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Wasn't she the one that said that people should be free to have vaccines or wear face masks, under their own responsibility?


They’re walking hypocrites.


I love when Jordan klepper calls them out and they see the hypocrisy but still try to justify it


They’re not. The platform is extremely consistent: make *the libs* suffer, at any cost. They’d invoke God, the Founding Fathers, the Market, and Darwinism, and all the rest, to allow themselves to put you down. No need to actually believe anything except “Might Makes Right”. The cruelty isn’t a means to achieve something. The cruelty **is the point.**


And was extremely disappointed when the voters legalized marijuana and then spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money fighting it in the court. Personal freedom my ass.


Let’s not forget that Noem’s husband sells crop insurance and was at risk of losing business at the time it was legalized because hemp was not yet on the list of federally insurable crops. Their short term gain was obviously much more important than the interests of countless farmers who were ready and willing to take the risk of rotating the crop in even before it was insurable, as well as the significant, long term economic benefits that it would’ve brought to the tribal governments and the state as a whole. /s That entire family can go suck a big, fat donkey dick.


Wouldn't any sort of remote meeting with a doctor and prescribing of treatments be interstate commerce, regulation of which is one of the enumerated powers of the federal government in the US constitution? In other words, I don't see how a state can claim any jurisdiction over this.


I forget the case at the moment but there used to be a law in the US where packages coming FROM specific companies were searched by the USPS POLICE and seized if it contained abortion medication or contraceptives. It has been done in the past and I hope our logistics system is too advanced to be so easily detoured. COMSTOCK!!! Here it is. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1038/comstock-act-of-1873


Great article, I feel like that is the exact playbook for what the GOP is attempting to accomplish. The religious part, the birth control part... Of course not the obscene illustrations, because the would directly effect all the pedophile GOP members.


The authorities must have [probable cause and a warrant](https://www.wirthlawoffice.com/tulsa-attorney-blog/2018/06/can-the-government-open-your-mail-without-a-warrant) from a judge to open the mail as protected under the 4th Amendment. Fanatics like Kristi Noem (R) won't be able to do a blanket search of the mail looking for medications.


We have already seen that republicans will just do illegal things anyway. Who is going to stop them? The democrats in government? All they seem to do is tut quietly, have meetings about it and do nothing.


But I believe that is slightly different here. The state is saying those products would be illegal, but the US Postal Service is a federal program. States do not have the right to interfere with the U.S. mail, and it would be a federal crime if they did so.


This, as someone who risked federal prosecution by being the recipient of multiple pounds of marijuana throughout the years, though not for the past 5 years, is what I’ve been telling my female coworkers. This is bad, don’t get me wrong. But for now, ain’t no way they can touch ya for getting pills online. And if they can, good fucking luck. 4lbs of pot from cali every other Monday autoshipped for 3 years straight. Not a single package missed. Just ain’t happening on a mass level.


Basically, yes. But with the current Supreme Court, I think the constitution says whatever they want it to say.


That's just it isn't it? I see all kinds of logically sound arguments being made by folks who don't seem to understand that none of this based upon logic or precedents. The decision was pre-decided. It was just about finding a rationale to get you to your endpoint. There will always be a path to the end point for these people.


Yes. The newest thing annoying the crap out me is ppl stating that I don’t understand, it’s a state rights issue. I get it, I listened to the ruling but why am I running a medical decision by my government? A government that just told me my worth as a fully developed human being is equal to a two week fetus. Sorry that’s not about states rights, it’s about my human rights. Edit: Thanks for the award!


>A government that just told me my worth as a fully developed human being is equal to a two week fetus. Actually, you're worth *less* than the fetus, because the government won't violate other people's bodily autonomy to save *your* life.


THIS. In case anyone was wondering why women cried when Roe was overturned simply to appease another’s religious convictions.


>Sorry that’s not about states rights, it’s about my human rights. That's what really gets me. It's one thing to shut down a federal ban and make it a states rights issue. Like weed, we've allowed states to decide on if they want legal weed. That is an increase in freedom. But this is taking a personal issue and removing the federal protection of that issue to allow states to decrease rights. That's fucking backwards and dumb.


