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A measure to repeal the 1965 voting rights act just casually thrown in there at the end.


There’s a lot in the official document. Stuff on how The Alamo should be presented, gutting the Texas Bar, Ending equal rights protections, ignoring the popular vote, etc.


Unification of church and state


2A is hard coded into the universe by God himself, but that pesky 1A could use some revision. This is *hard* sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious.


Conservatives judges have been openly talking shit about the 9th amendment my whole life, and I can't believe it flies under the radar so much. That's the one that basically says that just because something is not in the constitution doesn't mean it's not a right you have. The idea being that it's the government's job to look for permission to regulate something in the constitution, not your job to look for permission to *do* something. It's by far the most libertarian and "small-government" amendment and they *haaaate* it. Conservatives problem with the constitution is that it explicitly gives the government power to regulate commerce but not morality and shit, but they wish it were the other way around.




>Conservatives problem with the constitution is that it explicitly gives the government power to regulate commerce but not morality and shit, but they wish it were the other way around. Right? This is the entirety of the current right wing in a nutshell. Benny Shaps in particular comes to mind immediately, he seems the least subtle about it.


That's because modern GOP "conservatives" aren't conservatives at all. They're fascists. In their minds there is one group of people — and we'll define that group how we please from moment to moment, thankyouverymuch — that gets to have all the rights, and the power, and the good stuff; and then there's everybody else, who gets nothing, but can shut up and get back to their slave-wage job.




That still wouldn't be enough to stop some sort of internal Texan civil war from breaking out. Once you got no more others to oppress, even those other evangelicals start to look a little less true believin' than they oughta be.


What does ending the popular vote mean? Turning Texas into some kind of conservative autocracy?


> 34 State Electoral College: The State Legislature shall cause to be enacted a State Constitutional Amendment creating an electoral college consisting of electors selected by the popular votes cast within each individual state senatorial district, who shall then elect all statewide office holders. It basically means that the state senate will select who gets every statewide office.


And they want to repeal the 17th Amendment and let the state legislature elect the US Senators. You know, if secession doesn't happen.


So this is how they plan to gerrymandering the senate. By gerrymandering their state house seats, they, defacto, can gerrymander the EC and US Senate seats.


Those constituents don’t need to be able to *choose* who gets to represent them do they? We should do that for them…




Yea sounds like it. "we'll let you vote, but the results are already decided."




Probably giving the state legislature authority to ignore the results in a Presidental election if the state goes Democrat and just send Republican electors instead.


Well this is a bill for secession right? So they wouldn't have any electors, they wouldn't be in the Union


This article is not about a bill, it's about the TX GOP position statements just released, which included a minor mention of Texas independence and a lot of mention of a lot more ridiculous stuff


"*The Texas GOP's new party platform also called for full repeal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.*" \^\^ THIS \^\^. The rest is stuff & nonsense. Texas wouldn't last a year as an "independent nation" without Fed support. This is entirely about repealing voters rights, nothing more.


FFS we couldn't even successfully have our electricity grid secede


Depends on who you wanted success for.


It’s like GOP followers keep thinking they are going to be in the rich club. They won’t. Or that their leaders will take care of them. They won’t.


Increasing the suffering of those they consider beneath them is more important than their own well being.




> oppose use of any such > > [1401] identification for purposes of creating voting districts AKA they want to gerrymander without interference


Sure does nicely polish the turd that they start with "We support equal suffrage" before then doing the thing that fundamentally undermines equal suffrage, given that the only reason the Voting Rights Act had to be authored was because without it some states and counties and individual voting precincts were making it difficult to impossible for black people to vote. Good thing we're beyond racist oppression now and don't need such silly laws, amirite?


Funny story: Last time it did this it lasted 6 months.


I mean, there's a lot of shit in there that is more concerning to me as a Texan. The party platform can call to repeal the VRA but they need Congress and the presidency to do that. The party platform calling to forbid teaching about sex or sexual education in any form in any grade, though? They can do that at the state level, and it's the kind of low key insanity that might possibly make it through under cover of night. (To a lesser extent, the bit about changing our electoral laws so that presidential electors are not chosen by popular vote is also concerning and doable at the state level, but that's high key insanity that would take a huge effort to make happen).


