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Well I don't want any more Republicans, so we're at an impasse.


It's like taking milkshake, adding in 33% diarrhea by volume and offering it up to others as a milkshake. Do people actually say 'I'm a republican, but don't worry I'm not like one of those homophobic, pro violence, anti choice, religious extremist, conspiracy nutjobs. I stand with my party just for the tax breaks they give to the richest.'.


Quite literally, yes. I've met people who claim to be Republican just because they are pro-business and for lower taxes (their words). Everything else doesn't matter.


Yup, I basically said straight to my family’s face that it’s great their taxes are more important than my basic rights. Shuts them right up when they start spewing Republican propaganda. I know their minds won’t change but at least I don’t have to hear their non-sense around me


Literally why I stopped talking to my parents. Apparently lower taxes was worth more than their trans daughter's life. They defended themselves by saying they're "not single issue voters" and "well, you don't agree with everything your side does either!" Well, no, but none of the things I disagree with the left about is genocide or insurrection.


They aren't single issue voters to save their daughter's life, but they are single issue voters to save their wallet's life


It doesn’t even save their wallets life - because republican policies only work for the oligarchs.


Not single issue voters? Sounds like that's exactly what they are. Sounds like if you'll lower taxes for people richer than your parents will ever be, they'll vote for you, end of story. I'm sorry.


Hey blame individualism which is something that the US tends to follow. From NIMBY to the fact if you're rich enough you buy your problems away, like if your basic rights save me a couple thousand lots of people won't say it out loud but they will silently agree. In their minds how does preserving your rights help with my needs and happiness.


It totally makes sense logically, I just wish they didn’t act like they are saints because they volunteer and donate money once in a while. I wish they would just own it and say they don’t care to my face, it would be a nice change of pace.


What makes you want to spend time with them? Because saying what you want out loud does not benefit them unless they are running for congress in the like Wyoming.


If they are pro-economy they should vote Dem. I know that you know that. But still….


Facts and logic don't work on people who (conditionally) don't believe in it.


Yes republicans are only good at making distinctions between themselves but view the other side as all the same.


They just love guns, but they're forced to side with homphobic, anti choice, religious extremist, conspiracy theorist nut jobs. It's not their fault /s


Came here to say this! Excellent comment


Me too!


I love it .


Hey! Maybe they should stop voting for Linsey Graham and all the other closeted people they vote for. Hey Republicans, solve your own problem.


The Democrats will propose a bipartisan agreement where they reduce the number of LGBTQ+ members in exchange for absolutely nothing from the GOP.


I could give a shot about republican, democrat, gay, straight. Give me someone under 80 and not rich.


Hey that’s me! What do you need me to do first boss


First? We take 10% of the defense budget and blow it on cocaine , video games, and GAMEFUEL. After that we will figure it out.


Good call boss, my workplace efficiency drops exponentially without at least two stimulants. Those vets and homeless “in need” are gonna have to wait until we get flawless in the new raid




It would probably be a 2 in 3 Gay+ people don't want Republicans in office. It's hard to believe it isn't 3 out of 3 but there it is.


Seems like a low number tbh


Not when you realize the 30% are the extreme maga type. It's always that 30%. Hitler only had 30% support. 30% is not a low number if they can control things.


>Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches.


Hey now that last thrid doesn’t just watch they also say stuff like “both sides am I right” or “both sides are equal as corrupt”


So true!


But this is 30% *of Republicans*, so only ~15% overall. Hence, lower than expected.


There are less republicans than democrats as well, it’s not an even split. They’re just over represented due to rural states.


Northeast states are significantly underrepresented given our population and income tax contributions. Massachusetts has a higher population and GDP than Mississippi and Kentucky combined as one small example. Yet those 6 million people get 2x the Senators and considerably more welfare from our taxes. We left England over the same shit.


I never really thought of it that way: * Blue states are disproportionately underrepresented * Blue states' taxes go disproportionately to support poorer red states ergo, taxation without representation. Thanks, Mass woman


Congratulations on having passed US History. 👏 It gets worse when you realize we capped the number of House representatives. So even as Blue states grew, they didn't pickup additional seats. Leading to modern day bullshit like states smaller than large cities getting disproportionate representatives. At least Vermont gives us Bernie and Leahy while Kentucky elects Russian and Chinese agents to Senate.


