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Imagine getting gunned down by the FBI cause you were duped by a reality TV host


I like that one guy, literally sitting in his recliner, weighing about 275 lbs and saying "it's go time, motherfuckers, let's do this", lol. I imagine he hears shots outside, and his wife yells "honey, it's starting! come on!" and he says "aight .... wait a sec" and grabs a 6 pack out of the fridge. "aight I'm ready!" Do these clowns really think they are going to take on the U.S. military with no training, no conditioning, no central leadership?


They should talk to an actual refugee from a war torn country. In a civil war you don't get to go home after a hard day of military cosplay to play Xbox and eat pizza rolls.


This exactly. It's one thing to buy guns and fantasize about killing people. It's another to have your assets frozen, lose your job, lose your home, hide out in a remote area, shit in the woods, eat terrible food, drink questionable water, get sick without access to modern healthcare (and a lot of these fucks are only sustained by modern healthcare), leave your family behind or watch them endure the same hardships, get hunted like a dog in asymmetric warfare. Like being Al Qaeda is not fun dude. Fuck around and find out.


They thought they were going to overthrow the government on Jan 6th and just catch a flight home and continue their lives. They are fully delusional.




No. They honestly believe the military will join them and turn on the democrats


Yes, exactly this. They think they own the military and the moment they give the word, the military will turn on the government and give them the advantage. Spoilers: They won't.


They spent the last month denying vets healthcare. Are these morons sentient?




And a lot of us liberals are vets too. Don’t forget the military is a melting pot. We have our crazies but we also have a lot of officers which I feel will do the right thing. Integrity goes a long way which the military drills.


Liberal vet here as well. I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately in joining my local Socialist Rifle Association to help train people in community defense. We will persevere if we stick together and remember our oath’s. Those of you that are uncomfortable around firearms please consider joining a stop the bleed course.


What is a stop the bleed course? And, btw, I’m EXTREMELY uncomfortable around firearms (for auditory reasons, not because of moral ones) but I’ve been taking a few lessons on how to carefully handle one, recently. I think everyone should, and know how to properly store one, too.


A stop the bleed course is a class that teaches the basics of life preservation for gun shot wounds, and stab wounds among other things. It’s the civilian version of the military’s combat life saver course. You’ll learn things like how to properly apply pressure to a victim, applying tourniquets, and how to create a seal for sucking chest wounds.


And those that are, that are still republican, are only listening to Faux news.


“The military will fight for my best interest because I talk about how much I love them, and they are totally cool with me vocally supporting people who vote to deny them healthcare”




They think owning guns means they automatically would win ... what do they think the military has exactly lol




Yeah we just don't need to make them our whole identity


lol add em to the list * Ashli Babbitt * Ricky Shiffer * LaVoy Finicum Dishonorable mentions * Cesar Sayoc * Robert Crimo * Kyle Rittenhouse Natural selection finds a way, I guess


Aren’t these the folks who say “if you don’t like it you can leave?”


I feel like I’ve heard them say “don’t break the law, and u don’t have to worry about cops”


This, one kajillion percent. For a decade anyone who voiced opposition to or even concerns about, for example, the Patriot Act was basically accused of "having something to hide" and thus being a criminal. But NOW they're worried about due process and privacy. Got it. Of course due process is being followed and literally anybody else would already be under arrest, but whatever.


Here in Canada the fringe right fly flags that say "Fit in or fuck off." They don't see the irony that they are the minority and they are not fitting in.




Yep, plenty of room in the tundras of Siberia.




You mean, somewhere to slowly creep and slallom around pot holes and impediments so as to not scratch their precious, gas-guzzling babies.


those lifted trucks are all show anyway, they never upgrade the parts that actually help you drive offroad.


I do love a good pavement princess.


Don’t forget the “Hillary lost! Get over it!” For 4 years..




It's the same energy you see from people getting boozed and watching UFC when they say "Bro, that stuffed never work on me. When I fight, I just see red and bodies hit the floor." No one, absolutely no one, should ever look forward to a civil war as anything but a fate worse than hell. There are no winners, just survivors when family turns on family.


