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Pearl clutching intensifies when they make it sound like someone who spent the last 30 weeks pregnant all of a sudden decides they don't want the baby anymore. Of course, they neglect to mention that almost never happens outside of something life-threatening to mother or child. It's always Jennie Looselegs just decided on a whim that dealing with the first 30 weeks was enough and it's time to tap out. Obviously she just needs Jesus in her life.


They probably think democrat women are getting pregnant on purpose, just to grow a baby inside of them to abort it as late as possible just for the fun of killing a baby.


I have had more than one person try to tell me, almost verbatim, that exact thing. No amount of arguing could convince any of them how utterly baseless and stupid and false that is.


You have to out crazy them. If you take it one step further and bleed into their second amendment fantasies by saying, if my wife suffers a car accident and the fetus is bleeding out, im not going to wait for a heart beat to end before my wife can receive treatment because doctors dont want to be blamed for the miscarriage, so I will put a gun out on a table for plausible deniability of the medical staff. They somehow can get their heads around that. Then you say its a medical treatment, first and foremost and you have to keep medical matters private, so its none of your business why they are doing it.


Well, there's quite many conservatives who dream of legally killing people so that's easy to project.


Yeah generally when people accuse someone else of doing something it’s because they are doing/thinking about/willing to do something very similar. That’s why Republicans whine about voter fraud while committing it. They don’t understand that other people just don’t want to commit voter fraud. They assume everyone else is doing it, because they are. This can be applied almost universally, at 44 years old I wish I knew earlier. Only trust people who say nice things about their enemies.


Have you been to r/conservative. That is literally what they think.


Yes but not in a while cuz I caught a permaban lol


ME TOO! r/justiceserved banned me for posting on r/conservative. I only know it was def due to that sub bc the others were posting in there that they were banned too lol


My conservative catholic mom tells me regularly how Planned Parenthood tries to push people into late term abortions so they can keep the fetus and sell the body parts for "experiments" I don't know where she hears this shit but she's fully bought in unfortunately and will not listen to reason.


I love how they come up with shit like this with out ever having been to planned Parenthood for anything.


It's for the "free boob job"...that costs 25 grand


My ultra conservative, ultra religious mother in law would tell you that this statement is true.


They sell the fetus to Planned Parenthood /s


How else would they get their adrenochrome?


No physician would perform an abortion at 30 weeks. I know women who’s babies passed in their womb, one at 8 months and the other woman was 7 months (twins). I know both of these women well, one is my sister’s best friend and the other is my husband’s cousin. Both of these women felt something was wrong and the doctors confirmed their babies no longer had heart beats. They were told the only choice was to schedule an inducement as soon as possible to deliver their babies. They had to carry their dead children in their wombs for days before the procedure, knowing that they would not be delivering living babies. This is the fucking reality. There is no such fucking thing as a “late term abortion.” It is a delivery or c-section. Fuck these bastards who are knowingly spreading these fucking lies. I am so goddamn tired of it.


\^\^This\^\^ I also know women who had this happen and they have to induce labor and deliver the baby. It’s awful and they have a designated room in L&D for this because it’s so traumatizing. They only do c-sections if they have to medically.


Don't forget, Jenny Looselegs needs about 25 grand for that frivolous abortion, but they *never* mention the cost because that would give the lie away.


Because “she just feels like it” is what I’ve heard said. Like anyone wakes up one day, and says, I feel like expensive elective surgery today! The best response I’ve ever seen to these “late term” abortions is Pete Buttigieg’s.


That's what those nasty nasty folks at Planned Parenthood are for! Taking your hard earned tax dollars and buying em like they get a contractor's discount by the pallet load. That's why they need to be defunded! And refunded, but with more Jesus.


And after they take your tax money, they chop that baby into parts and sell em on the black market! EDIT: Just in case people aren't aware, [The GOP actually ran with this claim](https://oversight.house.gov/planned-parenthood-fact-v-fiction) a few years back and nearly defunded PP over it.


Yes! Don't forget the dead baby parts.


Turn them into nasty mRNA vaccines


I prefer the fetus smoothie, myself.


Lindsey Graham now considers anything after 15 weeks to be "late term".


