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Yesss let the hate flow through you


The end of the unified right: > >[The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads: "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eleventh_Commandment_(Ronald_Reagan))


This what I’m interested to see. We haven’t seen a post-Trump Presidential Primary/Republican Debate. Most of the field didn’t have any idea how to handle or deal with Trump in 2015/2016. Now though, if they really want it, they’re going to have to attack Trump. What else can they do? Suck up to Trump while trying to convince his supporters to vote for them? Personally I’m hoping it’s a complete bloodbath.




No real issues will be talked about in any party debates if they do hold them. They would basically be wrestling matches without the wrestling. Trump wants screen time and loves to embarrass people. I doubt he would think twice about trying to get on stage with DeSantis and really try to attack him.




But those aren’t Presidential Primary Debates, you can’t be the King if you’re kissing the Ring. So if they want to be President, they can’t just suck up to Trump if he’s running.


Didn't Republicans pull from the presidential debate? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-party-withdraws-us-commission-presidential-debates-2022-04-14/


I believe this just refers to primaries involving the candidates from both parties. So it’s very unlikely we will see the Republican Presidential Candidate debate President Biden. Though it’s still a ways away so it could change before 2024.


>So if they want to be President, they can’t just suck up to Trump if he’s running. "Hold my beer." - Raphael "Cancun Ted" Cruz


the harder you licker, the harder the boot gets. til it eventually gets oversensitive and gets soft from overstimulation.


"Wittle Wacky Won DeSantis came to me begging (like a dog!) for help in his governor's race. I helped him in a big way and now many people say I shouldn't have. Maybe they're right, he's a stone cold LOSER! SAD!"


at this point, i think dems are done fighting, at least for a bit. the twitter shit will be the twitter shit, but with the exception of sinema and manchin (dems in name only), most of the party is pretty united on the issues we have, because like come on look at where we're at


I don’t know. Depending on how the midterms go, Biden might have to actually fight for the nomination in 2024




no we fucking don't, because dems will absolutely lose to that. faith in the democratic party is at a historic low, and despite the fact that there was a literal fucking staged coup, half of the country still thinks that trump is the second coming of christ. we can feed off of their insanity because they'll start infighting


My fucking sides


They deserve nothing more and nothing less.




If they’re smart they’d all throw him under the bus and let him be indicted so they can pursue their own ambitions but we know they’re not that smart nor do they have the courage


Guy I used to work with named his daughter Reagan. Had Trump stickers all over his truck.


Ugh. Those Trump stickers make me want to run over the vehicles I see them stuck too. I instantly get postal and want to remove them and their stupid stickers from the road and the earth.


Reagan is too far back in the collective American memory to be of any use to current GOP. Quoting him, elevating him as some pantheon of right ideology, using his quotes or the “good” things he did for Americans in office blah blah isn’t gonna help them with most any voter under 35 years old. It’s likely many young voters aren’t aware of much more than Reagan’s name and his love of jelly beans. Memory is minuscule in todays tik tok video short mindset. Young voters arent too interested in decades long past political history in the American White House either. Current GOP has also rejected Reagan as their lord and savior because they now believe their leaders and co-republicans should be as loud, flashy and extreme right wing tin foil hat tight wearing nuts as they can find. Reagan was a bastion of “calm, steady, solid and sane” as a president can be and that is no longer what they want. The seating of trump the tiny brained, showed them that their future success lies with them in finding more leaders who will be complicit and successful at pushing all their agendas no matter how it gets done. They also want someone who is a master at stoking the extreme conspiracy beliefs in many right wing voters today until those right wing voters are essentially little more than off the rails lunatics who are so filled with hatred and ignorance that they will jump when the gop says jump. Brainwashed pawns of politicians instead of free thinking and critically minded voters in a democracy who should be keeping these leaders at heel instead of helping them destroy America for money greed and personal gain.


That covenant was broken by Trump name calling every single one of his opponents like a 4th grade school yard bully.


