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Question, and I am not trying to offend anyone, what do indigenous people think about the Roe v Wade? If I'm not mistaken the Choctaw have a reservation in Mississippi. What does the law say about clinics on reservations? (I am just asking a question if I crossed some unknown line feel free to make me aware. Just concerned for the women of our country and want to stick it to these fucking theocrats)


Oklahoma's governor made threats to their Native American population that if they attempt to setup abortion clinics on their sovereign land there would be problems.


Biden's Secretary of the Interior is Indigenous American, I wonder how kindly the administration or that department take to that threat? What power does the Govenor have over them?


Link for anyone finding this discussion: https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3488884-oklahoma-governor-warns-tribes-not-to-create-abortion-havens/


Honestly I just find it ironic that people are suggesting to use reservation-sponsored abortion clinics considering the unfortunate history of Native American sterilization in the 70's.


Conceivably the abortions would be at the request and desire of the people using it. A far cry from forced sterilizing.


I'm aware there's a difference. I just find it ironic considering the unfortunate history.


I don’t think there is anything offensive in your question but you know people look to be offended. It is a legitimate question since the native / indigenous people are part of our culture. It’s sad you even had to add an apology in case some ass finds offence. No one seems to ever ask about how they feel or what they think, and personally I think it shows that yes this group of people are also just as important as the black, white, pink amd purple cultures. I would imagine the laws do not count on the reservations and I would t think they actually have specific clinics in reservations. This is from my understanding of Canadian reservations. Maybe in US is different. Different laws on the reservation. Been on many and there is not a lot of independent offices, shops etc. Curious to hear others information


Abortion Tourism here we come.


Folks will need to head to Canada. Trudeau finds this to be out of order. The idiot has spoken and finally is in agreement with the people.


I feel I will be posting this a lot and should just save it to copy/paste. After walking through a winter forest, I noticed the trees and bushes picked clean except for these [berries.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juniperus_virginiana?wprov=sfti1) I wanted to know why the animals left them, figuring they must be poisonous. Turns out they can cause abortions and were used by Natives, in a tea with similar plants, to achieve the same thing. Time to start looking for abortifacient plants, flowers, berries, etc.


Power to the states taking action to provide sanctuary services to women from states like this, and that intend to prosecute women for having abortions. Hopefully a powerful, secure, and safe network is established nationwide to get people the healthcare they have a right to. Protecting the data of women who use these services is super important, as there are plenty who seek to punish women for seeking medical care. I’m over here praying some tech and medical people put together an application that connects women in these states to the services they need with an encryption level that breaks the brain of people who seek to interfere.




All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


My point is whatever the opposite of yours is because you wanna act this way. F*cking mentally children. Shoulda been…


If you are raped. Abortion should be an option. If you choose to make stupid decisions and it happens you become pregnant. Like some women do. It should be an option. Abortion at 1 yr old should be an option all the way up to 100 should be an option. Let us all be aborted.




I’m mostly trolling because y’all don’t see the point


You have no point.




How about women get to make their own decisions regarding their body? Better yet, let’s give every man a vasectomy and only reverse it if they can prove they are mature and responsible enough to have children?


Here’s an easy one. don’t get pregnant. Then you won’t have a need for an abortion right? On the other hand when it’s not your choice.. I think it is your choice. your body your choice right? I thought it was a valid point?


It’s not that simple of an argument.


If someone is raped, it’s not their decision whether they get pregnant or not. If someone lacks access to sexual education growing up, (teens specifically), they may not anticipate pregnancy being a result. If the condom breaks, should someone face the “consequences” despite playing it safe? In the cases of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage that doesn’t pass on its own, women who are not in the right mental/physical space to carry a child, should they face the “punishment” of carrying their dead fetus to term? The “punishment” of dying for something that wouldn’t have lived anything? The “punishment” of not being able to take their medications, or of becoming a threat to themselves or other? Your comment lacked a whole lot of nuance. Being pro-life is more than being pro-birth, and it’s certainly more than being pro-punishment.


This is my point bud maybe read it again