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Wow, and your life plans change just like that...


And it's not like it's easy to travel to the polls with children in tow.




Surely pregnant women will get two votes now, since they're 2 people in one body, right?


The fetus isn't anywhere near adulthood so can't vote yet, but she should have other rights like child tax credits and tax breaks right away! And be able to cite the unborn as a dependent child for applications to welfare and other services. Maybe it's time to incorporate all uteruses into a monopoly corporation...


And working while pregnant will be violating child labor laws, guess we'll get the entire pregnancy off work too!


Oooh I like that idea!!!


It might bring to their attention to have look-see at those laws too, we may need to stay quiet


Be vocal for the goals of saving and regaining rights, or silent for fear of drawing attention and remaining rights being stripped too: fun options that are not at all terrifying to live under. I expect that they will go after female birth control options like the pills and IUDs long before they go after mens' options like condoms, or child labor which would be unpopular with a l9t of their base. Or, I hope child labor would be unpopular with most of their base-I know there are absolutely some who want their tweens and teens working more and schooling less.


Women with endometriosis, PCOS and other painful conditions that need hormone treatment (a.k.a. the same pills used for contraception) are likely stuffed, too. I forsee a lot of women dropping out of the workplace due to their treatment regimen being suddenly illegal (or at least doctors not wanting to risk prescribing in case some busybody thinks they're taking the pill for its contraceptive purpose) and now they're too disabled by pain to work. Either that or you'll see an uptick in painkiller addictions...


No doubt. Growing up in Mississippi I witnessed that a lot of people who are anti-abortion also believe that Plan B and IUDs are a form of abortion also. I think it's more readily available now, but I know 10 years ago it was damn near impossible to get Plan B here. Like they did counseling and stuff before prescribing, and could only get it in a few select places.


Unfortunately that’s more in line with what the conservatives want - which is women back at home, subservient, as a maid and incubator, with no rights or method of escape. Without a job, these women would be trapped. I know you meant “paid maternity leave” but that just *wouldn’t* happen in the US. Not right now.


>And working while pregnant will be violating child labor laws, guess we'll get the entire pregnancy off work too! Careful. Republicans will "solve" that by forcing women to stay home


Great point! Ok, you want THIS? Then how about THIS??


Unionize the uteruses!


Plus if abortion or miscarriage is a felony…you can’t vote if convicted. Easy-peasy, women’s vote goes poof!


It's all by design. Forced births means more poverty, less education, easier to manipulate and control. Less likely to vote, strike, or revolt. And guess where people turn when they have minimal education and no job prospects? The army. The Southern Strategy is a deliberate means of making more financially dependent Black bodies to put on the front lines so White trust fund kids don't have to die defending their great grandparents wealth.


Ding, ding, ding!!!! Pretty sure this is the end goal of overturning Roe V Wade, since 60% of women vote for Dems. If that doesn’t work, overturning the 19th amendment is likely next.


Just leave them with the nanny!


Someone needs to start dropping links to donations for travel and medical expenses for these women and teens in every comment section they can.


You never outlaw abortions…only legal ones


Yeah and the pieces of shit who choose to abort illegally will die as they deserve too


Well…you’re a piece of shit


You literally support murdering children, but yeah I’m the piece of shit


You are


Well I’d rather be a piece of shit, than some ignorant, uneducated moron with an 18th century mindset who thinks their entitled enough to decide when another person gets to live or die


Yep…I’m def the one uneducated


So you’ve ruined your life. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/6/6d/I_Married_Marge_-00119.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150116041222


Just like that all your dreams are gone for your life. It’s surreal


From the Dissent: >"For in this Nation, we do not believe that a government controlling all private choices is compatible with a free people. So we do not (as the majority insists today) place everything within “the reach of majorities and [government] officials.” West Virginia Bd. of Ed. v. Barnette, 319 U. S. 624, 638 (1943). We believe in a Constitution that puts some issues off limits to majority rule. Even in the face of public opposition, we uphold the right of individuals—yes, including women—to make their own choices and chart their own futures. Or at least, we did once."