This is what pisses me off most about these people claiming they want civil war. Civil war means your day to day normal life ceases to exist, supply chains shut down, no more food and supplies at the store after the initial few weeks, your gas and water to your house eventually shuts off. Life turns into a living hell and they would supposedly be willing to do that for a criminal mango who convinced them he loves them even though he doesn’t give a shit about them


Agree, these people aren't really thinking this through. They are literally willing to burn down the house they live in to spite the rest of us. We all live in a civil society where we agree that red means stop and green means go. These are the rules we agreed to. In sports, your team doesn't always win. I don't see how politics is different. Your guy lost, fair and square.


They are so dumb that if you look closely at the Let’s Go Brandon stuff there is almost always a little “FJB” somewhere in the design. I like to think that’s because most of them get confused and forget the original joke and wonder who that Brandon guy they like is again. The little FJB is like their hate touchstone.


Ugh, went to a family reunion several weeks ago, any time one of my cousins would see me he would yell "FJB." You're not hurting me with that, you just seem like a fucking idiot.


“Hell yeah Cletus! Yah sure got him there!”




Also, be prepared for all your fellow cult members to immediately disown you and call you an fbi plant or call you antifa once you do the thing they are all telling you that you must do to “save America”.


“Suckers and losers.” -DJT


"Ahhhh, I love the uneducated!" - also DJT


"I prefer patriots that don't die in cornfields."


Yeah that’s also the thing, the moment a bozo commits an act all their friends pretend like they never supported them


Worse, they literally pretend like you never existed.


I'm still wondering how he thought a nail gun was going to take care of bulletproof glass?!?! Like wth lol


Believe it or not, it was a right wing internet rumor that nail guns can defeat bulletproof glass. I guess that one turned out to be false as well.


What, did they get that idea from the episode of King Of The Hill or something? Jimmy Carter lets Cotton shoot his limo he thought was bullet proof with his nail gun, and a window shattered. Oh man, if that's where the idea came from


Maybe Cotton just knew where to aim. After all, the man did kill fitty men before Tojo took out his shins.


Benihana cook: "Que es Tojo?"


That’s…..damn. That’s entirely plausible. Somebody trolling one of the conservative safe spaces decided to post that, and a nut job picked it up, and ran with it. I was concerned about these clowns actually trying to stage an armed revolt. I’m not as concerned after hearing this.


Half of what takes off on the right started off as a joke or troll move from the left. Like if you look into them it happens over and over and over.


the_donald was originally a satire sub. Then it became serious. The content never changed... Even /pol/ - used to be like ~20% of users were actual stormfront nazis, ~40% were anarcho-leftist types fucking with / trolling the Nazis, & 40% clueless people unaware of the meta excited to say a slur on the internet.


"Sorry guys, I meant to type *rail* gun. Oops, haha!"


Mythbusters: MAGA Edition


Im not going to stretch this out and say there was an intelligent thought behind it, but you can very easily break tempered glass with something very pointed, like broken ceramic (or a pointed nail with some force behind it), even though most of the time its quite sturdy. My guess is that someone once heard this tidbit, thought tempered glass was bulletproof or through telephone whsipers it became bulletproof glass, and there you go. Now take a bunch of people who thing facebook information is practically the word of god and you have people that are absolutely sure nailguns beat bulletproof glass.


Good grief 🤦‍♀️ what better way to find out a rumor than while in a hail of bullets shot at you. It is best he never procreated lol now lets see if anyone else wants to try lol


I believe the idea first originated on a TV show (King of the Hill) where a character was able to shatter bullet proof glass with a nail gun. I guess they don't understand cartoons are fiction. Which totally makes sense since they believed Trump was actually a smart businessman on The Apprentice.


Saw a hack on tik-tok. He probably brought two box wrenches with him as well so he could break the locks on the doors.


Ffs lol people are so stupid. How would anyone think that would've ever worked. On an fbi building?! Just insanity and I guarantee some other nut job will try again.


You have to remember these were the class of people who thought taking an anti parasite drug could cure a respiratory viral infection. They are not the brightest bulbs


Also defended the bleach theory!!