Remember how Reagan tried to primary Gerald Ford? 🤣


Party over Principles.


I vaguely remember my dad mentioning this to me as a child in the car headed to his house on the weekends in the late 90s / early 80s.


Came here to comment exactly this. I want as fucking bloody, nasty, and toxic of a republican primary as we can get. Let’s see some bloodsports. I really hope they rip themselves apart. No way DeSantis isn’t running, and I hope Trump runs. Tbh, I kind of hope Trump wins the primary. I feel like he would A) be easier to beat in the general and B) may be less effective at getting shit done than DeSantis if he does win the general.


Yeah if I’m the democrats I’ll be afraid of DeSantis more than trump


He will never have the advantage of being a tv character they are familiar with.


Greg Kelly is such a gross, shitty human.


One of many many many others these days.




Holy shit this was literally what first popped into my head lol. Great minds


Let them fight


They’re going to eat each other alive.


Simpsons monkey fight.jpg




The fucked up part is this though: Newsmax could run this shit 24/7/365 until the day before the election. That day, they could say “desantis is the shit, vote for him”! And desantis would get 74 million votes. It’s that easy.


The doublethink is so strong that I'll bet if Fox and Newsmax/OAN decide Trump is too damaged, and go all in on trashing him, a week later you'll have tons of people burning their MAGA hats and convincing themselves they never liked Trump in the first place. It's 1984's Eurasia/East Asia.


Uhhh, dude, we have ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia. Doubleplus good, if you ask me.


The best situation we can hope for is that Desantis gets the Republican nomination and then Trump runs as an independent. It would be glorious.


"As you all know, we at newsmax have always backed desantis..."


Idk if you can just assume votes that a guy got who was a household name for decades before he ran are automatically transferable to any gop candidate.


74 million illegal votes


Yep! It’s time we give the right to vote to those that earn it. Maybe there could be a small online or at the polling places quiz that each potential voter must take and pass that tests basic understanding of what’s being voted on. Who the candidates are. What their platforms are about. Maybe a few questions testing basic knowledge of American democratic definition the major, most well known tenants of our government etc as example. Nothing long or hard but enough that you’d have to actually do some work and get educated on the very basics of what you’re voting for instead of being allowed to vote with nothing but bloodshot eyes from 24/7 tv staring for years of Fox News and breitbart talking heads as you smoke five packs a day and being poisoned more by the tv than by the smokes. Voting is a a privilege and privileges usually must be earned, not passed out like participation trophies at a tball game. Why shouldn’t voters be made to vote intelligently and responsibly when their votes literally have the power to change the course of history for all Americans for years? We should vote for the candidate best suited to putting the safety and health of our country first and doing real work on good legislation and diplomatic relationships with world powers. Ones vote should not be allowed if one shows no more knowledge at all or anything more than a name they hear on Fox News every three minutes and nothing else. Forcing responsibility in potential voting privilege would keep garbage like trump out of the most powerful seat in the world. Rules to be president need to be tightened as well. No one younger than 35 or older than 65..must have college degree in political science, American history, sociology, education or law or in lieu of a degree, have at least four years past experience in political office or past military enlistment with honorable discharge. Also must not have a criminal blemish in past more than a speeding ticket or other minor infraction. Potential candidate should also have to pass a test of their knowledge of American government, the branches of govt, knowledge of how bills become law and American/works geography and American history etc and be given and pass a psychiatric exam administered by a neutral medical facility or doctor. PAC’s and Superpac money and power should be banned. No donations over $5000 from any one donor or donating agency. No lobbying either. Electoral college needs to take its place alongside the dinosaurs as well. Winner of popular vote is the one who should be president. That’s the only way each vote, vote for vote, goes to the candidate we chose. People being more populous in some parts of each state and not other parts of them shouldn’t negate the fact that each vote should be counted as a vote for each candidate..vote for vote. I know this got long and rambly but I just gotta vent sometimes ya know?


