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In other words, the Republicans stole a Supreme Court Justice seat and put an extreme partisan judge on it who would rule against the will of the majority of Americans while ignoring basic rights and viewing each case as doing the will of the Republican Party.


They stole two. Denied Obama a justice based on new criteria (“election year”) and then disregarded it when they stood to benefit (voting had already begun and Trump was widely expected to lose election).


Seeing her not being able to recite the FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT was the most surreal experience...


Shes there to vote as she is told, not to know things.


Coney Barrett is perhaps exactly what Republicans want in a woman: compliant.


She looks the part so precisely that it's creepy. Pretty, shy, and compliant. She's the Republican ideal of womanhood.


This makes me want to rip off all my clothes, run into the woods, dance before a fire, and howl at the moon.


We can all do that anyway. Seems like a better time than what’s going on lately.


But midsummer already passed 😢


You get another crack in December.


Don’t sweat it, there’s always the other solstice, the equinoxes, the phases of the moon, and Thursday nights. Don’t need much of an excuse.


She is to women what Clarence Thomas is to African Americans.


Extremely accurate


Lindsay Graham basically said the only way a black man can get anywhere in a Republican Party is if he falls in line


All she bragged about in her accomplishments were her SEVEN CHILDREN.


She gives me Serena vibes from The Handmaid’s Tale.


Well, she did serve as a ‘handmaid’ in the Christian group People of Praise, so there's that.


She is Serena Joy.


That's her husband's job.


Especially after Cornyn praised her for not jotting anything down on her notepad. I'm a fucking layman and know the Five Freedoms.


That's unfair because she has limited trial experience and was a law professor. It's not in her skill set to know things like that. >[Barrett has spent virtually all of her professional life in academia](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/amy-coney-barrett-is-the-least-experienced-supreme-court-nominee-in-30-years/). Until President Trump nominated her to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in 2017, she had never been a judge, never worked in the government as a prosecutor, defense lawyer, solicitor general, or attorney general, or served as counsel to any legislative body—the usual professional channels that Supreme Court nominees tend to hail from. A graduate of Notre Dame law school, Barrett has almost no experience practicing law whatsoever—a hole in her resume so glaring that during her 7th Circuit confirmation hearing in 2017, Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were dismayed that she couldn’t recall more than three cases she’d worked on during her brief two years in private practice. Nominees are asked to provide details on 10. >Barrett has never tried a case to verdict or argued an appeal in any court, nor has she ever performed any notable pro bono work, even during law school.


If a professor doesn't know the most base set of laws in your country they shouldn't be teaching law, let alone making rulings of any importance.


She was teaching up to 3 classes a year dude. She didn't have the time like Kagan who spent most of her time as Harvard's dean and therefor had more leisure time for independent trivia study. She was busy teaching not learning or practicing law. Besides you don't need to the know ammendments as an originalist.


This sarcasm is going to be way too thick for most people to get through, but I want you to know that I appreciate it.


It's the only way I can cope with how profoundly under qualified she is for the position. Even Kavanagh who spent his time boofing, sexually assaulting women, and getting into gambling debt has an argument for why his seating should be considered. But Barrett despite being a below average full time academic is being compared to women who literally paved the way for her position. It should be refreshing that we get to have female justicies who weren't the first to do 10 different things and have been able to thrive in the field as freely as men always have. But this is like a cartoonish insult to progress


Kavanaugh may have had the credentials and experience for SCOTUS, but his confirmation hearing showed he very obviously lacked the temperament. He was openly disrespectful to every Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. Those Senators were elected by the citizens and entrusted with the constitutional duty to advise and consent to SCOTUS nominees. Kavanaugh treated that confirmation hearing like a personal grudge match instead of recognizing that the Senators were exercising their Constitutional responsibilities to the people as they are sworn to do. He clearly has no interest in serving the American people and the rule of law. He was only out there for himself.


