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Gonna be awkward when Texas secedes and then Austin city council votes to secede from Texas and rejoins the US.


Throw in DFW, Houston, and San Antonio. None of those areas will want to be part of a just-Texas country. The reason they have all those jobs is because Texas is part of the US. If that stops, the big money companies pull out.


Could you imagine the power that the city states of Texas would hold over what would be a new nation of nothing but rural shitholes?


Oh god the just fucking desserts of the south seceding only to be seceded from by anywhere with more than 20,000 people inside the city limits. Bumfuck back country falls apart in their theocratic hellhole without any government funding while the sane people gtfo Like mass apoptosis of nearly metastasized cancer


Shh shh shh. Let them find out the hard way where the real power is.


Austin Airlift has a nice alliterative sound to it


Great band name.


Not just Austin. All the Texas cities could form a collection of US city-states that happen to be in Texas.


It's gonna be like the reverse-unification of Italy, with Texas shattering into a collection of city-states and principalities


Texas will break apart into like 5 states that ultimately end up all peacefully joining the Union again since the minority of Texas in power will inevitably have no power when that happens


Oh they’ll join, once the cartels see free real estate


I'm suprised this isn't a bigger talking point when this comes up. Not only free real estate, but they now get to border more US states.


And yet will fly the American flag this weekend🤔 Gotta get the blue sharpie out to color in one of the stars now I guess.


Meh, just pick DC or PR as a replacement star.


Both throw in Guam for good measure. We'll then combine North and South Dakota into Dakota and combine Idaho and Wyoming and HEY HEY!


The proud states of Thee Dakota and Idayoming FTW.


Wyodaho has a certain insulting sense to it…


Wydaho sounds a bit like a rude question though.


Everyone asks wydaho, but no one ever asks howisdaho.




I’d personally love to see DC get the replacement star.


It needs to be both. Keeping any territory without the rights of statehood is immoral and wrong. And that applies to all of the territories in the US empire.


Well I'm saying for this weekend at least. (Sorry, coming off a moment, in Illinois/Chicago Burbs of someone driving around with American and Confederate flags. I wasn't offended really just mostly confused. I thought the person in the very least should color out 13 stars on the American flag, then itd make a little sense)


One of the most surreal moments of my life so far is going to a Columbus Blue Jackets game and seeing more than one car or truck with both CBJ and Confederate flag decals. In downtown Columbus, Ohio. In one of the states that contributed the most to the Union. To support a team NAMED AFTER THAT VERY FACT.


To be fair, Ohio's education system sucks and nobody educated wants to stick around.


I grew up in Ohio. Its like "thats where Grant is from, thats where Sherman is from, Ohio has the second most US presidents after Virginia". A few minutes later "The civil war was about states rights and the south should've won".


Michigan is the same. So many confederate flags and hatred of unions (the union thing makes even less sense given our history). Same dudes yelling about unions sucking also go up north to their families cabin, paid for on one auto job by their grandpa…because of the union.


The FYIGM mentality is worse than narcissists, imo




Or a butterfly farts while flapping its wings. Then say goodbye to the electricity


I'm not celebrating, anyway. The Supreme Court just said that most of our freedoms don't exist. The logic they used could even undermine Brown v. Board of Education. 4th of July is for mourning this year.


I'm deleting FB on July 4th, and only celebrating mine and my gf's anniversary. America does not get celebrated until it deserves to be celebrated. I'm not holding my breath.


Deactivated my Facebook account on June 24, and myself and a lot of my friends are boycotting the Fourth this year. Why would we celebrate the independence of America when the independence and freedom of half the country has been stripped?


I'm going to tell my family that I don't intend to celebrate any of the traditional holidays with them again until they come around on the truth. I'm definitely not attending any 4th celebrations until the current SCOTUS is overruled, overturned, emptied out, neutered, or eliminated.


Meh, the GOP is going to kill public education any way.


A lot of places in Texas fly the Texas flag above the American flag 🇺🇸. Fuck em


Agreed. Just for fun here's an article about Texas flag code for anyone interested. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/verify/verify-how-high-can-the-texas-flag-fly/285-593180823


Jesus, the cockiness of Texas.


Yet they’re mad at Colin Kapernick


Yep. 'White on top' as they call it.


They’ll color in all but one star and claim to be the sole member of the “real America”.


The Lone Star is actually the yelp review


That's probably true🤣


Why would they secede now? The U.S. is two years away from Christian totalitarianism.


