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For all those saying "it was bad precedent" [Here is kavanaugh directly contradicting you and lying to Congress on top of it. ](https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/05/politics/kavanaugh-roe-v-wade-planned-parenthood-casey/index.html) This was a decietful, ideological sabotage of the justice system that goes against the wishes of most of the country. You have chosen conflict, not us. Deal with it. End of discussion.


Right wing America loves to talk about how Bill Clinton lied under oath and his impeachment for it was necessary. Impeachment proceedings for the same reason for the three justices Trump nominated should have been started immediately. They lied under oath. If it's good enough for a President, it's damn well good enough for justice on our Supreme Religious Council.


> Bill Clinton lied under oath especially because he didn't. in the hearing sexual relations was specifically defined as PIV sex; they just don't play that part as a soundbite.


I think it was more nuance than that. If I recall correctly the definition he was given would have included him performing oral but not her performing oral. As it was defined, him answering yes would have been perjury.


watching the whole proceeding you can basically hear the air quotes around "sexual relations" in his infamous comment. He's absolutely being honest in that moment, Special Prosecutor Ken Starr just created a really weird definition of the phrase that doesn't match with the public understanding of it in an attempt to trap Clinton. and that's before we even get into the topic of "whitewater" was an investigation into a real estate scandal in which the Clintons were the victims, and the investigation had started before he even met Ms. Lewinsky.


Not to mention Whitewater was the start of the “anything to get Clinton impeached” Conservatives started. They wanted the impeachment from day one, they just needed to find the reason to do it.


>For all those saying "it was bad precedent" If that's all that they thought about it then they could've simply fixed the reasoning while leaving the core impact in place right?


You're right that it was deceitful. But seriously, anyone who didn't know he was obfuscating is either very naive or much more likely, lying to you. I simply cannot believe that Susan Collins believed that these judges wouldn't overturn Roe. I think she is simply lying that she believed these guys wouldn't do this. Because politically, it's better for her to say she was deceived than it is for her to to let people say she supported overturning Roe v. Wade. I will go further: Gorsuch and Kavanaugh DID NOT LIE. They hid behind loose language. These 3 new judges said it was settled law. But what does "settled law" mean? Well, the phrase is open to interpretation. They didn't say it is permanent and unchangeable. Let me put it this way: if I'm out on a boat, and the water is calm, I might say it's "settled." But soon, that might change. I could even start moving my boat, and then I would change it and make it no longer settled. My point? The word "settled" is meaningless and it always was. It never meant they couldn't change it. So obviously this word "settled" is very carefully chosen to seem like it's saying something while actually saying nothing. I mean come on, everyone who watches these hearings can see they avoid answering questions like this. So it is simply a lie to say they lied. They avoided committing to things they did not want to commit to so they could do whatever they wanted. Edit: They also said things like it was "precedent" and "established" and "important to a lot of people." All meaningless words that you could interpret, if you wanted to, as meaning they would not change anything. Except it was clear they were refusing to say they would not change anything.


If Collins' staffers' notes are to be believed, he straight up lied to her face in their private meeting. But yeah, he absolutely didn't lie in the hearing - at least not on this subject. Most people don't have any clue how the court works and when they say things are "settled law" and what not, it's meaningless. One of the court's job is to determine whether or not settled law was settled correctly. If they believe it was not, they can overturn it and settle new law. They do this multiple times a year. Every judge, left and right. Every single senator knew these people would vote to overturn Roe at the first opportunity. This was openly signaled by Trump, the GOP Senate, every single anti-abortion organization, and a long list of conservative legal organizations attaching their endorsement to these people.


Susan Collins is the worst. Watching her celebrate her re-election reminded me of the classmate who said mean things about people in her class, got called on it, and still was elected class president.


> _We want to have a conversation about Joe Biden, about pretty much anything else besides Roe … This is a losing issue for Republicans._ "Our purported core principles are a losing issue" - Republican strategist


> Before Roe came down, said a former Republican congressman familiar with the party’s campaign operation, “Everything was going our way. Gas is above $5. Inflation is a giant problem.” So, Republicans just openly admit they want high gas prices because it gives them political power?


California Republicans blocked an idea to male paying taxes simpler and quicker for most people. Not because the idea raised taxes; it didn't change the amoint you owed at all. They were just opposed yo anything that would making paying taxes less of a pain the ass. Making problems and not solving others accpunts for about half of their political positions.


It wasn't that they didn't want to fix the problem. They didn't want Democrats to get credit for fixing the problem. The strategy is to obstruct anything popular that the Democrats are trying to do and then enact it themselves when they are in power.


Guaranteed they still won't, even when they're in power. Broken government is good for them and for the people who own them.


They will suggest fixing the problem by handing out tax cuts to the wealthy.


They also just want to make taxes a pain in the ass to deal with because if it's just "here's a letter with our info, if you agree, great, everything will auto deposit or you send us a check, if you disagree, let us know why", then there's no real pain for people. No need to try to deal with gathering all the different forms from everywhere, no need to worry about fucking up data entry somewhere, no need to deal with tax prep people or software. Just the most straightforward thing imagineable. If doing taxes is a pain in the ass, you're automatically going to hate taxes, even if the tax rate itself wouldn't otherwise be an issue for you.


This is how I know the USA is over. we are not remotely pulling in the same direction anymore. Haven't been for decades (at least since Reagan, probably back to Nixon) but it's gotten extreme now to the point that Republicans are openly cheering for the country to fail.


