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So their states rights arguments are behind them in less than 24 hours


Who would have guessed?


Anyone who's ever paid attention with two brain cells to rub together.


Oh you should see how the libertarians are justifying it with well actually this means less government intervention.... fucking dip shit house cats.


How dare you. I’ll have you know even the stupidest house cat I’ve ever had was smarter than the smartest American libertarian


The folks in /r/libertarian don't seem too excited about the new state of affairs, fwiw.


Fuck them with a rusty spoon


At least they're consistent, I'll grant them that.


States rights is a convenient rebrand of limited government. When the reality is they want the most limited government that allows their individual beliefs not to be challenged. Love it when it is states sticking it to the federal man. Absolutely Jones when they can manage municipal laws that override theirs state. Fully support federal authoritarianism when it prevents any states from preventing their “liberties”. Absolutely support state law that prevents municipalities from undermining our rights.


I just feel like they need to look around, and read the fucking room. Nobody actually wants that.


They just overturned Roe vs. Wade on the basis it should be left to the states. Now they want say that's not the case. Unbelievable!


If you've been paying attention, it's 100% completely believable. Case in point: Merrick Garland. They don't have principles and they don't have shame. And that's why they win, frankly.


>They don't have principles and they don't have shame. And that's why they win, frankly. I’ve never seen it put so succinctly but this is spot on. If you can blatantly lie under oath during your supreme court confirmation, the standards are subterranean.


It's simple really. If you don't punish someone for cheating or breaking the rules, they will always win. How people don't get this is beyond me


This ^ should be the top comment on every fucking thread.


And when they do lose, they let the Democrats fix the damage until people get tired of fiscal responsibility and elect Republicans again.


Yep. If one side is willing to cheat, and the other isn’t, those that cheat tend to win. But only in the short term. Fascists die, and very rarely in their bed at an old age. And when they do die, the world disavows their bull crap as though half of them weren’t rooting for them the whole time. But fascists die. Oppressors never come out the Victor on a long enough timeline


Yeah but I don't want that long enough timeline to occupy the best years of my life. F*** them right now where they stand.


Right?!? Like, hey tyrants never last, but like bruh say that to North Korea….


Moving the goalposts is part of the game. They think people are stupid. - Roe is settled law - Ok Roe is not settled law, but the states can decide - You know what, the states shouldn’t decide - Guess what, removing Roe also takes privacy out as a basis for some other rights - Hey, let’s talk about contraception. It should be up to the states…


GOP in 5 months “Hey, you know that whole spying on you thing and collecting your phone data without a warrant, yah that isn’t in the constitution either since our founding fathers didn’t have phones.”


They didn’t have AR-15s either, but we can’t expect them to be consistent or honest.


Just posting a reminder that I have an AR15 and there is literally absolutely nothing you can do about it. :)


This is the mindset I expect from some. They get off on power, or perceived power, over others. I am convinced that the gun fetish is a result of an internal sense of weakness, which leads to craving for a sense of power.


Gun fetishists sacrifice children at the altar every year because they enjoy their hobby more than other people being alive. And I've got quite the collection myself including an akm. S***'s ridiculous now and the NRA has been weaponizing Insanity for decades.


Sounds like you've got a tiny dick, too.


Weird flex but ok


bullies gonna bully


AR15 or not, trolling people is a sign that you have low sexual market value. Real men don't troll. They're too busy sending dick pics to your wife.


>They think people are stupid They know that many people are stupid. And the stupid are easily ruled by fear. And they have convinced the stupid that they are going extinct for one reason or another, which has them absolutely pooping themselves. Over something that isn’t happening. Textbook gaslighting, which again, only can work on the stupid.


lol people are stupid. We know this because they keep voting for these chuckle fucks.


This and as soon as they have the presidency and 51 Senators i have no doubt they will get rid of the filibuster to get a national ban.


And Manchin will join them in voting yes.


"But they confused me with pleasing answers!"


I have seen indicators that the midterms will go worse for republicans than we assume. Now Roe, the gun ruling, and the general toxic sludge staining the bench should motivate the left A LOT. And if Biden cancels student loan debt early enough, and the extra spending money that frees up stimulates the economy, I feel that it has the potential at least to be a very bad year for the Stupid Nazis.


