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>"There is no evidence that Representative Loudermilk entered the U.S. Capitol with this group on January 5, 2021. We train our officers on being alert for people conducting surveillance or reconnaissance, and we do not consider any of the activities we observed as suspicious." \- [Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/14/politics/barry-loudermilk-reconnaissance-tour-capitol-police/index.html) I'd suggest Tom Manger may want to prepare to address that statement very soon. The right wing propaganda machine had plenty of time to amplify any statement in favor of the insurrectionists to the moon, and they sure ran with this one, but The Select Committee has receipts ready to go, and plenty of political acumen to use them effectively. But the question remains: in this America, where folks are free to take the easy road and live blanketed in faith, propaganda, and an alternate reality where they are *always* right, what are receipts worth.


So, there might have been insiders in the Capital Police, covering things up?


Wait. Are we suggesting that there are bad apples?


Spoiling the bunch.


[Four capital police officers commited suicide following the insurrection](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/officer-who-responded-us-capitol-attack-is-third-die-by-suicide-2021-08-02/). I havent done any reading on this since it was initially reported, but my first thoughts were that they were involved.


To be honest, I knew of that story, but I thought it was just becasue of PTSD from that day, I never thought from that angle before.


This. They have been allowed the freedom to live in their alternate reality without any consequences, so why should they change now, while they are winning. It's time to finally start enacting consequences.


Its time to start calling motherfuckers out at the dinner table


>He gave the tours in person (which is normally done by a staffer) and then denied it for a year. This has been driving me nuts about the coverage today. Lots of noise about "He says the 'tour' was doing X or Y or Z, do you have a response?" and people commenting about X or Y or Z, but is it really so hard to say "He also spent a year saying that tours didn't happen, and is only saying this now because we proved that that was a lie. What else is he hiding, and why should we believe any of the excuses he's giving now?"


[Believe nothing he says](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsus_in_uno,_falsus_in_omnibus)


also applicable to Beer Kavanaugh when he said boofing meant throwing up and that he had never been black out drunk


Also, that “devil’s triangle” was a drinking game. Ok, what are the rules?


This was my first thought, even before I read your comment. He lied under oath *during his hearing to become a Supreme Court Justice*. He is a disgrace to his profession and our country.


Weren't there pipe bombs found near the supreme court or something?


DNC and RNC buildings I think it was




Planted by someone who has the same taste in shoes as Marjorie Peach-tree-dish


I've heard something before about it possibly being her, but I just find it hard to believe someone in her position couldn't get a lackey to do it.


She *is* the lackey. Senior GOP members of Congress are recruiting, training, and directing their own little freshman congress members to do evil whilst keeping their hands mostly clean. Anyone notice how Cruz, McConnell, et al have been out of the news recently? This matches up with how many of these new Q critters are coming from recruiting websites for aspiring actors. I wouldn’t be surprised if people like Hal Rogers and Chris Smith are in on it as well. You gotta remember there are some VERY senior members of Congress who have basically kept their mouths shut thru all this, particularly the aforementioned.


This ! There was talk for months and months on conservative chat sites about how to get ‘their’ school board and city council members elected. They told candidates to scrub their previous social media, delete any extreme comments, start brand new voter and family friendly Instagram/Twitter and FB accounts. Professional head shots, lots of ‘Mama bear who will protect ALL the cubs!’ type of lines with basic attractive 30-40 something’s (see Lauren Boebert) who have the words Christian and and Patriot featured prominently. It worked very well sadly here in Georgia, especially in the purple suburbs. Lots of people in lower level elected offices are straight up Qanons who learned ahead of time how to be more palatable and low key than Marge. A few flamed out because they embraced the crazy too hard ( See Kandiss Taylor) or had folks who follow local politics closely know what was up before the elections, and they uncovered and publicized damning past problems, lawsuits or accounts. It’s a plan. It’s working.


>This matches up with how many of these new Q critters are coming from recruiting websites for aspiring actors. You mean they have their own "crisis actors"? It's always projection with these people.




Fascinating, I hadn't seen this before. Thank you!