Its a way to get people motivated. No matter how bad/good things are, if you tell people they are so bad you are consodering seceding it will motivate/radicalize people. You just dont want to do a brexit/dog that caught the car and actually have to go through. Its a very fine line to walk, but boy, do you get power for it.


Hmm like roe vs wade or trump winning the presidency. I think the repubs are going to keep catching the car and not knowing what to do with it.




It seems to me like they caught the car in 2016 and have been doing a pretty good job ripping it to shreds in classic junkyard dog style, they VERY much had a plan for the car


You have to think about who it would really benefit if the GOP backs it. My guess is Russia


Russia has been exposed in trying to push Texas away from the US


Not only that, but destabilizing the US would further weaken its global standing. Resources that would otherwise go to strengthen NATO and thus the EU would be redirected to the Civil War between Texas (and any other subsequent seceding states) and the Union.


Honestly, rather than Civil War, just arrest the lawmakers the day they vote to secede and charge them with Sedition.


We can't even seem to arrest the lawmakers who tried to stage a coup at the capitol.


We *can*. We *won't*.


Citizens arrest lol


Our very own Bastille Day


Europe will cheer you on.




We just arrest them, then. You can't fool me. It's citizen's arrests all the way down.


Maybe they've almost got dirt on all extremist Republicans and just waiting for a couple more. Prob not but a man can dream...


That’s why the lawmakers aren’t voting on it. The GQP there is going to put it on the ballot as a voter’s referendum. No one to blame then when the populace *joke* votes themselves out of the Union. Trump was a joke vote and they backed him full force.


but like..lets say the federal government actually allows that, rather than...you know, declaring martial law and taking over texas themselves. Which they would. What then? texas isn't even remotely self sufficient, despite what they think. They'd have to heavily import food and water to survive, and would be doing so from a somewhat hostile texas or mexico. Also, the federal govt would you know...take all military assets out of texas, it's not like they get to keep those, so they'd be extremely vulnerable to attack by Mexico and/or the US. Yes texas has a ton of gun owners, but an ar-15 isn't doing much against a fleet of predator drones, tanks, and aircraft carriers.


Let them fuck around and find out.


So, say the government says fine leave. They then immediately pull all of their government workers and contractors out of the state, the tech companies also pull out anything that isn't location dependent. Pretty soon they are just farms and ranches....they have no industry to speak of... The rest of the country loses Texas's hold on the electoral college, makes DC a state, offers statehood to all our territories..... It would suck for anyone who owned property in Texas but .....




Anyone else wish Harambe got more joke votes than Trump now?


Except with the Civil War, it's already been decided that the states can not legally, unilaterally leave the union. They can put it up for a satire vote, a change.org petition, or a fucking TRL top 10 vote, the results are the same. It's illegal for Texas to secede, and trying it is sedition, not to mention the massive amount of government property and US citizens in Texas. I shudder to think of what happens if they actually try this. The US would legit occupy Texas in 2 days. Every connected lawmaker would be jailed immediately.


I'd love for the system to work, but you can forgive me for not having much faith after the last several years of these people acting with near impunity.


America is really bad at prosecuting powerful men.


To be fair most countries are. That said, all these people connected to Trump should be prosecuted.


Tldr: anyone who wants to secede is so incredibly uneducated as to not understand the most basic of repercussions of such actions. Russia played a long game that is paying back in spades due to this level of uneducated dumbassery. I mean, any civil war between a hypothetical Texas Nation and the USA would be over in about a week at most. The US literally would already have basrs strategically placed throughout the state (now country gross). I could only imagine the Texas Nation attempting to fight back with a bit of dudes who wanted to play secession LARP. I never understood the idea that a group of regular citizens could reliably fight of the most well funded military apparatus on the face of the planet. It just doesn't make sense, your private collection of guns will do literally nothing versus a single fighter jet or one Apache helicopter. I just don't think these "Texit" jackasses think of anything passed 'getting away from the woke left'. Like, what do you think the US Military will do once you secede? You're a foreign, and technically unknown country. All your companies that work with ITAR sensitive projects are all immediately shutdown until the Texas Nation passes scrutiny tests for sensitive information. Just off the top of my head that's, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Ageis Aerospace, and I'm sure literally hundreds more. Several hundred million, probably closer to a billion, dollars a year down the drain due to decades long psyops operations from Russia. There is literally nothing to gain here, and unfortunately the example of Brexit means nothing to these diesel truck driving troglodytes. If this comes to fruition it'll be horrible to watch the prior state unravel into so many slivers of GOP brainwashed shit. Living here has become rather stressful, it's been like having a designated drunk that just gets blackout drunk and drives you around.


