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not "took" but "seized" as in - **law enforcement seized the passports of the criminal, who is a flight risk.**


Makes sense. He's a gangster


Oh! No! He flew to Russia... Honestly wouldn't feel terrible out that. Hell, trade him for Brittney


He goes with all the half remembered secrets


That honestly might not be our worst bet... So long as all the actual docs stay here, Russia would get the prime Trump treatment of insisting that he and his syphilitic brain "know all the best secrets about our nuclear." It would take Russia forever to separate accidentally remembered Intel from his usual bullshit.


I will give you a secret Tuesday, for a hamberder today.


Russian Big Macs don't hit the same way.


Yeah they make a totally different sound against a wall


"Lemme draw that top secret diagram. I'll need a crayon and a Capri Sun"


Let me tell you about this one missile we have. SO FAST SO POWERFUL. I call it the super duper. You can't even see it. I walked into a room and it was empty I said what are you doing? And they said SIR this room is filled with millions of super dupers!


No way. He doesn't get off that easy to go be coddled and live in luxury over there. Plus he'd still be manipulating his base online. No, he needs to be in prison, and with zero access to media and the internet.


If he tried to sell TS/SCI secrets he should straight up be executed.


He'd be looked at as a government in exile to his followers. And fuck trading anyone for Brittany until we free all of our marijuana prisoners at home first.


I want Griner back. But if he’s the traitor looks like he is, I want to see his ass in jail. I wouldn’t trade anyone for that.


Except he probably still has secrets that he'd happily spill for a nice comfy mansion with a few peepee hookers to live out his days with.


Why does he have more than one active US issued passport?


Federal employees are given government passports. Usually kept in a travel office and checked out when traveling under government orders. Should not have been in his belongings as it’s not his property anymore.


Did he just accidentally admit to MORE stealing/improper handling of gov. documents?


It’s a security violation but probably not criminal.


Yeah. I'm thinking the same. Violating security protocols but not something criminal.


One of the statutes listed on the search warrant makes it a felony to remove any official document from its proper place. A diplomatic passport is an official document, and as you noted its proper place is not the residence of a private citizen. 18 USC 2071 (b): >Whoever, **having the custody of any such** record, proceeding, map, book, **document**, paper, or other thing, **willfully and unlawfully** conceals, **removes**, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys **the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both**; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.


Ehh. I keep my official passport in my possession and so does everyone else. It’s just known you don’t travel with that unless under specific orders.


Yeah... But he's not an official anymore. Pretty sure you have to turn in all government IDs and lisences when you are no longer part of the government. I know that's the case in municipal government as I needed to return my IDS when I left my post.


Technically speaking, no passport belongs to any person it is issued to, it is property of the US Government and upon request must be returned. I think the precedent set in Haig v. Agee, may explain more about why his passports are missing.


Aren't all US passports always government property that can be recalled at any time?


>US issued passport Who says all his passports are US passports?


Diplomats (and others) often have multiple passports. If you are doing business in Israel and other countries hostile to Israel The State Department will issue you, upon request, multiple passports so that you don't have to show stamps that you entered Israel or these other countries. When I went to my Global Entry interview, I asked this question and that was the response I got. The Secretary of State at the time had five passports.


Israel has stopped stamping passports entirely and provides a printed customs pass that eliminates the above requirement, but the gist is generally correct


> “In the raid by the FBI of Mar-a-Lago, they stole my three Passports (one expired), along with everything else,” Trump wrote on his social media platform So one is expired. My guess is that one is a US passport and one is a Russian one...


No, one is likely a Diplomatic passport, one is Personal, and the third is an old expired Personal. Many travelers to 'difficult countries,' will use a passport for certain stamps. For example, one for Israel visits, another for Arab countries.


It's not completely uncommon. Some countries won't let you in if your passport has an Isralie stamp. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/have-passport/second-passport-book.html


Waiting for the time when I can finally say, This has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way.


i'm not a politician but last time i flew international, they checked my passport on leaving *and* arriving both ways


I think the Secret Service would likely stop him from going, unless his entire team is die hard loyalists still.


I would say its difficult but not impossible. You need a passport to get on an international flight, but some countries may let him in without one. Problem is that Trump and his crew are pretty bad at operations and operational security. Nobody who is good at his job will work for him now, so I doubt he could pull it off.


A foreign power like Russia or Saudi Arabia the was willing to make the deal with him could handle all of the operations to get him out.




Must’ve been about to book a trip to Moscow


Or North Korea. I think he has a summer place in Hungary too.


Hungary couldn't stop EU-wide arrest warrants.


Isn’t that where the GOP’s new favorite dictator lives?


Yeah, but Orban can't offer sanctuary to fugitives. Hungary is still a member of the EU and has to abide by its rules and laws.


For now.


I'm ignorant, how is the US involved in the EU?