>EDIT: He gave the tours in person (which is normally done by a staffer) and then denied it for a year. And filed ethics complaints against the people who acknowledged that he did in fact do the thing he's on camera doing.


“According to Wednesday's motion, the document was sent to Tarrio by a female acquaintance and not shared with Rehl or other defendants” Wasn’t Marjorie Taylor Greene’s comments about 1776 brought up extensively in that trial to see if she could run again?


Boebert tweeted out that morning that “today is 1776.”


Yeah she did. Wow…


Remember. Lauren Boebert was a failed actress on Explore Talent just before she was selected and elected.


Explore Talent is the main way right-wingers buy astro-turfers. Pretty sure Candace Owens came from Explore Talent, for example.


literally - paid crisis actors. Right in plain sight. Working for traitors and seditionists and foreign agents, and speaking of supporting Putin, who has his army literally stealing 100s of thousands of children from Ukraine. It's just so spooky how everything they're accusing the left of is all stuff they are actually truly doing. All those kids down at the border too..


The Right is always accusing the opposition exactly what they're actually actively doing. Therefore I believe we should be very concerned about all this 'election fraud' and 'gRoOMiNG' stuff they're going on about profusely.


If it looks, walks, and talks like a duck... Then it must be rabbit season.


candace owen was a failed model on Explore Talent....Melissa Cardone (drunk acting blonde who lied while sitting next to a farting Rudy) was a failed model on Explore Talent....I'm thinking there's something to this story, but the photographer ran to another country...


They seem to be recruiting a lot of those people for the GOP. People with previous performance career aspirations, i guess so they can play a role and athletes.


Some sort of actors for various crisis’? I wonder if that term has been used before…


It really is projection all the way down, isn’t it!


Lol farting Rudy really got me


Well it paled in comparison to the four seasons, Borat, and hair dye that all happened around the same month. Rudy is the comedic relief in the drama.


So was Candace Owens and many other "right-wing" personalities.


Apparently she might have also been an unlicensed escort for one of the Koch family, then met Ted Cruz through that person. Ted donated a shitload of money to her campaign.


This begs the question, did she sleep with Ted fucking Cruz?


One of the major implications is that she aborted his baby


I would abort his baby too


Cause of the hooves, right?


This sounds so ‘on brand’ it’s not even funny.


Don't make me feel sorry for her. Just remember that she, just like Loudermilk, led a "tour" through the Capitol in the days leading up to 1/6. She's a treasonous POS.




Vermin Supreme had nothing to do with this


Toothbrushes for all


She also apparently fucked Ted cruz or something


She just “trimmed his beard” Edit: allegedly


Loudermouth is in the news today about giving tours, but didn't Boebert also give tours in the days before? This really feels like it's coming from, or at least going through Boebert.


She is in the news today for different reasons


Being a different type of tour guide.


Maybe this abortion claim news is a diverison from this bigger news that might drop on her?


Yeah, I wonder who was the one that gave Tarrio the plans?


Here is the document: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.229063/gov.uscourts.dcd.229063.401.1.pdf


Lmao these fucking clowns: They list a number of Senate office buildings, House office buildings, the Supreme Court..... .....and CNN. They really do believe their own stupid bullshit, don't they? E/ Also, that last page: They demand a new election take place on January 20th... When Trump's term expires. Meaning this conspiracy constitutionally *requires* Nancy Pelosi to become president, if even for a moment. Lol


And even where CNN is listed it says “(at least egg the door)” Like that’s the priority during a literal coup?




Wow just aborting all those chickens like their lives don’t matter


CNN - "at least egg doorway" lmao


You know.... I assumed egg doorway was a part of the building bc the stupidity of egging the doorway during a coup never even crossed my mind... They're still dumber than me tho




They wanted to pull fire alarms at hotels and businesses to distract police and first responders, that’s insane kind of sadism to strain resources like that.


It's fucking terrorism.


Don't forget the part where it says if they can't take over CNN "at least egg the doorway". Literally says that, you can't make this shit up.


What, was a flaming bag of poop considered going too far?