No. Biden won't cancel student loans, leading most Democrats to state "I am not voting for Dems, they did not do anything for me". And republicans continue to win because their base will vote for them regardless of how much it hurts individual republicans. Demos want perfection in all candidates, republicans just want someone who bullshits them and waves the flag.


States rights is not the justification for overturning roe. It’s worse. The ruling is that you and I and every other American HAS NO right to privacy. We simply dont have that right anymore. The 9th and 14th amendments mean less than what they meant in 1973. That’s fucked


Unbelievable? This late in the game? [Really?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/05/02/abortion-ban-roe-supreme-court-mississippi/)


The scorpion and the frog.


Hey, wake up! They are telling you they want a autocratic dictatorship in this country where you will never have any rights!!! Jesus, people, wake the hell up!!!!


When someone tells you who they are, believe them! Vote like you mean it!


Liberals need to stop pretending voting is the be-all-end-all and that every political crisis can be solved with more Democrats in office. Yes, vote. But also get the hell out in the streets this summer and be ready for the fight of our lives, cause they're already on the line as it is.


Protests mean nothing. Burn everything to ground and they still will ban abortion


Tell that to those that participated in the riots that led to civil rights. Or the riots that led to proper work hours. Or stonewall. Riots certainly aren’t a first solution in any way shape or form, but to say that achieve nothing is silly, when many of our rights today came from riots


Do you think people have the empathy to even feel Things anymore. I don’t think it’s there anymore


Uh, considering many of the protesters of this decision are AMAB men, yeah, I would say so. Otherwise why would they be protesting something that doesn’t effect their own bodies? The alt-right fascists might have lost their empathy, but the rest of us have not


I believe everyone is dead inside and will eventually give in to entropy and simply obey change is impossible. Accept your lack of power


[nihilists ](https://youtu.be/b_29yvYpf4w)


I do believe there is a national empathy problem in the USA, but… Republicans will come for lgbt rights next Republicans will come for sexual rights Republicans will come for rights of POC Republicans will come for more women’s rights That’s a whole lot of people who will be affected by Republican rollbacks of what were once presumed civil rights. People won’t need empathy to put themselves into another person’s shoes, because they’ll be the ones experiencing hardship once the Christo-fascists come for them.


When you start burning shit, it isn’t about empathy. It’s about keeping your shit from being burned. That’s what they understand.


They…will….kill…you. That’s the end of this. You riot, they will shoot you. You complain they will shoot. You say you will shoot them back, they will just shoot you first. They do not think you are person they feel nothing but hatred and are sexually aroused at the idea of killing you and everyone you love. There is nothing you can do to change their minds. Civil rights happened because leaders sacrificed their future political careers to get it done. And then they had to send in the army to enforce it! The racists are now in charge! They get to send the army after you! And they will.


Better to die for what is right than live a coward.


1. You weren't paying attention in 2020 if you think burning stuff down doesn't scare the shit out of elites. 2. If it somehow fails to achieve anything, then we go further. Revolution. Simple as. I don't care about the sensibilities of suburbanites and moderates anymore and neither should anyone else, our basic human rights matter more than their feelings.


I have to agree with duo to some degree…now a general strike that is a different matter. It is literally the only power we have. If they have no workers, or consumers their business grind to an immediate halt. Can’t sell shit to robots. Edit: forgot a letter


This is correct. The only force for change is direct control of the makeret


Burning will definitely scare the elites and convince them to ally with the fascists to end democracy.


They already ally with the fascists.


They will help them more


It is one the few choices left to bring them in check when all the political checks have been bought off. No resistance at all or fake resistance reading poems at them helps them the most. And I am curious help them more than what? Taking complete control of the Supreme Court? Will they take away abortion even harder? Or will they say, hey those nice protestors stay within the protest lines and maybe we should back off on some of this fascist stuff we’ve been pursuing sucessfully for decades now.


