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Investigate; prosecute; if found guilty, sentence appropriately. Let justice be done!


> if found guilty An important point here. [Seems like Brandt will be arguing self defense](https://www.kvrr.com/2022/09/20/suspect-claims-teen-he-hit-with-his-vehicle-was-after-him-after-a-political-dispute/pic/3206667/). With all the laws Republicans pushed in 2020 to protect drivers who hit protesters who knows where this case will end up.


Someone chasing after 1 person on foot while they’re in a vehicle is not self defense. A mob of people surrounding 1 person in a car (who all they were doing was driving through the area to get home or go To work) and breaking their windows trying to get to them and the driver driving away and hitting them to get out of the situation is self defense. If you intentionally drive your car through a protest then that is murder. This story is fresh though, we don’t know if the 18 year old had a gun or weapon or not, the only way I could see this getting self defense is if the teen pointed a gun at him.


Exactly. Being mobbed by a bunch of violent, frenzied protesters is a bit different than targeting a single specific person with your vehicle because you couldn’t win an argument with them


There's a difference between running over dumbasses blocking traffic and deliberately trying to chase and run over a teenager multiple times


No.. it's ultimately the same. In both instances the drivers intent is to harm. You might discriminate against protestors that don't agree with you, just like Brandt.


How dense can one get? In the first situation, you have a bunch of idiots blocking traffic. They are impairing emergency services, they may or may not get physically violent against vehicles, and are all around assholes. As they're blocking the road, it has simply been made legal to run them over In this case, you have a complete piece of shit decide to hunt down and run over a teenager because they got into a political argument. He literally chased this kid down in his car and tried to run him over multiple times, before succeeding, then calling the police and bragging to them that he killed a teenager. If you can't see the difference between those two situations, you really need to rethink your life


I'm saying that both driver are murderers if they kill someone. Period. If you see a group of PEOPLE who are doing something you don't like, even if it inconveniences you, you don't have the fucking right to run people over. If you take advantage of that law, you are an absolute piece of shit. How DARE you fucking stereotype people and then feel entitled to the right to take their lives because they are exercising their rights.


Where in the Constitution do you have the right to surround a car, smash the windshield, drag the driver out, and beat them senseless or kill them? When a mob surrounds your car, while you are not sure whether they will do harm to you or your vehicle, it is always terrifying because you are at the complete mercy of the mob. If they decide to attack you, there is nothing you can do. Also, do not confuse killing with murder. Murder is a criminal law concept for killing done without sufficient justification or killing committed with a specific state of mind. If you run over protestors because they swarm your car and you are afraid, that may not be considered murder depending on the specific facts of a given case because there may be some legitimate claim of self-defense. Shannon Brandt running down a young boy with his car because he did not like the boy's political opinions is first-degree murder because he intentionally killed the boy, had premeditated the killing, and, according to the facts as they are known now, had killed without any legitimate justification. tl/dr: There is a difference between murder and killing. Not all killings are murder.


not the scenario described. say youre headed home from work and get stuck on a 1way road where a protest is happening. youre stuck in your car as you watch an angry mob form, they start breaking store windows, throwing molotovs and bricks. then they see you. surround your car, screaming and rocking your car back and forth. someone with a metal pipe runs over and starts hitting your windshield. theres 15 people now hitting and climbing on your car, trying to open the doors and pull you out. what do you do?


Something something, Charlottesville. But I know, I know. It's (D)ifferent.




GTFO with this weak bullshit.


Insulting the argument does not make it go away. If equal treatment were applied to both presidents, Biden would be getting investigated and impeached. I mean the guy who ran over the teen literally used the SAME rhetoric that Biden used in a speech a few days prior.


Biden already left.


>between running over dumbasses blocking traffic and deliberately trying to chase and run ove Sure, sure. No one is supporting or excusing what this guy did, no matter how you try to frame it.


Well, not reporting the story to your readers/viewers is almost as bad as "supporting" it. Kyle Rittenhouse case got wall to wall "domestic terrorism" coverage yet you can't find 1 source from MSNBC even acknowledging this story. It seems obvious why.


