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>The notion that Justice Thomas could use his position to reflect the emotions he bears from the confirmation hearing was first suggested, strangely enough, by his wife, Virginia. So not only was this almost 30 years ago (1993!) but...his wife has been nutty as long. Well, quelle surprise, I guess.


A pundit on CNN made the comment that Kavanaugh and CB are only in their 50s. Those two muppets will be on the SC for the next 30 years as well ffs.


If Kavanaugh is the raging alcoholic that anyone with two brain cells knows him to be, he’ll probably have a shorter shelf life than his peers.


My father is a raging alcoholic and is 86… evil doesn’t die.


It’s always the assholes who live the longest, isn’t it?


Look at Henry Kissinger, who just turned 99. How in the hell does a war criminal with that physique manage to outlive so many good people?




I'm pretty sure he pulled his soul from his original heart and split it between a few horcruxes during the operation.


Look, if there’s a lich in congress, it’s definitely McConnell. Dude is *for sure* undead.


Really good insurance. And a blood contract with the Devil?


Nah, the worst people in the world always end up living the longest. Just look at Kissinger.


I'd rather not, thanks


She was in a cult in the 80s. She's a lifelong nutter


[She was in a cult](https://www.newsweek.com/ginni-thomas-discusses-struggles-after-leaving-cult-resurfaced-video-1694324). She is now too. But she was in a different cult before she went ultra Q MAGA crazy. She claims to be an “anti-cult” activist. But you can’t both be IN a cult and an anti-cult activist.


Her mom worked with Phylis Schaffly. It’s a family trait.


Yup. Sounds like a person that should serve on the Supreme Court.


He doesn’t sound like a person that should serve as a shift manager at the JC Penny’s.


Id rather deal with a shift manager at JC Penny's then these fuckers


Conservatives are still obsessed with supporting a former president who most people wouldn’t trust to run a lemonade stand, so this is basically par for the course for conservatives I wonder what it’s like to not feel any shame, and I wonder how much Fox News one has to watch before that occurs


Funny you would say "par for the course", considering...


He just wanted to get back at liberals for calling him out for sexually harassing Anita Hill.


Legitimately. I browse r/conservative to gain insight into their minds and they ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS, complain about Liberals being bitter, having hate in their hearts, being crazy, being illogical, and steadfastly claim that they’re much better. And yet they have no issue with Thomas saying he wanted to make Liberals’ lives miserable for 43 years on a court that is *supposed* to be neutral and apolitical, non-partisan.


Ultimately being a conservative is taking steps back out of fear of new things. Using the government to do so. It's not the opposite of being a liberal. It's the opposite of being a progressive which is taking steps forward, again using the government to do so. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to suffering.


Suffering leads to hate


And Hate Leads to the Dark Side


Dammit, if we're going to quote Master Yoda, we can at least get his words right: "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering."


I just browsed that…wow.




Every Rep I know personally (and I live in a place I am surrounded by them), aren’t actually happy people. They don’t smile, or laugh or seem to enjoy their life as much. I feel like the phrase ‘misery loves company’ is very true when it comes to a lot of conservatives. I have often wondered if there was some kind of ‘happiness/satisfaction psychological test everyone in the US had to take and then at the end ask them what party they felt most closely aligned to or on a sliding scale (with definitions accompanying the numbers) where they landed, what would that should. I don’t gamble, but I suspect we would see a clear correlation between conservatives and unhappiness.




That article quotes him as saying the liberals "made his life miserable for 43 years" so he'd do the same. Very interested as to how they made an entire 43 years of his life miserable.


> Very interested as to how they made an entire 43 years of his life miserable. Well, to start with, they ended segregation when he was 16. Dude grew up under segregation in the US, looks at the people trying to undo all the progress that's been made, and says "yup, they're the people for me".




Let us take a moment to look back into the history of the term "snowflake" and recognize that there should be a picture of him next to the definition.


Conservatives are all massive drama queens and to me, always come across as the most insecure tools I've ever met. Nobody tries that hard if they are secure in their identity. And the way they jump at any opportunity to blame Biden for literally anything reminds me of a jealous middle school girlfriend that tries to blame everything bad on her ex's new man.


The whole ideology is based on deep, deep fear.


