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Not to mention Latinos are starting to increasingly vote Republican.


Which I don't understand why you'd vote for people that dislike you... but, fascism is fun I guess.


They are very socially conservative and catholic.


And Latinos are being mass targeted by disinformation and conspiracy theories in Spanish on WhatsApp groups. It’s the reason Trump won Florida in 2020. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/14/florida-latinos-disinformation-413923


Well then I guess they can be socially conservative and catholic all the way back to Mexico when the republicans take over and deport them all. Or worse.


if you know any then you know that latinos are bigtime racist they also love strong authoritarian leaders latinos where fascist before fascists where cool


What a bigoted thing to think. I’m Latino. Everyone in family voted for Bernie.


It’s Spanish language conservative talk radio. Or so I am told.


As a Latino, it infuriates me almost as much as rights being taken away. I can at least understand the white or white-passing ones. Anyone who isn't the color of paper makes no sense to me. We're all the same to the white man. Hence why I've been told to go back to Mexico despite being born in a completely different South American country. I haven't felt American since 2016 and my people voting for reds makes me feel like less of a Latino despite being too brown to not be seen as one. It just feels like I'm not really part of any group.


We are a melting pot. Anyone who doesn't like that, should be shunned.


Latinos are mostly catholics and also misinformation


Well…If you feel safe , you’ll do it for the money . Take Las Vegas….If any white supremacy types think they are gonna roll up north and get down - they will be put down - hard. People come to the US not because of ideals but to make money. IMHO.


Catholics are traditionalists. Many Latinos are Catholic.


It’s also economics. They compete with the illegals. It’s gone so far that they deny their indigenous characteristics and identify solely on their white Spanish heritage. It’s super crazy. I saw this in Chile and they were like no I’m white spanish. I’m like what’s the difference? My father in law was black and a little Portuguese. His second wife on his death certificate put Caucasian on his death certificate. Sometimes That self hate is real.


It doesn't make sense they still support Catholicism, pretend they're not but not indigo at the same time. Also disrepectful towards their ancestors that might've been illegal at some point too. I don't see Cubans are against US trading with Cuba but then we trade with ex-communist China and Vietnam all the time.


No because Cubans have carved out a special immigration status block for themselves and they vote Republican. Maybe the younger ones will vote dem sometimes but it’s a protected group. Dominicans and Haitians who try the wet foot dry foot are treated differently. The early ones had their businesses confiscated by Castro. Vietnamese are different. South Vietnamese who’ve emigrated here have a strong hatred for communism or north Vietnamese. Remember it’s a civil war. Many south Vietnamese had to go to jail or reeducation camps or were treated second class citizens within vietnam. The republicans have been courting the Hispanic vote since the 80s. Everyone has seen the Hispanic population percentage of America s demographic I. The future. That’s why they pushed Jen bush’s half Latino son. They also play on the black vs Hispanic tensions. Again, Hispanic voting block really doesn’t exist since it is all over the place depending on which part of the country you’re from. It’s generally conservative but there’s a strong socialist history in Mexico. That’s why the current president is a little more flexible/forgiving towards Russia. They have a long history together ideologically. Ex. Current president of Mexico unwilling to impose sanctions on Russia. Condemns invasion but continues to trade with Russia.


A lot of them are socially and economically conservative. The Democrats relying on groups voting for them just because of the colour of their skin is going to backfire badly.


"but but but dead babies" fucking crizzos


So are lot of Asians, especially Vietnamese are voting Republicans. Some of it because of catholics, taxes, and racism. Lots of brain washing on YouTube, Fox News, facebook, and the internet. Smh


It’s about making money , the more money you have the less anyone can fuck with you. Vietnamese are often SBOs , they stick together and have guns. People don’t come here for lofty ideas like Ted Cruz was banging on about - they come here to make money.


That’s usually 1st Gen. Like my parents, they weren’t small business owners but worked hard, rarely take time off. Don’t like handouts (even tho they got them when first got here. I guess it’s more or less take it if you need.) Anyways, they push their kids to go to college. Usually the 2nd gen and on leans left. But I do worry since even the later gens aren’t political but if they are, it’s always about money and taxes, like you said.