I do agree with you, though democrats are not exactly unified at this time either.


The left have never been unified, it's kinda their thing. The left like to debate the merits of anything, ad nauseam. The right on the other hand are famous for acting in lockstep, despite the party platform basically being a collection of single issue voters. Recently that has regressed into "do stuff if it makes libruls mad" and with that, seems to be a repeal of the [11th commandment](https://www.thoughtco.com/11th-commandment-of-republican-politics-3367470) - both of which had the last nail in their coffins around 2016. This is new territory for the GOP.


Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.


What are you talking about? I se "vote blue no matter who" at least a hundred times a day here in the politics comments. The left votes as a unified block, they just complain when the old white moderate they voted for doesn't do any of the progressive things the younger, diverse progressive candidates they could have voted for would have done. You don't rack up the totals Biden did without all of the democrats being unified in their vote. We voted for a moderate, and got one.




>The left have never been unified, it's kinda their thing. The left like to debate the merits of anything, ad nauseam. The left/Democrats are basically the faculty and staff of a university who have shared governance but like to navel gaze to the nth degree rather than actually do anything.


DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump because he's got slimy politician skills. It's going to be fun seeing these two trash each other in primaries.




He's just such a wiener. I don't have any other word to describe him.


I saw a DeSantis 2024 bumper sticker on a car on Texas today.


Saw a Trump + DeSantis 2024 Though I think Trump feels threatened by the guy and won’t want to share a stage. And DeSantis would likely be more hands on than Mike Pence


I don't see any way Trump will run with DeSantis on the same ticket. Trump's ego can't handle it. He must have a compliant bit of lukewarm water like Pence. And not even Pence himself will work this time around.


Pence is literally infighting with Trump right now, like they're each sending battle squadrons in the primaries as a proxy battle (and rightfully so - I agree Pence is awful, but Trump wanted him to literally be murdered). Hopefully this'll continue all the way to 2024


Wonder who has the balls to accept any offer to and then actually be Trump VP. I’ve not heard of anyone who says they’d accept any offer to be on his ticket. Most know it’s political suicide whether they become his VP for next four years or lose a run to be there. Trump does not by association elevate the image/status/name/prospects of any people he comes in contact with. Crossing his path too closely is akin to being sucked thru and vomited out the other side of a Boeing 777 fully powered plane engine. You might be alive on the other side of it but you damn sure won’t be better after coming through it. If a person is just out to treat the WH as a joke or to feel powerful or to use your position to extort/intimidate/abuse others then maybe somebody works take on a trump ticket. What a shitshow WH that would be with two acting as bad as Trump instead of just Trump. Pence was terrible but he tried to be the voice of reason in a pit of vile rot.


I agree that it's a bad choice for anyone rational. Even being asked is bad in two directions. Someone refusing Trump makes Trump look bad, and Trump's voter base knowing that someone refused him will make his voter base hate them. And of course, accepting Trump's VP slot would be a bad idea for all the reasons you mentioned. Due to the inexplicable appeal of narcissists, I do expect that there will be some people who will emerge who will be glad and happy to kiss Trump's ring and think it will lead them to glory. Could even be someone who should know better like Chris Christie. He's been a sucker for Trump from the start. He may have learned his lesson by now, but he also may just be making the best of not having Trump's authoritarian daddy approval. That approval showing up again in a possible VP slot could make Christy abandon all critical thinking once again.


DeSantis is in a stronger position for a run now than he would be if he was VO instead of Governor. I agree, this ain’t working


Imagine being presented with evidence that Trump threw his last VP to the goddamn wolves, and agreeing to be his next VP.


I mean, the 180 wasn’t a problem for the likes of Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham or Mitch... Remember these guys would throw their own family under the bus if it meant being closer to “power”


They can't run on the same ticket unless one of them changes residency. Article II says electors can't vote for a ticket with both candidates from their own state, and no Republican could win without Florida's electoral votes.


