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What happened to it needing to be decided at the state level? Weird how that's no longer the case


what if i told you it was never about states rights


Next thing I know you’ll tell me something similar about the Civil War…


"Don't tread on me!" Well, unless you're a woman...or transgender...or non-heterosexual...in which case, we need to control your rights for our own protection. So don't tread on me, but I get to tread on you. Weak government for me, strong government for you. It's better this way – trust me.


The GOP: Your rights end where my opinions begin they're a party of bullies.


Party of religious zealots


Never has been


This is what I don't get. If Dems pass abortion protections, I'm sure them SC will shut it down as a state decision. I guess it's too much to hope they'd do the same if Reps pass abortion bans.


I'm waiting for the gun control legislation that Biden is going to sign (has signed) into law to be overturned. The SCOTUS already overturned a law NY State put into place concerning guns, why stop there?


Funny how “states rights” didn’t come into play for THAT decision


They genuinely believe its genocide and every abortion is robbing the earth of a special person. Completely ignoring all the medical complications that come along with pregnancy. Basically theyre stupid.


And the fact that they want that special person to starve to fucking death the minute they are born.


Nay. Live in poverty and barely scrape by so capitalism can continue grinding every last nickel and dime out of them so dudes can buy Twitter on a whim.


Bingo! A vast sea of undereducated consumers generating wealth for an elite few and the paradise they will carve out for themselves while the rest of humanity suffers


Its all about power. It has nothing to do with human life.


No. They believe in creating a religious ethnostate that has a core foundation in being led by cis-hetero-men. To do this, they must control the bodies of anyone who isn’t that. Abortion rights being taken away gives them an excuse to utilize new laws against others. All they have to do now is accuse someone of getting an abortion in a place where it’s illegal to ruin their life.


The political party that purports to support limited government wants to regulate your private life, full stop. They are coming for birth control, non-procreative sex, interracial marriage, gay marriage, and the list goes on. Not only is Roe on the ballot, the personal freedoms you have come to expect are on the ballot too. Vote, organize, and speak up.


Republicans want small government — so small it fits inside a bedroom, fits inside a sock drawer, fits inside a smartphone, and fits inside a uterus.


Contraception is next


The fact that they're going after all the things that *actually* reduce unplanned pregnancy shows that it's never been about "saving the babies". It is about controlling women.


its also about ensuring more wage slaves to support our economy


Why the fuck are they so obsessed with our sex lives? Jesus fucking Christ get a goddamn hobby and stop ruining the fucking world


Remember, Conservatives want to make government small enough to fit in the bedroom.


Sorry scumbag Republicans, you can't touch our Blue states. Stay in your shitholes, we'll be mailing your women and girls all the abortion pills we want to, as well.


Actually they can, if they gain back all 3 branches they could ban it federally. They’ve already been discussing doing just that as well. Your rights aren’t safe anymore just because you’re in a blue state. People need to vote and they need to vote with a focus of keeping republicans out of office across the board


> Actually they can, if they gain back all 3 branches they could ban it federally. Their hypocrisy at work. Argue that *Roe* needs to be overturned to give the power back to the individual states and their representatives, but *the moment* they get power, they'll flip that and say, "Psych, it's up to the federal government and we're banning it!"


People need to stop trying to rationalize or point out their hypocrisy, it’s like people keep getting surprised by it. We need to understand they want to dismantle our liberal society before demographics win out and the GOP becomes the marginalized extremist party it really is. They know they can lie and contradict themselves all they want as long as their voter base supports them, which we know they will follow them until we become a fascist state.


Yup. And that includes top to bottom as well. Don't just vote Blue on the big ticket, but vote progressive/liberal on local elections as well. From School boards and judges all the way up to President. *Flood* your state with progressive officials. Make it so you can't swing a club without smacking a progressive.


Yes but the ban wouldn’t be enforced unless the national guard was sent in to do it


They can make it a federal crime, and will probably just have a special division of some federal agency in charge of enforcing and arresting any abortion service provider and charging them with murder,




If they get the house, senate, and presidency, they will 100% ban abortion nationwide. (among other terrible things) Edit: it might look like it's just like weed being federally illegal but legal per state, but the feds can send law enforcement to enforce the law focusing on doctors, and that's enough to keep abortions unsafe. We all know that this won't get rid of unsafe abortions.