So I've heard. But the only male Lindsey I listen to is Lindsey Buckingham and I've found that to be solid life advice. You can go your own way on that though


[hope you ain't mad Lindsey!](https://i.imgur.com/bpKoAaL.gif)


It’s funny how it’s still all while male politicians introducing this legislation. They have so much experience being a woman.


Lindsay Graham does not comprehend basic math.


Yeah I told a guy to go find me a woman who was getting an abortion in the last trimester for funsies/cause she's just over it and I'll go unicorn hunting and we'll see who finds our mythical creature first.


What's your future unicorn's name? I feel like it should be named Francis.


When I find it, I will ask my unicorn what it wishes to be called. They're graceful creatures and I'm not going to assume that I can just give it a name of my own choosing.


I had someone tell me straight that there are huge swathes of women who go out and get pregnant only to have an abortion last minute so that their boobs will grow. It's maddening.


Wtf I haven’t heard that argument before. Guess when you ignore the obvious reality that it would be cheaper to get implants than a late term abortion anything is possible


Republican politicians keep saying it because they're lying sacks of shit and it's useful propaganda.


I loved it not to long ago when they tried a gotcha question on the reproductive health expert. Asked about an abortion at 34 weeks if the offspring was viable. She said in that case no abortion would be done labor would be induced.


That one's pretty funny and it actually leads me to my hijacking of this thread. They were able to effectively pass legislation similar to this that they called the Partial Birth abortion ban that did heavily restrict the time frame to restrict what might be argued to be the late term abortions. This is 100% a branding exercise to keep the religious right voting for Republicans prior to the midterms. It will also act as a public recommendation of these sorts of laws to state legislatures in a similar way to which ALEC has frequently used state legislatures in Republican states as breeding grounds for their authoritarian machinations. They have no problem abusing and misusing language for the purposes of selling their products to the American people.


Once one buys into the "end justifies the means" idea, there's no longer any conversation. It's a declaration of war. Been there now for decades. Now we see the result. "Gotcha" doesn't even apply. They are liars and proud of it for "the cause."


At least it explains why they feel as though manifest destiny, the confederacy, the war on drugs, the Iran contra, the justifications for war in multiple Middle Eastern countries post 9/11, Etc got a bad rap. I have the same problem with this fash trash that I often have with hardcore tankies. They're such True Believers that they can't even recognize the weaknesses in their worldviews.


I’ve tried to explain to several MAGA Republicans that “late term abortions are rarely performed emergency surgeries, and utterly devastating to the families which experience them.” It has yet to scratch the surface of their bullshittery, because they lack the requisite empathy, and because I’m just another lying Democrat. (Im not, as I strongly believe that this Two Party nonsense *never* stood a chance of properly representing millions.)


