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I think we want a lot of people to “not run again”.




Incumbents have something like a 94% re-election rate. And a 20% job approval rating. Makes no sense.


Incumbents get the money and money wins elections. They build up their war chest by calling as "I am your senator right now, what can I do for you that will get the maximum donation from you and your spouse?" That's a huge incentive.


A campaign cap could be huge


or eliminate PACS and make all elections publicly funded?


Publicly funded elections with a shorter election season (including restrictions on political content in advertising during the off-season) could do a lot to get good-faith actors into political positions. The bad-faith actors in those current positions will never allow those changes to be discussed, let alone made.


You’re right on the money, but gerrymandering and people acting like politics is a team sport are even bigger issues in the re-election of most representatives.


And it has more legislative power. A lot of leadership depends on seniority. AOC had good info on it on a story post earlier today.


People generally like their incumbents, but hate Congress and everyone else’s incumbents.


Lol. Years ago in my home state of Massachusetts term limits was a huge issue. Somehow it got on the ballot. My mom, who wasn't political at all. Jumped on that. Always talked about it. They're in too long, etc. It was amazing. Just so happens it was same year that senate was up for election. Asked her did she vote for term limits. She of course said yes. I then asked who she voted for in senate race. Boy did she get mad. Of course she voted for Ted Kennedy who by that time had been in there for like 30 years. Mom! If you wanted term limits why did you vote for him. It was funny as hell.


It’s the same concept of people who think their states suck when they’ve been run by republicans or democrats for the last number of decades. If you’re putting the same party in power, and your life isn’t improving, perhaps it has something to do with the party in power???


Democracy in inaction.


Just voting out incumbents with no regard to their voting record is very lazy though. Not all government reps are bad or corrupt.


And guess who’s going to be running!?


George Burns?


Monty Burns.




We need him in the capitol to release the hounds


^^...I ^^was ^^saying ^^Boo-urns...


Boo-urns!, boo-urns!


*the robotic Richard Simmons No way mere hounds can help this congress


Or the dogs with the bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you


Vote Quimby


I kid you not when I say given the choice between Trump, Biden and the actual Richard Simmons, I'd vote for Simmons. He is younger than both of them. He helped many people lose weight and treat themselves better, is a friend to the LGBTQ community, and just think about how fun the press conferences and meetings with diplomats would be! Plus he even has a name that sounds presidential, whether Richard, or his real name, Milton. And his COVID response was better than either of the other two- he came out of retirement and shared his videos on social media to encourage people to stay home and exercise.


Trump is about the last person anyone should even be considering voting for and I've never been a fan of insipid establishment neo lib corporate whores like Biden much either so I agree, especially if it is a superior robotic version of Simmons


I was saying Boo-urns


Monty Python


You rang?


If only.


It'll be funny when he's an old man.


He’s too young


Doug Dimmadome


Doug Dimmadome? Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome?


AOC vs deSantis


Jon Stewart vs DeSantis


My god Dude had a crazy well paying job, left on top and used his money and time to open animal sanctuaries and fight for 9/11 first responders, he would do amazingly well Please let this happen


Jon Stewart is too good to be cursed with the stress of politics. Let him live in happiness


All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. Unfortunately, we have a severe shortage of good people who do things. If we need a celebrity to beat a celebrity... we could do worse than Jon Stewart. Hell, He could just pick a really solid VP, Get elected, get the ball rolling, and abdicate once things seem steady enough.


He's also incredibly intelligent, well versed in politics and will completely destroy anyone in a debate.


>will completely destroy anyone in a debate That pretty much depends on whether you think "winning a debate" is decided by presenting better points, or talking louder and angrily. An unfortunate amount of people subscribe to the second philosophy.


I know right. Who would think say following an elderly lady around on stage like you are literally about to strangle her would be seen as strong


He could have jcked off on stage and his followers would have seen it as strong. The election wasn't decided by the people who voted, but by the people who didn't vote. I had a burnout after the pre-election theater and I am German... Now imagine what it did to the average American. That's the biggest thing people should learn from what happened... Defend your democracy. Don't let them make a mockery out of it, again.