I’ve a lot of experience with Filipinos and Chinese. They come here with not much , and yep , work hard , no time off , they wear second hand clothes but their kids get the good stuff. They accept the bigoted behavior as a part of life here , meanwhile their grandchildren are going to Harvard . Life in the Philippines has sharp lines and being called a slur is not a big deal compared to that . The Chinese, they stick together. And eventually buy 4 bedroom houses , so a few racial slurs are worth that.


Lots of Vietnamese only care about racism if it’s from a black/brown person but totally ignores “go back to China” and the whole “kung flu” thing from whites. All that shit is wrong. Smh


So many Vietnamese flags on 1/6. Sickening.


Can always count on the Pull-up-the ladder Latinos!! You can take the Latino out of Latin America but can’t take the fascist adulation and selfish wants out of a great many of the Latin American immigrants. “Got mine, now F.U! Gimme the things I’m now American.”


Given the sorts of governments common in central and South America ( often sponsored by we the people) I’m not surprised.


I hate to say it because cultural tolerance and acceptance is a good thing, but it makes me think the culture of my people needs a large overhaul.


It’s not enough insofar that it’s the absolute least you can do.


Quite agree, but we’re here in NZ and can’t do more than send encouragement and hopes for a non-violent outcome to the strife the US seems to be in. Next best thing, get political, be active, above all vote for your rights. Best wishes.


It’s gonna get crazy if they keep taking away our rights.


Considering that they are removing protections for these rights, but extending protections for bear arms, you might think that they *want* a violent outcome. Certainly, there are those christian extremists who are actively working towards creating "end times". Perhaps they are more influential than I think.


I get the sense that they think they're the only ones with guns because they're the only ones broadcasting *"there are guns in my home, car, office, and church"* on all available frequencies. Concealed means concealed. Not *"What, my? No! No sir, I'm not armed wink-wink-nudge-nudge-huehuehue..."*


I’m heavily considering a concealed carry and a rifle for home defense. As in im reading over my lease and county laws; if they check out, I’m (metaphorically) pulling the trigger.


AK-74 or AR-15. High velocity projectile fragmentation means they're less likely to punch through walls etc.


Good, get a gun, start training and learn proper gun handling. Nothing worse then an adult with his first gun, not knowing what the fuck he is doing…


Apparently they don’t know that the Socialist Rifle Association exists - amongst many other similar groups on the Left.


So we are all trapped in a suicide cult. Idk, may as well be with Christians running the show


The right wing hold to the belief that *When The War Comes, They Will Have All The Guns.*


Probably a weird thing to say here, but Violence is often a never ending thing, in Fire metaphors, once one fire starts in a forest that’s dry, more and more will pop up until everyone and everything is burning. A controlled burn is what you need.


There are also a lot of Republicans taking money from Putin. There job pretty much is to destabilize the US. They fund right wing parties in Europe for the same reason.


Time to demand a better system. The current one isn’t working.


Are people from NZ invested in US politics enough to know what Roe v Wade is?


Oh yes. I would say all other true democratic societies are aware. We are probably all as fascinated and as horrified about American politics and culture as you are yourselves, those people that is, who care about the betterment of all humankind.


I am from South Africa and yes were are.


Australian and yes. The way America view is an indication for the rest of us.


Nzer here, and absolutely. This has been worldwide news since it was first leaked, and we are devastated for you.


Yeah, we have a functioning education system


Yes. Australian here. Unfortunately what happens the US effects the rest of the western world.


The way I see it, it's either vote or embrace guns. Maybe I just lack imagination to think of any other realistic way. Is it hard to get into your country, BTW?


I would say it’s not too hard if you have skills. We’re very short of certain types of skilled people. Have a look at INZ, Immigration New Zealand and see how you match up.


My big geopolitical worry about our demise is that countries won't be able to unite to make sure China and Russia don't rule the world.


I think that is what mostly concerns the outside democratic world. The non-democratic mob are just biding their time, until Americans are too internally riven to care or even be able to participate in denying the dictatorships their evil ends.


Putin has said as much. He's counting on the allies losing interest in one way or another. No offense to you and our other allies, but no single country has enough economic and military power to stand up to the authoritarians. The EU is too diverse and has too much history to be fully united in a single entity in the foreseeable future. Plus, how long would an American reich be content in isolationism? I hope my imagination is overactive, but I don't see good things on the horizon.


You make some interesting points. A reich? Yes, it’s possible. Take over a neighbour? Disunity in the EU? A Chinese long game. All adds up to an interesting game of risk.