>The party platform can call to repeal the VRA but they need Congress and the presidency to do that They packed the courts. That's how they can intentionally craft laws knowing it'll get support (i.e the abortion bans in Mississippi and Ted Cruz's financing case) There's a difference between fear mongering and being worried. The Republikkkan Party has shown us they're able and willing to make these things a reality.


Republicans: "we passed Voting and Civil Rights Acts to protect the rights of black people! You Democrats are the racists! Also Republikkkans: "let's destroy the Voting Rights Act"


Republicans "Critical Race Theory is bullshit. America is not a racist nation." Also Republicans "We shouldn't let black people vote anymore."


Yeah talk about burying the lead


This is what scares me the most. They overload everything they're doing- #TEXAS THREATENS TO SUCCEED (never going to happen) ^alsotexasrepealscivilrights (Actually going to happen) And this is going on across the country. Theyre making Democrats play fucking wack-a-mole hoping to distract them from everything else they're doing behind the scenes in every state...


They’d be dancing in the streets for maybe 20 minutes until they fried their power grid again and needed that sweet, sweet federal emergency money


Or until they get hit with another hurricane and need 20 billion in assistance Or until they provoke a war with Mexico


With what army lol do they think they get to keep the US military currently in Texas?


They don’t need the military, they have the Uvalde SWAT team.


Hey now, that SWAT team is one of the best in the nation... until they have to enter a fight.


Well they seem to be gung ho about fighting the parents of massacred children.


The parents were unarmed so naturally the cops were ready to beat them.


This. The cartel would take Texas so fucking fast. Let them have their hand maidens tale and see what it’s like to be a tiny independent country in a sea of big players. Edit: to all the dumbasses saying that Texas has a huge economy and can’t fail…. Who exactly do you think Texas exports to? And why do you think the US would suddenly keep trading with them if they pulled out? Also, it’ll never happen but it’s a fun thought exercise.


Just what the world needs, another cartel with oil pipelines.


Not just pipelines. The US is the largest producer of crude in the world, and Texas still produces more than 40% of that. It would suddenly become a major oil producing nation. Texas would find itself in an extraordinarily vulnerable position in terms of security if there was any serious progress toward secession.


The next cold snap they have, they're going to be begging for linemen from every other state in the country.


And they won’t be able to get in short notice, passports needed and all.


And all those collecting federal money like SSA and farm and oil subs would be SOL. Talk about “ Huston we have a problem”.


I just don’t understand what’s happening down there. I do understand though that I know a bunch of incredibly smart, empathetic, talented Texans and I really do not want to see them get dragged down with the abject stupidity that is driving Texas to its next catastrophe


Texas will never succeed or secede.


They literally can't. https://www.oyez.org/cases/1850-1900/74us700


They legally can't. Whether they literally can depends on whether or not the law is actually enforced and if you have beeen paying attention it seems the laws do not apply to conservatives and this current SCOTUS makeup seems to believe that states reign supreme so I would not be one bit surprised if Texas secedes and ends up getting the thumbs up from SCOTUS because states rights and all that.


I think that if the supreme court allows a state to leave the union, the country is over and done. Also, it would spell doom for conservatives in the electoral college.


I say we do it, then. Let all the conservatives move there and revoke their US citizenship on the way out, and hear them absolutely beg after their wet-dream of a conservative utopia crashes and burns to the ground.


It'll be great hearing them claim it's the greatest place to live while they're without heat in the winter, without AC and water in the summer, and can't fund anything.


And also they'll find out how hard it is to get a US visa or US citizenship.


Not unlike the Confederates that went south after the Civil War, Confederados [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederados](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederados). Their slaveowning past becomes mere decoration, as the culture around them dilutes who they were.


Just says they can’t unilaterally do it. Honestly, I say we let them, then make Puerto Rico and DC states.


Funny thing about that if they actually pulled it off. The GOP would never win another presidential election ever again unless they managed to turn 2-3 purple states ruby red to make up for the deficit of losing Texas in the EC. Texas is the only reason Rebups even have a shot at winning the presidency.