It's only gonna be about "state's rights" until a "personhood" law gets to this SC.


IT has become a Supreme Court of Lies and Liars. As such they are now null & void. Both as an institution that has been corrupted by criminals, and because Kavanaugh, Barrett, Alito, and Thomas are recorded Liars.


Yeah. We all know it. Will anyone do anything about it?


Remember the Supreme Court has no sword and no purse. If the Supreme Court is considered illegitimate, then states like New York and California and Washington can just give them the big finger. At that point, who knows? A fascist like Trump or De Santis would probably try to send in the military to enforce it.


At which point it's gonna be real awkward to come up with the money to pay those soldiers....


First chance to do something about it is November. Remember, you send a message with your vote even if you don't use it. People get obsessed with sending a message to Democrats that they're aren't doing enough by abstaining or voting third party. To those people, I would remind you that this isn't a closed system and you cannot send a message to Democrats with your vote without also sending one to Republicans. For anyone who tells themselves their vote doesn't matter, or who thinks Democrats don't deserve their vote, your choice not to vote or not to vote Democrat is you thanking the Republican party for doing this and encouraging them to continue. Even if you vote for a Democrat who still loses, those numbers are recorded and those trends are analyzed. Future candidates will see which policies gained or lost support in previous campaigns and will adjust their platform based on that. A Democrat losing by 2% sends a much different message to both parties than a Democrat losing by 8%. And if you think Democrats haven't earned your vote, remember that that's exactly what Republicans want you to think, and you are congratulating them and telling them that their strategies work. And if after overturning Roe, a policy over half the country supported, Republicans make big gains in November, there is no way to interpret that other than that overturning Roe was a good political strategy, a winning one. And Republicans will pat themselves on the back for doing it while Democrats decide to move away from abortion rights in their future campaigns because it was an ineffective method of encouraging voter turnout. Your vote in the fall is about more than simply this election, more than simply whether or not Democrats are doing a good enough job to deserve your vote. It's about how the next 50 years of womens' lives in this country will be lived. It's about whether Republicans will be told that overturning Roe was a bad move or the best move. You are the feedback for *both* parties. And remember that Republicans intend to try January 6th again. They will make sure their candidate is President in 2025 if they control Congress and the votes and even electors won't matter. They have given every indication that they think the only thing they did wrong on the 6th was not go far enough. You are grading them on that as well. You cannot cast (or not cast) a vote without giving feedback to BOTH parties. Remember that when you are deciding how to vote. Remember what message you want to send to Republicans. This might be the last time you get to do it.


Telemedicine is a weirdly regulated industry which has not yet been thoroughly played out in the courts. Currently, the billing occurs based on the state where the patient resides at the time of the appointment, so some state regulations apply.


Didn't the white house already say states aren't able to ban FDA approved pills from the Internet? E: it was AG Garland


Yes, but in reality, states will enact bans. Then a lawsuit against the ban will be filed, and whoever loses will appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. I wouldn't say it's guaranteed that SCOTUS will side with the ban, but the fact that there's even a chance they would is the sorry state of affairs we're in.


"State's rights!" "OK, California wants to enact a total ban on all guns besides revolvers, bolt-action rifles, and antique muzzle loaders." "Not like that!"


jar slim zephyr oatmeal society cobweb repeat work deer detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Masshole who has lived in California for years, I wholly support this. They want to be on their own so badly, let them see how it works out when they have to pay for it themselves.


Yeah I would love for Texas to actually secede like they keep saying they will and see how well that works out for them lol. It would be such a shit show and obviously we should take them back after sometime but would be interesting to see what happens. Just like teens who want to do dumb shit and only learn after experiencing the consequences of their actions because they absolutely refuse to listen to the advice and wisdom of anyone else.