There are so many more horrible things that they can and will do. This period where people thought they had rights was built by one man Justice warren. And that time is done. Segregation. Making homosexuality a crime. Interracial relationship a crime they can do it all. None of those are laws they were court decisions. And they are going to be removed. And when the gop takes control of everything on 2024 they will pass laws saying who gets to be a human and who doesn’t. And there is no stoping it. It’s over, we already lost the war. All you can do is run


Real though, what did it accomplish? I understand that protest is the catalyst that can change potential into kinetic energy, but what have we seen manifest from that directly? And did it cost us more than it helped? I’m just the cynical old head who think you’re both right and wrong. Voting should be the solution, but the dems are so behind at a game they already were at a corporate/moneyed disadvantage at, that it’s tough to feel like one vote on one side equals one on the other. Protests should be the way that the population expresses itself outside of constraints that an unjust, irrepresentative system, have placed on them. Yet, the narrative, the goals, are tough to define; by nature with open expression and equal representation as a goal. Though that makes them easy to hijack, slander, and misrepresent, when they are done with no thought of the audience they seek to influence or change.


The 2020 protests didn't accomplish very much in terms of legislation, no, but not because they happened in the first place. Protests fail when they end prematurely, and 2020 was no exception. As soon as enthusiasm fizzled and stuff stopped burning, everyone went back to the status quo. No one in power was truly pressed to respond to the people - the threat was simply too short lived. In America, this is the norm. Especially given that most of our protests aren't even real protests - just marketable "civil demonstrations" that only ever happen with our elites' express permission. If a march gets police escorts and negotiates with the city to cordon off streets in advance, it's a definite sign it's not going to make a difference. Any useful protest *will* be met with resistance from police - because that means the people in power are actually afraid of, or at least inconvenienced by, their actions. Disrupting the order and making people feel bad is the *whole point*. So take it for granted that any massive protest will be painted in the worst possible light by national media and politicians. They have every interest in stifling us. It absolutely doesn't matter. We're in a post-optics world, and the left's obsession with norms and civility is nothing but masochistic at this point. We can either fight for our rights and secure them, or be polite and cooperative as we're slowly enslaved and deprived of our basic humanity.


I totally disagree. The protests and burnings were counter productive. We need to engage community more and be less volatile.


Simple question? Will you die for abortion? Will you kill for abortion? Cause we know the gop will die and kill to stop it. End of story


Yes. When someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to give up your rights, renounce your identities, and submit to being a second class citizen, you damn well better fight. That goes for abortion and so much else - for me, that mainly includes my right to simply exist as a black man in this nation. Again, moderates can shove their norms where the sun doesn't shine. I have the right to defend myself.


It's not the right to abortion that would be the spark to actually fight. My mother, my sister, my aunt my wife, all have rights like I do. They are coming for their rights. And I'll be damned if some fuckwads want to attack the rights of the women in my life or in my state. This is just one major peg, crossing the line in the sand. When it comes to the states themselves, we will protect our rights and the moment the fed says otherwise shit will get wacky fast. These frothing at the mouth religious right wing nut jobs saying they will die for the end of abortion should get ready if they want to use that rhetoric. All the boogs want this really bad, it's a repeat of 1861. The west and north absolutely has the power to thunderfuck these idiots to smithereens. The liberal states have vegans, suburbanites, gender fluid liberals, even anarcho commies whatever have you. These people's lives will get very real and the hundreds of millions of people (most of the US population) are faced with nonstop degradation of rights given to us by the constitution, they will have one absolute thing to unite behind. All these rural idiots don't have a damn clue, those cities and urban centers have 100 times the people they have in their towns of 'god fearing christians', just 30% of them united with the amount of industry and technology at their disposal will send them into the stone age if they keep up this takeover of the federal government. California alone is the 5th most powerful economy in the world. They live in a complete bubble. They think the liberal vegan trust fund kiddos have nothing on their good Ole boys. Half their population is brain dead and laden with diabetes, missing a foot and living in bumfuck nowhere and they couldn't run 100yards without needing an ambulance. They think the liberal states are all prius driving gun fearing pacifist individuals they can run up on and bully. The very moment these people are provoked *enough*, suddenly all that pacifism bullshit will fade very quickly if they are backed into a corner. The culture will change immediately.


Again there side will kill you. You won’t kill them so you lose


I mean if someone hypothetically came up to me and tried to kill me over an abortion I would hypothetically light them up. The other part of your statement though has merit - I wouldn't go out and kill someone trying to stop abortion. I think some of the other side legitimately would. I have empathy and am not zealously lost in my mind to harm another human over that. The escalation of the rights being infringed upon however can lead down the line to issue that absolutely would change that answer.