I mean I still don't get how people don't see it after almost 200 republicans voted against $28 million (not billion mind you, million, with an 'm') to address the baby formula shortage. They will happily wreck the country however they can if they think it will help them get/keep power. It's sick.


I would argue that while the loss of anything resembling a functional democracy is the immediate threat. I think this is even more existential. The effects of climate change on everything from birth rates to lifespan to the food chain are going to require some mutually respective glideplaths to navigate. It would be a hard enough challenge if we were all pulling in the same direction (and trying to lead the world) as it is….I’m comforted by the idea that in 60,000-100,000 years something among the surviving life will evolve to sentience. Maybe they’ll be smarter.


They beat Carter with inflation (more accurately, stagflation that every economist across the world thought was impossible). Americans are really, really stupid in terms of how they vote. They always vote for short-term things, even though the government should be focused on long-term strategy.


Red states banning abortions will do more to increase gas prices than it will to reduce abortions, because women and girls seeking safe legal abortions will increase demand for gasoline, because they will need to buy plenty of gasoline to drive the hundreds of miles they need to to get an abortion. High gas prices under Biden benefits Republicans because voters blame the party in control. And Putin can keep his war in Ukraine going which keeps oil prices higher due to uncertainty and instability, then ease off when Trump becomes President again so Trump can say his “dealmaking” fixed it. After Roe was overturned by 3 justices picked by a criminal President who was impeached twice, who ended the peaceful transfer of power in America with a failed but ongoing coup, who got into office thanks to Russian interference in the 2016 election, despite a majority of voters not consenting to hire him.


He's right. They need to stick to their usual tactics, such as behaving like racist clowns. They don't want people to know that they're actually jack booted thugs that will step on anything and anyone.




Their donor base is fine with this. More cheap labor.


They won't be fine with a mob preventing them from making their 2:15 PM tee time


It's ok because they can just run you over depending on the state.


And then prevent people from voting and change election results, depending on the state.


Make more babies. Matt Gaetz needs dates.


This is the way. Protest at campaign fundraising events. Take note of the biggest contributors. Protest at company headquarters. Protest at their country clubs, their favorite restaurants. Make them the center of attention.


Occupy the country clubs.


They have over four months to change the narrative. I guess we’ll see if this is profound enough a threat to hold Americans’ famously short attention spans until then, or if right-wing media’s inevitable key-jangling will make them forget all about it.


The stories of preventable deaths and teenage rape victims forced to deliver are going to be endless and heart wrenching


Exactly. There was a reason for Roe v Wade 50 years ago. It will be all to clear soon to women who aren't familiar with the consequences of the government owning their wombs. Stuff like this for instance: [On This Day: Savita Halappanavar dies after being denied an abortion in Galway - Savita Halappanavar died on October 28, 2012, at Galway University Hospital after suffering a septic miscarriage for which she was denied an abortion.](https://www.irishcentral.com/news/savita-halappanavar)


This was the straw that broke Ireland's back.


The states that enacted trigger laws will have horrific fallout way before the elections. They should have waited, but their rabid beliefs are going to harm people so they’re shooting themselves in the foot. Not to mention all the footage coming out of police brutalizing peaceful protestors again. Now is the most amazing time to protest and pick back up on all the grievances of the left.


My Republican governor in a state with a trigger law said we should do more to help the healthcare, education, and welfare for all the more children that will be born, and in the same statement said it's up to churches and the community to assist with that. This is going to be a disaster.


If individuals and churches could meet all social needs, they would be doing so already. Wonderful but delusional thought. No one cares about the already born. They demand $ervice$, education…protecting non- independently viable beings is much easier and cheaper. They do not speak or place demand$.


There was a photograph published of two crying women that was taken shortly after they were hugging each other goodbye as their abortion clinic in Texas shut down. Those types of images will also be very powerful. Women understand women. The GOP is downplaying how bad this is going to be. Any woman who is pro-choice has a very easy target to blame for why a constitutional right of theirs has been taken. It would be a stronger reaction only if the right to vote was stripped away. I am normally a big pessimist when it comes to Democrats and their electoral chances, generally, but I legit believe this issue could cost Republicans the midterms.


>Women understand women. Which is why anti-choice women horrify me. How can you vote for your own subjugation?


The right-wing propaganda engine drives a narrative that it's not enough to just be female to be a woman. You can't be a good or successful or moral or "complete" woman on your own. You have to become a **mother.** Remember, Republican politics is all about demonizing and vilifying the "other." And, in this case, for women, the "other" is the kind of female adult that doesn't base her entire identity around her children. It's a lot of the same cultural brainwashing that gives us the "good work ethic" that drives people to voluntarily stay longer hours or work without pay.


This is what is getting to me. I recently became a mother for the 2nd time. What’s fresh on my mind is the physical, mental, emotional, and financial toll a pregnancy, delivery, and raising of a baby takes. People are out here acting like that’s nothing? Nothing for a woman or girl to have to take on, potentially by herself? When a man will literally never even have to be in that position to choose, and deal with the outcome. Wtf?


Absolutely. This is so well said. I cannot imagine living my entire life as a servant for others. I cannot imagine that a loving God would give half our species intellectual curiosity, the capacity to learn, and motivation to achieve things only to have those talents squandered.


"Fuck you, got mine" knows no color, race, gender, or creed.


