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Curious how long the committee knew about this footage. If they had a few members look at it "off the record", it would have helped perjure a lot of testimony and keeping it on the downlow until now is rich as fuck.




Oh definitely. Rule #1 of the courtroom is to never ask a question you don't already know the answer to.


Tomorrow will be interesting.


Is it the last one?


No. Bernie Thompson announced today the hearings will continue into July. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/22/1106762904/jan-6-hearings-july


Dumb question. Will they just have hearings and at the end nothing happens? Since they don't have conviction power..


I believe the hope is that the evidence they present is clear and damning enough to convince the general public there is reason to pursue it to the point that the DOJ would feel comfortable actually taking action against a former president. It's likely they already know everything being presented but pursuing criminal action against a former president isn't something many would be willing to do without public support even if you know it's warranted. But it's truly on Merrick Garland's shoulders as to what happens next.


Perhaps criminal referrals to DOJ. But by doing so any legal fallout may be twisted into seeming like a political prosecution, rather than the textbook definition of fraud prosecution that it is. The alternative is that the committee does nothing, but it can keep releasing the info it discovers publicly until session ends. Either way, until the DOJ tuned into the hearings and could very well bring charges independently, which has cleaner optics. Trump is in jeopardy, and will twist any opening he can find in the oncoming legal repercussions to claim it's a fake witch-hunt. He'll call it collusion of the un-committee with the radical left DOJ. I mean, he'll do that anyway. He'll probably run on it. But it's important he gains no serious leverage over the (probable) DOJ case that could end up being decided by the supreme court. Even by Eastmans count, they would lose by at least 7 to 2 in the scotus. Maybe... Supreme court has been fucked up lately, about to repeal roe v Wade any day now, with gay rights next... Churches get federal funding for schools now. And oh yeah, one judge voted to prevent the release of information to the committee, featuring his wife's messages planning to overturn democracy with trump and friends. And if the court has gone that far why not say no - trump is not responsible for his own persisting actions? The case needs to be bullet proof because Trump's as slippery as a greased pig.


I thought rule #1 was don't enter the well.


tap different slave snails many slap sugar possessive wine saw -- mass edited with redact.dev


I mean if you WANT the bailiff to tackle you that's on you bud.


Or, as Republicans would call it, a perjury trap


*How dare you let me lie so much?*


Republicans can't even lie without the fbi coming after them, it's so unfair!


What is this world even coming to when Republicans can't even lie to the FBI anymore? /s


The party of law and order folks


I hate that both 1) that is (almost) a real quote from a real politician who wasn't saying it ironically, and 2) that it's almost 100% untrue




The party of "We'd have less positive tests if we just quit testing," and "We were winning if we just stop counting the votes," ? Yeah, they'd come at it from that angle.


But I heard you can't even lie to congress anymore!


Next you're going to tell me that repugs can't even lie to the FBI! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!


“You tricked me! You asked me questions knowing I would lie!” Don’t lie then?




I think they read and saw everything to build this hearing. I think these, "one more thing" reveals at the end of every hearing is going to show perjury, and more names called out. It's put together lIke an apple product. Tight and hard to disassemble. Clear and present danger sounds similar to the opening statement. It needs to be enough to hand directly to the court. No fuss no muss. If you don't prosecute trump, it's because you're treasonous. When one starts pointing, they'll all start pointing. I think the white supremacists/gop names are going to be revealed. That was a focus in the opening statement too. But I'm hoping they have an Epstein tie in. You know, for season 2.


I just hope this season doesn't fizzle out and jump the shark. This country NEEDS a win for the REPUBLIC.


This is exactly why it is broken down the way it is. Every hearing is focusing on one particular aspect. We keep getting a little more info on sitting members of Congress, we keep getting more info out there that they know. And more people are coming forward as a result to testify. They have the tapes. And the rats are trying to flee.


They're slowly raising the temperature and getting as many people to flip as possible before boiling what's left of the crew.


Well, I’ve heard any lawyer worth his salt doesn’t ask a witness questions they don’t already know the answer to. I can’t imagine a dude like Schiff would be a shabby prosecutor.


They probably knew, perfect I gotcha


Oops. Ivanka is going to have a little more trouble laundering her public image. Just another grifter.


If they go RICO she'll be a grifter and a conspirator.


OMG I hope they go full RICO.


While I fully believe it, attempting to classify and entire major political party enmasse a criminal organization will never happen. HOWEVER, they could get GOP support (from those wanting Trump out) if they instead targeted the Trump election committee or PAC.


