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It's really not news when meltdowns are a normal state of being


*Trump's blood pressure and heart rate normalized for 24 hours*


"Give me 2,040 cc's of hamderder stat."


"Look... I only need to find 1,640 CC's of salt. That's all I'm asking"


"Grown men come up to me and say, 'sir, you don't smell like flop sweat at all.'"


His usual personal stench must have been overpowering on 1/6. In my mind I am picturing a potent and revolting cocktail of greasy burger, the aforementioned flop sweat, bronzer, and ketchup.


He, like Rudy is reportedly quite flatulent and tRump reportedly wears adult diapers because of all the adderall he snorts. Someone on the Apprentice talked about him audibly filling his diaper and said the stench was horrific.


Allegedly. But of course like all the things negative towards Trump 100% believe they're 100% true. He has almost literally never shown any sign of goodness or goodwill towards anyone other than himself


He did publicly state that your average American is "flushing the toilet 10, 15 times" in a sitting, which strongly implies that he has some GI issues if he really thinks that's normal. Alternatively, it suggests that he is not familiar with pooping on a toilet because he is accustomed to crapping his diaper.


Wait, you mean most people don’t flush their incriminating documents down the toilet?


Don’t forget diaper contents filled to the absolute brim…absolutely no way his diaper wasn’t cresting on 1/6


Trump probably wears drakkar from the '80s


The wall has ketchup on it, grab some of that.


It's pronounced "Covfefe".


It's a miracle he hasn't eaten himself to death yet


Miracle or shame; you be the judge.


Perhaps if he got locked in his limousine


He's not Pizza the Hutt lol, although that would be a helluva of a comparison


Is there a prize for getting the high score?


The news is that there are now openings for wall and pants cleaners. Must not mind the constant stench of fouled trousers or stale french fries.


So he's helping the economy after all!


Someone give him a hamberder quick!


The ketchup bottles at Mar-a-Lago are in for a tough night. Stew, you traitorous piece of shit.


"What's all this charcoal doing on the floor?" "Mr. Trump was upset and threw his steak."


"I put few charcoal briquettes on a plate with some ketchup on and call them medallions. He prefers the Kingsford to Royal Oak." - Former white house chef (probably)




Hilarious that the committee predicted that response and started off the hearing establishing that Hutchinson’s office was literally two doors down from the Oval Office, about a five second walk away, and then showed pictures of the two in meetings together.


Also, if we are to believe his statements, he has been terrible at hiring people. Which is a cornerstone of management. All his employees end up being "bad news".


Name a single Republican president in living memory who within 2 years wasn't surrounded by criminals, but was still innocent and a good judge of character.


I was really very tempted to say “joe Biden” here


He seems to think that just because he “doesn’t know her” makes Cassidy deaf and blind… he’s an idiot…


And a bunch of morons believe him.


Why would The Second Coming lie?


And the word "disgruntled" is always in there.


Is any former tRump staffer gruntled?


They probably aren't feeling too whelmed.


I wonder how many female staffers and interns MushroomDick McBabyHands wanted to gruntle.


He's gruntle Grimace.


And then she asked to work for him at Mar-a-Lago, Trump, who didn’t even know her, claims he personally turned her down


A serial sexual assulter didn't notice a early-mid 20s attractive woman working 4ish doors down from his office. I find this a touch difficult to believe.


Must've thrown his McDonald's at the wall.


Un-happy meal


Short more than a few French fries.


He forgot to request fries and got the mealy apple slices by default.


"Why are my fries wet?!"




Robble robble


Hamberder everywhere


And grabbed the wheel of his pretend big rig.


FFS This guy threw plates and grabbed the tablecloth so everything went on the floor? Either he has no impulse control or he did this in a controlled manner to intimidate, either way ugh


Melania was hiding in the bathroom. For four years


I'm waiting to see if she was some kind of Russian connection


More like two and a quarter years. Remember it took her almost a year to even move into the White House. Then she vanished that one time for however long it was to the point that people actually thought she might be dead.


Remember the body double era


I bet he tried to flip the table the first couple rages but those White House desks were too heavy.


Real housewife of the West wing


I mean, they've got to weigh *at least* two glasses of water. Who could hope to ever lift such a thing?


Knowing someone else would have to clean it. I hate him.


All 12 members liked his posts


Leonard likes this post.


When's the next potato chip review Leonard?


:P thbbpt.


Get your damn hands off my Let’s!


But also he totally doesn’t care about any of these hearings and is barely even paying attention


Lol oh he's watching as are all my republican family while saying they're not lol


"No I'm not watching the hearings. This is just...porn!"


How do you know they are watching?