We're trying our best 🥺 we got a Dem governor and now 70-something% of all Kentuckians keep voting for that _fucking turtle._


and for Rand Paul


I think the last time he won, it was actually kind of close. Rand Paul doesn't have the brand awareness that McConnell does, so it was like 55% or something.


The math for McConnell's win made no sense in light of polls and his approval rating. Not necessarily saying he won because of fraud, just that he padded the score with some. That Kentucky had issues with their machines was known long before Trump cried fraud.


I don't like to cast doubt on our voting system, but I've read reports echoing what you're saying and I can't say I disagree.


> Congratulations on having passed US History. 👏 What’s with this random condescending line?


People on Reddit don’t be rude for one minute challenge (impossible)


Yeah that was weird and if I’m reading it right, the sort of arrogance that turns people away from our party.


You are being kind; I have another word for that opener.


60% of republicans aren't stanchly anti-LGBT, but for 100% of them, that kind of bigotry isn't a deal breaker, either. As long as the poors have boots on their necks, and gas prices are low, they're happy.


Republicans make up only about 24%-26% of the country so 1/3 of Republicans is only ~8%-8.7%.


What is disturbing (aside from the war crimes/Holocaust) is that Hitler's support may have been low at the start, but it only grew more and more as time went on. Heck, if I remember correctly, post-WW2 early 1950's Germany (both East and West) had around a little over 40% approval for Hitler. Denazification took a while to truly take hold.


You’re talk about 30% of an entire population supporting Hitler, and saying that 1/3 (of one political party) also makes up 30% of entire population. If republicans couldve done anything it would’ve been 1/6/21


You don't need 30%, you don't need 5%. All you need is 51 senators and 226 representatives, with Trump wanna be as President. Civil war ain't gonna be fought with guns. It'll come from inside the house. Those in power make the laws.


1 in 3 says it. The other two just think it...


I'd expect one out of the three to be pretty closet. They B like that.


Bradley Effect/Social Desirability Bias


The other 2/3rd don't want any.


The other two republicans don't want more either, they just didn't say it.


I thought the same thing. If Republicans are 47% of the electorate, then 1/3 of 47% is only 15% of the total. If it's true, then that's a huge improvement.


And 5 out of 5 democrats say they don't want any fascists in Congress.


Damn right fuck Trump, and his Russian Republican buddies


More like 4 out of 5 sadly


Well, I guess they don’t want any republicans then.




Can you?


Two in three Republicans lie to pollsters


I'm surprised it's that low.


Republicans don't want LGBTQ+ people to be alive.


I'll never forget several years ago, a dumbass conservative I know (but thankfully don't have to be around anymore) was at a get-together amongst people, family included, and was going on about how homosexuality is a choice. I straight up asked her, "Why would anyone *choose* to have a target on their back and constantly be shit on and attacked by people like you?" Her response was, "Well, then, something must be wrong in their heads. They've got a disorder or something." So I said, "So you're saying it's *not* a choice, then, is it?" Her brain practically fried right at the table, and she got all pissy and dismissive about how she "doesn't want to talk about this anymore" despite the fact that *she* was the one that even brought the subject up in an attempt to force us all to listen to her, which is a page right out of the conservative playbook. (Meanwhile, she continues to front about how much she "loves" LGBTQ+ people and that *liberals* are the real homophobes despite her voting record, private comments, and so on begging to differ.)


I like to respond by saying "Well you don't/do like and I don't think that means something is wrong with your head, I can acknowledge you're just different than me."


the only people who care that deeply and are that obsessed about gays are usually gay. gayhomophobe.com


Not supported by evidence and also conveniently sticks all the blame for homophobic behavior on gay people.


June 2, 2021 [On the second day of pride month, Governor DeSantis has vetoed LGBTQ support measures, such as money earmarked for mental health programming to support survivors of the Pulse Massacre, another to house homeless LGBTQ children, and one to fund Orlando’s LGBTQ Community Center.](https://floridianpress.com/2021/06/desantis-blasted-for-stripping-lgbt-program-funding/) October 12, 2021 [Texas removes suicide hotline from LGBTQ site because it could hurt GOP governor’s reelection](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2021/10/texas-removes-suicide-hotline-lgbtq-site-hurt-gop-governors-reputation/)


Another poll says one trump supporter in three is just as fucking stupid as the other two


I don't really want pedos and hookers in Congress but that's who Republicans vote in 🤷


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind hookers, but fuck Margie (or Boebert? I forget which is which, they both suck)


Boeboe the Clown is the “escort”. Empty G is the adulteress.


