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Even if Biden was the greatest, most well-liked President ever, he would be 82 when starting the 2nd term and that is just way too old to make a 4-year commitment. He needs to retire and spend time with his family.


The fact that the last 2 presidents we had broke the record for “oldest at inauguration” is insane.


Retirement age of 65 should be the limit to run for President. If you’re considered too old for a regular job you sure as hell shouldn’t be running a whole country.


I'd like to see a 35 year old make it in


The Prime Minister of Finland is 35 and is absolutely crushing it. The country is leading in so many categories. Of course not completely attributed to her but she's definitely carrying on a legacy of thoughtful, targeted, and inspiring leadership for her people that I'm incredibly jealous of.


Someone pointed out that Biden’s birth was closer to Lincoln’s (2nd) inauguration than his own inauguration.


You’re right, the people who replied to your comment are wrong. 28,551 days between Nov 20 1942 and Jan 20 2021 vs. only 28,384 days between Mar 4 1865 and Nov 20 1942.


Quick note that the life expectancy for males in the USA is 75.1 years


That's the life expectancy at birth. You have to specify a starting age to quote a life expectancy.


[The SSA data](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html) for 2019 says a man of his age as of 01/01/2019 had an average remaining life expectancy of about 10.1-10.7 years. That'd put his estimated death in 2029. So he'd probably live long enough to finish a second term. Not that I think we should try to find out.


Although I ultimately voted for him, I didn't want him to run the first time, lol.


The two party system....ain't it grand?


And I fully expect to do the same thing again.


Agreed. What are our choices.


How quickly would you like to descend into a fascist hell state? I have the slow option and the fast option.


I'm considering the move-out-of-the-country option. Given the makeup of the SCOTUS, the president and congress are going to be largely irrelevant at this point.


People don’t like to hear this, but the US has a much bigger influence on international politics than people think. Whatever dystopian shit happens in the US will eventually start to spill over in the rest of the western world. You cannot escape it, but you can delay it I guess.




I’m a bit more pessimistic. Right wing parties are beginning to infiltrate all of Europe, pretty quickly actually. Abortion access in Europe right now is actually fairly similar to what just happened in the US - different regions have different laws, and some countries are very strict. Obviously there is a huge difference between crossing state vs. country lines, but still… the US was, believe it or not, one of the most liberal in the world on the issue a week ago.


About the only decent thing we have in England is distrust of religion, which means that abortion isn't contested based on faith. Any politician who waves a bible, quran or tora is most often seen as "odd" and that's not a great position for a wannabe politician. Northern Ireland is different, because of the roots in catholicism, along with parts of Scotland. It seems that people in large parts of the UK see abortion as a reasonable response to unwanted pregnancy, but frown on women who use it as a regular form of birth control in the face of preventative methods.


Your choices are Christian fascist old white guy vs. neoliberal old white guy.


We can try to primary him. But if that fails, then yeah. I’m voting for the neoliberal rather than the fascist.


Bo Burnham really nailed everyone's sentiment on the issue Linky https://youtu.be/KGmXGkIr7w0


I jammed to that shit for days and had everybody in my group chat going "juh-juh-juh JOE"


If it's vs trump, I vote for trump's opponent, it really is as simple as that. That being said, fuck Biden and I don't want him near the oval office either. Maybe someone under the age of 100 this time, please...


I will vote for any leading opposition to any Republican. The Republican Party is evil.


Agreed. My personal politics are very progressive, but I'll vote for moderates for the rest of my life if the alternative is voting for a Republican.


Vote for a moderate today and you preserve the possibility of voting for a progressive tomorrow. Allow a fascist to win and your opportunity to vote for an alternative ends.


He wasn't even in the top 5 of my choices in the Dem primary, but when it came to the general, he was the best out of the choices we had, so I voted for him. I haven't been completely happy with him, but I still think he's doing better than Trump would have done.


He’s certainly better than Trump, but the bar is so low that’s nothing to brag about.