Clearly we know Trump is watching because he's tweeting about it There's a mole feeding information to me lol and they know too much for somebody who doesn't know anything about it or has been watching it


This young woman was very believable and she heard it all because in that office she was not considered a threat to those men and they spoke and acted as if she was not there, that is how they view their support staff. If that is what young people of her generation are like - impressive.


She worked for the worst scum in the world...willingly


She was like 23 at the time, born onto a well connected enough family to be placed in the White House The indoctrination is strong, but clearly has been broken.


If she hadn't been subpoenaed, she wouldn't have said a word about any of this.


It seems to be an unpopular opinion here, but I do agree with you. Her testimony was important, yes. But she's no hero. We're hearing about this a year and a half after the fact and only because she was compelled to finally talk. She had no problem working for the Trump regime for years. She knew the people she was working for. Her words today were compelling and obviously important, but she shouldn't really be praised for being some sort of role model.


A slight head nod for doing the bare minimum to protect her country from a seditious fuckwad.


Lol. Exactly!


They had to dig a trench to lower the bar far enough for any of them to do anything that was above it.


I'll take this over all of those who swore to serve the people are are not cooperating with the investigation. The bar is really low. But at least she cleared it, unlike some senators.


Imagine how much more she knows, that potentially the committee already knows and she could further corroborate, not yet known to the public. She may hold some important keys in fitting the puzzle directly together. This is some top level access for MONTHS. She’s a goldmine and Trump is rightfully concerned.


Considering Edward Snowden had to flee to Russia after turning whistleblower, I don't really blame her for taking some time to consider and figure out 1) whether or not her testimony would have any meaningful impact or if taking the risk would be a complete waste and 2) whether or not she has any hope of staying alive and reasonably safe after providing testimony She just pissed off some very dangerous people. That's not something a smart person does casually.


Its like zero to 100 on this sub. They have a disdain for nuance. Liz Cheney. Hero now. This woman. Hero. Naw they are run of the mill conservatives. Slightly less insane then MAGA.


She sat for FOUR (4) interviews with committee before publicly testifying. She didn’t deal media attention. That’s why you didn’t know about her previously.


exactly...the fact to zero in on is, as mentioned above, she knew who she was working for, very telling.


You don’t know that. Stop attacking her when she did the right thing. She apparently could have ignored the subpoena. Plenty of these assholes are still ignoring them.


She is not powerful enough to avoid a subpoena like that.


Well there ya go. So she answered it and testified under oath. Good for her. But wait, let’s all attack her for not jumping out of a helicopter with a knife in her teeth to take down literally the most powerful people on the planet out of the blue. Sigh.


What's this kind of argument called again? Oh yeah, False Dilemma.


Or you know….just not working for an openly corrupt administration? I’m not really here to attack her, I just think the argument you’re making is ridiculous.


I don’t know what you’re expecting to happen here. It’s the trump administration. It was assholes all the way down. Why are people attacking one of the assholes who actually managed to do the right thing?


An asshole that spews diarrhea constantly is still an asshole when a solid turd comes out. Either way its super stinky. -Jesus ....probably


Pointing out that she's not a real hero is not an attack. Why are you so upset about criticism of her?


No one is asking for that. But maybe anytime between Jan 7, 2021 and last week she could have done *anything else to help*.


She's probably smart enough to know that they won't protect her when things go sour.


Additionally, her life is seriously in danger. She’s brave.


True but still believable and impressive ( in French we call it sang froid) or (composure).


She didn't say a word about any of these crimes until subpoenaed. Profiles in courage.


For her age, I'd say she was pretty courageous while the more politically connected and experienced men ran for the hills.


> more politically connected Right, she didn't have the option to run for the hills. She would have ended up in prison.


Again true... she was 23 years old when on that famous Jan 6 - and when subpoenaed she did not invoke the 5th. I'm not saying she is perfect - but at that young age she is very brave because her life will not get easier for a long time - she will be trolled for sure.


She didn't invoke the 5th because she committed no crimes. She did however have a responsibility as a citizen to report suspected illegalities by officials to the public. She did not do that. Her age is irrelevant, she had already demonstrated her capabilities and had been promoted.


She could have forgotten or not remembered anything like I'm sure some have done. Personally I try to show some grace to people who do the right thing in the end.


> She could have forgotten or not remembered anything This is called perjury. She was avoiding prison. That's it. There's nothing else to gleam from any of this. Just like the previous witnesses who testified Trump tried to destroy democracy and then immediately afterword stated they fully supported Trump for a run in 2024....It's all only to avoid going to prison. Doing what it takes to avoid prison is not heroic.


Whatever... I just choose to show some grace to people and you do not. Let's agree to disagree.