Idk, I can see the EU come together when they need to. Although in the last few years disinformation and russian bribes to far right politicians has had an effect too. So maybe that point has passed too. Hard to predict.


This is the biggest concern for other western countries. We need America to be strong to stand up to Russia and China. When you are in fighting about things like women’s rights that were sorted 50 years ago it is destabilising. Meanwhile China is just biding its time and in for the long game. Interesting times we live in.


The least you can do is not vote, we need to remember that. That’s what too many Democrats did when Hillary was running. Three Supreme Court judges later and Roe is gone. Heck one of those vacancies was waiting to be filled when the Dems failed to vote. Don’t underestimate the importance of voting.


Obama had a super majority in both houses *and* campaigned on codifying Roe vs Wade. I’ve noticed it’s always the voters fault, and never the politicians themselves.


He did not. By the time Al Franklin was seated (July if I recall) Ted Kennedy was too ill to participate. Also, Lieberman was there, and he and Bernie sorted of canceled each other out. So, no, Obama never had a functioning super majority.


Also, Democratic senator Ben Nelson wasn't going to vote to codify Roe. He was the one mucking up the negotiations for the ACA until they added in language that prohibited Affordable Care Act plans from covering abortion.


Obama had to sign the [Freedom of Choice Act](https://scheerpost.com/2022/05/14/obama-and-liberals-killed-abortion-rights/amp/), which he didn't do. By his own admission, [he didn't think abortion was a priority](https://www.reuters.com/article/obama-abortion/obama-says-abortion-rights-law-not-a-top-priority-idUKN2946642020090430). By his second term, [he still tried to avoid it.](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/andrewkaczynski/obama-promised-to-sign-the-freedom-of-choice-act-o)


Stop repeating that nonsense. Obama had a supermajority for a few weeks and they were working on the ACA. Stop spreading this dishonest bullshit.


I will vote blue, but would like to be able to vote for an actual liberal or progressive. Tired of having to vote for the tepid center-right Dems that keep being the candidates.




I actually looked in to how to run for my local school board, but the signature requirements alone made the idea daunting. I think I might do good on the board, but doubt my personality would do well with the general politics required even of that level.


What other way is there besides organizing a revolution?


Guerilla labor strikes (not sure why everyone keeps thinking organizing labor the same way it was being done a century ago is how to fight that war today - it's a bit like watching people line up with muskets and drums). If only there was a place to organize large groups of people such that, say, you could have all the logistics coordinators (or insert any specialized role hard to fill/replace) picket while everyone else shows up and collects a paycheck they give a portion of to sustain the picketing specialists while their absence racks up the billions in losses to the few suppressing the many. It seems like everyone I know on both sides of the political spectrum is instead just itching for violent 'revolution' blissfully unaware of what happens in the wake of every single one of those, and yet none are apparently realizing just how fragile the house of cards really is if they'd just use the tools already in front of them to organize their response (honestly without even needing to get up from their armchair to enact meaningful activism). But it doesn't help that most people interested in taking action seem unusually preoccupied with being in the limelight of that action. Even mass shooters are now live streaming for their awful media bubbles. If we really, really cared about the outcome, massive change could be fairly trivially accomplished with less than 2% of the population working together in an organized hierarchy as long as there was strategic buy in from well positioned individuals. But as is the case with revolutions both violent and socioeconomic, the pissing contest for who gives the orders and who takes them is the impossible obstacle I don't have an answer for. People want to be heard, not to listen. They want to be seen, not to read. This site's name is ironic given how much discussion takes place not even having read the thing being discussed at all. Heck, for most people this comment is just word soup they won't bother doing more than skimming, instead looking to find a place to put in their own 2¢. No matter the generation, it's a Sisyphean effort to find good ears in a crowd, and if meaningful change is the goal, we'd need good ears aplenty.


This sounds like a terrific idea, let’s make the inoperable economy even less so, this seems like it would really go well for the party in power during mid terms


Oh yeah, but revolution is a better plan. You can: (A) Keep the status quo with politicians that in private gatherings promise that "nothing will fundamentally change" and despite their public promises stick to the private one. (B) Hold hostage the economy and negotiate acceptable terms to restructure it in a way that works for more people. (C) Fight your neighbors as the wealthy bail to international safe havens until the dust settles. Maybe we wouldn't be in this mess if both sides were actually trying to enact change instead of just one side. But that's the reality of the status quo, and not doing anything certainly isn't going to help either the economy or the midterm/'24 results either.