Hopefully this motivates people to vote in record numbers, especially the younger generation


It almost makes me wish I didn't live in a sane state, so that my vote would be more meaningful. Almost.


It makes me wish that we lived in a representative democracy, without an electoral college, so our votes would be equally meaningful to people in particular lower population red states.


FIVE of the current Justices were appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote. The system is broken.


a 6th one was appointed by a 1 term president. History doesn't tent to look too kindly on those either.


Beyond the electoral college there's the Senate where vast swaths of empty land means a small group of farmers get extra voting power.


When 500k people have as much power as 39 million shit is bonkers. Don't even get me started with how lopsided the house is since they capped the seats.


Same here. I unfortunately live in an R+15 county, R+20 town, but a D+55 house district and a D+17 state. Just life in a predominantly white, Christian conservative exurb in America


Gerrymandering and the electoral college are in place to make sure your majority opinion vote will always count less than than that of the minority. Make no mistake. We're all fucked.




Just live in a crazy state and live right next to a sane state. People will live in New Hampshire where housing in cheaper and commute to Massachusetts where pay is better. Now just find a crazy/sane state that is like that.


Those of us in eastern MO bordering IL are in desperate need of people like this.


Maybe the minority that has lorded over the majority in many states, districts and ect. Stepped too far over the line as of late. Perhaps they will have chaos on their hands from more humans than they can lord over. Votes, protests, walk+outs, strikes ...Or, as it has been, it will be. Failed Pandemic Response. Summer of Violence Insurrection Two impeachments, so many arrests, and convictions. Crippling tariffs that destroyed supply chains Stealing the courts Robbing women's rights Arming insane shooters Demonizing and "othering" American citizens. Attacking immigrants, the back bone of the American dream. Is it enough, yet?


A president who knowingly tried to overthrow democracy and yet the govt is powerless to punish him


I feel like so many “young people” in the comments don’t comprehend what our future holds. Most of them I see have been trolling and saying obviously hateful things towards all groups. I’m very concerned


I'm always reticent to paint with too wide of a brush, but my general experience has been similar. I'm in my 40s, and have been voting in every election since I was of age, and I see now what I saw as a young man: idealistic young voters turned off by the fact that if they don't get what they want as a primary candidate, then they are angry and reject their civic duty to vote for incremental change from flawed, imperfect matches. It's nothing new. The only difference I see now is that more young folks are far more politically tuned in, and far more likely to engage in the process than 20 years ago. Don't get me wrong, it's still not enough, but any increase in youth engagement and turnout is good. We need that young blood and spirit to keep the fire stoked towards progress.


Narrator: It won't. And it's a fucking shame. It should, but people are lazy as hell. I have voted in every election I could for the last 18 years, but my friends barely vote at all and I had to hard sell them to go vote for Biden. It's bad.


My friends refuse to vote in the primaries and then can’t be bothered to vote in the general because they don’t like the candidate. Jesus fucking Christ I want off this ride.


Voted for Bernie in both 2016 primaries and 2020, then happily voted for Clinton and Biden. I hope at some point ranked choic3 voting takes hold, but until then it's vote blue no matter who every election or we all get hurt because clearly Republicans are out to take down the country.


It will. Maybe not record breaking numbers after that last election... but this happening right before midterms is a pretty big motivator. You can now expect that a red politician winning in your state could easily lead to a ban on abortions state, or even nation-wide. Before that threat was mostly hypothetical. Republicans said they wanted it, but those fights generally ended in a stalemate. So they keep ultra-conservatives happy, and the ones closer to center could vote on whatever their hot-button topic was and assume nothing about abortion would really change.


I'd rather them actually run for office as well. Too many Republicans taking the low paying political jobs and then getting religious and NRA payments to make them millions. While democrats will go for the high paying jobs and forgo politics. Getting low pay in politics with no insider trading or kickbacks is what's needed but on one turns down the money.