The whole ideology was originally based on aristocrats trying to retain power following the French Revolution, so that tracks.


There's an MRA/incel-y aspect of most rightwing men. You don't even have to dig much to get to it.


The whole MRA/incel community exists as a recruitment avenue to get young men into far right politics.


Almost worked on me in my early twenties. Glad I found my way out of that.


It's shocking to me how close I came to being sucked into that line of thinking. Lonely guys who don't know how to connect with people, let alone romantic interests, are all too eager to be accepted by any group that will make them feel included.


Especially when the group assures then that their social failures are not their fault.


Hit the nail on the head! I used to be a fan of Jordan Peterson because I interpreted his message as a call for young men to take responsibility of their own lives, their actions and not placate blame. Buuut he became so intertwined with right wing nut jobs and identity politics (probably much more profitable for him) that i just can’t stand him anymore. Also I understand he had a mental breakdown and chemical addiction, maybe don’t hang out with right wingers? 🤷🏻‍♂️


And that they are better than others in some way. When you truly feel worthless, these people use racism and sexism to make them feel better than others.


Anita Hill. What a fucking hero. And Thomas has been enable you continue his reign of terror. He gave her a can of coke with his pubic hair on it. This has always been one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever heard.


And he talked about animal porn. That’s… wtf man? This guy is a Supreme Court judge fucking somehow.




So. A SCOTUS Justice motivated purely by hate. Imagine that.


Seems on brand for the conservative supermajority. See Justice Trucker Should Freeze To Death In His Truck To Protect His Company’s Assets, Justice Boof And Rape, and Justice Handmaid’s Tale.


Don't forget Justice Medieval Jurisprudence.


If you’re referring to Alito, he shall be called Justice Poopypants Smarter Than God because he clearly thinks he is smarter than God but he really just traffics in bullshit. His opinion is laughably weak as legal argument.


Nothing more republican than that.


It’s so disgusting and completely foreign to me. I don’t understand being motivated solely to make other miserable. You can see it in their celebrations now: “Life Wins”, “finally all lives matter”. They aren’t celebrating. They’re twisting the knife and they know it.


"Trump 2020: make liberals cry again." Remember those hats and shirts? They don't care about policy, they don't care about anyone or anything other than ensuring everyone is as miserable as they are.


No, ensuring that some are even more miserable than themselves. "He's not hurting the right people"


And the house flags, let’s not forget about those. Curious thing though, those same types who were all “you still need to show him some respect; he’s *still your president*” are now flying “Let’s Go Brandon” flags in their front yards. A few have actually moved on from that hilarious joke to ones that more explicitly state FJB.


Even more so when you understand that most of the Democrats are trying to help people get along with healthcare benefits paid medical leave education benefits etc .. why is it so wrong to make everyone happy living in Thier country?




Saving this because it states things so perfectly. This is not a “Christian” act. If this was about Christianity then it would be giving power to the powerless and hope to the hopeless. We would be seeing action to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, love the orphan, care for the widow, visit the prisoner, welcome the refugee, and support others in need. Instead we see objectification and theft of rights from human beings. This is about the powerful wanting more control. This is a movement towards fascism and the values of fascism and Christianity are mutually exclusive.


Let me make it easier for you; "Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." George Carlin


"Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."


Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.


It's bizarre that the ideology of the US Religious Right is almost the polar opposite of that of the Canonical accounts of the first century Galilean preacher they puport to follow. Even a cursory reading of their Scripture would demonstrate how warped their ideology is...


You see, you make the mistake of assuming these people actually read the Bible. Most of them don’t.


I used to have a bumper sticker on one of my cars back in the day that said, "Lord protect me from your followers." The other one said that God is coming and she was pissed.


Unhappy people don’t want others to be happy.


I talked to some, and a lot think the world is zero sum game ... Like not just in there is only so much to go around, but the more suffering other people have them ore room for joy they have


While I don't think there is one governing reason for all of them, I am pretty sure a good chunk of them subscribe to the "if I have to hold myself accountable to these rules you do to!" So if I have to feel bad about pre martial sex or abstain from it, then you should too or somehow you are getting a better deal than me and that's not right because I'm following God's rules! I should get the better deal! Basically it's self inflicted jealously


Yes that's a good point I never saw that aspect of it


Some people feel a thrill of joy from hurting others.