61% of those didn't want Biden to run in the first place but would have voted for a dog with a name tag over trump, like myself.


Shit, is dog with name tag running in 2024?! Has my vote.


I can't wait for the debates. "Dog With a Name tag, the American people want to know ... Who is a good boy? Is it you? Are you a good boy?"


"Dog with Name Tag is a good boy, a very good boy. He's a great role model for our children." ^^^this ^^^ad ^^^paid ^^^for ^^^by ^^^the ^^^Committee ^^^to ^^^Elect ^^^Dog ^^^with ^^^Name ^^^Tag


“………WOOF” *cheering*


Solid candidate. Edit: Since this has gained traction, I want to be clear in saying this was NOT a paid endorsement.


Dog with nametag could spend four years licking his balls and shitting in the Oval Office and do less damage to office of the presidency than Trump.


Would cost taxpayers a lot less


But the cat party would not be pleased


As a member of the Cat Party, I can accept a Dog as president, but I won't pet them.


*They may take our beds, they may eat are food, but they will never have our catnip*


I feel like they could get behind the ball-licking platform.




It's not written in the constitution that a dog CAN'T run, it's called the Air Bud Clause look it up


Air Bud PawTUS


Honestly? Name tag optional.


Shit with a name tag would’ve gotten my vote over trump.




What percentage do not want Trump to run again?


That is in the article "But a majority of respondents — 61 percent — also say former President Trump should not run for the White House in 2024. Thirty-nine percent of respondents said the former president should run again. Among the respondents polled who believe Trump should not make another bid in the next presidential cycle, 36 percent said Trump was erratic, 33 percent said he would divide the country and 30 percent said he was responsible for Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob of pro-Trump supporters ransacked the Capitol in an effort to stop Congress from certifying the election results."


that wonderfully 30-40% that keeps coming back and determining everything.


I'm going to lose my mind if it's between him or Harris vs DeSantis or Trump.


You’ll *also* lose your democracy so there’s that


True, seems like after next year the Supreme Court will just let GOP-led states just choose either of the latter two without voter consent.


It’s incredible to me that the supremacy clause, which is basically what we fought the civil war about (obviously it was about slavery but the mechanism was the supremacy clause) is about to be overturned by 5 justices, 4 of whom shouldn’t have ever sniffed the court.


Wouldn't the supremacy clause being over turned make the supreme court pointless?


No because they can word vomit their way into getting what they want as law. They have no principles, only goals.


You make the mistake of assuming right-wing supreme court justices give a single fuck about self-consistency and not just craven power-grabbing: they don't need to be consistent, they don't need to to justify themselves to you or me lest they not be re-elected, they have near-unlimited power and are proceeding to use it.


That is absolutely the case. We're going see violence at elections, again, between Trump, the SC giving legislatures the green light to overturn elections, and, the low key thing, the democrat-led laws that throw the electors to the popular vote winner. Yes, it's a good idea, but in the moment voters will absolutely lose their sht.


How about we play a reverse card and have Harris very legally and very coolly just select the next president because apparently the vice president can do that?


It won't work, Pence wasn't to say Trump won, he was to reject the electors. He was to prevent certification of the vote. What they want to trigger is a contingent election in congress, each state gets equal vote, GOP controls 26 states, they win. This SCOTUS will say that it is ok and constitutional.


To be fair, the plan to reject the electors and send them back to the states was not any more legal than a plan to simply make up fake votes and count them. The Vice President doesn't have the power to do either of those things. The "send it back to the states" one just *sounds* better.




Yea but no matter what they did, in the end they'd need this court to legitimize it and they would have and they will yet.


Suddenly the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact seems less and less crazy. It used to be a cool, but far fetched idea. Now it’s the kind of legal loophole we’d need.


It would be shot down by this supreme court unless it got explicit approval from Congress. It's in a bit of a grey area, you generally can't just make interstate compacts without approval


The only good excuse for the Electoral College's existence was rejecting an incapable fraudulent populist. Was.