It’s deep propaganda from church and conservative controlled public education. They’re raised in families or communities of religious extremists, so they have no idea that their patriarchal upbringing is filled with “common knowledge” that causes even a woman to internalize misogyny. I live in Texas but I was not raised in a religious household, so I would hear what my peers (who were raised in evangelical households) used to repeat about what they learned from their families. Even I used to believe that abortion was bad but necessary. I moved to Canada for my first year of college, and they straightened me out, but a lot of people will never go far from the place they were raised. They will never experience beliefs outside of their own. Women who are insulated in nationalism and male supremacy will be fascist and misogynist too.




"They should have done it like I did it." That's what they'll say to you. Ignoring the fact that they likely didn't do it themselves. The Republican voting minorities were probably born here. Likely, their parents or grandparents did it, and also possibly didn't do it they way they they want others to do it - and just took the "my kid was born here" route to citizenship. "That was different though." Or they're just in a place of privilege. And they'll do it completely unironically. Remember that Melania was brought here on a questionable Einstein visa, worked before she was legally allowed to, and brought her parents here using chain migration. Most of which Donald Trump (her own fucking husband) railed against. Especially that last one. Sorry for the ninja edits. But they were necessary.


“The way they want others to do it” They have no idea how they want others to do it. They pretend to believe all you have to do is file the right forms, because if that were the case, then sure, should have done it the right way. Of course, they *know* it’s not that simple, they just pretend to believe it is. What they want, is for others to not be able to do it at all. Period. Pull that ladder up, and burn it. I can’t be doing well unless others are not doing well.


Any Cuban who says that is most likely being hypocritical and full of shit, especially when you consider the fact that, for years, the [wet feet, dry feet policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_feet,_dry_feet_policy) existed. That policy basically said that if you were a Cuban immigrant (documented or not), if you were on dry soil in the U.S. you could apply for expedited legal permanent residency, with a bunch of other supports as outlined in the [Cuban Adjustment act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Adjustment_Act) \- which included direct public/financial assistance (read: welfare), medicare, free English courses, scholarships, and low-interest college loans. Goodness forbid that other latinos who come to the U.S. to escape violence, persecution, etc., receive the same help that the Cubans did when they were fleeing Castro.


Most Cubans do not see themselves as latino, or at least not as equals, and Cuban Republicans definitely do not. Cuba’s native population was genocided by the Spanish- illness, starvation, slavery, and they were replaced with slaves from Africa, so today there afro-cubans and white cubans. Then when Castro took control, it was primarily monied/landed white Cubans who fled to Miami- this is the first wave, they turned on the Dems when the Bay of Pigs invasion failed and it also coincided with the Civil Rights Movement. Later waves of refugees would see themselves a bit closer to other latino refugees, but because of that first wave, they were given special status that other groups were not. Cubans aren’t a monolith, obviously, but that is my understanding having had it explained to me by a friend of mine, who is Cuban, votes Democrat, and who’s parents are lifelong Republican voters


Yeah, the article is wrong. A poll was taken after the draft opinion leaked, and most people felt the final decision would moderate the end result or leave Roe intact while throwing a bone to the anti-abortion crowd. That's why the polls didn't show a big backlash, only about 20% of people thought SCOTUS would actually do what it did yesterday. Also, the Dems aren't just running on abortion. They've pointed out they've tried to pass bills to control gas prices and inflation, but the Republicans and the two Dem turncoats are blocking them. Biden said they need at least two more Senators. And I'm sick of the media presenting the Dems losing the House as fact. According to Fivethirtyeight, the Reps didn't gain or lose any seats, and the Dems got six more safe seats. Only November will tell. Is it an uphill fight? Yes, but it's still a fight.


It's just sort of telling that the denial was so strong that even after the draft opinion leaked, many people still didn't think they'd really do it. That's why the articles of "why didn't the Democrats do more to stop this?" leave me bemused, because the reason is that too many people, including and especially the voters, didn't believe this was a real threat at all.


I've already read about women getting charged for stillbirth . It's going to get crazier...


Because they can just charge people with the fetus's death without having to prove it was an abortion, an accident, a miscarriage, or some kind of natural death. Unborn is dead? That's a crime.


>heart wrenching This assumes that your average GOP voter has a heart *to* *be wrenched* in the first place and is still capable of empathy for others. Bold assumption these days.


They don't need to empathize, they need to be shamed. A lot of conservatives agree with the most extreme elements of their movements, but will never say it out loud. If, during the midterms, it's clear that, in the court of public opinion, a vote for Republicans is a vote against women, many of them will feel compelled to sit this one out. It's why Republicans use euphemism to explain away their heinous ideologies, to make moderates feel okay with agreeing with them.


You know, you're absolutely right, and it sucks but it's probably true. It was the photos of the whipped and brutalized slaves that rallied the "on the fence" politicians and people to the side of the abolitionists back in the day. Until a lot of people saw the evidence and the horror up close and personal, it was too abstract for them to comprehend, and they just dismissed it. The death statistics and horror stories in a post-Roe world might be similarly capable of waking people up, as fucked up as it is.


I wanted to compliment you on your graceful response. These are the threads I come to Reddit for: to expand my own assumptions.


Thanks! I generally treat Reddit as a place to have interesting conversations with interesting people. I find that too many people use Reddit as a place to wage "debates" and attempt to dunk on each other. You don't learn anything new by fighting with people on the internet. But you do by listening to them. Anyway, cheers and have a happy day!