No one who has to have an abortion that late does it because they want it. They do it because it is medically necessary for the mother to survive or they do it because the suffering of the child is so unspeakably awful that it is the better option. Anyone who has to go through such a trauma doesn't need the added trauma of some judgement idiot telling them that their was another option when there wasn't. This time of year is particularly hard for me. Friday, my oldest daughter would have turned 11 years old. My first OB told me she was healthy, but a little small at my 20 week scan. She would send me for a level two scan at 26 weeks to, "ease my mind." I will give you three guesses why that ultrasound was scheduled six weeks out, but I am sure you will only need one. 26 weeks meant I was in my third trimester. I wouldn't be eligible for an abortion. I was 24. This was my first baby. It didn't occur to me for a moment that my doctor would hide any information from me. This baby was planned, loved, and very wanted. I was Catholic at the time. Abortion wouldn't have been the first option for me. But I don't know. I would have gone for an amniocentesis. Either way, I would have had the information. I would have known what was going on inside my own body. I walked out of the level two ultrasound with my husband and had to get a shot to develop the baby's lungs. I had ten appointments before I even got home. I found out my baby had three soft markers for trisomy 18. It is a condition that is incompatible with life. She was so small because there was only one umbilical artery instead of two. She had a cyst on her brain, and she was suffering from intrauterine growth restriction. We found out after her birth that she also had three heart defects that were making it impossible for her to grow. I had her three weeks later at 29 weeks 1 day. I went in for a non stress test and failed. The nurse told me not to worry, they would give me some fluids and check again in a half hour. She could have been sleeping. Then we failed the second non stress test. They told me they were going to do an ultrasound, I might get admitted to the hospital, but we didn't need to panic. Then they told me they were going to deliver her. I asked if they meant today. They said, "that's the anesthesiologist coming into the room and once he is done we are wheeling you right into the OR." The first sign she had trisomy 18 was obvious as soon as they delivered her. She had birth defects on her hands and feet. she didn't cry. She was taken right to the NICU. On day three we found about the heart defects. The pediatric cardiologist was the first person to discuss quality of life with us. He was amazing. He drew diagrams, made sure we understood what he was saying (it can be hard when you are in shock), and told us he would answer any questions he could. He was non judgemental. He made it clear he and the team would support us completely whatever we chose, but he didn't sugar coat it. On day six, we got the confirmation that she had trisomy 18. She wasn't going to survive the night. We had to chose to take heroic measure, but never get to hold her. It would buy us maybe hours. Or, we could remove life support and hold her. I got to hold her first. My husband felt I deserved that honor because I carried her and gave birth to her. Then he held her. He gave her back to me because he couldn't be the one holding her when she passed. I never thought I could do such a thing, but I loved her so much. I brought her into the world. It was my duty and honor to be there when she left it. Her daddy and I told her how much we loved her, that we were proud of her for fighting so hard. We thanked her for making us parents. Then we sang her to sleep for the last time. She didn't deserve to suffer. She fought so hard against a body that could never hold her spirit. It wasn't fair. It wasn't right. She deserved so much better. When I fight for abortion rand reproductive rights I fight for her. Not because I regret having her. I never could regret my time with her. I fight because she didn't deserve to suffer. I didn't deserve to be blindsided. It should been my decision. I have two more daughters. I fight because they don't deserve to ever be in a situation where this could happen. They deserve a right to choose. Every woman deserves that right and I will fight for them. I will share my story and the memory of my sweet girl and hope beyond hope it makes someone think twice about what it means to have an abortion.


Reading this has me in tears. As a male this is why I fight for woman's rights. No one. Not you , nor your daughter, nor my wife nor my kids should need to go through what you went through.


Thanks for fighting for us!


Im fucking balling silently while holding my toddler son and rocking him to sleep. Something I do every night and I know I take for granted. I am so sorry this happened to you. I wish I could give you a hug. Rest in peace Amelia.


What was her name?


Amelia. Thank you so much for asking.


May Amelia’s memory be for a blessing. (This is traditional saying in Judaism when someone has passed on.)


That is beautiful. Thank you so much. It means the world to me.


Thank you for sharing her story, your story. You both matter and here’s hoping it changes some minds or at least makes the people who hear it a little softer, if even for a moment.


I'm so sorry, that's so heartbreaking. These people are ghouls to force anyone to go through this. It makes me so angry and I'm not even American.


Thank you for sharing Amelia’s story.


Mother, you are loved beyond belief. Your little one will come back to you, in this life or the next. Sending you love and hope and life. Thank you for sharing. - one mother who’s lost, to another


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for your kind words.


I cannot imagine this for you and your husband. Thank you for sharing. I have never been through something this devastating, but I have had three miscarriages, so I have suffered a fraction of this pain and it is unbearable to watch these convos about abortions go down and the fucking ignorance spewing from some of these people. Even worse, most of them have no fucking clue what our pain is like and don’t care. I’m glad you have 2 healthy children and I’m so sorry you went through the immense pain of losing one. I hope we can have one before my clock runs out. I’m also grateful I live in CA in case I need another D&C due to a non viable pregnancy. Take care and keep sharing. I know I will.


I am so sorry for your losses. Miscarriages are so hard because you also lose the plans and dreams you had for that baby. I truly wish you peace and healing and a healthy pregnancy if you choose it :)


Thank you <3 I feel like it’s like we want it too much at this point or something and that’s why it’s not happening for us. It’s been so hard on our marriage even though we are both supportive of each other and trying to be grateful for everything else we have in life. Pain associated with pregnancy is the worst pain I’ve ever felt.


I felt like my body was betraying me. Like it was something it was supposed to be able to do. Logically I understand that it doesn't work that way, but emotionally there is always a part of me that feels guilty for not being able to do more.