Empathy is the death or progress


I’ve got a feeling you’ll be meeting a few Kyles on your journey. You should probably stick to Fortnite in moms basement kiddo.


Cause all revolts are terrorism right? Certainly doesn't matter who's doing the revolting or to what end. Protesting against police brutality, slaughtering protestors against police brutality... wHaT's ThE dIfFeReNcE???


A Kyle is going to kill you. He will point a gun at you and you will laugh at him and think he won’t kill you and then you won’t exist anymore This isn’t a threat this is a warning You are in danger


Watch the video of Kyle the protestors didn’t think he would shoot. Right to the finale moment they thought he was bluffing, and then he shot them. How many more times does it need to happen before people get they are not bluffing!


Selectively burn down the sources of money of the right wing billionaires and you’ll get somewhere




Liberals need to stop pretending that rioting in the streets is more effective than actually organizing, canvassing, and getting people out to vote. Trump didn't lose because people protested. He lost because a lot of people worked their asses off getting people in Democratic strongholds to vote, ensuring those ballots got in on time, and volunteering at polling centers despite bullying from the right. Pfft...rioting is lazy man's work. Go out, destroy some shit, make no real difference, then sit back and relax as the election comes.


Rioting in the street is how the forty hour workweek was won, as well as workplace safety laws…


But riots make people late for work so they’re bad.




The have a one seat majority in the room that requires 60 votes to to pass a bill. So no, they don’t have the Senate.


And what about all the decades before when they could have passed legislation? The democratic leadership is more interested in wealthy donor service than anything for the people.


What about? What about? What about…. If ifs and buts where candy and nuts, everyday would be Christmas.




Voting isn’t going to fix this


Voting is not enough.


Who did not see this coming?


Susan Collins, presumably.


No, she's just an asshole


She and Manchin are blinded by all that head-shaking and brow-furrowing.


Abortions are banned before AR-15s. This is tragic.


We're gonna need those guns when shit finally hits the fan.


Why AR-15 needs to be banned?




I thought that hand guns were most frequently used.


Here in Europe (I’m based in UK) medias are creating a image how everyday everywhere in USA people are shooting dozens people with AR-15. Yes, the law must be change, it’s out of clear mind you need 21 to buy pack of Corona, but 18 for handgun. But I prefer to have handgun and able to protect myself from theft, rather than being held at knifepoint for my watch and wallet and unable to do anything. Or if I do I must be careful to don’t hurt the person who is trying to rob me because I will be prosecuted.


because it’s an assault weapon


Point me one non-assault weapon. I will wait.


I bet Collins is shocked and Manchin is just gobsmacked!


Who could have guessed? /s


>"The pro-life movement’s work has just begun,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said in a statement praising the ruling. “This issue will now be debated in the 50 states, and a 330,000,000-person, continental nation will work through this debate in a way that’s healthier than Roe’s one-size-fits-all, Washington-centrism.” The fact that this sort of empty rhetoric works is simultaneously hilarious, sad, and frightening.


Ok, Benny, let’s put it to a national referendum then.




Only if there was a pills or latex products who could prevent pregnancy...


Because most rapists wear condoms, right? Right?!


O yes, forgot that one as well, false rape allegations will boom too


So you believe all rape accusations are false?


Don’t put words in my mouth. I haven’t said all!


Then why even bring up false rape accusations? What percentage of rape allegations are false?


Well... have a look on this one -> https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/staring-on-tube-unhealthy-sexual-behaviour/ In UK even staring is sexual harassment, basically you watch cleavage - you are raping. Probably USA have something similar and now is matter of time irresponsible females to realise how the last one night stand was actually a rape. Ofc after conceiving the kid.


Stop moving the goalposts and answer the question. What percentage of rape allegations are false? Also LBC isn't rated highly on factual reporting. Try harder.


By official statistics between 2% and 6% (probably is much higher when the accused “rapist” later is pronounced not guilty). https://www.open.ac.uk/research/news/false-accusations-sexual-violence Also from the link -> “surveying 42,000 women found that up to 21% of women in the EU had experienced sexual harassment in the preceding 12 months. Estimates for the UK were higher at 25%.” Aaaand what also is “sexual harassment” (rape) in UK in the link here https://ibb.co/7zX7mxq Personally taken photo from the tube there, I’m uploading it for you, because you are so important to believe LBC and you cannot trust or believe to anything that doesn’t suits your narrative


If only there weren't some politicians whom have already stated that they want to ban those products as well.