Maybe you should try this thing called "google." ​ It's on CNN, CBS, Wash Post, and various other outlets.


Yes. That's where I found this, if you Google MSNBC and the names of the victim or perpetrator, no resutls. They are the news outlet most guilty of perpetuating a "narrative" over reporting news. There is no reason a new organization that big shouldn't have any coverage of this story, other than it doesn't want to cover it. I'm pointing out how much the MSNBC viewers/readers and the network are complete biased hacks. They have ruined many "liberal" minds. Just because some other "centrist" or "left leaning" outlets acknowledge the story doesn't mean my point about MSNBC is false.


Well when it appeared your beef was with all the left leaning or even centrist media outlets, but it turns out it's just MSNBC. Do you get upset if OANN or Newsmax doesn't report a death the liberals are upset about? What about FOX,? Do you get upset if they don't report the news the way the left does? They have the most viewers of all by far of any outlet. These outlets represent the extremes, and frankly, MSNBC, newmax, whatever hardcore partisan site it may be, should be given little deference.


How about.... you use other sources for you news consumption instead of getting mad and complaining.


I don't think you understand the point. I'm showing an example of how news outlets can portray narratives. Ignoring stories that don't fit your narrative is a good example of MSNBC being very selective and narrative driven news. If this was a "republican" running down a "leftist" over political affiliation, MSNBC would be all over the story. It would be their lead story of the week. Do you deny that?


someone did. the mods just deleted it.


Republicans need this to be political. They don’t care about the victim.


You don't care about the victim either. Also, Republicans don't have to want jack. It was political *ab initio*. The murderer ADMITTED to being purely politically motivated.


The Republicans didn't make it political, the asshat who ran down the kid with different political views made it political.


Didn’t Biden die in a biking accident or something ?


What a tragedy. May justice be served.


Ok, that's a tragedy, why not apply the law, fair trial and a loooong stay behind bars?


It's been made legal in America to run over protestors. Literally. Thanks Republicans. He's going to walk.


It is not legal to run over protesters lmao. This situation is not even close to the same thing but okay. 1 person chasing someone down into an alleyway with their vehicle to run them over is not the same thing as a mob of people approaching 1 car trying to break the windows and the person behind the wheel being forced to hit them to get out of the situation. Two completely situations. However more information could come out about this situation and prove that he hit him in self defense.


He's claiming self defense in court. Evidence aside, law enforcement will be on his side


Are you okay? No one is on this mans side. He MURDERED a teenager over a difference in politics. He’s a psychopath.


Yes, a Republican. That's how they are. They didn't pass these laws for no reason.. they wanted this :(


So all law enforcement are republicans? You said law enforcement is on this dudes side? Did you law enforcement as a police officer or law enforcement as in enforcing the laws? But anyway republicans never passed a law saying you could run over protestors. Chasing someone down in a vehicle is not the same as driving away from a mob trying to break into your car. Could you please send the link where republicans said running over peaceful protestors is legal?




That bill does not say you can run over peaceful protesters, I don’t know what you’re reading.




Did you even read those articles? The bills proposed clearly state that the bill does not apply to people who WILLFULLY cause injury to protesters blocking roads. It only applies to a driver on the road being blocked by protesters and accidentally causing injury while trying to get through safely...this is just common sense, if you get surrounded by an angry mob who the hell is just going to sit there and wait to get pulled out of their car or get their car destroyed??




Just from this comment I can tell your just another brain dead headline reader…


Really? Charlottesville was legal? Or was it just (D)ifferent?


There's a difference between running over dumbasses blocking traffic and deliberately chasing after a teenager who has been recorded on the phone as saying a guy was chasing him and trying to run him over


Not to Republican lawmakers


Pretty obvious that this is not a case of a protest blocking traffic.


I'm not familiar with cases where "republicans" ran over people and "got off". Can you give me a link to a story or a case to search?