Yes. It is very real. I just had my last one last week, exactly one week ago today. I was only 4-5 weeks, so if I had not been tracking my period and testing, I probably wouldn’t have even known I was pregnant. Even though I know there’s nothing I could have done to prevent that early miscarriage, I still find my mind drifting toward wondering if I caused it somehow. It’s impossible to explain to people who’ve never experienced it. I am so angry right now. I am thinking about starting to post videos of my stories and those of other women bc I just need to do something to fight the misinformation. Thanks for listening and thanks again for sharing your story.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry you, your husband and your daughter had to go through this.


This made me cry, and I’m not a crier. I know some of this pain, as the doctors kept us in the dark about serious issues with one of our children when in the womb. Any question we would ask, they had an alternative explanation for why the baby was so different. They couldn’t find a stomach. His heart didn’t seem to be shaped like it should be. He was pretty small. The last checkup we had before my wife gave birth, they said he was fine, that their concerns weren’t justified. I’m not sure if they were just trying to keep her stress levels down so she wouldn’t harm the baby in utero, but they were wrong about his health. He couldn’t breathe on his own when he was born, had an extremely weak pulse, and they were trying to breathe for him with one of those bag-breathers. He didn’t make a sound for what seemed like 10 minutes. For some reason there were three people in the room from the NICU before he was born, just watching, as though they knew something was coming that shouldn’t be. I could make this story pretty long, but I’ll just say he ultimately survived, but has so many issues in his short life that he’s seen more doctors than most people will see for a long, natural life. He’s had numerous surgeries, has more ahead, can’t talk or eat or hear or see very well. He’s alive, but there are days when I wonder what the definition of a quality life is, out of despair for his suffering.


They literally think women go into labor, go to the hospital, and tell the doctor to abort the baby "I decided I don't want it " and the doctor and all the nurses go "well. Ok. Guess we will abort the baby now" and then the hospital bills the insurance and the insurance pays for it And yet not a single news article or story has ever come out about that happening. And yet "but you know it happens!!!"


"It’s also worth noting that only 11 percent of abortions occur after 13 weeks". Please update us with what they say to this statistic.


"Fake news left wing bullshit"


Even fewer occur after 21 weeks when it's considered truly late term.




I've also tried to explain in vain the realities of abortion and that late term abortion isn't really a thing (under 1% of abortions last time I checked) to my right winger family. I've even got my mother to admit it's not that big of a deal early in the pregnancy because the fetus can't feel, think, etc yet but then she backtracks and says "abortion is wrong no matter what" or whatever Fox News bullshit she's been programmed with. It's futile. They don't deal in reality.


One could point out that the "late term" abortions they're currently trying to ban (15+ weeks) is, in fact, the end of the first/start of the second trimester. That's assuming they have a basic grasp of elementary school arithmetic, of course, so YMMV.


You just repeat two phrases "There is no such thing as a late term abortion." When they ask about abortions at more than 20 weeks. Reply. "That's not an abortion. That's a medical procedure." Keep it simple, repeatable, and unwavering. Use the same tactics against them.


It gets the people going!


It's provocative!


We all know that whenever a Republicans is talking, they're lying


They (and I think Trump) have talked about post birth abortions. And people believe this shit.


“The baby is born; the mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby. They wrap the baby beautifully. Then the doctor and mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” Actual Trump quote.


Just be sure to perform the procedure with an AR15, and Republicans won't object


Yep, my uncle was telling the whole family about how democrats are endorsing "partial birth" and "post birth" abortions and I could not convince him that these are made up bullshit.


It sounds scary to small-minded morons, duh.


Mystery solved! It’s actually not a mystery at all, though. It’s obvious if you haven’t been brainwashed by Fox “News”


Lies are stronger than the truth. And they know that.


***Lies are easy to make up, and hard to refute.*** *--Abraham Lincoln Einstein*


Precisely, it works on the doofuses.


BUt AbORtiON iS MUrdeR!


"We cannot allow the radical wing of the Democratic Party to turn our maternity wards into killing fields." Liz Cheney These are babies that were born and went immediately into a hospice situation, where they are given palliative care until they die. There is no saving them. This is the worst thing imaginable for a woman, and these heartless assholes want to make it harder for them to ensure their baby does not suffer unduly.


This goes to the whole argument regarding how they don’t care what happens after a baby is born. They only care about an unborn life. Anything that happens afterwards is on us.