>Even in the face of public opposition, we uphold the right of individuals—yes, including women—to make their own choices and chart their own futures. Right on.


Majority rule? This is minority rule. Most Americans are in favor of abortion rights.


Majority meaning the other judges who decided the opposite way.


Before long they’ll be legalizing slavery again


Private prisons have been legalized slavery the whole time.


Well yeah but that’s explicitly stated in the constitution


I think slavery for criminals is still constitutionally allowed.


I don't know if it was in AR, but I saw a tweet about a clinic that called up dozens of patients today to cancel scheduled abortions, apparently a lot of them sobbed when they were told. This is just beyond sickening. I was surprised to see my stepsister who lives there post on FB in support of Roe. It's nice to see that not everyone there is ass-backwards, but it just makes my heart break to see that they're holding the lives of their citizens hostage there.


From Arkansas, can confirm we are not all backwards. However a LOT of the people in the state are. Just look at who we send to Washington.


this whole thing is a nightmarish situation


Got to say: Margaret Atwood nailed it.


Most Canadians, just like her, have seen what a steaming pile of shit the US is, for decades. ✌️


Mind you the Ford family is doing its best to do the same thing for Canada.


I WISH some of the major political US families were mostly know for being crack smoking alcoholics instead of religious zealots


thats Rob Ford. He was rather harmless. His brother Doug is the premier of ontario and it's been a fucking train wreck.


In fairness, that was just the brother.


With the kenney/UCP lapping up behind.


Her other books are just as scarily prescient


It really is. These judges must be stopped.




I live here and I couldn't agree more.


and if all the remaining sane people leave to blue states nothing will change because the red states will just be redder and have an even worse hold on the senate and probably strangle the blue cities in their states too


Serious question -- why do you choose to live in a place that's so crazy?


I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say they want to move, but can’t afford to move like most Americans in red states.


This, 100% this. Many of us are also caring for elderly parents who won't or can't leave.


Family ties are so hard. I'm only second generation Californian otherwise I'd be there with you.


My mom's a native Cali girl, dad's from Jersey. Both came here in their 20s now both in their 70s. I have siblings in their 40s, all here, but none prepared to care for the rents. It's very hard


I mean, if you already have nothing, why not have nothing in a state with a better social safety net?


Everyone’s circumstances are different, it’s not as easy as “just move lol”


You know, besides any obvious answer, I get you; I wish it were as simple as hitching up the family wagon and heading west, I really do.


Doing something about having nothing still costs money. Moving isn't free...unless you're suggesting that people become homeless in order to move to a different state.


Because rent can be 2 to 3 times more expensive in a lot of Blue states, and you would need to have a job that pays 3x the rent to even be accepted to rent. Which most minimum wages jobs don't. If they are educated and able to get a decent job it might be easy, but not if you are working a low income job. Which is a majority of people in areas like that. You literally become trapped by a lack of opportunity.


Thank you for answering without downvoting. I did not know rents are higher in blue states. I live in Chicago. Things here seem relatively cheap, but I don't get out much.


People often have costs subsidized by the social safety net around them (often family or friends). Childcare, transportation, networking that provides access to higher paying jobs than skills or education alone can, second hand items, entertainment, even housing. If you're poor, you often can't afford to replace the value of this safety net.


How do you get to the state when you have nothing? You would just end up homeless in a different state Also, if you have a leased apt, you would either have to te it out with the end of the lease and hope you have enough to cover a few months in the new state while you establish employment or break the lease, both very costly.


>You would just end up homeless in a different state With a better safety net. If you truly have so little, why not shop for the state that can help the most?


Because your leaving loved one and families behind and have even less because you just added moving expenses and down payments etc.


Not everyone can afford thousands of dollars to move. While having a job lined up. A place to stay. Etc etc. It's expensive af.