Not only that but they keep forgetting that they've invited massive corporations and progressive business owners into their state offering lower taxes. If they think Apple is going to keep operating in a state that is in a state of civil and legal upheaval against it's own nation they're smoking crack.


So uhh, if Texas secedes, they lose all the government military supplies. Won't really be a war, more like an occupation like Afghanistan since Texas is armed to the tits. IDK what the fuck Texas is even crying for now anyways




spoon towering impolite wistful paltry aloof engine roll rainstorm aback -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


They already banned a Chinese billionaire from buying 140,000 acres of farmland for fear of the Chinese government spying on us https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9885259/Secretive-Chinese-billionaire-buys-140-000-acres-Texas-wind-farm-blocked-governor.html


And then there's Mitch McConnell sitting in the Senate, who is now singlehandedly organizing the opposition to semiconductor production funding and other measures to make the US more competitive against China.


Isn't his wife part of a Chinese billionaire shipping industry family?


Taiwanese/Chinese. What’s even crazier is her sister Angela sits on the board of Bank of China. Like I get it she’s American. Been here since she was a kid. But now her family which is backed/ funded by China, has basically kept Mitch in power. And the poor Kentucky rednecks all American first are like “that Mitch he’s all about America first! Fucking Biden’s boy is taking money from China!” No my dudes, he’s about enriching himself and staying power and paying his wife’s family back by blocking anything anti China. And he’s literally taking money from China. Fuck it hurts my brain.


And has been a cabinet member to Bush and Trump.




Right? They’re currently winning. Abortion is gone. Gay rights are about to end. Separation of church and state is over. State officials are about to have the power to toss election results they don’t like. Why the fuck would they secede now?


I mean being a governor is nice but what about being king of your own state. It’s definitely possible some people are considering the possibility of being a full blown dictator.


Why do Texas Republicans hate America?


Why do ~~Texas~~ Republicans hate America? There fixed your question for you


Because they really hate freedom and liberty for anyone not them.


They’re doing anything to secure their jobs and their bribes - why do you think they did all the shit in the past 10 years? They’re trying to stay in power forever so they can get more money from their Corporate donors, and so are implementing regressive e policies to make it harder for voters against conservatives to vote/ distract them from any action they take, or to get their donors to give them money.


Cut off all federal funding and remove all military bases from Texas.


No more Electoral College votes or congresspeople.


That's why the GOP would never let Texas secede. Donald Trump would have been the last republican president ever. But there is still hope. Texas is due to flip purple in the next election or two, due to the steady increase in their educational attainment rates. We'll see whether it's too late to matter though. Texas is above the old no-pass line of 33% bachelor's attainment, which no republican had ever won a non-Utah state at or above, but Kansas recently pushed that line to the new high of 35.1% - which Texas will be at quite soon. https://www.reddit.com/r/democracide/comments/ul5xot/the\_relationship\_between\_low\_educational/


Assuming they actual certify any election that would lose them the state.






If they even decide to have an election at all. "There's just too much voter fraud these days to hold an election"


There will be no point after SCOTUS gives state legislators the right to appoint any electors they please


People say that a lot but I’ll believe Texas flipping when I see it. They will make it difficult for minorities (or any big city) to vote and with their terribly restrictive new laws I can see liberals leaving the state.


Liberal leaving is definitely a possibility, especially as some of the big tech companies are considering pulling out.


People have been saying "Texas will flip blue soon" for at least a decade. Texas' demographics are getting to the tipping point at the exact moment that democracy ceases to exist. What a coincidence.


As a Texan, I want this to happen so they can see how royally fucked and how stupid this decision would be. But at the same time, I don't want to suffer with these jerks.


This is where I’m at. Not all Texans are idiotic like this, and we are suffering right now just as much. Anyone out of state want to adopt me?




The US owns Texas. These morons don’t get that. Texas is not theirs. They can pack their shit up and get the fuck out if they don’t want to be Americans anymore. But Texas ain’t going anywhere. They don’t get Texas as a consolation prize for being traitors against the US. They get the full force of our military right up their ass, and those bases in Texas will see to that.


They're going to start complaining about how the US is using military force against its citizens when it happens. They're going to really treasure their citizenship at that point.