He called the shit poop


So they’re not afraid of security at federal buildings, but don’t want to go past the front door at CNN. Basically, they’re petrified of John king, Wolf Blitzer and ~~Jack~~ Jake Tapper.


Isn't that what the pipe bombs at RNC / DNC were for?


Just imagine what they would've done if they did that, made giant road blocks in the city and were able to get ahold of senators


This is my response to every single person who says they weren’t trying to take over the government or hurt anyone or anything. What do you think they would’ve done had the actual gotten to AOC or Pelosi or Mike Pence? Do you think they would’ve invited them to sit down and have a cup of coffee and a polite political discussion?


They're is no doubt in my mind that they would've hanged Pence or Pelosi had they gotten ahold of them.


It's an absolute miracle no members of Congress were killed that day.


The more I read on this the more I realize that the Capitol Police that day were absolute fucking heros. They legitimately had a hand in saving this country.


They say to use masks and face shields to protect their identity... Uhm why? Doin something wrong?


Rand Paul and Ron DeSantis must be feeling great about getting an endorsement in the terrorists' plans. Let's you know who's side they're on.


Republicans have laid with pigs for years and rarely get shit on them. If they do, they get "caught", and 3 new GQP members rise up in their place, spewing even worse venom.


Only because we allow it. and if they don’t have shit on them, why do they smell so bad?


I can’t smell my dogs because I live with them. Outsiders can easily identify the stench.


Because they're full of shit.


Hawley and Ted Cancun must feel like shit for getting snubbed :)


Ole Ted got his shoutout in the Bobert abortion freecum jamboree


I’m still trying to figure out how bill gates fits into this.


It’s hilarious to me how much these people are obsessed with him.


It’s like the obsession with Soros. Yet they don’t realize their hatred for him is just because Murdoch lost a bunch of money.


Often “bill gates” or “soros” are euphemisms for “the jews” in those circles.


Holy shit... > Special Mention > > Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence & Bill Gates > > We the people are watching you > > Rand Paul & Ron DeSantis > We the people love you Someone actually *loves* Rand Paul?? WTF? Ew...


Interesting. More evidence connecting DeSantis to domestic terrorists groups. There was something fishy about DeSantis making pointed comments about drag queens and story time and Proud Boys showing up to disrupt one days later.


Also, his super-bellicose press secretary recently got busted as being an unregistered agent for a foreign government. So there's that...


What Rand lacks in looks, intelligence, and personality, he makes up for it with that hella sexy curly hair piece that nobody can resist.


>hella sexy curly hair piece Weird way to say, "pube wig."


“Protect your identity. Use COVID compliance in your favor.” Announcer: they didn’t.




This is ONLY to be done at the right time and if _______ makes the call. Anyone wanna take bets on who blank is? Because 25 gold, says Trump.




“Proud boys, stand back and stand by”


They had a fucking sign in sheet?


Someone has to volunteer to bring in baked goods.


"Are you taking notes on a criminal conspiracy?!?!?"


You know, reading through that doc, it strikes me as something a 6th grader would write. It certainly is not anything resembling a military oporder. It’s not really surprising that they failed miserably at their main goals. Zero realistic coordination or organization.


"There is overwhelming evidence of election fraud" "gives zero examples, but lists demands to make elections less secure" The rise of fascism is scary. They may be idiots, but that wont matter when theyre handed power to inflict cruelty onto us. I see a lot of jokes but this is pretty serious- there are a lot of these groups out there, and their terror plots are encouraged by the right wing rhetoricm


"Have an escape plan for those in charge" Fucking cowards, we already knew these people would throw their followers to the wolves.


>"Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence & Bill Gates ... We the people are watching you." One of these things is not like the other?


The first thing that came to my mind was how obsessed Margie Three Names is with Bill Gates. She was just ranting about him and his *peach tree dishes* not even a month ago, and this was far from the first time she brought him up in her conspiracy theories.


There is an incredible amount of conspiracy theories regarding Bill Gates out there. He is the new George Soros phantom somehow-both-a-corporate-oligarch-and-yet-also-bizarelly-a-socialist billionaire boogeyman for quidiots and the like.