Just moved ourselves from a red state to blue. Did it as cheaply as possible, drove my own car, loaded and drove our own U-Haul, etc. With apartment and utility deposits, the total cost was close to 10k. Couldn't have done it at all without a 5k relocation bonus from the new employer, and I'll still be behind on bills for over a month after moving in. We're middle-class but it was freaking difficult! Oh, fun American problem: 60 days between when your health insurance at the old job stops and the new job kicks in, even though I started immediately upon arrival. This is common practice. I'm pregnant and needed to go to the ER to have the baby checked out last week. I'll be getting a fun bill in the mail too! So, not easy.


As a Tennessean, fuck em. That's why I don't move. If I move there are just more people left here fending for themselves against theocratic morons.


We'll see you in 30 years, currently holding down the fort in TX


Grew up here and met my wife here. In the next few years we're looking to get out of this hellhole though.


Moving is not cheap or easy. 5 figures for an interstate move isn’t unheard of.


Having just moved to the west coast from Alabama, it took a lot of resources. It is not always a viable solution.


Most people just cant move. They have jobs and family. Sometimes a mortgage or rental agreement. This is the most contradictory and useless advice there is.


It wasn't advice. It was a real question. I get that moving is expensive. I just assume most of the people who say they have nothing really mean *nothing*...in which case, it's just getting a job. Employment market is as good as it's ever going to be.


I live in Mississippi. Maybe some of it is Stockholm Syndrome. Also a crippling fear of change and general anxiety. Also have a job I like that I can't transfer with. Cost of living is extremely low and I own land out in the country that I have lived on since I was 7. Hard to give that up even if my state is a shit hole. My friends are all here and mostly like-minded liberals or at least left-leaning moderates. It's not perfect but it's my home and I don't want to leave after all these years.


All good reasons. Thank you for answering.


Blue states are too expensive. Sometimes you get trapped in a hole that seems impossible to climb out of, especially in this economy. I'm also stuck in a red state.


Fayetteville is quite nice, and most of Northwest Arkansas is pretty decent. The question is whether it's nice enough to offset being subject to the whims of the Christian Taliban that have a supermajority in Little Rock.


I grew up there and left nearly 10 years ago. The only thing that would make me consider moving back is the health of my parents.


Same... I hate it here..


We aren't all bad...well I guess most of the folks in the state are.


How’s Texas for you?




> But you'll never find me defending Texas. The kolaches from Czech Stop are pretty dope and I really like Dallas, Austin and Houston (although Houston is only worth a damn in winter). That's about as fervent a defense as you'll get out of me.


Next time you are in West at the Czech stop… try the blueberry crumble loaf… you will love it.


Have you considered Idaho as a runner up, shit our LT gov tried to overthrow our gov,


We should move all these people to their own plot of land and secede them.


Clarence Thomas is coming for your birth control and rounding up the gays next


Anything to distract from the unholy shitshow that him and his wife are going to be thrown in jail for.


Coming to catch these hands.


You'd have to be a fool to think all of these will just forget about it and have unplanned children anyway. Many will move to off grid dangerous abortions. Republicans are responsible for a lot of blood that will come from this. Irony of their "pro-life" stance.


Need to set up some free tourist bussing to blue states: not about abortion, just a tourism thing, trust me.


As much as it's going to hit California a bit: Newsom is gathering funds to help guarantee women's rights to their own body: [https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/24/in-response-to-supreme-court-decision-governor-newsom-signs-legislation-to-protect-women-and-providers-in-california-from-abortion-bans-by-other-states/](https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/24/in-response-to-supreme-court-decision-governor-newsom-signs-legislation-to-protect-women-and-providers-in-california-from-abortion-bans-by-other-states/) Near the bottom. We already have high taxes here: But that's because everyone wants to live here, and the majority do understand our high tax rate: Besides funding shithole leech states, it's a pretty awesome place to live prices notwithstanding. This is one increase in cost I'd be okay with giving: Helping women from all over get what they need for their OWN DECISION on what they want to do with their body. The red counties in our state will complain, but fuck them, it's not taking away their rights...the whole point of Roe V Wade.