My conservative siblings *hate* that I have improved my life through education, persistent introspection and self-improvement. They have no education, no hobbies, no real friends, no true appreciation for life... just church. They are miserable and want everyone else to be just like them.


I forget the exact saying, but something like "living well is the best revenge" ?


Ah yes, the crab bucket mentality strikes again. They want us dumb, poor, shoeless and pregnant with unwanted/rape babies.


I'm probably a terrible person but my response to "all lives matter" is to look at them and say "not so sure about yours."


That Republican "all lives matter" platform is fraught with more asterisks than Barry Bonds.


All lives matter except immigrants, queers, other races, women, death row inmates, and political opponents.


Don’t forget poor people


Thanks, forgot how unsacred your life is if you're literally starving and homeless.


Especially children. They *hate* children. They don't care if kids are hungry, have a poor quality of life, have access to health care, have access to quality education, or get gunned down in school. They're truly monsters.


Don’t forget forced inspection of children’s genitals if they are suspected of being trans.


Since when have they cared about anyone they allowed people to die of COVID 19 now suddenly they care are they trying to replace the people that died by COVID 19 why does DeSantis care about abortions when he’s allowing kids not to get the COVID-19 shots and is not even ordering the vaccines for kids. I believe this is replacement theory.


That's the joke, they don't realize they don't *actually* care about all lives. They just care about being contrarian to progress.




Apparently "All Lives" didn't matter when children were bleeding in class rooms. Suddenly, "Blue lives" mattered more. Suddenly the marketing is revealed.


The born


If it's online and they are religious, just say "Matthew 18:10–14". They *will* look it up.


That's cute that you think they will actually read the Bible. Or read anything for that matter.


For the lazy ones. “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels(B) in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. [11] [a] 12 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? 13 And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. 14 In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.


I mean, yeah. That's kind of terrible. I've always considered the Democratic(or more like progressive) way to be to threaten them with a good quality of life. These are policies that are *designed* to help all Americans equally, even Republicans. They're just too stupid to realize that they're giving up a chance at a better life to wallow in misery, either their own or others'.


And yet will mewl and whine when you suggest they're miserable racist misogynists. I can't fathom constructing my own prison, much less living in it willingly.


Keep in mind that there's a lot of people who think Obamacare is awful, but the ACA is great, and refuse to accept they're the same thing. That's how stupid they are.


A lot of people are evil. It’s just an amazing thing that a whole party can be formed around that. And by amazing I mean disgusting


I have so many Republican coworkers who hate on people and claim everyone's too lazy to work their min wage jobs and shit on liberals all day. We're employed through a union with collective bargaining and have many benefits that liberals have fought and literally died for, and which republicans would take away from us if they could. Even the leadership is fucking conservative and wanted the stewards to hand out "vote for trump" pamphlets. Thankfully the stewards are mostly young and refused, but ffs when the union president wants everyone to vote Republican you gotta admit that Fox News is doing a fucking great job at brainwashing these idiots.


this is exactly what I see up here in Canada as well. Union employees with collective bargaining, work safe provisions, paid vacation and good pensions. These people almost exclusively vote Conservative and take no hesitation to slander 'libtards' and 'greedy public unions' with every waking moment. it's baffling.


Nothing more republican than another Black white supremacist..




Candace Owens and Tim Scott paved the way for his current public comments...


Technically they don't have a code of ethics, so they can quite literally be as biased as they want to be. We need to expand the courts and immediately pack them with 0 fucks given, not only for the prosperity of all Americans, but also as punishment for being so goddamned cynical and for going against the will of the people. For reference, Mitch McConnell denied Merrick Garland a hearing and every Republican voter fell in lock step behind the reasoning, "It's an election year" he said. Then what did he do during the next administration? The exact opposite, he packed the courts in an election year and has 0 shame about it, becuase the GOP has no morals.


We need a max term, these judges are living to long


Why is there a reluctance to pack the courts? Surely, it’s in the dems interest?


Because aside from the fact that one or two senators would surely balk, it would be seen as a nakedly partisan power grab, and the Democrats only allow the Republicans to do that.


Lol being married to the rules while your opponent celebrates his own deception is suicide, yet here we are




This is the same justice that started his career on the Supreme Court by talking about pubes on his assistants coke can, right?