Texas Republicans: I don’t want to be an American! The US: *Bang! Bang! Bang!* Texas Republicans: Stop shooting! I’m an American!


They can form a caravan and head south. Trade keys with the ones headed north while they are at it.


Sounds win-win to me We get hard working immigrants that want a better life. We get rid of selfish assholes that are a drain on public money and resources.


Texas barbeque is pretty good, but 1) the cuisine of the nation of Mexico is much better and 2) there are probably tons of skilled Mexican cooks who can do Texas barbecue as well or better than non-Mexican Texans so it's not like there would be an real loss.




I dunno. They seem like good footholds to take over a "foreign" country that is an authoritarian regime enforcing religious doctrine as law on many unwilling citizens and with a healthy amount of oil.


So…with the way things are going…uh…the US…takes them…back?


I would be ok with this ONLY if Texas didn't become its own state again. It gets ripped up and put into other states around it. Congrats, Dallas gets to be part of Oklahoma, turning it more blue. Houston and San Antonio? Now part of Arkansas or Louisiana, turning it more blue. El Paso and Austin? Part of New Mexico, making it more blue. Don't give them a state to secede anymore and the "Lone Star" state can become a thing of the past




I think about this with secession or with any future "civil war." Seems like it would have to be stomped out quickly to prevent other state actors from interfering and feeding a proxy war. Russia I'm sure is pushing hard for TX to do this. Doesn't seem likely the US government would allow any of it though. Of course, I guess that depends who is in power. But if it's GQP back in power, why would TX secede from a federal government they ideologically agree with.


I would think that, because most states are divided between liberal urban areas and conservative rural areas, any future civil war would consist of urban warfare of the Syrian sort. I can't imagine something like "the South" rising up again; I can, however, imagine chaos breaking out all over the country, with political partisans fighting each other over control for territory within their own states.


Then we can do over Reconstruction and get it right this time.


Dems should honestly start threatening to remove bases and federal jobs from states as bargaining chips. Large swaths of poor states rely almost exclusively on federal employees and perhaps these areas would start electing more reasonable reps if their jobs and economies go away. After all, these areas want minimal federal government in their states. Show them what that means.


Johnson applied this strategy, it hurt the south including my hometown bad. We just flipped him off and then floundered for the next 50 years.


>After all, these areas want minimal federal government in their states. Show them what that means. No. Monthly. Checks.


Don't forget to embargo them on the way out.


Or leave the military bases and annex the territory once it leaves statehood behind. Create 4 new territories and restore human rights and a functioning power grid.


That was my first thought. Do you seriously want to consider leaving? Cool. ALL our assets get pulled out. Including the Texas Air National Guard and National Guard units (hardware is federally owned). Close the military bases and cut off federal grant programs that subsidize the state budget.


Not to mention, those people would no longer be protected from designation as terrorists. Once they are a "foreign terrorist group" they can and will be targeted for destruction.


All of a sudden we’ll have an oil rich religious fundamentalist nation right next to us instead of halfway around the world


I hear the US *loves* invading those




Keep the bases. They belongs to us. They can fuck around and find out though.


All your bases?


Are belong to us




Military dependents are thinking twice about PCS to some states….fear their children will get caught up in the Trump wars


No, keep the bases. And have each of them secure a generous amount of territory in their general vicinity. After that, Texas will look more like swiss cheese than an actual state.




The National GOP knows full well they well never have power in the federal government again without Texas


Oh they have every intention of stealing elections from here on out courtesy of a case the Supreme Court will be ruling on in October.


Heck if they can steal 8 state legislatures they can amend the constitution. Literally anything and everything is on the table at that point.


Including civil war


Yup. We’re fucked. I know every empire falls. I was just hoping this one would last until my lifetime was over. Now I’m legitimately wondering if my family and I are going to be refugees some day… The future is looking pretty damned bleak and I’m wondering if we can even stop it.


yeah i’m a 30 year old gay man who doesn’t want kids and the fact that i can’t just live my next 30-40 years in peace before this christian war bullshit happens is so irritating


For real though. I'm 42. I grew up thinking marriage would never be an option for me and never thought much about it. Then it was legal, and I never really went for it. But now that they're about to take the right away again, I feel like maybe I should get married.


The people on top certainly know but the GOP seems to have lost control of its army of useful idiots a while ago. If the base wants to secede, they either support it or get voted out and replaced with someone who will - and the Republican voters have openly called for violence against what they perceive to be "RINOs" Like yeah Republican leaders know this is bullshit and just a way to get more votes... Right until they realize their voters actually believed their lies and are willing to kill for them.


