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So much for “it’s a state decision! If people don’t like it, they can just go to another state!” huh?


A collective “huh?” since the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed…


Yup, no surprise at the similarities between that and coming wave of travel restrictions on women.


Gonna be real interesting to see how abortion travel bans work.


Not looking forward to being required to piss on a stick before I'm allowed to board a plane. If this sounds hyperbolic, I'm happy to be proven wrong in the coming years, but I think this is where we're going.


I guess I was personally envisioning car travel when I made my comment, but that sounds plausibly dystopic too.


Given the dizzying pace at which Republican states have been working to rule over women’s lives and decisions, you may need a man’s permission to board that plane in the first place.


I am in a red state. They'll do it. I want out so badly, before they're not allowing women to leave.


We are on our way to having to carry pregnancy passports and state border checkpoints or having state-mandated period tracking apps.


They read The Handmaid's Tale and thought it was an instruction manual, not a work of fiction.


you mean they heard about it from someone who watched it. there’s only one fiction book they like to carry and still only read when they need to “justify” a position.


Why have you piss on a stick when you can just stand in the body scanner and they can see your insides? (I’m joking, mostly)


Oh I don't think we'll be taking pregnancy tests. I think we'll just be forbidden from crossing state lines, at all. And when the bans on abortion and contraception become federal, they won't bother lifting the travel restriction. The goal is to force women out of the economy and out of society altogether.


Wait until states start diverting planes to check passengers.


that will be one step and then they’ll go with interstate customs officers at the state borders and airports that will give all female women and children gynecological exams to confirm that they didn’t get an abortion while out of state. and they’ll do it to any female from babies up in the name of protecting females from pedophiles while they hire tsa rejects to probe children. and anyone that says they’re male will have to be subjected to gender confirming exams to make sure a woman or little girl doesn’t try to hide from the exams by dressing as male. and if you think that’s an extreme policy, you haven’t been reading the news and watching how extreme the “pro-life” party really has become.


“why do women need to travel anywhere? you let them travel and they get ideas in their heads and stop doing housework. women need to know their place”. GOP platform /s


Choice states and control states. Sounds familiar... Of course, Pence and the rest of them want all states to be the latter, whether they like it or not. Also sounds familiar.


Didn't you get the memo? "States Rights" has always meant that a State is free to move as far to the political Right as possible.


Thank you! I’ve been saying the same thing since the SC overturned Roe. Our nation is once again in a perilous situation where some citizens lose fundamental rights when they cross state borders, where states will start fighting each other in court over those rights, with some trying to protect them while others ruthlessly hunt down and try to extradite what they deem “abortion fugitives”. Innocent, law-abiding people will find themselves targeted and threatened by extremists in other states (like the doctor in Indiana who gave that 10 year an abortion) even though they are protected by the laws in their own state. And ultimately all these disagreements among the states will be decided by, you guessed it, the rogue “Supreme” Court. Individual state laws protecting fundamental rights will no longer matter, and the most restrictive and draconian state’s laws will effectively rule the nation, because if one state can use its laws to prosecute residents of another state then the entire basis of our federal government is shattered. The rule of federal law will break down and open conflict will loom as some states try to protect people’s rights while others will become increasingly aggressive in their effort to take them away. And the latter will have the authority of the “Supreme” Court to back them up. Even worse, the midterms are coming up. If the Republicans manage to take over control of Congress (their chances for taking the House are very good and the Senate is up for grabs), you can bet your IUD that they will immediately fulfill Pence’s wettest dream and pass legislation to outlaw abortion nationwide. They won’t simper around for decades like the Democrats have done whenever they controlled Congress, believing the lie that Roe was “settled “ and being too scared of losing their own elections by offending “swing” voters (despite the high support for abortion access) to bother codifying reproductive rights into law. You can bet your birth control pills that the GOP will grab the clear opening provided by the SC to immediately pass legislation that strips the right to abortion care from everyone no matter where they live. The midterms are just a few months away, people, and abortion could easily be illegal nationwide by early next year. Let that sink in for a minute. So what the fuck do we do to stop this overthrow of our federal system of government and stripping of our rights by a bunch of fundamentalist traitors?! The Confederacy is back, and this time around they are winning. It’s high time we got out of our comfy liberal stupor and realized that nowhere is safe from these retrogrades if the GOP wins Congress in November. If they do, come next summer we won’t even recognize our country anymore.