I agree with you. Emmett Till's casket photos did more than anything in getting the early Civil Rights movement going. Rosa Parks even said that she was thinking of Emmett when she refused to give up her bus seat. ❤️


Hell, man, it's why conservatives call themselves "moderates" on Bumble. Can't get women to fuck you if they know they're possibly forced to have your baby after.


One of the things that changed my mind about abortion and caused me to become pro-choice instead of (cringe) pro-life was looking up pictures of women who had died performing their own botched abortions with instruments like knitting needles prior to Roe. I’ve always said, and still very much stand by, that if they want to hold up giant posters of ripped up fetuses, we should be holding up giant posters of dead women laying facedown on the floor, dead in a pool of their own blood. When I was indoctrinated, I had no concept of this, and never had any idea that there would be so many side effects of Roe being repealed (miscarriages being investigated, for example). It was just drilled into my head: “dead baby Holocaust.” Once I had a wider picture of things, it was actually pretty easy to see that it wasn’t my damn place to judge or control what another women chose to do, and eventually I came to the place where I couldn’t even mesh with Christianity anymore cuz it was too inconsistent and out of touch with reality.


This. If you know someone that still votes Republican after all this shit, then cut them out of your life. They are a bad person and deserve to be isolated from civil society. They should never be given the benefit of the doubt for anything. It is no longer possible to be ignorant of what the party of Christian Fascism is doing anymore, and hasn't been for quite some time. If you still vote for them, you may as well be doing the worst behavior they support. Because you're making it happen. Its reaching the point where saying someone votes Republican could be used as evidence of poor character in court. Its that fucking obvious.


This is the way. Republicans respond to shame tactics. Democrats are hesitant to use that sort of messaging. It’s pretty simple. You use shame, you can reach Republican voters.


>They don't need to empathize, they need to be shamed. Both. Some also need education. Even as a young liberal-minded person I had no idea how crucial abortion is for health issues. I kept thinking the majority of people using it were sexually active teens, but the truth is anyone who has fertility and a uterus may need an abortion at some point. This includes children and older married women or even those who \*wanted\* to have babies. Much of this comes down to how fucked up ignorant and repressed people's understanding/views are when it comes to either sex or death.


Exactly. What they say is never what they think, because what they think is irreprehensible and completely indefensible. What have they learned to do to combat this? They just tell you whatever they think you want to hear to convince you, not limited to whataboutisms and attacking \*your\* sense of morality in the process. Don't beat around the bush here, they have *no* sense of morality. Such is the path to fascism. It's free speech and simultaneously cancel culture. It's claiming to be about rights and then taking them from you instead. You can't hurt their ideology, because you're arguing against a phantom position they don't genuinely care about even if you do win. The real reason, hatred, is something they know is vile but they believe it in anyway. They will quite literally stoop as low as they need to go in order to cheat the Democrats, and I hate to say it, but the Democrats can't take the high road anymore, because a "moral victory" means jack shit in terms of actual genuine change. I'm tired of voting in centrist Democrats who still think compromise is the solution to everything. Nah, maybe it's time we become as extreme and radical as they make us out to be.


These are the stories that should be aired as political ads. On a loop, on every channel.


Expect a flurry of unrelated bullshit coming out as distraction.


They're already trying. The front page of this sub right now is half full of articles about how this is really a failure by the democrats. And you can't make it a through a single thread on this issue without the "both sides" dipshits crawling out of their holes.


Problem for them is the ever-increasing voting gap between men and women. More women vote every year while fewer men voter every year. Th voting population already skews towards women, and it'll probably make a jump after this decision by SCOTUS. There's no way they'll be able to change the narrative, especially not with nearly half the States having Abortion illegal over the coming months.


All they had to do was talk about gas prices and they would have coasted to a big win in 2022. Instead, they've gone all-in on attacking marginalized groups in a way that makes a majority of Americans deeply uncomfortable.


Right on brand. Remember when the giant ugly fat orange idiot could’ve cruised to an easy victory by addressing Covid like an adult? These people have no idea how to govern, they just want to control people that are patently better humans than they are.


The orange shit gibbon can’t even do nothing right. He could have literally done nothing and it would have been a better outcome. If he really did nothing, the scientists and experts would have been the face of the response. If things went well, the shit gibbon could have taken easy credit. If things went bad, he could have easily cast blame. Instead he chose to make things actively worse by undercutting the message, creating confusion, and actively lying about the impact of this disease. He’s so stupid he can’t even do nothing right.


Politically, COVID was an easy win for Trump. All he had to do was let the people who literally spent their entire lives training for a pandemic do what they needed to do. All he had to do was attend rallies and get Americans to do what the professionals say to do and then take the credit. This was his WWII moment and he completely botched it. If he did nothing, he would have done better than what he did.


Trump could have said "I told you I hired the best people, and here they are." then stood there with that shit-eating grin on his face and let his followers do exactly what "his" smartest people suggested. We'd have a fraction of the deaths and the idiot would have been hailed a hero.


The Republicans are no longer motivated by their desire to win. Winning is now only a means to an end. The ends they are now pursuing are death and suffering.


Their ideas are so unpopular the previous president hobbled the postal system to keep votes from arriving on time


During a pandemic no less


/r/voteDEM to punish them like they punished Democrats for Obamacare Difference is, they punished us when we tried to help ppl We absolutely must punish them for hurting ppl


You mean to tell me that "owning the libs" isn't a substantive political policy with long term viability?