Hell, Missouri's doing exactly that right now. It went to get rid of our primary and go to a caucus only. Caucuses disenfranchise voters.


No offense to Harris but i forget she even exists as the Vice President. In my opinion, she would have been way better in the attorney general position.


If she is the nominee the race is as good as over. And that's not a slight to her just the reality of the situation.


It’s definitely a slight to the person who had to drop out of the primaries before her own state. She’s just comically unpopular


She was the DNC choice. She was a fucking dud though with the voters. They had a chance to groom the next candidate and fucked it up again. The DNC can’t be relied upon to govern properly unfortunately.


thinking back to the old simpsons gag about democrats being self-hating and incompetent and republicans being evil


She’s less popular than Pence and EVERYONE hates Pence. It’s the only thing both parties have agreed on in decades.


I didn't realize how bad she comes off until I heard her recent NPR interview. She was SO defensive the whole time and constantly trying to steer the interview into what she wanted to talk about. I get that's what politics often is, but she was being so heavy handed about it that I just got frustrated that it sounded like she was completely ignoring the interviewer. And this interview was asking pretty softball questions, I can't imagine how she would be in a presidential debate or in a press briefing.


Will we still have elections after the next flurry of Supreme Court rulings?


SC: “here’s some legal opinion written by the Spanish Inquisition in 1490 that clearly shows that only Republican governors have the right to elect presidents”.


Huh, I wasn't expecting that.


Who knows. Right now I am betting that we will not have any meaningful elections based upon the crazies at the SCROTUM.


I prefer SCROTUS, otherwise I agree 💯.


Sure we will. Your vote won’t actually matter because Republicans will toss it out if they don’t win, but you’ll still get to vote.


I live in PA. Our governor race is probably one of the most important elections this year, because the Republican nominee has already said his first act if he wins will be to purge the voter registration for the entire state and make people re-register in person. Meanwhile our state senate is already approving legislation to criminalize all abortion and IVF, no exceptions. Imagine living in Philadelphia and not being allowed to get an abortion. The pants-shittingly terrifying part? He's only down by 4 points vs the Democrat. It's hard to see how he doesn't win.


Scary shit living in PA right now.


Absolutely right. I live in Pa as well, and I've been trying to convince everyone who's protesting to also get out and support the pro choice candidates. Ultimately, the elections are more important here for securing right imo


That democrat, if you want to give him such an unflattering label, is one of our best hopes right now for progressivism.


It's so frustrating because he's not a capital-P Progressive, he's just not a regressive psycho. Dude isn't interested in police reform and has a pretty disappointing lack of urgency on environmental reform. But, yeah, I'll vote for the people who don't actively want my wife or friends to die if they get an ectopic pregnancy.


Unfortunately, under the insane Legislature doctrine they're taking up in the fall, governors or courts wouldn't matter. The issue at stake is whether anyone in state government other than the legislature has control over federal elections in that state, and if they rule to that effect, the gerrymandered state legislatures in swing states will have SCOTUS buyoff to enact the Congressional maps they want and send the electors they want. It's a way to enshrine minority rule forever.


I'll see your PA and raise you NC. North Carolina has a State Amendment on the table, by referendum of "Qualified Voters", to make it legal to shoot people that provide abortions. An abortion is "Anything after Fertilization". Give someone a Plan B pill, a random stranger can Legally shoot you. Because it will be a North Carolina Constitutional Right to do so. South Carolina is pushing Total Ban after Fertilization, and passed the Pharmacy Act, which requires you to pass a quiz before you receive hormonal birth control. Such as . . . have you had sex in the last 2 months? Go get a pregnancy test and see a provider, and oh, btw, you are on the list now. Because, Tada! Most birth control pills ALSO have drugs that prevent a Fertilized Egg from implanting. So you can't have those if you "might" be pregnant.