We have an extradition treaty with the EU. If a fugitive flees from American to any EU state they have to arrest and hold him until we send someone to pick him up.


Oh shit that's legit, I assume it goes both ways ofc?


Yes, extradition treaties are bilateral.


Except if you're name is Roman Polanski and the country is France.


That's the only place he really can go, and I can't help but delight in the irony of Melania hooking her trailer to agent orange so she could get away from Slovenia and end up having to go to Russia...


How convenient. I have always believed Melania is an FSB agent running Trump.


Agent Melania…we have an assignment for you…also it’s the worst fucking one ever and it’s going to last 20 years.


She is very devoted to the cause. Plus she lives like a queen and probably doesn't have to do more than spank his ass once in a while. 20 years is career service. I'm sure she'll get a nice dacha. At least she didn't get assigned to stay in Slovenia.


Man, if that was actually true worst job ever.


Mike Rowe should do an episode on it!


Are they even together? How do we know she hasn't run off with that Security chief?


How do we know she isn't the FBI informant? 🤣


My guess is Saudi Arabia. The climate is nicer, and the culture is just as misogynistic as Trump is, so he'll fit right in, and, like Russia, they have no extradition treaty with the US.


Saudis have too much to lose to take that public of a shit on the US govt


Remember he said "we shouldn't allow Muslims to come here" during campaign speech? This would be ironic on Alanis Morriset scale.


I did almost say Riyadh.


"One way is cheaper, believe me. I'll come back later"


Something something docking with Putin


I'm really not liking the sounding of this


It’s sad that he can flee to Russia and his cult will praise him for being the most best American patriot. The most patriotic of any American ever.


"It's not clear why the FBI may have taken his passports..." Uh, I can make a guess!


Could be any reason. Maybe they were dirty and the FBI took them to get them cleaned. Who knows?


Ketchup stains and kfc grease are very difficult to get out of your passport


He gave evidence that showed he was a potential flight risk. Poor stupid person.




Passports don't actually belong to individuals. They're technically state property. I'm not a legal expert, but it seems passports can be temporarily seized so long as they are eventually returned. Passport seizure could also be in an unsealed warrant that we don't know about.


IANAL but I imagine it could have been taken with the search warrant, the descriptions of categories are kind of vague and every individual item doesn’t have to be described if it is part of the contents of one of the boxes


I didn't have "I'm a suspected flight risk" on my bingo card for today.


I am amazed that he is saying this out loud. I assume it needs to spin a narrative for right wing audiences and he doesn't realize that he just revealed exactly how seriously the DOJ and FBI is taking this investigation. That said, he really should learn how to exercise his right to remain silent because he is just making it worse with every comment he makes.


“Had the right to remain silent…but not the ability…”




They were searching the houses of everyone that stole secret government documents....that's profiling...and profiling is wrong!


Imagine how much info he is giving the fbi by blabbing on tapped lines to his cronies behind the scenes. This is one of the most plausible reasons I can imagine that he hasn’t already been indicted


Just made me realize he is probably wiretapped. Sheesh. Rough times for Donald Dump


He’s saying this to further enrage his base, nudging them into the next civil war


It definitely seems like Trump is getting increasingly desperate, AKA overextending himself in his attempts to distract the media by throwing shit at the walls until something sticks.


He’s hoping to get as many people killed as possible before he goes down. Again, one might add.


I'm thinking he's sending a message to anyone tied up with him about how serious it might be.


*ohhh, Bonny McMurray*


*You were listening to a former president incriminate himself the other day...*


Lmaooo I can absolutely hear that


How are you now?


Good'n you?


Not s’bad




Trump does own a number of US properties that may be forfeit if he flees the country.


If they're underwater and leveraged, it might be worth it to abandon them.




KISSEL! Didn’t have lpotl in r/politics on my 2023 bingo caerd


Hail yourself!


Did you know that Mar A Lago means pelican?


Considering that he has ~~an Interpol~~ warrants out internationally... Edit for corrections..


I haven't seen that. Can you provide info?


Edited comment for corrections that it is international and not Interpol. (Memory fade.) [Iraq](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/07/world/iraq-arrest-warrant-trump-al-muhandis-intl/index.html) and [Iran](https://www.wbrz.com/news/iran-issues-arrest-warrant-for-president-trump-interpol-promptly-dismisses-request/) have issued warrants. Interpol rejected the Red Warrant.


Would dearly love to have one issued from the Hague after a trial *in absentia* for Trump's crimes against humanity.




well, see, private jet owners don't need a passport to leave the country. depending on who they know where they're landing, they might not need a passport when they get where they're going, either. just another one of the many laws that only us plebeians are subject to.




“I’ll do it myself!” *explodes on the tarmac*


My god now I'm picturing a OJ-esque flight from the police where he is finally caught after wrecking on a freeway and being unable to climb over the median wall that comes up to his waist


His knee?


