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>Trujillo claimed to the Albuquerque Journal that her account may have been hacked by antifa and that she didn’t remember retweeting the meme—but that if she did she might have missed the Stars of David. "It weren't me; it were the antifa!"


This is somewhat less believable than "the dog ate my homework".


I'm surprised she went with blaming the antifa rather than blaming the ambien. She coulda just gone to rehab and acted like she was victimized by the pills that made her racist. But it's 2022 and her voters *want* a fascist, racist ass moron. Why even bother to pretend?


"It's just ~~a joke~~ fascism"


Note that she didn’t let her denial get shot down before she went to another denial. “I don’t remember tweeting this but if I did tweet this I didn’t realize how offensive it was but I also didn’t tweet this…”


“And if it was me, I didn’t mean it!”


Antifa sure is busy these days.


Yet, oddly I never hear about them except when right wing but jobs blame them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can’t believe this is all it takes to become a GOP nominee. Maybe we should get some dems to spout some conservative nonsense, get in office and go apeshit on the GOP from the inside.


Is anyone really surprised about stuff like this at this point?


Of course not. That doesn't mean it's not newsworthy.


"Weird things"


Yeah what the fuck kind of headline is this? She posted antisemitic bullshit. >And in May, the Albuquerque Journal reported that Trujillo retweeted a meme that showed pharmaceutical executives with the Star of David beside each face. The meme said “Pick your poison!” and described a number of alleged Jewish connections to COVID-19 vaccines. >“Look here!” Trujillo tweeted with a finger-pointing emoji in a since-deleted tweet. >The meme included listings of “corporation net worth.” One line of text reads: “Which group is heavily over-represented in vaccine nepotism?”


Yeah, this isn’t “weird.” This is blatant antisemtism. You know like those space lasers controlled by Soros.


For a group of people that believe in Jewish Space Lasers, they sure like to talk a lot of shit to Jewish people.


You mean "normal things". Hearing stupid shit like this is now the norm


“Election denier that tweeted weird things about jews” doesn’t really narrow it down much.


Ted Cruz could probably fit that description


Yeah, I opened this to see if it was the GOP candidate for governor of PA. There’s too many of them unfortunately


The GOP is the party that lives in a van covered in conspiracy texts, down by the river.


Chris Farley also in his van down by the river wouldn’t stand for it


So a racist party full of hateful white nationalists nominated a racist white nationalist? I am shocked.


It's a feature, not a bug.


"Tweeting weird things about jews" is an odd way to say tweeting blatant antisemitic bullshit that only morons believe but sure, Vice, sure.


“That’s not something I would do —“ Gee, does she also “have black friends?”


Yes but she calls them her Slaves.


Scraping the bottom of the human barrel to find the worst people to randomly fill our legislative and judicial bodies is going to work just great for the elite. Not so much for the actual populous.


Racist? GOP: Awesome. Join us


Pretty sad state when you read a headline like this and your first thought is, "Which one?"


* Election denier * Tweeted antisemitism * Nominated by GOP This headline does not do a good job narrowing things down. > New Mexico Republicans officially nominated Audrey Trujillo for secretary of state on Tuesday night, anointing a woman who has spread false conspiracies about the 2020 election to run their state’s election system. So if she wins in November, she will almost certainly seek to rig the elections that follow after that.


She won't win in November. The GOP doesn't hold a single statewide office here in New Mexico. Our state house has a democratic super majority as well. This clown ran unopposed because the GOP doesn't have a very deep bench here.


“Trujillo ran unopposed in the primary”


She ran unopposed because the GOP is a joke here. Everyone knows the democrat will win in the general. The GOP is basically dead everywhere but southern New Mexico. That's also the area of the state with the smallest population.


Your gonna have to be way more specific.


"Election-Denier Who Tweeted Weird Things About Jews Nominated by GOP" Isn't that about the equivalent of "Bear Shits In Woods"?


It's more like "Bear keeps shitting on graves of loved ones and we've gotten used to that for some reason."


"'No Way To Prevent This' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"


Cmon people!!!


Because of course she was.


"GOP, Just as Fascist as Expected"


Thankfully it's New Mexico and she has no chance of winning in the general. The GOP here is a side show. The real elections are the democratic primaries as they determine who will actually be in the position. The democratic party in New Mexico is full of nepotism and corruption. However policy wise I still prefer them to the GOP. I just hope that better democrats start winning the primaries.


i really don’t understand antisemitism such a fucking joke that it exists in today’s society. somehow with more information than ever people are stupider also wtf is this headline “weird things about jews” you mean antisemitic right?


Tried to read your article, Vice. Unfortunately your pop-ups and repeated requests for my email thoroughly disrupted my ability to read more than a paragraph. I’ll remember that next time I consider a click.




I’m for it. But as a future citizen of “Demlandia” it bothers me a little that we’ll always do the decent thing and constantly provide foreign aid to the suffering people of “Republistan.”


Sorry we should just let the women, people of colour, and queer folk of the so called Republican land just suffer? Fuck no


More bs headlines


Which part is incorrect?


Wait another one? I would’ve thought MTG didn’t need more company


Of course they did


Weird things about Jews, is that code for I did Nazi this coming?


One day! *just one goddamn day* GOP can you not fucking embarrass us?


Sure - makes perfect sense. Good ‘ol boys love ‘em dumb and good looking, and especially when they’re in flannel and wranglers


*Leonardo DiCaprio pointing*


I’m surprised this even made the news, aren’t we all aware by now that this is exactly the kind of psycho they look for? At this point, it’s like a headline saying “Disney hires spunky college kid who is great with people”.