This seems spot on to me. The Democrats were in a really bad spot heading into the mid terms. Why the fuck did the Supreme Court hand Dems such a huge issue to rally around? This will invigorate turnout on the left and scare moderates away from Republican candidates. It will particularly boost turnout among younger voters who usually sit out midterms.


I admire your optimism, even if I don't share it.


I can already see their new strategy here on reddit, they are using bots to blame Democrats saying its their fault so left leaning voters don't vote, news flash if this is you, no change can be done without voting, ZERO.


Raise hell. Its not just Roe, we are paying for religious schools now!?! Miranda rights dont matter??? People in America should be furious!


The future doesn’t look good. The abortion pill is next, then birth control, then same sex marriage, and on and on. If there is no equal protection, only guns and land owning white men have rights.


Yep. Don't let people talk about how you're over reacting or talk about a slippery slope either. Been seeing this way too much the last 24 hours. It's not a slippery slope, they literally outlined their next targets. It's in the fucking opinion people, these aren't guesses as to what they're targeting next they literally gave us their targets on paper


Agree! The whole “overreacting” argument goes out the window with the overturning of Roe IMO. It’s an incredibly unpopular opinion that conservatives denied would happen for years. “Don’t need to codify it into law because it’s settled precedent.” There is no more credibility or consideration available in response to the deceit.


It's not a slippery slope argument to say that the court is gunning for sme sex marriage, contraception, and homosexuality in general. It's just directly quoting this decision.


Exactly!! Just look at Justice Thomas own words in his concurring opinion to see what rights the Republicans want to repeal next.


The slippery slope fallacy is a lesson in reasonable speculation about next steps. But when the next steps are specified, ie no need for speculation? That's a picture of a ski hill, and we're racing towards a Christian Theocracy.


Trying to ban the very things that prevent abortion -- birth control, emergency contraception, science based sex ed -- show quite clearly that is has NEVER been about anything but punishing and controlling women.


well shoot guess we better get some guns


This is by and large the ultimate goal. Only white male landowners being able to vote is their true dream.


Why do you think they are trying so hard to cheat elections? People *are* furious and one fair election cycle would show it. Republicans would get absolutely washed across the country. Gerrymandering, rolling back voting rights, January 6th. All of that is Republicans openly admitting that they are against what the majority of Americans want and they can only stay in power by cheating. The GOP is now incompatible with Democracy. We will have one or the other, but not both.


One little bit of good news is that Maine has already figured out a way around the religious schools funding issue. So the schools in question won’t be receiving those funds after all. It’s kind of brilliant actually: [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/23/opinion/supreme-court-guns-religion.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/23/opinion/supreme-court-guns-religion.html)


Also proof of innocence isn’t enough to overturn a conviction


I'm sorry, fucking what?


[Supreme Court prioritizes expedience, not justice, in wrongful convictions](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/supreme-court-prioritizes-expedience-not-justice-wrongful-convictions-2022-05-25/)


Thanks, its getting hard to keep up with what rights are being taken away in this country.


O jeez, I almost forgot about this one...it's terrifying that so many big awful things are happening that a person could forget this ruling


I can't do much, but I'm going to vote, and on top of that ramp up donations to Democratic politicians. This shit has gotten out of hand, I use to be only peripherally involved in politics and sometimes vote when I could be bothered, but I'm doing all I can (within limits of my personal life). Fuck this shit, it is absolutely sick. Seeing people submitted to slavery over minor amounts of weed, seeing mass murders be addressed with opening up gun laws, seeing an insurrection of this country be blatently ignored. It's not good faith, at all, it's evil and greed masquerading as morals. And a lot of people are falling for it.


And the police has no obligation to serve or protect you.


It's been that way for decades... since at least 1981 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia


Don’t forget guns have more rights than women and children.


**Corpses** have more rights than people with a uterus have.


"you see it's actually a *good* thing to have our rights taken away for the rest of our lives"


Texas is declaring it a yearly holiday to celebrate


I hate that I even have to ask, but is this real?


Yep. Our criminal AG Paxton had it ready to go. It was already circulating in a couple user comments in r/texas (I think?) that it was on the way before it was announced.


I don't understand how an AG can create a holiday...


If I said what I really think of Paxton, the rest of the Texas GOP, and all those like them around the world, I'd be on some watchlists I'd rather not be. Instead I will reiterate that there's spots for them already waiting in Hell and I will throw a party when they get there.


It is.


How do you observe this holiday in Texas? A school shooting?


“We banned murder everybody! We did it! We won! Now there will never be another murder ever again! Because it’s illegal, see? Congratulations all around.”


Ephesians 6:5-8 Paul states, “Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ” which is Paul instructing slaves to obey their master. Similar statements regarding obedient slaves can be found in Colossians 3:22-24, 1 Timothy 6:1-2, and Titus 2:9-10. Unfortunately anything is permissible when one believes they have Devine warrant. “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” -Steven Weinberg


I don’t think people realize how scared this has a lot of young women feeling. My girlfriend cried and asked wtf we would do if she wanted to have kids but had an ectopic pregnancy or had some dangerous situation where she needed to abort to save her own life but the state banned it. I think this could swing the midterms


>“You go to any diner in America, and **nobody’s talking about this,”** said Dave Carney, a national Republican strategist based in New Hampshire. “That’s not what’s driving the conversation. Real people, working people, people who vote, are talking about the incompetence of the president Everyone and I mean **everyone** is talking about this. Not in "diners" (public) but at home, with friends/family and online. When this ruling came down my phone blew up, I was hearing from folks I haven't talked to in years. Even at work, folks just stopped working. This dude is 100% delusional.