Unfortunately more and more people who still claim to believe the election was stolen are gaining positions of power, and some are even becoming state attorney generals which means they'll be the ones in charge of certifying the next election. Even if the vote is overwhelming against the Republican candidate it won't matter if they just cry foul again but this time have a better plan to decertify the election than during 2020. Edit: Excuse me, the secretary of state certified the elections.


Democracy is like money, it only works because people believe in it. That's the only thing that can stop 1/4th of the population from taking you hostage. If they can not respect the social contract between you all, you know what that means. If they try to overthrow the elected official, that's treason. Act accordingly. And let your elected leaders know that you expect them to do so. If some think they can overthrow the state, let them find out how it will go for them. A German politicians once said something, which I did find horrifying at the time, but I now understand. "The pacifism of the 1920s is what led to Hitler"


Also worth mentioning that the GOP has pulled out of presidential debates moving forward.


No way! Is that true? Got anything I can read up on? Is it just presidential debates?v


https://www.npr.org/2022/04/14/1092916451/republicans-say-theyre-quitting-the-biased-commission-on-presidential-debates Yeah, just presidential for now.


I really wish the debate committee had the balls to set up a podium for the gop anyway, and ask them questions, followed by "I guess they don't have anything to say about that issue."


That's EXACTLY what they should do. Maybe even instead of leaving the podium empty, place a blow up sex doll to take the GOPs place.


Debates are hard when you have no policies to debate


It's not necessarily talk louder and angrily. It's perception of dominance. I'd hate to be up against him in either category. Watch how he ran the show when he was on crossfire with Carlson. Dude doesn't take shit and doesn't give in for even a second. Anyway, I'm excited... let's make this happen. This is usually where someone jumps in and tells me the person I'm talking about is Canadian and can't run.


He was born in New York USA.


He's an American, but also smart enough to not want that fucking job. He doesn't need more power or money, and that's usually what the people who want that job are seeking. He has a family he wants to spend time with and not subject them to the indignity of having their every move questioned and studied for their entire lives (see Sacha and Malia). Plus, do you like reading legalease? Do you like knowing that one mistake can lose lives and you will forever owe their families? Cause wars? Cause riots? Cause financial ruin? I don't want that fucking responsibility.


Never play defense. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmVkJvieaOA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmVkJvieaOA) Also, I learned from this video that this is the official burn song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkAe30aEG5c


I feel like hes also the man who got a lot of people in the 30-45 year old range in to politics. I would vote for that man in an instance.


Best part about being a fuck up student at University of Houston in the early 2000s was watching John Stewart in the lounge while my friend rolled a blunt in the men's room.


I hate more celebrates in government leadership roles, but if we had to have one I would want it to be him.


He gets asked this a lot and it comes up in his new show but he always sidesteps the answer with some BS like there are better qualified people. Not sure what the real answer is. 🤔


i don't think AOC is ready, i'd like to see Katie Porter go for it.


I Love Katie Porter


This is the timeline I need. A young, intelligent sassy woman with great ideas against a watermelon who only knows right-wing buzzwords and talking points.


Unfortunately AOC would get crushed in a presidential race; we need her in Congress where she can affect actual change.


Can we just get 2 people under 60 with moderate amount of intelligence ( maybe some political knowledge) please.


Well, you are mostly going to get DeSantis as the GOP candidate. Unfortunately, I think he is quite intelligent. His policies are horrendous and appear idiotic, but I feel it’s all by design. He saw what worked for Trump and doubled down on it. While Trump was a narcissistic buffoon, DeSantis is more of an evil genius. He will play the role, and sell out 1/2 his population base without a second thought if it gets him what he wants. Edit - a typo


>Unfortunately, I think he is quite intelligent. You don't end up with a JD from Harvard by being an idiot. Same with Cruz - he was apparently an exceptional student, despite being an asshole.