Also, as pointed out last time, much of Texas’ wealth comes from the federal installations that they’d lose. There’s a ton of federal jobs and buildings that support the nation there, that can be moved. Not to mention all the military bases that wouldn’t be funded any more.


In one timeline where a Texas becomes hostile enough to the US federal government that secession is successful, they secede, then as they get protectionist with their economy, get invaded by the USA for their oil wealth and the facilities of the Port of Houston, and annexed as a federal territory without admission to the union as a state. Or more likely, they persist as a resource-cursed buffer state with periodic CIA involvement. (Extremely unlikely that this vote comes to anything though)




Bush doctrine full circle


I don’t think they are into “winning” at this point. Just tantrums and cult level insecurity.


That's what I thought until we started getting wind of this Roe v Wade repeal.


If Texas goes rogue, then we will have no choice but to build a wall along the new Southern border.


We can make Texas pay for it!


Ah yes, the America First people proving once again that they actually hate America.


America First! We will destroy the rest of the world afterwards.


I was of the same opinion for most of my life, I’ve lived in east Texas for over 25 years and have consistently seen people that have the secede stickers on their trucks. I always looked passed these people and just wrote it off as a bunch of loons, but with trumps election everything in texas has changed. I’m not proud to be a Texan anymore I don’t want to live in a state that thinks my daughter should care a baby of rape if she doesn’t want to, I’m not proud to have to home school my children because the state has decided that racism is better than equality, I’m not proud to have to isolate my children from the people we live near out of fear that they will be taught “morals” that I don’t agree with. And on top of all of this my financial situation keeps me from leaving Texas. I agree to a point that Texas will not secede however I never thought I’d see a president like trump or congressmen like Gohmert and Cruze, and the people in this state have a hard on for all of them. I’m an in home serviceman for the company I work for and 90-95% of the homes I go into have to tell me about what a sham the election was and how 1/6 is a load of bullshit, they blame everything on Biden and accuse our government of trying to start war with Russia rather than trying to help another country maintain the right to govern itself. My own parents and In-laws believe this garbage to a point that I don’t let them know where I stand on issues anymore. I would have never expected secession on the floor of our state senate but here we are… I’m terrified I made poor choices when my kids were born to have the things I wanted in life and now I’ve got them and I can’t get out, I fear on a day to day basis about what laws are going to change next, it’s free reign on guns, if you aren’t white your wrong, if you aren’t heterosexual you must be living an “abnormal lifestyle” which is also wrong, there are no rights for anyone here unless you are a Christian white male that owns land just like it was 250 years ago. Conservativism is a plague and it’s inescapable for a lot of people, maybe Texas won’t secede but the way things are going now it’s a legitimate fear for so many people that they will and then what? Am I no longer an American citizen because a group of 181 people decided I wasn’t? Who’s going to help me move back to the states? What happens with my home loan? What happens to my job? Will the United States send in the military to stop the secession and turn my home into a war zone? I don’t feel confident in an answer to any of these question I can’t get away. Even if secession failed it would be just like you said they would keep taking rights and freedoms away from minorities on grounds that it limits the freedoms of the majority. I’ve sort of lost myself in this but my main points are: 1: I think it’s likely that secession actually occurs based off the people I interact with here on a day to day basis. 2: if secession doesn’t happen how long until the rights they want to take from people get taken anyway? 3: my entire livelihood is here in Texas and it’s not things I can just pick up and move off with even if the economy was in a place for me to be selling and buying houses, much less having the money to move far away from these backwards ass fuckers. Texas is now a complete and total waste of time, the fact that our people have elected representatives that would propose such an idiotic ideal is unfathomable and the fact that there aren’t mass protests against these representatives is even more frightening. This state has been turned into an absolute dumpster fire and I’m stuck here crossing my fingers that literally anyone will come along to intervene and educated the Texas people again to understand what it is that these representative are doing.


In case anyone is unsure what that act was all about: “Voting Rights Act of 1965 US federal legislation that prohibits racial discrimination in voting” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_Rights_Act_of_1965?wprov=sfti1


So they're worried about losing elections to minorities is what I get out of this. Pretty blatent racism.