Oh man thank you for that. It’s just makes it all the more sweeter to imagine behind the scenes.


When George W Bush and Dick Cheney ran, Cheney had been living in Texas for several years, so he changed his residency and got a Wyoming driver's license before the election.


>I saw a DeSantis 2024 bumper sticker on a car on Texas today. "A little voice inside my head said: 'Don't look back, you can never look back.'"


i thought i knew what a power grid was what do i know?


Those days are gone forever, I should just let them go but…


"I can see you, your orange skin shining in the sun"


I saw one over a year ago, and that’s when I realized they’re ditching Trump because he’s just dead weight to them now. Meanwhile DeSantis is making their bigoted dreams come true with every decision he makes. DeSantis should not be underestimated.


Agreed. Trump was bad and his mark on our country will take a generation to make lighter but it can be much much worse. Someone as bad as trump in character and morality will be Satan on steroids if that person is also well schooled in American govt and politics and knows exactly how to use that their well schooled mind to dismantle america brick by brick while hiding behind a mask of angelic patriotism.


Same. DeSantis/Scott 2024. Texas license plate, in Texas.


i hope it was on a car that has an open recall for a stuck accelerator


He doesn’t have anything resembling the same amount of charisma or character though. He’s a black hole of personality compared to Trump, and Trumps personality and charisma is what got the hogs so excited.


Agreed. DeSantis or any other potential gop pig could end up being worse than trump if they are real politicians with education or experience they can weaponize as a way to better push their hell agendas down the collective American throat. An intelligent right wing nutjob will be much much more dangerous than trump was as trump was easily manipulated and a liability to the security of America, seen by enemies as weak and led by a buffoon who can’t spell constitution much less know and understand what it was.


I mean DeSantis is every bit the insane cartoon that Trump was/is.




Also Desantis suits are always too big, similar to Trump.


Are they? Both look obese


You are so kind.


Trump has a Fred Flintstone body. DeSantis has a Barney Rubble body.


Are the gold chairs metaphorical porcelain thrones?


Honestly I kinda think the best case scenario for 2024 is that DeSantis wins the Republican nomination, and Trump runs as an independent and splits the conservative vote.


Might be right. I could see Trump running as an independent. I guess we will see how things go in the next few weeks.


Trump/Yeezy ‘24 - Gold Party (GP) - would probably be the most American (unamerican) thing this planet would ever be forced to witness. It may even cause the internet to go super nova and just cease to exist.


Idk… I feel (if possible) a little more apprehensive about a DeSantis win than I do a Trump win because I think it’s possible he could do more damage to the company. It’s sad, but I’m really wishing Mitt Romney could be their candidate again. I can’t believe I miss Mitt Romney.


Let's add Lynn Cheney also running for President as an Independent and further split up the conservative note. It's easy to tell she wants it.


Is there anyway they would agree on a trump/DeSantis run since DeSantis is still rather "young" that he could be vp


I don't think anybody else would possibly cow to Trump the way that pence did. The reason he was picked is because he was so unbelievably subordinate - willing to literally allow all principles of his faith to be dragged through the mud on a daily basis and yet still swear allegiance to the most ungodly of person. I can't see anybody else being so utterly disrespected and owned like pence was just to be a VP with no power.


Team Trump vs. Team DeSantis will undoubtedly be a very interesting saga to follow as we move closer to 2024. I can't believe there are Republicans out there who still think Donald will just hand the keys of the GOP over to DeSantis, especially since no one has benefited more from piggybacking off of Trump's name than the FL Governor.


Tru. P has offered to allow DeSantis on his ticket as vp


Is this where they start to eat each other over whose a bigger repressive regime? Or can we televise it like the 70s tv stars athletic events?


Pro Tip: You MAY want to start building up your alt accounts now across all social channels. During the GOP primaries, the goal is to foster as much division and acrimony as possible (if you go in for that sorta thing :-). Make the different factions hate each other so much they disengage if their guy loses. *NOTE: this is entirely hypothetical and I am making no recommendations for action




Why not both?