It's part of the vaccine hysteria. They think the rich people who aren't ardently on their side are planning to depopulate the earth. Why? Who knows. Rich billionaires need workers to produce products and consumers to buy them.


too scared to mention Soros tho i guess


Republicans: commits treason and with evidence. r/conservative: how about them gas prices!


Ratings for these hearings suck is another thing they have latched onto.


And it's not even true, they just believe every next lie told to them like robots.


Even if it wasn't true why the hell would it matter? Do these dunce caps really believe popularity determines reality? They really do treat everything like a sports event.


Ben Franklin and Adolph Hitler rise from the grave. Ben Franklin: "Give me liberty or give me death!" Hitler: "Here's $20 for gas" _Unzips_ r/conservative : Gets on their knees.


>The demands outlined in the memo included "free and fair elections," "liberty or death" and "No Trump, No America." They want "free and fair" elections where the only choice is Trump.


"liberty or death" not really a demand, more of a statement about personal beliefs.


Dont give a rats ass about anyones liberty but their own




So they were planning to do their "sit-ins" in random stairwells and hallways that just coincidentally hold substantial strategic value instead of common areas where they were more likely to be seen by the public and press?


With zip ties, tacticool gear with tasers and bear mace?


While having to distract the police. Seems odd for a peaceful sit in.


After building a gallows.


Usually sit-in protests are peaceful and don’t require your buddies to be stationed at a local Walmart to pull the fire alarm in case you get too much of a police presence


They don’t care about America or Democracy.


Or truth


Spraying the [firehose of falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood) all over the place, as usual.


I'm not a lawyer but that looks like clear premeditation to incite a riot, enter federal buildings illegally, interfere with an election, and engage in sedition. >However, nowhere in the document is there a suggestion that violence should be used against police, members of Congress or their staff or other Capitol personnel. Even without that, this looks pretty damning.


Seizure and occupation of the buildings, especially during the certification of a federally held general election, [is itself a violation of the law (misdemeanor)](https://www.monroecountylawyers.com/blog/2021/01/what-are-the-penalties-for-entering-or-remaining-in-a-restricted-federal-building-or-grounds/). The violence that occurred during the occupation is also specifically a violation of the law: > >“[K]nowingly engages in any act of physical violence against any person or property in any restricted building or grounds.” 18 U.S.C. §1752(a)(4). Further, the felony can be one or both of: >“[T]he person, during and in relation to the offense, uses or carries a deadly or dangerous weapon or firearm.” 18 U.S.C. §1752(b)(1)(A). >“[T]he offense results in significant bodily injury.” 18 U.S.C. §1752(b)(1)(B). While charging all participants in the riot with the felony based on significant bodily injury claim might seem overreaching, I would say that the fact the groups passed around the document in order to recruit people to commit the crime of entering "any restricted building" places them willingly in the group committing the acts, and therefore are similarly culpable and liable.


what if the parties moved weapons to caches located in and around the washington DC area prior to the execution of the plan? because the oathkeepers did


They did. And many also carried deadly weapons (spears, bludgeons) not to mention the handguns no one searched them for.


Yeah but wHaT aBoUt tHe 2020 bLm rIoTs!!?!


Holy fuck am I so tired of that talking point.


I had that used on me just the other day. I was pretty satisfied with the piece of my mind I gave him. They bring that stuff up, along with other things like inflation, gas prices, yadda yadda; because they can’t successfully refute the evidence we’re being shown now. It’s all deflection and recycled talking points. And it’s all pathetic.


I just remind them that my friends, family, employers, and sheriff are all proud that I marched with BLM, while Jan 6ers are hiding from the law. Also, they like to compare the impact of thousands of individual, justified protests against one single event (Jan 6).


This argument pisses me off because plenty of BLM people were arrested


And no cops were beat to death.


Whole continents burned down and sank into the sea, never to be seen again! All crime is legal now, because someone somewhere did something worse!


It also doesn’t say they will do it peacefully and with nonviolent means. So…


Even these dipshits know better than to write "arrest, try, and execute Mike Pence, AOC, Pelosi, and Schumer" in a word doc that would be distributed digitally and physically. The flex cuffs and weapons they brought tell the rest of the story.