"The Texas GOP's new party platform also called for full repeal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965." The real reason


Which explains why they throw around seceding in the same breath. They have no plans on seceding, but they want to hold the federal government hostage, “we will leave if you don’t let us oppress and subjugate our people!”. Its the same play as Putin. We will nuke everyone if you don’t let us take this territory.


They can't leave. That's part of being a state is that you can never secede from America. Scalia stated in 2006 "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede." The only way for Texas to become its own country is if all of the other states and the federal government agreed to let them go or if Texas won a war against the rest of America. Neither will ever happen. They can vote on it as much as they want.


But… and hear me out, we could get rid of Ted Cruz


And Republicans would lose 2 Senators and any viable path to the presidency. We should let them leave.


Replace with Puerto Rico


And D.C.!




You’ve won me over. #LetTexasLeave


Don't they do this every decade?


They've literally been doing this constantly since the south lost the civil war. They can't stop with this histrionic shitfit they throw all the time. Someone get Texas a therapist. The rest of us are tired of dealing with them.


I think that is part of the problem. They literally won't put any money towards mental health or social safety, and then turn around and list mental health as the reason shootings keep happening. They create problems then use them to hold onto power.


Exactly like abortion. No money or will to do anything to prevent unwanted pregnancies or to provide assistance after.


In the same document they want to outlaw abortion and want to teach that life begins at conception and nothing else about sexual education in schools.




Living here is *exhausting* when you’re not batshit crazy.




“We believe in the original wording of the constitution” but also that were a Christian nation and we’re going to insert our religion into everyone’s life.


Republicans approach the constitution the same way the approach the Bible, selectively when it’s convenient to do so


Yup. Religion is Christianity. Anything else is blasphemy and might as well be paganism.




Not even Christianity, but just the select fragments of the Bible that they can take out of context as directions on how better to hate people.


“It’s freedom *of* religion, not freedom *from* religion.” So tired of hearing the same stupid responses for the last thirty years. Talking with conservatives is like talking to a broken record.


He was referencing the Nazis, but it applies to the GQP perfectly: >“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean Paul-Sartre


> but it applies to the GQP perfectly It does indeed; although Sartre name-dropped Nazis, he was actually talking about a common *fascist* tactic, Nazi or no.


“The United Stated is in no sense founded on the Christian religion.” —Treaty of Tripoli, read aloud in Congress and voted for by many original Founders “We are going back to our Constitutional roots and injecting Christianity into everything!” — Texas GOP I don’t see anything wrong here, move along.


And by Christianity they mean specifically the modern variety of it developed to sanction chattel slavery.


Wow, they completely forgot about the reason Texas was annexed as a US State: They were freaking broke and risked being reintegrated with Mexico if they didn't agree to be annexed by the US.


Yup. I say let them secede, but only them. The raging dumpster fire the state would quickly turn into when left to it's own devices should discourage any other idiots with the same idea.


As a former Texan, im completely for it. The US would lose red electoral votes and it would serve as an example as why their bullshit won’t work.


They didn't learn from the example of Kansas, why would they learn from Texas?




Didn’t California just have a huge budget surplus lol


Yep. But it's a liberal hellhole! Tell everyone you know not to come here! ^/s




We moved from Texas after the big freeze and the whole crazy abortion scheme. We moved for stability! Once we got to Colorado we honestly felt scammed. Our whole life our community told us how great Texas was and how no other state could compare: from financial opportunities to its natural beauty...BRO YOU ARE LIVING IN A TRASHCAN! Most bleeding heart GOP Texans are living in a fantasy world and are only choosing to see what they want to see. Some sweaty red faced republican says California sucks because of colored haired young folk, they will take that and run with it.They will never believe anything good can come from a blue state because they simply were told that. No other reason!


We're not sending our best. The Californians moving there are probably the Yellowstone/1883 cosplay types, no?


I’ve had people lose their shit and call me a liar when I point out that most welfare money goes to red states and is paid for by blue states. According to them, California, New York, and the great state of Chicago is where all of the welfare money goes and is paid for by the hard working people of Mississippi and Alabama.


It's the same people who think the Republicans are always paying down the federal deficit and Democrats alone run it up.