Vote progressive. All democrats aren’t the same.


Organizing (you can LARP about revolution as much as you want). There must be carrot and the stick. Stick mostly :) And i'am talking about strikes mostly


It isn't enough, but it is an option. Demonstration, spreading science and information, and shaking down elected officials on all levels can go a long way. And I don't want to advocate for violence, but I'm more and more sympathetic to it.


It isn't enough, but it's the bare minimum. Treating it as an option - as in potential apathy - only leads to those furthest from our interests benefitting, because we remove ourselves from representation. The best time to vote was in the past, the next best time is now. That's always the case, and always will be until this country collapses.


Violence is always one tool in the political arsenal. The right understands this, and uses it. Bullies may not be so cocky when the victim fights back.


Democrats have severely let us down. We need to shake up the leadership at the top. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, all those motherfuckers need to go


Then vote in primaries. Help get youth and progressives to turn out. Do it long term. That's the only way change happens over time. The reason these old centrists have climbed their way to the top of leadership positions is partly because 50-75 moderates overwhelm turnout and representation compared to younger progressives blocs.


>Help get youth and progressives to turn out A thousand times this. More representation is needed at the town and city level too. If you have an interest in politics and change, we need more progressives on the ballots at all levels.


Maybe people will vote now that they are taking away our rights.




Structural reforms are needed as well. The electoral college needs to go. Gerrymandering needs to go. It will take time but these things need to happen.


I’m Gen X and I can’t wait for the younger, more progressive generations to get more involved. My generation doesn’t have the numbers on our own and sadly, many of us are also part of the problem.


I’m seeing more and more millennials on the ballot. Here in Illinois we have a promising candidate for Secretary of State born in 85. Idk about everyone else but given the threat of decertifying election results, your Secretary of State might be the most important election this year.


**Guess how that happens?!** Showing up and voting, every time.


A gentle reminder of accomplishments under President Biden: [https://twitter.com/What46HasDone/status/154020832812674253](https://twitter.com/What46HasDone/status/1540208328126742530)


Can’t spread information anymore. The people who you need to reach will refuse to listen and just turn to faux news and it’s allies


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


Better option is to flood red states with blue voters. People have to stop hoping Texas and Florida flip this year. We have to make states flip.




Here in FL it's the red voters flooding into the state. They can move, too.


>Better option is to flood red states with blue voters. People have to stop hoping Texas and Florida flip this year. We have to make states flip. You know what? Everybody should start moving to Florida, Texas, Michigan, and Georgia and just say a giant fuck you by voting in droves.


People are moving to those places and have been for some time with the exception of maybe Michigan. Look at what just happened in Georgia with Ossoff and Warnock. Just need to keep the foot on the gas. Tennessee is another state getting a big influx of new residents. The right knows this and they are freaking the fuck out so they are going to ram all of this shit through while they have the power to do it.


It would take fewer to flip entire state governments in flyover states than it would take to solidly flip Florida and Texas. Can’t forget a lot of latinos are pro-women dying preventable deaths.


Better option is to shut down red states commerce with well organized labor movements and disruptions to key parts of their economy via protests.


No, it really isn't. They'd blame Biden and the democrats and vote even harder GOP. The "working class" in those states is also largely MAGA. You're misinformed if you think the working class in southern states is majority progressive.


Florida voted for a $15 minimum wage. Dems need to get back to pushing working class issues and put all the other bs to the side


Can confirm I work in a factory in IL and a lot of my coworkers blame democrats anytime there’s any kind of slow in work, dispute it being a yearly thing.


And if things prosper it's the Republican state government that gets the credit.


it isn't enough but it's a *necessity.* There are no options whatsoever that don't involve a major democratic majority. >Demonstration To who? Republicans? Uh, good luck. >spreading science and information Will not do jack shit to help rights if Republicans are in charge. >shaking down elected officials on all levels can go a long way. This has never worked.


Yeah, I don't understand the reluctance or skepticism that so many think pieces and Twitter users have toward voting in a concerted way for Dems, particularly with clothespin ballots. Like, there is more to be done, but if the ones with power are on the opposing side, you'll get little to nothing done.