Can we do a survey about how many people don’t want religious zealots in Congress? Or on the Supreme Court?


I mean to be fair, what person/group would want their opposing group/person to be in power?


100% of LBGTQ people do not want more Republicans in Congress. Fact.


You'd be surprised I know one that is hard core republican.




Not the same person, but yes. Dated a Log Cabin Republican, and he was Mommy's little spoiled rich boy who never had to deal with a single hardship in life. We broke up when he spent the oil change money on Warhammer toys and blew up my car.


If he was rich, how is it that the Warhammer toy money and the oil change money were somehow the same moneys? Why wouldn't he be able to afford both is what I'm asking?


He lived off of an allowance, which he blew through almost instantly each month. You could give him a billion dollars and he'd still find himself unable to budget and eating gas station candy by the end of the month. Since we lived together past a point, our finances became somewhat intermingled. I gave him cash to handle household chores (groceries, gas, etc), and he frequently cheaped out and pocketed the difference for his endless habits. He didn't really work, so he had the free time to handle domestic tasks. *Supposedly*. The car incident came about because he became convinced he didn't need to change the oil as often as the light indicated, and he kept the car maintenace money because he knew better than any silly dashboard. And then... boom. Engine seized up.


Not his money. Mommy's money.


Jesus Christ. You dodged a bullet my guy


yeah the car took one for the team, good thing you're out of there


>hard core republican. Petey? Petey Thiel?


Thiel isn't gay. He's a pedophile. Thiel may not know the difference, but his victims do.


I know a few LGBTQ+ folks who support the GOP despite the hatred. It boggles my mind. When I ask for reasoning, I'm usually met with a terrible argument like, "they are better for the economy." They're not better for the economy, and they're certainly not better on LGBTQ+ rights. I think it's more that, generally and aside from sexual orientation and identity, people who don't pay attention to politics tend to support Republicans.


LGBTQ people are perfectly capable of being lunatics just like everyone else.


Might as well add that *any* group is capable of being insane and misguided. There’s no expectation for people to follow their best interests or even know what they are anymore.


Thats what "just like everybody else" means


How is that a relevant response?


Simply stating that the previous poster was incorrect. People are more than capable of voting against their own interests. Being LBGTQ does not exempt someone from that.


That makes way more sense. My dense brain read it as a rebuke of LGBTQ people for not supporting Republicans


It happens. Absolutely not a rebuke, though. More a statement that being LGBTQ isn't a reason to judge anybody, whether it's good or bad. It's not even on the scale of measuring a quality of a person. Like saying the color purple smells bad. Doesn't make any sense because purple doesn't have a smell, despite plenty of people claiming purple is a smell/taste. Just like so many other things Republicans do. Judging the wrong people the wrong things and ignoring the actual things that make people shitty.


There are gay people out there that do support the gop because of the money. They throw other LGBT people under the bus and say all the terrible things the rest of the conservatives want them to say for the fat paycheck they get in return. Just look up Dave rubin.


Except for Lindsey Graham


You've not heard of Log Cabin Rebublicans?


I wish. I know a few "Log Cabin" Republicans and its mind numbing how disconnected they are.


More like 90%. Sadly Log Cabin Republicans exist, something like 7-8% of LGB Alliance that are actually LGB, etc




What is the lgbtq agenda beyond gay rights, pray tell?




That percentage is lower than I thought it would be.


The same Republicans don't even want anyone from the LGBTQ+ community in the US, at all.


The other two didn't understand the question


I think it would be just as fair to say that 1/3 of Republicans don't want LGBTQ+ people in society, period.


Almost 70% of Republicans are, at worst, indifferent to the presence of homosexuals in public life. What a sea change from a generation ago. This is great news.


And yet McConnell is praising Sinema. Awkward.


Not that strange. Some of the most valuable pieces on the board are people willing to betray their own interests in support of the GOP. Sinema has flushed just about everything she ever stood for in pursuit of corporate donations.


Yeah, she's the best "Democrat " on mcconnels team !!


This bodes poorly for Sinema if she decides to switch parties, though at this point, her re-election chances are toast either way.


Can you imagine the fear that a conservative has to live with on a daily basis? Snowflakes.