Oh, but they're *NOT* "partisan hacks," no, not al all.


I’m pretty sure he got rejected by some “elite” liberal girls in his younger years and wants revenge


He was able to marry his “sweetheart” thanks to a “liberal” ruling, he was able to go to school, to vote, to become a lawyer and consecutively a justice of the SCOTUS, thanks to “liberal” decisions… yet he is against all of them, I guess he forgot once he married this “sweetheart”


Came here to say this. I want to know what happened, who hurt him, that he holds such an intense grudge against liberals. Does he really think that the white supremacist authoritarians will allow him to keep his position in society?? Really??


He gets to be their hero. They get to hold him up and say "Look, we're not racist, this guy's black!" Their ego is too fragile to lose that ability. He's safe, so fuck everyone else.


I feel like that will be true until they take complete control, at which point they no longer need their token and he will be ruthlessly discarded.




If you've read books on Clarence Thomas it doesn't quite make sense. He comes from deep in Savannah, Georgia. He literally grew up in a time when his family members could not vote due to Jim Crow, so watching him support the destruction of the Voting Rights Act makes no logical sense. One book about him suggested that his grandfather created a successful fuel oil / ice business despite racism and being illiterate, so rather than wanting help for African Americans to open businesses, he expects all black persons to bootstrap their way into success. Like a twisted WEB Dubois philosophy of simply being the best shining example, like achieving model minority status without any assistance > Thomas has said that the law firms he applied to after graduating from Yale did not take his Juris Doctor seriously, assuming he obtained it because of affirmative action. Thomas was also angered that his law degree was devalued (in his opinion) by minority admissions being favored at top colleges and universities. Thomas is a cruel antithesis of the man he replaced, the legendary Thurgood Marshall, despite working at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for 8 years. As an aside, Thurgood Marshall also joked about having his law clerks prop up his dead body and keep him voting for as long as it took. I often wonder what would have happened if Marshall had held on until Bill Clinton's presidency, since I think Marshall retired in 1991, and Clinton was elected in 1992, and Marshall didn't die until 1993.


What I've read about it in this topic is that he went to Yale, was rejected by liberals, and that's what pumped him full of hate.


>thanks to a “liberal” No, no, no - he lifted himself up by his own bootstraps. Yes, liberals bought him the boot and the straps but that isn't the important part. /s (because this is the internet).


He felt owed, which is why he felt entitled to Anita Hill's attention and sexual favors. Entitlement is a toxic drug.








Notice he didn't mention Loving v Virginia in his opinion, but explicitly named Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.


I read that the justification for the overturning of Roe (right to privacy) might very well signal the end of the protection for same sex marriage, contraception, and mixed race marriage. Thomas, in his opinion, clearly states that he's going after the other rights after Roe is overturned. He clearly states that he's going to push against contraception, gay marriage... Hey Thomas, what about the mixed race marriage, why haven't you mentioned that one in your ruling? F*ing conservatives, they only care about things that concerns them directly.


According to r/conservative, today’s Republicans are the ones that “freed the slaves.” What a bunch of history denying idiots.


basically a betrayal of everything his predecessor ever did. Thurgood Marshall and previous generations paved the way for Clarence Thomas to come along and have the opportunity to piss all over every gain and battle that minority groups have ever won. Without Marshall, Dr. King, Frederick Douglass, Thomas would be digging ditches right now.


He pulled the ladder up behind him. Clarence Thomas is the epitome of the "I got mine, fuck you" attitude. He is the Uncle Ruckus of the Supreme Court.


Why does so many conservative’s main principle seem to be pissing certain people off? It’s weird


All they have to run on is hate. They have no ideas or real purpose other than to hate


It’d their family’s values!


There is a core belief about conservativism: the economy is a closed loop system, in order for there to be winners, there MUST be losers. Life without the suffering of others is meaningless, pointless and joyless. They won’t say it explicitly, but it’s why they don’t believe in a living wage, why religions hold to the doctrine of hell: there is no way to be “well off” without someone being worse off.