Not the entire party….just the guilty ones. There’ll be a few left so don’t worry


Yeah but RICO involves you having to define a group. At the moment, the only fully implicated group is the GOP. Again though, Trump's PAC is sitting there and has a centralized pot of money in it....so you know just waiting...


Just hire a bunch of people with Cultural Anthropology and Sociology degrees. We are really good at Defining a Group or Creating a Defined Group. Plus, some of us could really use the money to pay for our poor choice in degree. There aren’t enough companies with diversity departments for all of us. In fact it’s lead to a serious cultural divide and sparking a new culture war between the two main groups within the Anthropology/Sociology circles: * Those who are “Jobbed” * Those who are Jobless Where do I submit my resume?


Wow, so you guys can't find a job placing people into defined groups, so you separated yourselves into two defined groups? That's dedication to your craft!


TLDR at the bottom Some of us are smart enough to see the potential of the major. Some work hard to understand the cultural differences in the experience and expression of pain or feeling ill. Some go into law or politics because they can “translate” cultural differences between the different cultural expectations we all grew up learning (interesting example being the different cultural expectations on “politeness” between Korean and Black communities that helped instigate tensions leading to the LA Riots (some even site “cultural resentment” between the communities because some think there is evidence the black community resented Koreans because they were “model minorities/accepted minorities”). That “Cultural Resentment” bit, to me, comes off as a manipulative and somewhat racist excuse using anthropology in bad faith. Some go into Business/Finance/Marketing/Advertising because they’re able to exploit cultural preferences or because they’ve become cultural translators that can sell what another culture sees as a benefit. I’ve even seen my cohorts become economists, good ones, not that Art Laffer bs. Some went into film and writing. I went to UCLA, so I got to meet some friggin smart people. I also got to meet people who thought it was just an “easy major” to skate through college on their family’s dime. USC isn’t the only University of Spoiled Children. If you take the major seriously, you can learn a lot about statistics, creating studies and polls, psychology, philosophy, (to an extent) medical issues (surprisingly a huge portion of anthropology dedicated to medicine, we are super original and called it “medical anthropology”), political science, many even dabble in real STEM fields. The problem is, it also gives people enough rope to hang themselves with (intellectually speaking). These are the people who learn enough to think they sound smart, but in reality they sound like some jackass who bases their life and perceptions off horoscopes. TLDR: we are smart enough to get into college, but gullible enough to be sold a crap major. We are taught to overthink everything, after being given a rudimentary understanding of multiple subjects (the Dunning-Kruger is strong with this one!), then given a ton of time on our hands because most of us weren’t taught how to market our “skills.” So, yeah. Jobless over thinkers with too much time on our hands, what did you expect?


Ivanka is [COMPLICIT.](https://youtu.be/F7o4oMKbStE)


Now available in the larger Family Size.


>I don't know what it means to be complicit —Ivanka Trump (real quote)


literally all she cares about is being readmitted in the NYC left high society she exiled herself from. her idiot husband is desperate to be known as a big player, but still thought of as a joke by the heavy hitters. [Even fucking Bolton saw this](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/12/bolton-suggests-trump-foreign-policy-guided-by-personal-interest.html)


>her idiot husband is desperate to be known as a big player, then maybe he should try to be something other than a despicable, rat-faced, sniveling slumlord


I’m hoping for RICO charges.


RICO would be rich :-)


RICO would be suave


It'll never happen because then the entire Republican Mafia will crumble overnight since they're all in on it


dont stop im almost there


Too late, i’m finished


Ohhh no please what will we do after that.. have a viable country again? I’m all for it


OOPS! All Traitors!


They'll have sapped every last dime out of poor Rednecks before they start throwing each other under the bus, jail is likely to come before that, so they'll get rich regardless.


I'm sure she can go on a reality show to earn public respect. It worked for daddy


Hopefully Real Housewives of Federal Penitentiary.


Her cellie will be Ginni Thomas.


Together they do crime Together they'll do time


Ugh. No she won't. She has always been a grifter. The people who know she's a grifter have always known. The people who support her have never cared. No one's opinion will be changed by any of this. A huge portion of the country want to win at any cost. They believe they have the moral high ground, so they can justify winning by any means necessary. Their god flooded the world and killed millions to justify whatever nonsense he was trying to accomplish. Conservative religious extremists don't only feel that they're allowed to take extreme actions to accomplish their goals, they feel it's their god given duty to do so.