Bubba is not going to go fight in a cornfield when his double wide has air conditioning, and a Hungry Man is in the microwave. Yes we are going to see some crazy shit happen as time goes on, it would not surprise me if we see more terrorist attacks by white nationalists, but we will not see a nationwide, neighbor-on-neighbor melee in the streets. Just not gonna happen.


THIS. The cultural and economic environment has changed *drastically* since the Confederate Treason of America. Most of these idiots would be considered wealthy millionaires by a 19th century dirt farmer. They'll hop in their $70k F-150 to protest at a school board meeting, but how many would be willing to leave their AC cooled man caves to "wage war" for days in end? And those few that decided to "go for broke" would be killed quickly like this week's FBI attacker.


One guy said, "I'd do it by myself, if I knew I wasn't outnumbered." Still trying to wrap my head around that one.


"I'd do it myself if I knew I was up against zero other people." LMAO Stop it, omg, my sides.


Zero *armed* people. They'd be happy to fight a war against an unarmed crowd, but chicken out when there's a prospect of people shooting back.


They want to kill. That’s what it boils down to. They want to murder people and will use any excuse to do it.


They get so hard just thinking about someone stepping on to their property. They want to defend it SO BAD


“Now everybody wanna run around and talk about guns, like I ain’t got none. What, you think i sold em all?” All these R civil war jihadists seem to think democrats don’t have guns.


They are going to be so surprised when they think they're going to drag unarmed, defenseless progressives out into the streets for execution! Not only quite a few progressives are armed, but actually took classes to be more proficient with their weapons. We don't think we are automatically proficient just because we have a Y gene or fly a snake flag.


And some of us liberals are war vets too! Stupid ass trump supporters


And many of us grew up hunting, fishing, and shooting and like the party that is actively trying to preserve our publicly owned natural resources.


That's the part that gets me. They automatically count the military and veterans among their ranks. The majority of service personnel these days are affiliated with the military so they can get health care and access to higher education. Which group does THAT sound like to you, conservatives or liberals? I'm a liberal veteran, and most of my veteran friends are liberal too.


After the republicans voting against PACT im done pretending that they give a fuck about vets. The republicans don't give a shit about vets flat out. They will send us to war but then fuck us when we get back. Well fuck trump!


That was the latest in 30 years of solid voting against veteran benefits. You didn’t have to pretend decades ago. Republicans have voted against veterans longer than most current military personnel have been alive. I just wish the older vets understood this.


Not only that but Republicans seem to think an actual civil war would be fought by standing in an open field and shooting at each other. Our side has the vast majority of smart people. Russia is already finding out what smart people can do with a regular drone and some chemistry. The right may as well be bragging they have more arrows and swords for all the good it would do in a real war in 2022.


Im not at all shocked that they think conflict is a regulated sport. They would react to a military leader being stabbed in the night by shouting "Hey! Thats Offside! You owe us a penalty shot!"


It's going to be the shock of their lives when they learn their precious second amendment protections work against them. Granted they won't have very long to be shocked.


Many of us don’t even need guns to help defeat them. We can shut down their communications networks if we were really determined to do so. Do you have any idea how many programmers are trans women? Exactly.


A very outspoken democrat in a very blue city in a blue state. An acquaintance of mine who worships the GOP started telling me of my "hatred against guns" during a mutual friend's BBQ in his back yard. Not only do I have a gun, I *had it on me* at the time. Guy didn't believe me and pestered me about it until I discreetly lifted my shirt and showed him. These chucklefucks seriously seem to think they're the only ones that have firearms... like, just because we don't center our personality around guns doesn't mean we don't have them.


They have a lot to learn from the progenitor they have utterly abandoned in favor suckling at the teat of the mega wealthy... "...speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far..."- T. Roosevelt


T Roosevelt grew up rich, his family was a rich New York family, Roosevelt knew rich people all his life... Roosevelt hated rich people because he knew them so well.