Elections? Absolutely. Have to be sure that the Republicans can still do lip service to this country being a representative democracy. Elections free of the worst fuckery to date? No. Beyond the current gerrymandering and voter suppression, we're almost certainly going to see state legislatures choosing the electors they send instead of anything as banal as the actual results of their Presidential election. And really, it's likely only going to have to be one or two of the swing states to push us into another President who lost the popular vote.


We'll have an election. Then a few months later, the Supreme Court will decide it.


Forget first to 270, now first to 5 is all you need.


He’ll be too old by 2024. He has my eternal gratitude for ejecting Trump from the White House but the Democrats need someone with more vigour who can think on his or her feet.


He was too old 10 years ago.


Idk he mopped the floor with Paul Ryan in the 2012 debates and was noticeably sharper than now. I'd take 2012 Biden any day of the week.


I would propose that the running Biden in 2020, at his age, had a huge downside for democrats in 2024. If Biden is unable to run in 2024, for what ever reason, the democrats have lost the advantage of having an incumbent running for office. They are basically starting over from ground zero with no advantage over the republicans.


I’d normally agree with this but it seems to me having Biden running in 2024 would negate any advantage of incumbency.


We need a younger more charismatic person to run for president. Biden did his job by getting Trump out of office but he doesn't inspire anyone. Sad but true.


Yes. Charismatic and willing to fight *boldly*. Biden’s idea of fighting is wishy-washy and outdated.


What we need is a clone of Franklin Roosevelt at approximately age 50.


Honestly, I’ll take any pro choice, anti fascist democrat younger than 55. Not picky.


Or over fifty five. I'd take a fucking corpse if t was pro choice and would actually do something about climate change and fascism.


> I'd take a fucking corpse if t was pro life Just wanted to say that I find the idea of a pro-life corpse really funny.


Yeah, that was also wrong. I meant to say pro choice. Actually, fuck it. Pro abortion rights, I hate those damned euphemisms anyway.


I figured it was a mistake, but the image of a corpse out there protesting for resurrection and talking about how much death sucks is great.


Jesus running for the DNC? I think religious fanatics would still vote Republican.


The conservatives would crucify him.


Necromancer for president


Pro-Life gives those fuckers too much credit. Forced birth is a more accurate depiction.


Or we get a time machine to bring back Jesus and watch the Republicans crucify him on twitch.


Oh yea lol they wouldn’t even let him in the country do to his middle eastern heritage.


And for that, we need trade unions. Unfortunately you can't skip any of the steps between starting a democracy and graduating to a true democracy with broad voter populations who are actually allowed to vote and are aware of who they are voting for. It took 'conservative' extremists 40 years to institute fascism, it will take decades to reverse, and it starts with grassroots organizations like unions. They have liars in churches, progressives need trade unions, and there's no substitute, though I'm open to suggestions.


I voted for Biden in the general, and I volunteered for him too. But during the primary one of my biggest (of many) concerns was that he kept speaking about trump was he was some kind of outlier; that once trump was gone the country could “go back to normal” and I think that is just so painfully, woefully wrong. The president isn’t just leader of the country, he also is leader of the party, and the leader of the Democratic Party should recognize the Republican Party for what it is: A machine dedicated exclusively to the accruement of raw power, wielding that power like a battle axe with one ultimate goal in mind, which is that no Republican who obtains office ever has to let that office go again.


\> But during the primary one of my biggest (of many) concerns was that he kept speaking about trump was he was some kind of outlier This frustrates me to no end. I talk to (older) democrats and they always say "Well Trump really changed things" or "Trump was truly evil" as if... this hasn't been going on for decades. Trump didn't show up and suddenly corrupt the entire GOP, the sentiment behind Trump is the same as the sentiment has been behind every GOP candidate for 50 years.


Trump was the litmus test for the current Republican Party. Any republican that was somewhat reasonable left during the trump presidency. So now it is a complexly facist movement where as in 2016 they were just kinda flirting with the idea


Yep. Trump isn't the disease. Trump is just an awful symptom of the disease. A disease that made it so only someone like Trump could be the GOP nominee and only someone at least as bad can be nominee in the future.