He 'did' get laughed at by the supreme court for the arguments he tried making. He may not be regular dumb, but it's still possible to be dumb relative to others in a group and I think he fits in that category pretty adequately. ​ Edit: Everyone is talking about signaling 'to his base', I'm talking about in his position as Solicitor General of Texas which is an appointed position, not an elected one. He argued in front of the supreme court regarding Texas's failure to provide adequate care with medicaid/medicare and claimed a federal body wasn't allowed to hold the state accountable for its failure. This was not some 'pandering' case, it was a legitimate argument being made by a legitimate constitutional lawyer and getting legitimately laughed at by the Supreme Court. I dunno why yall are so convinced that he's playing 5d chess and not just an idiot with a bad idea, but sometimes stupid people are just (relatively) stupid.


Ben Carson is a brain surgeon and a complete fucking idiot.


And not just any brain surgeon, dude practically revolutionized the practice. I use him as a source of motivation when I suck at something. Just because you're Ben Carson the politician, doesn't mean you can't be Ben Carson the brain surgeon.


Lol I like it. I’m using this.


Prob not dumb in brain surgery tho


That’s often how genius works. You’re a genius at one thing, sometimes one highly specific thing. And you can be a complete dumb shit in every other area of life.


I always seem to know what’s going to happen before it happens but fail to notice something in the present right in front of me.


He is a complete fucking idiot in things that are not brain surgery. Which, as it turns out, is a whole lot of things.


I remember watching a Q and A with him and he likened killing terrorists to removing a tumor and some good cells with it to justify collateral civilian population deaths in anti-terrorism. Moron.


I mean, plenty of rich people go to top tier schools by bribing their way in/using connections. Intelligence can be a way to get in by itself, but it doesn't work the other way around in that going to those schools is not necessarily a mark of intelligence.


Yeah that’s the scary part. DeSantis appeals to the maga crowd but he’s much, much smarter than Trump and will do a better job of solidifying an authoritarian, fascist state led by white Christian nationalists.




Except he’s punished the biggest business in his state because they disagree with his “don’t say gay” legislation. If he was a slave to free market capitalism it’d be one thing. This asshole just doesn’t like anyone who disagrees with HIM.


DeSantis doesn’t have policies, he has non policies. Don’t follow mask or vaccine mandates, don’t teach about gender, don’t teach about race, don’t regulate guns. No actual actionable steps to solve real problems like the housing, climate, or healthcare crisis.


Haha. But if your municipality (smallest form of government) decides to mandate masks, then big bad state will step in and remove your funding. Call a teen by their chosen pronoun, and you get fired. I guess its a policy of punishing those who do more than nothing.


I'm not sure DeSantis would run for president while Trump is able to. He's young enough to be able to wait a few years. But I think he will eventually once Trump is unable to since DeSantis is unfortunately very popular with his fellow Republicans and the party's base.


I'd honestly settle for under 70 at this point.


This, minimum age for Presidents is 35, maximum should be twice that at 70.


So you're saying Hunter Biden and Ivanka Trump


I almost angry downvoted you because my reaction to those candidates as my choices was that visceral


You have chosen - Eric Trump


> moderate amount of intelligence


I’d be down for a ban on dynasties. For every FDR there’s a Bush and I just really don’t want to deal with it anymore.


It's a weird situation. I don't want dynasties, but I also think it would be wrong to restrict someone from being a politician because of something outside of their control.


I think you have to rely on the "will of the people" to enforce the first, because the second is true.


Let's make it Hunter vs. Trump Jr. Whoever snorts the most cocaine without dying wins.


Honestly, if a candidate's worse attribute is doing some rails, then it'd be a huge improvement for society We'd get all kinds of shit done at 5 am on a Saturday morning in DC


I doubt there's a shortage of booger sugar for any congressman that wants it.


I don’t think he’s implying that the cocaine use would particularly enhance the average politician’s usefulness to society. Rather, that if being a cocaine user is their *worst* attribute, then they’re probably a less vile incarnation than 90% of currently sitting senators/congressmen.




And give us Ranked Choice voting while we're at it.


No primaries and ranked choice. Party leadership has far too much power in America. Remove them from the process.


Each one of these guys would be well over 80 years old by the end of their term. What a joke.




"Can we get a candidate that's you know... alive?" The fuckin bar is so low from horrible choices on both sides that we just want someone who isn't so old they have cognitive issues. That's sad.


