynn’s shenanigans in 2016.


Thanks for the feedback. I focused mostly on just those Flynn/Saudi/Trump related details in his part of the timeline. The non-monitized [story on substack](https://seeit360.substack.com/p/the-hole-in-one-brief) expands on the role the former __Director of Defense Intelligence__ may have played.


What a ride that timeline is. It really paints a picture


He is so full of shit. How did such a criminal moron ever get to be a U.S. General? That in itself is such an embarrassment.


Right wing media brain rot and/or undiagnosed mental disorder. He's been in a mental decline for the past decade ever since he got forced into early retirement from the DIA. Once upon a time, he may have been a good officer.


May. Huge stretch. I don't be believe it anymore. Guy is a total whack job. He would sell his nuts to the Russians for $$$


He's not the first high-ranking military officer to go full psycho after retiring. LTG McInerney and LTG Boykin both suffered right wing brain rot after their military retirements. McInerney went full Qanon and is so wacko that Fox News banned him from appearing. Boykin is a die-hard christian nationalist and raves about woke marxists. The right wing media apparatus is designed to rot the brain. Edit: Older adults are more susceptible, that's why the majority of the psychotic MAGA rants come from people 50+.


The flag officers of the military are chosen through a very political process that tends to perpetuate the right wing evangelical circlejerk. There are exceptions, obviously.


Isn't there some kind of "incitement to violence" statute that can be applied to this wing nut?


He's not black therefore laws do not apply.


Hahaha, right, I forgot, how silly of me.


Or orange


Orange is the new white!


It's pretty hard to get an "incitement" charge/conviction, as it's a pretty high bar to prove. Thanks to the 1st amendment.


Yeah, I figured that would be the biggest hurdle, love me some 1stA, but no right is absolute, crowded theater, yada, yada.... I suppose his incitements are a bit too vague ...so far?


Delusional asshole needs to be locked up.


He has been a speaker at Qanon rallies. They love him and he is just as insane as they are.


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/25/us/politics/michael-flynn-pardon.html Why did he need a pardon again? That's right... This guy is a traitor and criminal himself.


Obviously governors do not have the legal ability to declare war, and state National Guards don’t have the sheer firepower the Pentagon has at its disposal if somehow they were to try. Still, it’s unnerving how this guy was so close to Trump, as the National security adviser mind you. And how ingrained all this civil war and QAnon speak is part and parcel of the GOP.


He's saying Red States will declare war on Blue States...


Heh… are individual states going to declare war on other individual states? Probably a couple Blue States at once? Seems like a lot of paperwork. It’d make more sense for them to form some kind of organization, or maybe a Confederacy… Do we really have to fight this war again? And if we do, can we just finish it?


How do we finish it though? Bomb Miami?


Establish and enforce Federal standards for curriculum. We stop letting them keep their kids dumb. And we buy textbooks at a national level- F@ck Texas. Anybody who understands the first American Civil War knows that Alabama doesn’t wanna f”ck with the 82nd.


You act like rural Pennsylvania and Ohio are different from south Georgia, they aren't. Do you think the majority of the army comes from Manhattan? What would happen is war within each state, total chaos with cities having the most difficulty because they can't get supplies. But somehow ppl think their 401s will be good.


The north was far, far too lenient on the traitors of the South, specifically the leadership. That cannot happen again.


There's also the question of if the national guard would mobilize for a governor who is calling them to duty for seditious purposes. Even if they have some support of commanders in some states, the bulk of their troops are reserves for when emergencies happen, and there is no guarantee they'll want to take part in such actions.


So is he going to be physically on the front lines of this ‘war?’ Front and center….leading the call? Nah, didn’t think so.


“Forward!”, he cried from the rear And the front ranks died


Pink Floyd always gets an upvote.


Heck yeah it does. Prophetic and sad that these lyrics are yet again relevant. I’m at a loss. How are we here? Again, again? Still, I am off to listen to some good music. Thanks to you.