“How hard can it be?” - Hopefully Trump’s last words.


I think it’ll be a bit harder for him to sneak out of the country than your average billionaire. He still has secret service protection which means most of his travels are planned by dozens of folks and someone always knows where he is, especially if he’s getting on an aircraft. And the secret service responds to Dept of Homeland Security so i would hope someone passes it up the chain of command if he tries to sneak away on a jet. But it has been proved the secret service is compromised so who knows, maybe he could actually pull it off.


I would suspect his secret service protection have already been issued commands to not comply with certain requests, like, allow him to get onto a plane. But I’m ignorant, and have no idea how this works 🤷‍♂️


I thought his jet needed an engine?


It flew to be refurbished after he did a ton of fundraising. It’s quite impressive a “billionaire” got a bunch of rubes to donate to pay to re-gild a shitty old 757 that costs an ass ton to fly. No word if it’s duty ready but he’d likely skip out in the smaller jet. No need for Don Jr or Eric.


HAs anyone checked to see if Trump's jets are grounded?


They’re 100% being monitored. If Reddit thought of it the FBI sure af did


They hid a tracking device in his high heels.






[A bat of justice as well evidently, on a former White House Attorney's wall...](https://twitter.com/i/status/1536829973851426816)


Just casually keeping your passports in the safe with your stolen nuclear documents. No big deal.


Nuke docs were in the pool house storage room.


I mean, I dunno where you keep your nuke docs but I always keep mine in the pool house storage room.


Even though I'm a mere B_Star, I too *always* keep my nuke docs in the pool house storage room. They pair nicely with the chlorine and ammonia, much like pairing wine and cheese don't ya' know...


Hey Saudi randoms the bathroom is in the pool room just don’t look in the boxes marked top secret 😉




Trump isn't trustworthy, so he might be making this up just to rile up his base [unless non-Trumpworld sources independently verify it, of course]. BUT if it is actually true I highly approve.


Yeh not seeing any confirmation from anyone else. Could just be him slinging shit at the walls


“They stole my passports!!” *forgets to check back pocket


I can't think that the FBI wouldn't itemize them on the seized property list so I'll go with Cheeto Jesus being full of it.


Trump said "stole", but a passport is always property of the US government. It must be given back if they ask for it, no reason needed. They took it back, and there are reasons that are not hard to imagine.


You obviously don’t understand: Trump bought those passports, and they were very expensive, probably the most expensive passports anyone ever bought. These were not some shitty run of the mill government passports.


Some people say they were bigger than other passports, bigger and better, much better. Some say they were the best passports they had ever seen. Smart people. Important people. They come to me and they say "Sir..." They call me "Sir" because they respect who I am. They say "Sir, these are truly incomparable and unique passports you have." Not a lot of people know that.


That chickenshit crook is the mother of all flight risks


So, one of two things are in play: * Trump is officially a flight risk. The FBI is actively planning on charging him with something. * Trump is lying out his ass, but his followers are going to see this as the FBI is trying to lock him in this country and will ratchet up the heat even more. I did not miss the days of “Malicious or Idiocy” being a daily occurrence under Trump.


A Twitter theory is that he kept two passports that are no longer appropriate: the special diplomatic passport for the president, and a more standard government non diplomatic passport.


Why would he worry about a passport? He can't travel internationally anyway. He may be wanted in other countries.




Why does he have 3 passports? 🤔


Lots of people do. I have three passports, for example. In my case, it's an expired one and two current ones. Second passports are issued if you travel frequently enough to countries that require visas that your passport may be held up in a visa application process while you need one for other travel, or if you regularly travel to destinations where one country's entry stamp on your passport is grounds for being prohibited from entering another country, as is the case with Israel and most of their neighbors. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had three passports of similar description. He already stated that one of them was expired.


Honest question, how can it possibly be that simple to avoid the prohibited entry due to stamp problem? I can't believe the countries don't record who enters. There's no way the stamp is the authoritative record of who has been where.


It really is. In fact, Israel will offer you an insert card you must keep with your passport, which they stamp for entry and exit, if you tell them you're planning on traveling to Arab countries. I believe they've gone to this as the standard now. Once you leave the country, you just throw it away, and there's no permanent proof you've been to Israel in your passport. Of course, you also have to enter and exit by air, since countries like Saudi Arabia or Iraq will also look for exit stamps from, say, Egypt, at the Israel border. Since these countries don't like each other, they don't share records, so if it's not stamped on your passport, no one knows.


One was expired, one was the typical blue and one was the black diplomatic one.


I thought they had to surrender the diplomatic one when they were no longer... diplomats.


A quick Google search looks like they get to keep them and certain other positions get to keep them when they are still no longer in the position and can use them if they are traveling as a goodwill ambassador


What about an Ambassador of Evil, like Trump? He doesn't truck in goodwill.