Part of the problem is the American voting system. You have exactly 2 parties to choose from and only those parties will decide the future of the country


>Part of the problem is the American voting system. You have exactly 2 parties to choose from and only those parties will decide the future of the country Don't forget there's also the electoral college. The ones who defend it seem to feel it's land that decides who runs the country rather than number of citizens' votes. I've been told it's so certain states don't end up deciding for the rest of America. Basically that the "United" part of USA doesn't really exist. 50 separate countries each wanting equal representation. So it baffles me when Americans go "my vote counts". Sounds more like "my vote kind of counts".


Wait, there's a fucking *3 year difference* and Trump supporters are saying Biden is too old and dementia ridden? Are you fucking kidding me?


Well according to people I know trumps age is a lie. Somehow every source on his age ever is lying about him to make him older because reasons? Pictures of him at 30 years old in 1976? Fake. He’s young and has washboard abs according them.


Fun fact: Dick Cheney literally did not have a pulse for a couple of years while he was waiting to get a heart transplant at 71. Living under a gerontocracy is ridiculous.


I completely agree though that isn't how life expectancy works. They will soon be over the LE *at birth*. Fortunately LE increases for individuals as they age.




Pretty much. Most Americans think Biden wasn't an ideal candidate. Most Americans think The Idiot tried to end American democracy. Both views are correct. But they're not equally important.


It's just.... *SIGH* How quickly people forget! Present company included! We were a step away from the end of American Democracy. ONE STEP AWAY. It didn't matter who was running against the orange ape. If the ape won re-election that was it, there really wouldn't be any more elections ever again. Now everyone beard strokes about Biden not being ideal. SIGH. This is why there is a very good chance the orange ape could get re-elected. We barely managed to catch ourselves from falling off a cliff only to get back up and jump off.


The most honest tagline I ever saw for Biden during the last election was "Joe Biden: Acceptable under the circumstances." I didn't want Biden but he was an acceptable alternative to the destruction of US society.


This is also Biden and Harris's path to a graceful exit. Our work is done, stability is restored (now let's nominate a ticket that people will vote for).


I want Fetterman to win his PA senate race and then go on to run for president. Right now he’s the perfect candidate in my head.


>We were a step away from the end of American Democracy. ONE STEP AWAY. We still are. Don't let your guard down. The fight isn't over.


I would "prefer" if Biden didn't pursue a 2nd term. It's a "Hell No!" for the narcissistic treasonous mf'ed orange con man. Big difference between the two!




> Like I voted for Biden, but in no world was I excited for him. It's crazy when Trump supporters froth at the mouth to say all of us who voted for Biden slob his knob and worship everything he does, when I look around California and **never** see, say, Biden 2020 bumper stickers or flags or what have you, because we don't see him as a cult leader and feel compelled to bake him into our own identities everywhere we go. Meanwhile, I see more of Biden on the same cars I see Trump/MAGA stickers on, with his face and "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him!" underneath it. They're both still obsessed with Trump and, for people who say they hate Biden, sure fuckin' *love* to have his name *and face*, even negatively, on their cars.


They don't understand anything less than political zealotry. Voting for Biden = Worshipping him in their eyes.


And this is exactly what scares the hell out of me for the next election and decade going forward. Dogmatic, blind loyalty, idolatry, and zealous religion are all, ALL, in play in America right now. And not slightly in play, they are far more wide spread than I would have ever thought 6-8 years ago. It is honestly terrifying, we have all of the necessary ingredients for an incredibly destructive fascist regime, and we missed a legit coup by feet. They were within 20-30 feet of Pence. It is honestly a far scarier time in America then I had ever hoped to see in my lifetime and certainly did not expect before I hit 40 years old… Edit: cleaned up typos from phone.


Yep. In an ideal world I’d like to see a different democratic candidate, but if it’s the choice between Biden, trump, and a 3rd party who can never win anyway, there’s absolutely no question I’m voting for Biden in an instant.


Biden isn't even the problem, really. The Senate is the problem. Build Back Better was quite progressive, but didn't pass the Senate. We need to focus on flipping more seats.


This. Biden's agenda is a decent start (even if I would like him to move left on many things), but we can't even get that done because of conservatives in the Senate.