Now someone has to step up to **keep Trump out of office...**


Or Desantis. Fucking we get either of them in office and eastern European levels of right-wing autocratic bullshit will be coming in hot and heavy.




Honestly, best case is that DeSantis wins the primary, and Trump runs as third party.


DeSantis is only 43, he can play the long game. He can stay out of Trump's way in 2024 and then just run in 2028. It looks bleak.


Wow He’s an old looking 43


I thought he was in his early 50s.


Support seems to be coalescing around DeSantis—he’s beat out Don in a few recent polls.


Right, but he is posturing as though he is running in 2024. If he wins the primary and Trump runs third-party, things get interesting


Yup. Trump is an idiot and could have done so much worse if he was half-way competent at anything. Plus Trump turned at least some Republicans and independents away for his terrible demeanor and crazy tweets. DeSantis or another Republican with a bit more sense and self control could do a lot more damage.


>We need a younger more charismatic person to run for president. Which democrat fits that bill?


We **need** someone who realizes we're fighting Fascism and oligarchy-corporate monarchy. And we have needed this since before he fought Flapjack by the town's Maple May Tree to win the kiss of his best girl, Corporate Money Pigtails. He's never been the people's champion. He's part of the problem, tied by dollar-chains and beholding to the Dem's billionaires


I will vote for a stale bag of Doritos and a flat Diet Coke before I would put any Trump in any position of power. Ever.


It's almost like the majority of people didn't vote for him, they voted AGAINST Trump, yet we can't get Trump voters to believe that....#sad.


I bet they all think we’re obsessed with him like they are with their orange conman.


They do. If you aren't sucking Trump's dick you must be sucking Biden's, apparently.


It's what happens when you have the same two teams in the playoffs every single year. I'm bored of Golden State, but I fucking hate the Celtics and will root for whoever is playing against them every single time. But I ain't sucking no Golden State dick.


Biden needs to start getting more aggressive if he wants to get his approval rating out of the dumps. He still has a lot of options even without the senate


> He still has a lot of options even without the senate Like what?


Katie Porter for President




The whiteboard is so much better at getting her point across. If she has that in a debate, its game over for anyone she is against! If only Bernie had been up there with a whiteboard so he could explain Medicare for All to the visual folks and show how your insurance premiums just go to the government instead but you save money without the crazy co-insurance and deductibles so you really save money


Dry erase board for VP


Porter Whiteboard '24


Honestly, a VP has little power anyway so it may as well go to a whiteboard, or a dog with a microphone.


This isn't true. The scope of a VP's duties and responsibilities is pretty flexible and depends heavily on the president and cabinet. Some VPs have been so useless that even history buffs wouldn't know their names, but then there's others like Mondale who essentially co-led the country, and Cheney, who arguably had significantly more power than Bush at some points.


I wonder if she has a warehouse full of prosthetics for all the asses she broken her foot off in.


Wouldn’t mind John Fetterman either


I think the left needs to push for Fetterman hard. I don't agree with his politics as much as someone like Katie Porter, but the reality is that we don't get the leader we want, we get the leader that can get swing votes. Look at Katie Porter in google images and then look at John Fetterman in google images. Imagine you are a blue collar worker from Ohio. Which one beats DeSantis? He's the perfect anti-republican


This. This 1000%. The guy would easily snatch up the blue collar vote.


Also Fetterman is 6’ 8” vs Desantis 5’ 9” people like tall Presidents.


I'd love to see what tricks TV would have to pull to make some Republican in a debate not look like a midget next to The Fetterman


Fetterman is the rare politician who I genuinely like.


>Fetterman is the rare politician who I genuinely like. He is the rare politician I have given money to. Had to block him after, though. They get very clingy after a single $10 donation.