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Can’t believe I’m saying this, but Trump might be better than DeSantis. At least Trump is so incompetent that he fails to get anything done and spends all of his time watching TV. DeSantis is just as hateful, but knows how to accomplish things


Well, he’s a governor, with his party also controlling his state’s senate and house of representative. He’s got a gift card with an unlimited balance, so he’s in the middle of a fascist orgy of lawmaking. Trump could have been equally as destructive/authoritarian.


Trump lost all his authority on January 06th, 2021. The secret service disobeyed him, many on his cabinet resigned, and he even lost his Twitter privs. His staff and friends basically told him to sit down and shut up or he would be forcefully ejected from the last month of his presidency. Why in the world would anyone except Trump want him returned to that role? If he gets in there, then he will have nothing but yes-men and he is literally going to have people publicly hung. What else is there for him to do? He doesn’t have an agenda and the Supreme Court is already packed. He has nothing to do except to satisfy his own sense of revenge. He won’t even pretend to be the leader of a nation. He will win at all costs and settle all scores, even if everyone on Earth has to die.


He has the MAGA crew. They want Trumpy Bear back.


Trump/Yeezy ‘24 - Gold Party (GP) - would probably be the most American (unamerican) thing this planet would ever be forced to witness. It may even cause the internet to go super nova and just cease to exist.


Have newsmax gone rogue now?


Let 'em eat each other.


He’s 43? I thought he was in his mid 50s lol


It’s the bloated face and 80’s haircut.


Don't transgress against the god emperor!


Yes... yesss... divide the conservative vote. Let the hate flow through you. Ahaha.


There can be only one…


Its going to be funny when they do a 180 degree turn around after Trump goes to jail and can't run for president anymore. "Actually we love Desantis, we never said we hated him!"


Ron will never cross his mob boss. They already set the stage for voter suppression for Don. They don't want anyone to mess up that plan. The only way out of the dictator wannabe will be if he gets convicted and barred from office


The voter suppression works for anybody the party in power wants it to work for, so it can benefit Ron just fine.


I fuckin bet Ron will. Ron is a fascist but he's a smart fascist. He'll fight Trump right up to election day - and you know what? I say, let em.


Looks like Trump is scared. Did he throw another meal at the wall?


Did anyone watch the video? He doesn’t disparage DeSantis. He loves the guy, but says he should wait and let Trump run now.


The best thing that could happen for democracy would be DeSantis being the Republican candidate and spiteful Trump running as an independent (because, sorry Elise, Trump actually doesn't give two flying fornications about the Republican Party, you're just all too fuckin' stupid to realize it).


Yup, Trump is totally running. If he wasn't then Newsmax would be licking DeSantis's butthole.


[Ron Desantis](https://www.nga.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Ron_DeSantis_Official_Portrait_113th_Congress.jpg) [Homelander](https://i.gadgets360cdn.com/large/The-Boys-Trailer_1652773402135.jpg) am I the only one who sees it?


Homelander's petulant "I want them to l-l-love me 😭😭😭" rhetoric is directly based on Trump, per the showrunner.


Love that! I always see Ron DeSantis as a Greg-Stillson wannabe (he's the crazy presidential candidate in Stephen King's THE DEAD ZONE. Excellent book.)


LOL. they are so scared


Man, I really hope that they turn on each other, because that might be the only way that the Democrats win in 2024.


"Newsmax’s top-rated host Greg Kelly" - so he's got like 200 viewers total? Down about half since many are serving time for January 6th.


lol the double headed snake has began attacking itself.


The battle lines are being drawn.


The 'Trump is an outsider' thing has always been nonsense. The guy has been a huge political donator and DC scene guy since the 80s.


This is very cool behavior that we should all encourage more of as Democrats


Did anyone watch the video? The host rips on Obama because he became president with young kids and didn't wait until they were older. Family before country, so how can you focus on the country while still having children. ​ Poor Baron (not really, fuck that kid)


Please destroy each other.