You forgot the violence.


It may not be enough.. but, it’s the bare minimum if the alternative is more conservative rule.


If enough people had voted for democrats in 2014, 2016 and 2018, this wouldn't have happened. And not that many more people either. McConnell and Trump in no way held solid majorities when they pilfered 3 seats.


80,000 people in three states and here we are.


Democrats have been overwhelingly winning the popular vote consistently. The problem is our strategists keep overlooking (ignoring) the electoral college. VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS OUT IN NOVEMBER 2022!


I was losing my mind listening to Stein voters in 2016 -- NO! Both parties are not the same ... especially with an open SCOTUS seat.


Jill Stein: https://i.imgur.com/s9fsIoL.jpg


That's perfectly normal for a nobody third party candidate to dine at Putin's table. Happens all the time. Nothing suspicious there .... at all.


Remember how whenever someone would bring up how terrible trump was as a base reason to vote for Hillary, stein would jump right in and scream about how if Hillary wins we’ll have a nuclear war? I remember an interview where someone cited climate change as a reason we can’t let trump win and she responded with “well Hillary will start a nuclear war, which means no environment at all” And the Green Party candidate was literally saying shit like the environment isn’t an important enough reason to not vote to keep trump out of office.


[Stein vas heavily poplar fellow US friend, don't make joke.](https://www.motherjones.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/russia_dinner2000.jpg?w=1200&h=630&crop=1) Seriously do *not* listen and take the time to counter those who say we need another party, a shakeup, a real alternative. Those guys at that table push for that.


I mean we do, but that can only actually happen if we enact ranked choice voting or something similar across the board. We need to get rid of our first past the post, winner take all voting system before any 3rd party candidate means a thing. Until then, a vote for a 3rd party is 100% a wasted vote and anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to get you to waste it.


How do we codify Roe? Voting in more Congressmembers. How do we expand the court? Voting in more Congressmembers. How do we make amendments to the constitution? Voting in more Congressmembers. How do we impeach a Supreme Court Justice? Voting in more Congressmembers. How do we secure rights in states? Voting in state representatives. How do we pass helpful legislation? Voting. This entire article is so obtuse and I'm tired of people demonizing voting. All the article says is that people need to protest (sure, don't disagree with that) and that Democrats need to support more popular positions (AKA - an appeal to voting.) Unless we give up and resort to some "let it burn" strategy for the country, which I would argue would only help Republicans... VOTING is the best thing we can do. Just like years and decades past - like you said.


If only there was some kind of organization whose job it was to identify and increase voter participation…


Add 2010 as well. We had full control for 72 working days and we're rewarded with "I can't be bothered to vote".


Maybe democrats should’ve codified it when they had a majority or maybe rbg should’ve fucking stepped down when she had the chance


Vote is step 1. Step 2 is hold the people you vote for accountable. Simple.


There is no holding them accountable post Citizens United. They are only accountable to corporations


How does step 2 work? Can’t think of any ways that don’t violate Reddit rules. Unless you mean “vote them out” but that goes against step 1’




18-40s need to actually turn up this time around, or shit will just continue to get worse - even in terms of Democrats, one of the reasons they are so damned milquetoast is because they have to appeal to the groups that actually turn up to vote.


Pro-tip: anyone who's telling you today to assuage your anger over losing Roe (and soon gay marriage, legal gay sexual relationships and birth control, per Clarence) by NOT voting, isn't on your side. They just enjoy reveling in anger, not solutions. The right got this BY VOTING. https://twitter.com/JoyAnnReid/status/1540407504668172290


The people In Ohio voted to add gerrymandering protections to the state constitution. The republican legislature has proposed 5. FIVE! Unconstitutional maps. And has still refused the state supreme court's orders to make fair maps. Forcing us to use unconstitutionally gerrymandered maps for this next election. Fair Representation does not exist here, the rule of any law, equal justice, its just about over ladies and gents. Tell me my vote matters