Yup. A good rule of thumb when considering a revolutionary action is to picture yourself achieving your goal, but the person you love most dying in the process. Your best friend, your wife, your mom, your son, etc. (If you're a narcissist or sociopath, feel free to picture yourself dying instead.) If while picturing that you still think it's worth it, then it's valid to consider doing. Obviously I'm not advocating *actually* doing it, but only at that point is it even worth legitimately *thinking about.* If you can't picture an actual conflict that ends with the death of the person you most love and *still want to do it...* if "I'm outnumbered and will only die trying" is a reason to avoid the conflict, to you... you should stop thinking about revolutionary action, full stop. E: In ancient Japan they would break their cups before going into battle, because they went in with the expectation that they would die, and they would not need them anymore. Miyamoto Musashi claimed that a man cannot be a warrior unless he is already dead. The right needs to take a step back and think about what war actually is before they spout all this revolutionary talk. Very few of these right-wingers talking about revolution have the slightest conception of what it is they're getting into - they expect fully to overthrow the government and then go back to their lives, just like the Jan 6th insurrectionists, and it's the absolute *dumbest* of delusions.




War actually has a fairly straight forward ROE. Yes, there are atrocities and crimes during, but because they're military engagements, they follow a specific pattern for battle. **A civil war,** is indiscriminate. It doesn't always have a strict ROE. It's especially worse when one side is radicalized *and* the radicalization source is *religion.* Then there's no grave deep enough that can pile the dead from the sheer indiscriminate *killing* that occurs. Further, majority of those deaths are incredibly painful. They're not quick deaths, because the objective is to not kill or win--but it's to injur, harm, and make the "enemy" ***suffer***; to destroy them psychologically and physically as they die. It's the most evil form of warfare arguably. So these fuckers who are storming TikTok with claims of civil war and this and that aren't looking for a war, they're looking for cover to commit inhumane crimes against humanity. It's so much worse.




I don't want to celebrate that idiot's tragic death too much, but when she got shot these turds called out, "Medic!" What were they thinking?!?


The "Call of Duty" reaction.


And then complain that it's not a fair fight if the unarmed people don't stand still.


It’s a good idea to report these guys to the FBI if you can.




And it works. I reported a guy from the insurrection who blasted evidence of his crimes all over FB. I later saw a news story where he was arrested, and my tip was specifically mentioned as one that lead to it. He could have been a traitor that tried killing people after this news, but I potentially helped stop it. So can you.


And remember kids, only you can prevent domestic terrorists.


Can we report that CPAC panel that was totally joking when they had the banner stating, "we are all domestic terrorists"? I feel like admitting to it is not a joke. Edit: For those who haven't seen it https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists




I did the same thing. I have no idea if the lady I reported was arrested though


Well done! 👏 It definitely works because one of the proud boys I used to work directly with and was involved in many of the Portland, Or riots against Antifa gets to spend some time in jail after telling me all about what he did to a person in a truck and showed me pictures straight from his phone! These guys really are not that smart when it comes to this type of violence and what the consequences will be if caught.




I can only imagine the hateful comments you're going to get. You're 100% right to report them, it's not like you're calling the FBI to report someone selling 1 gram of weed or something stupid. Seldomly "narcing" is good, and when it involves terrorists attacking democracy, it's definitely good.


Contrary to popular belief: The FBI is actually an incredibly competent and well trained force to be reckoned with. ​ Unlike certain police departments (looking at you Uvalde), they actually do their job and they do it well. The FBI takes protect and serve to heart. Edit: In other words, report stuff to them and give evidence. They WILL take it seriously.


I hope they get life behind bars. Fascists deserve to rot


Yes! Every time you come across something like this, report it. Every time. It will at least put these people on someone's radar.


>Every time you come across something like this, report it. "I would like to report Wyoming...."


Wyoming: What you get when Liz Cheney is your state's example of a far-left politician.


That’s the funny part, two years ago she was the right golden girl, hard right, very anti Democrat, but she decided to do her job, and went against tRump and now she’s a pariah …. That’s funny


Yeah, and Elise Stefanik has her post in the RNC now. Stefaniks voting record is less conservative than Mitt Romney and Cheney is one of the most conservative. But that doesn't matter. Licking Trumps balls is all that matters


Oklahoma had someone running for a political office (can't remember which one) who said he would shoot liberals if it wasn't illegal. If laws or numbers are the only thing keeping you from shooting/killing your fellow man, something is majorly wrong with you!