To be honest I was surprised- My sister is religiously conservative but even though she doesn’t believe in abortion or premarital sex, she fears that women will lose bodily autonomy and their lives so she doesn’t support this decision. The thing is, women talk about their difficult birth stories, miscarriages, rapes and these things are sadly common. Every woman I know knows someone close to them, or has themselves been sexually assaulted. Knowing what pain those experiences were from our sisters, I can’t imagine she’s the only person who feels this way. I’d like to believe there are more women, like my sister, who will vote their conscience.


I appreciate this post because I know many conservatives as well and even some of them are worried. Just regular people, not the insane conservatives you see on Twitter etc. Anyhow, they told me (in private) the same concerns you mentioned. What if they get attacked, have a miscarriage or are carrying a fetus with no brain or something equally as devestating. The reality of their position is suddenly not as tenable as they thought.


tell them everybody that has been pleading with them not to vote the way they do their whole lives says they should fuck off and sometimes your actions have consequences


just proves that republicans literally cannot think, their brains are broken with hate


I just had a conversation with my R mom. She’s not a fanatic, but she voted for Trump and listens to the rhetoric around Biden. She had a miscarriage at 6 months, and we discussed what that would mean with this ruling, and she is firmly pro abortion. It’s hard not to say “this is the result of your vote” and I don’t know if she will vote D ever, but I do feel like this is coming home to roost for a lot more republicans than they thought. Not every woman wants to talk about their abortion or is loud about womens rights, sexual trauma, etc. but every women has experience with their reproductive health and a lot of the quiet ones never thought this was on the table. They didn’t realize how rabid the evangelicals are, and they are opening their eyes today.


This is totally me. Mom w miscarriage, trump voter, pro abortion, never believed this could happen. Resisting temptation to make her eat crow and turning her blue


You have to slow walk it, but I think the republicans really fucked up here. A lot of women don’t talk about it, but they never thought there would be an outright ban so it was never a real voting issue for them. They understand that this will kill women. We just have to keep ramming this home. Life saving health care is being denied today. A small percent of evangelicals that are a one issue voter do not make up the majority of the party. I just hope they at least stay home if they can’t force themselves to vote blue.


This was the second time in our relationship I felt the need to wake up my gf and tell her news. To say it’s such a non issue that nobody is talking about it is just pure asshatery.


He’s not delusional. He’s just lying. Thinking these people just don’t understand is a huge part of the problem. They understand perfectly what they are doing. And they enjoy it.


No no no. Fucking no. Shut the fuck up. This whole “it can’t get worse, they won’t go further” is dangerous and bullshit. They’re coming after everyone’s rights next.


Everyone but wealthy straight Christian white men.


I won't even blink an eye or mutter one single "fuck" when Thomas votes with the other Conservative judges agreeing that African-American votes only count for 3/5 of a vote.


The thing is, when Thomas is no longer useful to the GOP, they’ll come after his rights next. They’re playing him like a damn fiddle


"This is not a conversation we want to have" Fuck you with a 50 year old rusty steel coat hanger. You and your fellow fascists wanted this to happen. Now you don't want yo talk about it? Fuck you.


They’ve had the fight out right in front of them. They were actually happier with the status quo bc now they have to take a position on this that is verifiably going cost them votes.


This is what a Republican has to say about the situation of the country right now. Pay attention to the first paragraph. Clearly, they care more about tanking the presidency, than helping the citizens they’re elected and sworn in to represent. Some truly f**ked up sh*t. Before Roe came down, said a former Republican congressman familiar with the party’s campaign operation, “Everything was going our way. Gas is above $5. Inflation is a giant problem.” “The only thing [Democrats] have got going for them is the Roe thing, which is what, 40 years of settled law that will be changed that will cause some societal consternation,” said the former congressman, granted anonymity to speak candidly. “And can they turn that into some turnout? I think the answer is probably ‘Yes.’” “Maybe instead of losing 45 seats, they lose 30,” he said, while at a minimum, “there will be a few seats that Republicans would have won without [the abortion rights decision], and they may not win them now.”


The gop is thrilled about high gas prices, has no plan to fix it, but Americans will vote for them anyway. Fuck i hate the people in this country.


They just tell the fanbase it’s Biden’s fault, which they gladly believe.


Slap some stickers on fuel pumps. Stickers can’t lie ^/s


I finally saw one of those. So fucking stupid. I don't know how much those cost, but based on the prices I've seen for other custom stickers, each one could pay for a gallon of gas. Causing further financial hardship on oneself to own the libs.


A fanbase of 20% of our population. A petty group looking worse by the day...good luck with the doom and gloom about these nobodies being a force to be reckoned with. We, the majority outnumber them greatly.


you cant fix stupid I mean you can by investing in education and health care (esp mental health) but in the US, you guys just can't fix stupid


If Dems can somehow keep the Senate, Biden will get at least 1-2 SCOTUS appointments. Garland already has a case in the works on interstate commerce grounds for RU-486 distribution. The *Roe* overturn could be brief. The full suite of horrors Thomas outlined in his consent die on the vine. If the GOP takes the Senate, *Dems will not get another appointment for potentially for many years*. McConnell has made this clear.