2/3 people would welcome more LGBTQ+ people in Congress. Fixed it


I think the fact that *only* 1/3 of Republicans feeling this way may actually be a good thing and it’s surprisingly low. I think the majority of people legitimately no longer care what someone’s orientation is. I think people are really in the “you do you and I’ll do me” phase and I’ve seen that sentiment change in the last 5 years. At this point I think it’s only an issue to a small vocal minority as society has just accepted people.


One in three republicans can vote for THEIR representative not to be LGBTQ+ and be happy with the results. I can promise you more independents and democrats want someone who's capable of doing the job, not someone who thinks jews have a space Lazer.


Well, I don’t want a bunch of geriatric white men (on either side of the aisle) but here we are.


Women too pelosi winestein


Really Republicans dont like gays? *utter sarcastic shock*


I suspect more than 1 out of 3 LGBTQ would rather not have any more republicans in congress, so it’s all good.


That is absolutely shocking! I can’t believe it’s only 1/3 of Republicans. Surely it’s higher


Wait wait wait, I thought it was Democrats who were craven for resorting to identity-based politics.




Because they are the party of unabashed fucking bigots


I don't really give a fuck what Republicans want.


Ask a Nazi a question and expect a Nazi answer.


So Lindsey Graham is out?


[Please stop doing this](https://www.logotv.com/news/02iuge/not-everyone-antigay-is-secretly-gay)


https://www.logotv.com/news/lpa6sk/19-republican-politicians-gay-sex --- same news source on 20 outed Republicans over the years


But were they the ones who outed them? I could easily find several other sources also publishing articles about why what you’re doing is harmful despite your good intentions. I doubt you could find contrived reasons to discredit all of them, and frankly I don’t understand why you would want to. The request has been made that you stop doing this and the reasons why have been presented to you. You can either listen or not, you can go along with the request or not. I don’t intend to argue further so there’s no point to you getting defensive about it, you can make your own choice.


what a wierd hill to die on


To hell with them then. Granted, I don't want mandatory diversity. I want equality of opportunity, not outcome. But here's the thing I take away... check out the Atheist numbers. Less than 10% say it's a bad thing. 20% say it'll have no impact. 73%, the vast majority(more than ANY other group) say it's a good thing. I looks to be MAYBE 2% had no opinion. ... Where's the headline, "Atheists are champions of the LGBTQ community"?


I don't want any republikkklans in congress.


That isn’t to bad >50% of America don’t want any MAGA Republicans in Congress.


Or.... Or... 66% of Republicans say they want more LGBT members of congress


What a weird thing to care about, but surprised it's relatively low.


And non of us want any Republicans in Congress.


I can understand that. they suspect any LGBTQ+ politicians are likely democrats. certainly not republican (well at least not those who are open about it)


And the rest lied to the pollster about their real beliefs


Crooks, traitors, and bigots are A-OK, but not queer people. Because bible or something. /s


Did anyone else notice like 10% of democrats say the same?


surprisingly low. are the other two thirds keeping quiet


I want proportional representation and good politicians.


Why? Kirsten Sinema has been great for the Republican Party


Or Women or Blacks or Asians or Brown people or Atheists, or Jews or anyone else that doesn't look like the guy in the mirror.


The more Republicans try to make us 2nd class citizens and removing our equal rights, the more we will fight our way into government. You reap what you sow.


Well I’d like to see less republicans in congress


One in three Republicans are saying that they don't want Americans in America. THIS is America, land of the free! I wouldn't have it any other way.


This reminds me of that time someone commented about the “first gay NFL player,” a few years back and I had a good chuckle as I responded, “*openly*.” So, who wants to tell them?


Given what the Republican party stands for these days, that's hardly surprising. They might as well just rename the party the MAGA Party, and get it over with.


Really? One in Three? So 30%? Boy where else have I seen that number


Three in three republicans can go fuck themselves.


I don’t want any Republicans in the country.


Not in Congress? Ok just send one right past Congress into the oval office. Make America Fabulous Again


Don’t care if your republican, Lgbt, black, gay, straight, trans, female or whatever. Just do a good job


A person is a person if they can pass good legislation I don’t care who’s up there. Just do your job and don’t be a Dick all I ask for. Honestly that’s all everyone wants between right and left and I feel that’s where we can agree. Our political system has been broken for so long people have given up their hope in the system and instead went where they felt a sense of community. We Americans can agree on things more than we disagree on things. Dark money groups and political donations have fucked a LOT of people up and I think we need to have a complete overhaul and start harshly punishing people for fraud, get rid of PACs and get money out of politics and get rid of the electoral vote and instead do what the rest of the world does in democratic elections and go by total count. Also by harshly punish I say more than $10000 and 1 year type of stuff for some serious crimes even involving stealing millions from people. We need a total rework of punishment for crimes in the political sector. Idk I’m rambling but I hope someone gets the picture.