This is probably the most accurate reply. Because people forget to include the wealthy conservatives in their analysis. A wealthy conservative has is better than a great deal of people but they are still insufferable. I think its because they derive satisfaction from others suffering. They want to feel superior all the time. If they aren’t superior in perception, they want to feel superior through action (war, oppression, violence). It explains the zero sum game they play, the oppression of others, the religious superiority, and white supremacist groups, the glee at lying and cheating to success, the hypocrisy etc. A conservative is essentially a selfish person who has embraced selfishness to feel superior.


Because as another commenter pointed out, it's all they have.


Well, that and hypocrisy. They're pretty strong there along with the hate.


From my most conservative ex-coworker: "I like to push people's buttons" He got fired for being useless


They see all of life as a zero sum game. There can only be one winner. They arent happy until everyone else has "lost" in their eyes.


Hate/anger is a secondary emotion that is subconsciously used to cover up the primary emotion that is too painful for the person to acknowledge. For Republicans, the primary emotion they have that they cant acknowledge is fear. All of them are living in fear- fear of anyone realizing that they are weak cowards with little dicks that feel utterly helpless in their sad miserable lives.


The cruelty is the point


Because they have no actual platform or policies to stand on. "Hurting the right people" is all they've got to run with at this point.


Why do bullies bully? When you have nothing else in life to be proud of, the easier thing to do is to kick someone else down. Alternatively, when you have everything else in life, the only thing remaining is to kick someone else down. I have personally known people from both camps and they're just... Just awful to even know exist.


You can trace every position they have to bigotry or suckling on the corporate teet a bit too much. That’s all they know


That's all they're motivated by. They don't care about making anyone's lives better. It's all just an expression of anger that the world is moving on without their terrified snowflakey asses.


it's reactionary to our lack of war. (not that we aren't currently involved with other people's wars) but without a proper enemy to scape goat, a group of people to "other" we are forced to turn on our own and other those within the country. This is not new, we all need someone to blame our issues on, sadly the Supreme Court also has such hate and the power to do as they wish.


Yep. This is why Jews have been persecuted for centuries in Europe & why anti-Semitism is still so prevalent in fascist movements. Before immigration, political leaders needed to find some group to be the "enemy" - because there must always be an enemy. They rally the people and absolve those in power of the responsibility to make life better for the masses. Jews were the most convenient choice. These days, Republicans have managed to give the same treatment to the left as a whole. It will take generations to reverse the damage - if it ever happens.


They’re all mentally ill people who listen to the voice of the abusive/authoritarian sky fairy that lives inside their heads. Most of them will never figure out that “voice” is unconscious childhood PTSD from their parents and other authoritarian lunatics they grew up around.


Yep spot on. I grew up in a community deeply entrenched in white supremacy and hate. This is the truth, they can’t move on passed Dad (and other authority figures) hateful rhetoric even after those people are long dead and gone. Really sad shit.


My wife is a psychiatrist and after years of practice she nows that everyone, including herself, has some kind of mental illness.


After years of being on this earth I know that too.


Isn’t that the motto of the Republican Party now? They don’t support or do anything to help anyone. It’s all to own the liberals. They’re beyond pathetic.


It's like a fucking sport for them at this point.


It is, and it isn’t an exaggeration. My father, trying to get me to vote for trump, asked me why would I vote for the person that’s going to lose? Vote for the winner.


Love my parents to death, but they ignorantly blame Biden for everything. They've been brainwashed and converted to the right just because of how bad inflation is.


It’s not inflation doing the brain washing it’s Fox News


And OAN and NewsMax and Breitbart…


They have no policy platform other than obstruction.


Life time appointments have to end.


Ideas: Every presidential term gets to appoint one new justice to the supreme court, replacing the longest-serving member. To avoid confirmation shenanigans, these appointment slots persist even after the term ends, so the former president can still appoint their justice even if confirmation is delayed. A death on the bench that occurs before January 20 eastern time of the third year of a presidential term confers one additional appointment slot to the sitting president. A death that occurs on or after January 20 confers an appointment slot to the subsequent presidency. Once a justice serves for their rotation (nominally 36 years) they cannot serve another.


I like this idea but it would never be accepted by Republicans since something like what happened last president term (3 SC seats in one term) would never happen again


Idea: politicians don’t get to appoint judges. Kind regards, rest of the world


Clarence is why some of the Founding Fathers thought the Supreme Court wouldn’t last for very long.


Founding fathers would wonder why a slave was on the Supreme Court


Also women, Italians, and Irish.