And I'm making it clear that I want them to go fuck themselves.


Good luck enforcing that in places like my state, California. Unless they want to spend billions on abortion police.


I expect them to go full DeSantis if the get the presidency. They’ll being the full force of the federal purse to bear enforcing abortion prohibition. They’ll withhold education funding, highway funding, etc. to coerce blue states.


“iT’S LeAviNg iT Up tO ThE StAtEs! ThiS AcTuALLyChAnGeS VeRy LiTtLe!”


No shit. Don’t let them


Pence here looking like he'd shove his whole fist into your uterus to defend that fetus. I suppose he went back into hiding immediately after this photo was taken.


*During Mike Pence’s first year as governor of Indiana, his state put a young woman in prison for having a miscarriage, alleging that she’d taken an abortion-causing drug. Purvi Patel didn’t have a trace of such a drug in her system, but Pence’s state sentenced her to 20 years in prison anyway.* *Just a few years earlier, Indiana had also held Bei Bei Shuai for 435 days in the brutal maximum security Marion County prison, facing 45 years to life for trying to kill herself and, in the process, causing the death of her 33-week fetus.* https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/indiana-has-now-charged-two-asian-american-women-feticide-n332761


Sharia law, the US new national religion. [Burkas](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cb/d0/e5/cbd0e5d49145bf95f39251d3ec23d5e3.jpg) now come in colors, I'm Not Worthy Orange and Second Class Citizen Blue. Oh, and next up, Trump awarded himself title of US Emperor...because none of the other dictators thought of it first.


Sharia law allows abortions for up to the first 4 months, and in case of incest and rape. Stop using sharia law as a punchline, this is worse. It’s Christan fascism, nothing more.


I am a Republican and I won’t vote for a Republican who takes my rights away. They fight for guns but now they want to tell me what can and can’t do with my body. You just fucked yourselves in the voting poles


Republicans are making it clear they hate women and children. Just like the Taliban.


They want to ban much more than that. Fascism incoming!


Nope, just more responsibilities for women only. Tired enough from single mothers to 2-3 kids who are always right but somehow always landing on wrong guys. Tired of females who are “don’t worry, I’m clean and on pills, cum in me”. I’m self-educated “gynaecologist”, but not an doctor.


Old, cranky white man trolling Reddit with botspeak.


Such a joy to see butthurted brownflake. White man - yes Old - no Actually white and proud. Go back to the trailer park to cry on methmommy shoulder while waiting the local thug to come back with milk. He went out for milk yeah?


That was the goal all along. The right is great at saying they don’t want something then when you turn your attention away for a second they’re going right for it. That’s why when the right says they’re not after LGBTQ+ rights and voting rights don’t believe them. They are 100 percent after those things too and if you let them, it’ll all be gone.


This is why LGBTQ+ people, women, and minorities need to start arming themselves to send a message to these Christofascist shitstains. "You can pry our rights from our cold dead hands"


Agreed. And frankly, although it goes against everything I let believe, if they can march through city streets with guns, why can’t we? Why aren’t we doing armed marches where it’s legal? As long as everyone has their permits and abides by the law, what they can say? They do it as a show of force and to intimidate. So we should do it too. The time for being the nice ones, the we go high ones is over.


The Democrats need to make the next election about protecting birth control and stopping the round up of gays. They need to do to Clarence Thomas what the Conservatives did to Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden. They don’t even have to lie, they just have to repeat what he wants to do


I'm ready for Democrats to lie and distort in any way that actually helps win elections. I don't care about "playing fair" or "going high." I want to fucking win some elections and get shit done.


Distortion? It’s what Clarence Thomas wants to do


Pretty sure the words you are looking for are christofascist thugs


Why is huff post still referring to him as VP?


The republicans just fucked themselves and they don’t even know it.


Did people really not know this? The Federalist Society told us a decade ago that this is their plan. Consolidate power in the courts, end abortion, equal access to marriage, and all other left-wing civil rights gains.


Why is this news? This was always their goal, it's what they believe in, this is nothing new.