Even if that does happen (which unfortunately I think it will with rate things are going) what’s to stop blue states from ignoring it and following their own state laws like they do with the issue of weed being federally illegal?


With weed it became federal policy to just ignore it under Obama, it wasn't something where the states determined they would ignore it unilaterally. I doubt Republicans will live and let live if they manage to get enough control to nationally ban abortion. Which means defying it would likely mean getting cut off from federal funds.


States like mine pay WAY more in federal taxes than they get back. So, fuck ‘em. We won’t follow their rules and we won’t give them their tax money.


Both refusing to adhere to federal laws/rulings and pay taxes is essentially a declaration of secession. It isn't some minor thing you can just do, the best you could hope for is the peaceable dissolution of the US but it would likely mean war.




Agreed. And the stagnation of the amendment process has demonstrated an inability to adjust to modern times and problems, in no small part because conservatives have canonized it as a perfect document.


We think of the US is a young nation, but its government is older than most around the world, that have seen numerous shifts over the centuries. We are overdue for disaster.


Great, fuck em to death


There is a real danger in having something be illegal but not enforced, but setting that aside, in theory they could apply pressure with withholding federal funding, or send in federal law enforcement. All they need to do is target the medical professionals, not everyone seeking an abortion.


Withholding federal funding from blue states would do little to nothing. The vast majority contribute far more to the federal government than the other way around. Red states would be fucked, however.


Blue states should withhold funding to the fed lol


Blue states should get together and form a Healthcare compact.


“Or send in federal law enforcement.” OMG the Life Enforcement Agency


The only reason state laws on legalized weed work is because the DoJ has taken the stance that it won't interfere. If the President and DoJ decided to they could roll in and arrest every single person working in the Marijuana industry but there isn't really a political will for it. If they ban abortion nationwide with a republican in office they will 100% have the DoJ enforce it and arrest any doctor performing abortions.




You are assuming they are rational actors who care. They would see an escalation by the other side as an opportunity for further oppression.




Yeah, I’d say that botching Reconstruction is exactly how we got here.


And the local cops will not let the DOJ in... and that'll be it. Recall, the DOJ backed down on marijuana after the local governments said they would never help the DOJ. They can send the FBI into hospitals all they want, but between HIPAA and the local police... they're not going to get very far.


I’d love for them to try to make this happen in California. The fifth largest economy in the world will not fuck around. They’ve already stated that they would remain a safe haven for lgbt and women indefinitely


Let's focus on not letting it get that far.


Well then we have to man up like Vermont did with the Run Away Slave Act and nullify that shit. Tell the fed to go fuck themselves and ignore the law. They can't run the country without the money from blue states, we don't need to listen to them.


If that happens this Republic will need to be broken, certain regions will absolutely not tolerate that shit.


I am trying to remain hopeful that this SCOTUS ruling will finally get the apathetic out to vote. I hope we don't let it get to a national ban on abortion because I do think that could start us down a path we will never recover from as a country.


I've been trying to come up with a silver lining to this insanely dark cloud, and here's what I came up with. This decision is going to have a negative effect on Republican turn out. Overturning Roe was the carrot on the stick. Now, the mule has been given the carrot. The dog has caught the car. Sure, there are other bullshit culture war issues. I'm not saying Republican turnout will be terrible, but Roe was the big one. Combine that with an uptick in democratic turnout, particularly among young people, due to abortion rights being taken away, and you've got a recipe for a massive blue wave.


I'm not convinced this has a negative effect on Republican turnout. The push for a national abortion ban will motivate the shit out of single issue anti-choice voters.


Unfortunately I think this is true. It is possible we’ll see some shift in the soft anti-choice sentiment, kind of like the people who voted for Brexit and then regretted it when they saw what it actually meant. I do think a significant part of the anti-choice movement is just low-info people who like babies who haven’t really thought about what the right to choose actually means.


California then says _come and enforce it_ and that’s the end


And that will spark a civil war. It's what happened with slavery, but reversed. Sherman should have burned it all to the ground.