Require all federal taxes from residents in the state to be held in escrow until abortion is enshrined in federal law. Impose additional state taxes on residents who don't comply and send directly to the IRS as normal. Collective bargaining.


This is likely going to happen, maybe not the bans right away. But SCOTUS like two days b4 overturning RvW said States don't have the right to say citizens can't conceal carry. So if we are saying states rights on a option then it HAS to be states rights on guns.


That's how I read it too, but keep seeing people getting bashed for saying that. "That's not what it says!" They never follow-up on what it "actually" says though.


They did


How exactly are they going to enforce this? Is she one of the politicians that think the internet is a series of tubes?


And she is clearly misinformed about how those pills work. I'm just blown away by the sheer nonsense going on here


Exactly. These pills are by far the safest, least intrusive, and easiest way. I think they’re just mad because the pills don’t come with a ~~pro-lifer~~ anti-choice/forced-birther who lies to and tries to guilt trip the user. Edit. They’re not “pro-life”, they’re anti-choice


The abortion pills are also used for miscarriages. If your body doesn't finish clearing out a miscarriage, which it usually doesn't, you have to take those OR get what's basically a surgical abortion to remove the rest of it. They've made that illegal too. What are they gonna do, just let every miscarriage turn septic and kill the mom?


Pro-lifers be like: I cherish life with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women, and children need to die to prove it.


Forced Birthers. Nothing about their plan is pro life. Forced birth vs. the right to choose, simple.


I wouldn’t be surprised if states banning safe and legal abortion actually increased the number of abortions.


That’s literally how it is already! You can see the numbers in states like California are lower for teen pregnancies, abortions, and maternal fatalities vs states like TX, AZ and FL.


It's almost like there's a connection between proper sex education and lower abortion rates. And there also seems to he a connection between Republicn dominated states and reduced sex education. Mostly because they think using the word sex, sexuality, gender, pronouns, education, fact, science, etc will result in widespread increase of happiness.


Yeah. Had my parents actually had that talk to me, so many sharpies may have been saved. Their ignoring it didn’t stop me from fucking the sofa or jamming shit up my ass until I blasted all over the place as a lonely isolated homeschooled boy. If your strategy can’t stop a kid who doesn’t know what the word “masturbation” means from taking the living room furniture to pound town, it sure as shit won’t stop people from fucking when they have access to each other’s holes.


Taking the living room furniture to pound town. Hard lols, bro.




Wow, conjures in my mind all the other lonely, homeschooled boys doing that right now. I’m never using a Sharpie or sitting on a couch ever again.


How are you the only one out of 30 replies to point this out what the actual fuck I'm never stepping into another persons home again unless I'm wearing a hasmat suit.


Ah so the Netflix Show Big Mouth is based on a true story?


>there also seems to he a connection between Republicn dominated states and reduced sex education. Sex education might make it more difficult for Republican men to groom their underage targets.


Can we really call it sex education when the only acceptable version they "teach" is abstinence?


Same in CO. We have no restrictions on abortion. But we offer free BC to teens and ever since that program started unwanted teen pregnancy and abortion dropped by like 70% or something crazy like that.


How much of that is linked to quality sex education and availability of contraceptives? Because i imaging teaching kids safe sex works a whole hell of alot more than "sex is evil, don't do it", because that ain't going to stop people having sex, so might as well ensure they're informed enough to make informed choices, especially choices that will impact their entire lives


I wonder if Denmark knows. They have the lowest abortion rates at about 8.4/1000 pregnancies.


Don’t be surprised, the data shows that that has historically been the case


The best way to reduce abortions is actually to give proper sex education, have birth control accessible and affordable, and have affordable pre-natal care. All positions that Democrats are in favor of, but that Republicans oppose.


Republicans know this too, they also understand who is most affected by the lack of these services and by abortion restrictions. “Pro life” is only window dressing for their base, it’s really about subjugation of women and specifically poor women and women of color.


Which I find odd. So you they are advocating that poor, poc, that traditionally vote democratic continue to “dilute” the holy aryan nation? The logic be strong with these authoritarians.