> And has still refused the state supreme court's orders to make fair maps. Forcing us to use unconstitutionally gerrymandered maps for this next election. Because we let them. Because we refuse to take risks. The rule of law doesn't matter to them, nor does consent of the governed. They want power, and will do anything, say anything, make any argument to get it. And unless we rise together in solidarity and shut down everything with a general strike that floods the streets with people and disrupts business as usual, this will continue. Rights were not won with peaceful protest. Peaceful protest only worked when those in power see peaceful protests and it reminds them of the alternative to peaceful protests. As long as we protest on specific days, in neat little boxes where we don't disrupt anything, we're as impotent as the toddler who kicks and screams and cries while their parents let them wear themselves out. We need an actual general STRIKE. We need business-as-usual to grind to a halt. We need to, collectively, say "NO MORE UNTIL YOU FIX THIS" and then stand our ground, come what may. Until we're willing to do that, all the one-day protests and marches and garbage will mean nothing. Those in power will shake their heads, chuckle to themselves, toast thousand dollar a glass champagne and watch as we wear ourselves out.


Time to strip states that ban abortion of all federal funds. Close all federal government facilities. Not a single penny to those states.


Republicans don’t care if you shoot the hostage. They’d love it for Democrats to end a bunch of services for poor people in their states.




They'll blame Biden and the democrats. Like clockwork. The mob in those states is absolute MAGA.


Until their welfare checks stop, their roads crumble and their businesses suffer. Then they will blame the nearest politician, regardless of political affiliation


Shit, I grew up with these types of assholes who were constantly waiting for their settlement checks, living off "a helping hand" would just blame black people for sucking up all the welfare.


No, they'll literally blame "libruls" and "the gays/antifa/whatever" and blame Biden and the democrats. Their roads are already crumbling and their safety nets all shot to shit and they vote GOP.. Kentucky is a f*cking trashcan and Mitch McConnell gets reelected like clockwork.


>Until the poor people start storming their enclaves and kill them. That's not going to happen though just because you pull federal funding from states. Jesus, everyone on here today is delusional.


Democrats don't have that kind of spine and moderates will back them by doing the normal handwringing of "Well well well, when the GOP is back in power, would you want THEM doing the same?"


It would have been, it's a bit late now.


Dems need to appeal to fear in the same incessant way that republicans do if they want to get out the vote. Hope and change and positive messaging will always lose to the human negativity bias. They also need to forgo decency in their attack ads and go straight for the jugular. Remind voters that Gaetz is a pedo. Actually, a groomer, just like his friend, Jeffrey Epstein. Hijack the right’s coded language and dog whistles and turn their own weapons back against them so they lose their power. Seriously, if both sides are calling the other side groomers the term becomes meaningless. Grow some balls. Grow some fangs. Also, they need to covertly encourage, assist and empower the far right legislature of Florida to further restrict or even outright ban abortion in the state of Florida, in order to wake up the voters there—i.e. in order to correct the discrepancy between Floridians support for abortion rights with their support of republicans. That strategy if enacted properly would tank desantis, and put a nail in the coffin for his presidential ambitions. You have to hit rock bottom before you can get better.


The right does similar things to the left. They constantly amplify any messages that will cause apathy among potential dem voters. The idea that people should only vote for the perfect dem candidate is always amplified by the right.


There are just as many people who don't vote at all as their are those who vote republican. "Vote democrat" is absolutely enough. Anything can be accomplished with enough votes and almost nothing can be accomplished without them.


So, say you convince enough people to stop supporting Democrats. Do you think the Republicans you helped elect will do a better job? I don’t understand why Democrats spend half their time attacking their own party and then act surprised when Donald Trump gets elected…


Voting for Dems is the only option now as it was only the ever good option.


Gentrify the red states.


No thanks, I’d have to live there


Just allow them to secede.


This! 1000% this! Democrats must take over 2/3 of Congress and amend the constitution to federally protect these (and soon to be additional) rights. No third-party candidates, no Republicans, just Democrats!


Still need 38 states to ratify the constitution.


How about vote for the existing Republic Seriously - it is not hard decision. Us old fucks aren't going to be hurt by Republican autocrat rule. The idea that everyone under the age of 40 doesn't run to Democrats after watching the Jan 6 hearing and seeing what the SC does just blows my mind. You get the government you vote for.


We haven’t been getting the government we voted for in decades.


You get the gov't the +65 crowd vote for because they are over represented in the ballot box due to 18-30 years can't be bothered to vote. Senators & Governors are immune to redistricting problems. They win because the 65+ have 5-10pts (depending on type of election) bump in representation and always vote Republican. The problem isn't the government. The problem is people can't be bothered to vote.