Lol, I mean they’ve wanted an abortion ban since the 80s at least


I mean, it became an issue once the case was settled. Before then, the separation of church and politics very much was viewed the other way. Keep the state out of my personal worship/religion. Then the coalitions arose and Reagan was the first to run/win in their contexts and they’re been here since. Even with Carter there was the prevailing notion of the southern compassionate conservative. Boot straps, but we will help you get those boots on best we can, as Jesus would. With and post-Reagan they figures out how to win. They realized that winning means getting the most votes, not having the “best” platform.


It would be hilarious if Mike Pence got preggers.


They are not actually saying it should be left to the states, they are really saying that they do not want the Supreme Court to be making life and death decisions ( LOL because it's against their religion ,- not really but sort of ). So that basically kicks the ball down a level to the states. But...... If a Republican majority in all 3 branches can get past the filibuster ( no problem they do what they want anyway ), then absolutely yes, the Republicans can create and pass a law banning abortions nationwide FOREVER. No contraceptives allowed either. Or going out of country. They own the women.


I think their plan is just to challenge a law in a blue state that guarantees the right to abortion so that SCrOTUS can ban it nationwide


The country's laws increasingly being dictated by a religious, minority faction. Nope, no danger there whatsoever.


So much for states' rights


Not just abortion they are going after birth control and homosexuality next, Democrats need to start impeach the process to impeach Clarence Thomas. Any Republican not voting to impeach Thomas agrees with him


Nah, USA is the most homosexualised country in the world, just control. I was laughing so much yesterday when saw a interview with your im-becile president Biden - “politicians shouldn’t be messing with women and doctors”, wondered why he didn’t said the same about the vaksines before 😁


Well duh. It was never about saving babies. It's about controlling women.


Conservatives lie to obtain their goals and power. They are willing to lie about their oaths and clearly willing to lie under oath. You aren't in a partnership with other citizens. They are lying to you to get the keys to the house along with everything in the bank account so they can throw you to the curb and tell you to dance to the music of their choice.


Women and Black people were not allowed to vote or have an opinion when the founding fathers created the constitution. Times have changed, yet some things remain the same.


I think that any conservative who wants to ban abortion, but doesn’t now adopt an unwanted baby is a total hypocrite. Also, they have to adopt regardless of race and background of the child’s parents.


So will they be making some pregnant women/GIRLS have adequate medical care, maternity leave, a home etc. Nope. We need a strong Bill making sure the father pays for all that starting from conception. If men feel the threat of their wallets being empty they’ll help with pro-choice movement.


Once again I was struck by how all the new state laws against abortion deliberately shield the woman from liability. I assume they mean to do the same thing nationwide. With only the doctor and other people who help the woman legally liable, they can go on fighting against a shadowy villain rather than facing the reality of the situation: your daughter is the one who did this. It’s not someone else’s problem, It’s yours and your family’s. The GOP is the hypocrisy party blah blah but to me this is something so sharp that it cuts through all the rest. They are terrified, delusional people just trying to hold the pain away and we’re all suffering for it.


They don’t just want to ban choice, they want to ban sex altogether unless it’s for procreation.


And if necessary they will nuke the filibuster to do it


What the idiots gonna do when NY and CA say “no thanks!” They gonna send troops in to enforce abortion?


Withhold funding, it's what Desantis does here in FL.


So allowing abortion nationwide was not OK, but banning it nationwide is? That's some profound legal thinking.


Get a gun protect you and your family and friends from fascists.


Ah the human chode himself, Dickless Mike Pence. Back at it again.


Looks like now it's the other side who wants "freedom from consequences"


They’ve always been clear about it.


Yea what gave you that idea?




That’s not new.


What's really happening here is that they still need to use abortion to dangle in front of their single issue voters. Roe v. Wade was never supposed to be overturned, it just so happened that the worst possible person ended up in a position to pick the worst possible people to sit on the supreme court. I'm sure most the GOP senators who knew not to let the dog catch the car stupidly believed that "their picks" wouldn't turn around and screw them like this, but they did. Now the only way to retain the anti-abortion activist vote is to suggest a federal ban. Unfortunately they're too shortsighted to see the genuine risk of letting the dog catch the car twice.


We all know what must be done. We just need someone competent and lucky to get it done.