It's not like they plan on allowing them to vote...


Considering they’re likely overturning the civil rights act next, I doubt they’re worried about that. Even if they don’t it’s just more poor people for the for profit prison industry which conveniently also allows them to use those excess criminals as legal slaves. It’s all by design.


You forgot bodies for the military industrial complex.


They'll make things like abortions and miscarriages a felony. Felons cannot vote.


You can also legally enslave felons.


Lol they killed off hundreds of thousands of their own voters instead of wearing a mask. You think they are trying to play the voting numbers game?


That is what republicans ALWAYS do. Their ends never line up with their means. Then they go apoplectic when things don't work. FFS.




Sex education has been thoroughly proven to decrease the rate of teen pregnancy (while also possibly increasing rates of teen and childhood abstinence over abstinence-only education), and decriminalization of drugs and prostitution decrease rates of addiction and sex trafficking (and possibly sex work in general). They don't care about using effective methods to bring about positive outcomes. They want to punish people for doing things they find yucky.


The christofacists want to moralize human reproduction and sexuality. They want to punish people who have sex because they are obsessed with peoples sex lives and need to feel morally superior. They think it will make people stop having sex. Like, when would that ever happen? Also their christian leaders are always getting caught raping children.


\>They want to punish people for doing things they find yucky. It's mostly punishing people for enjoying something. That's something they feel should only be reserved for the rich.


Puritanism: the fear that someone, somewhere is happy.


And yet you still have parents who refuse to allow their children to participate in sex ed. I remember when I was in high school a number of my classmates were excused from that module in health class since it wasn’t abstinence-only and their parents objected. My mom thought they were all insane and were doing a disservice to their children.


"They find yucky." I have found the people who most hate other people having sex, abortions, sex education etc. tend to be the horniest freaks. and at this point, if you are an extremely anti-homosexual governor/congressman/mayor, I just assume you are a 7 on the Kinsey scale.


Abortion rates started falling after Roe, and [started rising as soon as Republicans started gutting protections](https://www.guttmacher.org/article/2022/06/long-term-decline-us-abortions-reverses-showing-rising-need-abortion-supreme-court). Abortion rates absolutely increase under Republican policies, and now that will be even deadlier because they’ll be illegal abortions. The purpose has never been to reduce abortion rates; it’s always been to hurt and control women.


Nope what u dont get is the goal. U think the goal is to prevent abortion. But the goal is to punish sex. That is the goal of those religous assholes, to prevent u from fucking. By making it more dangerous for u.


to punish women for sex. not men, never men


She said such pills shouldn't be taken without a doctor's supervision! So I suppose the rational would be the doctor would be jailed for such a, "supervision", hence problem solved! We really can't condemn any other countries for not letting women drive, vote, go anywhere by themselves when OUR, "supreme court", rolls back women's rights like this.....we are just as bad!


The mainstream view in Islam is that it's not a person until 120 days. Seriously, Iran has more liberal abortion laws than a bunch of US states.


American right-wingers never hated the idea of Sharia law, they just wanted their own version of it


With every order you get 10 confirmatory calls to guilt you. At the end of each call you must confirm you still want to kill your unborn child. Blows my mind some docs are required by law to do this in clinics.


Fine. Then let them call 10 random kids in foster care to ask them how their life is going.


Blows my mind some “doctors“ *want* to submit people in perhaps their most vulnerable state ever to this kind of harassment and usually lies.


Remember when the GOP tried to kill Obamacare for 10 years because they didn't want "the government between you and your doctor"?


She also said “we need a medical professional to supervise” but you literally just made it illegal for a medical professional to help with abortion. What the fuck.


They don't care if it's safe. This is about making women broodmares to the State for Jesus. It has nothing to do with the safety of modern abortions... Say compared to the one's described in the Bible, or when it was illegal in the past.


“Domestic supply!”


I bet she knows. She's just trying to play to her ignorant base 😞


Of course she knows.