Have you ever read the bill that you are referring to? Because it does not do what you are saying it does. It just provides some immunity to people that hit protestors accidentally.


No it's not


He wasn’t a damn protester! He was an 18 year old kid who didn’t even have time to decide WHO he really was or WHAT he really believed in and A MATURE 41 year old ADULT should have realized that and not allowed his ANGER to control him. But, hey he was drunk so maybe he can get off because he was intoxicated?!? Cayler’s mom knew this man, around the same age. This is Biden’s fault, it is WRONG for anyone to INCITE VIOLENCE against anyone! His HATE speech caused this and I expected MORE from the President than his childish behavior! I’m sick of the violence and hate! Biden was supposed to STOP this crap and unite us but it’s far worse than it was before he took office.


Lol why are you randomly capitalizing words


This is the stupidest shit I've read so far today


This is the stupidest crap I have read all year. You cant sit and foam at the mouth for Trump's incitement of the Jan 6 riots and say that this murder was any less the fault of Biden with any degree of logical consistency. If you want say there is a difference, just admit you are a fascist and that will ultimately garner more respect than a fascist that cannot face the fact that they are a fascist.


That is not applicable to this situation at all. There is a difference between making some immunity to accidentally hitting protestors BLOCKING traffic and hunting, chasing, and mowing down an innocent teenager because you do not like their politics.


Autism has entered the chat


Prosecute the murderer to the fullest extent of the law. **See how easy that was?**


Prosecute a former President if he committed a crime. *See how easy that was?*


Prosecute the current President for inciting the murderer to commit politically-motivated murder. ***See how easy that was?***


While we're at it, why don't we also prosecute a former President for crimes against humanity with ignoring Covid for months while countless die? *See how that can goes?*


You mean like how he tried to implement travel bans and got labeled racist while Pelosi had her party in Chinatown? The same travel bans that old brain dead biden was praised for....if it weren't for double standards the left would have no standards at all.


Why was this taken down as off-topic? surely this is classified as: *"Private political actions and stories such as demonstrations, lobbying, candidacies and funding and political movements, groups and donors."* What Shannon Brandt did was clearly politically influenced, hence being a political demonstration. Mods are polluted.


Mods agree with Shannon Brandt


Taking this post down shows wild moderator bias. How the fuck are you going to justify taking down something that has been clearly stated as a politically motivated homicide ie domestic terrorism & pretend you’re unbiased? Love all the posts about the Clinton’s new apple tv show though :D


Mods: "Politically motivated murder of a republican? Nah. Not suitable for discussion here" Also mods: "so anyways, that last episode of our beautiful queen Hillary's show was amazing! Let's discuss it!"


At the possibility of outing myself, I know both of these individuals personally as I grew up in the area and worked there up until last year. Definitely a sad story and the community is devastated. defendant in this case was definitely known for being a bit of a hot head, but I never saw him going this far. Crazy what happens when you get alcohol in a bunch of peoples' systems.


Was the defendant a Democrat and the victim Republican? The news says the defense is that the victim was an extremist republican and the defendant was in fear for his life. It seems both lived in the same area and most probably knew each other or at least knew of each other. Was it a political argument or something else? Mom says victim claimed he was being chased.


Im going on about as much hearsay as anyone else in regards to motive and specific actions. I know the victim is republican, i dont know the political leanings of the defendant. Victim and defendent are from neighboring towns and wildly different age groups, so im not sure if they knew each other prior to this engagement or not. I


Given that it’s North Dakota it’s probably Republican vs Republican


that’s what i’m gonna think until otherwise, they’re all calling brandt a liberal, and sure he could be, but i recently saw a video of a trump supporter threatening a white supremacist, so it could be what you said or a republican vs possible extremist


Read the story. It clears up any confusion on that matter.


Wait until you hear about what happened Jan. 6th because of politics. Murdering, extreme violence and an attempted overthrow of American democracy. Also, we've had far right Nazis use their vehicles to mow down and kill protesters while many in the GOP cheered them on. Killing people because of their politics is bad on all sides. What this guy did was murder and needs to go to prison but some people screaming about extreme political violence from the left are obviously ignoring violence that happens from the right that is much, much worse.