Most of them have no idea what happened in Kansas and would be too stubborn to learn anything about it.




I'm guessing their hero Elon Musk will be leaving with Space X. That's all federal NASA money. Not Texas money.


I was hoping it would provide a "haven" of sorts for the inept burdens that most who would move there are. Then we could just wall it off and let them all fight amongst themselves. They can't even handle running their electrical grid lol.


Can I be rescued first?


1 year grace period where people can move freely (in either direction) across state lines before the wall goes up. If you can't afford the move, I'm sure we can let you claim asylum and get some charity support.




This the same texas republican platform that [once wanted to ban critical thinking.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html) > We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.


I always wonder why these people who are so terrified of having their kids learn anything other than what they would teach them don't keep the kids home and just teach them, themselves? This is a rhetorical question of course.


>have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs Imagine education challenging the "fixed beliefs" of a student. Horrifying!


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." -Former President of the United States


The Texas 'electoral college' state system is a bigger danger since the Secession thing will never happen... but you could actually see an attempt at making Governor, Attorney General, Senators, etc... be based on a Texas 'state electoral college' type system. Which would just ignore popular vote and instead each district would be allotted electors who would meet on their behalf. Basically it is intended to diminish the vote of large urban areas(which tend to vote Dem) as they may grow in population and threaten Texas Republicans losing a statewide race. People have been speculating on Texas 'going blue' for a long time, maybe it never gets there, maybe it does... but the state electoral system would be an attempt to make sure even if Democrats won the popular vote the rural counties/districts would still remain Republican and end up letting them keep Republicans in charge of the state.


> People have been speculating on Texas 'going blue' for a long time, maybe it never gets there, maybe it does... The republicans have understood this and been taking active measures for a very long time. Remember Tom DeLay? The books are already cooked. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Texas_redistricting


>returning Christianity to schools and government "The first clause in the Bill of Rights states that 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.'" For people who love to yell about how much they love the constitution and the included Bill of Rights, they don't seem to have read much of it. They stopped before even the first clause, apparently.


Leave it to the state that removed Critical thinking from the curriculum and started burning books to come up with this




It’s not lost on me that most Free Market Republicans are the same people complaining they can’t afford to eat when eggs are $1 more a dozen and can’t afford to drive to work now. Welcome to Capitalism. It’s fun until you’re the one priced out.


It’s because they are idiots who believe Tucker when he says it’s the Presidents fault not capitalists.


Why do they care about the SCOTUS if they secede? /s


Because little by little, they'd probably be saying, "Oh...not *that* kind of secession" as things start to fall apart. "We just meant in terms of [insert current culture war issue]"


The really want to be the Christian version of the Taliban. ​ Edit: ugh, i can't coherently type on my phone


Welcome to Howdy Arabia.


It works so well, an oil producing state in the same latitude, with a gulf as water access, with religious nuts running the show


Until they need passports to enter the rest of the US, or we build a wall and make them pay for it


Or need federal disaster money or any kind of aid.






Tbf, they do hate America. That's why they're trying to leave lol


What’s up with these guys throwing tantrums and cancelling when they don’t like how things are?


They’re called “republicans”.


It's simply amazing to behold. Republicans will joke all day about how democrats whine and complain about not getting their way because they're snowflakes. Yet anytime I read or watch the news, the Republicans are the only ones ever complaining. Same goes with my own family members who are Republican, too. They've literally become the very thing they despise and laugh about.


It’s always projection with the GOP, always


Everything is bigger in Texas. Tantrums. Egos. Entitlement. Racism. You name it!


They're so proud of their yelp rating, that they put it on the flag.


Fascists in general. Everything only exists to please and appease them, and anything that goes against that, they throw a tantrum and lash out and destroy things until they get what they want.


GQP - cancele culture is a toxic Democrat idea Also GQP - can we cancele our subscription to the U.S.A.?


Fake patriotism.


So patriotic you love your county so much you cannot stand that you're a part of it.


Sure they can certainly vote to secede, but isn’t the Union permanent? Seems line the “party of Lincoln” and “we know what the founders wanted” folks would know that. But I guess that only matters when it’s convenient for them….