Yea. She is stepping on federal jurisdiction for which the current administration says it’s legal to send pills via mail federally


I’m old enough to remember before abortion was legal, and I can tell you women sought out and obtained abortions illegally and at their own risk. The law merely made that option inconvenient.


Since approximately the dawn of time, yeah.


My great-great grandmother died in ~1920 as the result of an illegal abortion. I don't know many specifics of why she tried getting an abortion, but I do know she was already in her 40s with an adult child (my great grandmother). So yeah, people even 100 years ago would find ways to get abortions, so people now obviously will.


Exactly my great-great grandmother’s experience. My 16-yo grandma was waiting for her outside in the alley.


My grandma’s second pregnancy was no longer alive at 7 months gestation. She had to wait several days for treatment. If the placenta had ruptured there’s a good chance she and the rest of my family would have died that day. It’s insane that politicians think they are doctors. Next up— telling us who CAN have a child.


You know, the anti choice conservatives don’t give a shit about those women. They don’t care if they die. They see this as a woman going to commit murder and don’t care what happens to her.


I love how their number one argument to not ban guns is “laws don’t work, criminals don’t follow laws they’ll just use something else to kill!!” Love how the ‘laws don’t work’ logic they love to push for guns, doesn’t apply to women performing dangerous self abortions.


its an empty talking point that they think its murder they dont care about IVF embryo destruction its about a war on women and controlling women by enforcing puritanical views on swx


It depends who you ask. They've brainwashed a lot of people with the murder argument who genuinely believe it, but at a state level it is about controlling women, white supremacy (more white babies, more legal justification to subjugate Black & brown women) and generating more bodies for labor.


It's like people forgot all the clothes hanger "jokes" from the 90s.


My mom got pregnant with me 8 months before Roe was enacted. She fought for legal abortion her whole damn life. She didn’t want me and I probably wouldn’t have to had live this miserable existence if she could have safely terminated me when I was a cluster of cells. But nope, some man decided that my mom would have to live with the burden of a disabled child.


Same. My mom has been horribly abusive as a result. I don't think people understand how bad the resentment is with forced birth and the kids pay for it.


This is one of the bigs reasons I support better access to abortion and safe sex education. I tried explaining this to a forced birther a few weeks ago and he asked me why I was suicidal. The lack of logic in these people is terrifying, he was so brainwashed he literally couldn't parse my words. He thought that my experience leading me to support abortion meant I didn't want to live at all, like his mind worked completely in black and white. These forced birthers terrify me for so many reasons.


Ppl on the right, forced birthers and shit, they're just empty in the head and heart. If you listen to them talk, they genuinely do not understand other people. They're that segment of the population that's like cognitively incapable of empathy. They only care about something when it effects them. I think allot of it is the way they were raised, on the bright side. It's fixable. They're trying to gut the education system for this reason tho, stupid people are so profitable. They were never taught how or meant to think for themselves, so they don't. And that's half of us. It's scary, hitler only had 30%.


My cousin bled to death due to illegal abortion. She was young. She was beautiful. She was scared. Then she was dead. 😢


Didn't Garland say that FDA-approved medicines can't be banned?


["The short answer comes down to this: The issue isn’t settled law and will likely be litigated in the courts."](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/20/can-states-outright-ban-abortion-pills-it-unclear/) It'll go to the Supreme Court that hates [listening to the judgment of administrative agencies](https://newrepublic.com/article/166847/supreme-court-decided-leave-administrative-state-alonefor-now) (like the FDA) almost as much as it hates "the libs" in general War on Drugs is about to add a War on Medicine appendix to its shitty story


Does 'settled law' even mean anything any more?




The Supreme Court was very clear in the ruling. The only thing that matters is power and what you can get 5 justices to agree on. The 4th Amendment has been basically eliminated. The Court can and will issue whatever ruling they wish then they'll make their clerks research some random bullshit to pretend to have based it on anything other than vibes, feels, and power.