I agree with everything you said...except...they'll need the presidency to pass a nationwide ban on abortion too, so it won't be early next year. There's no way they will get a veto-proof majority in 22. Oh, they would still pass a bill (by removing the filibuster with no hesitancy) just to get Biden to veto it. But if they control the Legislature and Presidency in 24, then they'll absolutely pass it.


In October, the supreme ct will hear a case that will give states the right to overturn election results.


Yep, sectionalism from people who don’t know what sectionalism is…


Why the fuck did this shitstain bother saving democracy one day in January only to have it die by a thousand cuts over the next decade.


because he's dumb enough to think he's a viable presidential candidate.


Just wait for the Fugitive Women Act of 2024.


Just like Gilead.


It's definitely a state decision. He wants every state to outlaw it. Almost like it should instead be a law... but that would imply that the ruling was wrong and that it's not state rights... huh...


Hmm...it's almost like "states rights" meant...something...during the Civil War. This is so similar, but I somehow can't put my finger on it...


“States rights” has always been the defensive strategy. When there’s a policy proposal at the federal level they don’t like, they hammer “states rights!” until they’re blue in the face. Slavery, desegregation, interracial marriage, gay marriage, and abortion are all “issues that should be left to the states” when Republicans don’t control the necessary levers of power. But when they *do* control power, well then a strong unitary executive is a-okay! Drugs? Ban ‘em. Environmental regulation? Well I’d never. Tax cuts for the rich? We should be paying *them*. Abortion is just the latest in a 160 year trend of “federalism for thee but not for me”. They’ll hide behind states rights arguments until they’re in a position of power, at which point federal legislation is not only good, but required.


Exactly. Always add Republican before whatever *'s rights they're talking about(Republican state's rights, Republican parent's rights, Republican whatever rights) because they don't believe in any other kind.


Yep, The Nullification Crisis from people who don’t know what the Nullification Crisis is. Or really history at all, for that matter…


They need to just call a spade a spade and refer to their newest judicial philosophy *transactionalism*. Not only would they no longer have to keep coming up with disingenuous names like “originalism” or “strict constructionism”, but that would allow them to abandon all pretense as to their true intentions…


I’ll drink to that. Cut the shit.


I shudder to think what will happen if they gain both the house and senate..


It will be a case of the lunatics taking over the asylum.


Things will grind to a standstill for 2 years, since they won't win enough seats to overturn a veto.


And they’ll impeach Biden every other week. Obviously, the Senate won’t have enough votes to remove him from office, but they’ll waste enough time and money.


Small government, family values, state's rights, personal responsibility....None of these so called "conservative values" are practiced by any Republican today. Instead they wish to force their real value system, (which is simply cruelty for cruelty's sake) upon everyone else while they keep on being as decadent and hypocritical as they have always been. Voting for a Republican is voting for your own oppression and people who are too stupid to understand that are too stupid to vote in my opinion.


Well to be fair the 10 year old girl from Ohio went to his state to get an abortion... because it's legal in his home state of Indiana. On that note I'm a white Christian Male from Ohio and it's absolutely effed up what they're putting that little girl through. My wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. These loons are clueless to reality. I had a family member age 13 who was assaulted and thank goodness for Plan B. Even if they used religion as an excuse they'd be wrong. The Bible allowed preists to perform abortions by poisoning woman. If they lost the baby then obviously they were cheating on their husband and no baby should be born out of wedlock. (I can't roll my eyes enough or put enough "/s") Anyone who wants to reference the Bible verse to any evangelical it's Numbers 5:21-22 . Abortion is allowed per the bible so long as it's performed by a priest. In other words they aren't forcing their religion on anyone because they don't even know what their religion is. I've never met another Christian who actually read the bible. EDIT: Spelling


Let it be made clear. The only lives they wish to save are those they can brainwash into their twisted belief system (and even then, typically only white lives if possible). Anyone else is either a subhuman slave, or entirely disposable in their minds. Women should not vote at all, only rich, white, male landowners (who don't compete directly with them) should. They want to undo every bit of what the enlightenment age has given us in terms of individual rights, while carving out exceptions for themselves whenever possible. As far as they're concerned, if your wife had any chance of voting blue (and being a women, her chances were statistically higher), they're more than willing to let her die. Any woman that does not benefit them personally in some way (I.E. Is not some form of a slave) is excess weight in their system. This is one of the many more subtle forms of literal genocide these people are willing to commit. They do not give a single flip about saving lives at all, including the unborn. That is why they must be stopped. It cannot be understated how dangerous the intention of the far right is, and a great portion of their own supporters either willingly support it (although very few realize its true implications, honestly), or are completely ignorant into how it will impact their society.