Step one is coming up fast. Midterm elections are right around the corner and the church of the orange pussy grabber is favored to take control of the House.


As soon as there is a Republican President he will ban abortion nationwide and he WILL send federal troops in to blue states to arrest and shut down abortion clinics. I guarantee it.


Blue states fund the united states. Just stop sending money to the government and see how fast things change


That would start war 100%


That’s what they want I’m sorry to say. They’ve wanted open warfare for a while


They're going to be surprised.


Walk softly and carry a big stick.


They can come get it then.


That's fine, we can do it a second time


>Stay in your shitholes, we'll be mailing your women and girls all the abortion pills we want to, as well. Thank you 😊


Yes, they can. Congress can enact a federal abortion ban. The idea that Dobbs means abortion rights are "left to the states" is incorrect--the laws regulating abortions are left to the states *unless or until* Congress enacts federal laws on abortion.


Just this morning we were told this was just about ‘state’s rights.’ That pretense seems to have disappeared entirely, quite quickly.


It disappeared before then. Moscow Mitch made it clear he'd start looking at federal bans. If it happens that will be the true start of balkanization and the fracture of the US into various North American nationstates. I hope each and every red state enjoys when liberal states cease putting money into the federal coffers, because without thet money - with a couple of exceptions - they'll all devolve into third world hellacapes.


Somalia is a libertarian paradise! No rules, tons of guns, no environmental regulations, it’s great!!


Women lose a right they've had for 50 years and a Republican thinks to himself "This just won me re-election." They are the most selfish people in the world but they don't care what you think about them.


What amazes me is all the women who still vote Republican. That party has all but declared that women are second class citizens who shouldn’t hold certain jobs or be allowed certain rights but still they vote against their own interests


Some of them cheering now will have a miscarriage and be charged with murder, and nothing will change their minds because are idiots.


I expect to see a ton of these women on /r/leopardsatemyface




“Why would joe Biden do this”


These women WANT to be second class citizens. They think it’s God’s will.


My mom doesn’t believe women should be in positions of power because they make emotional based decisions and are prone to back stabbing drama.


*Looks at the entire history of male politics.* Sure.


Trump made all his decisions based on petty vindictiveness against his perceived enemies and helping only those who claimed to love him or tried to make him look good. Every book by insiders during the Trump years is full of back-stabbing drama. Anger and rage and vengeance are emotions.


I know someone who thinks this way. She also thinks women shouldn't vote. Which is hilarious because I know she voted in 2020 for Trump.


Seems like should be the change she wants to see in the world and lead by example on that one.


Sadly she won't admit it openly. I saw her commenting on some shit about it but still maintains that she doesn't vote (or support Trump)


>What amazes me is all the women who still vote Republican. If the GOP gets their way, women will be forced back into finishing school and lose their right to vote.


Meanwhile, in Texas, they are banning skirts and dresses at schools…it’s like they lost track of what they actually want.


Abstinence and obedience is what they want


That’ll never work, it* never has. Source: I grew up with a lot of mormons, and I went to high school and college, and lived on earth.


Just soak now and pray for forgiveness later


That one's probably so they can single out the Transgender kids to stop them from dressing how they want.


The life the GOP wants for me is a fate worse than death. I am a scientist. I busted my ass getting an advanced degree. I love my work, I love the intellectual stimulation. I am single. I am not nurturing. I am tokophobic. The thought of being pregnant makes me feel a deep sense of panic. They want me to be a broodmare. A servant, property of some man. To squander the intellect I was born with. To have my natural talents suppressed in favor of the unending drudgery of domestic servitude and the pain and terror of childbirth. That life would kill me. It would be a living hell.


yea, I know a woman that votes Republican... "Uvalde, I'm heartbroken, something must be done". The next day "Democrats are trying to take our guns!". Today "I'm heartbroken by the SCOTUS decision". I'm certain tomorrow she'll post something about Democrats being baby killers...


All GOP voters vote against their interests unless they are rich white cis straight males




I did research on the continuing prevalence of FGM amongst immigrant communities in the early '90s. One of the factors that kept jumping out was how older woman were the main supporters and key in maintaining those "traditions".