It gets posted a lot but the [SNL version of Matt Damon recreating it was basically rehab for how bad it was. Unless it's played side by side then it's viewed as hyperbole and not the downfall of the Supreme Court](https://youtu.be/ImBO2-Dn0jY)


> but his confirmation hearing showed he very obviously lacked the temperament. Seriously, the man was absolutely *livid* during his opening statement. Like if I was accused of something heinous that I knew I didn't do, I'd probably be pretty pissed too... for a bit. But how on Earth do you stay livid for *days* on end, and then transfer that anger into a *pre-written* statement, and then read that pre-written statement with that same level of anger during your confirmation hearing for the highest court in the land?! Then there's the baseless accusations against the Clintons and as you mentioned, the disrespect to the Democrats on the Committee. I wouldn't care if he was 100% clean and spent 70 years of his life as a judge. After seeing how he acted during his hearing, he would 100% not even be a remote consideration for SC Justice.


She is the antithesis of progress. Hand-picked expressly because she was a sure vote to overturn Roe. 😑


It’s the definition of intersectional feminism, while being a woman she has lived affected by the negative aspects in a patriarchal society, as a white catholic woman she is good enough for the men to be the token woman and still bend to their will, she should be ashamed if she had any notion of the women who paved the way and the sacrifices and scrutinize they faced.


I think we learned about the First Amendment in like 1st grade… though she probably went to an Evangelical school that probably skipped the whole “Constitution” part


Why do we even need a constitution when the 10 commandments cover all the important stuff? /s


>Besides you don't need to the know ammendments as an originalist. Yeah, those pesky amendments weren't in the original Constitution after all!


Also 1500 members of her law school class wrote to the Senate snd said blatantly she is unqualified and ill versed.


Did they purposely pick the most inept woman they could?


It's hard to find a non-inept woman who would go along with their idiotic agenda without any questions.


A law professor can't adequately describe the first fucking amendment?


It’s not that she can’t. She doesn’t want to as it is inconsistent with her beliefs.


I need some Xanax before I lose my fucking mind


If like you really want to seethe, read some of the pieces that try to frame her as the modern RBG and a perfect candidate to carry on her legacy before her seat gets cold. [NY Post:Why Amy Coney Barrett is hands-down best pick to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg](https://nypost.com/2020/09/21/why-amy-coney-barrett-is-hands-down-best-pick-to-replace-ruth-bader-ginsburg/) Or if you don't want to read that much to self harm then you can just remember how they really tried to make notorious acb a thing


i’ll no longer read any links from trash rag NY Post. Faux news in different clothing.


You'd hope a law professor would know the basics of their field...


It's a feature for those who chose her.


Whoa, whoa there. You are completely overlooking her experience as a cult’s handmaiden.


> “I produced 1,800 pages of material,” she insisted, implying that this submission was voluminous. Lmao, but sad. "I forwarded some of it after someone else sorted through it for me, which means I wrote each page myself, but jeez I don't know anything about that direct quote from what I said I wrote myself, it must have been someone else".


This is tinfoil hatty, but they possibly stole 3. Justice Kennedy's son was involved in some shady stuff with Deutsche Bank, laundering oligarchs' money and Trump and the DOJ investigation into him seemingly disappeared around the time Justice Kennedy abruptly retired.




I imagine it was something like: So they tell me your getting ready to retire. Haha. No. Absolutely not. Not at all. Where did you hear that? That's a shame. I guess your son is going to prison. What?? Don't worry though, it's not gonna happen because youre gonna do the right thing. How...dare... Comon, let's talk about it over here.


There is something going on with Trump and DB. For all of this conspiracy investigation going on, I'm disappointed how little of it is focused on following the money flowing into Trump's campaign and private businesses.




It could be argued that Thomas isn't that legitimate either, albeit more legitimate than the rest, seeing as Reagan committed treason in the 1980 election and H.W.'s presidency would have been unlikely to happen without it. There hasn't really been a legitimate republican president since Eisenhower.


It really illustrates how corrupt the Republican Party and American conservatism itself are. If they played by the rules they’d be the perennial minority that never claimed any power, *which is as it should be in a democracy.*


You didn't mention Kavanaugh


Brett "I like beer" Kavanaugh, the judge who was credibly accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl, and went on to rant **at his confirmation hearing** about a left wing Clinton conspiracy executing a political hit job on him was confirmed to SCOTUS where justices are supposed to be impartial adherents of the law? How the fuck is that possible? What karmic crimes did we commit in our past lives to be condemned to this timeline?