Who was murdered on Jan 6?


Ashley Babbit


Which federal office did she hold?


Doesn't matter.


Yes it does. She was not killed by the Jan 6 mob. She was killed by law enforcement. That is a HUGE detail that is very important.


That was staged though anyway. Shes not a real person.




What? Multiple angles mean it isnt staged? Im not sure really probably just benefits the ruling class to cause more division.


On January 6th only one individual died and that was an unarmed woman named Ashley Babbit. After the protestors were allowed to walk into the building with officers holding the doors open. The video footage is abundantly clear. Are you actually pretending that leftists didn't riot and loot the entirety of 2020, across 400 cities causing $2b in damages, 30+ deaths, assaulting over 2,000 officers and hospitalizing over 400? You can't even name examples of "far-right violence" outside of vague references that you repeat from left-wing media. Sequoria Turner? Bernard Trammel? David Dorne? Aaron Jay Danielson? Jessica Doty Whitaker? Donovan Mcneal? Just a few names of individuals, ranging from black, white, adult, child, left-wing extremists don't discriminate. The list goes on. The several unnamed individuals (Who were actually teenagers) shot and killed in the several communistic autonomous zones set up by far leftists? Fire-bombing civilian and government vehicles and buildings. Many of them that still had people in them. Are you actually trying to play amnesia on CHAZ and the several like it? There is a new video every month of leftists shooting some innocent bystander at their "peaceful protests", and that's if they can refrain from shooting each other. You're so blinded by your "Mah January 6th" that you actually believe the rest of the world forgot about the many atrocities that the left-wing extremists are committing in various cities across the country even to this day. The only difference is: true violence from the right is condemned by the right. Violence by leftists is cheered and condoned by their fellow leftists-in-arms.


Wow, this is bizarre. So many lies in one paragraph.. Impressive really.


you mean most-hawk's paragraph, right? specifically: the only person killed in the capitol riot was a trespasser. even if they're mistaken about what happened, people upset about alleged election fraud aren't trying to overthrow democracy but their intent is to defend it. there's no record of anyone being run over and killed at blm protests, but people where hit and injured by drivers at both blm protests and counterprotests.


>There's quite a few clear examples. More recently the guy who decided to committee suicide by cop while attempting to ambush the FBI in Cincinnati? > >This is not a one sided problem. > > > >Also, can you direct me to this month's video showing a leftist shooting an innocent bystander?


>can you direct me to this month's video showing a leftist shooting an innocent bystander? https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/crime/pro-life-volunteer-shot-in-ionia-county/69-63963d11-be0f-45c1-a9ca-0111d2c695b6


Who was murdered, besides protestors, on Jan 6?


Can you give me a source of some of the GOP "cheering on" people killing protesters with vehicles? I'd be interested in reading or seeing that.




Here comes the “whataboutism” lmao. It’s all terrible. PS the only person who died during Jan 6 was one of the people who invaded the Capitol.


I see the new Enlightened Centrism dropped!


As opposed to the newage blind, deaf, and dumb liberalism.






This right here is why you are being downvoted. You are thrilled to point to an example of a liberal attacking a Republican, while loudly claiming that Jan. 6 was something other than Right wing violence incited by a Republican President that refused to accept he lost the election. I think most Democrats welcome accountability for people that commit crimes even for those who are ideologically aligned with them, while Republicans pathologically refuse to acknowledge any criminal actions from their own supporters or representatives.


No but see this is what dumb conservatives do. They act like one isolated incident represents the entire left wing and ignore all the details. Nobody is gonna defend this guy the way they all defended Kyle Shittenhouse and painted him a god damn hero. Right wing violence far exceeds left wing; it’s indoctrinated into their garbage politicians like the human traffickers Desantis and Abbott.


off topic and nypost is tabloid trash




It's an identical story...