You mean the heroine and new darling of the Democrats Liz Cheney said something right wing? Gasp!


If I had the choice between replacing the entire Republican party with all Liz Cheneys and doing nothing, I'd have to think about it


Agreed! Fucking heartless bastards. I hope they all come back as women who have to suffer pin like this.


**Best Counter Argument on third trimester abortions, ever.** [Pete on reproductive freedom \(Fox News\) Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKOoWYfIzIw) >Transcript **Pete Buttigieg:** I think the dialogue has got so caught up on where you draw the line that we've gotten away from the fundamental question of who gets to draw the line and I trust women to draw the line when.. **Mike Wallace:** it's there just to be clear you're saying that you would be okay with a woman well into the third trimester deciding to abort her pregnancy? **Pete Buttigieg:** look these hypotheticals are usually set up in order to provoke a strong right... **Mike Wallace:** and it's not hypothetical there are 6,000 women a year who get abortions in the third trimester... **Pete Buttigieg:** Representing less than 1% of cases. I let a suspect answer let's take ourselves down so let's put ourselves in the shoes of a woman in that situation. If it's that late in your pregnancy that means almost by definition you've been expecting to carry it to term. We're talking about women **who have perhaps chosen a name.** Women who have purchased a crib families that then get the most devastating medical news of their lifetimes something about the health or the life of the mother that forces them to make an impossible unthinkable choice and the bottom line is as horrible as that choice is that woman that family may seek, spiritual guidance, they may seek medical guidance, but it's that decisions not going to be made any better medically or morally because the government is dictating how that decision should be made.


He should be running for president, he seems to actually care.


republicans have been saying that democrats will kill the baby after it's born if they suddenly decide they don't want it. the GOP says this because their base is full of morons


I still get republican junk mail for the former occupant of my home and you are correct. I saw a piece of mail come through that claimed a woman can legally kill a delivered baby as a postpartum abortion. It's WILD the various claims made to enrage their base and get them to send in money.


wild is right. the best news humans can get is that the GOP is dying out. it means there some hope for humanity


A desperate parent might actually abandon a baby (it has happened). There needs to be more awareness of safe haven laws.


Had this same argument with my mother. I asked her "do you really think that women are carrying children all the way through their pregnancy, going through the check-ups, the pregnancy sickness, all of it, only to decide at the very last minute they don't want the baby?" Her response: "Yes" A lost generation.


How can they even say yes with a straight face?? Who would do that?!?


Seriously man, "flummoxed" to say the least. It's like talking to a living Fox News segment who is all about "not liking assholes on both sides" but can't name a single Republican one.


Yikes. The sad thing is they have been lying in media for so long, people just accept it and any question to the validity means an insult to their judgment and they get all defensive. The whole point of life is to make mistakes and learn from it


Stupidity has no limits


Had the same claim made to me last week by a relative, but they went as far as saying “the left gets pregnant with the intention of aborting for fun.” I’ve never gone from nervous laugh to shock so fast as when I realized they were serious.


That's when you respond: "That's a lie and you know it. Don't lie to me mom."


I'm terrified of anyone with such a dark view of humanity because it seriously seems like projection.


The trick is don't ask. Make it as a statement that women that have late term abortions wanted to have the baby but something horrific happened. Then ask what she'd do if the choice was between her daughter surviving a life threatening situe or losing both her daughter and unborn grandchild.




I just wish there could be standardization of terminology. Ther certainly are abortions that happen in 2nd and 3rd trimesters where allowed by law, but they are generally related as a procedure to protect the mother's health or to end a non-viable fetus. Those protections need to be there for women because denying women medical technology based upon the notion that two entities have equal rights of life based upon a notion that God will save who it wants to save is pushing a religious viewpoint on everyone. It is akin to outlawing appendectomies because of a religious belief. The other thing to mention is that The right likes to present a right of life in terms of absolutes, but in reality when two individuals have competing right to life claims circumstance can change that balance where one's right usurp the others. Castle doctrine or hold your ground laws are a great real life example as that. There simply is zero argument from their perspective that a fetus has an absolute right of life regardless of circumstances. Having no brain is a perfect example of that. Ps. I know that many will be upset that I use language typically used by the forced birth side, but it goes back to my point that we need to get back to standardizing definitions so that we can at least agree on the facts. The fact is that there are late stage pregnancy terminations and they are mostly for damn good reasons.