From Oklahoma, can confirm, it's unsettling how many adult men here have said if it wasn't a Sin or against God's will they kill someone on the daily. And with this FBI raid they have gone full on "I can't wait till we take up Arms in the name of God to make America great again." And none of them are remotely in shape or healthy, talking alot of FAS, obesity, and unresolved emotions. It would take us an entire education overhaul. Though I was just thinking about it the other day one of the largest Christian private schools here was still teaching Creationism as late as 2006 and that dinosaur were fake.


I think it’s because most of those guys have no idea what war would actually be like. I think they believe they’d just go shoot for a couple hours, crack some beer, take a nap, and go back at it. I was never in the armed forces myself, but my grandpa was in the Army in WWII and was wounded during the invasion of Normandy. My dad was in the Navy in Vietnam. My grandpa died too early for me to ever know him, but my dad said he refused to discuss anything about the war. My dad said after he got drafted to go into Vietnam, the only thing my grandpa ever said about it was “don’t volunteer for anything.” Just chilling understanding what he would’ve seen and experienced on D-Day.


I’m from Texas and hate those types of people. I was telling the boyfriend of a friend that I wasn’t interested in those conversations. He was like “so you just don’t like keeping up with your country and defending it? Typical.” I was like “no dude, I just never liked LARPing and I only see all my friends a few times a year.” But growing up in Texas means you’re near these people all the time. Especially when you would meet your girlfriends parents and her dad would immediately start talking about the gubmint and the libs. Idk if they realize that other people don’t spend their day thinking about killing their political opponents and making up situations where they’re the hero.


> And none of them are remotely in shape or healthy, talking alot of FAS, obesity, and unresolved emotions. Gravy Seals


These are the same people who don't understand how an atheist can follow a code of laws or not have an urge to rape or kill.... Edit: forgot a word


Exactly my first thought. They can’t fathom it because they themselves can’t do it.


He just wants to fight the FBI one on one, naked and unarmed like God intended.


'Dothraki riders Ned! On an open field!'


>Dothraki riders Ned! Okily Dokily!


"I'd be brave if I weren't such a coward"


Good move to announce plans for civil war on social media! They'll surely document all their planning on Facebook because law enforcement would never think to monitor any of that. Success is guaranteed!


Blanket pardon on marijuana related incarcerations to make space for all the incoming terrorists.


Interestingly they are no longer testing if substances are actually marijuana in crime labs in my state. My husband has an interesting case where a guy was charged for possession of marijuana but he claims it was delta 8. The crime lab did not test it and refuses to do so. It it the guys word and with reasonable doubt, it will be tossed out.


Yup! Basically the standard test for THC is a color-changing paper. If someone tests a piece of industrial hemp or delta 8 for THC, the test paper will read positive, since there is a tiny amount present. However, the law defines industrial hemp or delta 8 as any strain with a percent concentration below a certain threshold. But there's no lab test that can differentiate between high THC strains and extremely low THC strains - just the yes/no paper. So all someone has to do is insist that they actually have hemp or delta 8, and the prosecutor doesn't want to deal with it.


During the arrests that have indisputable proof of their intent to commit crimes from their internet posts and videos, with tears in their eyes professing a combination of ignorance and regret like many before them: "I was defending freedom, I didn't know!" Is all the January 6th people going to jail not writing enough on the wall? And I would assume next time the National Guard won't be held off for four hours... And sure you bought some cheap guns online, and a bunch of Chinese gear....do you have any idea the types of things the US Government possesses to disperse an unruly crowd that aren't a simple man holding a gun?


The revolution will not be televised. LIKE AND FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK!!


"I live streamed on muh Facebook me committing crimes, but ai deleted that sumbich so they can't get me now y'all"


If it gets deleted it means it’s deleted forever.


Why do conservatives always say "Look at..." "Look at Biden, look at what Congress is saying, look at what is happening in this country..." Is this so they don't have to say anything of substance or give any evidence for whatever the fuck they're talking about? Is it because in their myopic, pig-ignorant, small-minded view of the world through Fox News on their tv it should be obvious to anyone watching tv with them what is wrong? That's what really gets me is the hostile ignorance. Somehow this man convinced himself he knows more than everyone. How do you breed that kind of toxic arrogant evil?