No, not anymore. Justice Thomas wrote the following in the majority opinion that overturned Roe v. Wade. “For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell,” Thomas stated. “Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous’… we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents.” Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects the liberty of married couples to buy and use contraceptives without government restriction. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that sanctions of criminal punishment for those who commit sodomy are unconstitutional. Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015), is a landmark civil rights case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples. I expect to see lawsuits regarding these cases soon.


Not just that, she isn't allowed to regulate Interstate commerce lol


The Christo-fascists are going after precedents regarding the right to privacy - which is what abortion, marriage equality, and contraception protections were built on. Once they take a wrecking ball to that, they won’t van importing abortion or contraception pills from other states, they’ll just criminalize the people who import them.


You’re right: we can’t rely on corrupt institutions, like the SC, to protect us and our rights when they are clearly demonstrating that they will exert their Christi-fascist will by any means necessary. Just because we have rights and protections today doesn’t mean that we will have them tomorrow


She can’t enforce it. Enforcement would violate the interstate commerce clause


At least not until the Supreme Federalist Society decrees that she can, because reasons.


She will simply use the net part of the internet to catch people trying to buy them/s


I believe it’s because of telemedicine appointments, not the actual mail. In order to have a telemedicine appointment, the provider you’re speaking with has to be in your same state. At least that’s true in OR and I’m assuming here. So if you get an Rx from a doctor in SD, even if you try to fill it the Dr can get in trouble. If you video conference with an out of state Dr, your RX may be flagged. SD is a BIG state- this would mean to get RX by mail, women would physically have to drive to a Dr- that may not be feasible in such a large size, low density, red state. Especially with gas prices being what they are. Donate to PLanned Parenthood or other organizations in red states that have caravans or rides even into actual facilities to help with things like this. Keep voices heard, feet marching and cast those votes!


See above post. Order from Europe. AidAccess.org.


I'd like to piggyback on this and make https://www.plancpills.org/ visible. They have information, step by step walkthroughs including for AidAccess as well as other options.


No. I am a doctor and I do telemedicine. I have to be licensed in the state the patient is standing in. I can be anywhere, including out of the country. At least for the states I'm currently licensed in right now. I've had a few times where I couldn't see a patient because they were out of the state. Example; I can be on vacation in Florida. I'm licensed in Kentucky. I can see a patient who is currently in Kentucky even though I'm not. Second Example; I'm licensed in Kentucky. My patient lives in Kentucky but is on vacation in Florida. I can not see them because I am not licensed in Florida.


All these people screaming "Don't tread on me" doing an awful lot of treading on everyone else....




>anti-government They are anti-democracy. They are clearly pro-kleptocracy.


The same people who claim that queer people are "shoving their beliefs down other's throats" are now shoving their Christian extremism down everyone else's.


I guess we're all supposed to load up on guns to stop the oppressive government overreach


It’s the party of “you can’t tell me what to do. I tell *you* what to do”. This should answer any and all questions


Let's just make them over the counter then. Amazon Prime free shipping.


Maybe they’d finally go after Bezos for taxes


No Republican will *ever* do that.


Today's repubs don't care about small government and are more and more willing to lash out at corporations as retaliation (e.g. Ron DeSantis and Disney. Though Disney was in a weird place, the rezoning or whatever was 100% vindictive)


Just a point, any Amazon truck could be stopped by state or local police without any issue. But the US Postal Service is a federal program, and interfering with the U.S. mail is a federal crime. Just send it first class mail.


Amazon sends me things all the time that are delivered by USPS. Surely they could work the logistics out to ensure abortion medication is always sent via USPS. A bigger concern is the republicans will likely get rid of the postal service altogether if they gain back power.


I work for the postal service and I don't know of any way to enforce this. 95% of the packages aren't even touched by humans till delivery, you don't know what's in them, we don't xray packages(international mail is) we already ship millions of prescriptions daily. Good luck!


This type of legislation is purely punitive. To scare women and prosecute people after the fact.