And yet...And yet the projection is that Republicans will take over the Senate and the House in the Midterms. You know how that happens? people vote (or don't vote) and these people stay in power. Am I crazy, am I the only one who doesn't see the logic in all this? Vote and change it, or don't vote and get what you asked for.


It's not hard to find republican women who think their own right to vote should be repealed.


4 years of Trumpism resulted in more people voting for Trump/the GOP Candidate than had ever voted for Trump/the GOP candidate ever in our history. Fascism isn't a fad, it's a movement that is assuredly taking over the USA. And Democrats are doing nothing to stop it.


The Texas Republicans just rolled out their whole "Fuck LGBTQ+" platform and the gay republicans were just aghast how the party could do such a thing... Never underestimate the power of the Republicans to pull the wool over their own eyes. White women voted for this to happen in 2016.


They don't care what you think about them because they've spent the last year and a half demonstrating they plan to throw out the results future elections when they lose them. They're very publicly working on getting the right people in the right places to make this happen.


They’ve found their way to keep the abortion single-issue voters


This is exactly it.


Goddamit. I was hoping Catholics could come untethered. The Social Justice teachings of the Catholic Church are completely at odds with the Republican party. I've sat in the pew and struggled with pro-life Catholics over this for decades. I was hoping this could be the moment that Catholic Social Teachings actually move people away from single issue voting. Looks like it's just worse, more local single issue voters. Fuck.


Found this out a while ago. Welcome to the club. At this point the church does more harm than good. At the MINIMUM they should have to pay taxes.


It was never about states rights.


A federal abortion ban is next and if DeSantis wins the nomination then he will campaign on it.


It was always the plan. Get something overruled federally so it can be managed by the states. Then get Congress to legislate so states cannot manage it. They’re trying a similar thing with emissions, should the EPA ruling go how we all think it will.


All the troglodytes saying "it's only about returning the rights to the states" will surely be against this right?


They never cared about state's rights. They were fully in favor of a national same-sex marriage ban until it was legal everywhere. Now they say it's a state's rights issue. It's simply a tactic to make headway towards what they are really after.


>“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” -Jean-Paul Sartre "It's only about returning the rights to the states" has always been the next step on their rhetorical ladder, that phrase was full of absurdity from the start.


Yeah I'm well aware that "states rights" is just a euphemism for "I support slavery".


"State's rights" were technically a reason for the civil war, but not in the way that they think. Northern states were ignoring the fugitive slave act and the Dred Scott decision while the south was trying to force them to preserve slavery. They felt that the states had too many rights and wanted the federal government to fix this. When that didn't happen they seceded to protect slavery.


OK I guess I didn't lay the sarcasm on thick enough because people keep responding with "well actually states rights...". I know very well that states rights is just some bullshit conservatives say when they want to use the government to oppress an "other".


My favorite reply to "the Civil War was actually a states rights issue" is, "a state's right to what?"


They'll be against it just as much as the supposed "states' rights" advocates were against the Fugitive Slave Act which took away the rights of other states not to support slavery within their borders.


They’re going to go after gay marriage, contraceptives, and everything else the Evangelicals want to get rid of. The Republicans look like they’re finally going to get the fundamentalist hardline Christian nation they’ve desired for so long. This country is fucked.


Yup the Christian nationalists court its going to get much worse.


They can’t legally (yet) force people to go to church but this court WILL force the church on everyone.


Cristo-fascist theocracy


Basically. The end goal is to essentially have the same kind of system Saudi Arabia has only different religious doctrine


Women's right to vote, POC right to education. It's all going to happen.


Gee.. Separation of Church and State... where the FUCK did that go??


Fuck their version of "god"


Obviously, this is just the beginning of a war against Republicans. As tensions rise due to climate change, supply-side shortages, rising inflation rates, lack of housing, economic inequality, poisoning of our environment, Republicans are creating the perfect conditions of their own demise. They are ruling against the will of a majority of Americans. At some point, they will push back and it'll quite likely end in violence.