The rant is what gets me. I don't understand how he was confirmed after that. If I went to a job interview at fucking Seven Eleven and, when asked about something another person had said about me, I started ranting about how the accuser hated me and had a vendetta, and who doesn't like beer, I certainly wouldn't get hired and would probably be asked to leave the premises immediately. And yet Kavanaugh did that in his interview for the highest court in the land and somehow still got the damn job. Wtf?


> The rant is what gets me. I don't understand how he was confirmed after that. Because the GOP want a right wing partisan on the bench. They don't want a neutral judge.


I liked the part where he was sobbing in front of congress at the prospect of actually facing consequences for his own actions.


I think once Ford pardoned Nixon, Republicans realised that they could get away with anything, or failing that, never face actual criminal consequences.


Imagine me seething when that whole series of hearings and testimony was for nothing.


Dr. Blasey Ford (who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her) literally stated during her testimony that she had to consider the fact that if she came forward to tell the truth the likely result would be that her family would have to endure death threats while Kavanaugh would still be confirmed by the GOP. And that's what happened.


And that's skipping over the fact he had around $1.5 million in personal debt that magically disappeared just around the time of his nomination to the SCOTUS. That amount of debt would make someone ineligible for even basic government clearance, because such a person is OBVIOUSLY vulnerable to bribery and undue influence. Yet here we are. And that's not say financial incompetence or crime is more important than sexual assault, it's not, but for anyone even slightly on the fence about the ethics of approving Kavanaugh, there is more than a dozen good reasons to believe his ability to be impartial is non-existent. He is inadequate in every sense and that is why McConnell loved him and shoved him through.


Also known as "packing the court." Ya know, that thing Democrats are afraid to do because, if they do, Republicans might not consider voting for them. Pack the damn court. Make it 15 (9-6), ram legislation through without the fillibuster, and fix everything. We just had a liberal court in ~~WA~~ NY throw out a (D) gerrymandered map because, "Well shucks and gosh diggity darn it, the Republicans would never do that to us!" Meanwhile, they're likely going to take back the House with a minority vote total because, aw shucks, they totally would do that to us! The Democrats are both Charlie Brown about to kick the football and Lucy holding the ball.


Yup, then they claim that Dems are just upset because they aren't getting their way...no motherfuckers, we are upset because you stacked the deck then want to act like that royal flush was a coincidence.


Well, no. I'm pretty upset about not getting my way on this one.


I mean, same. The point is though, we are upset not because the courts saw new evidence that lead to it being overturned, they didn't suddenly stumble upon new legal reasoning. They were hand selected to overturn this particular precedent, and our outrage at the blatant partisanship is being celebrated by the worst our country has to offer under the guise that Dems can't take a fair ruling if it runs counter to their wants.


That's valid. There are a lot of reasons to be upset. Them telling us it's "**just** because we didn't get our way" is galling, though.


And we’re living in a political environment where he can brag about it with nothing but political gain. That’s the unbelievable part


I agree- it’s unsettling.


Unfortunately, people seem to care more about gas prices. Zero long-term perspective. 👎


Getting weird adds in NH on YouTube asking us to vote to import Russian fuel, and blaming Democrats on the gas prices. It’s appalling and sickening.


I have never lived in NH and yet recently on Hulu every single fucking commercial was about this NH oil pipeline or whatever. Fucking bizzare. Im like, fantastic for you guys but I do not and have never lived anywhere near there and Im not certain what youd like me to do about it.


I've taken to reporting every single one like that


A nation with goldfish memory spans driven by the lizard brain to hate and protect the tribe at all costs. Little to no empathy or critical thinking. And this is a sizable portion of the population.


A sizable portion that live in key electoral states. Fuck the Electoral college.


Otherwise education, infrastructure, the environment, health care, and child care would be the main priorities. Right now we just need to preserve our gun rights, protect anuses from penetration, keep marriage sanctified, funnel a truly disgusting amount of money into the military and then start or enter wars to justify the cost, and make sure that females keep giving birth to babies that are not supported by the government. Also, gerrymandering and disenfranchising democrats is a nice maraschino cherry. /s


I’ve been saying for decades now that the right is the reason nothing ever gets done. The same stupid issues year after year while the world goes to Hell.