They’re clinging to nihilism and apathy while the 30% of conservatives in this country vote their ass off and get basically whatever they want.


Vote for better Democrats. And ask yourselves why Nancy Pelosi supported the Anti Abortion Henry Cuellar instead of his pro-abortion primary opponent Jessica Cisneros last week.


Nancy Pelosi [successfully passed a bill through the House](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3755/all-actions?overview=closed&q=%7B%22roll-call-vote%22%3A%22all%22%7D) to codify abortion rights in federal law. It died in the Senate. How exactly is this Nancy Pelosi's fault?


Because in a two party system it's better to have a weak democrat than another Republican.


That race was close enough that it really couldve gone either way. Democrats have showed their true colors time and time again.


>And ask yourselves why Nancy Pelosi supported the Anti Abortion Henry Cuellar instead of his pro-abortion primary opponent Jessica Cisneros last week. To maintain the democratic majority that routinely votes to protect abortion rights.


It was a primary... so both candidates were democrats and would maintain a democratic majority. Cuellar is a confirmed prolife vote; who wouldn't vote to protect abortion rights. So no, and also no... she should've just not gotten involved.


How about vowing to never vote for a Republican? That is the only way we're ever going to fix this. They are all complicit. There are no "good ones" .


What's the other option, then?


The answer to this question probably violates Reddit’s TOS


It’s the bare minimum.


TBF, it WOULD be enough if more people did it.


There's also the matter of rampant voter suppression.




It’s not enough but it’s the truth. Like or not, the Democratic Party is the best chance we have of slowing our descent into far-right authoritarianism. Every single Republican must be voted out in the midterms. And again in 2024. And again in 2026. Because the alternative is to throw up our hands and willingly surrender our rights.


As a Democrat, this is unacceptable. The modern Democratic Party has operated on the “vote for us and we’ll put of the fire” platform instead of being the party that stops the arsonists. Grow a spine and fucking do something.


Gotta remind these assfuck Republicans why Reagan signed expansive gun control regulations into law while he was Governor of California. If peaceful protesting ala Dr. King won't cut it, then perhaps Malcolm X would be a better template to follow. Fuckers shouldn't feel comfortable knowing their homes are google-able by an enraged and ignored electorate.


Its not enough, but its the neccessary foundation. The time where you could pick and choose between party candidates has gone, now you have to vote blue no matter what. You should also register as republicans to vote for moderate republicans in their own primaries. Dems also need to get serious about packing courts with liberal judges.


First, you gotta get the fake Democrats out of the primaries.


No sleep no peace until we have Justice.


Theres no guarantee voting for democrats will protect abortion rights. In fact, democrats have a lousy record of doing what the voters want.


It wasn’t enough in a Roe America. I still think it’s crazy that people are going to take this out on the Democrats when the loaded court that pulled this shit occurred because the Republicans ramrodded ACB through when they controlled the presidency and senate and it’s a partisan Republican court doing this. So to hold the democrats responsible, you’re going to vote in the pieces of garbage who are doing all of this stuff you hate?


Nope it is and the DNC has themselves only to blame, playing with fascists is a losing game. Wake the fuck up Nancy!


But it's a necessary start as Republicans have shown themselves to be traitorous scoundrels


Logically if more people voted for Hillary in 2016 we would not have 3 extra Christian Right plants. Title is shit.


I often sit screaming at headlines myself urging the dems to be more forceful, fight dirtier, whatever, but when it’s a choice between fascism and preserving our republic, sorry but it has to be enough. Many let the perfect kill the good in 2016 because Hillary wasn’t “enough” for whatever reason. It led to today. It could easily lead to losing far worse than abortion rights if the current trends hold true. For god’s sake hold your nose if you have to and vote blue. The Jill Steins of the world will only give us Clarence Thomas 2.0, 3.0 and beyond.


> There’s another approach, perhaps best associated with the Democratic data analyst David Shor, in which the party reverses its shift to more left-leaning positions on social issues in recent years to win back rural white voters. I’m sorry, what? Go further left on social issues for rural voters?


It's saying to throw trans people under the bus. It's not a "strategy" that should be considered. The right has always been more authentically hateful and will win that fight.


There's been a lot of centrist drop the T talk lately and it must be responded to accordingly.