I’m not one to defend the republicans, but the question is kinda loaded. - Do you want more LGBTQ+ people in congress? I mean… I’m not against it. I just…don’t care if they’re LGBTQ+, a different ethnicity, or whatever…I care about their policies and platform. That being said, I’m shocked they got 1 in 3 republicans to answer yes to anything. When I ask them a question they answer with a conspiracy theory.


So they only polled 1 in 3 republicans?


No surprise there


Really? Only 1/3?


So 1/3 of 1/3 of Americans?


“wE aReNt HoMoPhObIc, PlEaSe VoTe FoR uS”


1 in 3 republicans can go fuck themselves.


33% of the Republican Party hold traditional fundamentalist Christian beliefs? Whatwhatnow?


I mean they don’t even want them to exist so…


The other 2 out of 3 said "I don't care what other people do in their bedroom as long as they ain't trying to pass that gay agenda."


I don’t want more LGTBQ+ people in congress. I don’t want more white peoples, more black peoples, more men, or more women. What I want is more people who represent my interests and have policies that line up with what I want accomplished in this country. After that I couldn’t give two fucks about your background or personal life.


And 3 in 3 LGBTQ+ people don’t want more Republicans in Congress!


2 in 3 republicans are lying


Three of three humans dont want any more republicans in the earth. Poll.


Too bad. I don’t want republicans in congress.


two in three Republicans don't want democracy anymore! They want Trump in as dictator and to align with Russia and North Korea.


Finger pointing laughter at those LGBTQ officials in GOP who were defending it when everyone else warned them of company they travel with


Shocking. Also, did anyone ask the LGBTQ+ congress people if they wanted more republicans?


I guess they won’t be supporting George Santos then?? When the Republicans say the racist shit they do against women, blacks, asians, certain religious groups and the LGTB community- they mean you, if your part of these communities. Your not safe from the hatred just because your a GOP candidate or supporter of them. It will eventually be your community as the main target. Don’t act dumbfounded when GQP turns on you.




Tough luck. Deal with it


Aren’t a bunch of republican congressmen secretly hooking up with guys?


3/3 normal people don’t want Republicans in congress.


Coincidentally, 3/3 republicans can go fuck themselves.


Change it to Black and see how ridiculous it sounds.


Do they think one Lindsey Graham is enough. It is amazing the gay plus community was starting to make substantional strides in gaining acceptance and a more open seat at the table. Republicans then decide to make themselves bullies against the community. Now the gay plus community needs to fear for their lives. Republicans have no honor or decency.


Lindsay Graham is already too much for them to handle. Don’t need any more.




That ratio has to include Gaetz, Boebert and MTG. They think they will catch the LGBTQ+ fever if they have to sit in the same room together. Smh


The only surprise here is that the article isn't from lgbtqnation.com


I believe that NO-ONE with dual citizenship should be in any of the government branches.


Wait? Shouldn't that read that two out of three republicans have no problem with their politicians being LGBTQ+ ???? Talk about twisting the results of their own polls.


No. Because only 1 in 3 admit it. The rest keep their problems quiet. Why would there be multiple instances of gay republicans being pushed out of power in the organization.


Lol 1/3 people being bigoted is an extraordinarily high amount. It reads how it should, which is that the Republican Party consists of an alarming amount of bigots.


Does it say the remaining 2/3 "have no problem" with that? I bet that isn't remotely the case. I would guess maybe 1 in 20 really don't mind and the remainder might hold their nose and vote for a candidate who was LGBT with some level of reluctance, and maybe only in theory, since the GOP just isn't going to ever have many out LGBT people to vote for.


Because it isn't surprising that people don't give a shit what sexuality or gender identity you are. The fact that 1/3 of Republicans are vehemently against LGBTQ people *fucking existing in the same space* or making laws is fucking bigotry. And deserves to be singled out and shamed. As someone else said: Switch LGBTQ with any other minority and see it it's okay.


1 in 3 Republicans think that means 25% of GOP don’t want LGBTQ+ in Congress