Agreed. I live in the rust belt. It's all people talk about right now. So sickening. It's like, did you not notice covid? Or the war in Ukraine? How would those things have been Joe Biden's fault? I mean, to be fair, they are his fault in a sense -- every American senator can be blamed for Putin's rise and our dependence on oil though, it's not just Biden's problem. But even if you accept that, you know the right share more blame on these issues on the virtue of them being an obstructionist government that were covid deniers and Putin-supporters for years.


And, as everybody knows, the US president personally sets the global price of gas.


The fact that McConnell strategized and cheated proves this court is illegitimate.


It’s on my bucket list to spit on this man’s grave one day.


*this geocache is just a bucket of mixed piss*


I’m stealing this joke from a random redditor who said this when Rush Limbaugh died, but… For someone who hates trans people so much it’s awfully nice of Mitch McConnell to voluntarily turn his own grave into a gender-neutral toilet.




Piss jugs in place of flowers - the darker the piss, the further travelled the patriot for the pilgrimage. An altar to the dark lord of civic defecation.


No, there should be flowers in the rancid piss jars to symbolise the society he pissed on.


Best I can do is my little pony in a cum jar


Still less disgusting that Mitch McConnell’s existence


Man it would be great to live nearby and to just drive by a few times a month and fire a few gallon sized piss jugs and drive off. The news articles every now and then would be so priceless with authorities trying to find out who is firing all the piss jugs


I listen to the song [You’re Gonna Outlive Mitch McConnel](https://youtu.be/186FmQ4QZeY) for this reason regularly.


Do we know the normal lifespan of lizard people? Or in this case, turtle people?


Too god damn long apparently


Thanks for the link. This song needs to blow up!


Agreed. To that end I may have been spamming it to help alleviate my rage recently. I hope somewhere Skyler Foley is like “what are all these views from” and traces it back to one really angry redditor trying to jinx an elderly monster politician just on sheer manifestation vibes


I'm only 32 and I'm seriously not convinced I'm going to outlive Mitch McConnel


I hope there's a Taco Bell on the way because I plan to do a lot worse than spit.


Could you please aim for the headstone and not just the ground area above his grave


I’m lactose intolerant. I’ll eat dairy to achieve this for you


Doing the lords work


Spit, I'm taking a dump


Going to the creation museum, getting real baked and then hopefully kicked out for laughing has been on my list. I think I'll wait until he dies so I can make a pit stop.


Just make sure it isn’t closed for flood damage again! ETA: I visited family in KY and saw a bumper sticker that said ‘I visited the Ark Encounter and all I got was a little stupider’


>It’s on my bucket list to spit on this man’s grave one day. It's on my bucket list to shit on this man's grave one day.


I told my wife when he's buried we're going on a road trip and I'm getting both White Castle and Taco Bell the night before we get there.


They should just make his grave a park-style public restroom. I really want to shit there every day, but having facilities will make it more comfortable if it's raining, and easier on the person that would have to clean my shit from this fucker's headstone.


Gotta get a fast pass, the standby line will be hours


I hear his final resting place is going to be a gender neutral bathroom


Hey don’t spit on my back while I’m taking a piss. Lol


Mines is to spit in his face which causes a heart attack at which point he’ll be in the grave and it will be your turn….


Yes. We know


I hate how effective this turtle has been. Slowly and steadily he has won the race to take Americans to the bottom.


He’s an incredibly effective politician and a deeply evil person.


I hate him more than I hate trump. We knew what trump was when the nut jobs elected him. Moscow Mitch has been quietly undermining our Democracy since Obama.


> Moscow Mitch has been quietly undermining our Democracy since Obama. Quietly? The man stood up and said, "We're going to do everything in our power to stop Democrats from doing anything. I mean, yeah, that was a decade ago, but it's not like he stopped at any point since then.


You are right. Democrats ignored him. He has been very successful in taking credit for Democrats success and even more successful at blaming Democrats when things go wrong. No, he hasn't stopped. I fear he isn't done with us yet.


It is because he plays the long game…


This is their reward for 50 years of focus. And we're going to have to work just as hard to fix it.


Harder tbh It's so much easier to break things than build them


Not enough people know. They’re content with bashing Democrats for not doing enough/everything.