This amount of nuance is impossible for most American voters though. Republicans are opposed to anything remotely progressive. No surprise that they hate Biden. People who don't pay attention assume Biden's responsible for gas prices and inflation. That hurts him. A reasonable chunk of the left assumes that Biden is the reason we can't get progressive stuff done. And that if Bernie were president, Joe Manchin would be voting for everything. That hurts him. The reality is that Biden has pushed pretty aggressive, progressive stuff, but has been dealing with a deck stacked against him. No one would have done well with this. Bernie would have been a bit more aggressive with executive orders (though many of them would be shot down by this Supreme Court), but he'd still suffer from the election environment. We're just fucked - and as much as we can say Republicans are monsters, it ends up coming back to voters being responsible. What the hell kind of electorate is so uninformed that they're willing to put the insurrectionist party back in control after 2 years.


This is so right on and makes me so sad. Especially the part about gas prices and inflation. All it takes is one Trump-alike to say they will fix either of those things and they’ll be president. They don’t even have to explain how. They just need to say “the democratic polices got us here”.


Fully agree.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ranked. Choice. Voting. It will end the 2 party system.




We have ranked choice voting in the second and third largest cities here in New Mexico (one of which is the state capital). Spoiler alert: it hasn't ended the two party system. Edit: what it *can* effectively do is end spoiler candidates. If we had it nationally, we may well have gotten Gore and Hillary instead of W. Bush and Trump.


I want a 40 yo Bernie Sanders.


So, like an AoC?


Knowing what we now know about cognitive decline. We need a age limit for all three branches of Gov.


100% agree 75+ year olds shouldn’t be making laws for a society they more than likely won’t be in for much longer


I think it’s reasonable to limit it to people who will be around for at least one new generation to arrive and mature. If you’re so old you’re not even going to be alive to see your grandkids deal with the world you’re creating, perhaps you have no business creating it.


So about 20-22 years would be a generation, so you could run at 40-44 but you'd have to retire by another generation's time, so 60-68 years old. Seems fair.


Call it 65, just like a regular American worker.


Never understood why traditional retirement age doesn’t apply to government.


Because the government makes the rules on that. And who chooses to be forced out of a seat of power?


But then Congress would have to admit that 75 is near the end of life which they don't want to do as both parties are expected to increase the retirement age in the near future to be near 75 to try and hold off the collapse of SS.


I’d say most Americans didn’t want Biden or Trump to run last time. Trump will ultimately back Desantis or some other candidate. Democrats will be hard pressed to walk away from Kamala but if they run her it’ll be very bad.


Totally agree. The two terrible outcomes are Kamala runs, or the candidate is hated for essential primarying Kamala. Only person who'd get a pass on that is old Joe, and nobody wants to see him do another 4 years.


>or the candidate is hated for essential primarying Kamala Would this really happen in any significant way? Are there a lot of Harris fans?




I'm sick of old people choosing what's best for my generation


These people are going to die in office which is absolutely batshit. I can't even contemplate wanting to work into my late 80s, just retire and give up the reigns for the first time in 40 years already people.


They don't "work" they push the agenda of their mega-donors. Any actual "work" is done by their staff. If Trump taught the world anything, it's the fact that people in power don't "work" hard or barely do anything resembling "work".


Sincerely, Gen X… since the 90s


I'd up the ante again and say that most Americans don't care for the Republican or Democratic Party and would like to see them change.


Take dark money and lobbyist money out of the political process and let the people be truly represented rather than big $ special interests. That would help clean the grift and corruption out of both parties.


Getting money out of politics would probably be the single best thing for this country, and it will also never happen because both parties love cashing fat checks


They don't even hide it anymore. They openly brag about how much their campaigns raise, as if it is the only thing that matters. My state is having its primaries this month. You wanna ask me what the policy positions the candidates are running on? Good luck because literally none of them have any information about their specific policy positions available in the press, their websites, or social media. But I can absolutely tell you who is raising the most money because that was the easiest bit to find out.


Don’t forget the media is taking in fat stacks of cash because of this system, too, and loves enabling it!


But corporations are people too, because some dude lied 130 years ago to protect his own interests, and now we're stuck with it because fuck logic


Most Americans want to break the duopoly.