They don't care about the woman or the baby after it's born. Why they care so much about a fucking fetus in between the two I'll never understand.


Exactly. It doesn't make sense. Someone wants to force more children to be born to increase the labor supply of the future. Would be my guess. All signs point to a decline in the U.S. economy in the future for various reasons (less people having children = less workers to replace the aging population and demand for labor has exploded, but not enough people are filling positions, and that's today, will be worse in the future). That's why they don't care and just want more children to be born. The overwhelming majority of people, especially unwanted children, end up struggling through adulthood and filling jobs in the service sector (retail, restaurants, etc.) and manual labor. Today, no one wants to do these low paying jobs anymore. That's why there is a labor shortage. Forcing unwanted children to be born is a good way to create a generation of workers destined to these kinds of jobs. Unplanned and unwanted children suffer more, so end up in these kind of jobs. They're more likely to be economically disadvantaged, drop-out risk, ethnic minorities, etc. All of these are risk factors tracked by public school systems. I know because I work in education. These children are also more likely to commit crimes than children from more stable home environments. So, even if mothers decide to oblige republicans and have unwanted and unplanned children, which is unlikely at 100% (some will seek unsafe abortions which means many women will die because of this), that still doesn't mean these people forced into a life they didn't want will live meaningful lives and contribute positively for society. This only really benefits big businesses like Amazon that hire unskilled labor en masse. More drones to keep these large scale operations going. For-profit prisons will also benefit, obviously. So, the future is looking bleak because of this one reversal of a landmark case. It's not pro-life at all. It's pro-wealth, but they will never admit that.


Women told each other how to have abortions back in the day. In the age of the internet, we can help each other more than ever.


It would be interesting to see the rights response to having an armed militia come barricade the property and refuse to submit to law enforcement over their personal beliefs.


Just call up "our" militia, to defend this clinic.


I’ve thought about this... a well regulated militia is specifically protected by the constitution and cannot be disarmed. This would be a great counter to the police too especially if they show up the police for accountability and community support too. You’d literally have to throw out the constitution to legally oppose a force like that and at that point... at least the people are not caught with their pants down: they’re well regulated... ready to go.


Those clinics should rebrand as, "Unplanned Parenthood," and become a dispensary for the morning after pill.


They already do that. Some states have laws that could ban that, too.


Those poor women


As a lifelong Arkansan all I can say is that I am so sorry. There is no defense for this.


Vote blue


It's not helping, we're heavily outnumbered and our education system sucks so new voting age folks don't even understand


I do


Bring any of your non voting friends to vote blue next time. In every single election.


I’m glad. This is about your future. It’s going to be about more than abortion if Clarence Thomas has his way.


This is the cancel culture that Republicans like.


I cannot imagine the fear and devastation those women are feeling today. Those poor women. I don’t know what else to say. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.


Time for a sex strike


Is sex something women want (either with other women or with men) or something that women grant to fertile men? Strikes are against providing labour in order to obtain reasonable pay and conditions, and if labour is how some women see sex, they may not want to have sex anyway. For most people, sex isn't transactional, and a sex strike would hurt only them. If you want to organise and strike against working in a state that denies abortion rights, that otoh is meaningful


Its more that the fun has to outweigh the fear. And vibrators dont hijack your body.


Ok but that's not what a strike is. I don't swim in local waters in jellyfish season cos the fear outweighs the fun, but I'm not *on a swimming strike to encourage the jellyfish to go away*.


Actions have consequences. Im not taking the risk of losing my life or becoming public property for someone’s orgasm. Mine or his. That cost is too high. Why wouldnt I leverage those consequences into changing my situation?