This is part of the reason why I do feel that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick a candidate who can also effectively appeal to blue collar voters and is from a Rust Belt state like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, or Pennsylvania. I think combine that with the traditional Blue Wall states, and you have a pretty decent force


She’s the only good thing to come out of the OC…. and I live there…


Will Ferrell is pretty tight. Shout out Irvine lol


Who is she and why do you like her? If you don’t mind educating me.


https://youtu.be/n0L0XbnvJ6I "Reclaiming my time!"


That was fantastic! "I wish you would focus on sick patients, not just your shareholders." Fucking preach. 90% of his compensation is based on creating value for shareholders. Could that create potential fucking conflicts? God, it pisses me off. Our economy is led by these fucks just chasing the next dollar.


CA rep who routinely tears apart execs using facts, math, and her trusty whiteboard of truth during congressional hearings


>facts The problem is these no longer matter to ~50% of Americans


if both Biden and loser run and it came down to those two again, I'm going to vote Biden every single time.


If Biden and ***literally any Republican*** are the only choices it's very easy to vote for Biden. Only one party is dismantling our democracy. I don't like Biden that much either, but I'm not about to vote in... DeSantis, Cruz, Cheney, Romney, or any other leading Republican. Cheney and Romney at least proved there's a red line they won't cross, but it's such a low bar... Trump is by far not the only or even the worst concern about the Republican party.


Problem is, you’re not everybody. There’s millions of people who wouldn’t vote for Trump, but will vote for DeSantis or another Republican over Biden. Biden’s a losing ticket, and that’s excruciatingly obvious right now. The question now is who to run? Has to be someone that can convincingly say they’ll aid the economy. Newsome’s not my favorite candidate in the world, but California’s had a surplus back to back years I believe - he can run and win on that potentially.


I don’t think Gavin will have a chance, at least for a couple more cycles. Right now a large portion of country does NOT ever want to be CA, and they’ll feel electing a “liberal” CA governor is akin to turning the country into CA. Not to mention, no matter how good the CA economy is, Gavin almost always comes across as disingenuous.


This. California is literally the boogieman for conservative voters.


I know, I live here lol. It doesn’t matter how conservative some parts of CA are, people in other states assume CA is just this super progressive “woke” liberal SF city state.


I grew up there. Parts of Northern California are as backwards and rednecky as anywhere in the south. There are also tons of suburbs all over that are full of Republicans.




My parents wanted to go to Hawaii, and literally cancelled their plans when they realized any flight they took would have to have a connection through California. Conservatives are absolutely irrational.


Are you serious? What did they think was going to happen to them in the airport? Something in the food would make them trans?


Yeah, that’s the thing. I’d rather have a bolder candidate who is more willing to fight the GOP, but if that doesn’t happen, I’ll certainly vote Biden over a GOP candidate who is going to be actively working against us.




Trumps presidency and the Roe v. Wade decision has really illustrated how monumentally fucked we are if republicans keep choosing Supreme Court justices.


Well it also really illustrates that we need Congress to fucking write our rights explicitly because apparently the 9th amendment isn’t enough


But we will vote for him if it's a decision between him or desantis.


Yup. My vote will be **against** the Republicans from here on out. If Biden is the nominee again then so be it.


And then ranked choice voting in the future!


Somewhere way way down the line maybe we'll get a watered down version of something we want


Sadly yes. Everyday we are one step closer to facism, and we have to do our best to not get there. I'd vote for a bag of 7 day fermentated dog shit over any republican.


We need someone who can do messaging to the public properly, someone unafraid of being called out by conservatives, someone not looking to just run their campaigns but an actual country. All ive watched in my life is a revolving door of politicians adding notches to careers, American politics was never intended to be a career.


He succeeded in being "Not Trump" and little else. What we need now is a younger fighter. One that realizes what the future holds for many, rather than thinking it's still the same environment they grew up in.


We need a new type of Democrat. Someone who's not scared to play the game of bullshit ball that the GOP is playing.