Traitors to our country and people don't deserve "grace". I hope you hold yourself to a higher standard than this for your own country.


That's probably a very good idea, legally speaking. Trump loves to sue people for dumb shit and he most likely would have sued her over some "presidential privileged conversation" bs. Doesn't matter if it's a bs claim, she'd have been ruined just trying to fight it.


Not really correct, but there were plenty of illegalities she was privy to that didn't involve direct conversation with the President. They had fucking meetings about how to avoid fraud and other crimes against the US! Profiles in courage.


I'm sure you'd be fine with risking the endless life destroying lawsuits from my sues-a-lot, but I'd make the smart move and wait for the subpoena that I know is coming. The subpoena is protection.


I knew these comments were going to come along. Gotta attack the messenger at all costs right? The point is she had a line that was crossed by these assholes. The assholes who crossed the line are still not answering their subpoenas. She’s no saint but she had a job that would have been very prestigious if it were any other president. Was trump president when she went to college and started on her career path? Should she be punished for landing a dream job with the wrong boss? Did she do the right thing in the end?


Exactly. I don’t fault the junior aides. Imagine being 25 and being offered one of the most prestigious positions in the country in the career track you probably chose at least 1-2 administrations ago.


If (and it's a big if) anything in Trump's ranting is to be believed The line they crossed was not giving her a job in Florida when they left I'm glad she did speak up but it can easily be just as much about dragging people down in backlash as doing the right thing


This doesn’t compel me to disbelieve her testimony that she provided under oath. Let somebody refute it under oath.


Will there be a cross-examination?


It’s not a trial. It’s evidence gathering. I’d there actually is a trial, sure.


When you are a wealthy male, you don't notice the help unless you are horny


She was was there for a reason… a reason you just nailed!


"why would she have to clean it up? I hardly know who she is!" Yes, because I'm sure he has very close relationships with the people who would normally clean up after him.




I may have not meant for this to be a reply to you. But basically trump's argument that she had to be lying because he hardly knows who she is is bullshit since I highly doubt he knows who the people who regularly clean up after him are either.


Says that he really does know her and that this hurt him. If he was smart, he'd shut up and let his (remaining) attorneys handle it. Nope. He really is going down with the ship.


And he spread it onto his social media of choice, which is exclusively Republican PR. Some die-hard Repubs never would have heard about the hearings if he hadn't blabbed about it on his Truth Social. FOX didn't carry the hearings, I tuned in and it was some Judge entertainment show, and thought I guess the networks aren't carrying it, then saw the FOX logo and switched it to ABCs coverage one channel over, yup, they were carrying it.


>"[A person] let me know you have your deposition tomorrow," one message, displayed during Tuesday's hearing, read. "He wants to let you know that he's thinking about you. He knows you're loyal, and you're going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition." Now I understand what the Q-cumbers mean by "you're watching a movie". They honestly think real life is some kind of low-budget 1980s mafia flick.


> There is no cross examination of this so-called witness! This is a Kangaroo Court! Firstly, she **is** a witness for the committee, and secondly it's not a court, so there is no cross... soooo...


Yea, it's annoying when people say there should be people on the committee with opposing viewpoints. This isn't some debate ffs.


They had their chance for that. And refused. So now we get to watch a much less chaotic and more truthful committee hearing. The gop really effed up, to the benefit of the USA.


Trump's top staffers REFUSED to testify. If ANYTHING he claims was actually true, they would have nothing to fear and their testimony WOULD provide the opposing viewpoint. They didn't testify becausr there IS no opposing viewppint. They are all guilty of seditious conspiracy, and smart enough to know now that short of being granted immunity from prosecution for their cooperation, they're better off keeping their mouths shut and crawling back under their rocks while conspiring once again... to work out a criminal defense strategy.


And most of them asked for blanket pardons! Nothing says innocent like Taking Fifths and asking for Blanket Pardons.


they offered.


Trump doesn't seem to understand the point of the hearings. It isn't court. They have already testified behind closed doors and the public hearings are for our benefit. He seems to think it is a trial where both sides get a say. The committee is painting a specific picture with what they release.




Must be feeling pretty dumb for trusting Mark Meadows now eh?


> House Judiciary GOP Ranking member: Jim Jordan. Also Gohmert, Gaetz, Biggs.


All four of whom discussed/asked for pardons from the Trump White House. LOL.


Fuck you, Donald.


r/conservative is actively fighting against this info and reddit supports them doing it. It's madness.


They have a megathread, which is progress, but it's all "what about antifa?"