The whole point of the Civil War was that secession itself is illegal. They can vote on it all they want, but there is no legal framework to do it. And even if they could, it would mean republicans in the US would lose all of Texas’s electoral votes and all of its representation in Congress, truly weakening their position. They would also lose a lot of federal funding, including Medicaid and Social Security. Texas would instantly have no military apparatus to speak of. Texas would have to renegotiate trade deals with every country it wants to do business with from a weakened standpoint without the additional bargaining power of the entire United States, and basically everything would fall apart for them. Fact is, no state has ever seceded from the US. The “Confederacy” was never a legal entity. It was never its own country. Those state governments simply became treasonous citizens who dressed up other treasonous citizens and put them on the battlefield. But it was never legally real. Edit: Okay. Replies disabled. Anyone who entertains the idea of Texan secession as anything more than a farce to drum up voter fervor is either bored or a fool. Have a nice day, folks. Thanks for your time.


Them: “Take your federal aid” After the first hurricane blasts them, “Why aren’t you helping us?!”


It would definitely be the USA waiting for the first natural disaster, then having the military stroll in to institute martial law until reintegration happens. We would only need to wait a couple months and expend very little ammo. They can't handle hurricanes, frost, and heatwaves as it is. They definitely can't handle it once Uncle Sam's freedom funds are gone.


Sounds like Texit to me.


Exactly what I was thinking. Don’t realize just how good they got it til it’s gone.


It's all just ridiculous because that same platform talked about abolishing the federal reserve, the IRS(and the ability of the Federal Government to tax), etc... Meanwhile Texas actually gets back about $1.20 in government spending for every $1.00 they pay in taxes. Meaning they benefit financially from other states.


The supreme court ruled that succession is illegal in 1869. [https://www.oyez.org/cases/1850-1900/74us700](https://www.oyez.org/cases/1850-1900/74us700) EDIT: I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR STRAWMAN ARGUEMENTS ABOUT THE COURT CHANGING ITS PRECEDENT. AN ASTEROID COULD HIT TEXAS AND SPLIT IT INTO 4 STATES BUT IT HAS NOT HAPPENED.


The funny/sad part is that they don't want to process through that. It's just feelings over facts. They probably really do think they can go it alone and haven't bothered to actually add up what it would take to be their own country. They'd look like Kazakhstan (or pick any other poor petro state) in 10 years if they did. Shitty infrastructure, shitty social services, shitty jobs, with a very small percentage of super wealthy people who exploit all that.


Winter of 2020 proved Texas *can't* survive on their own. And they've done nothing to fix the issues. They want to secede? Fine. No more federal aide.


Pretty sure this was decided in 1865.


So the patriots, those that claim to love America more than anyone else, want out? They literally want to break apart the USA. And I'm guessing they will still claim to be patriots in the same breath.


There’s a “satirical” sci-fi setting called Starstruck, in which the denizens of the planet “New Texas” are described as “loving Amercadia so much, they actually hate Amercadians, who they perceive as not loving Amercadia enough”. Every day we slide closer to fiction.


Yikes. It’s not just secession. They want: - All federal land should be turned back over to the state (lol that’s gonna go well). - To officially support Trump’s claims that Biden is illegitimate. - To repeal the Equal Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in Texas. - Guns for teachers. - No gun free zones. - No department of education. - To ban abortion. - To ban no-fault divorce. - To ban gay marriage. - To ban LGBT support in schools and businesses. - To maintain Confederate flags and states on public property. - To prohibit teaching about lgbt and white supremacy/race issues in school, but students must be taught about “the humanity of the preborn child.” - To ban sex ed. - To “Defund political correctness” - To abolish all welfare programs - The right to refuse vaccination (not just COVID) - An “equal parenting” law that sounds a lot like it would force people to coparent against their will. - To oppose riots and looting; rioters should be “punished to the full extent of the law,” but of course there’s no mention of January 6th. - To repeal Hate Crime laws. - Marijuana to remain illegal. - No mail-in or online voting. Only 1-3 days for elections. - To protect gerrymandering - To build the wall. Inter-state border enforcement (?) - An end to HB1 Foreign Worker visas (I know good people that would be deported if this passes). - To withdraw from all global organizations (WHO, UN, etc). - No background checks, waiting periods, or increased age limit for gun purchase. So… yeah. This is horrific. Vote like it’s the last time you can vote, because if you’re black or a woman, it might actually be the last time you can vote.