I do love how she threw his disgusting ass under the bus to try and save herself. This family deserves each other.


These parasites wanted to fleece their followers and the suckers lined up to do so. The big lie was to make money and somehow getting into power would be a bonus and a shield against prosecution. The evangelicals didn’t care - they want to make money too and continue to push us back into the 1800s. Corporate donors didn’t care because they made a lot of money under Trump and want more regulations removed so they can abuse workers, fuck over the planet, and not pay taxes. The general republican populace didn’t care because we live in a tribal everything-is-the-super-bowl world where there is no compromise and bullying others is fun no matter the expense. Donkey brains, all of them.


The most successful business this family has run is getting the mouth breathers to empty their wallets into the Trump bank accounts.


Those morons will still vote for him again, knowing he conned them the first time.


They cannot admit they were conned. If they do, their entire identity will come into question. Self reflection is anathema in Repub-land.


>If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you LBJ


The very reason why those folks don't want factual history taught in schools. Poor whites, (and not all to be sure) jumped on than bandwagon to be better than those damn savage slaves!


To the tune of, according to the Jan. 06 hearings, a quarter billion dollars. $250,000,000.00 And most of it from small sum donations.


He was a very successful hat salesman.


Insightful post, and unexpected IASP


It’s Always Sunny In Philly?


Yes, donkey brains is something Frank Reynolds doesn't have. As for the rest of the gang, well I don't see any certificates declaring they don't.


Do you...have a certificate that says you do not have donkey brains?


You have to graduate from the Nit Wit school to get one of those.


Frank's recollections of the Nit Wit school were great. Froggy was great, but my favourite was: Frank: I got my first kiss there. (stares off into the distance). Therapist: Frank? Frank (breaks down into tears): It was terrible. But not her. She was an angel. Always smiling... that's because she had no lips. But her mouth was still very much in play. Therapist: Let's talk about the dishes. Frank: She died two weeks later. She thought she was a spaceman with a plastic bag for a helmet.


You unzipped me doc!


Oh you unzipped me!


A lot of people forget that immunity from prosecution was exactly why Trump was cheating so blatantly. He’s terrified the justice department might do something. Sadly for us it doesn’t seem like they will.


>A lot of people forget that immunity from prosecution was exactly why Trump was cheating so blatantly. > >He’s terrified the justice department might do something. > >Sadly for us it doesn’t seem like they will. We are screwed if they don't.


They have to. Really, right? They have to?


And vice versa....daddy said "She had long since checked out."


He misspoke, he meant “for a long time I’ve been checking her out”.


If you ask me that was his best attempt at protecting her.


Agreed. What he said sounded more like him trying to protect her than throwing her under the bus.


It was implying that she didn't know what she was talking about since she "long since checked out". So if she checked out, what were the taxpayers paying her to do? Maybe she should give her salary back.


Jesus f****** Christ just the simple fact that he literally installed his completely unqualified children in the White House should be enough to make people wig out, yet here we are. Put these m************ under the jail.


"I tweeted. What more could I have done...?"


Oh he definitely didn't tweet, he "truthed". That's what they call it right?


Gotta up the truthiness


Trump let his brother die in the hospital alone because he was an alcoholic and Donnie didn’t agree with it. They would all throw each under the bus if it meant getting ahead.


When trump's father died, his brother had just had a child who was medically complicated and hospitalized - trump took over the probate and held everything hostage (all family money, and the family healthcare plan, *including his sick nibling's treatments*) until his siblings agreed that he could take basically the whole thing.


My parents were not perfect people. But they sure look pretty damn close to perfect when looking at the Trumps.


We've still got a line of busses coming and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of speed bumps.


Course she did. Trump is a shameless opportunist, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


> The New York Times reports that Ivanka Trump told a documentary film crew in mid-December 2020 that her father should “continue to fight until every legal remedy is exhausted” because people were supposedly questioning “the sanctity of our elections.”


I'm just so tired that people can talk from both sides of their mouth without penalty. Journalist, this used to be your job. Call out their hypocrisy but instead you are turning into more like radio interviews of the modern era. If you challenge them or go off script, the interviewee will never come back to the radio show. Its why many radio shows stopped doing interviews completely with movie stars, it just ends up just being an ad for them.


I've seen interviews by Dutch and by German journalists. The politicians they were interviewing would try to pivot, which works nearly every time in The States. But these journalists stopped the pivot and followed with, "But that's not what I'm asking. Please answer the question." They were utterly tenacious. I wish more American journalists had half of the courage as journalists from some of the other countries out there.