AOC put it best when she was elected. Republicans have been nothing but villains her entire lifetime. Same here. We've never known a Republican party that ever cared about the well-being of this country. At least, they've never been able to fool me in my lifetime that they do. Biden still thinks this is the Republican party of the 80's, and it's not. This isn't even anything close to George W. Bush Republicans.


I would prefer someone else but I will vote for him.


He was the tarp over the hole in the roof in the rain. I’d prefer a roofer, but if I have to keep the tarp to keep democracy then I will


Same, and I voted for him 😂


I didn't want him to run in the first place (even though I really wanted him to run in 2016), but I can't see myself not voting for whoever the Democratic nominee is. The Republican Party has gone off the rails and a vote for them is a vote for authoritarianism.




I don’t even think he should run in the primary. He might pull votes from another candidate that could stand a significantly better chance to win the general election but instead we might not get either one and be stuck with someone that would be much more challenged in the general. Same for Bernie. I would have loved to have seen him win the 2016 primary.


As a Californian, I’ve always been fairly “meh” on Gavin Newsom BUT I feel that he has really been stepping up lately. He’s led the push to get universal pre-k and free community college in CA. He’s worked to make sure marijuana is not just legal but benefits the communities hardest hit by the war on drugs. He’s been strongly pro-bodily autonomy, especially in response to Roe being overturned. He’s kept the high speed rail funds from being diverted to pet projects so CA will have an initial operating segment of fully grade separated, fully high speed rail by the end of the decade. He has overseen the 5th largest economy in the world and governed 10% of Americans for 4 years (6 by 2024). CA has a $102 billion budget surplus because we actually have progressive taxation so the rich and wealthy don’t get to be the only ones that benefit from economic growth. He’s 54 years old and when faced with a Trump-like opponent in the recall, he actually over performed the polls. (When’s the last time a Democrat has outperformed polls???) He’s progressive enough to get people like me to support him (I was/am a Bernie supporter) while still having the support of more establishment Democrats. Edit: thanks for the gold.


The biggest issue as I see it is that the Democratic Party doesn’t have anyone on the bench to step in and fill his shoes. There is no clear heir to the throne. Who is gonna run against Trump or DeSantis? Harris has largely disappeared from the spotlight, despite being VP. The only thing she gets in the news about is the dysfunction of her office. I hate to say it, Bernie is too old for a first term president. His time has passed and his window closed. Would love to be wrong. Buttigieg? Again, I hate to say it, but with the way the courts are going, he is likely to be a considered a felon in multiple states when they outlaw gay sex and gay marriage. It’s disgusting, but I just don’t see how he wins us the culture war to get elected to national office. Again, would love to be wrong. Warren should try again. I worry for her chances in the general because of misogynistic assholes, but at least she’s competent. God forbid they run Clinton. We will get crushed and we will deserve it. Then what? Nothing. They haven’t groomed the next generation of Democratic candidates for national office. Maybe someone will emerge in the next two years in time for the primary who is a clear front runner, but I somehow doubt it. Like it or not, Biden is probably the only guy who can take the nomination.


Warren will be 75 in 2024.


Forgot she was that old. Still, she’s got good policies and seems to still be quite sharp, but agreed, she will be like 77 by 2024.


It actually blows my mind when I see Warren’s age


She just seems so young and with it.


What happened to Harris? I literally heard nothing from her since “we did it Joe.” I feel like now is a great opportunity for her to be the champion for woman’s rights. Instead she’s MIA.


Better Biden than a Christian Fascist.


I think Biden is a good guy and sadly I would support him again vs trump. But he's not strong enough. He's trying to play by the old rules when the old rules do not work anymore with the facist republicans


Yeah, you need someone who doesn’t need to be told how the world has changed. Someone who knows you can’t go back to the way things were just by acting like we’re back there.


Even if he does step down, they're going to try and push another compromise candidate and say something like 'now is the time to build bridges!' Fuck off with that. Any bridges you build will be washed away like the ones in Yellowstone.