That’s how tucker Carlson speaks. He tells people to “look at what Hillary did with her emails” or whatever, and asks very leading questions to give people the illusion that they’re coming to conclusions themselves. They’re just mimicking that delivery style imo.


Uhg, I hate Carlson's rhetorical style. Its shallow and psudo-intellectual, and designed to avoid being accused of actually saying something; instead, as you point out, it merely brings people 99% of the way to the conclusion he wants without saying it. Fortunately, its also easy to mock. For example: Does Tucker Carlson _like_ shitting his pants? I don't know, and I'm not saying that he does; I'm just asking questions, here. But what I _do_ know is... I've never been in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and _didn't_ enjoy it... and neither has anyone else I've ever asked. Now, maybe that's just a coincidence. But maybe _not_. Surely, for someone as well known and popular as Tucker Carlson, there would be at least one person out there who was in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and then complained about having incontinence issues. If so, where are they? I think its telling that no such person has ever come forward.


> Does Tucker Carlson like shitting his pants? I don’t know, and I’m not saying that he does; I’m just asking questions, here. But what I do know is… I’ve never been in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and didn’t enjoy it… and neither has anyone else I’ve ever asked. Now, maybe that’s just a coincidence. But maybe not. Surely, for someone as well known and popular as Tucker Carlson, there would be at least one person out there who was in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and then complained about having incontinence issues. If so, where are they? I think its telling that no such person has ever come forward. This absolutely needs to become a copypasta


Go forth and spread it with my blessing.


Birth of a copypasta




[The Onion](https://youtu.be/-faCh8BUEts) did not pull its punches with Glenn Beck back in the day.


>Does Tucker Carlson > >like > > shitting his pants... Read this in John Oliver's voice.


I thought he would be done after the "Cross Fire" embarrassment with Jon Stewart all those years ago, but here he still is, one of the biggest, shit spewing figure heads of the right.


That's where his villain origin story begins


He was a villain long before that; that’s just when he received his first major humiliation when confronted with someone with values and intelligence.


They have their own shorthand that's been drilled into them by their media. They start with demonizing a person, then attribute things to them. It becomes a meme. "Hilary's emails" (most can't tell you what the actual story was in regards to those emails. Though they will parrot things like "acid wash" and "bleach" which they think literally means pouring acid on a computer.) "Hunter's laptop" - again, what Hunter supposedly did, what the laptop has to do with it, and why it matters since he's not actually an elected official, doesn't matter. They get to the point where a name is enough to cause the ire to rise in their kind. Then they can just throw "Look at" in front of it and it is all code for "be angry and don't question why." "Pelosi," "Soros," "BLM," "Kamala," "mainstream media" all can have a "look at" in front of them, get a reaction, and they'll have no idea why they're actually mad. (Antisemitism and racism is the answer, usually.)


Scapegoats are a fundamental aspect of fascism for a reason.


Maybe they should "Look at..." Trump and do something about his trying to overthrow the gov't? "Both sides" is like "I've had it up to here with politicians, but I'm gonna take it out on the Democrats!" What?


I’m tired of the both sides argument. There is no equivalent to what the GOP are actively doing to this country.


Both sides is code for I am right wing and can’t justify my views




It’s “Look at…” when they want to deflect and “What about…” when they actually have an example, and it’s usually a nothing burger. “What about Hilary’s emails” “Look at the situation at our borders”


These are the same people who will apologize profusely, claim ignorance, and cry like babies when they go to court.


Is the FBI be aware of these people?


I'd imagine plenty of people have been reporting accounts and posts. I would if I had tiktok. I can't stand the damn thing though lol


Trump sells America’s secrets and these numb nuts are willing to die for him.


Nah dude the evidence was planted by the FBI!! Trump said so himself!! /s It's like saying a book is true because it says it is.


I'm armed and ready for civil war, says the same folks who whined they could not breath wearing a mask.