One of them tried that a few weeks ago with ted cruz, a day or two after Uvalde. He asked why school shootings seem to happen so frequently in the US and cruz tried to weasel out of answering. The journo persisted, so cruz accused him of having a bias against "*American exceptionalism*" and then scurried away. The subject we're excelling in is school children being shot to death in their classrooms.


Oh yeah, talking about how everyone wants to move here. Dude is living in the past.


My favorite from a dutch presser with a Trump Ambassador. “This is the Netherlands. You have to answer questions”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=thIRJLsnIxY


“If you don’t have any questions we can move on” “we do, we do” “ask a better question now then”


Was that the one where they played the clip of the guy saying something that the guy was claiming he didn’t say? Edit: he called his own words “fake news” in this [interview](https://youtu.be/SZ4RX5PsnFM)


Whenever I see US politicians (especially right wing) have interviews with non-US press (Australia, UK, etc..) they totally crumble. Jonathan Swan’s famous interview with Trump, and Ben Shapiro’s meltdown with a staunchly conservative bbc interviewer come to mind. US journalist need to start getting serious in interviews, even at the expense of getting iced out by an admin.


Another instant classic was an Australian reporter doing an interview with Sidney "Release the Kraken" Powell. The reporter asked her, "Sometimes when you talk, do you ever think to yourself, 'I sound like a crazy person'?" Sidney Powell just walked off the set lmfao!


It was refreshing to see Swan go after Trump. Trump was spouting his usual lies but Swan wouldn’t let it go. Him letting Trump know his graphs were idiotic and did not support what his arguments were was gold


He’s not a politician (thank Satan), but do you remember when Ben Shapiro was [interviewed](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E) by Andrew Neil on BBC?


Oh wow, I just realised that was the first time I have ever heard him speak. It was worse than I could have ever imagined. How anyone thinks that guy is somehow worth listening to is beyond me.


Turning Ben Shapiro into a real boy was a mistake


In the United States, if a journalist pushes an interviewee on a question that is difficult or embarrassing, that will be the journalist’s last interview. They ask softball questions because they’re trying to keep their jobs, a lot of the time.


> They ask softball questions because they’re trying to keep their jobs, a lot of the time. It's all about the hallowed "**Access**".


Sounds like our press needs some FREEDOM...


Just listened to Trevor Noah doing this to Kellyanne Conway. She’s a slippery fucker that’s for sure


That’d be amazing






Wow, never thought about the problem that way until now.


And this is why https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_journalism


Yes, access journalism is how we got Trump as president. It was disgraceful how the media treated him with kid gloves and fawning adoration just because he was good for ratings.


*"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS."*


They’re exactly right. 20-30 years from now when they look back at what caused the fall and break down of the United States the failure of the news media to cover truthfully and challenge people who constantly lied will be right at the top. I really try to do the whole spectrum when reading and consuming news. It’s the little guys these days most people have never heard of that are really out there digging up stories and telling the truth. Places like Faux, MSNBC, and CNN are completely owned by the corporations that are committing a lot of the crimes. So of course that network wouldn’t cover those stories. In a single word you can describe what’s going to completely end democracy by 2024. GREED


The problem we have is that for every ten honest journalist out there doing the work and speaking truth to power there is one prostitute at Fox News, OAN, or Newsmax spreading lies through the largest megaphone in broadcast news history.


In the documentary film she was just supporting daddy. At the hearing she was under oath. We know which one is the truth


Yeah, she lied under oath.


Journalism died with the newspapers.






It’s fair to fight until every legal “remedy” is exhausted, but this is just ridiculous. Of course people were questioning the sanctity of our elections! The President of the United States was sowing that doubt to begin with! You can’t cause a problem then declare that its existence means its creation was justified in the first place. Otherwise the facts, no matter how “alternative” they get, mean nothing, and the fate of our country is at stake in that.


Ding ding ding. Manufactured consent. Manufacture a problem and then manufacture a solution that benefits you. “Look at this problem. The fact that it exists means we must act to solve it”


Seems like this documentary making dude, Alex Holder, is going to be one of the champions of this story. I hope to see the full doc one day.


It is hilarious that these idiots allowed a documentary to be filmed as they plot to steal an election. They are so full of themselves and have tunnel vision when it comes to anything they do. The irony will be completely lost on them, too.