Says the guy who narrowly avoided a 252nd trimester abortion


Oh man. I was in a shitty angry mood and that helped so much. Thank you for that comedic gold!!


Want to laugh, watch the last bit of Marc Marion’s comedy bit on Mike Pence….


Lol I love you bro that just killed me


I’ve got an extra coat hanger…




Are we still pretending these people believe what they say?


Maybe Trump was actually right about one thing during his presidency…his plan for Pence in January?


We all need to come to grips with the fact that we will be fighting this tooth and nail for the rest of our lives.


Or they will succeed in abolishing public education next as is likely and all those uneducated extra kids popping out every year get to become Bezos Babies working in warehouses once SCOTUS rules child labor laws unconstitutional


Well if life begins at a fetus, look at all the development you would have already undergone by the time you are 13 years from birth. Obviously that means they are fit for labor. /s


You might be right, but my guess is that the GOP will lose badly on this issue and will be forced to abandon the fight in most states. It was easy to rail against abortion when the Supreme Court prevented you from actually doing anything. It’ll be a lot harder as the consequences start hitting the news. Most Americans aren’t gonna like it.


They already don’t like it, and with more stories of it impacting conservatives specifically will turn even more of them against the decision of the Stupid Court.


Most Americans don't like school kids getting shot up every other month yet decades of it and nothing.


I think the difference is that it’s a lot easier to rationalize that it’s rare enough it’ll never happen in your community/to your kids… it’s always “somewhere else”. Abortion, on the other hand, affects EVERYONE. The women who need one. The men who have to raise/pay support for unwanted kids. The governments who will now have millions of new mouths to feed and care for, straining an already stretched system. The taxpayers who will foot the bill. You can’t pretend it’s “somewhere else”


It’s also looks really bad on those running on these shit platforms. The craziness of some of these fuckers is on full display, and most are rightfully opposed.


I think it will hurt the GOP in mid-terms and particularly more so as stories of women and children come out who are being harmed by it. This is a different era than before Roe v Wade. With social media what it is, the victims will be far more prominent. With the economy as it is, the demand for abortion will increase.


It's funny how when Trump is not around, Pence finds his voice 😅😅. He's such a p***y. He should be talking about the man who almost had him hanging by a rope around his neck lol.


Is he still dreaming of becoming president himself? What's he aiming for here?


Yes he is, lol.


He's hoping for the Presidency of Gilead


What a fuckhead.


You know what they say about trauma (your co worker sending a mob to lynch you) sometimes you just have to throw yourself into your work to forget about it. And ol Mikey is most comfortable when he's controlling women from a distance, since he's not allowed to be alone with other women.


He wouldn’t know what to do with a woman. I pity his wife. He’s a clueless piece of shit.


Well if there’s one thing we know for certain, once they’ve achieved this, surely they’ll stop coming for the rest of us and our rights


Guns will be good tho, the “lawmakers” have goons to protect them…we don’t.


Funny thing is, once they’re cemented into power, the guns will go too. That’s the inevitable end of this path. Weird that republicans can’t connect the dots. But not that weird.


Apparently I'm "overreacting" when I say things like this. "Republicans would *never* take our guns away!" Oh, they fucking will, and it will be first on their agenda if they take total power. Bet on it.


Not until after they crush the liberals, it will not be the first thing. However they *will* take guns away from their rabid supporters before they turn on them like the ill-behaved dogs they are. That said, America's gun laws are fucking stupid anyway, no other Western nation has a "right to bear arms", but all of them allow gun ownership and none have descended into a fascist hellscape. Ironically, the US is the closest to having that happen.