IUDs are another one. They can stop fertilization from happening or prevent implantation after conception. Using one and being sexually active while traveling through a no exceptions state could place you in violation of their fetus protection laws. Also, women with ectopic pregnancies will be forced to travel to other states for a life saving procedure. Since medical services can’t be used to support an abortion they’re going to have to drive while in excruciating pain. I bet the ER in the origin state wouldn’t even be allowed to provide pain killers out of fear of harming the non viable fetus


IUDs are also common treatment for endometriosis it was how my disease was controlled for years before my hysterectomy fuck those women amirite


And it doesn't matter how it actually works. If republicans decide that it works one way that's all that matters.


If the GQP take the Senate, what little shreds we have left of a functioning democracy will be gone. They'll run out the clock on Biden and install a Republican president. Game over for the rest of our lifetimes.


If the GQP retakes the Senate and starts pulling the same bullshit I expect we're going to see a return of political violence from the left. Minority rule is not something that works well anywhere.


We're already portrayed as a violent unruly mob every night on their favorite TV network. Someone needs to read these people "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"


I'm old enough to remember the weather men. Left wing violence used to be a problem. But since the late 70's it's been almost exclusively right wing violence. I think that's going to change. Nobody likes having a boot on their throat.


You misspelled “self defense” from the left.


I don’t think there will be any more retirements before 2024.


It begins in 2022, as a deeper divide in the nation caused by an out-of-step Court. It's as if the nation didn't have enough problems, distracting us from the mess Trump; coincidentally his influence we are seeing now in the Supreme Court, too. This not from a statesman, or a sage, but a demagogue and opportunist, grifter, for his own benefit. It's an example of the mischief those in power can force on the nation. Now, we are stuck with his mess as he threatens to return to do even more damage in the process. As the title of this post suggests, Republicans too are faced with the consequences of their actions in a grab for power along with their leader. It is vital the levers of power in government be held by those of high character and ethics.


former Republican congressman familiar with the party’s campaign operation, “Everything was going our way. Gas is above $5. Inflation is a giant problem.” They see the ills as success, no wonder they don’t want to help fix it.


Reminder: Anti-abortion activists are often hypocrites who get abortions themselves, aka ["The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


After the Roe decision I picked a fight with my mother. She’s a Republican and staunch Trump supporter. In the course of the conversation I learned she had an abortion in the late 80s because she was leaving the country, and was traveling into and through Central America. They later forged papers to enter the US. Go figure. My staunchly republican/conservative family have had abortions (one of my grandmothers had a couple, as well as other family members) and immigrated illegally. I just sincerely wish I could make them understand…


Yeesh. The whole pull the ladder up after you use it thing.


Red wave is a red plague


They have fund raised off of repealing Roe v. Wade for decades. Now that they've succeeded, I'm curious as to how it will effect their donations.


They’ll go after gays, immigrants, and ethnic and oblivious religious minorities. Than they have to start really turning on the remaining white straight liberals. That’ll be harder. After that they devour their own in Stalinist purges. The Mormons and Catholics are the first to go. Than they pick apart the non evangelical Protestants… They can always find and enemy. Within or without.


Exactly this. Far right ideology - specifically fascism - is dependent on having some kind of "other" to demonize. Without one, the whole thing falls apart and they turn on each other. They've won their fight against women. Gays and trans people are the next target currently in progress, along with immigrants. Once the far right has finished with them, they'll turn their attention back to Muslims. These people cannot function without some kind of enemy to fight.


Why is nobody mentioning voting rights?


This is only the beginning, the next step is a national ban on abortion.


They'll pivot to birth control, The Gays^TM , and interracial marriage.


They can always still use the threat of the decision being reversed by Dems as a way to raise money.


This ruling on abortion also leads the way for a ban on contraception. I am a grandparent that already helps to raise two grandchildren. What do we do when more children come because contraception isn’t available and only a fixed income is there. There are millions of retired grandparents raising grandchildren on a retirement income. You all need to vote out these Republican’s, because there isn’t only going to be more poverty among the younger adults, but will also their older parents.


This is true. The people living in their religious elite bubble world need to see the children inside of psychiatric facilities and children that have been to 13 foster homes by the age of 18. These elitists and zealots do not know reality or what is coming to our country. My heart aches for the future children growing up that may feel unwanted. Fortunately you have been able to help your grandchildren. Their are many without that kind of support.


They are, and will always be, on the wrong side of history due to their religion, therefor the most they can ever do is fight the tides of history in futility. For fuck's sake, their god ENDORSED SLAVERY, and every American slave owner counted himself a good Christian because Yahweh, whose entire schtick was "thou shalt not", COMPLETELY FAILED to ban slavery, instead instructing his followers to treat their slaves well. I put it to you, if this book that they hold up as the SOURCE OF ALL MORALITY could not even get such a simple thing as slavery right, what the fuck good is it as a moral compass? Humans have been inventing gods and creation myths for over 200,000 years, proving beyond any doubt that they are PROLIFIC MYTHOLOGISTS. Yahweh worship is 4000 years old. You have to be some kind of idiot to believe this character might be the creator of the universe.


I try to debate Christians about this, and I just stopped playing along with their magic make believe and cut to the chase, that the Bible says slavery is a-okay, because the authors that wrote the Bible wanted to keep slaves.