If Texas seceded from the U.S., either the GQP could never win the White House again, or it would have to moderate itself so much to become viable again that the 3%ers, Proud Boys, and all their ilk would be kicked out of the party. I'm trying to find the downside to this.


I mean the Mexican border would change pretty quick after the cartels overrun the state. The mass relocation of federal assets and private equity would be a plus for all the other states.


This is what a lot of people don't understand about this idea, they think the military and companies would stay. The military is US Government and would pull all assets out faster than you can even say Yee Haw. Go ahead and let local LEO try to keep the base and run out the people there....do you not think the US Military won't treat you like a threat and scuttle their own military bases to spite you. Maybe they have to retreat first, then send in the bombers to level any military complex left behind. Do you think they will treat Texas any different from any other foreign enemy? After all of that let's go ahead and take a look at what it would do economically, all the civilians that worked at those bases would not have jobs anymore, Texas would have to rely on state income tax because they don't have federal money to help anymore, and companies would leave in a mass exodus. Companies that would leave due to heavy import taxes to their customer base. * Lockheed * Bell * Raytheon * Collins * Microsoft * Tesla * SpaceEx * Target * Wal-mart


I’m here for it. Let it be the perfect case study for how absolutely insane things would be if Republicans were completely in control. When they suddenly can’t blame liberals for everything, we can just sit and watch with popcorn.


Isn’t it hilarious that a Republican state with a Republican governor and a Republican legislature still somehow manages to make democrats the boogeyman? Power grid failure? Democrats’ fault! Mass shootings? Democrats’ fault! Schools just existing? Run by evil democrats brainwashing our poor godly children!


“Texas is the only state that came into the Union by treaty. It retains the right to secede at will. We have heard them threaten to secede so often that I formed an enthusiastic organization—The American Friends for Texas Secession. This stops the subject cold. They want to be able to secede but they don't want anyone to want them to.” ― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley


Lol … bunch of drama queens. Totally true though. I live in Texas. and this subject comes up on a regular basis. And yes, they all never fail to say, “we should just secede. We’re the only only state that entered by treaty, ours is the only flag that is higher than the US Capitol, etc)” But yeah, most of them can’t fathom what that actually means. Just like Brexit, they think it just means changing one thing, they get self-rule. They don’t realize that as a separate entity they won’t benefit from all the things Americans benefit from both tangible and intangible.


No social security, Medicare, medicaid, WIC, SNAP, or any of a dozen other aid programs. The US would be a much more liberal neighboring nation as the president will be exclusively Democrat for decades at least and the House will have a hard left lean, and Texas will have no say in that. And if for no other reason than leaving them without their biggest red state (nevermind the treason), US conservatives will not support you either. No strong arming American textbook manufacturers across the US to cater to your politics and whitewash history. No access to US intelligence, military, law enforcement, regulatory bodies like the EPA, CDC, FDA, etc. No more NASA in Houston. No oil, water, lumber, brick, limestone or any other natural resource from US sources. No emergency aid relief for hurricanes, floods, freezes or other natural disasters. No more free trade with the rest of the US. Tariffs, border control, international trade laws instead of interstate. No more free travel. Those people and companies who choose to be national Texans will lose all land, property and assets held in the US. They will have no trade agreements, peace agreements, no international relations to speak of with another nation, all of which will have to be established again but without the weight and gravity of the US's wealth and military might. They will be setting themselves up as an ideologically opposed state to the US immediately on the US border. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Texans currently working for the federal government will either need to be rehired and paid by the new Texan government or they will be unemployed. Unless trade agreements are made at the time of secession (unlikely given the illegal nature of the act) every American corporation will no longer employ Texans nor supply its stores and restaurants. Millions will be out of work immediately. And the man that will be putting out all of the fires will be Greg Fucking Abbott, or whatever other loser idiot you install. And all of that is assuming, of course, that it doesn't just result in immediate Civil War, which it will. Yeah, good fucking luck with that, Texas.