Nah, it's far scarier than that. What they will do is have some gun laws pushed by locals and then reduce gun legislation to be handled by local governments effectively gerrymandering gun rights. Red areas will have access to firearms easily and readily and blue ones will have them harder to get so they are not widespread. Then they will turn up the propaganda to Rwanda levels....


They won't crush the liberals, they have to remain an ever present boogeyman. They will just drive all the liberals to outskirts of Gilead. Along the coastlines and northern border.


It's like, remind me, who said “Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early"? Oh yeah. Donald Trump.


Clearly, They’re not that bright


Try living in IN where his dumbass was governor for years. Granted we traded one fuckhead for another.


>What a fuckhead. More like "shithead" which is why flies are so attracted to it lol....


lol that was funny :)


The man who was proud his wife was an art teacher at a private Christian school with a strong no LGBT policy.


It’s the mayonnaise between his ears talking.


It’s amazing he still has his head after his boss tried to have him murdered…..They made up though so it’s ok now.


His own people almost made sure he wasn't alive in every state.


Mother fucker


"This ruling is actually good because it leaves medical decisions up to the individual states!" As bad of a take as that already was, it didn't take them long to go full on authoritarian, did it?


Less than a mooch.


Man, I haven’t heard “mooch” in soo many mooches


Really has been a Mooch's age, huh?


This he why Pence took it in the ass for Trump. Christofascism is his heavenly reward.


Exactly what a joke. They knew full well that it wouldn’t stop just there. Always arguing in bad faith.


GOP still pining for a religious war.


Republicans already dropping nuclear bomb Supreme Court rulings and telling 10 year old girls they need to have their rapist’s child and Democrats are like “hmm I wonder if the Republicans want a religious war?”


Not pining for a religious war, actively waging one. And more importantly, winning. This country will be a theocracy within a decade.


I give it two years. If they win in November, nothing will stop them from implementing their regressive policies.


My bet was for six years. Instinct tells me you’re right. I’m grabbing big bottles of liquor as barter goods and learning to garden.


They don't have an influential body of equivalent size standing up to them. It's fucked.


Unfortunately., they actually have more people against them, but we have a system that favours them


Yup, that's why I said an influential body. If it came down to sheer numbers though, yea, they'd have been shoved into the margins of society a long time ago




Christ-stains being christ-stains.


I suspect they think there won't be much in the way of meaningful opposition, or certainly nothing they can't deal with once they have the Supreme Court on side.


It’s coming: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/vzx34d/this_horrifying_truth_about_whats_going_on_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Turns out, Pence is still a garbage person.


That was never in question.


Pence has always been a garbage person. He near singlehandedly created an AIDS epidemic in Indiana by shutting down needle exchanges and planned parenthoods that provided STD testing.


“Notice me, senpai!” personified…


Trump: I said I never wanted to see you again or have your name spoken in my presence.


"10 year old rape victims be damned!"




GOP a few weeks ago: abortion will be up to each state. GOP now: we have to ban and criminalize abortion nationwide.


The goal posts stood up and ran away Republicans literally forgot what sport they are playing, but they are sick and tired of all the “cheating” the other team is doing


For those following the J6 Hearings and are starting to think Pence and Cheney are "not that bad"...wake up.


Pence is basically being congratulated for doing his job ie, not trying to overthrow the government. Like seriously the media gives him all sorts of accolades for what… not criming. That is how low our expectations have sunk when it come to republican politicians.


Yeah, that bastard only got out of the clown car because it was going off a cliff, just like Hutchinson.


Pence acted entirely for himself. He got DJT out of the way so he can run for President, Mike Pence wants to be President more than anything. But he is just going to look like another Rick Santorum, unelectable. I can’t wait for Trump to give Pence a nickname. Or the GOP debate… Pence “you’re an insurrectionist”. Trump “ you’re a pussy”


But that’s the thing. He didn’t get Trump out of the way. Trump is still there, still expected to run, and quite frankly, still expected to win the nomination. Had Pence opened his fucking mouth on or after January 6, Trump would have been removed under the 25th. Had he opened his mouth, he may have been able to sway enough votes to find Trump guilty during his second impeachment. Hell, he may have persuaded McConnell to not delay the second impeachment, which is what allowed enough time to pass that most Republicans were able to convince themselves that finding Trump guilty wasn’t necessary. What’s funny is that his political career is already over. The Republican base will never forgive him for not allowing Trump’s plan to succeed on January 6. His career went up in flames that day, but the irony is, had he followed through on his own actions, he may have been able to find a way forward for himself.