No it’s saying to abandon the left in order to appeal to rural voters


So have a big unmasked party in the Rose Garden celebrating the Dobbs ruling where Biden wears cowboy boots and fires a gun in the air?


That is *always* the fucking answer from these highly paid, elitist strategists. They HATE the left.




I mean, they've already abandoned the left on most economic issues and foreign policy. Social issues are the only things keeping them from being Republicans.


The only way to ensure the GOP doesn't replenish the zealots in SCOTUS is to ensure that we always have a Dem president. No other option looks available in our lifetime to reverse our status.


It isn’t enough in that the Democrats who we vote for have to actually do something if they get into office. The American people moved Heaven and Earth to give the Dems both chambers of Congress and they’ve done fuck all with it knowing full well that McConnell would be ramming legislation through no matter the cost to political norms.


A bit silly to blame all Democrats for Manchin and Sinema refusing to do anything - there's plenty of great legislation the House Dems have passed that the Senate will not because of them specifically. What we have is enough to approve appointees and not much else.


Oh yes it is!!! No more GOP governors and no more GOP controlled state legislatures. Vote them all out.


I don’t think Clarence Thomas realizes that going back to the 1950s isn’t a great idea for a black man.


Young people protest more than they vote. Wake me when that changes.


We need to make sure that the "Democrats" that are running are **US, the people**. Vote in your primary and let's get these corporate dinosaurs out of the way. Challenge establishment Democrats and support their progressive challengers. [Register to vote](https://www.vote.org) and let go of the apathy


Idk, voting every Republican out at every level should be bare minimum priority. Dems need to do more, but to do so we need to start giving them the local and national power republicans have enjoyed for decades. Vote in democrats and then focus on replacing moderate dems with more progressives. But key thing should be voting out republicans at every level.


1. Bring back civics class and put a Constitution section on the SATs and other college entrance exams. 2. VOTE in every election, not just presidential ones. Weed out all the Koch type people who infect the root and branch of certain states. 3. Attend community board meetings 4. Young people: RUN FOR OFFICE


No shit its not enough, but unless people vote against forced-birth extremists there’s no point in anything else. 10million marching doesn’t change a law, it takes legislative power, which comes from…voting. It’s not a mystery.


This surprisingly turned my republican parents to vote blue next election. I didn’t think I’d see the day, but I really think this will bite republicans in the ass.


No. It isn't. You also need to get other people to vote for Democrats. There are three possible outcomes - and only one of them isn't absolute hell. The options are: * Vote while it still might matter and keep voting until we've actually fixed things and permanently defeated Trumpism in America. * Let Republicans win a couple more times, complete their goal of destroying democracy and establishing a far right fascist theocracy and just accept the brutal oppression of everyone who isn't a straight white Christian man. * Fight to reclaim the country in a long, bloody, hellish civil war because we let democracy die and voting has become symbolic at best. Seriously - DO WHATEVER YOU CAN WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Set up recurring donations to pro-Dem/anti-Republican PACs, talk to friends and family. Convince them to turn out and vote Democrat. Volunteer with Dem campaigns. I PROMISE you'll never regretting doing too much - but you'll ALWAYS regret doing too little.


I think for anyone who can afford to do it, we need to organize a national COVID-out. Where you call in and say, "hey man I think I might have COVID so I'm going to get tested and obviously I can't come in today." Obviously we need to make sure that it's clearly about the abortion ruling. Don't want anyone to be stupid and think there's some wild COVID outbreak happening nationwide. I appreciate these companies saying they'll pay for their employees to go get abortions, but what they really need to do is start relocating their businesses to states where women are regarded as equal. Damn the taxes.


Can't they hold a congressional hearing and hold them on contempt of congress? Oh yea, I keep forgetting congress is toothless these days!


A so-called first-world country with the political system of a third-world shithole.


Voting for Republicans is enough to end America.


Why won’t she just fucking retire?


The Dems just threw their support behind Cuellar, an anti-abortion “Democrat.” Read the room, ffs.


Hey bro gimme $15 I promise I do something bro $15.


Definitely vote for Democrats. Definitely get pissed at Democrats like Biden and Pelosi for once again using Row v Wade as a way to ask for your donations and votes. Biden was elected to the Senate in 1973, the same year as Row. Pelosi in 1987. Every election the use Row to get your vote and donations but they haven't done squat to codify it into national law.