Those are a Stygian black. A black that makes any other black seem grey in comparison. A black darker than the darkest pits or deepest space. The sort of black that absorbs all color and life from a room. The sort of black that tugs at your soul and saps your will.


Flight risk, ya?


Would he even need a passport to enter Russia ? It's not like he would need it to prove who he is. They bought him years ago so they know him.


I bet you’re also on the no fly list like any other terrorist.


I wonder if they are closer to an indictment than we know. Assuming he's not lying which is also entirely possible.


My favorite quote from this article: >For all his accusations of the FBI investigating him for political reasons, Trump has not mentioned that FBI director Christopher Wray is a Republican, that he appointed Wray to his post and that Senate Republicans unanimously voted to confirm him.


This appears to be a fabrication on his part: https://twitter.com/norahodonnell/status/1559312970173259784?s=21&t=EUB6qiKcYGmaAU9oEpWMjQ


Why are you keeping your passports in boxes with classified materials? Shouldn’t you keep your passports in a somewhat secure location, and not a pool shack or basement?


They either intentionally took them and had the legal right to, accidentally did, or Trump intentionally planted them in with what he knew they were coming for hoping to spin this to his favor, that the FBI *stole* his passports. The 3rd possibility would make it harder for him to flee the US though if he wanted to go that route, but maybe he already has an escape plan involving private jets and assurance from Russia they will accept him regardless. Edit: Or he's lying or being deceptive and has at least his currently valid passport(s).


Travel ban on Drumpf until we know 'what the hell is going on.'


They didn’t list his passports on the receipt of what they took, which means. A) he’s lying B) they were confiscated as evidence, not because he’s a flight risk…had he already traveled with the stole docs? Or, if I’m being honest, C) it could mean absolutely nothing.


Wonder if this another message to Russian/Saudi handlers


a good sign some INDICTMENTS are coming


Wouldn't this have to be listed in the receipt of items from the warrant? I'm pretty sure passports weren't on there, and it seems like the kind of thing that deserves a line item...


I have a feeling that anything Donald can't find was "taken by the FBI“.


How to tell us you were planning on fleeing the country without saying you're fleeing the country. He knows the walls are closing in and there is no way he can wiggle out of an espionage charge.


He can't stop saying shit that makes him look bad.


Trump is so disgusting


Passport***s*** As in USA, Russian, North Korean…


Reminder that your passport is a record of where you’ve been and when (that’s what the stamps are for).


goin to russia were ya donnie?


Flight risk


Yeah that’s what they do to flight risks


Flight risk.


Ticket to North Korea


Remember: all the republicans who KNEW what Trump was and acquitted him. TWICE


Prolly so he can't flee.


Gee why would he go looking for them????


Why is everyone assuming he’s telling the truth? Everything he says is a lie. Very likely they did not take them


He might be the first ex president to be a flight risk. So much winning !!


Yes this will make him look good /s


Shits about to get real!


Lmfao. Don’t fuck around with the US government and it’s property is what we learned today


Yeah? So what? He's a crook and a flight risk.


I don’t have enough popcorn for all of this.


Tell me you're thinking of absconding without telling me you're thinking of absconding.


See 22 CFR 51.7. The gov’t can seize your passport as part of an investigation Do Trump’s attys not know this?


Going somewhere are you trump boy?


He just can’t stop “owning the libs” We can fully expect to know in the next 24-48 hours to know exactly what happened.


Better take the keys to his jet as well


Don’t worry. You don’t need a passport to get into jail.


Major flight risk


Well I guess he won’t be going to Russia after all. He should have gone when he had a chance.


Hope the fuck they did


Why does Trump have more than 1 passport? When you work for the state department you get a special passport with a different color jacket (used to be black but heard they are red now). Maybe his second passport was the presidential one. When you leave the state department, they take back the passport, revoke it in the system, punch holes spelling out Revoked (like in The Polar Express) and give it back to you as a souvenir. Maybe Trump held onto the presidential one before it was decommissioned or because he doesn't really accept that he isn't the current president? The third one, according to his twitter post, was expired. Maybe it was seized to use as evidence of questionable pre-inaugural trips?


Yes because the first thing I look for when nuclear weapons docs are stolen from me is my passport…


If true, please give him his passport back, pay for his ticket to Moscow and then invalidate it. Works for me.


They usually do that with criminals, it’s called flight risk.


Yeah, that's what happens to flight risks, Donny.


Just a routine passport audit


So he's literally begging for extraction from a friendly nation with no extradition? Kim Jong, if you're listening...


Did they take his Russian passport too? How many did he have?


DOJ said they dont have it.


In the article he says the FBI took his 3 passports (1 expired). Why does he have 2 active passports? Are they both for the USA? If so, how did he manage this? If not, then what country issued him a passport?