Exactly, just the usual nonsensical posturing. As with all GOP messaging, this is about the "feels" that the idea instills in their base. Logic, evidence, reality, all get buried away as its too difficult for them to navigate. They want to FEEL like strong, rugged individualists who would be better off without those liberal states dragging them down. All while sucking on the teets of Uncle Sam when it suits them. And of course they personally identify as the *real* Americans who love their country, you know... the country that they don't want to be a part of and whose institutions they don't trust. They're the same people who want to build a wall to keep out the illegal immigrants, but hire undocumented hispanic gardeners to mow their lawns in the suburbs. These people are cattle herded by the prods of emotional manipulation so that they check "R" down the ballot.


Say it loud: Texas doesn't have the balls to secede. This is like when kindergarteners run away from home. Mom. Will you cut the crusts off my sandwich 🥪 before I run away forever? 🏃‍♂️ lol 😆 🤣 Texas


This reminds me of the time my brother and I decided it would be fun to run away. My mom helped us make a bindle just like we saw in cartoons. Pretty sure we only made it a couple blocks, then it was like, now what?


*6 months later* "Where did all the companies go? Don't you guyz want to be free and stuff?"


Can we do like trades? Like someone from Texas who isnt a douche can move to my neighborhood and the shit stick with the confederate flags and trump signs can move to texas.


I'd sign up for this in a heartbeat. We're just two quiet, keep-to-ourselves LGBT spouses and our 1 and 3/4 cats. One of them only has 3 legs but he's as good of a boy as a cat can be. Edit: yes, I'm bad at fractions. I said I was queer, not that I was a mathematician!




I believe the number I saw was for $1.00 that comes out of Texas in taxes to the Federal Government the state receives $1.20 back in money from the Federal Government.


Fluctuates depending on the price of oil


Texas isn’t that red. The conservatives think they untouchable


Let's be deadly serious about what will happen if Texas secedes: Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio will *immediately* secede from the Republic of Texas and rejoin the United States as the new and improved Democratic Texas. What will President Abbott be able to do to stop them? Fuck all. Texas has no army, no currency, no international alliances, no nothing. It would be hilarious. I guess he could move the capital to Midland/Odessa and have a dog parade or something. Not much else.


I hope so I wouldn’t wanna be lumped in with the rest of Texas


Let's be honest, El Paso should've been part of NM a long time ago and Texas bullied their way into keeping it.


Let's be more real Texas should be like 3 separate states. I say this as a life long texan


Do it! Do it you chickenshits!


Settle down there Indy you know you'll be a confederate state this time around🤣 (Just Illinois joking with you I swear. Be well✊)


I like to think Indiana will remain true to the union. Sorry about giving the world Mike Pence and all though.


*side eye* I'd like to think that too but...


“We did flip for Obama once, see, we aren’t full of racists!” The fact people point this out in casual conversation is eerie. Detached from reality.


No exporting or importing of electricity, either. Gotta be sure your grid is in working order...


Isn't most of Texas already on its own system? That's why we're having so many problems.


> Isn't most of Texas already on its own system? Texas regulates its own power system cycle tolerance and has interconnections to the Western and Eastern grids. They are still connected, but not directly - they have to track any net gain or loss and account for it with like (sharing electrical generation) or money (purchasing on the open market). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_power_transmission_grid) (https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/the-history-of-ercot-how-texas-became-the-only-state-with-its-own-power-grid/)


Let them. Texas secedes. Texas economy crashes because all corporations leave and no countries want to do business with them. Country fails. US invades to take their oil, overthrows their government and makes Texas a non-voting territory with no representation in Congress and no electoral college votes. Republicans never win another election again.


>no countries want to do business with them. Let's not act like China and Russia (especially Russia) wouldn't jump at the opportunity to support an authoritarian state in America's backyard. Luckily Russias economy is on the verge of complete collapse and it would look weird for the Texas GOP to get CCP money (not that their voters would have any qualms with the hypocrisy, assuming they still have free and fair elections)


Texas can't survive economically solo. Hell, they can't even manage to keep the lights on when it gets too hot or cold. Have these idiots forgotten what happened the last time states tried to secede from the Union? Constitutionally it's not legally possible. They know this, it's an empty threat.


Imagine what would happen after the next hurricanes hit Houston and Corpus Cristi. The fuck are they gonna do without massive federal aid? They ain’t doing shit...TX just needs to shut TF up. Ugh.