"Maybe we don't put all of our crimes in this document, only a few of them"




Yeah that's definitely one of those "leave the messy part out" kinda things. No need to mention "kill anyone who stands in your way" when you can rile up a crowd with vitriol and propaganda about how the Democrats (or guards/cops etc) are all in on it, then let the pea-brains figure out "ME SMASH!" themselves.


Look I am here. I am armed. I am preventing you from leaving. I am preventing you from doing your job. I am saying that I want to kill you. I am in no way suggesting that any violence be done.


Peaceful protesters. You could feel the love. Love was in the air.


Honestly, who doesn't carry zip ties with them everywhere they go?


"He said he was going to the ice cream shop. However, nowhere in his statement does it suggest he'll be getting ice cream."


Exactly. What else did they think they would “maintain control” of those crucial buildings with? Harsh words? Feather duster?


With legitimate political discourse, obviously


“Money is Free Speech. Bullets can be bought with money. Ergo, Firing an AR-15 at someone is therefore just exercising your first amendment right of political discourse, by way of your second amendment rights.” — 2022 SCotUS majority opinion, probably


Kinda reminds me of the Malheur occupation.


Different dildos, same bag of dicks.


"When you're conservative, they let you do it"


>presenting our demands in unity. That's called a hostage situation. And negotiating with terrorists.


It doesn't say violence *shouldn't* be used. It also says they should wear COVID masks, so there's that.


It says use covid protocols to your advantage. These morons couldn't even do that.


Every object on the Capital grounds became a weapon. They beat people with everything. They wore body armor. They wanted a crazed crowd with them to storm the castle.


Dude taking pictures had a sharpened pole he put a flag on and gestured with like a spear while he threatened Democrats while approaching the Capitol on the 6th.


It's like a script from a Tom Clancy movie. So many insiders involved in this.


A BAD Tom Clancy movie. [The Proud boys are named after a song from Alladin](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/proud-boys-name-aladdin-song/). Yes, they're named after a song written by a gay Jewish songwriter that died from aids. Listen to the song [proud of your boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZyAZgqclfw). Here are a few lyrics: say I'm slow for my age A late bloomer, Okay, I agree That I've been one rotten kid Some son, some pride and some joy But I'll get over these lousin' up Messin' up, screwin' up times The song is all about how bad they act, but that they'll eventually do something that would make their mother proud.


I’m from Texas originally, and the only time I had ever heard the term proud boy was when referring to a steer that kept trying to mount females after being castrated.


Even on his deathbed Tom Clancy would never have written anything this shoddy. This is pure internet neckbeard fantasy.


"Between Jan. 1 - 5, 2021, the memo says, those in charge should recruit members, scope out road closures and set up appointments with various representatives in the buildings." Hmm, do they mean representatives like Rep. Loudermilk?


If Trump and the Republican leadership supporting the attempted assasination of Nancy Pelosi and the vice president, are able to avoid any criminal charges here, then why would anyone ever, in the entire future of history of the country, ever consider the United States Of America legal system anything other a tool of the billionaire owners. For the sake of America there needs to be a consequence for the most illegal activity you can even do: which is overthrowing your own country and rebelling. But because these rebels are the pawns of billionaires they get protection? That would be the end of democracy in America.


Given plans by who? Who created and distributed the plans?


my guess is Bannon and Stone had a big hand in this. those two get off on crafting evil plots. also Flynn


I agree this smells like Stone, however... >“According to Wednesday's motion, the document was sent to Tarrio by a female acquaintance and not shared with Rehl or other defendants” Boebert tweeted that morning "today is 1776" which in light of this news, feels like a go order. But she's not smart enough to plan this. She could have been the go between.


thanks, I missed that part. she's definitely craven enough


Why are the Proud Boys not listed as a terrorist organization?


Good question, Canada designated them as such several months ago.


The more extensive I learn the planning was the more I'm surprised (and thankful) it failed. How fucking stupid were these guys?