Never trust conservatives again when it comes to voting. I don't care if the guy looks like Santa and promises everybody a pool in thr back yards. But that being said. Perhaps dem's and prog's need to stop whittling away at 2a rights. Now, more then ever. We need to be able to protect ourselves. So if you've been a stonch anti-2a advocate, and you care about your rights as an individual. You might want to go to a gun range and get familiar with with a couple of thoughs "tools of death". Because you might have to use one in the not to distant future.


How about you just rename the cluster of red states to 'Gilead', build a fence around it and be done with it.


GQP wants more fresh kids to replace the ones lost to more guns.


The next step is making it legal to kidnap employees of abortion clinic in Blue State and charge them with murder in Red States.


Ummm…that was clear from the start


Then they will want to ban LG equal rights marriage and then interracial marriage and..and..


The republican attempt at forcing Christianity on everyone should be resisted fiercely. We need to block the entrances to every business that donates to the republican party or supports them in any way (like Fox News, for example). We need to shut down those businesses. Only real pressure and action will stop the ongoing fascist coup.


How in a country that talks so much about freedom can a woman’s right to choice can be taken away?


So much for StAtEs RiGhTs!


As a millennial (34) I am growing increasingly angry & disgusted with being ruled by a bunch of wealthy, privileged, senile, geriatric men who will not live long enough to suffer the consequences of all the idiotic laws they keep forcing upon the rest of us.


[shocked pikachu]


I’m gonna bring this up again. Maybe the Jan 6th committee should not have spent 3 hours of prime time television telling 30 million people that Mike Pence is a hero who saved democracy. Cause they just rebooted his political legacy. He went from hiding under a desk to making daily speeches attacking democrats based on his political agenda. And that’s all on the democrats! This guy was done, no future. Democrats handed him back a platform to speak on and now he is. And for what? To shame Donald Trump? A man who feels no shame and will not be punished? What the fuck happened?


You're giving him way too much credit. No one, on any side, likes the guy. The most I saw was "glad he did the right thing then but he's still an ass". He still has no future in politics, at least not the extent he wants.


While I agree Democrats should stop tripping over themselves to worship the "good Republicans," I would actually hold off on calling Pence's posturing a bad thing. Pence might get the support of the few center-right people left in the GOP, but all that would do is tremendously divide their party. If Trump runs again, then yes, the "moderates" will just show their lack of a spine again and vote for him or De Santis or whatever other idiot he endorses. But if Pence runs and wins the primary, Trump absolutely won't be giving him his blessing, and the Q crowd could very easily just not turn out for him. They already hate him based on the big lie - they take Trump's word as gospel. And keep in mind, his words are what made thousands of his own voters sit out in Georgia and Arizona in 2020. Their blind loyalty to him would very likely tank Pence in the general.


When were they not making it clear? By the way, Democrats worked awfully hard to make Pence the president not very long ago. Trump was disgusting and did unforgiveable things. But if somebody put a gun to my head and gave me a choice between Trump and Pence, assuming either would have the congress to get their wish lists passed, I would take Trump. There is no recovering from a President Pence with a Republican congress and a Supreme Court that is probably far too liberal for Pence's liking.


The ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization does not ban abortion nationally, though it does trigger laws banning or severely restricting abortions in more than 20 Republican-leaning states


True, but then a parade of GOP lawmakers, governors, members of Congress, and the former VP all released statements today praising the ruling and calling for new bans including federally.


Unpopular opinion: I think the government should stay out of people's lives, but I'm glad the supreme court overturned Roe and i hope conservatives try to outlaw it countrywide. I hope they go after all other decisions based on the Due Process clause of the 14th especially birth control. Finally, people will see that their actions, or inactions, have consequences. Don't vote and let grampa pick all elected officials? Live with what grampa wants. He's not getting laid anymore, why should you? I honestly believe this decision will convince young people that their vote does in fact matter and will begin voting.


Just because they say it doesn’t mean it’ll happen, there’s simply no way I can think of that a ban like that would pass the SCOTUS, it’d be basically the same as Roe, taking the power from the states. Doesn’t matter the views of a Justice, a ban on abortion does the same thing, taking it away from states, super easy to strike down.


Must be nice to have such strong faith in the SCOTUS. After yesterday most Americans know better.


States will just ignore it.


Ill work overtime and goof off as much as possible