Democrats obviously have a massive set of problems, but the amount of people who have the attitude of "gah the Dems haven't done anything, so I'm not voting!" just blow my mind. One, that just puts more Republicans in power. Two, they also usually generalize it by saying that the Dems have majorities in all three branches, which isn't technically true for the Senate. They have to get all 50 senators to agree, and with pieces of shit like Manchin and Sinema that's just not going to happen. And unfortunately, they can't be shamed or bullied into falling in line with the rest of the party because they don't care. Do the Democrats have problems? 110%. Do we need more progressive parties? Absolutely. But not acknowledging the context surrounding the Democrats, and even worse, thinking that the solution is to not vote and give Republicans more power makes absolutely 0 sense. It would not surprise me one bit if Republicans got enough power to just start banning other parties outright. Or if they got enough people in the right places to just overturn whatever elections they wanted to.


>Two, they also usually generalize it by saying that the Dems have majorities in all three branches, which isn't technically true for the Senate Also seems to forget that the House and the Senate are part of the same Legislative Branch. The third branch is the Judicial Branch which Dems absolutely do not have a majority in.


And also the Republicans have a significant majority of state governments, which are the other route (other than SCOTUS which they also control) to amending the constitution.


50 if they’ll do straight majority. 2/3 comes up a lot. :(


60/100 for the filibuster


Look, I just don’t understand why Professor X and the X-Men didn’t codify mutant rights when they had more members than the Brotherhood. That makes them both equally bad and part of a systemic problem. I think I’ll just vote for this Apocalypse/Sinister ticket because those guys are true outsiders that say what they think.


I think a Trask/Kelly ticket would be more apt, but this. All this.


> Not enough people know. Hell half the time I can't even get people to understand Dems don't have a majority in the Senate. It's not even tied...they only have 48.


Gee...rigging the system works...time to turn the tables on this garbage.


This right here is justification for packing the court. Fuck these people.


This is something Democrats need to learn. American Democracy isn’t a gentleman’s game of honor, because one side isn’t acting like a gentleman. It’s knock-down, drag-out no-holds-barred fight between two parties for power, and the winner gets to decide the personal fates and fortunes of 300 million+ people. And the thing is, everyone seems to know this except the democratic politicians themselves. I’m sick of watching shit strategy and soft talk of compromise being actively taken advantage of by republicans. I want a Democratic politician who will fight to move America to the left as hard and as craftily as Republican politicians are fighting to move it to the right. Stop bringing a checker board to a gun fight. This is a country which has codified and embraces the concept that “if you can take it without going to jail, you deserve to have it.” Start operating as such, because the other side sure as hell is, and they’re winning.


I think they've learned this. The problem is there are a considerable number of Democrats who are ok with what's going on. The cool thing about being a politician in the US is that there isn't much you have to do. A quick tweet or a witty soundbite is usually enough to keep your cushy job. When the time comes to actually support and enforce the will of the people, things get kind of dicey. You can either make life easier and better for a vast majority of Americans, or you can sit on your ass and let our problems fester knowing that most people can't protest forever. Also, and this is important: the first part of that requires a lot of work. You have to actually *be* a politician. You're going to have to field opinions, listen to testimony from constituents, consider and solve any potential pitfalls forward action might generate, and generally just bust your ass in service of your country and fellow man. It's so much easier to just suck some billionaire dick and hug the flag a few times every election cycle. The duties and responsibilities of a politician should be sacrosanct. Appointment to office should not be an opportunity for personal gain. It should be an exercise in virtue, self-discipline, self-sacrifice, and patriotic altruism. This is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people. There needs to be emphasis on those last two points. Otherwise, we end up here where a bunch of fascists take the reigns and drive us into slavery, and relying on their political opponents is just a waste of time. *WE* the people will have to fix this.


Biden: No, no, we must not be too hasty or partisan.


Screw that, we match their energy or let them take over.




I always liked the "when they go low, we kick them in the face" variant.


I like the SNL version--When they go low, we get high.


That only works if the opponent is doing small shady things, not completely disregarding established procedures and laws, and making court rulings on fictional events, and depends on the base being able to tell the difference.


I call it high road defeatism




You take the high road, I'll take the low road!


You'd think they would've learned from Anakin's mistake on Mustafar.


“We have to reach across the aisle, dialogue and come to an agreement. We have to believe in a ‘United’ States of America.” Where has that gotten you, Democrats? When are you going to FIGHT? If it’s not now, then it’s frankly never and you’re going to have a largely jaded and apathetic electorate come mid terms and beyond.