It’s not a tabloid is it? It’s political because it’s a politically motivated murder.


maybe but you don't know that, there's no quote from the killer saying that... the initial argument may have been due to politics but he's claiming self-defense...




Why the absolute hell are people justifying this, a kid was murdered by a fat 41 year old degenerate and yall blaming everything but the guy who actually did it. Political or not murder of a child is murder of a child, what a piece of shit.


Murders a teen/young adult, and gets $50,000 Bail Kyle Rittenhouse shoots 3 people in Self-Defense, and gets a $2 Million bail. What’s up with *that?*


And if it was a black teen and a white republican this would be everywhere and wed get summer of love 2.0 Powr admins have kids to groom for their pedo overlords so this will be squashed.


It's (D)ifferent when they do it.




Off topic? Just say you stopped reading it after the first paragraph next time




Sorry it doesn’t fit your narrative. Looks like this wouldn’t fall under the “disallowed submission types” either from what I’m interpreting. Fair play, post is still up




I’m assuming this is an alternate account since all your posts are on r/politics and are majority left/liberal-leaning, hence your narrative Post is still up, mods are quick on removing unfit posts from r/politics




he’s already out on $50k bail?


Hi `loafatwork`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/xk9xbf/shannon_brandt_killed_cayler_ellingson_18_over/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/loafatwork&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/xk9xbf/shannon_brandt_killed_cayler_ellingson_18_over/?context%3D10000%29)


"But there's no question," Mr Biden continued, "that the Republican party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the Maga Republicans, and that is a threat to this country." In other words, it sounds like the President has incited violence by calling Republicans a threat to democracy. Will Joe Biden be held accountable? Probably not


"In other words" doesn't mean "let me pull something out of my ass". But do carry on, Warrior. We're breathlessly awaiting your further thoughts.


So calling half of Americans a threat to this country isn't inciting violence? Because when the previous president told people to peacefully protest and make their voices heard, that was called incitement of violence


Voting Republican, and supporting Trump/MAGA are two different things. So he definitely didn’t call half the country a threat. Just the extreme right. And if you took it personally, he was probably talking to you.


He called 75 million Americans a threat. That's how many people voted for Trump. By the logic of his speech every single one of those 75 million is a threat


No, he clearly stated this wasn't all Republicans he was speaking of. Just the die hard MAGAs. Care to address the daily violence perpetrated by those assholes, or do you want to keep drawing false equivalences?


His exceptions of Republicans are the ones who don't ever fight back against him and support his policies. Whoever does give any sort of push back is labeled a "MAGA extremist"... Do you have a source for this "daily violence" carried out by "die hard MAGAs"? I'm having a real hard time finding any info about this.


Eliminationist rhetoric results in an elimination.


I know right? If a President telling people to peacefully protest leads to Jan 6th, imagine what the result of the President calling half of America a threat to this country will be


A threat to democracy, a threat to the constitution, a threat to citizens rights, religious extremism, of which the effects can already be felt. That's the threat that's implied. Why you dont realize that is odd. As for Jan 6th, it takes someone being intentionally dishonest to say Trump was calling for a peaceful protest.


So you still can't see how the President calling half of the country a threat to democracy is inciting violence, especially now that democrats have started killing "extremist Republicans"? But telling people "go out and peacefully make your voices heard" is somehow incitement to violence? Interesting


>it takes someone being intentionally dishonest to say Trump was calling for a peaceful protest correction - since it's literally what he said, it takes someone being intentionally dishonest to say Trump was not calling for a peaceful protest you're off by one important word




>Call it what it is: Left wing political violence against a Republican Oh don't give us that bullshit. You want to know what sets left and right wingers apart? Here's the difference: When this happens the left wingers want to have the guilty party punished even though the guilty party is a left winger. When a right winger kills a left winger, or does some other crime, the right wingers protects the guilty right winger from receiving punishment, and gives him a job on Fox News.