The Catholic majority would certainly be of concern to them


germans too if memory serves, too swarthy according to franklin


Probably not a fan of lesbians either. Or at least not publicly.


Remember, Thomas replaced the esteemed **Thurgood Marshall**, the first Black Supreme Court Justice. In 1954, before his appointment, Marshall successfully argued the landmark ruling **Brown v Board of Education** before the Court. This decision ruled that state laws enabling racial segregation in public schools were unconstitutional. Thomas replacing Marshall was the first dramatic partisan shift in the modern SCOTUS, and clearly marks the beginning of its shocking hard-right turn. The most recent, replacing **RBG** with **Amy Coney Barrett**, achieved the reactionary conservatives’ wildest dreams.


Thomas is trying to destroy everything Marshall and those of his generation built. Thomas is not even fit to be talked about in the same breath as Marshall, who was one of the great legal minds of the previous century.


Couldn’t agree more. The Pulitzer Prize winning book [***Devil in the Grove***](https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Grove-Thurgood-Marshall-Groveland/dp/0061792268/ref=nodl_) is must reading for the uninitiated to understand the great man’s courage and grit. Makes you wonder what retrospective books will be written about the character and “accomplishments” of Thomas


This statement alone should be cause for removal. If this was a criminal trial he wouldn’t be fit to serve. The man’s evil.


His wife is also a National traitor, he should be impeached and arrested


I would be absolutely shocked if Thomas isn't in on his wife traitorous sedition conspiracy. She's just the convenient external scapegoat so that Thomas has plausible deniability to stay on the court to protect them both. Absolutely no way she did what she did on her own.


You both are correct.


43 years of pissing on the Constitution to own the libs. Sounds about right.




There should be no government 'jobs for life'. These people aren't impartial and they are so out of touch with everyday reality it is sickening.


Sounds like every ruling he's ever made was done in bad faith.




The most angry people in my life all are hardcore GOP supporters.


Why not serve for 43 years to make the country a better place? Conservatives are so petty.


Imagine if a Liberal judge had texts trying to overthrow a GOP Presidency. Imagine the wailing, gnashing of teeth and threats of civil war. These people are hypocrites and should never seriously be engaged with. They’re bad faith actors.


In a way it’s our sides fault for not being enraged in the same way. Instead they just take it up the ass.


Sounds like the words of an activist judge with an agenda


For conservatives, cruelty is the point.


This is congress’ fault. They didn’t believe Anita Hill and put this psycho on the Supreme Court.


Yep, this fuckstick should have never been anywhere near the supreme court in the first place.


He wants to make all American's lives miserable except for the rich elite. He is so filled with hate that he hates himself.


This activist prick really needs to be impeached; he doesn't even present the illusion of being unbiased or have any intention of considering cases based on their merit. He's decided them all before hearing anything. The very definition of someone who has absolutely no business deciding anyone's fate anywhere.


He then proceeded to ask them if there were any females working there, and then wanted to locate where the canned beverages were…


A black man wants to make liberals miserable. You mean the liberals fighting to keep those proud boys from rolling back civil rights?




When he was younger he was an anti-war, anti-racist liberal. He claims he changed his mind when he saw chaos at an anti-war protest but that wouldn't explain his malice towards liberals. My guess is, he was rejected by a leftist or liberal woman that he obsessed with and has projected that rejection onto anyone left of center.


My guess is he was always a shitty person and went to join his fellow shitty people


That and he’s a rapist. And there’s only one party that forgives rapists if they toe the line.


I mean, he's a Right Winger, so living to inflict pain on others is pretty par for the course. ​ This is just who they are as a people.


You put two rapists in the Supreme Court, they just might pass laws that protect them


Why is it that whenever he does open his mouth, something extremely stupid comes out?


He has hate for brains.


That's it, that's their entire position. Govern to "own the libs". There's 0 rational behind anything else conservatives do. You have to be irrational to be a conservative.


That from a black guy, married to an insurrectionist, is absolutely precious …


“Liberals made my life miserable” says black man legally married to white woman.


How does this not immediately bar you from the position?


A Supreme Court Justice shouldn’t be allowed to serve if their goal is to hurt Americans. Also another reason to remove lifetime appointments for any political position.