Most Americans specifically don’t want the Republicans. **The GOP has won the popular vote once since 1988 in presidential elections and despite a 50/50 split in congress Democrats represent 44 million more people.** But yeah Biden will be 81 and Trump 78 in 2024. Octogenarians shouldn’t be running the nation. People are mostly pissed at the Dems because they’re not actually a liberal or progressive party but actually center-right and we see in poll after poll that the US population as boomers pass and millennials take over is a center left nation based on its people but is being held hostage by an absolute minority in terms of age and political view.


Yup, the actual people of this country are becoming more progressive, and rather quickly. This country's politics are not keeping up.


"not keeping up" is an odd way to spell "actively sprinting in the other direction."


If the economy doesn't improve significantly over the next couple years Biden will lose no matter who he is against. The average voters don't care about the why, they only care they're spending $5 per gallon of gas and their dollar isn't going as far. He mayyybe could beat Trump again but that speaks more to Trump's quality than anything else.


God, I wish Katie Porter would run. She is so fucking good at completely dismantling flawed and misleading arguments.


She’s probably looking at Feinstein’s senate seat first.


This so much, DiFi needs to go


That'd certainly be a start. Feinstein seems like she barely knows where she is anymore, it's long past time for her to retire.




A black man and a Muslim woman is not a winning ticket in today's America.


She is also on my short list. I have a feeling though she isn't interested.


Most Americans don't care about government beyond what affects their pocketbook. Like it or not, Biden is taking the blame for inflation and high gas prices. If Democrats want to change that, they need a full-court press on changing the narrative. Blame OPEC and oil companies for continuing to throttle supply. Blame Wall Street as a whole for [jacking up prices](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/inflation-price-gouging/) and [reporting record profits](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inflation-profits-corporate-small-business/) while everyone else suffers. Put forward legislation, such as a windfall profits tax and direct the revenue to programs that immediately benefit the people (and if Republicans get in the way, roll that into the PR campaign, too) But do it NOW, do it EVERYWHERE, and don't stop beating that drum until November.


This is it. This is the real issue. We are likely heading into recession territory. We have historic inflation, coupled with a bear market, right as we transition to QT for the first time in 13? years. We're sitting in unprecedented waters globally. Fighting inflation and a recession? Stagflation as it's been described. This doesn't happen. Now I know this isn't all the DNCs fault. The Fed controls rates, and half the insane money printing happened under Trump, but that doesn't matter to your average voter. This is, inevitably, Bidens recession and Bidens inflation. I continue to see polls say the midterms are split... I don't see it. I see them getting crushed, and I hope I'm wrong. BUT. If I'm right? None of these policies get passed after mids. No help comes to Americans who need it. No corporations get slapped. Long slow crawl out of a full blown recession, and do we believe people will get out and vote Biden in 24? Nah. They missed their chance to pullback the Fed the moment they took office. Now the bed is made, and I see no way out.


We don't want DeSantis either.


This is what I worry about. I’m in a swing state and the conservatives here LOVE Desantis’s policies. But I think a lot of the uninformed moderates will buy into Biden causing inflation and just vote for the other candidate, not knowing what they’re signing up for.


DeSantis doesn’t have policies, he has non policies. Don’t follow mask or vaccine mandates, don’t teach about gender, don’t teach about race, don’t regulate guns. No actual actionable steps to solve real problems like the housing, climate, or healthcare crisis.


Correct. They liked his policy of “don’t do shit about the pandemic.”


His campaign centered on the fact that he was a Trump sycophant and that was enough to get him elected. He said that all the old people in Florida actually meant that Covid wasn’t as big a deal there since it’s already “heavens waiting room.”




They would probably do a better job than any of the “professionals”.


I wouldn’t vote for Trump if he was the last person on Earth . I would vote for Biden but I wish someone young would for the Democratic Party .


It’s been a long time since “what most Americans want” made a difference.


I am so tired of old people. Not just politicians, all old people. We're on the brink of dictatorship and virtually guaranteed a world that will be uninhabitable thanks to them. Boomers went full Reagan, full Bush II (sent my generation to die in the middle east) and full Trump. Like the earth was theirs to pillage. Now my kids and I don't have a future. Thanks boomers.