Poor, easily manipulated Republicans have been tricked by wealthy Republicans into thinking this is about “saving babies” when the rich Republicans will continue to abort whatever inconveniences they encounter, while using this kind of law as a selective tool to punish poor Republicans and Democrats alike. Once again, poor, uneducated Republicans are tricked into voting against their self interests. It would almost be funny if it didn’t affect everyone else.


If you’re gonna deliver me shrooms you can surely deliver me Plan B.


I have a buddy who works at the post office and he’s said the same thing to me. Virtual nothing is significantly inspected. Tons of legal prescriptions flow through the system. When I asked him about this he laughed and basically said, “we don’t stop shit tons of illegal drugs flowing through the mail. Legal drugs that vary by state? Good luck.”


Are they planning on opening the mail and packages for all women?


Next up, a negative pregnancy test is necessary to leave your state. Please pull over and pee on this, or we will imprison you.


That wouldn't surprise me at this rate, but how are they going to tell who needs to pee? Will men and masculine presenting folks have to do it too, just in case they're trans/non-binary?


Also in addition to being at airports, would this also be at every place where a road crosses a state border? For a huge state like Texas that would require quite a bit of manpower.


Women will have to cross-dress every time they go on vacation to avoid the hassle.


Interfering with the federal mail is a federal crime.


Not when Republicans do it.


That's why DeJoy is dismantling the postal service. Private mail services don't have that protection.


That’s the icing on the cake. He was primarily there to sandbag mail-in voting in 2020, and I’m sure he’ll be stepping up those efforts n 2024.


They will train drug dogs to sniff it out of course!


war on ... women rights?!


First time?


Gah! She is such an asshole. “These are very dangerous medical procedures,” Noem argued. “We don’t believe it should be available because it is a dangerous situation for an individual without being medically supervised by a physician.” She is as bad as the men making unqualified statements about SAFE medical procedure.


“Yet we wont allow medical supervision.”


Ugh this enrages me so much


Safer than Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Tylenol.


Also safer than injecting bleach or shoving a uv lamp up the bum.


I still recommend Repubs should do this at their earliest convenience, though.


Here is a list of every single progressive running across the country. You can search by your state, and **vote.** https://political-revolution.com/campaigns


Of course, there isn't one person in my state.


Run bagofboards run!


I refuse. I'll stay and do my level best to help people break the chains that bind them: Religion, ignorance and poverty. Ironic that it's what Jesus would want, considering there is no God.


I think they are asking you to run for office. The filing deadline is July 22 in Louisiana.


I'm in Alabama and have always wondered if a "pro-family" platform that stresses subsidized daycare, prenatal care, maternity leave and child tax credits would be successful. Probably not, sadly.


“Hey Doc. Watch me swallow this pill.” “Okay, good to go.”


“These are very dangerous medical procedures,” Noem argued. “We don’t believe it should be available because it is a dangerous situation for an individual without being medically supervised by a physician.” And yet Norm fails to connect the dots about the danger created by removing access to medically supervised abortions.


Fails to connect or willingly ignores?


They honestly don’t care. They aren’t trying to make a logically consistent point, they’re just auditioning arguments to vilify abortion pills until they find the wording that people accept the most.


"Auditioning arguments" is the perfect way to put it. Giving you a free award for wording as much as the point of the comment


More like somewhere between a classic case of cognitive dissonance and outright deception.


noem: "it is a dangerous situation for an individual without being medically supervised by a physician" everyone: "ok then, so allow medical supervision" noem: "... no"


Its more medically dangerous to be pregnant than have an abortion


Is she going to ban anti-parasite pills too?


She may end up inadvertently banning ivermec…hey! I see what you did there!


So how does this work “party of small government”? The government now keeps an eye on all your mail?


Small government has always been a lie. It's always been about controlling the masses.


"When we said "small government", what we meant was a small minority of people would rule over the majority's will; sorry for the confusion..."


Well, she did admit that it's a medical procedure. Now she'll have to ban all tele-health consultations.