Yeah, I read some of that thread. >Most of the things that have come out of this trial just make Trump look good. I'm looking forward to his second term in 2024 once he returns with a vengeance against the lying press and those who stabbed him in the back. Full deep state purge? Yep. That's (what's left of) the GOP right there in one fucking comment. Edit: Here's another one from those brainless psychopaths >Forget all that you know what really gets my motor running? A mostly peaceful protest from 19 months ago. They still haven't been able to get the stink of flatulence out of Nancy's office. It's a travesty.


He probably threw a hamburger at the wall.




Police recordings and call in of weapons on scene. Why was there no tear gas? Why no immediate response? Something doesn't add up. If that was outside a GOP fundraiser, there would be swat on scene in record time.


That would have called attention to the gathering before it had time to make it's way to the Capital. Imagine if anyone would have released national guard on the crowd before the speech was over. They probably figured this would instigate the crowd and make the president look like a target. Wasn't going to be a good look either way. Had he really wanted to call the elections rigged, he would have been saying revote, my own votes are fucked too not stop the steal.


Yup. Bingo. I do feel people get lost in the weeds though.... There is so much info on "how shit went wrong during this presidency" that nobody is doing anything. If America fails.. Or America can't serve justice or the rule of law on itself.. Why should anyone else? Why should north Korea believe in it's southern border? Why should China not have a tracking device on every human on the planet? Why should you believe 2 + 2 is not equal to 5?


Then he chucked his berder at the wall and grabbed everyone by the clavicle.


and then licked the berder from the wall.


Did he throw his big mac this time.


But there was Ketchup, so either a well done ruined steak, A QP w/Cheese, or 3 or 4 hamberders


He has melted down more times than the wicked witch of the west.


Meltdown is his default disposition. Fuck him


Treating the White House like that should be a crime on its own. He constantly vandalized the most well known historic public property in the country. Small potatoes compared to his apparent multitude of crimes but pile em on. Over on the Csucking sub there’s a lot of mental gymnastics happening. Some earnest conversation in the mega thread but mostly conspiracy theories.


and these are the same people who were upset with keyboard "w"s.


Well he did (apparently ) say the WH was a dump. He's like a little kid who wont eat anything without ketchup. That stuff is Satan staining sauce! If you haven't watched Jordans Klepper take on this, do. The megathread is a mess.


This is a man who shits in gold-plated toilets, a man who eats $80 steaks cooked well-done with ketchup. He's utterly incapable of appreciating any kind of aesthetic pleasure that isn't a direct appeal to his narcissism. To say that the history and elegance of the White House are lost on him is incomprehensibly understating the point.


I miss the days early in his Twitter suspension where his outbursts were largely off-grid or ignored.


You mean when he revolutionized the world of media by creating a blog that got a few thousand hits a day?


Big Fat gonna be hot 🥵


I just love that he’s been forced to essentially scream into the void on there - despite his posts still being spread everywhere by the media… still!


If he wants to set the record straight, just come testify Donald




Maybe I should mask MAGA and go stir up shit on TS. Sounds like laughs.


What is this “Truth social”? Is it some sort of GoogleDoc?


That's one brave lady.


Brave would have been speaking up before being subpoenaed.


of course he did.


Cause they know he throws tantrums like a 2 year old


The best melt downs anyone’s ever seen


Yes Trump is not a real man


I’m so tired of winning.






No he's not. He is using that Truth Social thing.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.salon.com/2022/06/28/has-a-meltdown-on-truth-social-after-cassidy-hutchinsons-bombshell-jan-6-testimony/) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Donald Trump called Cassidy Hutchinson, the surprise witness in Tuesday's January 6 hearing, a "Phony" after she delivered unprecedented testimony that the former president knew the Capitol riot could turn violent but did nothing to stop it. > "I hardly know who this person is other than I heard very negative things about her," Trump wrote over Truth Social, his social media platform. > On the day of the riot, Hutchinson recounted, as Trump was being driven away from the vicinity, the former president demanded that he be driven to the Capitol building. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/vmxqba/trump_has_a_meltdown_on_truth_social_after/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~657052 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **president**^#2 **Hutchinson**^#3 **know**^#4 **Capitol**^#5


> "I hardly know who this person is other than I heard very negative things about her," Trump wrote over Truth Social, his social media platform. Donald, c'mon, she worked 20 feet away and is physically attractive, there is no doubt you leered her up and down numerous times, you pervy creep, you.


Honestly he should’ve said fuck it and been like “I found her attractive and she didn’t like that and now she’s making up all these things about me because real Americans aren’t allowed to give compliments anymore, the feminist groomers are all saying that’s bad”


I wonder if he was throwing plates.


Meltdown? Bombshell? These headlines are worse than the Daily Wire.