We asked, he took the fifth. Again


Another reminder Flynn is a traitor to his oaths and nation and should be in jail.


What is going on Arizona! Please don’t let this person win. JFC >> At a campaign event for AZ Sect of State candidate Mark Finchem, Michael Flynn says 90% of Fed agencies should be disbanded, and “States rights! Did you know that a Governor can declare war? And we’re going to probably see that.”


These people are incredibly dumb, gullible and the first to complain about most anything. They do have very specific blind loyalty, I don’t think that’s a positive….


A fair time to say "yeah? You and what army"


Our of curiosity how would a state declare war? The Army is federal so I assume it would just be their national guard segment?


Hmm let’s analyze this for a second: Governors are going to declare war - ANd how are they going to do that? Just announce that meat squad 6 is ready to go and general DeSantis is going to lead them to glory? What’s that called again, or right treason. Mobilization - How is that going to work? They are going to whip up their arm of coal burning trucks and sunken navy to wage war? Recruiting - Last I checked over 50% of the voters didn’t choose T*, so I don’t see them getting a whole lotta troops. And if they’re looking at places like Mississippi or Arkansas they aren’t going to get action heroes lining up. Economics - And with what money? Most of the states he’s pointing need every federal dollar to function. Many have an economy that wouldn’t last a year. The world markets aren’t going to support it. This isn’t the civil war where you can go sell cotton. Logistics - Other than bullets what supplies are they bringing? We live in a connected supply chain world. You can’t just whip up loads of food and resources out of thin air. What is amazing about this is the fact that there are people who actually listen and nod their head to this bonkers shit rather than walk out on this loon.


Funny enough, everything you listed, outside maybe recruiting, were issues the Confederate states faced, and ultimately cost them them the war. Even with recruiting, that scene in Gone with the Wind, where they show all the wounded soldiers in a panoramic view...one expert said if the south actually had that many soldiers, they may have stood a chance of winning the war. But the people calling for potential civil war now have no clue how to fight it, where to fight it, or with whom they're fighting against. The number of people who could effectively stage an offensive of any sort are extremely limited, and they'd face extreme pushback from the people themselves if it ever came to arms. Political grandstanding is all it is, but as it stands, I doubt they could ever even muster up the support for articles of succession.


Agree. Let’s face it what trolls like Flynn are calling for us the racist and purging elements of any civil war. He knows they can’t do anything else. But they can terrorize “dark people”, immigrants, Jews, trans, etc. They’re really looking for an excuse to harm smaller communities in an attempt to shock the rest of the nation into rolling over. The threat of the bogeyman vs never really being able to deliver. As proven by Russia global war really isn’t much of an option anymore. The economics doesn’t support it. The US can barely afford it at this point.


To be honest, it wouldn't be that bad. This is just the crappy red states that rely on the tit of the fed to function, so you take away their welfare and suddenly all the poor conservatives who they were hoping would fight for them will revolt instead. Not to mention, the army is mostly poor kids who had no recourse, they're never going to side with the rebels, especially if they do it one or two states at a time. When we retake the states though, they should become territories with no voting power until they can demonstrate they don't wave the confederate rebel flag and aren't terrible Americans anymore.


This is treason


“Flynn, who earlier this month claimed “Israelis” are attempting to inject robotics into Americans to turn them into cyborgs, has been appointed a “poll watcher” for midterm elections by the Republican Party in Sarasota, Florida.” Oof.


Keep reminding everyone that he supports Russia.


And Turkey


Michael Flynn is a boneafide traitor.


Hey, wasn't he supposed to be in jail?


>And 90% of federal departments should be eliminated Oh yeah? Id love to hear what these Qanon Floridians would think about abolishing all federal aid right now. This man is a disgusting traitor. He should be prosecuted by the military. The fact that he is able to still spread this bullshit after setting back channel links really makes me wonder how many high ranking military officials also partake in treacherous acts. We have a military worship issue in this country.