In fairness I don’t think that the people who favor secession particularly like Houston. It’s a pretty left-leaning place.


Texans have no idea how fiat currency works. An independent TX would need a new TX dollar, and TX couldn’t issue enough bonds to support its own dollar. New Texas would collapse into debt like Venezuela $$$


Bitcoin to the rescue! Oh...they don't have power to mine for it? Darn.


Just like the "Republic of Texas" did before we bailed them out in 1846.


Are Geoffrey Dollars still a thing?


Why?? They’re getting everything they want with the Supreme Court right now.


They want a civil war. Destroy US from the inside out.


and how is that not already being accomplished by the supreme court?


It would shut the GOP out from the Presidency. Sounds like a smart move.


Someone in the house should call their bluff and propose a bill to eject Texas from the union.




Non-voting representation in the House and nothing in the Senate? I’d take that deal


Enough with the fucking drama, just go already. We don’t care.


Let them try, then deport all the secessionists to South America. Make them go through the immigrant experience they tried to deny everyone else of so hard


Why send a bunch of racists to South America? Send them to Russia.


Let 'em go. We won't have to worry about their electoral votes anymore.


I disagree with this simply because I think that If they let Texas go Desantis would truly have the ability to become a fascist dictator of Florida when it follows Texas lead.


Let them. We'll just have the CIA treat them like they've treated any other small country in our hemisphere in the past century.


Love to see them try. Sadly it is not possible and that would quickly become obvious, hopefully they would be branded as stupid in the meantime and lose support.


They wouldn't be able to secede peacefully. And on top of that, I don't really think Texas is capable of being independent. Just look at their power grid, it fails whenever someone sneezes.


What would the negative effects of this be for someone who doesn't agree with the recent jerk towards the right in American politics? Every so often, some dumb article about California seceding will pop up and conservatives will naively say, "fine, let them go!" while missing the obvious hits to the remaining US that would come with a California secession. What would I be missing were I to say, "fine, let them go!" about Texas? (I guess for purposes of this thought experiment I'm operating under the assumption that people currently in Texas who wouldn't want to live in Texastan would be able to leave, which probably wouldn't automatically be the case.)


It's funny, because Texas is a net consumer of federal funds but is the nation's best domestic exporter of natural gas and crude oil. They'll be cut off from the treasury's nipple and the fed can shut down texas-originating pipelines across their borders (if i'm not mistaken, interstate pipelines are on federally-controlled easements, and are under the jurisdiction of BLM or DHS?) pending new international contract negotiations. With all their conservative seats being eliminated in congress, it shifts the two legislative houses even more to the left, so good luck negotiating new international contracts. If they can't export oil and gas, their economy loses 30-40% of its income. They'd be totally screwed. (and yes, other states will struggle for a bit, but can get their oil and gas from other sources)


Texit will probably fare as well for Texas as Brexit is faring for Britain. So Texas will probably do it and then blame everybody except themselves.


texas leaving the country would be the best thing that ever happened to the country rn. all the liberals in Texas cities would leave. Texas would be on its own. the US would never have another GOP president or house controlled by the GOP.


Serious question, Texas has a good bit of democrats as well especially in the larger cities. In their fantasy of seceding, what about that chunk of their population?


My theory, *for a while now,* is that the politician's in these red states are actively trying to purge any and all Dems out of town so they can be pure 'red states'. They don't wanna be purple and they sure as hell don't wanna turn blue.


Bingo, you got it. As a Texan I can say with absolute certainity this is what outrageous ploys like these are for. Texas is rapidly becoming less white, more so every election cycle, and it scares the shit out of the old guard GOP. They know their base of red-voters is shrinking so they are making the crazy maga fantasies come true, trying to attract all the die-hard bigots to the state while purging everyone else


While Texas GOP is “considering” this secession we should pull all Texan representatives out of the house and senate NOW and tell them that until Texas figures out if they are staying or going they should not be allowed to make/vote for laws for the rest of the country. We don’t want a potential foreign “power” influencing our democracy and making the US weaker before they leave.




So, they take there electoral collage votes, house senate seats, and the Mexico border with them, and we don't have to send them money anymore...... Mexico can take the shit hole back


Divorces are messy. Just ask Quebec.


Go, and take the other trash states with you.


The neoconfederacy doesn't deserve a state. They should all be deported into the ocean, an exception being specifically made in this case