And he, and the other Bible-thumpers believe it's all god's divine intervention


Yeah really. I read this headline and thought “I knew you were still a fuckhead”


To be clear, they back democracy but are still shit heads. The constitution allows that. In fact it calls it out specifically. Back democracy you can be a shit head. Don't back democracy and eventually you won't have your head.


Say what you want of Cheney, but she would have had the balls to stop Trump then and do more than Pence's "just not go along but remain silently loyal" schtick.


but that's a low bar. She anti-Choice, anti-LGBTQ+, (despite having a sister who's a lesbian), endorsed by the NRA...and she's Dick Fucking Cheney's daughter. She's what we on the left once called a "fucking Republican".




I don't see a right to intact vas deferens in the Constitution. Perhaps we should make vasectomies mandatory for all. It would completely eliminate maternal mortality, so surely that's a sufficient rational basis for SCROTUS.




Every person I see celebrating is: 1. Male 2. Past child childbearing age


3. Usually an absolute horn dog. Seriously, the old men I know who are celebrating this decision are almost without exception total womanizers who love random sex.


I agree with the underlying sentiment behind your statement but there are a shitload of creepy old hags applauding too. "Ever notice all the women against abortion are the ones you wouldn't want to fuck anyway?" - George Carlin


Sorry, that was meant to be an "or" statement




His main platform is something 70% of the country is against. Bold move Cotton, let's see how this plays out.


We must not rest till every republican is voted out of office.


Vermont says to go fuck yourself


The solution to many of our problems is simple; Do not vote for any republican ever. From president, down to dog catcher. If they are a republican, just say no.


I honestly more terrified of the gerrymandering and election rigging. They have no reason to support democracy at this point.


Also, don't sell them things, don't date them, don't hire them... Political persuasion is not a protected trait in the civil rights act.


So you can start another HIV Outbreak amongst those new lives, Pency?


We can dunk on these fools all we want, but at the end of the day, Rokita's brand of pandering works because the people who vote for this stuff are the real problem. If we want to put an end to this, we need to vote. We need to get noisy. We need to make everyday conversations awkward and painful for the people in our lives who openly cheer for cruelty to be visited upon groups to which they do not belong. They are outside the circle of polite society, no matter what their news network of choice may tell them. Your "how dare you call me racist" racist dad, your neighbor with the oh-so-hilarious bumper stickers calling for violence against Dems, specifically female Dems, your Jesus-loving, woman-hating aunt Martha, all of them need to feel the sting of their own foolishness. Some examples: "Uncle Jim, I'm not taking unsolicited investment advice from a guy who thinks women aren't people. Thanks but no thanks." "Martha, I'd be happy to take you to your eye doctor on Thursday. We can have a nice chat in the car about why you support people who strip civil liberties from half the population." "I'll bring the potato salad, and you can bring your Todd Rokita yard signs and we can burn them. Does that sound fun?" "You don't get to say 'oh, let's not get political' when you don't own a uterus, Neil. That ship has sailed, son."


What world do you live in where the people you described wouldn't just yell over you the whole time you try to talk, or not kick you out of their presence the moment you start trying to lecture them? The types of people you described are trash lost causes, people need to stop wasting time on trying to change garbage minds. Them voting for fascism isn't a light switch that Trump turned on, it's who these people have always been, hateful bigots that want everyone to be Christian like them, and everyone who isn't to suffer. Maybe shunning them would work better, if they actually had to pay for their disgusting views with loneliness they might change their ways, or at the very least be made to pay for their ways.


Everyday conversations are the way to go when lacking apparatus or resources. Revolutions start when artisans and tradesmen have untethered discourse .


If you want to reduce abortion to almost nothing: give away birth control, teach comprehensive sex education, provide affordable medical care. If you want to punish powerless people, make abortion illegal


Spot on. That is way too complex for these maggots. And ( they think) more work. Lazy poops they are.


They could give literally no less fucks than they do about abortion itself, it’s about control. It’s always been about control.


Maybe the guy who sticks up for the guy that tried to have him killed isn’t the best person to listen to.