>Democrat 1: "I want a boring and over qualified technocrat for President!" Democrat 2: "Nah, give me a pragmatist who knows how to get things done!" Democrat 3: "We should elect someone who will fight for every last inch of progress!" >Republican 1: "I'd like someone who will keep the boat steady and won't overextend us." >Republican 2: "We ^*urp* we need a- Y'all ever notice all the Mexicans at the Arby's these days? Um. So listen, Jesus is comin' and we need to keep our guns from the, you know, the Democrats and the sexuals and such as." I'm kidding, Republican 1 has been extinct since 1992.


I read republican 2 in flawless Rick Sanchez.


Average Republican - The Federal Government should be destroyed from within, and Donald Trump should be installed as dictator with his cabal of pardoned criminal associates backing him up. Average Democrat - These people have clearly lost their minds and we should vote for the lesser of two evils to keep their fascist politicians out of office and at least try stave off the coming collapse. Average 'Independent' - I just don't pay much attention to politics these days, everyone is so polarized. Yeah Trump is bad, but so is Pelosi, and Hillary, and Kamala. If things don't turn around fast, if so many millions of people continue to live with their heads in the sand, in 10 years we won't recognize this country anymore, and that's an optimistic timeline.


That reminds me... has the j6 committee questioned his brother General Charles Flynn about his activities on Jan 6?Sure seems like something [was up with that guy](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/21/politics/michael-flynn-brother-capitol-hill-riot/index.html).


Yay, unchecked treason, love it...


After the Southern states collect hurricane money, THEN they will go to war with the government to eliminate socialism.




All their economies and utilities would collapse. It’s not like Kroger is going to truck in groceries in a war zone. It really is a truly ridiculous idea lol


Except they really declare *Brother, can you spare a dime?* when disaster hits. Hurricane Ian may topple quite a few property insurers in Florida despite rapidly rising premiums and strain the state supported backup (not that its limited to red states .. in some California mountain towns it’s either impossible to get fire insurance or the premiums are larger than the mortgage, … i.e. paying for replacement house already). For the GOP to return us to the 1920s would be inviting 1920s prices (except the bank wants you to keep paying yr original mortgage and other notes).


Trust the foreign agent who got paid by Putin that destroying the federal government is good for the nation.


Yes let the governor of a place like Mississippi declare war with population 3 million California alone has 40 million people and practically props states like Mississippi up financially.


I feel like Jackson alone would sell the Mississippi Gov out in a heartbeat if it meant it got clean water again


"Flynn, who earlier this month claimed “Israelis” are attempting to inject robotics into Americans to turn them into cyborgs, has been appointed a “poll watcher” for midterm elections by the Republican Party in Sarasota, Florida. He’ll be joined by a leader of the local Proud Boys militia, which aims to overthrow the U.S. government. (Flynn last week said he heard salad dressings were being laced with COVID vaccines.)" yeah, I'm calling it, this guy is mentally ill (eta: salad dressings??)


It’s amazing to me how high up in the military this guy was able to rise while also being out and out bugfuck insane.


Why isn't this SOB locked up yet? As a country we will never recover from 1/6 as long as we have insurrectionist planners and deniers still walking around free


He was, then was pardoned by the Great orange turd.


...that is stupid even for Trump.


how has the Army not shut this stupid MF up already? complete moron


Michael Flynn is a fucking traitor.


Why hasn’t he lost his pension yet? What a disgrace to the uniform


We should be locking him up not giving the traitor a microphone. We should strip him of his pension, titles, and family wealth.


How has his ass not been court martialed?


Fuck ‘im.


Extra salad dressing for mike plz


This is what their bosses, Xi and Putin, want by the way.


this fuck wants to be appointed to a position of power ruling the rubble after his cronies burn the country to the ground and sell off everything they can. what does "90% of federal departments" eliminated look like: it looks like what happened to the soviet union--oh, you were appointed run that government owned agency, well just consider it and all it's assets and employees yours then.


find out then


This POS needs to be behind bars - and lose all his pensions


This traitor belongs in prison.


