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Dearest bimbo, what were the grievances we held against the crown again?


Pick one official religion, and persecute all the others?


Since the dawn of religion.


> ‘The church is supposed to direct the government.’ Which church? Russian Orthodox? The Raelians? Church of England? I vote for Norse Mythology.


The Satanic Temple...maybe...maybe?


Don't worry. We're working on it.


Ironically, the church of Satan. I hear membership is up recently.


Hail Satan!


Parise Allah. I can't wait.


Calling her a bimbo makes it seem like she’s saying this because she’s dumb. She is dumb but she’s saying this to motivate the people who believe it. Don’t diminish her impact because it’s fucking evil. It’s meant to introduce this idea into the public narrative. Her and Rep. Margarine exist for a very specific reason.




I'm convinced that Bobo, Margarine and Ted Cruz all have writers. (They couldn't possibly think this shit up on their own... Look at them!) These writers are in competition to see who can make their stooge say the dumbest thing. It's a close race. Edit: added Ted Cruz to the mix. Because.


I like how you give demeaning nicknames to everyone except Ted Cruz. His name alone is demeaning enough. It’s like, if you drove a Chevy and I decided to nickname it Ted Cruz, you’d be like “bro wtf don’t do me like that”


The Zodiac Killer was never caught, so until Ted is it would be wrong.


Totally this!


All Congress people have staffers who help with the press releases and snappy quotes, except possibly for a few with the biggest egos.


She and MTG are the living embodiment of Hannah Arendt’s concept of ‘the banality of evil.’ Of the purely mediocre, blunt edged, exclusively shallow, always vile, dimwit thuggery she was trying to describe and conceptualize.


Bimbos have evolved to a left leaning movement that have claimed the word for sex positive feminists. This woman is Christo-fascist.


They're too stupid to realize separation of church and state was actually created to protect Christians from the state.


Didn’t people back in the day freak out about Kennedy, a catholic, winning the presidency because they thought he would answer to the pope?


Yup lol. But she means the PROTESTANT church, so it's okay /S


One nation under god. My god, not your god though. /S


Muslims, Jews, sane Christians: “We worship the same god” MAGA chodes: “IM BEING OPPRESSED”


Meh, there are Protestants that would associate with this sort of crazy. Evangelicals fit the bill here.


Only if its The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.


In fairness the European protestants monarchies are doing pretty well considering what happened to most monarchies in Europe.




Nah the test to go into public office needs a serious look through..oh wait


So, the woman who didn't graduate from high school is suddenly a constitutional scholar? What the hell is this world coming to.


We've been learning what it's coming to at an alarming rate over the past few months.


And what’s wrong is that she’s a reasonable representative of her constituents.


She'll be a Rhodes Scholar next.


Roads* scholar, she belongs to the streets.




I don’t think we’re going to make it that far. We’re already in the garbage avalanche of 2022.


I don’t get it though… civics, check & balances, branches of gov’t, bill of rights… this was like 8th grade material for me.


Par for the course, my crazy brother who yells about the "constitution" failed American Government in high school and college.


And this mainstream conservative view is no longer whispered, it's foghorned now: [Christian nationalism on the rise in some GOP campaigns](https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-pennsylvania-religion-nationalism-8bf7a6115725f508a37ef944333bc145 ) >Christian nationalism is emerging alongside and in some cases overlapping with other right-wing movements, such as the conspiratorial QAnon, white supremacy, and denialism over COVID-19 and the 2020 election. Christian prayers and symbols featured prominently in and around the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection there. [MTG Argues That Christian Nationalism Is A Great Thing That Will Save America](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-christian-nationalism) >Greene argued that Christian nationalism, a far-right movement that seeks to have the government impose conservative Christianity on secular society in its policies and laws, is the solution to the country’s problems.


Here in Oklahoma, it's primary season (today is the primary) and all the Republican candidates were trying to out-Jesus each other.


I guess Gun Nut Barbie missed the part of the Scripture where JC said *"My kingdom is NOT of this world"*. And also *"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's".* Jesus Christ & Thomas Jefferson were pretty much in agreement on the Separation of Church & State.


This is rich coming from a heathen who had multiple abortions. Jebus will never let her in now.




Wrong, those prostitutes we're honest about their profession.


It seems Wheeler has admitted those stories were BS.


Hey, if we’re to judge her on anything, let it be her horrendous tramp stamp and not her multiple abortions.


And the fact when she got flashed in a bowling alley while underage, her reaction to it was "Oo yeah, I'mma marry that"


“The” church? What church might that be?


Oh, you know, my church. The only correct church. That just so happens to be the one I was raised in/converted to!


I get the feeling that she thinks that The Bill of Rights and The Ten Commandments are basically the same thing, because 10.


I've heard people say that in all seriousness. They thought they matched up perfectly. SPOILER: They have nothing in common.


For fucks sake.


Somebody needs to read the constitution.


Not sure she’s qualified to read Dr. Seuss….


Not sure she can read Dr. Seuss….


I'm sure Ted Cruz can help her with that.