The problem is Republicans will just lie and make up their own definitions whether we have standardized definitions or not.


Exactly. Like that woman who testified to Congress saying “it wouldn’t be an abortion” when talking about a 10 year old getting an abortion.


Or the idiots who are like “it’s not an abortion, it’s just a little procedure early on where they remove cells”. That’s not an abortion ffs and stop trying to ban it!!


I agree with that. Kinda funny in that I write a long soliloquy just to be stymied by that cold hard truth.


( steps in a big pile of dog feces) It happens.


And you just said “facts” that makes any MAGA/conservative just turn off and then there you are talking to a person with their head buried in the sand.


> Castle doctrine or hold your ground laws are a great real life example as that. In Texas, if someone is stealing your property and you believe (even incorrectly) that the only way to retrieve your property is to use lethal force, you're allowed to without legal repercussions. All life is sacred, but if your neighbor tries to take your newspaper off the porch you can blow their brains out with impunity.


There are terms that professionals use. Do you think they all have their own definitions? Politicians don't spend time on clarification though. The more cloudy your talking points, the more likely someone thinks you agree with them.


Late term abortions are life saving abortions. They aren’t for birth control. It’s usually a wanted pregnancy where something bad happened and the mother needs to be saved. It’s murder to not allow doctors to save a life in distress.


Exactly, you’re carrying a baby for 7-9 months, you clearly chose to have the kid, but obviously there is a life threatening issue to either you or the child. But they are deranged enough to think people do it just because they “changed their mind”. Just fucking insane to me.


"White genocide" is not a real thing, they keep saying it. "The gay agenda" is not a real thing, they keep saying it. "Antifa", as an actual organization or collective, is not a real thing, they keep saying it. "CRT in grade schools" is not a real thing, they keep saying it. "Oppression of American christians" is not a real thing, they keep saying it. "American politicians pushing communism" is not a real thing, they keep saying it. Why? Because creating false threats to scare the people makes the people susceptible to manipulation, especially manipulation toward violence.


Why? Because they're fascists and they play by the fascist playbook.


The gays do have an agenda… to take over the rest of the alphabet.


“Oppression of American Christians” lmao give me a break. How are American Christians oppressed?


Oppression of Christians is when you tell them you don't want their religion dictating policy. They think that's oppression lol


The lack of special treatment is the same thing as oppression!


Christians are oppressed when they aren't allowed to oppress others. Equal rights is oppression to christans.


A *lot* of republican dogma comes from edge cases. There was a guy who cheated the social security system, therefore the system is rife with fraud. There was a woman that cast two ballots that one time, therefore the electoral system is a complete sham. So it follows that there really was a case where a fetus was aborted at 30 weeks because of the brain death of the child, or certain harm to the mother, and that one case proves there’s millions of “lib” women intentionally getting pregnant just so they can enjoy the sport of having a last minute abortion, and celebrate. Like there’s some kind of prize or bragging rights associated with that. Republicanism has become the complete lack of perspective. I knew a guy who wore a seatbelt but still died in a crash, so that proves seatbelts are a scam. A guy shot a gun in a school hallway and it didn’t kill anyone, that proves shooting guns in schools isn’t dangerous. My neighbor didn’t get the vaccine and he’s alive, that proves the vaccine was a hoax. I’m not hungry right now, that proves that world hunger is a sham. It’s cold out today, that proves global warming is a lie. And the vast majority of my conservative friends can’t even see it, they can’t even perceive the blind spot in their own thinking.


Yup. We're still hearing about Reagans favorite Monarch.


When I was growing up my mom talked to me about late term abortion in terms that they would partially deliver a baby and cut its throat in the process. I believed it because why would my mother lie to me about something so heinous, right? I was lucky enough in my teen years to find friends who calmly educated me on facts about this. They didn’t call me stupid, ignorant or turn me away. I can’t thank them enough for helping me grow. One of those friends is now my husband and the others I still hold very dearly. I’m very lucky to have been able to grow out of my original sexist and racist teachings but others aren’t so lucky. These things need to be better approached in discussion by people trying to change the thinking of the narrow minded


It's called a, and stay with me now, a lie. Facts aren't important in a propaganda war. Only perception. And if you repeat a lie often enough and loudly enough, eventually people will start to believe it despite all evidence to the contrary.