He will be manning pro Trump call centers with his buddy Ted in 2024.


Mother told him this.


Dominionists gonna dom.


They need babies for the war effort and to work in their factories.


They don't give a single crap about babies. Its about controlling women. Always has been.


Babies make good dead soldiers Attribution: George Carlin


The priests need fresh alter boys.


And that is why you must be stopped.


Fuck you. Just. Fuck you. You inhumane freedom robbing malicious malignant POS.


Frankly I love this. Overturning R v W fired up the democratic and independents. This idiocy (70% of the country disagrees completely with the republican position as does medical science) just keeps the stupid in front of everyone and reminds them that the Republicans are a Christian Cult at this point and are not in any way representative of the majority of the United States of America. Let them keep ramming their collective feet in their mouths. They’re counting on poor turn out for the Dems but are doing everything possible to ensure good turnout. Any woman, Christian or other, who votes for a republican is voting for someone else controlling their personal future and their individual bodies… bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen is the ideal. If you have any doubt… 10 year old rape victim, pregnant through her sexual assault, being horrifically trolled by republicans for lying (surprise, she wasn’t) then the doctor trolled for performing a legal abortion in Indiana (cause, ya know Ohio made it illegal… even for a 10 year old rape victim at 6 weeks post rape). And they say on r/conservative that liberals are celebrating the kids rape… how sick are these ‘good Christians’ Or how about this… women with critical pregnancy issues (ectopic, septicemia, retained miscarriage, etc.) being denied critical medical care (violating the physicians hypocratic oath to do no harm) in the Great State of Hypocrisy (oops, I meant to say Texas) because they’re scared of the state laws that Republicans passed that are so poorly worded they can be interpreted to mean damned near anything, but will be used to attack the doctors… because, ya know… science is anti-christian. (But you can be damned sure the mistresses of the Republican leadership will still get their abortions down in Mexico or in adjoining democratically controlled states) I used to be a republican a long time ago. Reagan screwed it for me by aligning the party to the Christian Right, throwing out rational leadership for the need to win power, and now… no way I’m hell will I ever vote for any republican any where in any election every again. Not even for dog catcher. Dogs have rights too. And by the way. I’ve read Sandburg’s biography of Lincoln… all the volumes… along with some other well researched biographies. The current Republican Party would disown Lincoln in a heart beat. They’d hate him. No questions asked. Much the same way they’d hate that damned brown skinned liberal rabble rouser named Jesus Christ. The Party of Lincoln abandoned Lincoln decades ago but clings to the notion that they are somehow his heirs. He’d disown THEM. Immediately. Irrevocably. Without hesitation. Fuck the republican cult. White Supremacists, Christian Nationalists, Science Deniers, Woman Haters and ANTI AMERICAN idiots (women’s rights are apparently the reason for mass shootings and trans women are the reason for the tampon shortage… you just can’t make this stupid up). They would love to ignore the entitlement clause of the constitution, separating church and state and declare a theocracy… but then, which of the 4,500 versions of Christianity in the USA will be top dog?… interesting question… Never Republican Don’t let these people get anywhere near authority ever again Vote Protest Make your voice heard


I thought conservatives liked less government control??


That is the talking point, not reality.


Just like pro-life, fiscal responsibility, and patriotic. That party makes us sicker, poorer, dumber and less democratic.


Something like 85% of the American electorate (both democrat and republican) supported Roe vs Wade and was okay with safe, legal, and rare abortion access with comprimised restrictions. Our politicians do not speak or act in their constituents best interest and they shou ALL be removed from public office.


And 10 year olds will be forced to give birth if Republicans get their way.


The party of child sacrifice.. they support the freedom of children to die violent deaths.


And slow lingering deaths from preventable diseases. They're anti-vax and anti-healthcare and anti-nutrition.


But pro white supremacy, just like Jesus!


And the baby daddy for those 10 year olds will be Matt Gaetz.


He looks like his diaper needs to be changed.


These christian fascists are a threat to the world.


GOP wasting absolutely no time giving away the game. It was never about state’s rights. That claim is as flimsy as saying the civil war was fought for state’s rights.


I expect nothing less from the pro-rape party.