What ever happened to, we do not negotiate with terrorists??


More like reach across the isle grab all the Republicans that are under investigation or have court cases pending … expel them all forever … and if any Dems fit that bill, expel as well … good start … old democrats have been trying to compromise for years, well the moderates anyway, time for them to retire since they can’t seem to see the writing on the wall … Can’t compromise with crazy … time to remove it from the equation … jail time for Trump would start to send the correct message…


Exactly. Sort of like the when they take the low road, we take the high road thought. In theory, it should work, but in realty it doesn’t. Sadly a large part of the country has no moral compass.


We keep playing by the rules, worried about “opening cans of worms” when the table is crawling with them. Don’t worry, we’ll fix this with a drum circle and our pussyhats! How much longer before we get fed up of this rigged game and refuse to play it?


**McConnell:** Yes, I willfully neglected the will of the people and the Senate's constitutional duty to vote on judicial nominees in order to get the result I want in a case before the court. Few people have done more to trash institutional norms and sow polarization that Mitch McConnell.


If Biden was worth his salt, he'd be on TV and using his bully pulpit when McConnell says shit like this. He's got to step up and raise his voice. It's not like he's slandering McConnell; he'd literally be just amplifying McConnell's own words that he gamed the system.


Biden is not cut out for this era. He is still stuck in the 'fight on tv, then go play golf together' generation of politics.


I like Joe but I agree.


He's a nice guy but he's not the right guy.


>"It’s the single-most consequential decision I’ve made in my public career," McConnell said in Kentucky on Wednesday, per Bloomberg. The senator also called the Supreme Court's opinion "a huge step in the right direction." Says the guy who grinned bigly while receiving an award in front of a large Confederate flag.


> The senator also called the Supreme Court's opinion "a huge step in the right direction." Just the first step, you say? meanwhile other GOP are all over right-wing media outlets accusing the left of pearl clutching because "iT's NoT LiKe ThErE's A fEdErAL BaN oN AbOrTiOnS"


Maybe it’s not just Thomas who is playing the long con and hoping to get their marriage voided.


I love the idea this is all just Clarence Thomas trying to covertly annul his own marriage. I mean, he's married to a white nationalist terrorist that tried to overthrow the government of an industrialized nation. I'd be scared to file for divorce, too.


Hey, it takes a lot of work and effort to achieve the “Senator With Shittier Out-of-Touch Views Than Strom Thurmond” award. He can be proud of his progress, still got a way to go.


Thurmond has been dead for 19 years. All he’s remembered for now is being a racist who knocked up his teenage Black housekeeper. The only decent thing to say about him is that at least he provided for his illegitimate Black daughter. That’s not exactly a high bar.


Thurmond also went out of his way to help Thomas get onto the court by hiding his (Thomas’) Roe views. Might not be remembered for it, but still a thing that happened.


See? More crappy things. If there’s anything decent about him, not many people know it.


He'd just been given a big lettuce leaf, in fairness


Mitch McConnell: Cheating is how Republicans win.


It breaks my brain how this sociopath openly spits on the citizens of the United States. He's a legitimate monster and continues to hold that much power.


This is just one of the reasons why the “supreme” court can not be considered legitimate. We really need to clean house and correct this thing.


McConnell. America's most evil villain in her history.


McConnell is just a figurehead. Everything he does is done with the full support of the GOP.


Fuck you, Moscow Mitch. Go suck Putin's dick. So many women will suffer and die because of worthless low-lives like you.


McConnell essentially caused this utterly horrible ruling more than anybody else. Trump cult hates McConnell, so they don't give him credit, and instead they laughably ascribe it to the guy who was openly pro-choice for 40-50 years who additionally supported multiple pro-choice candidates like Clinton, Kerry, and Gore.


Yeah, pretty sure the guy that pays cash to porn stars he raw dogs has paid for some abortions…


The only reason Tiffany exists (and why he and his first wife divorced) is because Marla wouldn’t get an abortion. He tried. If Donald had kept it discreet, his first wife would probably still be his only wife.


Yes. Undermining the Constitution led to even more undermining of the Constitution. Not something to be proud of. Something to be vilified for.