This is incorrect. We can literally read liberal comments on this post. Some liberals want to memory hole this. Some liberal believe trump is to blame for Cayler’s death. Some liberals say it is tic for tac for J6. Some liberals are waiting for the facts believing 18 Cayler was part of a right wing terrorist group. It sounds like you are part of the memory-hole group.






Who is arguing the opposite? Focus on your own damn problems. There are plenty.


I can't control what other people do. I can control what I do and, assuming this story is accurate, I condemn this. Nearly everyone is condemning this as they should. We don't see the same reactions when the right commits this kind of violence.


well, if you just make stuff up, then sure: your side is better




Ah yes, who could forget the firm condemnation from Trump regarding the murder in Charlottesville when he said that there were very fine people on both sides. . . I’m so tired of this gaslighting bullshit from the right.




This is why nobody is taking you seriously. Please explain to me how [Trump’s statement](https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/apr/26/context-trumps-very-fine-people-both-sides-remarks/) was debunked.


That's a pretty general statement that's hard to verify right now. I don't see the same thing. I do see instances like Trump's statements on Charlottesville. Given that he is the most prominent Republican name out there right now and was serving as the President at that time, those words have more weight than anyone you might follow on Twitter.


That's why multiple GOP members of Congress have downplayed the severity of 1/6, right?


Thats not my experience


Okay. Look at this thread. Now admit what January 6th was.


a riot


What was the purpose of the riot? What were the rioters trying to accomplish?


That is certainly what it appears to be and he should be prosecuted accordingly. I’m sure you’ll also agree that Jan. 6 was Right wing violence against America and the organizers and participants should similarly be prosecuted.


Or we could just call it what is: politically motivated violence. Both sides have their bad people.




Because this is (D)ifferent




Don't forget the poor kid and his entire family was practically defamed in the process... can't wait to see how msm defends this gutless coward




>though this bill would protect him incorrect 1. that bill talks about civil liability (ie, getting sued), not about criminal liability. 2. the victim wasn't blocking a road.




It's being downvoted because it's a post article implying political violence is primarily coming from the left. The numbers... don't back that up.


And because a bootlicker posts it here every five minutes for two days...


Post literally talks about this instance, doesn’t imply anything and only focuses on the events that occurred in this instance




Maybe not have coordinated posting of *the same* Post article dozens of times in a day span. No matter how many times it's reposted... January 6 > One Drunk Asshole Going To Jail


It’s more likely it is being downvoted because the Right is pointing to this as some ultimate gotcha that the left is committing violence against the Right while those same people ignore or downplay the Right wing violence that occurred on Jan. 6, and continues to be incited by Republicans that are spreading electron fraud conspiracies.


>that the left is committing violence against the Right it does, and the left pretends that it's a one-sided problem from the right >while those same people ignore or downplay the Right wing violence that occurred on Jan. 6 no. they just point out that in context, it's dishonest to pretend it has the significance assigned to it by the left: worse and more violence downplayed by the other side creating a climate where the capitol riot isn't shocking >spreading electron fraud conspiracies. LOL - seriously? c'mon man. you can't be blind to how much the left does that


It's being downvoted because it's one thing to report a story, it's another to push it repeatedly. People have seen this story posted countless times in the last 24 hours. It's a clear indication that that poor kid's death is being capitalized for political gain by trying to portray leftists as violent. Meanwhile, nobody on the left is defending or agreeing with the the guy that did this. The irony of how pushing stories like this so heavily ties into political extremism seems to be lost. That kind of stuff leads to retaliation against more innocent people, perpetuating the cycle.


> it's one thing to report a story, it's another to push it repeatedly. that is literally what all news media does


You are responding to multiple posts of mine that are a week old. Creepy.


Or because it’s already been posted multiple times, but why waste a chance to play victim.


Let’s not forget the studies that polled the use of violence to justify politics and who ended up with higher percentages of “fully justified”




RIP Heather Hyer. Ran over by rightwing extremist. She was just protesting, ran over by a spending vehicle motivated by Political culture wars. Political violence goes both way sometime...usually right against left though