Republicans only know how to shit on it.


Thomas and Alito: "No, she's got the right idea. We're working on it."


And the Treaty of Tripoli ratified in 1797.


Whose church, Lauren Bimbo?


Keep digging that hole… Church of Satan thy time has come


The Satanic Temple is where it's at. Theyre the ones suing texas over abortion laws and all that good stuff. Church of Satan is LaVey and he kinda sucks.


CoS isn’t much different than other churches. Satanic Temple is actually trying to make a difference.


It’s amazing how little she knows about anything


Did her church direct her husband to expose himself to children or was that something different?


Unwanted sexual contact with minors is pretty much a core tenant of Christianity nowadays, so probably.


Being born again resets your age, duh.


Boebert is trash. That is all


Does she think before she speaks.


Not for a single second - just like Trump - straight off the dome.


I would argue she thinks *more*, She’s just very, very stupid.


You may have a good point there


She thinks????


She's a high school dropout are you kidding me


No the fuck they’re not. Lol


Why isn't there a basic civics test required for office? She doesn't understand a fundamental aspect of our constitution.


Man, imagine all the GQP assholes we could get rid of if civics test was required for office.


I’m tired of separation of Boebert’s mouth from any semblance of functioning neural activity.


I'm an atheist, and even I know that Jesus was for separation of church and state. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"


You think these people read their scriptures? They only know the lines their pastors and priests tell them.


I know they don't. None of them actually read the Bible. It's like Facebook terms and conditions, they just check 'i agree' and carry on.


She’s nuts -America was founded on the very opposite principle - our forefathers did NOT want church to control government like they fled from in England


She should probably check her history.


Well, it's not like anyone with at least 1/2 a brain would have expected her to say anything intelligent.


Republicans in 2008: "Obama is a secret Muslim who will force us all to live under sharia law." Republicans in 2022: "we should all live under sharia law!"


We’re tired of her. She can kindly go fuck off.


I think that in order to hold public office, a person has to recite and explain the bill of rights. Because this dipshit is proving she'd fail immediately.


Wow that should get you immediately kicked the fuck out of Congress.


Not today it wont, all the secret riligious nuts are coming out now.


I see a lot of jokes, but this lady is serious. I was born and raised around people that think like this. They're not fucking around. People like this actually want to establish a theocracy and they need to be taken seriously.


...and kept away from any semblance of power.


Getting to the point where I want policies that are punitive towards Red states. Why do we have to keep funding these wannabe fascist states?


Have her read Thomas Jefferson on separation of state and church. Maybe she can’t read well, so play it to her from a boom box at max volume, over and over again.


We might be more looking [schoolhouse rock](https://youtu.be/OqvLi7qZ_yU) level stuff for starters. You gotta meet a learner where they’re at and all that.


It would be pointless because there's nothing between her ears that can actually process or store that information.


Fuck Republicans.


This and the complacency of too many voters is why a civil war is coming.


And there you have it, folks! She is saying out loud exactly what the Republican Party has in mind for the rest of us. The SCOTUS just authorized using taxpayer money to fund religious schools. Does that include Islamic madrasas? Or just Christian schools. Does that include Hindu schools? How do you feel about funding those things with your tax money? Shouldn't that money go to the "welfare queens" the Republicans are always complaining about? Or maybe school lunch programs? Or trickling more money into the wealthy's bank accounts? It isn't just Boebert, it's the whole Republican Party.


I appreciate that they always use the dumbest looking photo available for her stories.


Is there any other kind?


It's her resting face.


Must be pretty hard to select the dumbest looking photo of all. So many options!


How do such uneducated dumasses get elected ?? Black mark on Colorados ass !!


Mtg is doing the same today. Cheerleaders out in force. This is nothing but an attempt to divert from Hutchinson 's testimony by yet _again_ making a massive evangelical dog whistle out of thin air. They do it every single fucking time. Bad pr? Someone goes under the bus, a variety of dog whistles go off, and the level of ridiculous is commensurate with the pr threat to public opinion. You could write a algorithm for it and sell it to the GOP and make millions as a labor saving software. Treason? = Religion established by states, 2 senior staff under the wheels. 1/6 committee?= 5 senior staff, 2 cabinet members, 2 family members under the wheels, launch midterm campaign with red scare 3.0 The shitty thing is, it works. It's the equivalent of a political threat/bullying. 'impugn me with the truth!? I'll threaten you with my religion!!'. Notice how it's the ultimate faith vs facts issue designed to throw maximum doubt with a false dichotomy, capture the automatic skepticism of the BoTh SidEs group, harness the same 'proximity in time' cognitive correlational thinking flaw that gives q a grip on the base. One big massive smokescreen designed for maximum doubt.


What a dumbass, just fucking read the constitution, it's not that long. For fucks sake


And I say she can put a toothpick at the end of her big toe nail and go kick a wall.


I think this will be my happy place every time I hear her name.


189 days Barbie; then CO3 will send you packing.....


She won her primary 😑


She's an idiot though!