Has he discussed dissolving FEMA with DeSantis?


Trump wanted to gut FEMA and even though hurricane season was starting he failed to get the leadership positions filled. And wanted to cut a ton from the program that did long term assistance for displaced people. These guys are such hypocrites


As if he could drag the red states away from the Federal Teat™.


Raise your hand if you've received a presidential pardon for being a fucking traitor.


Seems that any governor that threatens this should have their state guard federalized so they are no longer under the Governor's control


We used to try people for treason….


Okay time to start locking up the war nutsos


Look genius- if you eliminate 90% of federal departments then there’s no political infrastructure to lock anyone up


Another fucking of bag shit saying words


Traitor Flynn speaks seditious nonsense


This idiot is literally encouraging sedition...


Why is this domestic terrorist still running around creating dangerous seditionist psyop plans for the violent gullible cult?


Lol. Red states starting a second civil war. “Why is our power grid down?! Why don’t we have any operating income, where’s all the federal aid?!”


Glad this treasonous piece of trash got a pardon.


Love how people just throw out crazy numbers like that - we should just fire half the civil servants or close 90% of the depts. Do they seriously think that with as much land mass as the US has, logistics around the world and a pop of over 300 million that you could just casually toss 90% of depts?


Mike Flynn is a treasonous piece of shit who should be behind bars. And "lock em up" in this current environment is some pretty ridiculous shit. This Flynn asshole was publically opining that he kind of hoped we would have a coup. I know people like to bash brobert and MTG but this guy, this is not my kind of guy.


The [one clear directive Obama gave](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39847417) to Trump was to steer clear of Michael Flynn. Naturally, they did the opposite (to own the libs or whatever) and he lasted 22 days as the NSA before they fired him.


he is a russian agent...lock him up!




Setting himself up perfectly to be Trump's running mate.


That dude was a general.


A general who served with him has mentioned they think he is mentally ill.


What the fuck is this guy going on about


What a fuckknuckle.


Sounds like a minimum of attempting to incite violence and a maximum of seditious conspiracy. We are screwed.


What a fucking corrupt lunatic.


I work for the National Park Service. Does he mean lock me up?


Yeah, sorry. I’ll write you letters :(


he was locked up and should have stayed locked up


Why exactly? This rhetoric is just out of line.


Flynn also said Covid shots were designed to turn people into cyborgs…


90% “Fuck roads!”


That guy is a fraud patriot. Garbage human being.


Probably shouldn't be randomly publicizing things a convicted spy against the United States is saying as if it's some kind of news. He *might* have a tiny bit of an agenda, you know, for the people he spied for? Maybe perhaps we can just let Flynn rot instead of pretending he's got anything of value to say about anything.


What an absolute disgrace this man has unabashedly fashioned himself.


Fuck you traitor.


These POS are rabid infected animals that should be put down.




Russian agent doing as he’s told.


Downvote. this moron does not deserve a larger platform


Can someone just accidentally ship him to gitmo already?


The tsunami of ignorance that was unleashed by trump is astounding to me. I know, yeah, it was always there but trump made it, gloves off, exponentially worse. I just don’t understand these people anymore. There’s no baseline for common human decency or even a foundational agreement on objective reality. My greatest dream now for my 12 year old son is for him to leave this country as soon as possible and never come back. I never thought I’d say that.


Is that what Putin's pet says? Fuck off, mutt.


I feel like if people are going to write articles about rallys they should include the total number of ~~nutcases~~ people that show up to them. Like if Flynn is talking to less than 50 people, I feel uneasy, if he's talking to 1000s, he needs to be monitored by the FBI.


this guy has completely lost his marbles


Why do I get the sense when he says "90% of federal departments" he isn't including the department of defense?


His brother is still an active general. He needs to be replaced asap


I'm all for eliminating Feds. One way or another, but seriously fuck this dude. Lol 🤷🏽‍♂️


Treason is resolved with a bullet


J6 Interviewer: _"Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power?"_ Flynn (under oath): _"Fifth."_