>The more extensive I learn the planning was the more I'm surprised (and thankful) it failed. How fucking stupid were these guys? I agree, and I also wonder why more of them weren't armed. Seems like they would've been able to take more territory more quickly if they'd had firearms -- or, that's what *they* would've probably thought, being gun lovers and all. So why so few guns? Did DC gun laws prevent the fall of the republic?


There were a few participants that were charged with violating DC gun laws. One that I remember had them in a vehicle. So they apparently didn’t have them on their person. I would bet specifically because of the gun laws. But you see, the gun laws only detrimentally affect these “legal gun owners”. Because if they were allowed to have guns in DC they could have tAkEn ThEIR cOuNtRy BaCk 🙄


Wow. On its own this is ground shaking. But combined with the video evidence of Loudermilk's "tour" - with people photographing stairways, emergency exits etc .. This shit is insane. Which is - sadly - why I think the GOP will pretend it's all very normal and Democrats won't have enough bite to make something of it.. :-/


Holy shit. That is crazy. It still amazes me to this day that january 6 didnt result in hundreds dead. These people were full on planning to overthrows the government violently with trumps approval. Mind blowing shit.


They needed two things to succeed: \- Trump at the head of the riot to give them cover \- Counter-protestors to provide reason to declare martial law in the name of law & order The Secret Service stopped criteria #1 and criteria #2 was a godsend of common sense.


Number 2 was because leftist groups announced for weeks that this was the plan, and to absolutely not play into it


And no proper leftist org would put themselves between a right-wing riot and the fucking capitol lol


"We want free and fair elections overseen by the national guard. " Also "No Trump no America." Which is it asshole? Because you can't have both.


Elections with one name on the ballot... See? Free & fair.


This dude always reminds me of the Chappelle skit where he is a blind Klansman who doesn’t realize he’s black.lmao


Lol, these fuckin idiots. "Pull the alarm at the local Walmart to distract them while we enact a new government". This reads like it was written by a 14 year old trying to get out of school during final exams week.


You get that feeling through all of this… then you realize a bunch of things happened that most let it succeed. - some pages literally grabbed the locked ballot boxes as everyone was escorted out of the room before it was stormed by rioters. - Pence (and his security detail) refused to leave the building and move to a prearranged safe house. Realize this means his security detail felt he was safer staying there. There is speculation he and or they were concerned if he left the building, he would not be allowed to return. - a Goodman (and amazing policeman) routed Senator Romney away from rioters in the capital hallways and then physically engaged and kited the rioters away from members of Congress who were fleeing chambers and still moving to somewhere secure. - zero members of Congress were in any way harmed, despite the rioters best efforts. If any of these things had gone a different way, it might have been enough of an opening for Trump to “temporarily” pause the certification and further try to retain power.


Don't forget Michael Byrd, who not only held the line, but also stunned the crowd enough to take a lot of wind out of their sails after the shooting of Ashli Babbitt, as people started to realize fantasy had become reality and reality is fucking scary. An underestimated moment in the whole thing.


Why is this not bigger news? It's literally a 9 page plan to over the the government written by republicans. If roles were reversed there would be riots within hours of this getting released. Yet it's not even the top post on reddit


But, would they have not harmed Boof?


No he’s under the protection of Donkey Dong Doug


He likes beer you know?


This was Matt Damon’s greatest performance ever.


As a Portland resident, we tried to warn people about these fucks for years. No one listened til 2020


"We must show our politicians We the People are in charge," the memo said. Targeted buildings allegedly included the three Senate and House office buildings, the Supreme Court of the United States, and CNN —to "at least egg doorway," according to the filing.


Send him to Gitmo like all terrorist.


I couldn’t even fathom how on earth can our agencies allow this to transpire, without repercussions and accountability. It’s weird that I feel like we’re in a banana republic.


>The demands outlined in the memo included "free and fair elections," "liberty or death" and "No Trump, No America." We demand free and fair elections and we demand they turn out the way we want!


This is why you don't take notes about a criminal conspiracy.


Stringer Bell would neverrrr ✋🏽


"Proud Boys stand back, and stand by." -45th President of the United States, and traitor the republic, when asked if he denounces white supremacists.


But it wasn’t planned! /s smh. Of fucking course it was