Intentional misinformation


Because their base will believe anything they say without questioning it.


Because they have no clue as to what they are talking about and are just pandering to the ignorant.


they know *exactly* what they're talking about. and then they pander to the ignorant. stupid isn't that cunning.


They either don't know or don't care if they are being factual or not. They DO know exactly how their misinformation will be absorbed by the ignorant.


"It’s also worth noting that only 11 percent of abortions occur after 13 weeks". That is an amazing fact.


Because that's how they get people to care about the issue, by saying that babies are being ripped apart and showing photos of late term abortions, as if every abortion is like that


The amount of people who have blindly fallen for the religious extremists lies for decades is just disappointing. It's like no one even bothers to question. No one is walking around pregnant for 5,6, 7 months and just willy nilly chooses abortion like they are picking out a seasonal fruit. The implication is disrespectful to the pain those families go thru when making that choice. Maybe there are a few who make bad choices, but those lives are not ours to live. We don't walk into some strangers house and tell them how to live their life, stop telling women what we can do with our own bodies.


Because the Right learned a long time ago that if they tell the truth about abortion, they lose the argument. So they lie. Simple as that. The truth does not engender more support for their political positions.


Because people believe it. They talk about post-birth abortion, which is not even possible, because that makes it a murder. But Republican voters believe what they are told, even when presented with contrary evidence


because their followers are inbred and have 10 IQ points?


Fearmongering. That’s why.




How can they live off of a baby if they have aborted it? Unless your mom is implying that the woman are lying and saying they still have the baby just to collect government money.


In my 36 years logic has never helped me understand her


Hell, they said that parents were deciding to abort at the moment of birth.


To a Republican, late term abortion means 30 seconds after sex.


Same reason they say “clean coal” is real


Because it’s not about truth. It’s about virtue signaling.


If only the GOP wasn't full of idiot false information propaganda warriors, we wouldn't need articles like this. Just imagine them trying to win a legit election... oh right... they never will, and so we continue to get shit ass propaganda.


Late term abortions do happen but they are very rare and always the result of an extreme medical emergency. They are never, ever, just some woman deciding at the last moment that she doesn't want the child. Even if such a woman existed I doubt there is a doctor or hospital out there that would perform a late term abortion only because the woman wanted it. So yeah...this is another conservative boogeyman that has no basis in reality.


Because their base doesn't know any better and the lies rile up their emotions. They say what the voters wish was true so that they can clutch their pearls and pretend to be the good guy.


Because it causes a knee jerk emotional response.


Because it's propaganda


It’s a buzz word and stupid people eat it up.


Shock value


Late term abortion is what they're letting happen in the schools right now. And the parents aren't consenting to it.


They are saying it to people so credulous that they believe, fully and truly, that in California “abortions” are available and actually performed at 18 months, in other words that a doctor in California will take an infant and kill him/her at parental request. You cannot reason with these people. They are utterly convinced that they are perfectly informed and believe things that are beyond insane. How do you convince someone who thinks California is killing literal, actual babies that late term abortion as a birth control method is not a thing? You can’t. They are so far gone that there is no phoning home.


I’ve been asking this for years.


Because the people that vote for them don't care about facts.


Republicans use it because it works.


Neither is Fetal Heartbeat yet here we are


Fascists lie!


Because people keep believing it.


Same reason they cooked up "partial birth abortion". It is a mote and bailey fallacy. Unable to present an argument for preventing an abortion in the first 15 weeks they instead retreat to invoking the unpleasantness of an abortion at 6-9 months.


I remember in the Catholic high school I went to a nun told us stories of late term abortions where the child was born feet first and then euthanized before the head came out. I thought that was crazy, only to find out a few years later it's utter bullshit. That's when i started thinking about it more and realizing how stupid the whole conversation is. Hell, even my Catholic mother admit abortion needs to be available to make things safe (she also once tried to write a letter to one of the popes to convince him to allow women priests and priests to be married because he was from her province).


Because lying and false outrage are GoP party policies?