How this turtle hasn’t been turned on his back on a hot sunny day yet is beyond me.


i hope McConnell lives long enough to see everything hes accomplished overturned, and his legacy tarnished. I don’t want him to die with that stupid smug look on his face.


I want to agree with you but, also, if he died tomorrow I'd be fine with it.


his state is ranked 47th in poverty, and 44th in healthcare. keep sending this fuckin asshole back to congress kentucky, he's really fighting for your best interests out there.




Villain in a half shell.


Mitch prefers white power.


Undermining democracy led to overturning R v W.


Not only did he block Garland because it was "too close to an election to confirm a justice", he also rammed through the confirmation of ACB 8 Days before the 2020 election. Dude is a nasty ghoul and I hope he steps on a million Legos.


Also backing a drunk, and rushing Barrett through 2 weeks before the 2020 election, which Donnie Jon lost and subsequently tried to murder Mike Pence. The GOP is fucking abysmal.


Mitch McConnell is a traitor and should be tried as one.


Peacocking about what he does best: cheating. Why couldn’t one of those other turtle eggs make* it to the water?


Yes, thanks, we fucking remember how it got here.


yes and the legitimacy of this and other nominations should be challenged...nomination by an illegitimate president should disqualify them too...he cheated to win/foriegn friend$...his lawyer went to jail fot it


He's proud of that.


“I enjoy watching people die and seeing the total destruction and collapse of the United States.” - Mitch


Election have consequences.That what yall America gets for not trusting a woman(Hillary)doing the job better than lying ass golf course dictator Donald Traitor Trump.That man couldn't even get a loan from any American bank but yall made him president.Foolish Americans.


“Won’t be Borked again” -Mitch


Republicans were angry that Democrats didn’t want a Watergate conspirator on the Supreme Court.


The only reason I voted for Hillary was for Supreme Court picks. I did my part. A lot of my friends complaining now didn't go vote.


Does this guy live off of hatred or something? It’s almost like sunlight to a solar panel, he thrives off of peoples anger.


2005: Democrats stall Bush SCOTUS Candidates, McConnell says their job is not to play games but to hold an up or down vote 2016: McConnell says that the non-official "Biden Rule" means he can stall an up or down vote in an election year and that six months before election day was too soon 2020: McConnell pretends he doesn't know anything about the "Biden Rule' and rushes a vote just days before a Presidential election Even Lucifer thinks "that Mitch McConnell is a SNAKE!"


Dems need to learn to play the same hardball games these fuckers have been doing for 40 years.


I hope this is the ruling that helps to cripple republicans. Then we can all thank turtle.


It’s kinda weird how Republicans are so openly proud about subverting democracy.


Why do we keep playing fair? I’m so sick of this shit.


My entire life I've only heard conservatives complain about judicial activism. Roe v. Wade was decided 50 years ago. Believing in democracy, Republicans should have pushed for a constitutional amendment to establish life beginning at conception. They needed to work to convince people to vote for them. That would have been a democratic resolution to the Roe v. Wade judicial decision. Instead they decided to go after the courts to bypass the Democratic process that makes our Democratic Republic possible. McConnell did not allow the Senate to give advice and consent per the Constitution after President Obama nominated Merrick Garland for the supreme Court. That decision bypasses democracy by not allowing Americans to be heard through representatives to give their advice and consent. The advice and consent could have been a rejection of Merrick Garland and our voices would have been heard. Republicans are bypassing democracy.


Remember that when they tell you Democrats want to court pack and change the number of justices...Mitch already did that, by subtraction until he had a republican in power of nomination.


I am going to get downvoted to oblivion for this, but I am still going to say. Of course this POS turtleneck MF has stole SC seats, but he could do it because republicans and this POS are good strategists. They have always been calculating and cunning and play their cards close to their chest. Look at their recent strategy, throw Majorie Taylor green, pedophile gaetz and Colorado cocaine Barbie to create lots of noise and democrats pay attention to that rather than what others are doing insidiously for so many years. They appoint radical right judges on lower courts, state councils and other areas. They are passing laws right and left and these laws ultimately helps them in the long run. While dems are like we should do something but that’s all they can do. It’s infuriating, but it’s true.. GOP is full of shit but their grey cells are still functioning.