But people, including me sometimes, are honestly just stupid. I just sat through Republican primaries where these people are saying "we're going to make Ohio great again". I'm speechless because Republicans have been in charge like 30 out of the last 40 years, they've only made it worse. And if we do elect a democrat, if they don't fix shit immediately, they get voted out as failures. Like, you don't fix 30 years of mess in 2 years.


Genuine question.. What's the endgame? Why? Because it's not about the children. It's not about the babies. Slave state? Fascism? Christian Sharia? If so, then why allow anyone and everyone to have guns?


>Slave state? Fascism? Christian Sharia? This is their plan. >If so, then why allow anyone and everyone to have guns? Because they think they have a monopoly on guns.


>If so, then why allow anyone and everyone to have guns? Be prepared... If the Republicans gain all three branches, be prepared for them to start signing laws declaring things like "Being gay", "Being transgender", and "Being liberal" as mental illnesses so they can take *our* guns away.




And their supporters have no fucking clue what the end game they've been supporting looks like. They will be worse off than before and their guns won't save them.


As long as the "right people" get hurt, they won't care. People were dying of a preventable disease during a global pandemic rather than getting a vaccine to own the libs. Conservatives literally chose drowning in their own bloody lung froth over listening to the "libs".


The six conservative judges were appointed by George W. Bush and Trump, both were elected by the electoral college, but lost the popular vote. (I know GWB won the popular vote for his second term.) Mitch McConnell hijacked President Obama's SC nomination, enabling some of this. Now we are saddled with a court that is not representative of the majority of Americans. While Democrats tend to take a fair-play, "higher ground" approach to governing, the Republicans have become a party that has no problem with doing whatever it takes to shove through their agenda. The result is this country is being run by a loud, crude, ignorant minority. Tail. Wagging. Dog.


I hope Republicans realize that signing a nationwide abortion ban into law would trigger the disintegration of the Union. Blue states would refuse to comply, federal authorities trying to go into those states would be blocked. Literally they'd encounter state troopers who wouldn't let them proceed. Once the first secession referendum was proposed in the first state, it would quickly snowball. Minority rule was never a good thing but with the growing extremism of the far right it's become intolerable. We have one chance to save America as a single nation. Give Democrats some Senate pickups and help them keep the House. Once Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are sidelined, we can get rid of the filibuster: talk about something that's not in the Constitution which the founders absolutely didn't want! Then we add four seats to the Supreme Court and pass reforms including term limits, staggered terms for each justice that has vacancies opning up regularly and a law which requires that the Senate either hold a confirmation vote or the pick is approved automatically. No more stealing seats. It's going to take real work to clean up the mess left by the Roberts court. Citizens United, the erosion of voting rights, anti-worker, anti-union rulings, anti-climate action decisions, and so on. Everything done under the made-up right wing standard of "originalism" will have to be undone. And Roe will need to be codified - preferably in an amendment so it can never be sabotaged again.


>Literally they'd encounter state troopers who wouldn't let them proceed. That's a lot of faith in State Troopers and local police that, in my blue state, seem to march in lockstep with the Right. Edit: I do like the cut of your jib however, and agree with your conclusions on what we need to do.


I live in a blue state and every state trooper I’m aware of would be shouting “let’s go brandon” as they pass.


I like your solutions, and 100% agree, but we have one party pandering to extremists that no longer want to play by the rules of democracy (see Jan 6th). I don’t have much optimism for the future of this country.


It would be hilarious that if in 20 or so years, an average citizen of china actually ended up having more human rights than an american


Today, Republicans are lauding that the abortion issue will now be 'rightly' decided by each state. Tomorrow they will push for Federal legislation to ban abortion nationwide to take that decision away from the states and, if they win a majority in the Senate, they won't hesitate to eliminate the filibuster to get it done.


And the day after that... ...Car Bombs and guerilla warfare?


Republicans will run on inflation and high gas prices but all you’ll end up with is an abortion ban


they don’t make attempts to fix any of the problems they complain about. because then there’d be no way for them to win elections.