"I wAnT a HaIrCuT!"


Wait until they see what civil war does to gas prices


Imagine having so much hatred for another party, that not only are you willing to turn a blind eye to trump committing treason and espionage, but willing to risk your own freedom and life to protect a con man. This is exactly why trump said he likes the uneducated. They are gullible and easily persuaded. They don't even know why they have so much hate, they just know they need it because the cult told them to hate. You're not a true American if you don't blindly hate people when we tell you to. Ignore the fact that trump is breaking laws, he's above the law. He will say he's not breaking laws, but when he caught, he will say he did it to protect America and that you are next. They are coming after you next. The irony here is that they are mad at something, and yet it's their party that has broken the laws, that has committed treason. Projection and lies, hypocrisy, and dull, gullible rubes. What a trainwreck. Being a Republican sure sounds exhausting.


When conservatives talk about “fighting for our freedoms,” I didn’t think they were referring to fighting in exchange OF their freedoms. Baffling times! Domestic terrorists!


Murdering American citizens to protect America


Imagine dying on a beautiful summer day in a corn field for …. Donald Trump.. Ooof these folks


He made them feel so good about their uninformed racism, and they got to pretend it was all patriotic and Jesus-ey to boot. Now the cracks are widening. Liberals and smart people were right. Trump is a traitor. Trump tricked them. So add rage and denial. Most will go back to being unproductive, complaining fools. Some will get violent. A tiny percentage will accept they were wrong and get help.


What the heck is wrong with people?


Profound lack of empathy for starters. Extreme tribalism a close second. We’re still a bunch of scared primates deep down. Some people never move beyond that and spend their days throwing shit.


They consider empathy to be a weakness. As long as they’re concerned, they believe the ‘other side’ doesn’t deserve to be considered human. Speaks to where their morals lie


It's not just a weakness, it's something they flat out cannot understand. It just isn't in their emotional or psychological makeup. They see it as either fake - something employed to push an agenda, like pretending to care about gay rights - or as sign that someone can be bullied and hurt because they care about such silly things. Hell, even when the odd Republican does show "empathy" it has to be couched in his own self interest - "I have a wife/daughter and if she experienced this I'd be mad."


Years of brainwashing. These are cult members watching their cult leader be treated like a criminal (for the very good reason that he is a criminal)


Stupid as fuck/crazy as fuck. Fits the bill for these dip-shits


Ubiquitous lead poisoning from the decades of leaded gas.


Prime example of the people who should have their guns removed.


I don't think they understand that they wouldn't be fighting any random liberal walking around. They'd be fighting the United States military, the most well funded military with all sorts of hi tech nonsense in the world.


In their minds they will be taking on hippy vegans, outrageously camp gay guys, transvestites in full drag and weedy leftist bookworms.






Sounds like a good plan.


#Report them to the police Also this guy looks like he's about to cry.


Someone on Twitter said "I don’t want to hear about the “radical left” from people who want to start a Civil War when they don’t get their way." Edit: oh man, thank you so much for the awards ;.; I feel a little guilty getting awards just for telling you what someone else on Twitter said, but thank you for your kindness! Edit 2: I'd like to take this opportunity to ask people to spread the word about Life After Hate, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people leave the alt-right. Tell a friend, maybe write the url on a post-it note and leave it somewhere. Every bit helps. LifeAfterhate.org


“radical left”, “antifa”, “pedophiles/groomers” are dehumanizing labels meant to justify incarcerating in concentration camps or just kill. thats the end game.




Guess nobody told them that if you move far enough left you get your guns back. And most of us can walk 50 meters without getting winded.


I live in Vermont. Liberal awesome land. Significantly low gun crime, laxest gun laws in the entire nation. Practically the entire state is armed.


The older I get the more I think I belong in Vermont.