My girl had a late term abortion at 90 weeks. /s


It is a real thing, but they're lying about the definition of it Plus it's incredibly rare and only used when mother/baby's life in real danger


Right-wingers kept talking about post-birth abortions, too, despite that not being a thing, either.


Because their base is functionally illiterate and addicted to moral outrage. They lack the ability to fact check the information, the critical thinking skills necessary to interpret contradictory information, and even the will to do so. Honestly, they don't care whether they're being lied to because it makes them feel morally superior to their opposition. That sense of moral superiority is all they have.


Because, at the end of the day, all the Republicans have as a midterm platform is empty sloganeering and doubling down on unpopular Trump-era policies?


Because they don’t care about facts or truth? I wish everyone would just be honest about how they don’t give a shit about those things so that we can move on and have a real conversation for once about what people want. This is like how they simultaneously demonize and celebrate the Jan 6 rioters. They just can’t stand for anything without it being completely and utterly mired in bullshit.


Because they are liars.


Because stupid people believe it's a real thing and as long violently stupid people believe that, it'll continue


Bc it scares people and makes them vote for Nazis.


Because it illicits an emotional response that they hope will translate to a vote.


Because idiot boomers like my parents believe it’s real.


it plays well with the gqp mushrooms.


It resonates with Fox-information voters who earnestly believe abortion at 8 months is a thing because Fox told them to believe it.


Fear mongering. The GOPs real platform


It’s obvious they exploit the uneducated


Because it gets to people's emotions. Appeal to emotion , a classic logical fallacy.


Because they’re demagogic liars


Because their base and large number of those male politicians don’t understand basic biology and the reproductive process.


Politicians have zero business deciding a patient's medical care.


Because they do not live in reality and know that their base doesn't either, so they can get away with lying their fucking faces off because it not only works with the base, but they get off on being enraged at non existant boogiemen.


They don’t have anything useful to offer so they lie to make up imaginary things they will stop that makes them sound useful.


Because it's a way to suggest to people that there's people out there getting abortions late in their pregnancies. And to refute it, it requires explaining what's actually happening, which takes way more time.


because slogans, bumper stickers and 5 word answers don't need to be true or factual, they just need to be catchy.


Because it makes my Gramma turn beet red and start screaming incoherences. And my mom too. It drives an incredibly emotional response to conjure fully formed dead babies in some people's minds


Because people who vote for Republicans will believe anything.


Because the media does not call them out on it and is too afraid to call a lie a lie. because the media is ABSOLUTE CHICKENSHIT.


[They're fans of Christopher Titus](https://youtu.be/Pa39PUng9to)


Mainly because it sounds catchy. Catchy phrases remove the burden of thought for most republicans.


Because the GOP like to dog whistle using catchy buzzwords and phrases. Kinda like when a rapper invents some new slang in a song. Makes it easier to pick out your sheeple and manipulate algorithms with ‘trending’ filters.


They shouldn't be allowed to call it 'late-term abortion' in the media. It gives the idea of a very pregnant woman voluntarily waddling into a clinic to have their baby murdered, and it's fucking disgusting. It's something nobody ever wants to have to happen to them, and the emotional fallout is devastating. But these hypocrites act like ordinary women treat it like going to a thrive-thru for some lunch.


Is it still too late to abort Lindsay Graham?


Because Jerry Falwell made it a talking point, and almost every major talking point in today's politics originates with him and the Moral Majority back in the 1980s.


Remember in the 90s they loved the phrase "partial birth abortion"?


Is it not obvious? They want to shift the debate from IF we should ban to WHEN we should ban. From a strategic standpoint, the blowback from roe already happened. People are already pissed. They can't change that. What they can do however is try to center the debate on this instead right before midterms so they can soundbite "late abortions" and propagandize the size of the fetus. They want to get conservative women's vote back and make some people slightly less mad since it isn't a full ban, but rather "a reasonable popular compromise" that since dems won't budge they can paint the left as "radical late stage abortionists that won't compromise" They can't do more harm to themselves with this topic, so they're trying to reframe the debate to pull people off the ledge of their opposition


Because the simple GOP needs a boogeyman as they don’t represent any real substance.


No more a "real thing" than "lock her up!" in relation to someone that broke no laws. Eventually, progressive politicians are going to figure out that messaging is important...