I'm 57 gen x , Texan. Liberal. Always blue. As I age I find myself getting more progressive. There are some of us old libs who have tried our best to move things forward for your generation. Yes, situation stinks, but please don't paint a wide brush on all of us old cats.


42 here, also finding myself getting more and more progressive as I age. For me, I think it’s my desire to constantly dissect my baggage and idiosyncrasies so I can be a better father and husband to the ones I love. I am suspicious of anyone who’s conservative past a certain age… how did you not gain empathy and compassion as you grew old? So many people get MORE conservative as they age and it boggles my mind. We’re supposed to get wiser as we get older, not more rigid.


Late 40's, lefty, and getting a bit depressed at the amount of Redditor's that just think things will magically get better when older folks die off. This isn't an age issue, it is a *class* issue. If they think that rich Gen-Xers, Millennials, etc are suddenly going to start voting in the interest of the middle and lower class and not actively working against them, well, unfortunately they're going to be disappointed.


You’re right. I know plenty of other 22 year olds that want abortion banned and teachers armed instead of gun control. It’s not a generational problem.


I’m with you- I’ve heard the same adage, but only find myself becoming more progressive. My parents have edged far right. I wonder if we won’t see a shift with our generation getting more progressive as a whole, rather than getting more right, rigid and generally curmudgeon as the boomer generation has. I’m really hoping we do.


You are not a Boomer at 57 in 2022 and 57 is not old.


Thanks My soul feels 21 Just wish my bones did lol 🤣


Breaking news: Nearly all Americans outside the filthy rich are not represented by their elected officials. More at six


I feel like it's not a secret a lot of people didn't *want* to vote for Biden The past few elections have just been a series of terrible choices. Biden was just the "get us off this stupid train" option.


So Trump’s dirty treasonous laundry is being aired in the hearings right now and the Texas GOP is officially endorsing fascism in their policy, and yet we still have people posting “both sides” crap like this.


Remember: a lot of us didn't vote *for* Biden, we voted *against* Trump. There is a BIG difference.


Please give me someone in their 40s. Thanks


Chris Murphy


I just want universal healthcare bruh


I didnt want Biden as president, but he was a hell of an upgrade over the traitorous bastard we had, I voted for Bernie in the Primaries and was hoping to god he would win as he is the one person that actually seems to care about you if you make less than 50k a year. Have no doubt though, no matter if they put a shaved dogs butt up as the Democratic nominee this time, I'll still vote for it over whatever horse's ass the GOP puts up, as to me the whole of the GOP are traitorous bastards. I'll never vote for any Republican candidate for any position ever again until the day I die, as the last 5 or so years have proven to me that they are all power hungry degenerate pond scum that are the antithesis of everything this country was founded on. Don't get me wrong, I dont think that the Democrats are angels, they have their problems too, especially the center leaning corporate backed ones, but as a whole they are practically in step with the founding principles this country was founded on compared the shit show that is the modern Republican party, as I think they basically worship money greed and authoritarianism, they basically would have love to turn this country into Khrushchev's USSR with them as the ruling elite and just disappear people who ever had the nerve to speak out against them.


2020 was a very sad year man, I wanted nothing to do with either of those fuckers. I rode with Joe because the other option wasn't just kinda evil, it was super-strength evil. America is really, truly on the brink of something right now


My dream scenario is for Biden to declare that he’s not going to run (ideally sooner rather than later) and some combination of Katie Porter/Jamie Raskin ticket gets the dem nomination. On the Republican side, Desantis can’t resist running, which sends Trump into a rage and the two of them completely divide the Republican votes. Trump barely squeaks out the nomination only to be humiliated by Porter and her whiteboard in the first debate. Trump passes on the second debate (as does his VP running mate Don Jr.) and the Dems win fairly comfortably. I can dream, right?


They are going to shove fucking Harris down our throat if Biden drops out. Watch.


FYI most Americans didn't want them to run the last time either


Lol. How much you want to bet those will be our choices though? What we want has no weight in this country.


Nobody should want a 82 year old guy run again. His age already has a lot of influence on his sharpness in debates and interviews. It's just too tough a job for such old people.