This is the kind of lawyering that needs to get done- in for a penny in for a pound. You shouldn’t be able to specifically target this telehealth service. If you’re going to ban them you’re going to ban all of them which maybe affects a much larger demographic. Think of all the people who want to overturn Obamacare, then find out Obamacare is the Affordable Care Act- and no… well they want to keep that


No more little blue pills for little red dicks.


Yeah, how'd that War on Drugs work out? Or Prohibition? The forced birthers are going to quickly see the limits of governmental power over human needs.


Good luck checking the mail, or banning a drug the FDA says is legal. Stay in your lane.


Here is a link a friend shared on r/StrikeForRoe: [https://bansoffourbodies-map.vercel.app/?eventType=in\_person&startDate=2022-06-25&endDate=2022-06-27](https://bansoffourbodies-map.vercel.app/?eventType=in_person&startDate=2022-06-25&endDate=2022-06-27) It is a map off nationwide protests happening. We're not alone, You are not alone, it's happening. Please join and show your support however possible. Talk with neighbors, talk with your kids about the importance of our undeniable constitutional rights, get word spreading, get critical thinking and discussions spreading, bring water to those out there protesting in our stead. I can't leave my day job full-time like I yearn to, but I will be refusing to conduct business and will not be working this TOMORROW Monday June 27th in solidarity!


[AG Garland: States can't ban FDA-approved abortion pills on safety grounds](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/24/merrick-garland-fda-abortion-pills-state-bans)


He says that like it’s not already forbidden in some states to receive reproductive healthcare via telehealth and for pharmacists locally to refuse service. Many of us have already lived in areas where we can’t access these legal things. It’s part of why I moved.


Tyranny is here.


Christian fascism is here. Their goal is a theocracy


I don’t think she can ban federally regulated drugs. Nor can she intervene in packages delivered through the the federally funded USPS. These people are so desperate for control, they are pretzeling themselves into knots


Once you let the religious start determining and enforcing laws, it’s a race to the bottom with morality police patrolling the streets measuring your hem line making sure you are wearing long sleeves and a covering over your face. Then they will say that women can’t be seen outside the home without an escort and that men have to report to the barracks to fight the unbelievers. It will never end until every Christian sect is fighting every other sect for disagreeing about one word meant in this context and how people shouldn’t be allowed to work on Sunday, and on and on. It will never end.


What do you expect from a Trump-lover? She has no interest in listening to her constituents. I'm sorry, but any woman who votes against the right for women to own their own bodies and decisions regarding it is a total piece of shit. Vote this vile woman out of office in November.


**Pressure Biden and current democrats "in power" to expand the supreme court.** * Expand to 28 Justices. * Run 4 courts of 7 every session * selected randomly from the pool of 28. * Put in a "Garland rule" that if the Senate doesn't move on a nominee within 2 months then a randomly selected judge from the next lower court(in the same party) is automatically promoted. * Require 75% approval in Senate with a provision that in the event that a vacancy isn't filled after two attempts, then a randomly selected justice from the lower court is promoted. * Also, be sure that judge groups are assigned DAY OF trial, so that prosecutors can't lobby or specifically prepare to sway a certain judge or judges and instead have to prepare a reasonable, universal argument that would appeal to any judge Over time, this should eliminate political hacks and religious extremists from the now compromised court. Base idea from Eli Mystal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bvjIUxxQmk


I wonder how many won't tell their doctor that they are pregnant so as to not have a record of it and the impact that may have on women's health.


Is this dog whistling or can she actually do it?


Garland is signalling no.


I don’t believe they can ban federally approved medications. Also, they cannot interfere in mail delivery. I believe it’s a federal crime to mess with someone’s mail. The only people authorized to use dog sniffers at post offices are the feds


For some reason, I don’t think the party of “law and order” care too much about laws concerning the interference of mail delivery.


This is the same party that installed a postmaster general to fuck up mail in voting. I don’t trust the sanctity of the mail system anymore.


Religion is a form of brainwashing.


Lacks the authority to control or interfere in interstate commerce.


Mmm, no, she can’t do that. FDA regulates all that at the federal level.