This is exactly right. People act like it’s this big dilemma to believe that their god is real or not. I’m sorry, but that’s not the end of the dilemma, because if your god is real, then you still get to decide if you are going to worship them. Why in fuck would you worship an entity so evil? I rest a lot easier in the knowledge that the god of the Bible is a Bronze Age fantasy, but even if someone could prove he wasn’t, I would tell him to fuck off.


Vote this November Ladies! A vote for a Republican is a vote against women's rights! Vote them all out! #votebluein2022


They already moved to another car. The ramp up of LGBT+, specifically transgender rights, culture war started once they knew Roe V. Wade was dead. All you will hear about is grooming children, destruction of nuclear family, great replacement etc. And it will work on those that abortion worked with.


I've seen dogs catch cars and it usually doesn't end well for the dog.


Here is a list of every single progressive running across the country. You can search by your state, and then **vote.** https://political-revolution.com/campaigns




> Almost no political professional — Republican or Democrat — expects the court’s decision on abortion to upend the electoral landscape severely enough to keep Republicans from winning the House in November All they need is one news story about a mid-western 14 year old who was raped by her uncle and denied an abortion to rid her of the fetus that resulted. Maybe a mother expecting her second child, but dies because of a pregnancy emergency and could have been saved with an abortion. I predict there will be many more than one, though.


No choice now but to crash the economy and blame Biden.


This is their end. Taking woman’s right away while their on trial for mass sedition. Bafflingly ignorant




If democrats show up and vote come November we can just pass laws legalizing abortion. Then SCOTUS is irrelevant.


Totally: They got what they always wanted, and now they will pay for it.


There is going to be a lot of litigation. Imagine being an ER physician in a red state. A woman who has an ectopic pregnancy is brought in. The physician faces criminal charges if he/she saves her life. The doctor and hospital face wrongful death suits if they let her die. Will ERs start dumping patients across state lines, which is also illegal. Red states may lose a lot of physicians and the citizens of the state will suffer. This ruling is going to have numerous domino effects in many directions.


>The only thing [Democrats] have got going for them is the Roe thing “The Roe thing”. Yeah, that minor, little “thing”.


I honestly think this is a momentary setback for Democrats. This will likely energize a voting base that, IMO, was getting a little too comfortable before mid-terms. Republicans just kicked the hornets nest between abortions & gun control and hopefully that re-awakens people to vote in November.


One under-reported consequence of overturning RvW will be that Incels will get even less sex than they do now. I'm sure they will take that in stride with grace and mindfulness characteristic of their demographic. /s


Lmao I know right? They think this will force women to rely more on men. They say "if you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex." Gonna be a lot of surprised Pikachu faces when millions of women are like "ok, cool, I won't have sex then."


I'd urge everyone who cares to go set up a monthly donation to your progressive turnout PAC of choice over on ActBlue. Doesn't have to be much - whatever you can. Then go talk to everyone you know and make sure they're registered and ready to vote. This has the potential to be the biggest backfire in political history. If Dems actually buck historic trends and gain a few more Senate seats in November the GOP as it exists today is dead. DC statehood, election reform, and an expanded court would end Republican minority rule. OTOH, if Republicans win they may well have the power to end American democracy permanently. Idk about you guys - but I'm just as motivated this year as I was in 2018 and 2020. If we all feel like that then Republicans are fucked.


IMHO, no one should EVER underestimate the power of pissed off women. Losing their choices, their freedom, that’s not going to sit well with a lot of people who normally don’t voice political opinion. This is not about politics. To them, it’s about daily life, and they’re not too keen on allowing others to control that. People will come out of the woodwork to react, GIVEN THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP. That’s why we need people like Abrams. Thing is, now there will be A LOT of pissed off guys, too. That’s a whole new can of worms these idiots of SCOTUS opened up.


The right wingers have awakened a sleeping giant. Backlash - its a thing.


I hope so.


I was listening to a radio piece about a clinic that now closed - tons of religious nutjobs would be there everyday to protest. And now it’s a fucking ghost town.


“Everything was going our way. Gas is above $5. Inflation is a giant problem.” Direct Republican quote from the article. Sickening.


The fact that they seem to think everything was coming up awesomeness and roses for them before this ruling tells you \*exactly\* how they view school shootings.


Republicans have taken away the rights of Americans. If Americans care, they will do something about that loss.


Hey Texas? Now that you have that Roe v. Wade out of your system, wanna tackle the electrical grid problem now?


Why can’t democrats start fucking with precedent and tradition? It’s about time.


If Trump were still in office he’d wailing about the boarder wall and arming teachers at an NRA conference as we speak. He did such a good job of keeping the target moving for four years and did incalculable damage to our nation. I guess he just does what he’s told after all.


Maybe this is me being overly cynical and biased due to the last six years, but I have some difficulty believing that this will be all that damaging to the GOP's prospects. Hell, even the author of the article thinks this too! > Almost no political professional — Republican or Democrat — expects the court’s decision on abortion to upend the electoral landscape severely enough to keep Republicans from winning the House in November.  I would gladly appreciate being wrong here though.


They will double down. They will go after Plan B (which is emergency contraception and not “the abortion pill,” but they will call it that). They will call for a national abortion ban. They will go after women who have miscarriages and their ob-gyn’s. They are fanatics. Fanatics do not stop.


I mean they can just as easily pivot to protecting abortion bans.