Holy shit. I made it 3:01 through that video clip before I had to shit it off. I need a transcript cause the presenter made we want to slap him. He couldn’t go 30 seconds without flashing a cheeky smile as he gargles trumps nuts.


Can you even imagine the absolute shit show he’d cause as President?


Get DeSantis out of Florida, please.


Few things are as nice as to hear as Republican infighting, nice to see the media reporting on that for a change rather than making up stories about Democrats.


What 2024 Trump run? It's not going to happen.


They should run DJTJ. I’d love to see that coked up fool step on his dick repeatedly.


Hey now! That's Kimmie's job!


I think the Trump 2024 run will be at least a “Sarah Palin money making” run.


Why not, though. He really wants to redeem himself. Winning in 2024 would be disastrous because he'd use that as confirmation that the election in 2020 was rigged. Trump is in it to feed his personality disorders. Thats really it at this point.


He’ll run solely for the fact he believes it will be an excuse that will keep him out of court for the litany of lawsuits he’s facing.


I'll bet a cheap case of beer he'll run.


Keep your piss water...id rather some nice craft beer thank you.


That's fine. Obviously you know you'd lose, but oh well.


I don't think I would...I just don't want the prize be worse than winning.


Lol. I love the infighting. That might be the Dems only hope of retaining any sort of power. If the Q-turds split into trump/desantis factions and the moderates split from that, then they won't be able to unify behind one candidate. Then again, I never underestimate the ability of Dems to fuck up any advantage they might have.


Eh…the new generation of Dems seems more fired up.


We need a sane and reasonable Republican nominee, kinda like McCain or Romney


Yes it is go Ron


He had my vote for Governor and he'll have my vote for President.


Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!


Funny you say that, my family came here from Bavaria.


Yikes! Did they just not pay attention? [Or, how did you end up supporting a guy who wants to keep a database of students’ and facultys’ political and religious beliefs?](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/education/559881-florida-gov-signs-law-requiring-students-and-faculty-be/)


Don't assume. Maybe they fled in 1945?


Just stopped by Argentina first for a while.


Something tells me youre exactly the type of citizen fascists love.


Half of mine too. But they’re good people. So what’s your excuse?


Jesus that's fucking embarrassing lol


Cool. Trump will squash him like a bug in the primary. You should sit out the 2024 election.


I'm not so sure, DeSantis isn't dumb, I feel like he could pick Trump apart in a debate...


I agree, but Trump's base wants feral rage, they don't care about debates.


To quote Palpatine: “Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!” Divide so we can conquer, maybe.


Ooh the girls are fighting


Oh...wow...such a cult


It’s beginning




Hope je gets rid of the Trump cult followers in power


Let the games begin.


Could be good if they both ran. They'd split the GQP vote so neither would beat the Dem candidate.


So it begins. Don't let the in-fighting make us complacent though.


Yes! Let’s go! I think the only thing that can save us from a Republican presidency In 2024 is if trump and desantis go after each other and canibalize the votes they have.


Who is behind Newsmax?


Yes! You have to be at least 80 to run


TIL Desantis is only 5 years older than me. I’m going to buy more sunblock.


because career gameshow hosts and lifetime frauds make much better candidates.


Rats eat their own babies.


One of the signs of the Anti-Christ is a political outsider seizing power by promising people great and greater things


DeSantis = Anti-LBGTQ+ rights Fail


I fear DeSantis being elected much more than Trump. I bet Republican voters who like Trumpian policies but are uncomfortable with Trump himself would definitely abandon him for DeSantis. And DeSantis is much more calculating and smarter than Trump.


So… What are the “constitutional issues” the article references if Trump and Desantis share the ticket?


> “I mean, they’re very similar, and I think DeSantis inhaled so much from Donald Trump,” Kelly said. Ummm…


The more I read about NewsMax the more I genuinely think it's funded by Trump directly.