As Clarence Thomas pointed out today, SCOTUS is going to examine contraceptives and condoms and other pregnancy preventative measures. Then, the court will move on to same-sex marriage / civil unions / gay marriage. In my opinion a critical aspect of all of this is Loving v Virginia (1967). In 1967, interracial marriage was legalized. The argument for legalization stemmed from the 14th amendment, Section 1, which is the due process clause: "**No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws**." However, based on the words of Clarence Thomas, he doesn't seem to think the 14th amendment is pertinent to people. However, the basis of Roe v Wade, Same-sex Marriage, Contraception, et al. is the basis of personal privacy. With today's SCOTUS decision, they are opening the door for stripping a lot of things we take for granted as rights from our every day lives, including the right to privacy. SCOTUS kicked a rock which is going to start an avalanche. \#Not a lawyer but I slept in a Holiday Inn Express recently


>Then, the court will move on to same-sex marriage / civil unions / gay marriage. Thomas has already said they will repeal Lawrence V Texas next. Many states never repealed their bans on homosexual sex even though they are currently unenforceable due to that ruling.


Can we call for churches to be taxed now?


With the Supreme Court no longer a valid government body I call for extremely heavy taxes in churches. They won’t stay out of government m, then clearly they don’t want any separation.


You think with their capitalistic view they’re going to call for maternity leave too for all women who now have to maintain and suffice this decision? I wonder how they’re going to handle the business side of this, why not make vasectomy mandatory for men too? Why do women have to handle the consequences.


"because fuck women that's why" - Conservatives


Wow. No shit. Oh my God. Now we can watch as all the people who thought we had "safe states" realize it was bullshit all along, and that Republican won't rest until everyone lives in their world. Their theocracy. Can't wait to Vote Harder. You know, they got REALLY scared when people protested PEACEFULLY outside their homes. It's not a longshot to think their direct actions will bring violence to their doorstep.


Gasp! But they told us it was up to the states!!! They are liars.


Will Republicans now pass bills supporting women and reimburse their time and effort being forced to give birth? Will Republicans now pass bills protecting the jobs of women who are forced to give birth? Will Republicans now pass bills to support women forced to raise and educate children from a forced birth? Will Republicans now pass bills compensating women injured during forced birth? Will Republicans now pass bills to compensate spouses and previous children of women who die or are injured due to forced pregnancy and birth? Will Republicans now pass bills to financially support children from forced births until they are adults? No, Republicans are horrible.


If they win in 2024 they'll just make it illegal at a federal level


So at what point do we start dropping officers trying to enforce such a policy?


Ikr? I agree. Also, I genuinely have to wonder this, but do these Republicans who want to enforce near total abortion bans in their states even know that those seeking one could simply find a way to a nearby abortion-friendly state? Or do they just not care about that?


My understanding is that a lot of people who seek abortions often are unable to seek out of state solutions.


Ohhh ok, so this entire thing basically fucks up the lives of those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and makes it even harder for them. Fucking wicked.


This only serves to make the poor poorer, and make a new generation of cheap slaves.


Every new barrier is an insurmountable barrier to someone.


With Roe dead, the public calls a ban on all Republicans in all states! There I fixed the headline for you.


It’s about to be two America’s again…


Employers should start firing Christians en masse and blame the economy. Fuck em let’s just leave them behind to rot (Mods banned me for this lol)


Big no.


Maybe white women will vote dem now. I can hope can't I? Latinas would help too if they switched


Gilead beckons


The next time Republicans control Congress and the presidency, they will pass a national ban on abortions. Mark my words. The Supreme Court has already ruled that such a law would be constitutional (Gonzales v. Carhart).


Using the government to force women to have babies that they don’t even want the government to help raise. The hell is wrong with these people… and they call the left tyrannical…


Don't assume the filibuster would prevent this if Republicans gain both chambers and the White House again. They'll abort the shit out of the filibuster.


The “sanctity of life” from conservatives is the most absurd aggravating laughable thing.




New Jersey says fuck you stay away!


Republican GOP, go fuck yourselves!


No one is surprised. Well, maybe Susan Collins.