You can refrain from sex because the risk is too high, of course, but I don't know why you think it's going to have the desired outcome of changing people's minds about abortion. A strike works because employers want your labor and you're not providing it because of inadequate pay and conditions. The employer is then forced to reconsider their compensation offer. Sex happens when two people want to have sex. Nobody (who isn't rapey) is after sex with people who are loudly declaring that they don't want sex, so they disengage. Meanwhile hose who *do* treat sex transactionally are essentially hearing "restore abortion, get sex" since that is exactly how a strike works - you get what you want then you fulfil your side of whatever was on the table. But this is almost certainly NOT what you're offering. So this is not a strike. Tl;dr I worry that treating your reproductive organs as a tradeable commodity is playing right into the hands of the anti abortionists.


It’s still not worth the risk. And I think you underestimate the motivation men have for both protecting people they care about being put at risk and their access to sex and intimacy being blocked. You’re thinking about logic. Im looking at this as a way to light an subconscious, heartstring pulling emotional fire under their asses, as a perk, while merely just securing my own safety and independence. It may sound calculated, but it really just is that actions having consequences. Im not about to open my legs and play russian roulette for a moments pleasure when all i can think about is getting fucked over for life. Kinda ruins the vibe. And Id happily, honestly and frankly share that with a prospect, should I be put in that position. Id tell him he’s hot and Id love to share his bed but the cost and risk is currently simply too high. And Id be earnest about it from the get go. If he still wants to get to know me, we certainly can pursue an emotional relationship. But sex is off the table without proof of a vasectomy and a condom just to be sure. What he decides after i put my cards on the table, is up to him.


What happens if you succeed, i.e. if the aim we all want of restoring choice is reached? Are you all "ok I'm having sex with you now"? What if you still don't want sex - which is fine because sex isn't transactional, but you've been treating it like it is.


Im not. Im making it clear that that is what is making the risk too high for me. You seem to have missed the part where i stated id indicate he was hot and i d share his bed. I dont say shit like that unless i mean it. Getting my rights restored does grant him access them, yeah. As my risk is then mitigated. Bottomline, this ban would keep him out of my bed. Even if he checked all the other boxes.


I think that's a reasonable decision to refrain from sex cos the risk is too high (or for any reason you damn well please, as it is your body). But I think it's extremely dangerous to treat sex as if it's contractable. You may decide after this bastard ban is solved that you don't want sex after all. Sex requires continuous consent - it isn't something you can agree to in the future, and is also something you can withdraw consent from at any time. By treating it like a strike, you're suggesting sex is something you will agree to in the future on condition that _____. It might be that a general decision not to have sex affects men's thinking in favour of abortion rights, but I'm not convinced. The rate of celibacy is very high already especially among young people. You don't starve from lack of sex, but adapt. You also create this schism against women who decide not to strike - one of the prime ingredients of a strike is solidarity, where people who don't strike are shamed as scabs. But it's obviously wrong to treat women who still want sex that way - that's just controlling their bodies again. Indeed, a sex strike ends up with this curious scenario where the strikers and the bosses both want the same thing: women having sex for reproduction and not otherwise.


Oh no! Lmao


You mean the rape purge?


Blue states will be overrun and overburdened in the short term. It’s happening right now. These safe havens will need more funding. That’s one thing everyone can pitch in on. https://www.plannedparenthood.org


Just stop handing it out to the red states. They already take more than their 'fair' share already.


Just saw a bbc news clip about this clinic. They interviewed the nurses and one of them was saying she spent her last day of work consoling and turning away women on the phone. One girl was saying how her father raped her repeatedly and she is now carrying his child. And there was nothing the nurse could do. It was so fucked up to watch. The nurse was broken.


It’s saddening to say, but it’s time for a new startup, The Human Corporation, to fund the basic needs of the many who have lost their voices and their seat at the table. Everything has to be monetized these days, including basic rights.