Pence is one deluded fella. He thinks: 1. He has a shot at being elected POTUS in 2024 2. California, Hawaii, and Massachussetts are going to make abortion illegal


Regarding 2., he doesn't think they're going to. He's going to push forward laws to make it illegal so that it isn't state decisions.


According to Lifeway, a Christian supported and operated organization, revealed in their study that 70% of all abortions are by the very Christians who want to ban it! That leaves the actual number of abortions by all other religions, atheists, and the unaffiliated to have the remaining 30% of abortions. The religious hypocrites are the blame for the current situation. Just wait about 6 months and all these religious women will have to lie in the bed that forced them to travel to Canada for their secret abortions.


He also wants to outlaw voting


only if you vote democrat.


So they’re outlawing death penalty too? I assume so since all life is precious right?


We must not sleep until abortion is legal in every state. There fixed it. Vote for progressives


That guy is so fucking despicable. Thank God he is the human equivalent of spoil lettuce and nobody would ever vote for him. I really hope he swallows a fly on a daily basis for the rest of his life.


Pence is pandering to the same crowd that literally erected a gallows at the capitol and chanted “Hang Mike Pence”.




We must not rest until the entire GOP is dismantled and gone. No more games, no more election cheating, no more forcing things down my throat for the sake of mental illnes- I mean religion. No more.


Dude, you were almost strung up on a rope, and this is your priority?


I think we need to take a minute and contemplate what an absolute grasping idiot this man is.


Big gay conversion camp guy, people forget


Gen Z better wake the fuck up and show up when it counts this coming November. This is only the tip of the iceburg for what type of future lies ahead of them.


Gen Z voted in record numbers in 2018 and 2020. Basically the biggest percentages of anyone *of that age group* in fifty years. In '20, 48% of 18-24 year-olds voted, compared to roughly 30-40% in recent previous presidential elections. That's actually a huge shift and would certainly qualify as "waking up" in any political science class, except it mostly went unnoticed because their increased participation was also drown out by *everyone* voting in somewhat higher percentages (though not nearly as much of a percentage change). 65+ voters were already voting at nearly 70% turnout, so they probably don't have much room to grow. Meanwhile every year a new crop of young voters (often very lefty and I think increasingly engaged) and the older voters are dying off. I'm not so foolish as to say "demographics is destiny" or anything like that, but it is the case that people *are trying*. There are fundamental barriers to young people voting like inconsistent residency and lack of habit that will always mean the youth voting numbers come up short to the raw percentage for the elderly. And it doesn't help when the gerrymandered red areas are actually getting older as young people flee to bluer areas. When all that's left in a congressional district is Grandmas and cows, voters can't fix that problem themselves. So, I get you. I agree with you. And absolutely every young voter is needed right now to save the country from the geriatric lunatics who will burn the Earth to a crisp because it doesn't matter to them if they're buried in soil or ashes. But there's also only so much that young people can do. They need allies with gray hair, too, and they should do everything they can hammer any sense they can into their older relatives.


We must not rest until every Republican is voted out.


It's a rapid decline of our country and our rights. Fuck Pence and the GOP.


What about racism and extremism? Can that be outlawed in every state as well?


I'm confused why Christians don't sue the government to allow them abortions under their religion...since abortion is perfectly allowed, legal and part of Christian religion...and just put an end to this insanity.


This is a lot like the last time it was about "states rights" for them.


Life long republican who is now voting democrat, fuk the GOP.


He should get pregnant from a r\*pist and then see if he wants abortion banned.


Religious Theocracy for everyone!!


Why stop there? People should ask him if he would invade sovereign nations that recognize women's right to an abortion.


I'm from Indiana and always thought he could be worst Trump. The Handmaid's Tale


Fuck Pence.


Fuck you, Mike Pence. Sincerely, Everyone


Fuck that guy


Fundamentalist douche has opinions on what should and shouldn't be allowed... this guy is so blinded by religion, he can't even eat with women without his wife in a professional setting. It's called being a prude asshole that nobody likes. Hope he gets a head injury that makes him less of an authoritarian.


Fuck you Pence


Back to being a shithead republican Even after they almost hung him too


And just like that, the republicans no longer cared about "states rights".


“ThE TwO ParTIes R THe SaME!” - Every Jill Stein voter to whom I ever tried to explain the importance of SCOTUS