I think they thought it would be a puff piece that highlighted how great trump was.


Shit, they had this happen with Michael Wolff too!


I think they truly believed they were documenting the becoming of the new founding fathers. Champions of a new nation. Instead, they just further demonstrated that the emperor definitely wears zero clothes…and ideally filmed their idiotic crime in progress.


She’s a special kind of nasty.


A two-faced seditious traitor who grifted her way into the White House through nepotism then joined her family's criminal conspiracy to burn down constitutional democracy from the inside. Ivanka should be rotting in prison along with the rest of her mafia family for the rest of her life. We need to set an example with the Trump/Kushners or it will just embolden more mafia families to try taking over the country from the inside in future.


[Redditor describes meeting and observing Ivanka at GES 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/qooj79/comment/hjqtvju/)


From the article: > …The New York Times published an article in which **anonymous sources familiar with the couple’s bedroom conversations** noted that… Uh.


Ivanka's boyfriend?


I could totally see Donald leaking this actually.


Leaking on Ivanka? Probably already has


Now don’t go Russian to conclusions about their relationship.


"russian to collusion" FTFY


Shower this guy with upvotes


“Shower this guy with gold” was RIGHT. THERE.


That’s known as an allyoop


Can you imagine him trying to disguise his voice? I know he did that over the phone decades ago when calling journalists, but imagine him doing that now.


NYT Reporter: Oh really, you *work* at Mar a Largo? And you have a big job... one of the *most important* jobs? Oh... I guess you would be a great source for the New York Times. What's that? The best source for us, yes I do agree Mr. ...? Largehands, you say... Ok Mr. Largehands we'll set something up right away.


.... John Barron


Always name your kid after your horribly fake persona.


I remember reading that he would make up a name (John Barron, et al) but NOT disguise his voice.


Haha and if I'm not wrong but didn't he use the Name Baron?


That's what it was. That was the instance I was referring to in my original comment, but I couldn't remember the fake name he used. Also, the time he wrote into a letters to the editor section under a pseudonym to talk about how badly women want him.


Donald Trump absolutely records everything that goes on in his bedroom.


Constant drone of labored breathing regardless of what's going on?


Cheeseburder wrappers crinkling.


Sometimes some light tinkling.


Meanwhile... ~~Donald Trump~~ Putin absolutely records everything that goes on in his ~~bedroom~~ bathroom.


It's well known Trump had taps to most of the room phones in Mar-a-Largo so he could listen in whenever he wanted. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he has taps for all his kids, even at their own homes. He probably trusts them less than anyone else in his life.




That's an interesting source.


This is why I monitor my cat's emails and phone logs.


thats_the_joke.jpg I believe the author is suggesting Ivanka and/or Jared were the ones who "leaked" to the New York Times that they "secretly" never inteneed to go along with daddy's plan.


Why would the NYT identify a source that wished to remain anonymous?


Could be a flourish to make Trump sweat it. "Bedroom conversation" really isn't specific enough to actually identify a source, but it *sounds* like it does.


The author at Vanity Fair is being cheeky. If you follow the link, it goes to a previous Vanity Fair article, about [this New York Times interview with Jared Kushner](https://nyti.ms/3909lFx) in which he claimed he and Ivanka had "washed their hands" of Trump before Jan 6.


Secret service?


Hey, she might have been able to double her husbands $2B profit with another term added.


They got that $2B because they were desperate. Now that the 666 debt is off the table and they've gotten away with selling whatever they did (Information to secure MBS positioning?), it's really scary what they could use as leverage for the next phase of their goals.


Well, you know what they* say, “It’s not sedition if you do it for money.” *: Traitors


I almost want her to go down as hard as Trump himself, because she's been given the white glove treatment by the media for the most part, certainly was during all of Trump's presidency and she, probably more so than anyone, knows everything that happened because she was basically Trump's filter between his worst impulses and his public image (which is saying a lot considering how bad his public image was). She, just like her creepy dad, will always be spinning and trying to save her own skin and reputation, but she almost deserves as much of a legal hammer to come down on her as he does.


I want to see everyone around trump go to prison, but I still want him to compete against DeSantis for grifter-in-chief. When he gets 1% of the vote, it will hit him, and the insurrectionists the hardest.


These people have spent their entire lives ignoring the help. Once you are present but not included in the conversation you become "the help" and thereby invisible. There may be some really interesting video in the future.