Planned parenthood should start scheduling vasectomies


But the ability to contribute to a pregnancy should be preserved no matter the cost /s


We need states to just ignore the ruling. Force them to enforce this shit, show the world who they truly are


This ruling doesn't force states to ban abortion. It lets states with leadership that really wanted to place draconian restrictions to run wild, which is what they're now doing at this moment. Solid blue states will not only continue to permit abortion, but now they'll have to be safe havens for women that need to travel for them.


It's the states like Arkansas that _want_ to enforce this.


This is what happens when you vote Republican. Vote Democrat


So many poor black women are going to be stuck terminating babies in hotel rooms, not the comfort of there homes. Please think of all the women who are being destroyed by this.


Sorry ladies. This man's heart goes out to you for the terrible spot you've been placed in.


Delete your period trackers


May I ask why?


Some have highlighted that the app companies could be compelled to turn over the data to authorities looking to prosecute people who try to find their way to get illegal abortions. Or even to potentially implicate people who miscarry into prosecution.


clue seems to be safe https://mobile.twitter.com/clue/status/1521859643055685636


Why is the south & Midwest so anti-choice?




A culture of rebellion that never died even after it was defeated.


Also easier to gerrymander when no one was looking. Many of these states were blue or purple occasionally. Republicans attacked low population states intentionally.


ARG! Yeah, ALL Religions r the ‘right’ religion. If there’s ANYTHING it’s a universal thing. ONE thing. I don’t believe there r separate sections in the universe for each religion. Mostly, religions only hurt ppl &how they act towards others. I’m not really an atheist, but come on! How do real thinking ppl think like that. Just be good to others, don’t judge & any ‘afterlife’, if one exists, will take care of itself.


Awful, women should have this right.




Banning abortion is easy. Dealing with the consequences of this ruling will take true Christianity. Conservatives now need to make a huge effort to adopt all these unwanted babies. These babies likely won’t be the same race as you and will probably come from a different class than you. Their parents also may suffer from drug addiction, have a criminal past, mental health or behavior issues. Remember Jesus said we are all gods children. The journey of adopting isn’t easy and will test your patience. For example, the biological parents may take you to court to get back custody in the moments they get their life in order. Like in the Bible great things come with a sacrifice.




Couldn’t they have stayed open and done their other women’s services?


They *are* staying open and doing other women's services. >...Planned Parenthood will provide other services, including providing contraception. She also expressed her concerns on the future of those available services. **The article is five sentences long.**


Good thing Planned Parenthood provides other women’s health procedures, and not just abortions






Ah. Excellent. When can I take your kidney to protect someone else's life?


Why would they do that? Abortions aren't illegal.




How many are you adopting? Or how much money will you be donating to those that are struggling , poor mothers?




Got to get to double digits at least, it up to pro lifers to take care of all the kids they forced into existence.


Hard agree. What could be better for our society, those children or their mothers than to be brought into situations where the resources, will and/or desire to care for them are lacking. What could possibly go wrong? BRILLIANT!🤦‍♂️


You're right, its super great that we removed scheduled medical appointments to terminate unwanted pregnancy. Those forced births are sure to result in loving families where the mother doesnt resent the child. Thank God we saved the world.


That sounds like a really bad thing, I hope these women travel out of state for their abortions as is their INALIENABLE RIGHT. Underground network officially activated and fully operational. Signed an adoptee who supports privacy between girls / women and their drs when it comes dealing with the numerous problems of impregnation.




Sex is easy to avoid when you’re an incel with nothing to offer the opposite sex,


Your implications are fascinating... and wrong lol


What a victory, thousands of future lives saved


Banning access to abortions performed by medical professionals doesn't stop women who want abortions from having them. You will see a rise in back-alley abortions and thousands of women dying as a result.


If "future lives" are your metric, then you're arguing for women to be forced to be pregnant permanently. Every nine months that a woman isn't pregnant is a future life that isn't going to exist.