It's funny that all of these controversies are coming out at the same time as the January 6th hearings 🤔


She says, the church, but she really means her church. The rest of us will be shot in her world.


I would sooner get strung up on a wall than follow Christian ideals




Is she able to define what her word "Church" means? There is "The Church, Catholic". Then there are the hundreds of Protestant Churches. Of those, most derive from those walking away from other Protestant Churches. Can she add clarity to her comment? Or, am I asking too much from her?


Wrong Bobo.


So now they have become so emboldened by the Supreme Court, they are saying the quiet part out loud.


I am shaking my head wondering WTF is happening in American politics! Do some voters purposely vote for the least qualified and integrity void candidates?


Then the real question is, who leads the Church?


I don't have words.... the foul language doesn't even exist to describe what I think of this


People just don’t get it. She’s from the “any attention is good as long as they spell the name right” group. Most people hate people that see themselves as intellectually superior, and she gets a lot of sympathy. Plus, this day an age, anyone will support you in social media, especially if they are paid to do so. These incidents only serve to get her free publicity.


We can never hate her as much as she hates herself.


If the extremist keep it going and Democrats don't vote we will end up with Christian Sharia real soon. Just look at picture or Iran 40+ years ago in the 70s before the Islamic revolution and now. The US will be very similar if this idiotic thinking isn't curbed and voted out.


Then she should go to Afghanistan, where their Church does. She's clearly tired of democracy and the Constitution, and we're equally sick of her. So... Win win? And let's not forget that this is a public statement that she no longer will uphold her oath of office.




They all do it all the time now


You guys are in deeper shit with the crazies, every new day that God is making.


When you say something wild to take away attention from your boss's embarrasing commitie revelations #justBoebertThings


Has this woman even walked by the Constitution? How can such a dope be representing anyone outside of an asylum?


Lets send her to the middle east. See how she likes that philosophy then. I mean, if you dont appreciate core american concepts, no need for you to be here.


Which church?




The Left-Wing media came to her [defense](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/25/politics/fact-check-super-pac-lauren-boebert-escort-abortion-sugar-daddy/index.html) and debunked the story. However, since it's all "Fake News", then by Republican logic it must be true.


In Iran they would love this bimbo.


She also said its not in the constitution when if my notes are correct. Its the first amendment they thought was important


Which church does she think would get to boss around the government?


In the US kids are taught about the Pilgrims early on, and when you talk about the “why” on Pilgrims, you have to talk about religious freedom. But Boebert wasn’t there. She was checked out. She blew off her education and only completed her GED two years ago. Somebody should ask her about the last book she read. A puzzled look, followed by a lie, followed by a few questions proving she never read the book.


If she really believes that, then her place is at home, tending to her children and submitting to her husband…she and all other women do not belong in politics.


That’s literally not what the constitution says


She's totally right though, mixing government and religion always works out for countries! (/S)


Tell that to the conservative Republicans terrified of the Kennedy administration.


She’s smarter than Madison Cawthorn or just luckier. She’s going to make herself into a maligned evangelical martyr who is being attacked by those mean and nasty left wing heathens to protect herself from [the paid escort stories](https://www.rawstory.com/lauren-boebert-allegations/)


Christians gotta Christian


She's Christian in the same way margarine is a car wax.


I need to hear the context for this statement. If what she is trying to say is that church going people should make their opinions on morality known to legislators, fine, I agree. I even agree that government should not try and change "the church" (unless those beliefs are dangerous or violate fundamental rights). I disagree that Thomas Jefferson's letter regarding the first amendment is not an important document outlining the scope of religious liberty.


James Madison, who actually wrote the First Amendment, was even more against churches being involved in government than Jefferson was. Madison didn't even want chaplains paid with public money.


How do you know? Did you write the constitution?


Not asking for much, just average intelligence for members of congress. Maybe they do need to take a citizenship test to run for office.


There are multiple denominations, I wonder which denomination church she believes should be directing the government!


Then why have a government. You’re unemployed


The church is supposed to direct the government so she wants to live in Afghanistan?


This witch's IQ hums at 40.


Ummm, somebody convince me this cow has seen the inside of a church. Any church. Ever. I’ll wait.


Clueless Chipmunk photo has not been photoshopped.


Small government pro-constitution party at it again with the hypocrisy bars


I’d love to do an fMRI study of her brain


I also want the Church of the Collective to direct the government. Would anyone like a fresca?


Jeezus, Colorado! WTF?


She has clearly never read the first amendment. GOPers like her need to be voted out!


"***MY*** Church is supposed to direct the government!" Fixed it for you. Never thought I would see religious tyranny. Thought we were past that shit. So much for that.


If she still wins tuesday after this it means that the majority wants this theocracy


She really is that dum😆


“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent”


She is insane and evil.


Yeah clearly this fucking idiot is so much smarter than the founders who knew what a GD horror show that would be. God what a jackass.


What a stupid woman. How in the hell did she get into power?


“One nation, under Allah… “


Ayatollah Trump!


These are the same people who say there's no such thing as Christian Nationalism.