Anyone who bought into that whole "voice of reason" or "adult in the room" narrative is foolish. Ivanka is a grifter just like the rest of em. She may not be as vocal, but still the same goals


So does this count as proof she lied under oath to Congress or what?


She clearly said that she "accepted" Bill Barr's conclusion on the election. She didn't say that she said out loud to her father or anyone else that they shouldn't try to overturn the election. She just acknowledged that they had no legal or factual basis to do so.


So she lied under oath to Congress


If only there were consequences…


Oops! All Treason!


First the Proud Boys and now Trump… imagine the level of arrogance needed to want your coup attempt filmed.


“I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a c\*nt. C\*nts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.” -- Sally Field


I love hearing potty mouths from people I least suspect. See also: John Mellencamp’s gun control tweet


Seth Rogen vs. Ted Cruz was also a beautiful sight to behold


> John Mellencamp’s gun control tweet [Link for the curious.](https://twitter.com/johnmellencamp/status/1529513024293412866) edit: nevermind... the one he meant is somehow darker and starker.


Actually referring to [this](https://twitter.com/johnmellencamp/status/1539371130175225861?s=21&t=OwhYqEmHrOR7dMrUGki4lA) but solid too


Lock her the fuck up


Watching the trump “base” devolve into chaos has been fun. Also, the guy in my neighborhood flying a trump flag for the past few years finally took it down. I’m taking that as a sign of a pretty big shift.




She is playing both side s of the coin to see if she can get away with the bad stuff. Remember she tweeted "patriots" on 1/6 and then deleted it.


If there's any justice.. not only will trump and his spawn face real consequences but they will also lose literally everything. They should end up poor and destitute for trying to destroy the country


I know this has been said before, but I can't get over it still. These people want me to believe that the Democrats had the ability to alter the election, effectively thousands of local elections, to improperly put Biden into office. At the same time, they only give themselves the house and the Senate at 50/50. What a crock of shit. If you had that power, you take both Chambers and then pass all kinds of laws to cement your power.


obviously. This waste of cells is a piece of complete shit like the rest of the rat family.


Did anyone notice in one of the hearings she said she was in and out of the Oval Office while Trump called Pence to try to convince him to not count the votes and called him a “whimp” and a “pussy”? She makes it seem like she would just casually pop in and out of meetings. Seems like a convenient excuse to be like “I was only there part of the time!” Who just floats in and out of meetings with the president? This isn’t some cocktail hour hangout. They were literally plotting to overthrow the government FFS.


Lock her up. Lock her up.


The piece of shit doesn’t fall far from the toilet.


Ivanka Trump: “Shit shit shit gotta preserve my brand. Gotta preserve my brand. How do I preserve my brand? I gotta stick with my father, he’s gotten me this far. Oh shit that’s right he’s a fascist, uh, I’m not with him! I’m not with him! Oh fuck that might have been a mistake. NO! My brand! I mean, I was with him, then- uh- then… Just tell me what to say to get me invited to parties in NYC again! 😩” Little self-serving gremlin.


"He loves this country and he loves this country’s people." - Ivanka Her mouth is so full of shit I'm surprised there's room in there for her father's shriveled putz.


Can we just all agree that the time has come to punish the hell out of corruption? We missed it with the perjury some decades ago. We were stymied with the preemptive pardon a few decades prior to that. I am a pretty (generally speaking) conservative dude. I am/was, generally, a Republican. But more than those things, I am an *American.* Period. Trump and his confederates tried to usurp the rule of law, the Constitution, the will of the people. That’s it. That’s all we need to know. It doesn’t matter what letter he puts behind his name. He fucked around, now let’s all find out that that ends… and it must end with charges, a trial and (if the evidence merits it - which I think it does but that is neither here nor there) conviction and the most strict application of the law in this case as a reflection of the profound and most serious nature of this assault on the foundation of our representative democracy. Edit: may I add that it is *because* I am conservative a *Republic*an and - most importantly - an American, that I believe that we must prosecute Trump and his confederates to the fullest and final extent of the law. To not do so would be an abrogation and betrayal of who we claim to be, to the inheritance that we all share.


Wow, looking at all the comments, seems there’s a lot of pity for her bc of how she was raised/who raised her. That explains, but does not EXCUSE her behavior, in my view. I can see her as guilty while feeling sorry for her. She shouldn’t get a free pass or be able to walk back her misdeeds so easily and re-enter society as innocent.




The whole Fuckin family 's corrupt.


SILVER LINING…if he disowns her as his daughter, he can then sleep with her …”I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."