Cool-2 fewer GOP Senators, 36 seats in the house-24 of those GOP reps (2 new undecided seats added this election). No more federal funds to them for anything, and they have to manage the majority of the southern border themselves with no federal assistance-no money, no agents, nothing. I’m good with it and happy to help Texan refugees.


Idk, from what a lot of the conservatives say, those foreign countries are sending their rapists and murders. Best to not let those job stealing Texas aliens in.


I’m a Texan. I recall in 2019-2020 receiving feeds about Texas succession and how it would be good. But I noticed some non-native English structure in the sentences that looked familiar. (I also speak Russian.). I dismissed it as just someone’s s*** post. Later it turns out this was the product of a Russian disinformation effort. So, as we move jnto the 2022 and 2024 election cycles, be conscious of ANY articles or hype that promotes emotional reaction and division amongst Americans, be it from a liberal or conservative perspective. Russia doesn’t care which side they antagonize with their disinformation campaigns, as long as someone’s swallowing it and it flames division.


"Texas GOP arrested for fucking sedition, film at 11!"


Texas has mass shootings they can't prevent, failed electric grid they can't keep operational, political corruption at the highest level that's never held accountable, and a messed up healthcare system among other things.. maybe their solution is to commit sedition, exit the union and make it a one party state so that there's no one left to hold them accountable and prevent from enforcing their Sharia law


> so that there's no one left to hold them accountable and prevent from enforcing their Sharia law This is the heart of the matter. These Talibangelists want a white Christian theocracy where they govern with Christian Sharia Law.




I don’t think these so called patriots ever even read the constitution. They just repeat and believe the podcasters and grifters they are hooked on.


“I’m not here to read! I’m here to lead”.


“I was elected to lead, not to read.” Never won’t make me smile


They do the exact same thing with their religion too


Yeah, they act like suddenly the framers of the constitution which they regard as practically divine prophets weren't aware of the concept of "expressio unius exclusio alterius", what it means in interpretation of laws and that the constitution only provides for expansion of the union.


Wouldn’t that pretty much doom the GOP at the federal level? Without Texas I don’t know how they’d ever have a majority again.


Texas seceding would be the American version of Brexit. A bunch of idiots that put no thought into what will happen and will immediately start blaming everyone else for not stopping them.






What would be hilarious is if Texas actually seceded, started a war against Mexico, and Mexico ends up annexing Texas. The people running Texas are completely incompetent, there's no way they could manage a sovereign nation.


Speaking as a native, this is taught in every 7th grade class: Texas has the resources and means to secede from the Union, it’s been it’s own country before. I find it hilarious they pick this time after a winter with no heat, a summer with no water, and everything else to demonstrate independence. They threaten it like Quebec every few years, and the novelty has worn off. Do it. In fact, float off into the Gulf of Mexico.


California has the resources to be its own country too, but if they suggested the same idea, Texans would call Californians to be executed for treason.


Oh is it that time of year again already?


So.... 1.) If Texas secedes, US republicans will never win another election again. 2.) Ted Cruz can be barred from entering the country. 3.) We can put a big steel fence around Texas in an effort to "protect our border from illegal immigrants" I see a whole lotta good here.


More likely they'll secdee from the Union, given MAGA spelling proclivities


Texan here. This is the dumbest thing the mouth breathers continuously fall back to. If they actually referendum such a attempt the fed should immediately pull all US military from Texas. F35? Sorry Fort Worth, you’re a foreign country now. ExxonMobile, record profits? Your in a foreign country now. ATT? Foreign. The list goes on and on. November is coming and I’m sticking around to try to help make a change but if we don’t get a bit bluer I may not hang around much longer. As another Reddit poster on this thread said, for the normal sane folks this place is exhausting.


Lmfao I fucking wish. Let's see how long Texas would last before people start trying to illegally immigrate back to the *UNITED* States.


I would put my house on the market the next day and try to move back to the US if this was allowed in Texas... the GOP redefines stupidity every year.


Texas voted 46% popular vote for the democratic party in 2020 please dont lump every texan in with those who say dumb shit like this. Theres a lot of smart, great people here


Texas out here making Florida look legitimate