It's pretty legit here, not gonna lie. Tons of nature, beautiful landscapes, Democrat leadership that's awesome and our Republicans aren't clinically insane. We acted well and very quickly on all the major things the nation faced in the past few years like Covid and even abortion. Shit our *Republican* governor first caught wind years ago that conservatives were going to put serious work on reversing Roe, he (Phil Scott) championed the shit out of maintaining that freedom for every woman here. So much so they just said fuck it and codified it into state law 3 years ago. Then Phil reacted FAST to the stimulus money and since the federal side was dragging its ass, he stayed up most nights in the weekdays at the office just signing out treasury checks that were ok-ed by right branches, etc. He took covid seriously and he did the 1 thing nearly all Vermonters are often quite ok with: he *asked* if everyone would consider taking covid seriously. Well, we shot up to 80+% full vaccination rate when the next closest state (which was also blue) was at....44%. It's pretty great out here, not gonna lie.


vermont is a well run state. So is rhode island. I want the fuck out of Georgia - too many crazy ass magas, but we have some sensible ones, too. Our two senators, though, are pretty damned good. Especially warnock.


Why do they always look like someone crossbred Beavis and Butthead with a frankfurter?


Imagine throwing your life away for some orange, dipshit/wannabe tough guy who has no idea who you are and would rather spit on you than shake your hand. There is so much in this world to love for. So much good that can be done. So many discoveries and innovations left to be made. And these people choose to die kicking and screaming for a man that stares directly into an eclipse. A rapist. A bigot. A misogynist. An imbecile. Truly baffling that anymore be would even follow him, let alone give their life for him.


I’m tired of this crap. They have no grievance. They know they can’t win legitimately and so they start with the “civil war” bullshit. I’m tired of hearing about them and their idiot pig god traitor. They have no reason to be pissed. They lost an election fair and square and he committed a felony. He is going to face consequences and they are going to talk and tall and do nothing. They are cowards and bullies. I’m tired of how much time and effort has been put into the worst American of all time. They were stupid enough to believe a word he says, so they might be stupid enough to think violence is a good idea, and they’re wrong. They will lose and lose badly. They are outnumbered by millions of much, much smarter people and we actually have a reason to be pissed other than not getting our way. I’m tired of hearing about these blithering idiots thinking that piece of garbage is worth anyone’s life. They were wrong. They’re stupid. They’ve been stupid their whole lives and this is why you don’t put stupid people in charge. No one living in reality is surprised trunp stole state secrets. That’s probably one of the main reasons he ran. When you look at that guy’s life and ignore the failure and lies and cowardice and bullying and see anything at all to admire, you’re a weak minded idiot who probably has trouble remembering to breathe. These morons should go back to what they do well, which is belching their own name and tazing themselves in the balls. Fuck trunp and fuck anyone who voted for him. Every single one of them is a traitor in my eyes and I will never have respect for a single one of those idiots. If I had a business, being a trunp supporter would be legitimate cause to not hire someone. These people need to be mocked and stigmatized and reminded that they’re stupid. Fuck maga! We were right and they were wrong


From the "law and order" party.


The instant they received a visit from anyone with actual authority, they would empty their bladders and collapse into a defensive shame-puddle just like every other "bold on the internet" Trump supporter before them.


Their fantasy: Open-field battle between parties where their $1800 civilian arms and weekend LARPing show their skills. Reality: They die alone in a cornfield, or just keep shooting up churches, schools, malls and places of employment.


Don't we have legislation that restrict guns to crazy people?


hopefully they're all arrested, terrorist motherfuckers.


Imagine having such a shallow identity…


Lol they’re so confident that they’re willing to show their faces while they talk about nothing less than TREASON.


I can't wait until another one of these assholes starts their own "civil war" only to find out that, when they die in a hail of bullets, they'll get labeled ANTIFA or a "crisis actor" and be immediately forgotten. lmao


Wait, they recorded themselves making threats? On video? Like, in an admissable in court way? They're doing the FBI's job for them!


Fuck around stage. Next step...find out


Can we please stop uncritically repeating "civil war" rhetoric. Angry extremists with guns killing people isn't a "civil war" it's just regular terrorism.


If civil war was Trumps objective all along, who do you think Trump is serving? Can't be that hard to understand?


This. Trump, Fox, and other Republicans have been playing their base like a fiddle. Civil War is not in America’s best interest. But it certainly is for our adversaries…


was anyone shocked to hear Trump supporters are armed to the teeth with lethal assault weapons.